YUKARI's End (132)

2017-04-08 21:12:44 | 日記

The traditional OMANKO writers way's only article:

 Oh, Japan is in the hey day, accoding to them. No industry at all!!! Micchiku Families kill each other, and they live with the insurance income. Population on Japan is lower ten times rather than the formal public information. They killed at the maximum until to their parents and kids. HARADA family is the typical example.

  However, YOMIURI Shimbun said "we are enjoying the second Bubble glory. How nice we are!"

  Crazy idiots, they are!!! All consumers are faked ones, just they were hired as consumers combined with clerks and security members.

  No police exists. Thus, informants inform to the security department, and they wear the police uniform, and play the role of the police!! How degraded they are!!! Private suites they should use! The police uniform means that they should be paied by tax, our precious money. Even faked appearnce could be counted as a publice servant, and we victimes should be compensated by the nation and the local government, both, even according to Mitchiku jurisprudence.

  HYOUKEN ShuGUI, or GAIKEI HYOUJUN SETSU or Shein Theorie, or Appearance weighs 100 % theory, I taught in versities in Tokyo. Establied theory amon Administrative Law professors. Even pimps admitted the theory. Thus, they should pay all for us, common people and FAUNA & FLORA!!!!

  Thus, forgery and faking costed a lot. They continue to pay after their death, continuously, probably, forever. Without knowint, also their responsibility, it is. They are all Alzheimer patients, thus, they couldn't know it. Thus, they should pay, without knowing. OK, YUKARI, you failed at all!!! Your leader KAKISHIMA was the real dumb, by not knowing this obvious theory.

  OMANKO writers should pay also. How idiots they are!!! They can't recognize the difference national economiy and international one. Thus, they say, "Because of ABENOMIX, or Abe's financial policy, dollars increased the value, so the automobil products have been sold well.

  Oh, Mr.Slump, your pet dog leads you!!! You are contempted again and again!!! Japanese policy has power to get your precious money to evaluate more expensive!!! Oh, Abe intentionally induced Dollar increasing situaion. You are totally right, Mr.Slump!!! Abe confessed the fact as you said. Abe controled the monetary balance with the sly unfair way! Dollar is too too expensive intentionally by Abe's sake!!!

  Mr.Slump, you should change your CHIWAWA like pet dog to BULL DOG like Philipine!!! The Philipine is more macho, anyway! Mr.Slump, take your measure, as soon as possible, or you would be contempted forever!!!!

 The real Company OPPABU news. The name is TERUMI-CLUB:

  The failed company's supposed clerks are too too popular among DDMic companies. They want to hire them, because the youth should obey easily to them. The last IKKYOTO, we could call the girls. The most promissive type for old kinky erotic old boys. No any substitute more among DDMic army. Thus, the clerks were precious. Thus, they came to catch the clerks.

  MICCHIKU Family appllaud their brave attitude. Even now, they want to run the OPPABU with the clerks. For them, a kind of necessity. A hunger, they suffer. Thus, for drink, they hired the girls. Milk providers, they are now.

 Even now, DDMs persuit their dream. They want to hold a International Exibition in OOSAKA, in 2025. How audacious:

  They have no limit of intelligence. Any calculation, they can't do. Failed already, however, don't recognize it, and request the maximum disaster for us all!!! Evil wrongdoing, megalomaniac type again. It would cost a lot. OMANKO writers should pay the debt all by themselves.

  Maintainig the system is too too costive, and they don't know it, and write their flamboyant articles again and again, without any feeling of shame. Loop mode type writing here and there. How many writers perticipated in the wrongdoings? They should pay all of the continuous damage forever!!!!

 OMANKO journalits are so vague to express the contents. See this:

  They didn't mention the rate of disemployment at all, and wrote the interest rate only. They couldn't remsume the title, not put the correct topic words at all. how mentally illed, they are!!!

 Now, atomic electric generalor is standing by. According to OMANKO journalists, it would be funcitioning in May. Atomic enegey is now allowed in OOSAKA region. Now, the MITCHIKU world's pivot moved to OOSAKA.

 Last week, it was NAGOYA, and now OOSAKA. They are wondering as like IKKYO betrayers in a smart car. Wandering OMANKO writers should be. And they use the old articles, almost 50 years ago. "Our dream come true, again" type articles are here and there. Alzheimer Patients' like expectation and declaration. They should pay for their dreaming articles.

 In USA, as an index of employment, prediction is more important than the fact figure. And USA workers always are increasing, and never reducing at all. Why? Only more than zero is sufficient situation. However, "only 90 thousand workers' increacing is a negative factor for USA economy." OMANKO writers wrote.

