YUKARI's End(120)

2017-04-04 20:46:06 | 日記

 I appreciated my thailandese coconut cream swew with seafood. Probably it would be a counterprt of cramchawder in western countries. Tasty. I am proud of my idea to put Japanese Taro potato in a pan. A big success! Taro potato is good for any soup type dish, western and oriental ones, both. A criativity, we call it. New Thailandese Cuisine, we could call it. Miyuki has a good sense of tongue, and she would work as a professional cook!!!!

  Strange at first. However, not so bad. And after being accustomed to the flavour, it would be delicious. A changing process. Like 4 forms of acception process of party done by Tripell. According to Miyuki, he is too too ordinal one, however, generally speaking, the process is used for any accepting process of different culture. An applied version should be produced by the pupils. an encounter with a good alien like ET, also an exercise of mind. Thailandese foods for old guys, also. Encounter with unknown things should be accepted gradually type explanation. Slow type. however, not so "should be" type explanation. Rather, the history of acception of party system. Thus, a kind of understanding process, probably.

  And the end was putting it into the constitutional system.

  Party system was skewed in Japan. No pary system at all. totalitarian should not need any party. However, they adopoted, because they were illogical Alzheimer patients from the begining. And they separated easily after the top leader's death. Totalitarians turned to be partisans. Each party had its own rule and between the rules, they were played like toys. The believers agreed to be so. Thus, they should accept the condition. And they all failed.

  The contract was one. The interpretations were different. And each explained that "I am the right one. You should obey me." And they committed the mistakes repeatedly again and again. And they concealed as much as possible. And they all revealed that they were all Alzheimer patients.

  Thus, they wanted to be treated with special care, indifferent from their factual condition as prisoners. They dared to say so, because they forgot that they were criminals. They sometimes confuse victims and wrongdoers. And they insisted the requests in public, by way of TV program.

 Now, quick news. TOKYO UNIVERSITY is the best university in JAPAN even now. The OMANKO Research companies did such a kind of dirty jobs easily, because they are irresiponsibles. Just "I think so" " I believe so" is enough for their jobs. Declaration only world. No research at all. Anyone would do it, and they put the name with some authority. Thus, Tokyo Versity was advertized and we believed the superiority, at least in Japan.

  Now, any idiots could enter into Tokyo Versity, because Tokyo Versity graduates mean War Criminal AAA, who should vanish now. They entered to the versity to die. Just for their shame collection, Todai existed.

  Todai is for MITCHIKU, we didn't know and entered and failed. The most inhuman versity in the world, we recognized it. And started to criticise it. OMANKO Journalism should be punished by their big lies.

 And the same type of faked ranking.

 We do know that these companies have no clients at all. No consumptious activities at all. Why they ranked like that, and what is the reason to do so? These OMANKO Journalists believe that they could earn some money or benefit by way of their apple polishing jobs. A habit, non stopping type. Natural born Testacles Pets type, they are.

 They just picked up some information from our neurons and made an order as they liked. So so limited knowlege they have. They are reluctant to search or investigate. Desqualified as writers. Irresponsible failse descreptions always. For them, journalism means an easy fictional composition. Childish writing by old kinky bugs. Vommiting jobs. And the result remains forever!!! They are real mazochist. Shame collectors they were. Until when they continue this terrible lies publishing jobs???

 And one OMANKO writer confessed his name now. 宇都宮裕一 or Yuuichi UTSUNOMIYA he is called. Look at his job:

 Only 2 rooms adding is an information which deserves to inform in the everyday one of big newspaper called MAINICHI SHIMBUN. So trifle matters were picked up by him, which is called Muck by us. When he vanishes, if our interest now!!!

 Microsoft is dead completly. they couln't prevent one hour of difference at all. Easy to manage, however, they couldn't do it. And they couldn't explain the reason at all!!! Stupid like Alzheimer patients, or already vanished. Both, probably. Sometimes OMANKO Journalists transmit some kind of truth. And this is the example.

Oh, IT OMANKO writers are also Alzheimers!! See:

 For them, Android vs Windows. Not mac vs windows. PC is also use Android as OS.Thus, now, google is the counterpart of Apple computer company these days. Why Apple failed??? Explanation, please, OMANKO writers!!!

OMANKO writers can't recognize the scale of the figure at all. This is the proof:

  SANRIO PURO LAND, a childish uninteresting theme park only for infants have 5000 figures enterence per day!!! Total lie, We are sure. It is located in TAMA Center, one of IKKYO residential place. We visited there, and found that only some kinky families could amuse the nasty attractions. And even in the highest populous days, the entering figures were so so less than 1000! How they caluculate the figure??? 1.8 million per year, they wrote. They couldn't calculate the figure per day, thus, tremendously big lie, they did. Alzheimer patients are megalomaniacs. Because they can't calculate at all.

  TAKENOUCHI was this kind of figure MEGALOMANIAC. He frequently said to other colleague, "I can't count under US$1 million. Under this figure, it is ZERO for me." Thus, Japanese population is ZERO for him, probably.

  He spent US$10 thousand for taxi per year, although his income was only US$80 thousand. How common people could do type extravance he did as always.

 He couldn't count money, and left his wallet to his OPPABU girl called SOMEYA. Thus, she was always with him. She knew he was the real Alzheimer patient, and accompanied to take care of him in the hotel called KEIO Plaza in HACHIOJI, according to Takeshi WATANABE.

  She knew which SUSHI was his disliked one , and changed it with his favorite from her place. An loving couple like treatment she did for him, and he was satified with her jobs entirely.

  She made a contact instead of him, with his name. And made a big mistake. She wrote to me, instead of him, saying, "Write to this e-mail address." Thus, I wrote to the address. However, it was returned to me. thus, I called to his desk, and she attended and scolded me so harshly. "You should write to other address. This address is writing only. Not for receiving!"

  Then, why she or he informed the address for me to write to??? She turned to be TAKEMOUCHI, after her imitating job for more than 5 years.

  She was a Kyorin graduate, and a daughter of an old traditional restaurant in NIKKO. Thus, she didn't need to work, thus, she chose to learn under this Alzheimer patient.

  Management course, it was called. And TAKENOUCHI didn't manage himself at all. WATANABE said that TAKENOUCHI had shit in the hotel, thus she was called to clean up.

  I don't know if it were true or false. However, their relationship was so so tight, and many clerks criticised them because of their nasty relationship.

