


2014-07-06 22:45:19 | Telegraph (UK)
IMF warns of negative spiral in France as recession looms again
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 8:42PM BST 03 Jul 2014
France has sunk into an economic malaise and could take years to climb back out


France is on the cusp of a fresh recession as services contract sharply and the country braces for yet another round of austerity cuts, with record jobless levels likely to bedevil Francois Hollande's presidency for years to come.


Markit's PMI services gauge for France fell for the third month to 48.2 in June, pointing to an outright fall in GDP following zero growth in the first quarter.


The International Monetary Fund cut its growth forecast this year from 1pc to 0.7pc, warning that there would be no "appreciable decline" in French unemployment until 2016. "Volatile and uneven leading indicators point to the risk of a stalled recovery," it said.


The IMF said public debt should peak at 95pc of GDP next year but a "growth shock" would push it to 103pc by 2016. The Fund warned of a "negative spiral of low growth and falling inflation" that is pushing up real borrowing costs and further choking investment, already dismally weak. Core inflation was 0.3pc in May.


The economic relapse is a political disaster for Mr Hollande, already the least popular leader in modern times with a poll rating of 23pc, and reeling from a crushing defeat by the far-Right Front National in European elections.


The country is being left behind by Spain and others as they reap the first rewards from supply-side reforms, although the France's Socialists grumble that they are merely under-cutting France with deflationary wage cuts in a 1930s-style race to the bottom that ultimately benefits nobody.


Mr Hollande is paying the price for a failed strategy in his first two years in office when he clung to the old model and relied on tax rises rather than spending cuts to cover austerity packages. The state sector has risen to 57pc of GDP, suffocating the private economy.


Yet the country is also caught in a vicious circle as it tries to meet EMU deficit rules, forced to push through successive austerity packages without offsetting monetary stimulus or a weaker currency. The IMF said France's exchange rate is over-valued by 5-10pc.


The effect of austerity has been to erode the tax base, leaving the budget deficit stuck at over 4pc of GDP. France has gained remarkably little from fiscal tightening equal to 5pc of GDP over the last three years. Undeterred, it is now pushing through extra cuts of €50bn by 2017 under the new premier Manuel Valls, dubbed the "economic Clemenceau" for his willingness to endure casualties stoically. The biggest hit will come next year, raising the risk that economy will once again to fail to achieve escape velocity.


There is unlikely to be a quick rescue from the European Central Bank. Mario Draghi, the ECB's president, offered no further clues yesterday on whether the bank would launch quantitative easing to revive credit and to build a safety buffer against deflation.


Mr Draghi said the ECB's next rounds of cheap loans for banks (TLTROs) could inject €1 trillion into the system, and signalled that borrowers would not be treated too harshly if they used the money to play the "carry trade" by investing in government bonds rather lending to the real economy.


However, it is unclear what the ECB policy is. Bundesbank chief Jens Weidmann said the rush into peripheral bonds was "not without danger", and may reverse abruptly. He warned that loose money is once again encouraging bad practices.


The bar for QE clearly remains extremely high. The ECB is likely to wait until later this year to see whether the measures agreed last month start to unlock credit for small business in Southern Europe. For now private sector loans are contracting at a 2pc rate.


President Hollande has made his peace with the employers' federation Medef this year, launching a burst of Gallic Thatcherism. He is pushing through tax relief for business and a shake-up of labour markets along with wage freezes, despite ever-louder protests from his Socialist Party base.


The IMF praised the package of measures but said dismissal rules are still among the most restrictive in the OECD club of rich states, and there has been "no progress" on product market reform for five years. At best it will take years to pull France out of its deep malaise.



2014-07-06 10:55:24 | Telegraph (UK)
Sweden slashes rates to avert deflation after Riksbank mutiny
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 4:57PM BST 03 Jul 2014
Central bank stuns markets by cutting Repo rate by 50 basis points to 0.25pc


Sweden's Riksbank has slashed interest rates to head off deflation despite surging debt levels, becoming a world laboratory for a radical monetary experiment.