  They faked predict repeatedly, thus, no exact figure at all situation happened in USA. No index, at all. Thus, mass media can do as they like. IDIOCRATIC Mass Media in USA!!! OMAKO-OMANKO writers!!!

  Oh, USA, you like to be big, and the scale of OMANKO Jounalism is also too too big!!! Just we should laugh at their scale!!!

  Faked and faked, and they predict as they like, and the prediction would replace with the previous index. Loop prediciton, they did. And difference between the prediction and the previous prediction is valuable now. USA, you are too too big, even in your OMANKO Journalism!!!

 In Japan, for a long time, local tows have been existing just for nostargic scenery only.

 Shirakawa is also one of them. No industry at all, no pupulation at all. thus, they just give a birth to kill the kid. The habit, in Japan. Terrible, however, the fact. The kids, if they grew up, they kill the parents. Insurance only world.

 I didn't know the fact at all. Never imagined such a cold world at all. We didn't pledge the strange obediency at all!!! I am Miyuki SATO, an independent existance. Far from DDMic YUKARI like figure. I want to live as myself. I want to earn money for myself.

  Family game, they called it. Thus, MICCHIKU families were prevelent in Japan. Only in case of economic difficulty, they are allowed to kill the family members. And the companies could make a contract of insurance as they like at the cost of their employees. And thus, OMANKO writers don's say that we are in the worst in economy. Insurance worked anyway, until the insurance companies vanished. however, all of them vanished. Who would pay the insurance money? No one. Then, why they want to kill their family members? No reason at all, in usual case. Only some kind of hatrid, they believe to kill others. And this assasin because of hatrid was usually prohibitted even among DDMs. And now, after the medical hospitalization cases, they started to compose death squads. And they accepted any offer done by their relatives, or by the others.

  And Miyuki was the target of the others. A lot of reason to compose the death squad for her. She is not obedient at all. Thus, they failed. They wanted Miyuki not to inform the fact at all, however, she started to inform others. And they were revealed that they themselves were the figures who had asked the death squad for her.

  They had some agreement on this point. Miyuki didn't know the system at all. They decided to treat Platinum Tribe, as their side. And they were too too dangerous for them. Thus, they excluded them from the society. And they failed. And Moriko, Okino, and Miyuki were in the safety area, so called. In the hospital, Miyuki thought that what was happening outside, without me. And they killed themselves each other. They ordered assasin of parents as soon as possible. And made a reservation as soon as possible.

  Today, Miyuki recognized an advertizement of SAGAMI Tenrei, or SAGAMI Funeral Ceremony Company near WASHIO supermarket. It says, "We welcome your consult on your families' death preaviously". Oh, predicted death among family members. Just like AOKI.

  and they failed. SAGAMI did the same dirty jobs, as AOKI did. They are the same spooky companies in Shirakawa. for Miyuki, funeral company should be in case of after the death anyway. Not previous consulting type.

  And remembered that her father received some direct mail like advertisement from AOKI company, when she was in jobless situation in 2001 to 2002. They did already dirty jobs, at that time.

  And the strange figure should be OOTAKE, Miyuki got to recognize it. Too too nasty episode, in a common way, in the backyard house, in which Miyuki did work at that time. Oh, he, Miyuki got to understand it. He was a kind of informant of Mitchiku world. A voice, and a tone, Miyuki remembered. She didn't watch his appearance at all. And thought, is he crazy, or Shirakawa is dirty in morality???

  And both, Miyuki got to understand it now. Shirakwa is not only evilest town in Japan. All of Japanese local town are the same situaion. "HINSUREBA DONSURU" or "in case of economic difficulty, they behave like in the most dirtiest way."

  Thus, they did the pledge. Miyuki didn't. Even the existance, Miyuki didn't know. Miyuki is totally ignorant at the matter at all!!! They were astonished. At the matter???? Miyuki should know it.

  Her father should do it to protect his family???? The obedience to their family???? They should do it at least once in a while???? Miyuki is free from it, because she is a liberalist. Liberalist should not know the existance. And didn't know the content at all. A kind of duty, however, they should lose the spirit because of family. Miyuki didn't do it, and not at all for it!!!

 Even in case of some special rare morally required ocasion, families should lose their precious life to save other members of the family, yes. However, not pledge. A kind of intention. In a broad meaning, kindness. And they are protectionists. And they did the pledge. And YUKARI should be excluded type. And she forgot it, and did the pledge. And she was doubly betrayer, now. She should obey to her religious leader Moon Seng Ming, while, she should obey her boss, her mother. And she can't do anything at all. In case, she should die as soon as possible, according to the religion.

  She was a long term betrayer and she forgot the existance. And she remembered sometimes. And forgot sometimes. Alzheimer, she would be, they called it. And she refused to be an Alzheimer patient, also. And she failed and failed and faild.

