Rabby & Chinkoro : News Time (13)

2017-04-28 22:51:24 | 日記

28/04/2017 (Friday, evening) Miyuki took a walk as Mary, according to Chankoro's advice. She went to MEGA STAGE area, via Central Post Office of Shirakawa. She made an errand in GYOKU Super market, and danced with a TOBI, a hawk's relative. And watched the actual evilest wrongdoig done by IKKYO believers in the exact site of NANKO forest park. They were cutting the tree now! She was astonished and ordered to cut their own heads with that chainsaw. They deserved to be cut by themselves their own heads. No use at all!!!

  She got to know the mean of the song, "Where are wild flowers?" by Joan Baes. She realized that the wild flours turned not to bloom witnessing the evil doings in front of them, anti-constitutional, inhuman activities IKKYO counterpart in USA.

 Probably, some Christian partisans, they were called. However, just kinky old bugs. In Utah, the mormons, they were called. Miyuki heard a listening tape of Conan Doile, a Sharlock Holmes series.

  They raped the girls of a single father, who were killed in his poverty. And they pledged the revenge against the evil faked religous group. She was induced by faked believers, who pretended to be rich boys. She was not sold by her father, they took advantage of his poverty. he wanted to protect her. And they failed.

  Sharlock Holmes resolved the riddle, and they failed. They made a squad of 4 figures, and raped her. She prayed the revenge, for her dearest father, who had died to protect her.

  They could rape the female believers according to their kinkiest religion. It was came from Egypt, they said. And the male could have several wives each. They lived in a community, isolated from others. Too too strange, others thought, however, they allowed their existance, because they believed that they were not so evil.

  Just a difference of habit, they thought. however, not at all. They were so kinky and established their own erotic world.

  Manmonism, it would be. A religion which believes money as god. Manmonism, however, under the faked appearance of Christianism. And the group was abandoned, and after several decades, they appeared again in the same place.

  Miyuki remembered the resemblance of these types of religion like OOMU-SHINRI-KYO, and Brazilian Drama called "Alem do Horizonte". Beyond the limit, it means. Beyond the limit as a human beings.

  And remembered a novel, written by Brazilian author related to Gene Transforming Experience, Dr.NOU's island type.

  Miyuki thought that it begins with more fashinating amnimal related story and ended up with pseudo scientific fiction. Spooky, in the end, she felt.

  Gene transformation is not prohibitted, they insisted. Oh, why then you don't turn to muck, as when you was concepted?

  for us, FAUNA & FLORA, it is prohibitted. however, for them muck, it is allowed, they thought. And they did for themselves, and failed. Abrupt change would be possible, they were explained. And they took the medicine. Each one should take it once a while. And they did so. And they turned to be muck again.

  Good, your choice. No scientific trick at all. It is called "Return to be yourselves", not gene transformation at all.

  They paid lot to gain their younger body, and quick head. and they thought that they would have gotten it, and they failed. No formula at all. Just believe me, he said. MEGA DEATH, because of it. Many people got in doubt. Why IKKYO figures like to commit suicide so often?

  And they found that in Japan, there is no law to admit their own wrongdoings at the cost of their life. just they system adopted by some companies, especially by insurance companies. And they faile in a body.

  They were not MICCHIKU related at all. Just IKKYO believers. In character, they were common, however, family matters, they were totally different. Thus, IKKYO belivers should pay for their faked MICCHIKU power holders.

 Why they look too shabby and nasty? Probably they were messy miserable ugly IKKYO believers, and didn't know how rich families live in common.

  Faked rich life performed by messy poor existance. It would be called Monky Trick Miserably Ikkyo style faked Dinasty.

  They cut Miyuki's communication with other people, because they thought that it would be good for her. For them, for her, subjectively. Objectively, only for the IKKYO believers and MICCHIKU related.

  Miyuki dislked them both because of their nasty spooky atomosphare. Why they were so unlucky and so jealous, Miyuki thought. because of their luck of resouces, Miyuki got to know. Thus, they failed.

  Miyuki is not rich at all. See the article:

 According to this OMANKO writer called Sumio ITO, the aveledge of monthly income of workers is US$4.5 thousand. And Miyuki eanrs less than that. Lower middle class, she is in.

  She thought that she earned better than others, because she is a professor of law in a versity, and she graduated from the best university in the country, and she has doctral degree of the same versity.

  Oh, my ex-mates earns better than me, she got to realize the fact. She was mesmarised by her versity's staff.

  why they could pay such a high price to others? SUSHI, every dinner, her ex-colleague OOYAMA ate, he said to her. Only dinner, it costed US$30 at least. And per month, it would be US$900 at least. Then lunch and breakfast. US$2.7 thousand, already. And he lived in an luxurious apartment near SHINJUKU. He often watched movies, road show type, which costs US$18 per each.

  Why he can live his luxurious life, while I not?, she felt strongly. And they had failed in a body.

  They could earn money more than she, because she was a dull worker, was their explanation in case of being asked by public agencies. They trained the situation in a body. And they prepared for the D-Day of inspection. The day was informed by others, thus, it was not their problem. however, how they could conceal the fact, which their feeble minds  can not to concealed.

  Faked richness was their keyward,  and Miyuki was trapped again and again.

  Look at the news:

  They are going to foreign countiers. 600 thusand figures, the OMANKO writer said.

  And now, Miyuki si already sleepy. thus, we should stop here in the name of love.

  Diana Loss, it was! She got surprised. And they failed.

  Vanish! DDMs!

  See you in the morning. We are always with you! Form MARC, with big LOVE!