Rabby & Chinkoro : News Time (16)

2017-04-30 21:35:20 | 日記

 Why necessary? Dead or Alive type? Not at all! just "I don't work, however, I want to play with OPPABU babaa" type sexual illusion, they took, and killed their own kids. Shameless parents. Immorality at all!

  they did as they liked, and gained a bit of benefit or money, and sold their kids to the evil schools. And they wanted to gain more, and they produced the kids more and more, by their own illusion.

  Artificial insemination assisted by the government. They wanted to get. and they did, for a while, and they did naturally also. And gained the both. No industry situation made such a ridiculous way of living.

  Only sex world, as always. Waves and shakes. And they chose to be seen as good adults. however, in the bottom, they were the evil existance.

  Miyuki didn't believe it, however, they did it. and they don't like it, Miyuki's way of life. OK, I know. I like to be myself.

  Vanish! DDMs! As always she shauts. And after the school courtyard case, she wanted to walk arround a bit alone. And she found a crow gave her a present. Evil IKKYO sumart cars passed near her, however, she knows that they can't do wrong, and they are weakened anyway.

  Crows like me! And she got to know that AJISASHIs also love her!!! She thought that they were protectors like baby sitters to her, and they failed. She didn't understand our system. She said that she wants to have some boyfriends, and she thought as if they were her baby sitters!!! Oh, the flock coat type! the black and white long cissors type tailes! Oh, my legs! Oh, shapes!!! Oh, we look like each other!!!

  Probably some resemblances would induce them to be her friends. And she recognizes that flying in the head means "I love you!" Thus, they failed. Not at all! Just a compliment for the representative of human beings and apes. Oh, just it???

  Miyuki is so so nasty to ask it. Young swallow!!! Too too dangerous!!! They criticised her!!! And Clare got to know that Miyuki found a lot of boyfriends!!! Birds!!!

  And today, two Japanese Lizzerds, young ones, appeared. And one informed how Chinkoro behaved when he died. Too too confused and he was killed by the track. And his mates were also. Crazy. They were killers of the same species also.

  Killing is common in Japan was a shocking reality for us all. however, summing up the proofs, and hearing the voices of witness, they did so, unfortunately. In Japan, kids were born for its sake.

  They continue to conceal the fact, and we should reveal the fact. Shameless evil greedy existance.

  And Miyuki remembered that URANOS ate his kids, and ZEUS was exception. He was saved by his mother and URANOS's wife.

  URANOS was a kind of Giants, like Lilis, female counterpart. They killed their kids easily. And they vanished. however, in some places, they lived. And they shrank, especially in Japan. Because of economic benefit, they shrank, Miyuki thought.

  She knows a Japanese story related on "Wood Hammer to be rich". A man gained this hammer from some fairly, and the fairly said to him, "You can gain money, when you use it. However, your hight srinks, each time you use it!"

  The same legend varies. Hammer is replaced by GUETA or Japanese old wooded shoes. Shirinking came from economical greedness.

  Alex liked to eat a desart that Miyuki made for him, however, thinking of YUKARI , he had no choice to accept her kindness. YUKARI is so evil to say, "If you eat Miyuki's food, I will kill you!"

  Now she is in the evil existance again. Evidently yes, however, for him, just an Alzheimer patient. Now, with jealousy with impulse, she turned to be a devil. Nasty foods for him only type. Her grand mother tried to tame her, however, she is not in good mood. Always talking on Miyuki's illusional wrongdoings. She uses perfume always. I felt nasty with her perfume, she said. And they failed.

  Miyuki don't use it. Just touched lemmon. however, they thought that she found some boyfriends at all!!! And BINGO!!! Oh, yes!!! Many, probablly!!!

  She is in a good mood, and cooks well. It means that she gained a lot of success!!! Probably many of them!!!

Bird wachers, they said. This type is good and quick. She watched a lot of birds, and got along with them. And she signs sometimes. they liked it. Like flags!!! Sings! Shouts!!! Sighs, as always. Really feels nasty, after watching the evil wrongdoings done by DDMs. Cruel, we thought. And this is the devil's contract.

  Why Japan could develop after WWII?, she was asked by foreigners sometimes. Diligence, pacience, and eargerness to be rich, she responded. And she remembered that when she had done the same question to her ex-colleague of Tokyo Versity Yuuki MATSUSHITA, he, after some hesitation, said, "Just a coincidence."

  Probably, he knew the fact. Someone wispered him, and he fell down!🎶

 And he was disliked by Miyuki and got in rage, abruptly, chased her, and threatened her, and hit her.

  MICCHIKU life itself, she got to know now well. For them, female Tokyo related is some kind of prize.

   And now, another understanding of nursery rhyme "Who killed Cock Robbin?"

  Probably, Cock Robbin was a idiot king, and after his death, various his related did the formal funeral superficially. However, common birds didn't like them all, and cereblate the new age with happy voices!!!

  Spallow tweeted the wrongdoings of them, and they were killed. Common birds, here and there, and they did it.

  Thus, they were killers, however, they were  free from acusation. Any reference of this killer bird at all. Just, spallow said, "I killed Cock Robbin".

  Gorgeous music at the first part, then, when the vesitivity begins, up tempo cheerful music with chorus. The same situation, we are passing.

  Why this song is so beautiful, and at the same time, so full of misteries?, was Miyuki's question. And she gained the right answer!!!

  Thus, spallows are so cheerful today. And Miyuki heard the wispers of wind in NIWA's tumbs. They could produce faked sound also. Not only ocean waves, but also some tracing and storm also. They could speak, Miyuki really thinks so. Thus, oceans! Miyuki realized.

  And she asked, "The shelles came from IWAKI as mad of radiation?" and they agreed. Crams, and smells. IWAKI is fish, FUKUSHIMA is potato, Miyuki nicknamed at the smartcar numbers. And she classified, "Fish, IMO(potato), IMO, IMO, Fish..."

  and found NARA, MITO, OKAYAMA. New members came from far prefecture, by way of their going to INFERNO!!!

  We said, "Go directly to INFERNO!" however, they came, probably, because of their alzheimer lack of sense of direction.

  Smart cars are  also Alzheimer patients! Yes, materials also turn to be the disease. Nasty, however, the fact. They wander as if they were Alzheimer patients. They pretend to be cheerful, however, their conversation stops, when she said, "Vanish! DDMs!"

  And she heard some nasty DDMic conversation in the backward of MATSUKAZE or SHOUFUU complex of IKKYO. Agricultural farmer like old guy said, "In the near future, we would reign this region, thus my father would work in the farm near..." Probably, he was thinking of succession, and he thought of devastate forests. His father can put up with farming job, however, for us, not at all. We would start new business to earn money more easily, he wanted to say to his mother and relatives.

  Thus, they failed. And some farmer faked families were disliked by Miyuki. Why they wore the smocking and the dark blue pachi type working wears? Too too nasty to see the fake out of date type wears!!!

  And they failed. Now, anyone can do the easy agricultural jobs with UNIQLO type more casual wears. Why they want to wear such old type? Because they don't work and just pretend to work, is the right answer.

  No necessary to wear the uniform, Miyuki thought. however, they don't. Alex asked and failed. Now he is punished and he should take a rest for a while. Forever, probably. Quit the school. Useless. Be a diligent worker! Anyway, use your mind and keep your mind to function quickly.

  Miyuki is too right to think so. Nasty ugly DDMs don't think so. Leave them out of mind. Just bitches!!!

  And she likes to sing "Bitch, Bitch, Shabu-Shabu, Ran-Ran-Ran!" It meand, "DDMs, you are ugly bitches, and addctied medicine abusers, You would be killed and held a funeral with a Orquid called KOCHOU-RAN”.

  She likes to sing, they think so. Yes. And likes to dance. Yes. And she likes...