  She did as she liked, and they disliked her way of life. Too nasty she ejected. Miyuki thought that I would eject some smell, because I am not so hygine oriented type. They know it, and they endure Miyuki's smell. Miyuki's smell is not a so nasty type. Just smelly. However, her smell is rotten and holmarine type. Miyuki feels sometimes in the smell even in the main house. Thus, in the first floor of the main house, no one wants to stay. Only YUKARI's world.

  Miyuki didn't recognize the fact at all, she said. Miyuki is a kind of blind, thus, she was caught. We should know the fact. The fact is, YUKARI did the same pledge several times????

  She wanted to escape from the society, however, she should be obedient to the boss and she was caught by them again and again. each time, she did the pledge, and escaped from the disaster. Then she failed. No limit at all type arrogance, she took. Feeding like a dog, Alex thought, as Miyuki did. And she got to understand that Alex is not a girl as she wanted. And she wanted to play his role as his substitute????

  Now, YUKARI attended to the MITCHIKU public school as his substitute. Anyway, she should know the fact. And Miyuki would be the ideal student for them all????

  Miyuki is too too ignorant anyway, and she did know that always ignorant type. 70% OK type is some kind of forever trainee type. Thus, Miyuki is modest to the superior, in every meaning. To learn, it would be good. However, too too nasty to see obedient Miyuki. Now, they criticise Miyuki. Miyuki is enjoying her role of professional apple polisher, which was gained at Kyorin University. She experienced it for 14 years. Thus, professional. And she changes immediately. Miyuki is too too clever to tame her. Everyone was astonished. And Miyuki said, "I survived by the skill. "Kyorin Surviving game, they called it. And Only Miyuki could do it, they presumed. Todai related should not be. They are too too pride to be Todai related. And they failed. Miyuki's preference is anyway, surviving. Not pride at all. OKINO and MORIKO, also. Thus, they failed.

  Too too messy, the professor is, everyone said. And Miyuki didn't listen to the remarks at all!!! For Miyuki, being herself is much more important. For them, behaving like a lady is the first thing to do. Thus, they failed. Too too kinky requirement to Miyuki. "Be a good girl!" type requirement. Why? And what is the legitimacy to say so? Nothing. Just they thought of it. And the disaster.

  They informed the pupils that she were illed. And in case of the detailed explanation needed, the surgery of the bottom part, they said. And they failed.Not at all! "Oh, MASAKI, I was discharged from medical forced hospitalization. I was caught by 6 squad, and anyway, survived. However, I suffered a lot. " And he got astonished. Again, Auntie type remembering.

  Why now? Again????

  Miyuki was so many times killed by them. Like a South West Park's every week dying personality. They liked to kill Miyuki. A kind of games, they thought. And they failed. If they said the right answer, Miyuki should be killed. And they failed, Miyuki could kill them. And they thought, that Miyuki would not kill their adorable pupils like her beautiful kids. And they were killed at once. Miyuki chose to kill them. And they vanished!!!

 For Miyuki, right or not, it's the matter. Related or not, it's not the matter. Thus, they failed. They believed that Miyuki would kill some evilest ones like some of her hatrid. However, she would allow some of them, they believed. No attection type, they didn't know the fact. Thus, they tried to attack Miyuki again and again. And they understood that Miyuki in really would kill them all!!!! And they vanished.

  All of them remained at all. They should save Miyuki easily, however, they couldn't do so, because they were chikens. They were asked by the police, "Do you know the lady like this? She is a versity professor, however, now she is a criminal. Are you her pupil?" Investigation was done for it. Oh, costive! They believed that it would get points for their income. And they did as they liked and said, "We would appreciate you if you colaborate to our job." Informants they turned to be. And they did the dirtiest jobs. Searching in her house. And locked the door after their jobs. Dirty, anyway. Panty should be fine to search her DNA. And they did the dirty jobs, and returned them for the sake of their safety. For them, searching is a kind of a joke, and stealing is the dirty job. Just a DNA, but a DNA. Thus, they failed. They did the job, to sue Miyuki because of panty using????

  for them, the panties were hers, not Miyuki's?????

  Miyuki is going mad, YUKARI said, and asked to others to help YUKARI to do the dirtiest job. Only one calling is enough for the dirtiest job. Revenge, they called it. And she did, in the kinkiest way. Said so, "Oh, I am a kind of Alzheimer sister of Miyuki. I am irresponsible. I want to kill her anyway. Please do the job, as soon as possible."

 She should be incapable, and made her Alzhmeimer story. And she provided it by the net. And Miyuki would like to know that YUKARI was already killed in spirit. And DDMs use her skin bag. A kind of. She is not a human being. She should vanish, anyway.