  She was forever graduate students. She was over master. And wanted to have some job in some versity. She did instruct in some versities instead of him. He did admit it.

  He only took a chance to work and gave her the chance. And they did the dirtist work academically. Just showing Project-X, a TV program made by NHK to the students. And the pupils liked it, because better than their own lies.

  Non existance proof, they contributed. Any academic performance at all. Only affection type. Care taker, she would be. OPPABAU nurses were popular among versities.

  In MEIJI GAKUIN Versity, Mirai YAMAMOTO is a kind of OPPABU assistents. She herself said directly to me, "We take care of old professors. For them the versity is a kindergarden, and they are infants like existance."

  I described the situaion of our faculty a kind of North Korea, and she said "We all in the same situation. Nasty North Korea like world here and there. And my is the worst. Care taker for old ones. Alzheimers combined with infants. INFERNO at all!"

  And she left the versity and worked for a versity in NAGOYA. And then, she returned to the MEIJI GAKUIN again as an associate professor. "Why?" I was in wonder. No explanation by her. She intentionally chose to work in INFERNO again, I felt.

A news on JR realway's decadance. Even OMANKO Journalists inform it:

 There is no necessity of using railway now, because so small amount of people live in Japan.

 Thus, JR railway should be solved at once. However, they chose the wrongway. Just started the evil unnessesary related jobs, under the name of JR. The other companies can do the same business with more skillful way type.

 JR took advantage of railway monopoly in Japan. National railway, they were, and turned to be 4 big separated ones, and as a result, they lost all. They combined when they did wrongdoing. And they offered special privilege to the power holders related. They could use the bullet train for free. Special treatment for only rich people. Thus, they could make a trip as they liked, taking advantage of the situaion.

  Today, the railway line had no guardrail at all. too dangerous, in case of populous place. Only in the etremely less populous zone could be type setting. Thus, they themselves proved that KARAME area is really no man's land.

  Railway first. And the road. As every scholars with interest in environment, insist that road creating is the starting point of civilization = decadance of human beings. AMAZON is an extreme example of this kind of devastation.

  I translated some articles on this matter in Latin America. And recognized the principle. First, forest cutting, then, road, then figures came to occupy the sacred place, expulsed the legitimate residents from the sacred place, and failure in the end.

  They call it urbanization. However, for us, degradation. Civilization without coexistance with nature would be just a degradation. They already passed the limit, it means.

  I didn't imagine that this process was perfomed in Shirakawa also. Shirakawa figures were also greedy, I recognized.

  Railway is a kind of road. More stable facility we could say. And Miyuki heard some strange train sound in the middle of night. At 2:30 oclock in the night. The train is already closed at that time. Why the trains pass through on the railway?

  Ghost train, it is called. Only some special figures could know the time table. JR did for their benefit. Someone asked them to do so, for the cost of the others. Spooky train, it was called.

  And ...Miyuki is sleepy now. Thus, we must go to bed now.


  Miyuki and Adachi will go marching Go-Go-GO! in a mach speed. thus, now, ZZZZZ....


YUKARI's End(119)

2017-04-04 17:23:34 | 日記

04/04/2017 (Tuesday, afternoon) I made a river side trip downward to north region called KARAME. And found a lot of wrongdoings, including actual evilest ones. I will report you on them, soon, later.

Now, I found that OMANKO Journalism is only interested in trifle things. Worse than trivias. I will put some example here:

First example. See the article:

 The OMANKO journalist said, the yens have been continuously cheap compared with EURO, for 4 months incessantly.

  Wow, what a rare record it is! And now, "bacause of Russiona explosion", yens went down first, after the 4 months of growing up. Only an accident abroad was enough to drop the strangely upward mode of yens. Too too crazy economic sense, the OMANKO writer has. Why he writes such a rediculous article, everyday? Shame collecter, he is. Alzheimer patient like selection.

  Their names are concealed backward, thus, they pretend as they like. Show your real name, OMANKO JOURNALISTS!!!

  You would be praised by others by your kinkiest declaration of Alzheimer patients. What is your name? Oh, forgot it, thus, you wrote the stupid articles everyday. No brain journalists, they are called and laughted in the world.

Next, only Alzheimer could write such a false trifle type article. See:

 The OMANKO writer should be addicted to eat the MATSUTAKE potato chips. However, this product was not popular in Shirakawa. It was sold in supermarkets, and Miyuki took a picture of the leftover of the chips.

  They produced faked popularity, in their hay day, and now, they want to do so to earn their money, and contribute to the petit monopoly. And they failed. Miyuki took the picture for making a fun of them and the company called KOIKEYA. And they thought that MIYUKI liked the chips anyway.

  MIYUKI did like, however, she prefers to eat more delicious dishes rather than it. And she could make potatoes chips by herself easily. And Clare is an expert of the chip making. She used only one potato to make a mount of potato chips, and ate almost all at once. Big eaters should be thrifty, or they would be hungry, in this situation. Economy is broken system in Japan. Only one way to protect our body in health condition is cooking by themselves. And they can do it. Why KOIKEYA is needed for them? And they failed. For some idea, Kettle Company had, and produced it and sold it. Now, anyone can't buy such a trifle thing. Only some rare figure, who is accustomed to eat the product. Subliminal costed so expensive for them. Eat it or die for it. They, they failed. They are not flexible, and chose to die with the chips.

  Computer chips, they called it. And they changed the neuron of us, PLATINUM Tribe. And they failed at all. Kinky fenomenum, they claimed. However, it is a reality. Alzheimer patient, I am????, was their first recognition process. They couldn't accept the reality. We are so young to be the patients. Miyuki heard the remark in HASEGAWA hospital. And they recognized it, anyway. Forgetful, anyway. Others are not so forgetful. They didn't recognize the inferiority to others, thus, the discovery was delayed. And the disease developped deep inside of their body and soul. Why me?, is the second stage. And found what they did before. And found that they forgot the wrongdoing at all. Thus, the neuro system was left outside, and they tried to change the topics many times. And now, the end. All of their wrongdoings were revealed, and they should die for the damage. They themselves destroyed the system, and forgot it, and found to torture us. Terrible process they chose. The evilest ones, they chose.

 They left intentionally to give us shames. And failed. They failed at once, and some successors came from here and there. Takahiro MIYAJI was one of them. And CHIBA versity professors were also. Lots of admirers to Todai failed at once. They vanished, and couldn't write to us at all!!!

