

Kukai---main messenger

2014-05-07 20:53:07 | かごめかごめの真実とは

Mr Uemori is always receiving various messages from many people not only the people who live on the earth currently. I want to introduce few of the spiritual beings here.


Kukai---main messenger

Most of the messages which Mr Uemori receives from spiritual beings are from Kukai .
Kūkai (空海), also known as Kōbō-Daishi (弘法大師) 774?835, was a Japanese monk, civil servant, scholar, poet, artist and founder of the Shingon or "True Word" school of Buddhism. Kūkai is also famous as a calligrapher and engineer. He managed existing temples, worked as a civil engineer, built new temples and opened a new school for civilians to learn Buddhism. Even in this day and age, his work sounds as if he was like superman; he did those things more than 1000 years ago. He must have been ultra super man back then.

Kukai was fluent in not only Japanese, but also Chinese and Sanskrit, and current research shows he could have been fluent in Hebrew as well. There are so called “7 blank years” that no record shows about him in all the Japanese history books. It is said that he had been traveling around and acquiring ascetic practice however, some people now say he might have taken the holy items from the place where they were hidden at that time and transfered them to the place where they are now.

Mr Uemori says Kukai was instructed to do some secret work by the then Emperor Kanmu to build new capital city in Kyoto.
(During those years, the capital was in what is now the current Nara prefecture. The Buddhist monks’ power had been getting too strong and involving politics. People were quite tense because of many coups and political unrest, additionally there were major troubles like the spreading of epidemic disease and natural disaster. Emperor Kanmu shifted the capital to Nagaoka (Kyoto) to avoid the influence of the monks, however there were still political issues there. So he tried to make the capital city well planned and designed so that no big problems would occur. Later he established the beautiful capital city called 'heian-kyo'.)

Kukai’s name suddenly re-appeared in the records when he went to Tang Dynasty (China) with other delegates.  (The Japanese Government, Yamato, which was around Nara as mentioned above, had been sending delegations to China). We cannot be sure if he was sent by the Government as one of the official delegates or private students however, he studied Chinese Buddhism, Indian Buddhism and Sanskrit over there. Recently it is said that he might have learnt Christianity (Nestrianism) and Hebrew as well while he was in China. According to Mr Uemori, Kukai came back to Japan after he was taught the truth about the Arc of the Covenant, Holy Grail, Jesus and Himiko (an ancient Japanese shrine maiden) by a Chinese priest of high virtue.

The very famous old poems and songs by unknown authors, like “Iroha”,  “Kagome Kagome”, “Sakura Sakura” and “Tohryanse” could have been written by Kukai. These lyrics contain hidden true messages beyond the standard literal meaning of the words.

The three main messages from Kukai to Mr Uemori are:
1. Show the apocalypse
2. Dig out the holy items and enshrine them as soon as possible
3. Popularise the zero magnetic field generating tools (like Terafight)

The one who forced Mr Uemori to sign the contract

One day after Mr Uemori had started to visit shrines and temples, he was sitting at a big table in the office, thinking through various things deeply. He suddenly heard a voice from an angle of about 45 degrees to the left side above his head.

*Sign the contract quickly!*

He thought he heard something mistakenly and so ignored it. Then a few days later the voice became rough and asked him the same things. So Mr Uemori replied in his head ”How can I sign the blank power of attorney?”

This being always talked to him around 10am from the 45 degree angle above the left side of his head and was getting irritated as Mr Uemori didn’t agree to sign the contract. The being at last shouted to him: *Get a life! Are you underestimating me? Shall I take away your life?*
(In my personal opinion, it surprised me that higher spirit would threaten people like this!!! Anyway------)

“Please take my life away. I have experienced married life and have had a happy life however, if I have to live with financial difficulties like this, it would be easier if my life was taken away immediately. Please-----“   Surprisingly he was so calm.
*Dammit. This doesn’t seem to be a threat to you----* The origin of the voice disappeared.

However, the being again appeared next day at the same time and said,  *Leave your wife and child!*
(OMG--- Is this being really a higher spirit????)

