

世界経済が犠牲になる中、BISが不況懸念を新たに 2

2008-06-30 18:49:14 | Telegraph (UK)
Dr White says the US sub-prime crisis was the "trigger", not the cause of the disaster. This is not to exonerate the debt-brokers. "It cannot be denied that the originate-to-distribute model (CDOs, CLOs, etc) has had calamitous side-effects. Loans of increasingly poor quality have been made and then sold to the gullible and the greedy," he said.


Nor does it exonerate the watchdogs. "How could such a huge shadow banking system emerge without provoking clear statements of official concern?"


But there have always been excesses in booms. What has made this so bad is that governments set the price of money too low, enticing the banks into self-destruction.


"The fundamental cause of today's emerging problems was excessive and imprudent credit growth over a long period. Policy interest rates in the advanced industrial countries have been unusually low," he said.


The Fed and fellow central banks instinctively cut rates lower with each cycle to avoid facing the pain. The effect has been to put off the day of reckoning.


They could get away with this as long as cheap goods from Asia kept a cap on inflation. It seduced them into letting asset booms get out of hand. This is where the central banks made their colossal blunder.


"Policymakers interpreted the quiescence in inflation to mean that there was no good reason to raise rates when growth accelerated, and no impediment to lowering them when growth faltered," said the report.


After almost two decades of this experiment - more or less the Greenspan years - the game is over. Debt has reached extreme levels, and now inflation has come back to life.


The easy trade-off has metamorphosed into a vicious trade-off. This was utterly predictable, and was indeed forecast by the BIS, which plaintively suggested in this report that central banks might like to think of an "exit strategy" next time they try such ploys.


In effect, this is an indictment of rigid inflation targets (such as Britain's), which prevent central banks from launching a pre-emptive strike against asset bubbles. In the 1990s, they should have torn up the rule-book and let inflation turn negative in light of the Asia effect.


The BIS suggests that a mix of "systemic indicators" should be used. The crucial objective is to slow credit growth and make sure that the punchbowl is taken away before the drunks run riot. "We need policy measures to lean against credit-drive excess," it said.


If there are going to be more bail-outs on both sides of the Atlantic - as there will be - the "socialised risks" should be taken on by political systems, and not dumped on the books of central banks.


"Should governments feel it necessary to take direct actions to alleviate debt burdens, it is crucial that they understand one thing beforehand. If asset prices are unrealistically high, they must fall. If savings rates are unrealistically low, they must rise. If debts cannot be serviced, they must be written off.


"To deny this through the use of gimmicks and palliatives will only make things worse in the end," he said.


Let us all cheer Dr White off the stage.





世界経済が犠牲になる中、BISが不況懸念を新たに 1

2008-06-30 18:48:49 | Telegraph (UK)
BIS renews slump fears as global economy pays the price
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
The central bankers' bank renews fear of second depression, writes Ambrose Evans-Pritchard


A year ago, the Bank for International Settlements startled the financial world by warning that we might soon face challenges last seen during the onset of the Great Depression. This has proved frighteningly accurate.


The venerable body, the ultimate bank of central bankers, said years of loose monetary policy had fuelled a dangerous credit bubble that would entail "much higher costs than is commonly supposed".


In a pointed attack on the US Federal Reserve, it said central banks would not find it easy to "clean up" once property bubbles have burst.


If only we had all listened to the BIS a long time ago. Ensconced in its Swiss lair, it has fired off anathemas for years, struggling to uphold orthodoxy against the follies of modern central banking.


Bill White, the departing chief economist, has now penned his swansong, the BIS's 78th Annual Report, released today. It is a disconcerting read for those who want to hope the global crisis is over.


"The current market turmoil is without precedent in the postwar period. With a significant risk of recession in the US, compounded by sharply rising inflation in many countries, fears are building that the global economy might be at some kind of tipping point," it said.