  And Miyuki got to know that there are lots of wrongdoings continuing in Shirakawa. KARAME is the famous for the big stone walls in the mountain, called KAN-CHUU-MEI, written by the scripture of Sadanobu MATSUDAIRA. And Miyuki remembered that there were mountanouos place when they did a long walk in spring or in autumn. Twice, every year. A bit far from the school, almost 20km or so. For kids, a kind of amusement. And sweets were allowed to bring on the exact day. Thus, we enjoyed to buy some specially selected sweets for us and others. Miyuki chose only for her, and if some left over were, she provided to someone. 300 yens or so for the sweet. Limited money, we should spent. And buy a bit more excessive. And after the long walk, in someone's mate house, we made an exchange sweets party. And ate as we liked.

  A tiresome, however, amusing, anyway. No deskwork at all. And Miyuki thought, why we didn't everyday long walking study? It would be too too good to know the reality and for our brain muscles. Now, Miyuki did know that KARAME is field of rice, and some field of vegitation, and some venil sunny houses.

  And they were abandoned totally. The dried up water ways express the fact. And some evil Alzheimer patients want to take advantage of the vacant situation. Thus, they themselves do wrong. Even Alzheimer Patients, they try to destroy the fields of rice, make vegitable fields and want to sell for residencial construction. And cemetery, also. Miyuki found a whole mountain is now in the process of construction of cemetary and soler energy base. The imitation of RAKANYAMA situation. They just imitate the exploring process, without knowing what is happening in the world. They didn't recoginize the fact at all!!!

  Miyuki took several photos of their wrongdoing, and declared again directly to them, "Vanish, DDMs!". Miyuki thought that we did already, however, they couldn't recognize at all, thus, again. Alzheimer patients are costive, anyway. And Pledged to return all of their land to our legitimate power holders, that is FAUNA & FLORA.

  Today, they wanted to smile to Miyuki and said "KONNICHIWA" to her. And Miyuki disliked their way. Too artificial. Why now? I am your enemy, boys! And they failed.

  And MIYUKI found that they disliked to work correctly. A vinil sunshine house is for what? Miyuki looked at it, and found that they did total contradiction!!!! The walls, transparent one, was shiealed by metalic brriliant material, to protect the heat by the sun!!!!! Why vinil house is needed? For heating. And outside the house, there are equipments of air conditioner. Too too costive and uselessly they set the vinil house on the land.

  And inside, what was in? Miyuki looked from the open door and found, nothing!!!! No vegitable at all!!! Only the earth!!!

  And a blue tracter was used for cultivating the land inside the vinil house. Just cultivating the earth. Just faking. And the name was "SAKURA".

  And a father and a kid were playing catchball beside. And Miyuki realized that the kid was not good at it. "Oh, he did so bad. Worse than my catch!!!" ADACHI knows well, how MIYUKI played the catch so badly. And agreed that the boy's way was too too strange, like an old figure. Movement. Not like a kid in vivid acts.

  And MIYUKI got to know that only two tracters, run by some patients were moving in the fields. A vast fields. At the same time, the tracters did make rice fields to vegitation fields!!!! And besides, small amounts of pebbles and briter earth. Oh, they prepar for residencial construction!!!!

  And the name of the evil residencial aparment type building construction is 大東 DAITOU, the same as bank in Fukushima Prefecture.

  Already, many vacant buildings were here and there. And no water type. Just for showing up. After the gameover, they believe that they could gain from the evil game. Lost game, it should be, however, they believe to gain. YUKARI like only Prontothaurus could believe type strange religion, they are believing now.

  And cathing attempts, here and there. Along the railway, there were rice fields also. In the middle of railway, they made a rice field. No guard rails or protectors at all. We could pass easily. And the patrol car faked and guardmem were waiting for our catching. And a house, under the constructacting cemetary mountay, was there. And an old man got out of the house, and found MIYUKI and hurried to go back inside the house. Some mass game, it would be.

 And Miyuki believed that birds are always with our army. And took advantage of their existance, and said, "we are power holders' legitimate army. They are faking legitimacy. Even in Japanese civil law system, ilegitimate power holder can to nothing, and their all job based on the ilegitimate property are totally inneffective. And they were thrilled. They should vanish immediately. And they did.

  Another catching story. Miyuki went to find a abandoned SPA called 大倉温泉 or Hot Spring OOKURA. And found the new one in front of the old building. It looked like her old primary school, at the entrance. And she approaced to the closed door and took a picture. They she took a turn. Suddenly an old lady got out of the old OOKURA house's courtyard and said "KONNICHIWA" or goodday, in Japanese. Miyuki felt nasty, and kept silent, ignoring her entirely. She got upset and started to accuse he in a loud voice, "You can't hear my word? Dumb or stupid! Oh, strange stupid, she is." And she was igonored by Miyuki again. Why she requiered Miyuki to compliment to her? Miyuki didn't want to be touched at all by any DDMs. She is the power holder in this place, probably. And she suffered from Alzheimer disease. In front of the big white new house, there was a small field. There, Miyuki founds a lot of Alzheimer proofs. She made a confusion paper boxes and plant terracotta vases! Too too extinctive, and messy anyway. And thought, after her husband's vanishing, she took an advantage and did a lot of wrongdoings as she liked. Just no complement was enough for her to kill the betrayer, probably. Thus, she could gain the vast field, M&A presumed.

  And she failed. She just wanted to play the role of Miyuki's mother. And Miyuki is not a good girl type. Her mother is just a boot camp leader for Miyuki. And Miyuki is kind to the leader, because of her kindness. And this old kinky bug was not kind at all. Arrogant to require our reply. Why? She wanted to inform us anyway, and wanted to slow our walk anyway. And Miyuki got notice an old man took a ride of heavy duty vehicle, suddenly as if he disturve our way. And failed. He changed his mind. He didn't take care of the vehicle. Just he wanted to move. And forgot to catch her, as his boss ordered.

  And Miyuki found shells and wet clam, crab's cissors, cut in the country field road. Why here? And found that this place was recentrly constructed and they were living in a stream of the valley. Terrible. So easily, DDMs changed the scenes.

  And found that the "SHIRAKAWA cleaning center", had a lots of petroleum reservation tanks, without noticing to outside. What is this factory, M&A got in doubt. And found that it was reserved for their harmit like hiding.