The central bank stunned markets by cutting its Repo rate by 50 basis points to 0.25pc, abandoning efforts to curb asset bubbles by "leaning against the wind". Governor Stefan Ingves and his chief deputy were outvoted by the executive board in what amounts to a mutiny.


The move follows months of acrimonious disputes as Sweden became the first country in northern Europe to slide into full deflation. Inflation has rebounded slightly to 0.1pc but economy is still one shock away from a Japanese-style trap.


The rebels are taking a major gamble since the economy is growing briskly and house prices in Stockholm have risen by 7pc over the last year. The ratio of household debt to disposable income has reached 175pc, prompting warnings from the International Monetary Fund.


The Riksbank called for loan curbs and other macro-prudential measures to offset the effects of monetary stimulus. "The low interest rates are already contributing to a relatively rapid increase in household debt. A low repo rate makes it more urgent for other policy areas to manage the risks linked to household indebtedness. It is not enough just to take measures to strengthen the resilience of the banking system; measures aimed directly at the households' demand for credit are also required. If no further measures are taken, there is a greater risk that the economy will develop in a manner that is not sustainable in the long run," it said.


The rate cut is a vindication for Lars Svensson, a world-renowned deflation expert who resigned as deputy governor last year after accusing the bank of jumping the gun by raising rates. "But better late than never," he said on Thursday.


Professor Svensson said the attempt to cut leverage by tightening pre-emptively had made matters worse. "Low inflation has actually increased the households' real debt burden. Riksbank policy has thus actually been counterproductive," he told the Telegraph. Nobel economist Paul Krugman has been even blunter, accusing the Riksbank of "sado-monetarism".


The Riksbank - the world's oldest central bank - is no stranger to controversy but criticism has clearly got under its skin. In a recent paper it blamed the deflation on falling prices in the service sector, weak profit margins for companies due to weak demand, and lower food and energy costs.


The Riksbank's volte-face aligns it with the US Federal Reserve under Janet Yellen, who spelled out her opposition this week to monetary tightening to rein in asset markets - what Bank of America calls the "print and regulate mantra".


Mrs Yellen said higher rates during Lehman-era boom would not have choked off excesses in the credit markets, and warned that moves to tighten now would destroy jobs for little purpose. "I do not presently see a need for monetary policy to deviate from a primary focus on attaining price stability and maximum employment, in order to address financial stability concerns. A resilient financial system can withstand unexpected developments," she said.


The Swiss-based Bank for International Settlements has become the leading voice for the counter-view, warning that speculative froth is approaching levels last seen at the height of the mania in 2007. "A powerful and pervasive search for yield has gathered pace," it said.


The BIS has called on global central banks to take pre-emptive action before the bubble becomes unmanageable, insisting that deflation dangers are overstated. "Good policy is less a question of seeking to pump up growth at all costs than of removing the obstacles that hold it back".


The Riksbank has a prestige beyond its size. Its decision to ditch the BIS strategy and opt instead to ride out the credit boom adds fresh piquancy to the intellectual policy battle now ranging between Basel and Washington.


The institution is famed for its creative panache and its pedigree of top economists. It was one of the first central banks to turn radical in the early 1930s, successfully shielding Sweden from the full storm of the Great Depression with a reflation blitz. The central banking fraternity will be watching very closely to see how its adventure turns out this time.



2014-07-06 09:43:44 | Telegraph (UK)

Juncker is galling for Britain, but life-threatening for France and Italy
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 9:45PM BST 02 Jul 2014
The Cromwellian method by which Jean-Claude Juncker was foisted upon the nation states is a breach of the Treaties


The sovereign parliaments of Europe are victims of a constitutional sleight of hand, though some acquiesce more easily than others. The Cromwellian method by which Jean-Claude Juncker was foisted upon the nation states is a breach of the Treaties.