  VANISH! DDMs!!! Your Guess what game's nasty. Now, Miyuki are going to take a rest a bit, and after the rest,

we, two rabbit tribe, start our good sense job! Wait for a while!!!!

  See you soon, and don't forget us, at all!!!! We are always with you!!!


Now, Rabby's News Comments on economical matters.

 the first one:

 The fantasy to sell rice poweder. DDMs are always inclined to think "I really want to be rich..."without any effective strategy. Just they want, and the measure is just categorize in three sectors. Childish. We are really upset that these insipid DDMs are public servants.

  The sedond news:

 OMANKO journalism is too slow. Empty aparments are the reality, not a future risk as they describe. Prontothaurus, they are.

  100 residencial houses are managed by a faked family composed by IKKYO believers. Practically ZERO. No man's land, the fact it. However, "there is a possiblity that the owner could not gain from the apartment in the near future." Not soft expression any more.

  The third one:

  Only 26 companies? OMANKO journalist said "Now in USA, the use of confirmation by smart phone is accelated."

  For them, these 26 companies are the standard of their material world.

 The fourth one:

 No demand, thus the company should be closed. However, this OMANKO journalist wrote that family and relatives should succeed the company. For OMANKO journalist,

 Miyuki is going to sleep. She dreamt UME-san in the dream.

  See you tomorrow!


 With love, from MARC!!!



Rabby & Chinkoro : News Time (15)

2017-04-30 09:49:11 | 日記

30/04/2017 (Sunday, morning) We ate specially delicious Sunday plates for us all!!! Today's RO-SANJIN's now. Special guest. He wanted to wear highly cute girlie clothings. What shoul be for him????

 Quick news from Chinkoro:

 Suicide bombs, they are producing. They, including Japanese Government, are selling our precious data as a kind of amusement. It means that the related countries would get this present of Suicide bombs.

  At the cost of cheapish money, they export our precious privacy data, and for them, really profittable source of gaining. Thus, we expect the wonderful result of these wrongdoing. GIGA DEATH, probably!

  ANIME addicted kids, prepare for being anihiliated! You, also, Alex!!!!

  And Miyuki knows well that most of her pupils died because of this measure. And for her, "Natural. Of course, they should have died before!", according to Chinkoro.

  Bloody Mary, they are! And RO-SANJIN liked this way, so much. Not only OYAJI, but also girls type, got to be killed by this way. AV use, was one of the worst way of abusing. Stealing by the video cameras put in the toilets. In Japan, normal, however, in other countries, not at all!!! Thus, they produced to export them. In a body would be fine, they thought. No exception. Thus, they cause GIGA DEATH.

  Bottom parts only collection, they are called. For them, upper parts only. For exporting, bottom parts, yes.

  Thus, we are expecting GIGA DEATH, worldwidely!!!!

  See you soon later after our outside job!!!!

  MARC with old strange kinky retired guy called RO-SANJIN in a girly fashion!!!

Now, evening flash! Miyuki and Chinkoro came from her detective work, and ate a delicious raw BONITO fish SASHIMI and NUTA of Japanese clover harbs. She could buy a full package of SASHIMI at US$2, and she provided it to her families, because it was so much in quantity. Abundant, we could say. Thus, each one could eat sufficiently, of course, Miyuki, at first.

  Low cost, thus, SATO families can eat sufficiently. They are so poor. SASHIMI should be under US$2, as always, we insisted. And she found a package. Only one, at least, eatable as SASHIMI type. The way of cutting is rough, however, the flavour was equal to other good shaped SASHIMI. Wow, I would buy it! She thought it, and changed her menu for today's dinner immediately. SASHIMI should eat the same day of that it was bought. Thus, she provided to her family as much as possible.

  And she ate it with cut raw garlic. This is the standard way to eat raw BONITO in this season. Spring Bonito is delicious, her gourmant daughter Clare confirmed. She likes this fish rather than others. Her sense of taste is more Japanese one, rather than westerners' one. And she prefers the favorit No.1 BONITO among other SASHIMI fish.

 Her comment is always, "Thank you, anyway. It's delicious." Miyuki knows the reason. To avoid attacking by YUKARI. She respondes in impulse, not by her intention. Thus, Clare should avoid in this way. YUKARI is just jealous violent mad dog type, she said. Thus, saying nothing is the best policy. If necessary, saying in the shortest way is the second choice. Thus, she behaves like a SUMO wresler, as a result. After the several months of her harsh experience, she reached this method. SUMO wrestler is clever, Miyuki admitts. Foreign wrestlers speak in Japanese fluently, especially, in their polite way of saying, with good pronunciation.

  And almost many sports professionals learn Japanese so quickly. Thus, Miyuki admires them, "Oh, they are quick in learning foreign languages! They are clever, and I should be like that!" Thus, she trains a lot.

  She trains to be good at using muscles of brain, in metaphorical way. Brain is included in a body, and body is appealed by its shape. Thus, Today, she got a BIG SUCCESS!!!

  RO-SAN-JIN, she named the fashion. Rugby type colours with black and dark red beans, and broad hoziontal lines. Belet is the dark red beans colour, and the leggins and shoes were black. Only lean good shaped guy could wear like that type clothings she did today.

  And she gained a lot of boyfriends!!!! Various. Young swallow and spallow! Oh, they are younger than I, more than half century! Love beyond age!!!!

  And she got to know that they liked her lean legs, especially, young swallow, namely, 若いツバメ, in Japanese, liked her legs so much, and he and Miyuki danced for  a long time!!!

  And the 若いツバメ had a girlfriend near!!!! Oh, 不倫, or immorality!!!! Miyuki got a success to attract a young boy, who were with his girl!!!! Oh, I did it! I'm so sorry, however, I liked it!!!

  The girl got a bit upset, however, soon she forgave his boyfriend. Sometomes young male behaves like that, she should be pacient, she said to herself. Miyuki waved her hands to them, saying, "Play more another time!!"

  She got upset again. Never! She replied. However, Miyuki smiled at her success. I got it! I got it! A young swallow!!! Finally, I got 若いツバメ for free!!!

  And soon she gained another!!! Youngest little tiny spallow!!! Oh, much younger than the swallow!!! ZERO age!!! The youngest boyfriend I have!

  She got 1 year old human being boyfriend, however, this time, she got a new record!!!!

  More and more!!! She tried to attract a crow, and failed. However, soon, another crow liked her so much, and gave her his lunch!!!! Precious!! What is it? Frog? Something strange, slender, black!!! And she found in the road. Oh, shrimp!!! They came back!!! Dried one, however, they came!!!

  Thank you, crow! You are already my boyfriend, confirmed!!!

   Shrimps were highly common in HACHIOJI in the sharrow river in front of her residence. Her kids liked to do fishing. Everyday, 10 or so shrimps they fished. However, in 2016, they dissapeared. Why? Miyuki got in wonder.

  And now she got to know the reason. Shames, they had. They were ashamed to live in HACHIOJI. The evil anti-constitutional agaist universal law city, it was. Artificial insemination for IKKYO female kids to gain popularity. The earlier, the better, the city power holders thought. And they did it, in really.

  Miyuki didn't know the anounsment at all. However, they did, by their own way. Miyuki is free from the responsibility, thus, you decide, Clare was asked. Yes or No, they asked. What? You can be a god????

  Thus Clare said, "Not at all. It means Alzheimer patient." Thus they failed.

  Miyuki's way of thinking was sensed by her. Human beings should be a kind of creature, living one. Not immortal and immoral god. Why they asked such a strange thing? Public Schools should be free from religious influence at all. They are inconstitutional!!!

  And they failed. For them, no difference from religious thing and secular one. Thus, they were thought that they are realy Alzheimer patients.

