Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;白川司(千代田区区議会議員)の X(on '24. 8/14)

2024-08-14 21:43:32 | Translation

Ref.>"Temu・SHEIN・アリエクで販売のサンダル、基準値の 229.2倍の発がん物質検出… 韓国"


>"岸田総理が自民党総裁選不出馬表明 → 立憲・泉代表「総理辞めても自民党が変わったわけではない!」"

>【速報】岸田総理大臣 自民党総裁選 不出馬を表明(2024年8月14日)

Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 8/14)


> 岸田首相が総裁選不出馬の意向。
> それで、石破氏が唐突に憲法改正に熱心な姿勢を見せたり、台湾に行って頼清徳氏に会ったりしているのか。

PM Fumio Kishida showed his intention not to run in the LDP presidential election.
I see that the reason why Shigeru Ishiba suddenly shows his enthusiasm for constitutional reform and traveled to Taiwan and met with Taiwanese President Lai Ching-te.



> 菅総理が不出馬を決めたとき、後から「続投がマシだった」とよく言われたが、今回もそうなりかねない。
When PM Suga decided not to run for office, persons later said that it would have been better that "he had continued in office." That may happen again this time too.

>"【詳報】岸田首相会見 自民総裁選に不出馬を表明 首相退任へ"


> 本当は岸田首相で改憲→高市さんがベストだったけど、こうなると加藤勝信さんで改憲 → 高市さんだろうかか。
> 高市さんで改憲チャレンジだと、安倍さんの時のようにマスコミが凶暴になり、何もできなくなる可能性がある。

In reality, the best option is "constitutional reform under PM Kishida" → "Takaichi." However, in this situation, perhaps "constitutional reform under Katsunobu Kato" → "Takaichi" is probably promising.
If "Takaichi" takes on the "challenge for constitutional reform," it will be possible that mass media goes berserk, as they did under PM Abe, and nothing will be able to be done.

> 河野太郎氏が脱原発路線を捨てて、原発再稼働を主張し始める。
> デジタル大臣としてうまくいかなかったため、国民人気はガタ落ち中。

LH lawmaker Taro Kono (LDP) has abandoned his de-nuclear stance and started calling for the restart of nuclear power plants.
His popularity among the nationals is plummeting due to his poor performance as Minister for Digital Transformation.

>"河野太郎氏の本気 こだわりの「脱原発」を軌道修正"


> 本命進次郎さん、対抗小林鷹之さんだと。
> 進次郎さんがコバホークと同じ土俵に乗れるわけがない。

It says that the most promising is Shinjiro Koizumi, while Takayuki Kobayashi is his rival.
However, there's no way that Shinjiro can compete on the same level as Kobahawk.

>"本命「小泉進次郎」vs.対抗「小林鷹之」? 総裁選で世代交代アピールを狙う自民党"


> 韓国ソウル市が SHEINなど中国系3社の夏の時期に利用する機会が多いサンダルなど144点を検査したところ、11点から発がん性物質などの有害物質が検出される。
> 安かろう、極悪だろう。

The Seoul City in S. Korea, inspected 144 items, including sandals from three Chinese companies, including SHEIN, which are frequently used during the summer. As the result, carcinogens and other harmful substances were found in 11 items.
Cheap, but very bad.



> 北朝鮮の金正恩氏がメルセデスベンツの SUVマイバッハを入手。
> 日本で買えば 3000万円なり。
> 相変わらずミーハーなあんちゃん。
> 厳しい経済制裁の中で、いま中国とは関係が悪化しているから、プーチン大統領の命令によってロシア経由で来たのではないか。

N. Korean leader Kim Jong Un has acquired a Mercedes-Benz Maybach SUV.
If it's bought in Japan, it costs \30 million.
He's a bandwagoner as usual.
Relations with China has been currently deteriorated amid severe economic sanctions. Perhaps, the vehicle was therefore delivered via Russia on an order of President Vladimir Putin.

>"金正恩氏、「マイバッハ」最新車を入手か 制裁違反も"

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