The episode clarifies the need for British withdrawal from the Union, or the withdrawal of France or any other country that wishes to remain self-governing under a rule of law.


The Lisbon Treaty did not create a European state in any shape or form. France and Britain fought ferociously to stop this happening when the text was drafted, in its original form as the European Constitution. They insisted that the EU remain an "intergovernmental" treaty club, and rightly so. To do otherwise would eviscerate national democracies without putting anything workable in their place.


Germany's push for an EU federal state -- idealistic and dangerous in equal measure -- was defeated. The canny duet of Valery Giscard d'Estaing and Lord Kerr saw off the threat.


The Treaty that emerged did not give the European Parliament powers to pick the head of the Commission. The prerogative lies entirely with elected EU leaders accountable to their own voters, a safeguard that anchors authority in the sovereign states.


Euro-MPs have the right to turn down the Commission. They may not appoint it. Yet that is exactly what they have just done. A clique of hardliners in Strasbourg rammed through Mr Juncker on a series of spurious claims. Craven EU leaders accepted the fait accompli, either to trade concessions or to curry favour with Berlin.


These Rump Parliamentarians clothe their office-seeking and grasp for patronage in the bunting of democracy, asserting that the centre-Right group (EPP) has the authority to impose its choice because it "won" the European elections.


Yet the earthquake upset in May went entirely in the opposite direction, a primordial scream by Europe's peoples against EU overreach and the job destruction of crude austerity. The Front National won in France with calls for euro-exit and a visceral rejection of the EU Project, a watershed event in a country that is still the beating heart of Europe.


You have to be politically unhinged to think it wise or proper now to entrust the EU machinery to an arch-insider, as responsible as any man alive for the calamitous decisions that have led Europe into its current cul de sac, and a master of the Monnet Method to boot. "We take a decision, then put it on the table and wait to see what happens. If there is no protest, because most people have no idea what we are doing, we take step after step until we are beyond the point of no return," he once told Der Spiegel.


He is a gift to the Front's Marine Le Pen, now vowing to boycott the Strasbourg ratification as her first act of protest. "I will not participate in a vote for the prison gaoler: I will try the escape the prison," she said.


He is a gift too to the Five Star Movement of Italy's Beppe Grillo, seizing on Mr Juncker as the face of the scorched-earth policies that have trapped Europe in a Lost Decade. "Wherever Juncker goes in Europe, the grass no longer grows," he said.


The EPP suffered the biggest proportional fall in the elections. Almost nobody voting for Greece's New Democracy knew they were at the same time picking Mr Juncker to oversee their fate for five years, the same man who played such a large role in their own national drama as head of the Eurogroup. How many Irish voted for the EPP's Fine Gael because they wanted further leaps in EU integration?


Let us be honest. This travesty was imposed by the German bloc of Euro-MPs, both to boost the powers of their own institution and because Mr Juncker is deemed the safest curator (for now) of an EU status quo that serves German interests tolerably well. It was backed with strange enthusiasm by a German press that seems to think such methods will close the EU's "democratic deficit".


This status quo is ruinous for France and Italy, yet Francois Hollande and Matteo Renzi have gone along meekly, leaving David Cameron to make quixotic stand against a decision that is nearly suicidal for the EU itself. They think they have secured breathing-room on austerity as a quid pro quo, but there was no substantive change on EU deficit rules in the summit conclusions. "The threat of more flexibility in EU fiscal policy has been avoided," said Holland's premier Mark Rutte, shooting their fox stone dead before they had even returned home.


Greater forces are at work in any case. Perma-slump is already written into law under the EU Fiscal Compact. Each country must cut its public debt mechanically for twenty years until the ratio reaches of 60pc of GDP, regardless of monetary policy or the state of the world. This is already haunting France as it slips deeper into a debt-deflation trap, with zero growth causing the debt trajectory to spiral upwards, despite one austerity package after another.