  For them, all of them are religious, and could do everything under the name of their god. And we don't believe their god. And they forced Clare to believe their god. A strange kinky existance with nasty erotic illusion, she thought.

  Thus, they failed in a body. They wanted to do so, however, she disliked it. Of course!!!

  Miyuki thought that a bit strange that Today is Sunday, and she had to go to AIZU with her mates, after arriving to the school of CHUO junior high. Probably, some basket ball games she would have there, she thought.

  Nothing at all. She went to the school, and found that it was shrunk, and the gymnastic halls were left without pupils nor teachers. Oh, they vanished, she thought.

  Thus, she came back to her home, and started to make some cookies. And her evil Auntie said to her, "Get out of here. This is my place. You are only junior high pupil. You should obey the elder ones like me." And Clare seded the place to her.

  YUKARI likes to occupy some places. Now, again, the kitchen, because Miyuki would get confused with her appearance. Too nasty. Wearing the same clothings of the winter. YUKARI liked to do so. OK, however, why now? And she is wasting time and foods and energy there. I want to use the kitchen, to make my delicious lunch!!!

  And YUKARI pushed Miyuki away from there, and Miyuki took only a cup of Cafe Latte, and made an errand. OK, I would caltivate may lemmon trees. And she prepared a vase for it. She put the earth in a yellow vace, and put the seeds from the lemmon fruits, which she had bought in り菜あん or Agricultural Sindicate's Association's shops.

  Probably, these lemmons are made by amature Shirakawa residents. Thus, the seeds would be a kind of wild type. And the taste would be more extracted. Thus, much sour than their parents. Better for me. Lemmon should be sour.

  And they failed.

  Miyuki found a newly opened plants selling shop along the ruete 289. And found that they are produced in the house or stolen from near property. Lemmon trees were also there. Oh, one vase costs US$30, and smal one US$7. Thus, she decided to put the seeds on the vase and cultivate by her own hands. And she thought to make a small vinil house for the vase. Anyway, they should be protected by coldness and the catapilars of beautiful butterflies called AGUEHA in Japanese.

  They are beautiful, however, eat so much. After the trees got big, the leaves would be plenty. Thus, wait a minute. At first, we should make big trees, thus, you, AGUEHA worms can eat the leaves as you like.

  Thus, they got it. Miyuki had some experience to consede them her grapefruits young shoots. Almost all of seeds could get shoots, however, the worms ate them. They got beautiful AGUEHAs, thus she conforted the loss of Grape fruits trees. OK, anyway, they are beautiful. She liked especially black with morpho type blue AGUEHA. And they were the type. She couldn't eat her own grapefruits, however, could see their beautiful scenes.

  Now, after she gained big trees, they can eat the leaves as they like. Win-Win situation in the future. She confirmed that she will not get out of them AGUEHA worms intentionally. They can eat leaves, while she can eat fruits. No harm at all!!! AGUEHA field, it would be called, CLARE imagined. Citrus is their favorite. Oranges, various types, she would cultivate in some sunny side hill, if the animals allow. Each one can eat as they like, because they are abundant. No greedy one, only. If the rest appears, she would cook jelly, and her friends appreciate it!!!

  Vicious circle should be cut, and good effect should be obtained. Thus, they failed.

  Miyuki would cultivate her own products, thus, we would gain the profit from the same product by way of excluding her. She would buy it, how much expensive it were. Monopoly is their only one strategy.

  Miyuki imagines abundant of citrus. Any FAUNA & FLORA can appreciate it. Animal like way of thinking, she has. Thus, human figures not at all world, she prefers. Why not? Only one can be used most effectively. They want to kill me, as always.

  Today, she found a lot of informants here and there. And heard the sound of chainsaw near her mountain. She said, "Vanish! DDMs!!! Including old bugs!!!" And they failed.

  Any old guy should be included, they thought. They should be treated kindly, they imagined. However, for her, old guys are generally DDMs. Highly rare to find non DDMic old guys. Thus, they failed again.

  Miyuki's classification is always different from theirs. They like to think that "Miyuki would like us all." and always they do wrong.

  Today, Miyuki really got upset sometimes, as always.

  At first, she visited the old tumbs of NIWA family. IZUMI-san is an expert of this family. And found that they did it also. Before the MATSUDAIRA family, NIWA was explorers, and they abused their priveledge given by TOKUGAWA shogunate.

  NIWA was a kind of betrayers' family. They were the subjects of Nobunaga ODA, however, they helped TOKUGAWA family, and gained the previledge of 18 million litles of rice per year from Shirakawa residents. At that time, tax was paid by rice. This value was relatively higher than normal worriers' families in this area.

  They betrayed in the evilest way, thus, they were previledged so much, was the common opinion of the local historians.

  And now, the LION's club, leadered by Kaoru AOKI did the same wrongdoing, accumulating the shames tremendously.

  Petit South Lake, the ponc was called. Miyuki and IZUMI-san visited there as a kind of club activities. The mummies were there, anyway, although they could not watched them. And the tumbes were concealed in the dark woods.

  Now, they were in the public park, beside the HANABUN, a local famous old traditional Love Hotel. Already closed, however, Miyuki, as always, found an old plate, written like, "Night Club & Restaurant. Addmitted by FUKUSHIMA prefecture's Public Security Committee." Oh, OPPABU, this old authentic Japanese hotel was.

  Thus, when IZUMI-san refered to the hotel, "THAT hotel..." she emphathised! Oh, I got to know it!!!

  And now, the part of the hotel is prohibitted to enter by Committee of Education of Shirakawa Municipality. No explanation at all. This is the evident character of IKKYO believers. For them, "Some DDM prohibits it" is enough. Obedience is all, in their whole life. Thus, now, they should vanish exactly in a body.

  Even the final last one should vanish, is Gods of Justice's order. Thus, all, yes.

  And Miyuki watched a lot of old trees were cut by SHIBUKI related DDMs. Their rough way, Miyuki sighed. Olderst one looked 200 years old or so. Big one. She sat and considered a bit. And the smell. Oh, OMANKO smell! They did it here!!! In this tumb, they did it!!!

  And she found that this place were fittable for exhibition of nudists to the shop of barber in front. They did it, in the wood, and they took the video. And they enjoyed together.

  For them, appearance weighs a lot. Thus, recording is necessity. Thus, they failed. They should learn how evil they were. And the smell is so strong for us, common people. Nasty. And Miyuki dared to take her own picture with the stomp, sighing, as always. "We feel you would have been ashamed at that play, old guy!" And she did pledge also.

  Probably, it was a famous center of the attraction of this small NANKO lake. However, IKKYO believers don't know the value, and they dislike old ones, thus they cut it at first.

  They don't understand any value at all. Miyuki found a stone mill used as a step stone. And also, cheap faked stones were protected as if they were so sacred. New and young, is their predilection. Old and elder is hatred.

  Thus, they dislike Miyuki bacause of her age. Anyway, over 50. More than my mother. And she is cute!!!!

  Miyuki knows well. Why your mother is cute?, is the most evil question to Clare. Why? Just lean, she responds as usual.  Like an old man, she explained in detail. She doesn't do makeup recently. She wears highly OYAJI like clothings sometimes, however, she likes to do costume play during a day. Thus, she looks cute.

  And they failed. Old guy pretends to be a young cute girl, and got a success!!!! Immoral at all! They were astonished. And they couldn't believe it.

  Clare is good, however, not cute, is their qualification. However, Miyuki is different. Clare tried to explain so many times, however, they didn't understand it. RO-SAN-JIN, today, she is. Clare explained. Who? Old guy, who liked good taste, in Japanese style. And now, western type, he wanted to try. A kind of challenge, he decided to do so, bravely.

  And got a good success. She danced at a mountain dove, also. He could dance like a long reach wings type like halks. However, a bit more broad width of arms, he has. And dove like dancing also. Thus, Miyuki got in wonder. Which is which? And he responded, "DoDo, Coockoockoo!", Thus, the right answer is dove. And she took a picture, which he was on the electric pole on.