"These fears are not groundless. The magnitude of the problems yet to be faced could be much greater than many now perceive," it said. "It is not impossible that the unwinding of the credit bubble could, after a temporary period of higher inflation, culminate in a deflation that might be hard to manage, all the more so given the high debt levels."


Given the constraints under which the BIS must operate, this amounts to a warning that monetary overkill by the Fed, the Bank of England, and above all the European Central Bank could prove dangerous at this juncture.


European banks have suffered worse losses on US property than American banks. Their net dollar liabilities are $900bn, mostly short-term loans that have to be rolled over, a costly business with spreads still near panic levels. Mortgage and consumer credit has "demonstrably worsened".


The BIS cautions the ECB to handle its lending data with great care. "The statistics may understate the contraction in the supply of credit," it said.


The death of securitisation has forced banks to bring portfolios back on to their balance sheets, while firms in need are drawing down pre-arranged credit lines. This is a far cry from a lending recovery.


Warning signs are flashing across Eastern Europe (ex-Russia) where short-term foreign debt is 120pc of reserves, mostly in euros and Swiss francs. Current account deficits are 14.6pc of GDP.


"They could find it difficult to secure foreign funding if global financing conditions were to tighten more severely," it said. Swedish, Austrian and Italian banks have drawn on wholesale markets to lend heavily to subsidiaries across the region. This could "dry up".


China is not immune, although the BIS has dropped last year's comment that growth is "unstable, unbalanced, unco-ordinated and unsustainable".


The US accounts for 20pc of China's exports, but that does not capture the inter-links across Asia that ultimately depend on US shopping malls. "There is a risk that China's imports overall could slow down sharply should the US economy weaken further," it said.


Global banks - with loans of $37 trillion in 2007, or 70pc of world GDP - are still in the eye of the storm.


"Inter-bank money markets have failed to recover. Of greatest concern at the moment is that still tighter credit conditions will be imposed on non-financial borrowers.


"In a number of countries, commercial property prices are beginning to soften, traditionally bad news for lenders. These real-financial interactions are potentially both complex and dangerous," it said.


Do not count on a fiscal rescue. "Explicit and implicit debts of governments are already so high as to raise doubts about whether all non-contractual commitments will be fully honoured."



2008-06-30 18:47:54 | Telegraph (UK)
Barclays warns of a financial storm as Federal Reserve's credibility crumbles
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
US central bank accused of unleashing an inflation shock that will rock financial markets, reports Ambrose Evans-Pritchard


Barclays Capital has advised clients to batten down the hatches for a worldwide financial storm, warning that the US Federal Reserve has allowed the inflation genie out of the bottle and let its credibility fall "below zero".


"We're in a nasty environment," said Tim Bond, the bank's chief equity strategist. "There is an inflation shock underway. This is going to be very negative for financial assets. We are going into tortoise mood and are retreating into our shell. Investors will do well if they can preserve their wealth."


Barclays Capital said in its closely-watched Global Outlook that US headline inflation would hit 5.5pc by August and the Fed will have to raise interest rates six times by the end of next year to prevent a wage-spiral. If it hesitates, the bond markets will take matters into their own hands. "This is the first test for central banks in 30 years and they have fluffed it. They have zero credibility, and the Fed is negative if that's possible. It has lost all credibility," said Mr Bond.


The grim verdict on Ben Bernanke's Fed was underscored by the markets yesterday as the dollar fell against the euro following the bank's dovish policy statement on Wednesday.


Traders said the Fed seemed to be rowing back from rate rises. The effect was to propel oil to $138 a barrel, confirming its role as a sort of "anti-dollar" and as a market reproach to Washington's easy-money policies.


The Fed's stimulus is being transmitted to the 45-odd countries linked to the dollar around world. The result is surging commodity prices. Global inflation has jumped from 3.2pc to 5pc over the last year.


Mr Bond said the emerging world is now on the cusp of a serious crisis. "Inflation is out of control in Asia. Vietnam has already blown up. The policy response is to shoot the messenger, like the developed central banks in the late 1960s and 1970s," he said.


