Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;杉田水脈議員(自民党)の X(on '24. 9/11)

2024-09-11 19:19:53 | Translation



> 杉田水脈のなでしこ復活 2024「マンガ『安倍晋三物語』前編」杉田水脈 AJER2024.9.10(4)

Translation of X (* tweet) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 9/11)


> 今日は朝から高市早苗大臣と共に衆議院議員会館の挨拶回り。
> スタートは高市先生の事務所から。
> 先生の事務所には、先日の出馬会見で使用したパネルが貼られており、その前でパチリ📷
> 私のお部屋に来てくださった時に動画も撮ったので、後で YouTubeにアップします。
> とにかくたくさん、歩きました🚶

This morning, I made coutesy calls at the LH Diet members' building with Minister Takaichi Sanae.
At 1st, I went to the Takaichi's office.
In her office, the panel that was used at her recent press conference announcing her candidacy was put on the wall, I therefore took a photo in front of it📷
I also filmed a footage when she came to my room. I will therefore upload it to YouTube later.
In short, we walked a lot🚶

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