Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;杉田水脈議員(自民党)の X(on '24. 7/11)

2024-07-11 20:02:46 | Translation


>"慰安婦国際シンポで日米韓の研究者らが議論 李栄薫氏「性奴隷説の実証的根拠確認できず」"

>"「慰安婦=性奴隷」学術的に否定、バッシングにも負けず… ラムザイヤー氏、日本研究賞受賞"

> 160215ジュネーブ女子差別撤廃委員会

Translation of X (* tweets) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 7/11)


> 昨日の午前中の飛行機で上京し、慰安婦問題を巡る国際シンポジウム 2024に参加、ご挨拶をさせていただきました。
> 9年前に一緒にジュネーブの国連で行われた女子差別撤廃委員会でスピーチした山本優美子さんが司会をされており、西岡力先生、ジョン・マーク・ラムザイヤー教授の講演や韓国から来られた学者の方々の研究発表もありました。
> 今日は、第11回国基研 日本研究賞 授賞式、記念講演会、懇親会に参加。
> 受賞されたラムザイヤー教授、鄭大均教授の講演は大変聞き応えがありました。

I flew to Tokyo yesterday morning and participated in the "international symposium over comfort women issue 2024" (correct name in English is unknown) and I made a speech.
Yumiko Yamamoto -- with whom I spoke together at the U.N. Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) at the U.N. Office at Geneva (UNOG) nine years ago -- served as MC. Visiting Prof. Tsutomu Nishioka at Reitaku University and Prof. John Mark Ramseyer at Harvard Law School lectured, as well as research presentations by scholars from S. Korea.
(I forgot to take photos).
Today, I attended the award ceremony, commemorative lectures and social gathering for >"The Eleventh Kokkiken Japan Study Award."
The lecture by the awardee -- Prof. Ramseyer and Prof. Emeritus Tei Taikin at Tokyo Metropolitan University -- were worth listening to very much.
(To be continued)

> 一緒に戦ってきた藤木俊一氏他多くの仲間とも話すことができました。
> 大変なこともいっぱいありましたが、世界に流布された嘘を覆すことができ、本当に良かった。
> これからもまだまだ続きますが、みんなでチカラを合わせて打ち勝ちます。

(to continue) Over the latest two days, I was able to look back once again on the fight over comfort women issue.
I was also able to speak with many of my comrades, including Shunichi Fujiki, who have fought together.
There have been many difficult times. But I am really glad that we have been able to overturn the lies that have been spread around the world.
It will be continuous from now on too. But we will all join forces and overcome this.

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