


2011-02-19 07:11:34 | Weblog


1月後半にはバード ゼッキンゲンにて、2月の頭にはレーゲンスブルグで演奏。


来月はベルリンにてアジアンアートアンサンブルとして、箏を中心としたプログラムになるので、全6曲、藤倉大さん、石井真木さん、西村朗さん、ピーター エトヴシュ、フリッチ、そしてアルネ サンダースの新作を演奏します。


その他、4月はアメリカにてジーン コールマンさんのツアー、5月はロンドンで若手の作曲家の新作発表、7月はベルギーのダンスカンパニー、8月はポルトガルでリコーダーとのデュオコンサートなど、ドイツの外へも出る機会も多くなりそうです。


It is already end of February. it is too late to say "Happy New year of 2011"....
Since this year begun, it is not so bad weather in Frankfurt , not so cold , not so many snow, sometimes Sunny day, feeling "spring is very near!". well, but next week it will be -10Cº again :(

end and beginning of 2010 and 2011, I had really relax time at home with freinds and daughter.
I charged my energie for new project!!

tomorrow there are "student concert" in Frankfurt.
most of the students plays koto less than Year, but they play quite good and I am looking forward to listen.

This year is a 150year Freindship between Germany and Japan. So I also have chance to play at events.
04.Feb. I played at the one of these event, issuing of this memorial Stamps in Regensburg. the Stemps are drawing, old city and church of Regensburg and Yakushi temple in Nara.

Next month,13th of March I play as "Asianart Ensemble" in Berlin. this time, the thema is " focus to koto" and I will play pice of Dai Fujikura, Akira Nishimura, Maki Ishii, Peter Etovösh, Johannes Fritsch and new work of Arne Sanders.

abroad of Germany I will join Gene Coleman (composer and Clarinettist) tour to U.S.A (Philadelphia) in April. concert for young composers new work at London and Cambridge in May, working with dance company in Gentse Feesten, Belgium in July. and Portugal tour with Teresa Matias in August and so on..

I am looking for working with many musician, composers and artist and of-course I am looking meeting many people who listen our music.

With Best regards and wish your happiness.