  And found that AEON has a bid warehouse near the roadside. An advertisement is just like for the shop, housever, the appearance is for warehouse only. They wanted to catch us there also.

  Miyuki was so clever to remind of marking system. Rural versions were several different ways, according to the power holders. Some of them used red vinil ribbons, others used stones with vinil bags, especially, JA or Japan Agricultural Association's ones, and yelllowish ribbons in a stick also. They wanted to sigh that they held the land. And they all failed.

  And found a big mistake!!! Oh, crows!!! You are clever, however, not stylish at this point!!! I geve too too excessive confidence on them, and failed. They did the marking jobs!!! Oh, masks!!! Messy, shabby, idiots' like marking, they did!!!!

  Oh, they! Our friends!!! Oh, they!!!

  Miyuki found some trees along the river YANTA, with dirty white plastic bags, tied on their twiggs. Messy ribbons, Miyuki thought. And then, Miyuki found a crow with a plastic package flied to the mountain, with it on its bill. Oh, they did marking jobs. A slight shock to her. A kind of betrayed feeling. Oh, colour blind, probably. Some limited colours they recognize, however, others not. And plastic!!! A material is the messiest in the world. Why a pritty ribbon like material, they didn't choose??? I would provide them, because I was a ribbon tape collectors.

  And Crows failed. They thought that the way were coolish....TOHOHO tribe, they turned now...

  Anyway, Miyuki remembered that in the long walking in her school days, kids found the same type marking in the trees. Almost all of mountain had such kind of messy marking. Miyuki said to other kids, "Why these kinky guys did so messy nasty anti-artistic plastic bag art in each mountain!!! Too too nasty. They damage the beautiful scenes of the mountain! With anger!!!  Artistic type, Miyuki thought, and failed. OK, crows! You should be praised by your clever way to mark the sacred place. And we kids recognized it. Some marks, anyway. Just dirty and messy. Anyway, your bills are so ddiferent from our hands. Good jobs, we appreciate so much, however, too too nasty material  you used!!!!

  Thus, Miyuki was upset to our friends. It happens. ADACHI did know it. However, he wanted to avoid the disaster. Miyuki should find the fact by herself. Too too messy. A big expectation to crow's skill, and their choice was...miserable...

  Considering the situation, OK, I accept your work, anyway. However, it was too too difficult to presume the fact.

  Frill favour type shocking. As a matter of fact, they costume as female with Playmates' type wear like shocking. Nasty, who stupid did such a dirty work!!! Wrongdoing should be!!!

  Appearance betrays. Thus, habit is important. OK, a marking. It weighes a lot. A good nice job. We already marked, and they did recognize. And kids recognized. Adults should recognize. Who was the markers? They presumed. Only kinky idiots, they thought. Thus, the rumours that each mountain has kinky idiots.

  When Miyuki was a school girl, there was a rumour that there were kinky rapists in RAIJIN mountain, thus, she and her mates should take care of. And Miyuki always went to the mountain in other kids. They didn't encounter with anky kinky rapists, however, heard that some evil illegal tree cutting jobs were done by some wrongdoers. The sound of chainsaws. And IZUMI-san said that some criminals were doing the dirty jobs. However, they continued to work there. Why the police didn't stop? They didn't know. Anyway, we should take care of ourselves.

  Always in collection. And did their job. Picnicing in spring. A cheerful type, a bit. With some sweets or sandwitches. Miyuki did always witn some others. And did, with her kids, when they were infants. RAIJIN-YAMA was not so visited often. However, several times, yes. And met Alex's mate SHIORI-chan, a challenged girl. Miyuki liked her name's origin, saying, "Her parents put her name for her to be a marking book like memorable one" A poetic name, Miyuki thought.

  Not Miyuki's style. More active kids, Miyuki knew well. However, she came on the top with her relative, an uncle. And we played together. For my kids, SHIORICHAN is a kind of simply mate, not a challenged or special one. And Miyuki talked with her several times. A weak, they said. And yes, a weak in physics. However, not so different in thinking. Just a kid.

  Miyuki thought that she would be a niece of Sachiko HIRAKUBO, her old friend in her school days. HIRAKUBO is in the primary school area, common name, however, in other place, a bit rare. Miyuki didn't know any other HIRAKUBO outside the town. And they thought that Miyuki should be fine to do so. OK, agreed!!!! Thank your for your yell!!!

  Why not? We have no right to hold the property of the land. Why only human beings insist the strange ilegitimate opinion?? 

  To be treated kindly, is a keyword. Miyuki is such a type also. Not a robust type. A rare figure. And they didn't understand the difference between phisically weakend and mentally illed. And they failed.

  Too too nasty and boresome to be considered bo be illed. They were put into the hospital until now!!! Grotesque, they are!!! They should be released!!! Too too many, degraded figures here and there!! Why a difficult to move type should be considered as mentally illed???? They have some different way of expressing. however, for us, understandable. If we try to hear their voice rightly, we could recognize what they want type.

  And the care takers' role were prepared for Miyuki now!!! Oh, for YUKARI, should be fine. They called to the police, and the faked police tried to catch her again. They were too too evil to think that they were rightous power holders, even they are Alzheimer patients in fact.

  And they failed. They never would catch us!!! They failed!!! They couldn't recognize the fact. Just it. Their lack of recognition is not the reason of imprisonment. Miyuki dislikes the sound of door Bum!!! in front of her. Why the sound is needed??? SHIORI got in wonder!!! Oh, thank you!!! You are clever!!!! SHIORI was lean and fragile, they said. However, she was treated like a challenged. And Miyuki thought like that. But her kids said, "She is fragile". Just it. An extincive figure, yes. Sometimes, she needed to be treated differently. However, in WAKABA Kindergarden, others were always someting should be treated differently. Thus, one teacher for 5 figures, Miyuki thought. Too too tiresome job, Miyuki thought. Interesting, yes. Amusing, yes. However, the kids are too too heavy. Only two kids are too too heavy, and more three for all day! It would be an exhausting job, Miyuki thought.

  Not so calm, quiet job at all. Always some happenings. It is common, Miyuki thought. They were always running type. It was a kindergarded, Miyuki thought. And paid US$600 per month for the kindergarden to the prefecture.

  Miyuki was satisfied with the normal attending by teachers. Not nasty, Miyuki thought. As least, kids didn't claim to me. Sometime, yes, they disliked some of them, however, it is natural.

