


2014-07-27 16:47:23 | Telegraph (UK)
Fed kicks off global dollar squeeze as Janet Yellen turns hawkish
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 9:00PM BST 16 Jul 2014
A vast wash of dollars flooded the global financial system when the Fed cut rates near zero and then bought $3.5 trillion of bonds. This may now go into reverse


The US Federal Reserve has begun to pivot. Monetary tightening is coming sooner than the world expected, with sober implications for overheated bourses, and for those in Asia, eastern Europe and Latin America that drank deepest from the draught of dollar liquidity.


We can expect a blistering dollar rally, perhaps akin to the early 1980s or the mid-1990s. It is fortuitous that the BRICS quintet of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa have just launched their $100bn monetary fund to defend each other's currencies. Some of them may need it.


America's unemployment rate has fallen from 7.5pc to 6.1pc in 12 months. The country has been adding 230,000 jobs a month in the first half of this year.


Since Fed chief Janet Yellen targets jobs above all else, this was bound to force capitulation by the Fed before long. It happened this week in her testimony to Congress. "If the labour market continues to improve more quickly than anticipated, then increases in the federal funds rate likely would occur sooner and be more rapid than currently envisioned," she said.


This is a policy shift. Mrs Yellen has admitted that the Fed misjudged the pace of jobs recovery. The staff did not expect unemployment to fall this low until late next year. The inflexion point has come 15 months early.


To some it feels like 2004, when the Greenspan Fed found itself badly behind the curve, suddenly switching from nonchalance in May to rate rises in June. "They may have left it too late again: the risk is a reckoning point when rates rise abruptly," said Jens Nordvig, from Nomura.


Mrs Yellen added the usual caveats about "false dawns". Wages are barely rising. The jobs market is not yet drawing back the millions who dropped out of the system. The labour participation rate is still stuck at a 36-year low of 62.8pc, and at the lowest ever recorded for men. "The recovery is not yet complete. We need to be careful to make sure the economy is on a solid trajectory before we consider raising interest rates," she said.


Yet she has undoubtedly changed gear. She no longer dismissed rising inflation (1.8pc) as "noise". She said share prices for biotech and social media companies were overheating, and that junk bonds were frothy. "Valuations appear stretched. We are closely monitoring developments in the leveraged loan market," she said.


The critics may be getting to her. The Bank of International Settlements has rebuked the Fed for stoking asset bubbles. Some of her own voting committee are fretting. "I think we are going to overshoot on inflation," said St Louis Fed chief James Bullard.


Mrs Yellen is not as dovish as believed, in any case. Her lodestar is the "non-accelerating inflation rate of unemployment" (NAIRU), the point at which tight labour markets start to drive a wage-price spiral. She thinks this is near 5.4pc.


When the rate is above NAIRU, she is a dove: when below, she is a hawk. She was one of the first to call for pre-emptive rate rises in 1996 to choke inflation, dissenting from the Greenspan Fed. Nobody thought of her as dovish then.


Her argument until now is that most of the jobless surge since the Great Recession is "cyclical and not structural" and therefore treatable by monetary stimulus. This is wearing thin. Skill shortages are cropping up everywhere. A Manpower survey of US firms found that 40pc are having trouble filling jobs. Total job openings have rocketed from 3.5m to 4.2m since January, the steepest rise in modern times.


Quantitative easing has done its job, keeping growth alive as Congress and the White House pushed through the most draconian fiscal squeeze since the end of the Korean War. The economy did not fall back into recession, though it came close. It has achieved "escape velocity", of sorts.


Yet if America is strong enough to withstand rate rises, it is far from clear what this will do to the rest of the world. A vast wash of dollars flooded the global financial system when the Fed cut rates near zero and then bought $3.5 trillion of bonds. This may now go into reverse.


We still live in a dollarised world. Charles de Gaulle railed against the "exhorbitant privellege" of US dollar hegemony in the 1960s, but remarkably little has changed since. The BIS says global cross-border lending by banks alone has risen from $4 trillion to $10 trillion over the past decade, and $7 trillion of this is denominated in dollars. This does not include the dollar bond markets.


What Fed now does arguably has more amplified effects than at any time since the end of gold and the collapse of the fixed-exchange Bretton Woods regime in 1971. This is the paradox of 21st century globalisation.


