Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

16 サードステップ/体調の変化 (16 Third Step/My physical symptoms through the miscarriage)

2022-11-17 10:01:05 | 3rdステップ/不妊治療(Infertility Treatment 2)
Hello folks!

How are you doing today?

Okay, this is an article of The Third Step series.

I wrote about how I went through a miscarriage at 9weeks the other day, and today I'd like to share what my physical condition was like in the experience.

One of my close friends actually experienced a miscarriage at 9weeks as well and I actually found out how different our experiences were even though it's same miscarriages at 9weeks. So, I want to share her story here too.

So, my miscarriage started from bleeding one day which was pretty much same as my regular period and on the next day the baby came out of my body.

I started getting cramps just like the cramps during my usual periods which was not bad at all. Even in the moments when the baby was coming out, I was taking a bath to be relaxed and didn't feel any pain at all.

I had never experienced a miscarriage before, so "No pain in the process would be normal for a miscarriage at 9 weeks" I didn't care about it very much. Though, my friend story taught me how lucky I was to go through the process without any pain.

My friend, M-chan, unfortunately happened to find out that her baby was not alive anymore in her belly on 9-week check up and the doctor gave her 2 options which were if she wanted them to artificially induce the labor to get the baby out or she wanted to wait until the baby would naturally came out.

M-chan ended up choosing to wait until the baby naturally came out after she talked to her sister who'd experienced a miscarriage a couple of times.

In a couple of days after she's told that the baby wasn't alive anymore on the check-up, she started feeling a severe and sharp pain in her belly. (I assume it's contraction) and had to fight with the strong pain for a couple of hours until the baby came out. She said it was about for 3 hours.

In my case, I didn't have any strong pain when the baby was coming out of my body. On the next day also, I was doing fine enough to visit Tom&Kat and have a great time with them. Though, I started feeling heavy cramps 2 days after the miscarriage.

I only can express the pain in a subjective way, but the cramps after the miscarriage were very similar to ones during my normal period, but still slightly different. The cramps during my normal period usually feel being caused by the womb contracting, but on the other hand the cramps after the miscarriage felt being caused by the womb being scratched and swollen.

Luckily I didn't faint in agony or something, but still have a strong level of pain. My womb hurt in every motion and vibration when I was walking or something, so I took Advil and stayed in bed for most of the day.

The strong cramps started from 2 days after the miscarriage and annoyed me too much to have my normal life for 2 days or so. The pain was calming down in a couple of days, but the discomfort lasted about for a week or so.

As for the bleeding, it also lasted for a few days with the amount as much as my usual period and then spotting lasted about for 2 weeks.

I also found out the difference in the first period after the miscarriage from M-chan's case.

In my case, the first period after the miscarriage started just in a normal cycle. I usually get the most bleeding on Day2, but the bleeding amount of Day2 in the cycle was about 1.5times to twice as much as my usual Day2 bleeding.

The only difference in the first period after the miscarriage from my usual periods was the bleeding amount on Day 2, and I didn't have any other trouble to interfere my normal life.

In M-chan's case, the first period after the miscarriage was more painful and bleeding than her usual periods and she had to cancel a plan with her friends.

Like I just shared, the 2 miscarriage cases in the same timing were quite different in the physical symptoms.

I imagine that every miscarriage case is different, but I thought that our stories could be helpful for somebody somewhere in the world. I want to thank M-chan for letting me share her story here too.

I talked about my physical symptoms in and after the miscarriage today, and I'm going to share about how Andy and I faced to the experience in a mental way on the next article and it's going to be the last one of this series.

Okay, this is all for today. Thank you for reading again!!!

Peace to Ukraine and to the whole world.

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