Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

4 ひとり帰国日記/京都駅にて (Japan Trip Alone 2024 vol.4/ @ Kyoto Station)

2024-04-08 22:13:22 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)

Hi everyone!




How's your day going today? 




Okay, let me continue to talk about my Japan trip. 




The bullet train took 30 mins longer than usual to get to Kyoto from Shinagawa due to snow, but I safely got to kyoto about 7pm. 




My mom and sister, Skatch, kindly came and met up with me at Kyoto station. 




I also wanted to exchange all the cash in US dollar that I brought with Japanese yen, so I rushed in a ticket shop closing at 7:30pm near Kyoto station. I made it to the ticket shop before the close time and exchanged the cash. Then, I deposited it in my Japanese bank account right away. 




I know that there are many app service to transfer money from a bank account in the US to one in Japan, which would be more convenient and even reasonable, but I usual bring cash and exchange it at a ticket shop.  




The reason why I don't use those convenient apps is because Andy's taught me that there's no safe place online to protect your personal information. So, I don't want to share my bank information with apps not trustworthy enough for me. 




Anyways, I got the cash exchange done and it was around dinner time. So, we decided to eat somewhere around Kyoto station. 




We just randomly walked in this resutaurant very close to Kyoto station. Kyou-Suishin




I'm home!! It was the first time to see them in person in 2 years. I was very glad to see them doing well. 



I was a little bit tired from the long trip, but so relieved to be back to my 2nd home. 



We were not hungry so much, so ordered some small dishes to share and munched them. 




I'm not 100% sure, but I think it was octopus tempura. 




Assorted Yakitori

There were some sushi chefs at the restaurant, so I assumed that they'd have desent seafood, so I ordered this squid sashimi because I couldn't find fresh squid sashimi in MN so much. 




We also ordered this assorted sashimi plate too. The Hamachi was so tender and sweet!! Yummy!




Why not? We ordered this assorted sushi plate too. 



Like I mentioned on the previous articles, I always lose appetite and can't eat almost anything on flights to Japan and then my stomach ends up being too empty to accept much of delicious Japanese foods for the first couple of days. Although, thanks to the 3 homemade rice balls, I could start enjoying awesome Japanese foods right away this time. 




Besides my good stomach condition, I had my mom and sister with me, so I could enjoy a little of many kinds, which pleased me a lot.




From near Kyoto station, Skatch gave us a drive back home, which was very nice too. 




Okay, this is all about Day 1 in Japan. 



Thank you for reading agian!!




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