"They will have to slam on the brakes. There is going to be a deep global recession over the next three years as policy-makers try to get inflation back in the box."


Barclays Capital recommends outright "short" positions on Asian bonds, warning that yields could jump 200 to 300 basis points. The currencies of trade-deficit states like India should be sold. The US yield curve is likely to "steepen" with a vengeance, causing a bloodbath for bond holders.


David Woo, the bank's currency chief, said the Fed's policy of benign neglect towards the dollar had been stymied by oil, which is now eating deep into the country's standard of living. "The world has changed all of a sudden. The market is going to push the Fed into a tightening stance," he said.


The bank said the full damage from the global banking crisis would take another year to unfold.


Rob McAdie, Barclays' credit strategist, said: "The core issues have not been addressed. We're still in a very large deleveraging cycle and we're seeing losses continue to mount. We think smaller banks will struggle to raise capital. We're very bearish - in the long-term - on high-yield debt. The default rate will reach 8pc to 9pc next year."


He said investors had taken their eye off the slow-motion disaster engulfing the US bond insurers or "monolines". Together these firms guarantee $170bn of structured credit and $1,000bn of US municipal bonds.


The two leaders - MBIA and Ambac - have already been downgraded as the rating agencies belatedly turn stringent. The risk is further downgrades could set off a fresh wave of bank troubles. "The creditworthiness of many US financial institutions will decline in coming months," he said.


The bank warned that engineering and auto firms we're likely to face a crunch as steel and oil costs surge. "Their business models will have to be substantially altered if they are going to survive," said Mr McAdie.


A small chorus of City bankers dissent from the view that inflation is the chief danger in the US and other rich OECD countries. The teams at Soci師 G始屍ale, Dresdner Kleinwort, and Banque AIG all warn that deflation may loom as housing markets crumble under record levels of household debt.


Bernard Connolly, global startegist at Banque AIG, said inflation targeting by central banks had become a "totemism that threatens to crush the world economy".


He said it would be madness to throw millions out of work by deflating part of the economy to offset a rise in imported fuel and food prices. Real wages are being squeezed by oil, come what may. It may be healthier for society to let it happen gently.





労働党の風力発電の未来への夢を巡って暗雲 2

2008-06-30 18:47:30 | Telegraph (UK)
The BWEA said tracking systems are now so sophisticated that they can predict wind supply on an hourly basis, greatly reducing the need for slack. While some back-up capacity is needed, the plants can run at much lower levels - cutting the need for fossil fuels.


"This renewable target is a huge opportunity to use our skills from North Sea oil and gas and create a whole new industry," he said. The Government estimates that the green push will create 160,000 jobs.


Scandinavian, German and Spanish companies manufacture most of the kit for wind farms, although Denmark's Vestas makes blades in the Isle of Wight. Although Britain's Renewable Energy Systems has emerged as global player.


Scottish & Southern Energy, Centrica, E.on's Powergen, and Iberdrola's Scottish Power are all betting on UK wind, despite complaints of rampant cost inflation. Shell has pulled out of the London Array project - supposed to produce a quarter of London's electricity - to pursue richer pickings in the US.


Matthew Farrow, the CBI's energy chief, said Labour's dash for wind is misguided and far too expensive. "This renewables target is just a distraction. We have left it dangerously late to renew our nuclear power stations. As a nation, we really are up against a very serious deadline here," he said.


Mr Farrow said the Government had been "half-hearted" about clean coal. But that would require No 11 Downing Street to bite the bullet on hefty subsidies for carbon capture and storage. It doesn't have the money. The Budget deficit is already in breach of EU rules.


Wulf Bernotat, head of E.on, said Labour seems to have been swept way by a "romantic" belief in the magic of green power, neglecting to deal with the central threat, which is that over half of the UK's power plants will soon be obsolete.