  And Ms.YABUKI died early. Before she got retired. She was responsible. And they all yelled for working parents. "Thus, we work here." They always said. Miyuki felt so sorry not to take care of her two kids on weekdays. However, they said, "Important is not time spent. Density weighs. Thus, you should work, for them also!" Anyone accused Miyuki's choice at all. Sigle mother is not excluded in Shirakawa at all, at that time. At least, anyone said directly to me. I am only a working parent. Not so promissive type at this point. Anyway, she is earning money type.

  And all DDMs failed. Single parents should be like that type. Miyuki got thrilled to hear that a barber lady in HASEBHO contracted said to the patient called Ruiko KURIHARA, who brought her male son practically by herself without other's assitance said to her, "Single mother should not get along with male friends. You didn't do so, thus you should be praised. Anyway, your kids would have a jealousy to your supposed lover." And she failed. 

  And she confessed that HASEGAWA hospital's rule to "cut male like make, female like female". And refused the patient's request to cut  by her order. "We are prohibitted to do so my the hospital. Thus, you should obey the rule." ??? Miyuki got in wonder. And they claimed to be paid by the patients.

  Probably, for challenged categorized figures, the rule was applied in any facilities, indifferent from the name of them.

  Challenged should be a good kid type treatment, here and there. They wanted to be a citizen, however, they oppressed, and said, "You should be killed because of your feeble minded, kids!!! "

  Then, they should be killed because of their own feebleimindness!!!! They declared and they should be applied the punishment. The queen of Snow White, and the wife of the father of Cinderella like treatment should be good for them.

  Abusers, under the name of the power holders. I met a lot of them at Kyorin versity and in HASEGAWA hospital. They were doing wrong under the skirt of their reliable mother like existance.

  At Kyorin, they used the name of president Hiroharu MATSUDA. And Miyuki encountered that the rector Yutaka ATOMI forgot the name of the president in the stage of Newcomer Welcome cerebration in April, 2015.

  Oh, Alzheimer, as we presumed, Miyuki thought. However, anyone criticised it at all. Why they left him in such a condition???

  Atomi was a kinky figure. He forgot his major, and changed his topic when he was in psychological danger. He liked to accuse others, "You are mentally ill!" and he himself was the real Alzheimer patient.

  The rector of University Hospital attached faculty was an Alzheimer patient, is a top news should be, Miyuki thought. However, not at all!!! Too too common in Tokyo!!!!

  Alzheimer attacking, they call it. And they disliked their audacious way to pretend to be power holders. They did their wrongdoing as they liked. And they failed. And some kinky concealed type are here and there. Miyuki informed the real situation of Shirakawa. Nasty experience also. They didn't recognize the fact at all!!! Change, we said. however, they refused. As usual, they responded.

  And Miyuki found 3 TOTO KANKO turistic buses passed in front of me. This company is established to bring faking walkers to some certain places. Miyuki already found it when she was in Emperial Theater. And sometimes, another places in Tokyo.

 Why now in Shirakawa, they appeared? Oh, they were bringing the amature actors to play the role for population faking. No-car type walkers. And they failed.

  Sometimes, they collected the members under the name of golf tour, or picnic oneday tour, or historical tour also. And they played the role of Miyuki's accuantance probably. And they failed at all in once. Miyuki didn't know the faces of adults grown up version of her school mate, except some exception. Like MUTCHAN. She lives in front of her, a busy wife of SAKUMA construction group should be, Miyuki thought. She is one of the high school mates, thus, the appearance would not be different so much.

  and she met TOBE and KAWASAKI, and IZUMI-san. She tried to find some resembling ones, and found that they were not their relatives. For example. Kyoko AIGAWA. The same name in the plate of YAMADA bakery's clerk. However, she didn't know her family.

  Probably, many of them were already outside of the town or vanished.

  Miyuki was too too right to say so. They were conventional and not so strong against the wrongdoings. Thus, they probably failed. the excuses are different, however, always some kind of trip, moving, abroad or inside Japan. Miyuki didn't want to know the fact??? I already felt it. However, anyway, someone left. Much better than only one. Thus, they failed.

  they thought that Tokyo residents should be fine to be Miyuki's neighbours. Crazy!!! Jumped illogical thinking, they did. They are always such kind of illusion only type. Feebleminded existance.

   And they should be killed by their feebleminded brain. They declared to do so. And now, the end of the end. Always, they thought that they were superior to others, and others always laughted at their superiority. And Miyuki was laughted by HARUSAN, with her strange cooking preference. "Why Thailandese dish for now???" Just the ingredient of GYOMU super was not good and she had to use it at once. Thus, Coconutmilk cooking, she did.

  And she liked to be laughted. She wants to be amused by others. A kind of only comedian type like. And she is always welcome others, including different inclination types.

  Crows were so dissapointed with Miyuki's TOHOHO category ranking. They were respected by M&A and Adachi did know the fact earlier than MIYUKI. And now, MIYUKI got to know, and shocked at the fact. Praised, anyway. However, as estheticially, it is difficult to say that.....DDMic indirect way to express her dissapointed. Just a bad taste job, was enough for them.

  Too too bad. Their head thought that it were beautiful. Nobady is perfect, Old Crow!!!

  And found a lot of friends here and there!!! Crane appeared. And ate a eal like fish! A strange fenomenum. Eating animals, Miyuki found often. Probably, they show that Miyuki is not danger at all!!! And took their pictures, as always. And think that "We appreciate rareness and respect the holders of rareness because of it. However, DDMs disliked rareness, and tried to catch them to kill." DDMs like an integrated standard, as the totalitarians. Variation, not at all. Difference should be erased.

  Totally contrary to our universe's values. Thus, they vanish. Longivity is their demerit. They disliked old ones, and wanted to be replaced by new ones. Thus, win-win situation again.

  Failure for the universe. They should not have been born. However, they existed. Thus, the second best was vanishing!!!!

  Easy logical thinking is enough for us, however, they didn't recognized their real desire. Suicide bombs, they wanted to be.However, they took wrongly themselves with others. Onject and Subject confusion. Recognition problem. Thus, they failed. And they want to try again??? Never!!! They are so so contemptious at all!!!

  At least SHIORI-chan is alive!!! Not alone. They thought that SHIORI should fail, because of her wrondgoing??? Questions???