  She was just a fragile idol idiot. And turned to our big burden. And she felt so nasty with the visiting of 3 oclock in the morning. "Abe Koubou" they thought it. A writer in 1970s????

  Miyuki couldn't presume the sign at all. Abe means a kind of joke. Koubou means a kind of joke????


YUKARI's End (131)

2017-04-08 17:27:30 | 日記

08/04/2017 (Saturday, afternoon) I made a Mimosa salada with ruccola, onion, stewed canned tomatoe, and TOMBURI. And macaroni with white sauce. A nice Italian lunch, full of green vegitables. A satisfactory dishes for Spring lunch.

  Tomburi is a local TOUHOKU seeds, with the touch of Cavia!!! The flavour is totally different, while, tongue feels the small opium seeds like smooth gell bubble touch. Good to add on fermented soy beans, salad, salty pickled vegitables. Soysauce is combined with the seeds.

  I bought the package at US$0.3 yesterday, because the emeritus date is today. A good choice to buy some quick use foods with low prices.

  I took a work to buy some interesting ingredients. I bought canned coconut cream, raisins, chiaseeds, kinuas, amarancas at DAISO store. The latter 3 are packages of birds foods, which we can eat also. I made a plan to make some soft dangos covered with them. Now the cherry blossomes near my Auntie's house are ready to blooming. In Japan, there is a tradition to eat foods under the cherry blossoms. And DANGO is a typical food for this kind. Thus, I will make Japanese  sweets to enjoy the beautiful spring scene! Probabaly, next week, they will bloom, we are sure!

  In SHIRAKAWA, a spooky event for night cherry blossom watching called "HARUKA" is now realized in NANKO or South Lake. Without Cherry blossam, the DDMs in this town celebrate the cherry brossom blooming. Highly DDMic preference!

  And I bought a package of chicken tigh portly at BENIMARU, in Showa-machi. 4 legs cost US$1.5. Expensive, however, I decided to make TOMUYAKUKUN modified version with these chekin leggs. Lemon chilly sour soup in Thailandese style. I like shrimp TOMUYAMUKUN, and now I tried to cook it with chekins.

  Lemon Chicken is also good. I read a guide book on NY writen by an American author, and liked the expression of Chinese Lemon Chicken experience. I tried to make it in the oven. And failed. They, delicious however, lemon flavour dissapeared. And learned that Lemmon should be used after being cooked, not in the middle of cooking. Lemon juice should be used with their not heated condition. Thus, I applied this rule to the next chance and to the other lemmon dishes.

  Lemon and citrus include Vitamin C, and this vitamin is easy to break with heat. Thus, the flavour of it loses easily with heating. Thus, I gained a lot from my failure.

  And I have 3 HIROSHIMA ball like yellow lemmons now and I would use a half of one for the Thailandese dish.

  Legs have bones. It makes a delicious extract for the soup. And Remembered that YUKARI disliked chicken bones as much as fish. Bones, she hates.

  And strengely, Kyorin staff hated the bones. Why? For them, nasty things. Probably, they have some nasty experience with bones. Skeltons, probably.

  I don't know why, however, in HASEGAWA hospital, a kinky patient shouted loud that "Here come skeltons!!! Help!!! They kill me! Help!!!", during an all night. And then, she lost her voice. Why Skeltons were so terrible for her?

  For me, a kind of Scientific human body's model. Not so nasty one. My body seems like skelton, I myself think so. Why the DDMs dislke bones so much???

  Beautiful, in some esthetic veiw point. Why they avoid skeltons? Bone eating is good for health. Especially to build a good shaped body. My mother usually bought chiken legs, because the cost performance is so good. I prefer tigh, rather than under knee part. However, I buy both, depending on my wallet.

  And this morning, I got to know that YUKARI really thought that my wallet were hers!!!! Alex asked her, "Where is US$10 note? I searched it in the office as you instructed, however, I couldn't find it. Tell me, Auntie!" And I got to know that she allowed to give "my US$10" as her property. She thinks that my money were hers, even my wallet is not hers. She easily said to my kids, "You can use your money as you like, because you are her kids." And she taught how stole my money. She suggested the place, and they found, and took some of US$10 notes, as they liked. And she said OK to them. Thus, they failed. Their system of wrongdoing. And they wanted to continue to rob from me, and failed. Today, my wallet was beside me in the bed, and Alex couldn't take it at all.

  Thus, they all failed. Thieves, they are. Intentionally, in case of Alex. And YUKARI was a trainer of the theif. They earned a lot together from me. And I didn't know the fact at all. Just I deduced it. Now, Alex how he pretends? He should face with his Gods of Justice.

  They said, "If you want, you could do it. however, in our rule, it is called stealing jobs. How should you do? Now you are revealed as a thief. You should try to show your sincerity to her. how? You should think highly well."

