今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 11月7日

2023-11-08 | Weblog



It was a old guys day with a very high old guys ratio. The old guys seem to be having fun when they come here. They are training like kids playing in the park, especially mass boxing, which they seem to be enjoying while saying that they have hit you or not.  Recently, female are also having more opportunities to do it, but they can do it safely because it is non-contact.

Oozashikiwara who love gundan came to the gym after a long time. He haven't had much time to train lately due to raising his children, but his partner is finally giving him permission. It is always impressive to see him come in a sweat shirt, change into a sweat shirt, change back into a sweat shirt again, and leave. He is the first member of the gundan. Fukuchan always told him "you are not funny about gags or jork, you should gag one or two times at first when you come" . But he is the first in gundan.
A new high school student who joined. I asked him do you remember his name(Edomurasaki), he said, "Gachinabe-san. IHe has great sense of humor.

The other day I saw a guy on a strange martial arts show the middle finger giving, but he was a beginner at timing and giving the middle finger. When I was college boy, I gave a middle finger when we take pictures. but George said " stop it". I believe that is so bad things because recless person like George said that.


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