  She asked as she liked and they couldn't answer. Thus, they failed. And Miyuki failed again. Your nasty foods, they said. She liked the flavour of Coconut. However, for normal Japanese, not at all!!! Oh, for them, nasty smell!!!

  Subjectively yes. And the taste is so sweet for them. OK, it is common for them to feel like it. A kind of habit. And it would be fine for me, because I can eat more the dish. Thus, Miyuki failed. They expected common foods for them all. Then they failed. They didn't explain the system. And Miyuki did as she liked. Especially to dispose the hard coconut milk. Too old provably. Eatable, however, I will not buy anymore. And Miyuki prefered canned fresh cream like SAISO coconut cream for common use. Not so bad type mistake? I thought that it had been some kind of mistake or confusion between coconut drink with coconut milk. They are in the same nut fruit, however, white cranchy part is coconut milk, and transparent part is coconut juice.

  However, I don't know common Thailand supermarket ingredients, thus, I should refrain from the decision. Just not for me type, provisionally. If I get to know some deteeminated object the use, I would buy, probably. For amature Thailand cook, the canned one is more convenient type provisional judgiment.


YUKARI's End(118)

2017-04-04 02:21:30 | 日記

 Not at all. Kindness, should be. A kindness to others. Miyuki is kind anyway, Alex recognized it, with his own resiting way. She will offer us some money anyway. She said, "Provably US$100 per month each, including foods and so one. It would be calculated by HARUSAN's foods spending anyway. It would be reliable as the cost." And Clare failed and started to regret her system. She was contributed by her grand father. Especially lunch box. A package costes US$5 per each. And she failed. It would be too too expensive for her grand father. Miyuki did know the reality, and they didn't want to know the fact. Thus, they failed. Much less than US$100 per each. Together is enough. however, they need to buy some clothings and some their own necessities. Vague expression. No laxuary system. Laxury should be provided by their own ernings. Thus, Miyuki shold decide the value. Thus, Miyuki would ask her mother on her rough calculation on foods spending per person.

  And Miyuki is too too sly to manage the system. Milk and egg and so on, Miyuki consumes, she said. Miyuki thought that they are common use. And you should know that it would be expensive rather than others. Because it was brought by her old grand mother. OK, I would pay for it. I consume, and I will pay. I am already prepared for it, and said for her.

  Nothing unusual for Miyuki. However, HARUSAN was relaxed by Miyuki's sane decision. They were costive, however, Miyuki ate it, as she liked. It is necesssary for her. Miyuki is too too right to know the fact. Necessity is the most high valued thing. No alternative type.

  Miyuki tried to buy meat often. However, each time, refrained. Because not tasty, and considerably expensive. And no block meat for her steak use. Thus, they failed. Provider preference system. Even one of the biggest consming family disliked the sytem, they continued to provide the wrong things continuously, and unnecessarily.

  HARUSAN got to know that curry is too too easy for Miyuki, without using any curry rouxe tablet at all. Quick and eatable anyway. Coconuts is a different taste, however, in this precarious period, curry tablets were not necessity at all. Miyuki made her own Thailandese curry in her own style. Not salty, however, eatable. And Curry rouxe was not included.

  An astonishing fact of spice companies degradation, Miyuki felt. Miyuki liked S&B, howver, now they lost reliance. Discription faked, the chewing gum smell inside, and tarmeric turned red. Too too nasty. Thus, they failed.

  They used different materials for the wrong package. Thus, they confused the sense of tongue. And Miyuki disliked the smell and put the whole package away into the trash. Leaves were gotten off from the package. HARUSAN smelled and felt nothing different. A kind of nose system should be recovered. She suffered a lot by the kinky experients, unkownly done during her HACHIOJI days, she though. Not at all!!! Everyday's attacking on our family. They did wrong, and they continue to do wrong. Loop mode. Only one way should save us. Wi-fi cutting entirely. Thus, they failed. Miyuki liked it, and FAUNA & FLORA welcomed the decision.

  Even OKINO family was in doubt on the happening. Why us???? They was in trouble. Not their fault at all!!! however, nasty. And said, WI-FI cutting is the only one necessity. Total agreement among them. The same result.

  MIRIKO was too too crazy to avoid the happening on her son, YUUKI. And he said, only one necessity is cutting WIFI.

  Thus, they did it. And now, YUKARI was moved by WIFI like shaking, and she should learn that she is not valuable at all. Only one wifi user is she. Inside her body, wifi unit is put on. She did it, taking by her own will. A medicine, she said, and took it. Now, she regrets it. And cried for her failure. And nothing. Sobstory, she wanted. And the end. Alex wanted to cut the line, however, she can do it. And she should leave and stay far away from them. Wi-fi cutting inside the house, especially.

  There are lots of wi-fi spots here and there. Miyuki got to know it, via advertizement in the supermarket. They are so worng to do so. No recognition at all type or intentional wrongdoers. The formar, Alzheimers. Thus, they failed.

  They did like to play with wi-fi, and didn't want to stop anyway. Thus failed. And vanishing. They reduced the number, and they continue to stay even now. Wrongdoers call their friends as many as possible.

  They wanted to play, anyway. Addicted. The most useless type. Thus, they failed in vain.

  And YUKARI's departure. She took advantage of the last resort and bought cocaine again. Thus, the smells. And found she felt nothing. Ghost used cocaine, they were astonished. She paid, anyway!!! Oh, she has money. Thus, they failed. She should pay for cocaine, and nothing for her family.

  Her choice, they said. She appeares sometimes, and failed and vanishing. Everytime, same thing. Recently, she was stable in her condition. however, Miyuki pushed her away, they said. No cocaine user at all!!! Everyone wanted. Especially, Alex wanted so. too too nasty her frequent visit to his chamber. In the middle of his dreaming, abruptly, bang-bang! He was astonished and dreamt again. the same dream, he could dream now. an exercise, he said.

  She is jealous to his dream, also. Cocaine abuser's dream is similar to his one. And she liked to dream the same dream of his. And he said, "Get out of here, Auntie. Your dream ended up. You are ghorem. a kind of ghost. A kind of...."

  And he fell asleep. And she came to attack him. Again and again. Sleep disturbing job, they called it. Sleeping is not good for them, they decided. And no sleeping training was done here and there. Napoleon Sleeping period, they said.