  And he failed. He didn't face to his Gods of Justice. Until now, he was a good boy, not at all! And now, he is an evil one. How he should do, Alex????

  Miyuki is too too clever not to accuse him in this time. He would know how to behave. And his choice should be rightous. And he would do a good job.

  My mother listened the conversation between them. And got to know what happend before in HACHIOJI and in SHIRAKAWA. Alex stole, when he felt necessity. And his evil Alzheimer Auntie allowed to do so. Thus, my mother brought him to make an errand to Beisia store. Alex found that the price of foods are different in HACHIOJI. And found that MIYUKI did washing jobs already. No necessary for them to pay for washing. She can do as she likes, and only foods she pays for them.

  The system would work, probably. She said to ALEX, you did the stealings, as many times as you liked. And Gods of Justice did know it, already. And Miyuki did know well, Alex. And you should pay for her.

  Thus, he asked Miyuki on his debt of US$165. Miyuki is already to pay it. She is ready to pay so. Now, his turn.

  Thus, Alex failed. He should get cold, because of his nasty attutude. Auntie was too too easy to understand the system, however, Miyuki is different. For her, stealing jobs, and for his grand mother, also. And he is now in bed, thinking of how he should do.

  Miyuki laughted at his cheap way to conceal the fact. Threatening and re-robbing. Audacious!!! Only wrongdoers can do it type evil conduct, he did. Thus, he should be punished.

  Today, he got sick because of his nasty dirty work. It would be fine for him to understand that the life with Auntie how expensive costs. US$300 thousand or more!!!! She lost her money at once, and bought another for him, and failed.

  This is the system. A kind offer of Auntie for Alex. I will make your tumb under my tumb. Alex disliked it!!! How terrible! I am young! Only 15 years old! And I am not Alzheimer patient like you, Auntie!!!

  And Auntie failed. She wanted to pay some big one like a IKKYO cemetery. And failed. Today, Miyuki didn't see IKKYO cemetery at all. She was thinking of something, and forgot to see it. Oh, I didn't see IZUMI-san's brother's house, either. And found that HIMAWARI Kindergarden existed there. the road sigh was a proof. And they failed.

  HIMAWARI kindegarden? Not at all, they refused the existance. ???? A slope with a castle wall like block. Where it is, IZUMI-san asked her brother and his wife. They said, "Nothing at all. No kindergarden near here. "Thus, they failed. Too too strange, IZUMI-san, thought. The kindergarden, we knew well. Why not now??? And Miyuki took a lot of pictures here and there. And she got to know, it was there. Miyuki did know it, because she was indicated to put her kids to enter into by a public clerk.

  And she felt strange. WAKABA is nearer than HIMAWARI. Why HIMAWARI was said to be near to her house????

  We don't know why the municipality has been functioning, however, HIMAWARI was too too strange place for me. Old and dangerous. Only some well knowing the place could put the kids to enter in. Terrible to educate them!!!

  And got to know, that in SANBONMATSU, there was no kindergarden at all now. No kids, forever place. No man's land.

  Strange, Miyuki thought. Only some houses were lighied on. and today, under cloudy sky, no house was lighted. Why???

  And found that the mountains were cut again. A small hill was totally damaged by newly done wrongdoing. Formidable. And found that the name of the sacred was 三峯神社 or MITSUMINE Shrine. No big tree at all there. Only an old sign stone. They did the wrongdoing even now.

  And Miyuki found that the vast space of the south part of RAIZIN or Thunder God Mountain is almost bald now. And the heavy duty vehicle, located in front of the side, called TAKAYAMA SHOJI, or 高山商事, vanished. They did the last wrongdoing as dying message.

  Today is a confession day, for DDMs, Miyuki thought. Thus, Alex said the question in a loud voice. He should treat his consciousness more carefully. Thus, he was scolded by her grand mother. Miyuki earned yes, however, she wants you to be economically clever boy, Alex. Like you Auntie, you want to be? Not, at all, OK, Alex? You should know how important to work. Your Auntie is a kind of thief, as you feel. She doesn't work, and does nothing during a day and a night. And she suffered from Alzheimer disease. You are just like her, Alex, now. Thus, you should be punished severely.

  Nasty ending, he said. And Miyuki is too too good to wait for his brave attitude. He should be punished by his other wrongdoings, also. High School faking jobs, they did. There is no School at all!!! Vanishing. And Miyuki is indifferent from the situation. It should be. No education at all! Too too evil to educate the kids, in a wrong way.