"The UK is in a very bad situation. You cannot replace 60pc of the country's generating capacity by betting on renewables. It will be decades before we reach that point, and until then Britain is going to need coal-fired units. I hope some realism comes through in energy policy," he said.


The risk for Britain is that it gets so enthused - as a late convert - by new forms of eco-friendly energy that it forgets to deal with the meat and potatoes of daily power supply. You can get too much of a good thing.





労働党の風力発電の未来への夢を巡って暗雲 1

2008-06-30 18:47:08 | Telegraph (UK)
Brewing storm over Labour's dream of wind power future
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
Today's long-awaited renewable energy strategy is already being blown away by industry experts, reports Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

As the British Government today prepares to embrace green energy with a vengeance, it is worth remembering that all the world's major powers are toying with the same agenda.


The US is all of a sudden the new Mecca for wind power. Turbines towering over 400ft are sprouting up across Texas and the lower Prairies, and GE is betting that power generated by wind could reach 15pc of all US electricity supply in a decade. Roughly 30pc of America's corn crop this year will be used for bio-fuels. Fat subsidies help.


China is already the world's number-two maker of solar panels. The kit is now routinely fitted on new houses. This month's National Energy Plan shows the country is hellbent on cutting oil imports. The latest batch of 6m students will have to master the new green energy doctrine to get into university.


Washington and Beijing are making cold geo-political calculations. Neither wants to be pushed around by hostile petro-powers, or fall hostage to oil at $200 a barrel. Both are going nuclear, but uranium is scarce. Both have coal, but the technology of carbon capture has not yet been cracked.


This is the global picture as Labour releases its long-awaited Renewable Energy Strategy today, hopefully ending years of drift, muddle, and a string of ostrich policy papers. It is very late in the day to play catch-up.


It aims to raise the green share of Britain's energy to 15pc by 2020, from under 2pc today. This much we knew already. Labour agreed to the target at an EU accord last year.


From what has been trailed, it boils down to a dash for wind. Fast-track planning authority will allow officials to rush through approval for at least 3,500 wind turbines on hilltops and offshore sandbanks on 11 sites along the coasts. An estimated £100bn will be spent on wind subsidies in one form or another.


The Severn tidal barrage will help, perhaps producing 5pc of the country's electricity. Pity the salmon. The rest will come from coaxing us to fit solar heaters in our homes, and forcing us to insulate.


There will be tax breaks for electric cars, the new hope. Specialists think lithium-ion batteries run off the mains could slash fuel demand for motor engines by half. But this is a long way off. Strip out the frills and the entire strategy comes down to wind. It means lifting wind generation from 4 gigawatts to 25GW, a 525pc leap. The UK's current capacity is 76 GW from all sources.


"This target is not feasible," said Dr John Constable, director of the Renewable Energy Foundation. "We are talking about a phenomenal amount of energy. There are not enough machines or boats available to build it all."


Siemens has sold out of turbines until 2012. The world has only one ship able to place the 200-ton turbines offshore.


"The Government is being insincere. They know they won't be around in 12 years when this fails," added Dr Constable.


Wind enthusiasts say the debate in Britain is stuck in a time-warp, rehearsing the cost arguments of the late 1990s when oil was cheap. The latest 2.5 megawatt giants are vastly more efficient that the old mini-mills. Drawing on aerospace technology, they have rotors that dwarf the wingspan of an Airbus A380 superjumbo.


They have cut costs to $0.08 a kilowatt hour in Texas, easily undercutting gas at today's price. This compares to $0.065 for nuclear and $0.05 for coal ( without carbon capture), according to the US Electric Power Research Institute.


Costs are higher in the UK. Offshore farms are yet more expensive. A report by the Centre for Policy Studies said the experience of Denmark shows that windmills add almost no net electricity because power plants have to be kept running for when the wind fails to blow.


The claims infuriate the British Wind Energy Association. "This is ridiculous. If it were true, why would Denmark now be raising the average wind share of its electricity from 20pc to 27pc in five years?" said the BWEA's director, Chris Tomlinson.