  Miyuki didn't know the system, and she slept as she liked. She is different from us, they got to know, and informed to the police. and she was caught by them. They failed. They should fail, anyway. Any excuse should be needed. And Miyuki didn't know why Tokyo is so less populous recently. In Shirakawa also.

  She thought that Japan faked the number of population for more than 40 years. Some factor, the less real population. And vanishing!!!! Miyuki likes their vanishing and they gained the benefit of total vanishing of MONOLIS planet!!!!

  Today, the climate changed frequently. And Miyuki found that the river was strangely skewed and separated the stream unnecessarily. Probably, the wrong exploring was done in 1970s, mainly by MITSUBISHI pulp company. They cut the trees, old ones especially unnecessarily for the cheap pulp for the use of disposable diapers for adults, perhaps.

  Today, near ENMYOJI, Miyuki found several stomps of old big trees in the old garden of an old house. Terrible. Newly cut type. Freshly, they were cut . Wrongdoing is done, incessantly. And other side of RAIJINYAMA, the situation got worse. Newly cut. Some trees were inlining to fall. And the heaby shovel vehicle near the mountain. A small type. however, the traces with the earth of the mountain. They continue to do wrong, even now.

  And venil tape markings are here and there. It means that they want to change the land arrangement here. Alzheimer patients do the wrongdoing. They should vanish. Plants can't move. And Alzheimer patients can move. Terrible. Aliens here and there. They pretended to be normal. however, their facial expressions are different. Vague. And their flat back. Why their heads are so flat in the back side??? Miyuki disliked their ugly shape.

  Yes, MIYUKI's head is not in good shape because of an accidental disaster. However, concealable by hair type. And her kids has no problem on it. They are so nasty. Flat straight heads, they have. Like, I was now separated from the seat of the drivers in a vehicle like impression. Ugly and nasty impression. And vague, anyway.

  They wanted see MIYUKI's face, when she entered into PACHINKO house. And some kinky male was laughing in the assistent seat meanlessly. Miyuki disliked his smiling. And turned the way, cross cutting the road. Why on the road route 289, there were so many vehicles??? Today, relatively less. And found a Church of Glory near Beisia. A small one.

  And found, in SANBONMATSU area, near IZMUSAN's brother's house, a cemetery only for IKKYOTO. Newly build ones, with white long cross of long vertical and short horizontal, lean big one, with several tumbs. She took a picture anyway, as a proof.

  When she passed the place recently, there was nothing at all. Today, a cemetery. Who made it???

  IKKYOTO lived there. IZUMI-san, liked her father, and also her mother. However, Miyuki didn't know that they were IKKYOTO?????? A bad taste of joke????? Not at all!! They made a cemetery for them???? Again, Auntie, Alex sighed.

  YUKARI has the power to dream and it is the cause of trouble. She dreamt so bad and made them to construct new cemetery. YUKARI's neuron is related with the boss order, and when she dreams, they obey to her order. Kinky system, they adopted. Only for YUKARI's sake world. Miserable messy lady moves the world like that. Muck, Miyuki thought.

  And YUKARI liked her dirty job. She could do it. And forgot the spell now. Another forgetting YUKARI is caught by. Now, the real end of her end. Miyuki disliked her sister at all. Too too idol and evasion only. Miyuki remembered her young days. However, Miyuki has some object to so so. Not because of only idoleness. Yes, idolness included, I admit. However, for intentional wrongdoer, not at all. Yes, I sometimes failed, and I regretted the choice sometimes. And corrected anyway. At least, I did recognize that I was wrong, and now, I try to be better, thinking of the situation.

  Her interpretation is totally different from yours, Auntie, Alex sighed. Always YUKARI wanted to be MIYUKI and made a forgery. And Alex was trapped. YUKARI signed Miyuki's name again. No, no, no, nothing. And Miyuki received the letters from some organs. Always YUKARI signed as Miyuki SATO, unnecessarily. She didn't understand the rule, and insisted that I am her sister in law and to have right to do so.

  No reliance, MIYUKI would maintain with her. She always did so and does so again. She failed and forgot again. Anyman wanted to approache her famous sister, and failed. She is not the type. And Miyuki  escaped another trap, done by her own brother?????

  YUKARI is now her sister in law, and she got married with her brother. And he is called Romi YAMADA??? Hiromi???

  YUKARI didn't know who he is. And she got married anyway. And made a dinner only. And she left the foundation. And she forgot him, and he remembered that she is his wife. Now, he requested her to get married again, and she accepted and she got an OK by their boss. ????

  A kind of bad joke. however, Alzheimer marrige contract, they did. If one of them get this disease, the other should take care of it. Even now, the hiromi didn't know her name. Oh, both Alzheimers. And they should get married again to enter into the same cemtery. And got married. Then, the cemetery was made immediately.

  Miyuki is so nasty to the exploration of the hill. Another newly built IKKYO construction, she sighed.

  IKKYO is like that. Always wedding type. YUKARI should depart anyway. And she was stopped by her mother, and was allowed after. too nasty to get married, her mother said. And Alex suggested. For them, anyway, it would be OK, grand mother!

  And the final end. Exploration activities, here and there. And even RYUUSUI-IN, Dragon-Water-Temple was in the middle of cutting job. And old cemetery was divasted. Some kinky Alzheimer patients made an order in the same way thatn KYORIN pupils did make an order Miyuki's documents and copies and books. All accoring to the size type indifferent manner from the contents. IKKYOTO, probably.

  And found that the scene from the cemetery was totally different from that of other side. No river from the cemetery. Just a road. Where is the river? And she returned to the gate and started to walk again, on the other side. And thought, that this place would be an old fort for old AINU or JOUMON type people. Secred place, thus, evern the evil exploration couldn't touch it. Now, after several divastation, too many big trees were nakid in the root, however, anyway live. And the most deep inside, a big tree called "BAOBABU" by M&A were there. Not like ceder type, with a lot of hair like ivy like twiggs. They would be one of the sacred symbol of this fort area. And took a picture with him, smiling. Always, pledges. Revenge. And Miyuki felt that at least we could stop the further wrongdoing.

  From the other side, they could see some unnecessary ordinal houses there. And, on the scene, the could see SHIRAKAWA prefectural building. Miyuki remembered that it was constructed almost 40 years ago. White building like urban type. Shirakwa III is similar type. And found some resemblance with the near blocks. Same type buildings means the constructors used the same materials to construct others.