  Miyuki decided to win in the Exam War, by her own intention, because she felt that the war was a chance for her, a kind of exam worrier. And did as much as she could, and now, failed. Just a doctral digree, we think, and Miyuki likes to show it, as a proof of failed education. She is so honest at all!!! Some kind of "I made an effort to be a somebody, anyway" type proof. Now passing the past with idol faked working type proof. It is enough for me.

 For them, all of their efforts were qualified as a failure, however, for her, a kind of proof, anyway. A kind fo being a human being. Without it, I am really nothing. However, just like, "Oh, I had my own company before, however, it failed. It happens, sometimes" type experience.

 They thought that doctral digree holders should want to maintain educatinal system, anyway. And they failed. Miyuki didn't want it at all!!! Especially, evil sistem, it was qualified. Thus, why the schools should exist?

  A kind of joke, they did. In front of Shirakawa Station, there are sevral buildings with the plates of Advertizement like 尚志学園、or SHOUSHI School, 国際介護専門大学付属高校 or High School attached to Experts' Versity for International Care Taking, and so on. What???? Miyuki got astonished. A joke? Many of Alex's school mates in Junior high entered into the SHOUSHI SCHOOL, however, they were only some rooms beside some beauty saloon or bars. Do you believe it????

  SHOUSHI School says, "We provide units and remote education system." Oh, no school type, either!!! Like HOUSOU Versity proveded by NHK, which welcomes any candidates at all!!! No limited for some superior ones at all!!!

  OOYAMA said that he was a lecturer of the Versity for summer concentrated schooling. And he said that "A kinky old lady asked him on her evil son, who stole some objects in her own house, and what should she did. I explained her that there is an article on the relative stealing previlege. If she doesn't want him to be punished, she could apply the article. Just a trifle, my pupils ask, and they are all old and kinky ones." And they failed.

  Broadcasting system, they called. Miyuki didn't know the system at all. They have no brain, thus, they just felt and did as they liked. Instinct and impulse, they responded. Like YUKARI, in spring season. And now, Alex did the same attitude. Sprind dashing as always. YUKARI liked to move so quick to show off, and failed. She forgets what she should do easily.

  And Miyuki did her onw jobs, easily. Wathing clothings of the family. Not a difficult job, anyway. Just a switch on, and put the clothings on the bar and hunger fooks, in the veranda. Not a messy job, at all.

  In winter, a bit nasty, however, the corredor in the second floor is a substitute. And now in Spring, a kind of amusing job. Why they thought that it were a nasty job?

  Miyuki liked to work outside. And now her age!!! Outside workers, we call it. Grimm fantasy, Miyuki thought! Picnic like Hensel and Gretel!!! Delicious Bread, Cheese, and wine!!! Good lunch time!!! Some sweets, also!!!

  Miyuki likes to eat outside. Sometimes, walking. Cool! Busy, but should eat type expression. Miyuki likes to cook, and eat outside. And BBQ should be a fun!!! Riverside would be fine for the objective. For DDMs, eating outside is a kind of messy habit. However, for Miyuki, a kind of amusing enjoyable pleasure. The air would make dishes delicious!!! Smells!!! Fruits, I would like to cultivate!!! And some herbs!!! For Italian cooking, of course!!!!

  Miyuki liked Basil leaves so much, and asked his father to cultivate it in his field. And faild. A nasty smell, for he, during the first period of Alex's arriving. Not at all!!! Sorry, abandon it all in once! I would vomit with the smell! Too too sorry, however, I can't live with the smell!!! Sorry, mother, I know that I myself asked to cultivate it, however, I felt so sick with the smell! Almost she cried!!!

  It happened. Always someting happened with Miyuki's request. She is a kind of troublemaker. Why she? Always. She likes to be a liberal, however, after her going out, always something happens. Why? Someone calls to YUKARI that Miyuki is now dying or so. how nasty!!! YUKARI said so, and she failed. Just dreaming, she should say. And now, she couldn't recognize the difference between dream and the reality.

  Thus, we should too too be cautious againt her. She took as she likes, and forgets as easiest as she likes. Terrible. However, better than BLA-BLA-BLA. And she got relaxed with knowing that she is not obliged to wash the clothings.

  Too too easy jobs, which even she should participat in type job. however, she should know the limit. She didn't put any detergent at all, because she liked to wash them twice or three times. Alex said so. You should wash your face three times a day, probably. Or you can get up, from your dellirium. And she started to wash the clothings three times a day.

  She made a lot of mistakes, and never accepted the fact at all. Perfect, she should be, we all thought. And she declared that I am a householder of this family. You should retire from your work, mother. And she failed. She couldn't do anything at all. Cooking, miserable. Washing, expensive and time consuming. And cleaning, not at all. Just to fake vacuum cleaning. And she was accused to pay for her lies. Now her time was fading. And she should do it. You have money Auntie. You should pay the debt. Miyuki not at all. She prepared her money to pay my debt, however, you lost. You bet that Miyuki forgot or faked to forget by all meaning. and they failed. MIYUKI has already prepared for it. However, no request, thus, she always is ready to pay for it.