Mr Uemori “ I cannot do that. ”
The Voice *Well, do you accept whatever might happen to your wife and child?*
Mr Uemori ”Please forgive me about it” The being sounded as if he had expected Mr Uemori’s answer and said
*Then you should make a contract. You need to sign----.*
The being disappeared triumphantly. However, the being appeared a few days later in an upset manner as Mr Uemori hadn’t done anything and had left the issue.

The voice *Why don’t you sign it! ----Because of money?*
Mr Uemori ”No, it’s not the money”
The voice *Then, what?*
Mr Uemori “ I know very well that once I am chosen, I cannot run away from you but --- I will be honest with you-------.”
The voice *-----------*
Mr Uemori “Honestly, I don’t have the confidence to sign”
The Voice *Why is that?*

Mr Uemori ”Well, I have an almighty (he calls his wife 'almighty') at home. I can imagine what will happen if I sign the contract - just obeying you and start moving around following whatever you say. Since we got married, we have been doing quite well. I have been going shopping with the almighty at home once a week, sometimes we go to have a meal at a restaurant following watching a movie or go to Karaoke together.
However, if I follow your instructions and move around, it will be very obvious that my almighty will get angry and say
‘What are you doing and where have you been until late every day and night without doing anything for the family! Are you having an affair??? ‘
So I don’t have the confidence to sign. If you force me to make a contract with you, you need to make sure of the following things: I’m not saying that she smiles at me all the time when I come home, but I want her at least not to sprout  horns on her head or bear tusks. If you can take responsibility of her, I can sign it immediately now”

The voice *U----------m*
Mr Uemori felt that the being turned his back while folding his arms and disappeared.

After that he signed the contract and moved around following the being’s instructions. According to him, his wife’s attitude suddenly changed three times since then, and those were the times when Mr Uemori couldn’t follow the instructions.

Himiko (卑彌呼)

She was a queen and a shrine maiden who ruled Japan, which was then called Yamataikoku, around the late 2C to the middle of the 3C. Her name and Yamataikoku have not appeared in the Japanese history books (it seems like they were purposely hidden) however, there were some records in the Chinese and Korean history books.
They say there was political unrest in Japan at that time but once Himiko took over the position as leader, it became peaceful. Yamataikoku’s location was not confirmed academically and there are two major theories for it. One says it existed around Nara and the other says around northern Kyusyu Island. Recently people support the Nara theory however, there is a researcher who says it was in Korea.

Mr Uemori says the true name of  Yamataikoku is Shamoikkoku which was in the wider Kinki area (Kinki includes Hyogo, Osaka, Kyoto, Nara---Similar to Kansai. They are not mad peoples areas though) and it was ruled under the commandments of Moses.

His surprising claim is not limited to this.
He says that Himiko is a descendant of Jesus and she was offering her prayers at Mt. Hachiman (some people say it is an artificial mountain which is a pyramid) towards to the Zeppou Onhayashi, where there is a hidden underground shrine to Jesus, and to Kojyozan Onhayashi where there is a hidden underground shrine to Moses.
Mr Uemori says the ruler in Japan at that time ruled the whole world.

Mr Uemori has specified the location of Himiko’s tomb, which has not been officially confirmed yet. He named that area Azukiyama as Himiko was called Azuki when she was young. He has been researching that area since then.

He received a message from Himiko saying ” Please inform the people of the world what I have done.”

Back to The journey towards  Kagome

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2014-05-07 19:40:09 | かごめかごめの真実とは







「でも・・心配要りませんよ。良い天気になりますよ。 良い天気にしましょう!」と千山の道家気功の秘宝秘儀である三鍼法を授かったT先生。


恐るべきT先生。 千山の神様とで何かをやらかしたようでした。

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でも、3年前と比べてハッキリと変わったことは、ボロボロのタクシーがなんと全て新車に変わっていました。 中国の発展ぶりが感じ取れる大連や鞍山の街の風景でした。





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Dscf4049 Dscf4075 Dscf4077 Dscf4122 

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