  In HACHIOJI, Miyuki noticed that her residence's material were used for some neighbour builidings like SAN-HOTEL or so. White tiles with a brilliant shine. Easy to wash type. And one day, a strange convenience plumber visited her to calculate the value to mend the water stuck problem. They said US$300 over for total repair, because they would use high pressuring water equipment for the mending. And Miyuki refused it. her father was there at that time.

  Miyuki did know that Miyuki escaped from his revenge???? Why? The card said, "Calculation is free. You can choose after that." And they did the job???? Miyuki didn't know the system at all. No requested job???? No contract was needed world here and there. They put some tissue papers on the pipe, and stucked it, and earned money for it.

  And they failed. Match-pump with residencial invasion. Triple crimes!!! Privacy was stolen by them, also!!! And they thought that it was natural.

  Thus, they failed. Non reliable world, we call it. They degraded totally. Miyuki would not know the fact at all. Miyuki didn't beleive that YUKARI was addicted. Just a stupid sinistrous sister for me, she was.

  And now, Miyuki realized that idol stupid kinky dull figure turned easily to be our evil enemy. She was predicted to be Miyuki's assasin by her kinky religion. Thus, she came here. And she forgot to do so. Everytime, she forgot. Why I am here?, was her always remarks when she was in the residence in HACHIOJI. And she said, "OK, anyway." And turned to her chaber again to take a rest. Always. And she didn't conceal the forgetfulness at all. Why she is so forgetful? Kinky girl with good memory, now turned to be a hypothetical Alzheimer patient. And Miyuki failed. She was real Alzheimer patient already.

  Too young, everyone thought. however, not at all. Even 19 years old, they are Alzheimer patients. Miyuki got to know that they were too too forgetful. And the system. They did as much as possble, even in the last day of them.

  Now, Cocaine smell again. It means that YUKARI is in high tension. And she forgot her object at all. Anyway, I feel good. It was important for her to feel good. Sexually addicted type she would be. Addicted anyway type. And she is muck, returning to MONOLIS, her nature place with only muck.

  She would be praied there as a kind of muck. They are all muck Alzheimer patients.

  MIYUKI found a lot of resembling faked objests in OFF HOUSE, a second hand shop near Shin-SHIRAKAWA station. A good to know it. MONOLIS is now ready for the distruction. And M&A did the quickest job. Anyway, as soon as possible is better.

  Thus, YUKARI failed. Smoking marifana with her own money is allowed, however, cocaine, not at all. With other's money? Totaly not!!! COCAINE addicted kills their family oftenly because of these reason. Rice selling was so similar to the case Miyuki talked on her lesson in the class on Constitutional Law. GOKUTSUBUSHI case. He would be a kind of addicted, the criminal was, probably, indifferent from the discription on the 100 important jurisprudence on Constitutional Law.

  Alex tried to take advantage of his recognition, and tried to debate with MIYUKI and failed. Already talked matter. Only the concrete price was the theme. And Miyuki already decided the supposed value. Already prepared for his attempt. And he failed again. good to know. He tried to be a threatner. And failed again. MIYUKI stopped after the end of the attempt. Already done. This is important for the debater. Miyuki didn't want to exaggarate the request at all. HARUSAN did so, as an amature debater. Anything she wanted to win, because she lost in the previous game. And Miyuki understood it. Not so intellectual type. They want to be recognized their superiority. however, not in this field, mother. Thus, she failed.

  Today's trip was a bit harsh for her. Miyuki got to know that Shirakawa did wrongdoing, already more than 40 years ago. Just the period of Miyuki's resistence starting to adults. Miyuki is a cute young pupil? Not at all. Plain apperance with a lot of rage agains unfair treatment done by teachers. School master was forgotted by her. Miyuki did remember the name of YOSHIMURA, the schoolmaster of SHIRAKAWA III. Old type strict one. But common as a school master in this local area, she thought. Not so promissive, however, not so bad type. And other? I didn't know well. They were indifferent from our classes. They preached in some occasion like morning meeting on Monday. And have no memory on them.

  Miyuki was too too right to chose the enemy. She instinctively feels who are the wrongodoers. And failed. Your mother failed again. She wanted to sell her again to her responsible???? She wanted to gain money from the informant job????

  Miyuki was too too right to think so. However, YUKARI wanted Miyuki to believe so. However, YUKARI failed again. Miyuki wrote a lot of supposed hypotheses many times, and changed her mind after knowing the reality. Shirakwa's situation was too too terrible to others. Even MORIKO was astonished at the wrongdoings. They continue to attack Sato FAMILY. They didn't want to know the real information to them. They want to conceal the fact forever. Thus, they failed. Again and again. A mount of muck in front of them. And they want to continue to do their dirty jobs. Plants are reluctantly to play the role. They faked them too much. Orange IGYOU??? JISHIBARI is yellow. And so few danilions. And lots of daffodils and tiny HIYACINCIS. Almost gardening products, here and there. And the amenity activities were praise along the riverside. Not ecology, but amenity for DDMs only. Their preference is evident. "We love DDMic culture", against naturalists' view. And made a long skewed river line. And the climate changed. And Miyuki bought a package of MAMAKARI roasted and ate for lunch. Anyway, eatable. Not so delicious she imagined of the name. A delisious fresh fish dishes for fishermen on board. She imagined to cook for them, and praise by them, using her ginger, old one, left in the pocket in case of necessity. Old, however, the clues don't know the fact, and anyway eatable, and they praised the spicy taste.

  And they failed. MAMAKARI was for fishermen, not for common use. And the roasted fish was AJI, a kind of sardine. Not bad one, however, different from row fish rice bowl.

  And now, Miyuki goes to sleep for the morning job. A good to know tha fact. HARUSAN did know her reply, and failed. Why she mentioned at the past. He herself allowed her to lie until certain time. And in the morning, kitchen was occupied with others. Always convenience should be a higher value, they know. And YUKARI occupied it unnecesarily. She disliked others to use the kitchen, because she thought that she were the power holder of the house.

  Kinkiest dreaming girl turned to be a monster, in this period. Miyuki said that she is a mirror of us. Ugly business, she did also. She knew what she did, and the face of downward looking. Always regretful, without any memory. Some wounded cells rememver her past, indifferent from her consciouos, probably.

 Anyway, VANISH! DDMs!!!

 We are going to sleep!!!

Miyuki with ADACHI!!!! Always in a good health, in body and mind!!!