  And he appeared again on the road, and Miyuki got worried to be killed by the evil car with number "1-11". And they failed.

  Miyuki got to know the system. Identification is important for us all. and the number is the easiest way. Today, she watched twice "81" post office service wagon. Red one. Thus, they failed. Twice should not be.

  Oh, then yesterday, I watched "18" post office service motor bicycle, also!

  She tried to find the same number now. And found red "1001" of ENDOU confectionary. Other two "1001" were there beside the confeccionary. And she did her third attmpt to attack this confectionary. She ate several peaces of the sweets, and left without buying. I don't buy you, she declared already. And she came, and ate. What's wrong?

  And found that the confectionary is located at the corner of the main road, and the curve induces traffic accidents.

 And ICHIKAWA, a bakery also along the road side, induces in the other ways. Parking form type. Inducing the cars to attack the wodden tables outside the confectionary. House courtyard type inducing. She got to know that a car was parked highly near one of the table. Almost in the face of her, it came and parked. She was drinking a bottle of tea, which she brought by herself. Nothing interesting in the shop, she thought, and took a rest. And the car came, as soon as she sat.

  And she found a helmet of physical worker in construction business on the corner of the building of the shop. Why?

  No man's land is recently highly populous with foreigners. Why? Probably, the number of their targets is so limited, and I am one of these. Thus, they concentrate on attacking us.

 And shocking scene near the place. A park got to be seen one. The continuation of South Lake field. And there are lots of stomps. they were inclined and had the mark of tortures. And Miyuki said, "wait a minute. We would manage the situation. We pledge your revenge!" Newly cut stomps also. The smell. She knows the smell of cut wood. Refreshing flavour, yes. however, when she feels it, it means that they were cut already. Dying message, she should hear. Thus, she goes to hear it, and pledges as always. Nasty, however, someone could do it type job. Chiken, she is. however, at this matter, she knows her strongpoint. She feels yes, however, after arranging correctly the nasty sad feelings, she gets hungry, and eats, and regains the power. Anyway, she gets more cheerful after the process. The process should be passed alone. No interference is important.

  Another formidable confirmation on Shirakawa I primary school's evil fact. The athletic park vanished. She enjoyed it with her kids, when they were infants. She was afraid of the degradation of the equipment, thus, at first, she tried to play the equipments with them, and confirmed that some of them were useless, however, others could use, with some cautions. Thus, she played with them intentionally and allowed them to use the equipments.

  However, today, there were nothing on the hill, which is called "FUREAI-NO-OKA" or the hill of touching, or priendship. Nasty memory she has on the name. Just like upper part raping.

  And she got to realize that her predict was unfortunately correct. DDMs sold their precious kids. They were brought up for being sold. Athletic equipments were for the sake of insurance inducing accidents.

  And she watched a pool, in which a pair of ducks were swimming. They are the actual manager of this evil school, she understood and signed and took a picture of them.

  And got to realise that Japanese public schools were so so evil to induce the sacrifice of swimming pool accidents every year. The same type of accidents were repeated. Always the kids were drought vaccuumed by the exit of water. Why they didn't put the tap on it? Cheap and effective. No excuse can be allowed type errors each year.

  All of the school teachers know the risk, and didn't save the kids' life. They sold the kids' life, at the cost of their economic benefit.

  All of school accidents were the same types. Why they were repeated, was our doubts. And she found the fact. Cruel, however, it was the fact. She sang the song of the kids decieased by the errors of evil adults. They are in the school of Gue-Gue-Gue-no-KITAROU, or Tumbs' Devil kid.

  They wanted to live, however, their own parents killed them. They were killed twice. Too too nasty. They would be praise by their endurance. How evil their parents were! They thought that the kids were their own property, and they could kill them, if necessary.


Rabby & Chinkoro : News Time (14)

2017-04-29 22:00:53 | 日記

29/04/2017  (Saturday, evening)  Miyuki cooked cube pork, attending to the request from Chinkoro. She made NUTA with MITSUBA, or Japanese Salad with wild big clovers, dressed with MISO, vinegar and a bit of sugar. And Miso soup, as usual.

  Chinkoro is less prejudiced in the field of eating. He likes trying new flavour, even though they sometimes make him an alergic response called virgin experience alergy. Miyuki has the same problem. Thus, they sometimes suffer lot from their curiosity and oudacious experience.

  Chinkoro already passed his harsh time caused by his first chocolate experience. And now, he likes it so much. "Take care of your healthy brilliant teeth!", Rabby warned. Anyway, he should decide to avoid the teeth problem also. Brushing is the best way to avoid it. Now, he knows that Miyuki should brush soon after her breakfast, also.

  OKOK...It would be good for my teeth. Chinkoro is worry about her rough way of treating teeth. She ate lot, and only once she brushes her teeth. She should brush more frequently. Thus, Miyuki would try to do so.

  And the pork blocks were not so bad. Tomorrow we will eat the rest. For today's dinner, they were sufficient.

  And now, her NUTA is good. Just to be more audacious to her special sauce. A bit more suger, many of them would say so. However, for her, a bit is sufficient. her sense of taste is more similar to Latin type. Suger? Not at all! She thought at first. However, when she tried, the vinegar was so sour, thus she decided to put some. Minimum, it would say, and found that suger tames vineger. Thus, Miyuki found her standard taste of NUTA, a dressing sauced salada with MISO, vineger and sugar. It would fit with wild weeds like vegitables with strong unique smells, like UDO, FUKI-NO-TOU, and so on.

  Now, Chinkoro's news time.

  The first one:

  Like the situation of IKKYO group. Determined number of Organized Crimes' Groups  are allowed by law in Japan. And the police would control them all. It was a result of negotiation between the groups and the police, they explained.

  However, considering the situation, they were the brothers, as we deduce. And now, the police can't grasp the situation of YAMAGUCHI group in Kobe area. OMANKO journalist could gain the information through the personal touch of the organized criminal group. Now, th police just tries to avoid the Big Bang Bang among them.

  However, as we 4 liberalists, leaving them in the concealed place is the best policy. They can't stop the wrongdoings, and should have known it before. Some of important members were not present there. Thus, Shirakawa Central junior hight failed.

  There school masters would be good for it, they said, and SANKIN, NARUI and SUZUKI struggled. And they all fell down! 🎶

 Now the second.

  If the window of the veranda is open, everyone can intruder the other's house without his allowance.

   All IKKYO believers live in this complex. And OMANKO writer is also. Their way is like that.

   The third news:

   Ballon shape slider? What is it? OMANKO writer has no experience to play with sliders in its childhood. Or it forgot the memory. And now, it confessed that it is the real Alzheimer patient.

   The fourth news:

  Under the platform beside the rail, OMANKO writer described. Of course, it was traffic accident by railway line. And the first witness is the conductor of the train. Of course, he hit.

  Evident, however, this OMANKO writer can't combine the facts to deduce this too too crystal clear case. Alzheimer patient, he is.

  The fifth news:

  Recently the schools are incliend to audaciously do the dangerous school event activities against the wheather. In the snowy spring one of them did the trail, and now, another did the rowing of the boats, despite of strong wind.

  IKKYO schools, they are. Both public ones. Now, public schools are taken by IKKYO believers, and they do as they like. Parents, watch out! They will kill your precious kids!!!

  The sixth news:

  Public service is out of service. Now, even the news on the relevent matter of the state is provided by plural OMANKO journalists. They are not reliable, and Tokyo Metropolitan Railway Lines believed the wrong news.

  Why? Because they are all IKKYO believers!!!

