Hit-Chanのワクワクしてるよ!(Hit-Chan's WakuWaku Life!)

Hit-Chan's exciting life in MN!

2 ひとり帰国日記/快適なフライト (Japan Trip Alone 2024 vol.2/Comfortable Flight)

2024-04-05 08:53:34 | 旅行日記 (Travel Diaries)





How's everything going today? 




Okay, let me talk about my first alone trip to Japan in the last decade. 




After I boarded on the plane, the captain announced, "The ground crew will clean ice off the plane."




I was on the window seat, so I could see their job really well. 




Look! I'd never seen this vehicle with a small control box on the crane. 




I assume that they're spraying hot water or something on the plane body. 




While I was waiting for the crew working hard to get the mission done, I was playing cards on the seat screen, which I sometimes played with my family here. Haha. 




When the plane got ice-free, it's time to take off!




As you can see this in the picture above, the flight day was cloudy. 




But, up in the sky is always sunny and blue sky! The sky view is always beautilful. 




I was super lucky on the flight since it's not busy at all and a lot of open seats there. When I got to my seat, there's a tall gentleman was sitting next to me, but he moved to another seat after, so I could occupy 2 seats by myself! (Yay!) 




Maybe becuase there's not a lot passengers on the flight and it's less work for them or not, the flight crew were super nice and offered a gerat service. 




The first meal on the flight. The pic was not good, but it was potato salad and ginger pork. 




On this trip, I did something that I'd never done before. 




Which was that I brought some homemade rice balls from home. 



The biggest reason why I brought the rice balls this time was because I always lost appetite from getting nervous in the past trips. I lost my appetite and kept my stomach empty on the previous trips, which ended up that I couldn't enjoy much of delicious Japanese food in the first few days until my stomach came back to normal. 




One day I was watching YouTube and some Japanese people took some rice balls for their trips. "Oh yes! That's a good idea! I can bring some rice balls for the flight too because they're my stomach-friendly!" 




That was the best solution ever!!




I hardly could eat the meals served on the flight, but I still could enjoy my rice balls 1 by 1 whenever I was getting hungry and finished all 3 of them on the flight. 




Oh, one more lucky thing to me was that the flight schedule changed from arriving at Haneda airport at 3:05pm to at 2:26pm on Jan 24th, 30mins earlier than the original time. (Yay!)




The flight was very calm and nice. I could lay down on 2 seats when I got tired and my seat was very close to the bathrooms, which was very convenient too.  (So grateful)




After the nice and calm 12.5 hour flight, I could see my homecounrty through the windows. 



That was my first flight in the last couple of years, but it'd been a long time since I flew alone last, so I got butterflies in my stomach when the plane was lowering the altitude. 




If I had Andy next to me, I could have vented the scareness out by telling him, "I'm getting nervous!" or if I had May-chan with me, I could have been stronger like "I'm the one who protects her!" So, it was a little surprise to me that I felt scared in the end of the flight like that. 




Anyways, I safely got to Haneda airport!! Then, I'd head to my hometown, Kyoto!




Okay, thank you for reading again!! Bye for now!




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