Irresponsibly Writing Japanese


翻訳;駐日米大使、11月に離任意向 民主勝利なら政権移行関与

2024-08-11 11:17:10 | Translation

Ref.>"米国のエマニュエル駐日大使、11月に離任意向 民主勝利なら政権移行関与"

>"EDITORIAL | Telling the Horrors that Atomic Bombing Unleashed"

>"Nagasaki A-bomb Service: Ceremony Affected by Situation in Middle East"


Translation; If the Democratic Party wins in the presidential election, he wants to be involved in power-transition = U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel has an intention to leave his post in Nov.

>"駐日米大使、11月に離任意向 民主勝利なら政権移行関与"

> 米国のエマニュエル駐日大使が11月下旬に離任する意向を周囲に伝えていることが9日、分かった。
> 米国の感謝祭(11月 28日)前後に日本を離れることを検討している。
> 11月5日の大統領選で民主党候補のハリス副大統領が勝利した場合は、政権移行に関与したい考えだ。
> 米政府関係者が明らかにした。

On Aug. 9, it turned out that U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel has informed those around him of his intention to leave his post in late November.
He has been considering to leave Japan around Thanksgiving in the U.S. (Nov. 28).
If Democratic candidate Vice President Kamala Harris wins the presidential election on Nov. 5, he intends to want to be involved in the transition of power.
A U.S. governmental source revealed so.

> 共和党大統領候補のトランプ前大統領が勝利すれば、駐日大使の交代は確実。
> 複数の関係者によると、エマニュエル氏は次期大使が決まるまで務めるのではなく、次の政界ポスト探しを進めたい考えという。
> ニュースサイト、アクシオスは、ハリス氏が当選すれば、国家安全保障問題担当の大統領補佐官に起用されるとの観測があると報じている。

If Republican presidential election candidate, former President "D. Trump," wins, the ambassador to Japan will surely be replaced.
According to multiple sources, Ambassador Emanuel wants to progress looking for his next political post rather than ontinuously serving in the current post until the next ambassador is decided.
News site "Axios" reported that there is a view that, if Harris wins, he will be appointed as National Security Advisor to the President.

> エマニュエル氏は中国に対する厳しい姿勢で知られ、バイデン大統領との関係の近さも武器に日米関係の発展に力を発揮した。
> 長崎市が今月9日に主催した「原爆の日」の平和祈念式典にイスラエルを招待しなかったことを理由に欠席し、物議を醸した。

Emanuel is known for his hawkish stance against China. He has also used his close relations with President Joe Biden to show his ability in developing U.S.-Japan relations.
He caused controversy by not attending the peace memorial ceremony for the Atomic Bomb Day hosted by Nagasaki City authority on Aug. 9 due to that Israel wasn't invited to the event.

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