Much of the dollar business is conducted through European and UK banks, leaving them acutely vulnerable to a dollar squeeze. Such episodes can be ferocious. It was a dollar liquidity shock that turned the Lehman affair into a global banking crisis, instantly engulfing Europe in October 2008.


Emerging markets went into a tailspin last year at the first suggestion of Fed bond tapering. There was a sudden stop in capital flows. The "Fragile Five" (India, Indonesia, South Africa, Brazil and Turkey) were punished for current account deficits. The Fed backed down. The storm passed.


There was a second "taper tantrum" earlier this year as the Fed finally began to pair back its $85bn monthly purchases under QE3. This too settled down. Those like India and Mexico that took advantage of the calm last Autumn to boost their defences were largely unscathed. Mrs Yellen has since recruited Bank of Israel veteran Stanley Fischer to be her number two, partly to navigate the reefs of emerging markets.


However, that is not the end of story. A study by the International Monetary Fund concluded that the Fed's QE had pushed $470bn into emerging markets that would not otherwise have gone there. IMF officials say nobody knows how much of this hot money will come out again, or how fast.


The BIS in turn said in its annual report two weeks ago that private companies had borrowed $2 trillion in foreign currencies since 2008 in emerging economies, lately at a real rate of just 1pc. Loans to Chinese companies have tripled to $900bn - some say $1.2 trillion - mostly through Hong Kong and often disguised by opaque swap contracts in what amounts a dangerous carry trade. Countries do not borrow in dollars any longer (mostly) but their banks and industries certainly do.


The report said monetary largesse in the West has destabilised emerging economies in all kinds of ways. One of the worst - and least understood - ways is that they were forced to choose between internal credit bubbles or surging currencies. Most opted for bubbles as the lesser evil, holding their domestic interest rates at 300 basis points below the safe "Taylor Rule" level.


This has driven their total debt levels to a record 175pc of GDP. It may be even worse. China has thrown all caution to the wind, pushing credit from $9 trillion to $25 trillion since Lehman. Its debt levels have reached 220pc by some estimates. Officials at both the IMF and the BIS privately doubt whether China can extricate itself smoothly from this.


Not all emerging markets are in the same boat. It is meaningless to compare Poland or the Czech Republic with Nicaragua. Yet there is no denying that a long string of countries are in structural crisis, ensnared by the middle-income trap. They have exhausted the low-hanging fruit of catch-up growth. They failed to carry market reforms to varying degrees. Productivity has wilted.


Brazil, South Africa and Russia have all hit the buffers and all have a foot in recession right now, casualties of commodity addiction or the Dutch Disease. The outlook for Russia is utterly bleak. It has blundered into a conflict with the West that will smother investment for years, and it may have to draw down its reserves to cover $700bn of foreign currency debt unless it can tap the capital markets again. It faces demographic implosion.


Now these countries - and many others with parallel problems, like autocratic Turkey under Tayyip Recep Erdogan - must brace for a secular rise in global borrowing costs, and as the BIS warns, the world is today more sensitive to interest rates than ever before. As yields on two-year US Treasuries ratchet higher, the US currency will inevitably ratchet with it. "I am convinced that we are close to a major cyclical recovery for the dollar," said Nomura's Mr Nordvig.


The dollar did not rally in the tightening cycle of 2004 to 2007 but that was an exception, the result of the EMU bubble, as well as trillions of reserve accumulation by China and the commodity bloc, amid a feverish rotation into euro bonds. That chapter is closed.


This time may look more like the traumatic episodes of the Volcker Fed, or the mid-1990s, both occasions when the world woke up to find the US had not spiralled into decline after all, and latterly was the only superpower left.


The BRICS, the mini-BRICS and much of global finance have taken out a colossal short position on the US dollar. Mrs Yellen has just issued the first margin call.



2014-07-27 16:46:49 | Telegraph (UK)
IMF warns ECB credibility at risk over deflation paralysis
By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Telegraph: 8:58PM BST 14 Jul 2014
Fund calls for a "large-scale asset purchase programme" if inflation fails to pick up


The International Monetary Fund has issued a blistering attack on Europe's authorities for allowing the eurozone to remain stuck in a low-growth trap, warning that they may have to print money with "full conviction" to head off deflation.


"Inflation has been too low for too long. A persistent failure to meet the inflation target could undermine central bank credibility," said the IMF with remarkable bluntness in its annual health report on the currency bloc.