  We are not informed such an important news on North Korea's attacking by any public agency at all. Only DDMs got the information and took some erroneous measures and failed. OMANKO information inducing service, TOKYO does. The proof of perfect IDIOCRACY in Tokyo.

  The seventh:

  Only 76 year old, and he died by "Natural Degradation of his health." Oh, A BONZ of renoun temple in Japan!

  Oh, he got recognition problem so earlier than others. Oh, Alzheimer disease, the OMANKO writer wanted to say.

  Oh, Alzheimer is a prohibitted word, thus it avoided to say so.

  All Alzheimer patients, were proved thus.

  The eighth one:

  Enquate is the factor of the wrongdoing done by IKKYO schools. They do it to find which pupils should be targetted. It means to exclude non Ikkyo belivers. To investigate their ideology and inner character, they do it. Thus, another proof of that IKKYO has already taken all of the schools in JAPAN.

  No exit at all for our common pupils. Discharged one would be happy. Quit! is our advice to the kids.

  The ninth one:

  Probably, this plane crash was caused by operated wi-fi system. All related can't speak the fact even now. Why? They are IKKYO believers and don't want to lose the system.

  We are against the system, and IKKYO disturbe our activity at all even now. Shoot all of wife artificial satelites, and attack all of the sites of the system, and crash all of the antenas they constructed.

 How easily they constructed it! Miyuki got to notice it. A tall, 30 m high antenas were installed in the most easiest way, namely, "just put in on the earth". A metal antena with four feet, which are on the concrete cemented shoes, and put on the earth. How heavy, they don't worry about. If the wind blows heavily, they would fall, easily.

  I know the case. We were astonished at the big crash of the plane in the middle of Japan. We of course, can't forget you! Kyu SAKAMOTO, was one of the victims. A world widely famous song "SKIYAKI" was sung by him.

 An cheerful professional entertainer, he was. "Look upward, even in the worst case!" is Japanese title of the same song.

  Look upward, and walk and walk, that's why we can't fall our tear drops.🎶

 We do, Kyu-chan! Always upward! Not downward, like IKKYO belivers!!!!

  The tenth one:

  Why the claim on parking problem would be the cause of visiting the suspect? Only IKKYO belivers know the reason type articles. Informant system, they have. We confirmed it by our efforts. Miyuki took a lot of proofs, and said on the system, deducing the result through them.

  Now, our efforts are in the period of harvest! They confessed that they are IKKYO believers, they, namely, OMANKO journalists!!!!

  They don't think, just resume the information brought by their mates, by their own IKKYO like easy going, or, non thinking at all type attitude. And they don't feel strange of the system at all.

  Thus they all fell down! 🎶

 Chinkoro did the best job today, because Miyuki took a nap a bit. Now she has to clean up her body.

  For us all, Miyuki is not clean physically. Anyway, my body is hygine, she is satisfied with it type.

  Thus, see you tomorrow! Chinkoro is so talented, and Miyuki thanks a lot to his participation!!!!

  VANISH! DDMs!!! You are too too cruel for us all, and forget their own wrongdoings easily.

  We don't forget them all!!!!

  We pledge our revenge against them always. Harsh punishment of course!!!

  Vanishing is just one of its contents. Prepare for being anihiliated!!!!

  For us all, FAUNA & FLORA and our supporters, good night, previously.




Rabby & Chinkoro : News Time (13)

2017-04-28 22:51:24 | 日記

28/04/2017 (Friday, evening) Miyuki took a walk as Mary, according to Chankoro's advice. She went to MEGA STAGE area, via Central Post Office of Shirakawa. She made an errand in GYOKU Super market, and danced with a TOBI, a hawk's relative. And watched the actual evilest wrongdoig done by IKKYO believers in the exact site of NANKO forest park. They were cutting the tree now! She was astonished and ordered to cut their own heads with that chainsaw. They deserved to be cut by themselves their own heads. No use at all!!!

  She got to know the mean of the song, "Where are wild flowers?" by Joan Baes. She realized that the wild flours turned not to bloom witnessing the evil doings in front of them, anti-constitutional, inhuman activities IKKYO counterpart in USA.

 Probably, some Christian partisans, they were called. However, just kinky old bugs. In Utah, the mormons, they were called. Miyuki heard a listening tape of Conan Doile, a Sharlock Holmes series.

  They raped the girls of a single father, who were killed in his poverty. And they pledged the revenge against the evil faked religous group. She was induced by faked believers, who pretended to be rich boys. She was not sold by her father, they took advantage of his poverty. he wanted to protect her. And they failed.

  Sharlock Holmes resolved the riddle, and they failed. They made a squad of 4 figures, and raped her. She prayed the revenge, for her dearest father, who had died to protect her.

  They could rape the female believers according to their kinkiest religion. It was came from Egypt, they said. And the male could have several wives each. They lived in a community, isolated from others. Too too strange, others thought, however, they allowed their existance, because they believed that they were not so evil.

  Just a difference of habit, they thought. however, not at all. They were so kinky and established their own erotic world.

  Manmonism, it would be. A religion which believes money as god. Manmonism, however, under the faked appearance of Christianism. And the group was abandoned, and after several decades, they appeared again in the same place.

  Miyuki remembered the resemblance of these types of religion like OOMU-SHINRI-KYO, and Brazilian Drama called "Alem do Horizonte". Beyond the limit, it means. Beyond the limit as a human beings.

  And remembered a novel, written by Brazilian author related to Gene Transforming Experience, Dr.NOU's island type.

  Miyuki thought that it begins with more fashinating amnimal related story and ended up with pseudo scientific fiction. Spooky, in the end, she felt.

  Gene transformation is not prohibitted, they insisted. Oh, why then you don't turn to muck, as when you was concepted?

  for us, FAUNA & FLORA, it is prohibitted. however, for them muck, it is allowed, they thought. And they did for themselves, and failed. Abrupt change would be possible, they were explained. And they took the medicine. Each one should take it once a while. And they did so. And they turned to be muck again.

  Good, your choice. No scientific trick at all. It is called "Return to be yourselves", not gene transformation at all.

  They paid lot to gain their younger body, and quick head. and they thought that they would have gotten it, and they failed. No formula at all. Just believe me, he said. MEGA DEATH, because of it. Many people got in doubt. Why IKKYO figures like to commit suicide so often?

  And they found that in Japan, there is no law to admit their own wrongdoings at the cost of their life. just they system adopted by some companies, especially by insurance companies. And they faile in a body.

  They were not MICCHIKU related at all. Just IKKYO believers. In character, they were common, however, family matters, they were totally different. Thus, IKKYO belivers should pay for their faked MICCHIKU power holders.

 Why they look too shabby and nasty? Probably they were messy miserable ugly IKKYO believers, and didn't know how rich families live in common.

  Faked rich life performed by messy poor existance. It would be called Monky Trick Miserably Ikkyo style faked Dinasty.

  They cut Miyuki's communication with other people, because they thought that it would be good for her. For them, for her, subjectively. Objectively, only for the IKKYO believers and MICCHIKU related.

  Miyuki dislked them both because of their nasty spooky atomosphare. Why they were so unlucky and so jealous, Miyuki thought. because of their luck of resouces, Miyuki got to know. Thus, they failed.

  Miyuki is not rich at all. See the article:

 According to this OMANKO writer called Sumio ITO, the aveledge of monthly income of workers is US$4.5 thousand. And Miyuki eanrs less than that. Lower middle class, she is in.

  She thought that she earned better than others, because she is a professor of law in a versity, and she graduated from the best university in the country, and she has doctral degree of the same versity.

  Oh, my ex-mates earns better than me, she got to realize the fact. She was mesmarised by her versity's staff.

  why they could pay such a high price to others? SUSHI, every dinner, her ex-colleague OOYAMA ate, he said to her. Only dinner, it costed US$30 at least. And per month, it would be US$900 at least. Then lunch and breakfast. US$2.7 thousand, already. And he lived in an luxurious apartment near SHINJUKU. He often watched movies, road show type, which costs US$18 per each.