  Their intention, Miyuki thought. Not by me. I am ready for it, by all means. They should approach for it.

  And they failed. Miyuki was a kind of mistery for them all. Thrifty, anyway. And agreed to pay for his son, because she should do so. Why not???

  Alex thanked her way to be cool. Not at all, not so difficult thing. I am ready to pay for it. And she didn't say "Oh, Alex, thus, I should do so now..." with her initiative. As you like, type.

  He wanted to buy some clothings, however, HARUSAN promised him to buy for him. Thus, Miyuki can keep it for him. As you like, Alex. You can choose it. Not so difficult. I am ready to do so. Just it.

  Alex gained a lot, because of Miyuki's way. He didn't need to pay for his outfit. And he liked to date with his grand mother. Anyway, she gifted me, not my expenditure at all!!!

  And she liked to choose for him. Anyway, I can wear type also. Alex is not good at this situation. Any clothings with his size should be good. And got to know that Big Boy gains sometimes. Second hand lether jacket! He said, "Wow! My type! The reak leather, like a air force member! Only Big Boy could wear it type!!! The price is a bit expensive, however, better than usual ordinal normal boy type. Anyway, only one jacket should be worn all year round!!!"

  I know the situation. I myself was so, when I was a child. Convenience combined with coolishness. Cheap ones were not suitable for the system. Just some select ones. Thus, he failed. He wanted to have, and her grand mother said to him, "You should buy it with Miyuki. She would prived your money, anyway."

  And he asked if she had or not. I have. OK, as you like. A bit expensive. and I hope the price would get down, however, your choice. You decide. I should pay for the debt anyway. Thus, I am ready for paying it. Don't worry.

  Miyuki's coolness comes from liberalism. As you like, is her position. Withing the limit, anything is OK, for her. And they failed. Too too expensive, they thought. And Alex would like to gain a lot. OK, as you like. If you need or want, say me. I will provide you.

  CHIASEEDS costed more than US$6 in everywhere in Hachioji and in SHIRAKAWA. Now US$1. Miyuki waited the price down. Miyuki is interested in the new flavour, presumably. However, too too expensive. And it would get down someday. And now, cheaper than US$1. Almost nothing situation. Who would buy such an expensive unique food, Miyuki thought. However, almost one year, the price was kept in high. Why? Too too late to represent the reality.

  And DAISO got a note!!! You should do it! Miyuki lost a reliance on SHIRATAMA powder. Now, she would lose the confidence on your shop all!!! Thus, they started to buy the food, in the cheapest way. From the pruducing country. Peru, the package said. And the other KINUA from Peru and Bolivia. They produce? Anyway, good. KINUA, already tested in NZ. A kind of original weat like salada suitable foods. Probably, as a kind of spallow weat's substitute, it would be used, she thought.

  And the end of the end of the end of the end of the end.......of the DDMic ruling. They commited a lot of errors, even now. Constructions. They wanted to change the mood, they said. Why they cut the trees so easily??? And the old knife on the road side. For which use???

  Miyuki took a picture of it. To cut the cherry? To cut Miyuki? And the road closed for the passengers for the sake of the Event called "HARUKA". Without cherry blossomes, they would hold it???

  Too too spooky omneous poster advertisement here and there. Like a dying message.

  Today, at first, there were no cars at all, perfectly. However, when Miyuki started to walk, cars appeared as if they were saying, "We are yet hear, even now!" And they failed. Why now? Miyuki thought. And found some strange faced old ladies in a car. Ugly. And passengers were ungly, too. Why? And unnecessary garded tree tremming with a lot of gardeners.

  And several kids, pretending to be kids like existance intentionally. Fake, they are. And in DAISO, considerably many DDMs were there. Why? And empty packages, Miyuki did see.

  In a house along the HEBIISHI road, there was a house, with a lighted room. In front of the house, there was two cars. One car had a opened trank, in whtich, the cooking tools were arranged as if that the car were a shelve. And the room were filled with stacked papers. Public office fake, Miyuki thought. And they couldn't recognize the difference between car and stacking room. Wow!!!

  Thus, they drive in smart cars. They think that they were at home. Moving home??? They are accustomed to live like that. They were wondering tribe, because of being chased by their religious leader Moon Seng Ming. Thus, they needed a lot of cleaning facilities. Betrayers only world, they lived. Thus, a lot of betrayers should be disposed by their own bosses. And the process was delayed a lot, because the bosses wanted to earn by their forgiving. And the bosses also failed. Thus, they failed at all.