French debt jumped to 93.6pc of GDP in the first quarter from 91.8pc a quarter earlier. Gilles Carrez, head of the French parliament's finance committee, says it will probably punch through 100pc by next year. This means that the debt will have to be cut by 40 percentage points, or 2pc a year, in the midst of an unemployment crisis.

フランス議会金融委員会のGilles Carrez委員長は、来年までに100%を突破するだろうと言っています。

It is worse for Italy, with debt ratcheting above 133pc. Mr Renzi can try to gain a little leeway for extra investment, but the task is beyond any political leader at this point. The EMU straight-jacket imposes obliges him to run a primary budget surplus of 5pc of GDP for year after year even if the European Central Bank meets its 2pc inflation target, which is it failing to do. At the current 0.5pc inflation rate , Italy has to run a surplus near 7pc to comply.


This is neither possible nor desirable in a country with a contracting workforce and Japanese demographics. Mr Renzi should have confronted German Chancellor Angela Merkel while his landslide mandate was still fresh, demanding a reflation blitz to change the European economic landscape entirely. He has missed his chance, leading one to ask whether he is not just another chatterer, likely to fizzle out quickly. Perhaps it was impossible for him to do more without help from France's Mr Hollande, by now a tragic figure doubling down on deflation policies like Pierre Laval in 1935.


The horrors of Franco-Italian debt-deflation can be disguised as long as the global liquidity cycle holds up, with China letting rip with stimulus yet again and the Yellen Fed targeting job creation above all else. Once the cycle turns, Mr Renzi and Mr Hollande will rue the day they ever agreed to a Merkel-placeman at the Berlaymont.


Much has been made of Mr Cameron's bare-knuckled diplomacy. But what of Germany's diplomacy? Mrs Merkel has blithely pushed her advantage with poisonous effects on the political psychology of Britain, lifting the pro-Brexit tally to a record high 47:39 on the latest MoS poll, seemingly in order to placate her "boulevard press" and the euro-apparatchiks of her own party.


Berlin is now scrambling to control the damage. Vice-Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel warned that British exit would set off the disintegration of the European Project. "We should not underestimate the impact in the Anglo-Saxon states and the financial markets. Europe would seem broken and weakened in the eyes of the world. It is already viewed as a continent in decline," he said.


Finance minister Wolfgang Schauble said Brexit would be "absolutely not acceptable", vowing to do everything possible to keep Britain in the system. Quite so. British departure would upset the EU's internal chemistry of the EU, risking a chain reaction. It would shift the centre of gravity to the South and the poorer regions of the East, leaving Germany with an untenable hegemony, deprived of a key ally in favour of free trade and market reform.


Exactly how this plays out over the next three years depends on whether Britain's economy continues to outgrow the eurozone by 2pc annually. The UK has the EU's fastest-rising population, expanding by 400,000 a year, at a time when Germany is already entering a chronic ageing crisis. It is of course a fragile boom -- built on trade deficits -- but if it lasts, the political landscape will already by unrecognisable as the Brexit vote nears in 2017.


Reading William Hague's biography of Pitt the Younger on holiday last week, I was struck by European views of Britain in the 1780s after it lost American. Austria's Joseph II issued a typical verdict, supposing the country to have "fallen entirely and forever, descended to the status of a second-rank power, like Sweden or Denmark." It would not be long before Vienna was begging for subsidies, and the hard-drinking Pitt was the arbiter of Europe. Such was the force of compound economic growth.

先週の休暇中、ウィリアム・ヘイグ外相によるPitt the Youngerの伝記を読みましたが、僕は1780年代に米国を失った後の英国が抱いていたヨーロッパ観に衝撃を受けました。

Mr Hague is now in the odd position of acting out the diplomatic roles he describes so well in his book. Perhaps he could tell us what Pitt would have done about Mr Juncker.