"A negative external shock could tip the economy into deflation. The recovery is neither robust nor sufficiently strong. Financial markets are still fragmented, with contracting credit and high borrowing costs constraining investment in countries with large output gaps, large debt burdens and high unemployment," it added.


The fund called for a "large-scale asset purchase programme" if inflation fails to pick up, as well as a concerted push to boost demand, arguing that 70pc of youth unemployment in the eurozone is caused by slump conditions rather than rigid labour markets or lack of skills, as often claimed.


The plea for action came as fresh data showed eurozone industrial output fell by 1.1pc in May, the latest evidence that recovery is close to stalling. The region's industrial production is still down 12pc from its pre-crisis peak six years ago.


The IMF expects growth of 1.1pc this year and 1.5pc next year but warned that risks are "to the downside", with the region vulnerable to fallout from monetary tightening by the US Federal Reserve or from a fresh storm in emerging markets.


Reza Moghadam, the IMF's European chief, said the European Central Bank's preferred tool of cheap loans to banks (LTROs) has not prevented a contraction of private credit or the stagnation of broad M3 money. It should not be confused with monetary creation under quantitative easing.

IMFのヨーロピアン・チーフ、Reza Moghadam氏は、ECBが大好きな銀行への低金利ローン(LTRO)は民間部門の与信減少もM3マネーサプライの低迷も防げなかったと言いました。

Asset purchases would have "wider and larger effects", provided they were launched with the "full conviction" needed to change investor psychology. Japan's failed attempts at QE in the years before the Abe era show that half-measures are almost useless when dealing with a balance sheet recession in which shell-shocked households and firms are trying to dig their way out of debt.


The IMF said the EU banking union is not yet fit for purpose, calling for a "common fiscal backstop" to break the "doom-loop" between banks and sovereign states, each dragging the other down in a crisis. This failing was starkly exposed again last week when minor troubles at Portugal's Banco Espirito Santo triggered a systemic spike in Portuguese bond yields, with tremors reaching Spain, Italy and Greece.


The IMF said plans to let the eurozone's bail-out fund (ESM) recapitalise banks directly is too vague, and does not lift the burden off struggling sovereign states since they cannot apply until they are already in deep trouble. Any action has to be approved by the German Bundestag and other parliaments, risking a political drama each time. It warned that near-deflation conditions are driving up real debt burdens and making it even harder for the crisis countries in Southern Europe to claw their way out of trouble.


"Over the medium term, there is a high risk of stagnation, which could stem from persistently depressed domestic demand due to deleveraging, insufficient policy action and stalled structural reforms," it said.


The IMF said the fiscal squeeze from austerity is at last abating but that is not itself enough to ignite self-sustaining growth. The EU authorities may even need "escape clauses" to release countries from their fiscal straitjacket if deflation takes hold.


Mr Moghadam said QE is no panacea but would boost both the supply and demand for credit, acting as a powerful catalyst. There is no immediate risk of a credit bubble or a house price boom, even in Germany, he insisted.


The main thrust of QE should be through sovereign bonds, the "only viable option", given the shortage of liquid assets and the taboo on buying equities. "ECB purchases should be across the board, not core or periphery, because the problem of low inflation is across the board," he said.


This would neutralise claims the ECB is helping crisis states with quasi-fiscal help in breach of the Lisbon Treaty.


Gabriel Stein, from Oxford Economics, said the bar for QE remains very high, whatever EU treaty law says, since it would face huge political opposition in Germany, where the AfD anti-euro party has recently won its first seats in the European Parliament and the press views asset purchases as the road to perdition. The German constitutional court has already ruled that the ECB's back-stop debt plan for Italy and Spain (OMT) is illegal and probably ultra vires. "The ECB is desperately trying to avoid doing QE. They are hoping that recovery will come along and save them in time." he said.


Tim Congdon, from International Monetary Research, said the root-problem in the eurozone is the scale of deleveraging forced on banks by the European regulators. As banks sell assets to other investors to reduce balance sheets, they are automatically "destroying money" and reducing the M3 money supply. QE has become necessary to offset the effects. "Policymakers in the eurozone continue to do immense harm by giving a higher priority to the cleansing of bank balance sheets than to maintaining a positive rate of money growth," he said.