  And Insurance chasers? Too too nasty to know that they vanished already. Only one system, they adopted. And YUKARI got the prize of her closest position to Miyuki's family. She should be only one existance as our representative, and they bet and failed. All of the other family members refused her existance. Even YUKARI lied, they all knew that MIYUKI is the enemy no.1 of them all.

  Miyuki said clarely, everytime, she had a chance. And they respected her decision. Too too cool to declare so. Anyone wants to rule the world, however, she did only one thing, "The world is yours, FAUNA & FLORA! This is your world. You should reign here as legitimate power holders. We respect your orders." And she confirmed the declaration again and again.

  Miyuki is too too clever to get to know that the lurk failed. OK, Mr.James Covern, you failed. Your sense of ethtetics is not good anyway. TOHOHO, at this point. Probably, birds are not so good at this matter. Material selection. Nice try, guys, we appreciate your attmpt, anyway!

  And got to know that DDMs faked their songs, as a spring faking. Nasty. And Miyuki remembered that in several important JR stations, the birds call was used for some attention calling. Tweet tweet for intrance of kids, and singing bird when the trains were coming. Why? Miyuki was in wonder.

  Now, we understand. They faked the seasons. Only one season, they wanted to establish. Cold winter, like NARNIA, reigned by Lilis. They are the same. Muckqueen!!! Steve, you too!!!

  TOMOCHI would cry for the expression. However, we couldn't suggest the metaphor, anyway.

  Cold Monolis, we were turning. NARNIA, written by C.S.Luis was stolen and forgery. In the end, only PEGGIE, a DDMic girl was saved, and the most rightous ones died by traffic accidents. Too too nasty ending for the series. It would not be. Some evil DDMic female did the dirty work, we thought. Or, C.S.Luis failed and did OPPABU with his young lover????

  And they failed. Miyuki deduced too too harsh for them. Writers did get upset to her presumption. however, the end was too too nasty. Why they? The most nasty flamboyant idol DDMic candidate servived, as if, the reality were in favour of DDMs.

  Why? Not like a fantasy with high quality. They most moralists pupils should die for justice, while, the evil side gained???? Why he wrote like that? Melancholy? However, we should tell the truth to future generation. Melancholy is your own matter. As a professional writer, you should send yell to rightous boys and girls. Why you didn't do that? You said as if, "death is for justice, while life for DDMs." Why you failed, C.S.Luis????

  MORIKO wanted to know it, and thought that he suffered from Alzheimer disease, and made a big error. Impossible type. Enemy and Friends changing fenomenum, it should be called. The last stage of DDMs. Thus, they all failed.

  For them we were friends, anyway. Thus, for them, "why they were so harsh for us? We are good friends. Why you are so cold now???" type questions, here and there. They are reluctant to treat her as an emperor of her own world. Sobstory turned to be a laughing story, they said. By her own will, she intentionally suffered from the disease. Why we should treat her like that? She is nothing. And harmful. Even in her sleeping, she is a nasty fellow. Dreaming, and saying strange, which makes us nervous. Her dreaming is so so affective. She should leave here as soon as possible. She should be hired by Tokyo University in the end. Miyuki said so. Good for her departure. And NAKAGAMI would help you to live with. RIKKYO is a kindest unviersity in Japan, they would think so. NAKAGAMI is calling you, YUKARI. Good to know, YUKARI. NAKAGAMI is your level. Don't be afraid of her. She graduated from RIKKYO and leaned at Graduate School at Tokyo Versitly. Miyuki's cham. Don't worry. Easy going type. She is so so forgetful like you, YUKARI. And you can BLA-BLA-BLA as she. You are even. good pair. You would be a bit younger, however, NAKAGAMI is a bit younger than Miyuki. Thus, it would be easier for you two. NAKAGAMI is waving her hands now to you!!! She says, "Hey, common, now the ship is departing. The last chance! Only one chance to be a proffessor of law at Tokyo University!!! You should be qualified as the best professor in the world!!! YUKARI, your BLA-BLA-BLA is for the sake. Now, you are so helpful for them alll!!!"

  And they are going. Good to know, YUKARI? You are too heavy to leave. Now, you are in the suitable weight. Now you can be a kind of the best category for DDMs. Their ideal shape, she gained. Good!!! Congratulations!!! YELL for two!!! Hurry up!! You should be the last one to the ship boading!!! Hurry up! Run, anyway!!!!

  And they are going now. Monolis is now ready to be exploded. Too too long time, they consumed. Just an explosion, they took 5.6 billion years. And they were killed completely!!!!

  Miyuki & ADACHI is in hunger. We would eat our special Thilandese dinner.

  Wait for a while. We will back to write more our discovery repport!!!