Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳:南シナ海での中国妨害懸念 米フィリピン高官電話会談

2024-06-28 06:56:59 | Translation

Ref.>"EDITORIAL | Okinawa Memorial Day: Leftists Keep Up with Vilifying the Dead"

> Philippines needs to 'do more' than protest Beijing's actions in South China Sea: Marcos

Translation; Interference by China in the South China Sea was concerned = U.S.-Philippine high ranking officials teleconference

>"南シナ海での中国妨害懸念 米フィリピン高官電話会談"

> サリバン米大統領補佐官(国家安全保障問題担当)は 26日、フィリピンのアニョ国家安保補佐官と電話会談し、南シナ海でフィリピン軍の補給活動に中国が妨害を強めていることへの懸念を共有した。
> ホワイトハウスが 27日発表した。
> サリバン氏は、自由で開かれたインド太平洋の維持に向け、米比両国が緊密に連携を続ける方針を申し合わせた。

On June 26, U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan held a teleconference with Philippine National Security Advisor Eduardo M. Año. They shared concern against China has been strengthening its interference with Philippine forces' resupply activities in the South China Sea.
On June 27, the White House released so.
Sullivan >"reaffirmed the enduring friendship between our nations and our shared commitment to freedom of navigation and international law in the South China Sea. The two committed to continued close cooperation in support of their shared vision of a free and open Indo-Pacific."

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