  Why he can live his luxurious life, while I not?, she felt strongly. And they had failed in a body.

  They could earn money more than she, because she was a dull worker, was their explanation in case of being asked by public agencies. They trained the situation in a body. And they prepared for the D-Day of inspection. The day was informed by others, thus, it was not their problem. however, how they could conceal the fact, which their feeble minds  can not to concealed.

  Faked richness was their keyward,  and Miyuki was trapped again and again.

  Look at the news:

  They are going to foreign countiers. 600 thusand figures, the OMANKO writer said.

  And now, Miyuki si already sleepy. thus, we should stop here in the name of love.

  Diana Loss, it was! She got surprised. And they failed.

  Vanish! DDMs!

  See you in the morning. We are always with you! Form MARC, with big LOVE! 


Rabby & Chinkoro : News Time (12)

2017-04-27 21:58:10 | 日記

 Now, Miyuki ate her dinner completely with a big bowlful of Ruccola salad with anchovy.

 Chinkoro is satisfied with the salad dish. Super salad bowl she would need, he thinks. Probably, she will find a suitable one soon.

  Now, Chinkoro's social matters comments.

  The first news:

  OMANKO journalist is entirely unreliable, just like YUKARI. he changed the main theme after our accusation. They took our impression before our real comments, to reduce our harsh attack. Too too cheat way. Subliminal, as usual, measuring our precious neuron's impulse, without our recognition and also agreement at all.

  They invide our inner world, even now. This is the fact, and this fact is traceable by the history of the PC. We read it, and criticised their stupidity on this matter, namely, total contradiction between the main title and the title of the topic. For them, they are the same, for us, totally contrary.

  And we laught at their vapid contradiction. And they changed their mail title, erroneous one, swiftly. Before Miyuki's dinner, "8 years of exclusion by the crime of no line LAN", and now, "PW stealing is punished at 8 years of exclusion."

 What is no line LAN? Miyuki asked Rabby. And Rabby asked Chinkoro. Chinkoro replied, "Probably, they use wifi with LINE." And they failed. They confessed that they are doing now the wrongdoing called inner world invasion. The worst of all of the tabboos in the universe. And DDMs can't understand the relevance of this crime. For them, any crime is equal. For example, stealing one piece of Ruccola weighs stealing US$1 billion from the bank. For them, "Anyway, they are the same stealings."

  This is DDMic world. Electric use costed under US$1, and MICCHIKU's center called MITSUBISHI Property Management Service's director Izumi TAMADA accused Miyuki as a thief. And Miyuki got a success to prove that she had stolen US$100 of her books and stationaries on the 7th floor of New Marunouchi Building in front of JR Tokyo Central Station.

 Oh, your name is too too impressive! Just a joke, Miyuki said. 玉田泉, or Izumi TAMADA, in Japanese. 玉 is ball, 田 is field, and 泉 is fountain. And Miyuki remembered the art object of toilet called "Fountain", and also, ball is related with Golded Ball or Testacles, and fountain has the nuance of Penis. Oh, MICCHIKU Family likes put the name related with bottom part.

 And she lied a lot. She couldn't say the name of her own company exactly. She forgot in the middle of saying, thus, in the middle, she took a visiting card and handed it to Miyuki, instead of continuing the rest of the name. And this name. Miyuki thought that she were a faked one, being put some kinkiest name, which is too too shameful to others.

  However, her real name, it was proved also. Oh, so "real joke!", she is.

  Thus, they fell down! 🎶 

 They thought the name sounds familiar to them. And they chose the name. They can choose their names, as they liked. Thus, she chose the name.

  Several alternatives were there. however, for her, something special, they thought. and she got to know that her real name was laughted by us all!

  She didn't know the meaning of her name. And she was explained well on the matter, after the struggle with Miyuki.

  Thus, she changed her name. And said, I chose more upward name. And now, she is called, "Izumi ANADA". or 穴田泉. Much better, she thought. However, for us, a laughing one, as usual. Critoris is ejecting, is her actual name's meaning.

 穴 or ANA is hole. Thus, they failed.

 You can chose your name as you like, IKKYO believers said. And Miyuki didn't know the system at all. Everyone can choose their own name system. Artists do it type another name. a kind of PEN NAME combined with nick name.

  And they chose the wrong names. Miyuki liked the name of each pupil because their parents' choice were so megalomaniac. Oh, you would be a king! Oh, you are the beautiful princess! Oh, you should be the comander of the universe!" type Big Names. And she smiled. Good, anyway, their parents had a big hope on them.

  and they failed. Miyuki thought that they had their parents. The pupils said so, thus, Miyuki believed. And they failed again.

  No proof to resist against their opinion. In the middle of the process, she got to know that they are the orphan of Ikkyo believers. Their parents died or vanished many years ago, and they were used as substitutes of the original pupils of Miyuki.

  Total replacement would be better, they thought. Thus, they did it. And Miyuki got confused with their erroneous habits.

  Thus, they failed again. No public sector at all. Why we should pay for IKKYO believers? They were hired by tex, directly or indirectly. They disturbe our starting. They should vanish now!!!

  IKKYO believers have no recognition on ability and values, also. We can't do it, they should say. All Alzheimer idiots. YUKARI is just an example.

  Kids are precious like treasures, they said, thus, they sold their kids. They thought that Miyuki would buy any of them. Only one should survive, thus, they could vanish, they started their nagociation again.

  Thus, they vanished. Total emptiness is better than these disturbing existance. We have one, already. YUKARI is the last one, they should know the fact. The messy nasty one, however, she is the real DDM.

  And they failed. YUKARI is disliked by Miyuki, and they also. Thus, they should vanish all together!

  "Pass Word is not the object which should be applied Law of Electric Waves as secret." The judge of Tokyo District Court said, according to This OMANKO writer.

  Oh, thus, stealing PW is not crime, she wrote also. PW can be stolen as they like, is his choice, according to this crazy judge.

  Thus, they all fell down! 🎶

 ”We need to know the number of the bank's password!", Alex threatened Miyuki in January this year. For them, any code number should be PW. And they wanted to steal it in every meaning. Thus, they used their magic. "If you get to know it from her, you would be pleased by your precious award, they wispered. And Miyuki refused to teach it to him. In public, of course not! In private, not at all also! Thus, they failed again.

  They wanted to know it, eagerly, and Miyuki and Alex do know well tha it is too too important for their lives. She is rich, according to her saying, they thought. And failed.

  "Only US$100 per month?", They thought. Miyuki paid this value as her living cost per month. And she said, "It is calculated by the wrong information. Probably, it would be less. It all depends on the objective reliable information. My mother's counting would be a good reference. And now we should correct the error. Thus, you should wait for a while."

  Alex insisted, "If the correct calculation would be US$300 per month, you would pay it all?", Thus Miyuki replied, "I would pay the necessity. If it would be US$50 per month, I would pay it at the value, for example."

  Their system is simple and erroneous. If Alex says and Miyuki agrees, and someone hears it, it would be a promise. And thus, Alex tried to negociate the same matter repeatedly, in front of IKKYO kids. And they failed. Miyuki did price down. She got to know the system. And they got astonished that she lives within US$100 per month. how wonderful, Alex was emotionalized. My mom is thrift, he said many times. however, they didn't believe it. Miyuki should prove her thrifty, they insisted. Thus, he tried to induce her. And she disliked repeating. Thus they failed.

  She was eating, a big bowlful of salad, and roasted fish. The nasty balanced foods. She ate as a rabbit. She wanted to eat her dinner, finishing this time consuming repeating job as soon as possible, or the food would get cold.

