今日のMOB Catch up with MOB


高知のボクシングジムMTオリーブフィットネスボクシングクラブの日記 5月 15日

2023-05-16 | Weblog


It is getting much hotter. Please drink water to avoid dehydration. We have solt candy, feel free to take it. The percentage of female has been increasing since May. About half of member are female now, and they are learning boxing techniques and enjoying their training here. Recently, the numbers who have been training for a long time has been increasing, and it is common to see female members doing non-contact mass boxing with each other. Speaking of mass boxing, a national mass boxing tournament will be held soon, and trainer Akizuki plans to participate. We hope that our female members will participate in competition soon.

Lucky Star's Mr. Sato, will be coming to the gym On Saturday, May 20th. He will be teaching with a punching mitt as usual.


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