  Thus, they failed in a body. Thrifty, they thought. Hard line, they thought. and she started to criticise them immediately.

  She dislikes you, IKKYO kids. She likes vivid kids, while you are dead and quiet, Clare says to others everyday. Why IKKYO kids are so nasty to repeat the same thing so many times? She thought and got to understand that they are really Alzheimer patients. Young, however, patients. Thus, they failed.

  Impossible, they thought. and they did the wrongdoing. And it become possible. Transmission is quick, and they suffered soon after it.  Alzheimer patients nave no future, including all IKKYO kids.

  Thus they really failed at all!!!

  Replaceable, they thought. for them, yes, however, for Miyuki and their kids, not at all. Each one has its own personality.

  Thus, YUKARI failed again. She wanted to have more obedient type. And she wanted to change her nephew and niece. Too too nasty criticising type. She likes not to be criticised by any one at all.

  Miyuki dislikes her, however, wants to avoid to be killed. Thus, she got away from the kitchen. however, when she returned to cook her delicious dinner, YUKARI was there!!!! She used much luke warm water for her occupation, she thought, and YUKARI failed.

  Direct disturbance to Miyuki's life, she was ordered. And did it by her cost. And she should pay a lot to her mother. her energy costs were more than US$30 thousand, her mother calculated. and sighed. Why this stupid kinky lady insists as if she were a daughter of me? just a joke.

  She is muck, and she is too too precious according to her own opinion. And she should be treated kindly by others, also according to her own opinion.

  Now, Miyuki's quick report on Alex's attempt to increase the money he would receive from Miyuki.

  Miyuki and Alex concluded to the result the system, which Miyuki pays to  him directly the living cost on.

  Alex wants US$300 per month, and Miyuki thinks that the value is too much as living cost. Only necessity, she decided, and he agreed already. Nevertheless, he required persistently. His way was contemptious, and Miyuki endured her contemptious words. And thought that he was advocating DDMic life. Why? I don't know. Why he plays the role of DDMic life?

  If he were inclined to be a DDM, OK, your choice. You should vanish with other DDMs. Miyuki wanted him to be more logical, however, he repeated his useless ungrounded opinion without thinking well. Miyuki got reluctant to speak with him, at this point. You should put your mind in order, she adviced.

  He wants to be eaten by his grand mother, at the same time, he wants to gain money from Miyuki. Easy indulged Micchiku like double income system, he wants, Miyuki perceived. And said, "I don't like to debate you in this way. Too too confused, you are. You should choose if you could get your living cost directly from me, or be served by your grand mother. In the latter case, I would pay to your grand mother, and not to you at all. Which is which, you should choose."

  And probably he got to know that Miyuki is right as always. he wanted to gain the both pleasure. Meals paid by his grand parents, and some extra spending from Miyuki. And failed. Miyuki recognized it. Gee, she is cool! I can't trap her like YUKARI.

  Miyuki is accustomed to this type of discussion. Too too tiresome. Exhausting. And she put up with the situation, saying, "Vanish! DDMs! Vanish! DDMs!", and he is now DDM, without excuse. Why now? Miyuki thought. And felt strange. He needed to spend money, anyway type hurrying up.

  and she thought. He was stolen his money by someone. US$165, he gained from Miyuki, and someone took it. He wanted Miyuki to be compensated the value, because he lost the big money. Stupid, and you learned, boy.

  They are so evil to trap him. He was induced to go to KARAOKE, and got forced to pay for them all, because he is rich, they said. And now, he is earger to revenge them. Who paid the money? My mother already paid to him, and he lost. He was the loser of the game. Miyuki is free from it.

 And he understood. Every month, he would be accused to pay such kind of money to them. They threaten him to pay, or he would be a next victim. Vanishing, Miyuki would do. She is persistent to keep her money in safe. Even to her dearest son, she doesn't consess at all. Why we?

  Thus they failed again and again. Any their strange attempt would be welcomed by her. Repeated and illogical. Like IKKYO believers, Miyuki started to think of. And she preyed, "Vanish! DDMs!!!"

  They didn't know that there is a parent who doesn't want to pay any money without reason. Just US$30. Why she refuses?, they thought. Anyway, she is thrifty, is Alex's reply.

  They wanted more and more, and Alex learned a lot from his messy experience. Uniform is not free, from this week, they declared. And he failed. He objected against their idiocracy, and he was obliged to pay for it. and they declared, "Half a half. A bit by a bit. You can steal the money from your mother. She is rich, anyway."

  Thus, they failed. Miyuki is so nice to perceive it. Alex is in difficulty with his face. He was agonized by them. Everyday, ugly girl came to him to pay the money. Eeagerly, and greedy. This is school business, Miyuki thought. And Alex appreciated her attitude to deny all of his strange opinion. You look like your old bug type Auntie, she thought. DDM, it meant.

  Thus, Alex failed. Again, Auntie? Miyuki got to notice that you are just an Alzheimer patient. And he forgot to count his Auntie as family members. Miyuki is so clever to try Alex's friend. And Miyuki agreed to speak on the system in front of other protectionists. OK, for me, it would be better. And you, Alex, you would lose in this case. Except you too, we adults are thrifty.

  US$300 per month, why? They would say, Miyuki is imaging. Too much, her mother would get upset, probably.

  We should manage the situtation. Thus, his uniform business failed at all. Just for play, was his keyword, and he leaned that this game weighed heavily on his wallet. Stolen, he thought. And got to know, being stolen is your matter, not mine, was Miyuki's reply. She remembered the value exactly. and he learned that at least Miyuki is reliable.

  They are evil, and Alex is surrounded by them. Oh, Alex, quit the school! You should be a diligent worker. We help you to be so. And Miyuki is not afraid of his vanishing at all. Some necessity, he has. Not OPPABU type. Unspoken necessity. Just stop going to business school.

  And he thought the same. Miyuki is good at thinking, calculating, and watching the facts. Thus they failed. Threatning, already, Miyuki thought. However, already his teachers did. Thus, IKKYO kids do so, probably, Miyuki realized.

  Take care, Alex. Your choice. And his strategy was badly broken. Double stealing, he planned, and failed. YUKARI was not good at math, thus, paied as much as he required. And now, their turn. IKKYO kids targetted him as a son of rich professor. Anyway, she earns. They confirmed at the bank, and they informed each other. She is good at business, and too too discrete. thus, they took advantage of the acquaintance with her kids.

  Thus, they all fell down! 🎶

 I hate you, Miyuki wispered to them. "You shall die!" in a melody of Disney. Terrible. She knows the system. Vanishing is welcomed type. For me, OK. DDMic Kids' vanishing would be MEGA DEATH. Miyuki is smiling now.

  You are Devil, Alex said, as IKKYO kids in her dream. Yes, for them, I am a kind of. And she smiled. Too too easy to take Alex's personality. Miyuki is accustomed to face to Alex in this situaion. Illogical, and threatning mode. YUKARI like expressions. Muck situation. Thus, she waited to calm down. And Alex got to know "Oh, I am inferior to her. Why I did it? Such a stupid game!" And he faild and appreciated her perticipation. She is more cleverer than I thought, as always.

  Laughing mode Miyuki would be fine, they thought. They don't know that this mode is the most strongest Miyuki. And she likes to be a gentleman to him. Too too illogical, however, I should put up with his stupidity type atomosphare, Alex felt. Nasty. You stupid boy, should learn the lesson from your dangerous game, type expression evidently.

  Thus they failed. Alex got to know that Miyuki is the symbol of liberalism, not only human beings. Ignorandia's Emperor, she is called. And she enjoys her position. She didn't like ruling job, however, this one is no ruling at all. Just a theatrical play. Executor, also. however, this is a bit adventurous. And she must earn for herself. Anyway, she is his parent type expressions were here and there, and Miyuki amused at this stupid boy like remarks. Oh, you are so conventional. Thus, I can use your skill. Conventionalism. If we were in feudal era, you should have paid for me!!!

  And they failed. This old guy wants to be contributed by us all!!! We should pay for her!!!!

  Miyuki liked this skewed expression. You were treated like a princess by your own parents, thus I, at least, would be done like that , until up to be adult. And Miyuki's reply was, "Oh, I worked hard in High School. Cramstudy, perfectly. Thus, I deserved to be treated like that." Alex got astonished. Oh, I have to work hard...It would be worse...I am satisfied with my dull situation...However...

  Miyuki was an excellent point-getter, they agreed. Thus, she did the hard work. No one denied. Not so geneous type, however, she was good at getting points, in the fair rule. Tiger Mask, she thought herself.

  "A jugle with no wood nor weed, a big storm blows as always. Under the total fairplay, I will win! Go, Go, Tiger Musk!!!"

  Tiger, the bagabond. She is called. Good play only type. She likes to be a hero. and today, she was the target of traffic accidents. They wanted to stomp me!!!! "Stupid!", she cried to the kinky IKKYO DDM. She didn't see at all to Miyuki, and talked on the phone intensively. And her driving was Zig Zag. Flamboyant drivers killed their own kids, and did it in the police station, and escaped from the crime, however, they couldn't escape from sin.

  Chinkoro disliked her sobstory. however, she likes to play the role of kids. Terrible, Chinkoro-Mary thought. She was in the danger on the road. From begining, atomosphare was not good for her. Fine, however, cloudy, and cold. Spooky, in the light way. however, I want to buy some ingredients. And she tried to go to JA Shirakawa again. And felt. Today, more than the last time. And flowers in pots were arranged differently. And found strange manually maden bells. It would be fun to make it. Easy toy for kids. I would try to do it.

  Miyuki did the same type in her kids age with a paper. Decoration of TANABATA, a date of once a year between Antales and Vega. A lantern made of empty can of soft drink. US$3.5??? This childish play requires money???

  Miyuki got nasty and thought, they don't know the value of money at all. anyway, I will try to make it. It roles by wind and makes tin-tin like a bell. And she did "Pooh!" by her blow from mouth.

 She found a sand bag, black manish one, in the entrance of a house. She thought, after the cleaning up, I would have it.

  And they failed. They thought that it would threaten her, however, always IKKYO fails. Miyuki thought of her action, and they thought their action. Always, a broad ditch between IKKYO's interpretation and hers. Always, without exception.

  Miyuki's different, anyway, they thought. Now, Auntie? Alex asked her. Yes, I need to go downstairs. And Alex wanted to vomit. Nasty. She made a strange dish as always. She can't taste anything, She should eat only rice, was their religious leader's order. A bit a bit, they thought. And Alex did it. She completely eats only rice, again and again. Repeatedly. No other thing. Strange, however, her habit. Thus, she is nasty to cook any dish, she explained. And she took a lot of tea, instead of her nasty dish. Too many foods make Alex a dull boy, they taught her, and she did it.

  She liked to feed her own pets, and one pet graw up differently from her plan. Another is near her, however, he dislikes her. Nasty in anyway. And Miyuki cooks as her own way. Too much foods, Alex was astonished. Eating well, and too too lean.

  She works, in reality, they say. however, Miyuki doesn't say anything at all. Secret job, probably. Some natural watching type job, she found. A scholary job, anyway. Good eye type. and they could see some of them, if they have time.

  Snow like beautiful slender laday, she was. however, she seemed so sad, and Miyuki contempted her without knowing. A kind of confort to her, as TOHOHO tribe. You lost your love. OK, I know, thus, we are going to get along with...

  She refused. Don't say so. I lost yes, however, I don't need your sobstory!!!!

  Thus, Miyuki gave up to get along with her. Anyway. beutiful lady like Mary, in YOKOHAMA. A legendary independent prostitute, who loved only American boys. Miyuki liked to create her story with Big Boys, and sad story with Mac. She would be his...

  Her imagination caused a lot of confusion among IKKYO believers. They can't understand her character at all. For them, a strange lady like OYAJI, and wispers omnous words so cheerfully. Mary, the Chinkoro. She tried to be, however, she turned to be a kid in Shirakawa, rural area. And found, this town is rotten, from now on.

  Thus, this town should be punished harshly. They didn't want to have kids, just did it, and they were born...10 months preparation, the parents have. Single OK, yes. After 10 months, kids were welcome to our world.

  however, in this town, the parents were devils. They wanted precious treasures, instead of their own kids. No kids at all, they thought. Kids are nasty naughty evil existance, they thought. Anoying, anyway. And they did the wrongdoings.

  IKKYO kids only world, they wanted to establish, and they failed. Different factors, the two kids are. The same type. Just common people type. Alex tried to be somebody among them, and failed. He learned that being somebody among them was easy. Just pay for them. And now, he changed his mind as always. He should be a someone. A kind and good to others, only for common people. To DDMs, not at all!!!

  Thus, he decided to quit his faked pupil's job. Uniform would be provided, was a key remark for him. He tried to be a good boy type, and he failed. And tried to be a bad boy type, and failed. Just a chiken, he was forced to be, and threatened and stolen his money.

  Thus he learned that IKKYO world requred a lot of money to survive to others.

  Miyuki was smiling when he was insisting IKKYO theory. It means, "Oh, you too, Alex? You would vanish with other DDMs all!"

  And he got to realize it. Vanishing is not his dream. She knows it. And she is totally agreeing to this cleaning up. And she likes to do her cleaning job.

  For IKKYO believers, cleaning means purification, thus, they can' stop to use water in their house. And YUKARI did the same. Her water using is extravagant, her mother said to her directly. And she confessed, "I should do it, thus, I need to do it." Reason unknown. Her subjective necessity costs too much. You should pay as much as possible. And she should pay all of her money to her mother.

  Miyuki is free from her extravagance. Thus, she is too too cool to her wrongdoings everyday. She is obliged to do so, she explained. And they believed. However, who obliged her to do so? Miyuki, she explained. Miyuki is a wrongdoer for them all. Miyuki dislikes her, thus she felt nasty and she started her long long purification, she explained.

  They laught at it now. Always Miyuki is the factor of her wrongdoing. Some complex she has , yes. howevr, she should conquist against it by her own will.

  And they should think that YUKARI needs to be treated differently from now on. Mentally illed indulged dull stupid lady, she is.

  Thus, now, Chinkoro was satisfied with his report supporter. Guide, he should be. Mary, she wanted to wear, however, cold, anyway. Thus, kid, anyway. and got a success. She played with the swing, and thought that living as Shirakawa kids was a too harsh job for them all. Revenge, of course, however, they were too too nasty to know the fact.

  And they recognized it. Their parents were evil. They gained a lot by their insurance. funeral lovers, they turned. From that day, they said. however, from the begining, Miyuki thought. Tradition was established to kill their own kids.

  KOKESHI for hunger period, Miyuki thought. However, for them, every time, in case of necessity.

  Vanishing, when she was in toilet, the advertisement paper was put in some public agencies. She was killed by her family, probably. "Wanted" means "We killed it".

  A big sigh. And she realized that Shiraka is just one of this type of old local towns all over Japan. Infantcide was allowed by anyone, they thought...terrible, however, the fact.

 RESET, they called it, like a TAMAGOWATCH of BANDAI company. If your kid were not suitable for your training, erase it!!!

 They thought in reality. Thus, they disliked the toy. It represents their psychological scenery. Nasty, however, kids liked it. And the word "RESET" was used as an equivalent to vanishing.

 Now, We are going to Miyuki's mother's chamber. OK, sleep well Miyuki. Chinkoro is sleepy now, yes.


  See you in the morning! BIG LOVE from MARC!!!!
