Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (329)

2017-12-07 18:57:22 | 日記
07/12/2017, Thursday, cold, fine

-At 18:58

Hi, Rightous Brothers! Miyuki is now moving, and she is moving to the hut without electricity. Thus, it is difficult to write this blog in the actual way. However, she would continue to write our blog, as much as possible, in different way, of course!

Thus, don't worry, and you would soon see Miyuki and her team mates in our blog!

See you soon, as always, in our blog! We are all with us all! We are good team mates!
Our team leader of Plants Army Robin the Cool Mind already came with her to the hut, and he left some inferiors in the south courtyard for monitoring job. Miyuki also visits the south courtyard, as much as possible, because she has obligtion to accomplish the pledge with plants, including weeds.

She found some good spaces for Herb Garden, Rose Garden, Bean Field, and some trees, in Chesnut Hill. Thus, some guys in the south courtyard would come to there. Alredy, a bunch of garlic came, and he is putting up with the coldness of the hill.

So many cases happened during Miyuki's absence in this blog writing, however, she would write all of them, so soon.

Anyway, she is now chased by satanic side, and her neighbour TAKEMORI family is one of the evilest one in this region. And they are all Alzheimer enhancing mode guys!!! Thus, dn't worry, however, please assist us, as much as possible, as usual. We help each other, and we are kind enough to do so.

Thus, see you soon, Rightous Brothers! We are all here, so so near to your heart!!!!

VANISH! DDMs!!! They are so ugly nasty bitches!!!!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (328)

2017-12-02 20:16:03 | 日記
02/12/2017, Saturday, cold, fine, all day

Miyuki went to Chestnut Hill, and her hut floor wiping job. Done, almost 100%, thus, now, time to bring her objects into the hut!

She now uses her special "Snail Big Back Pack, made of genuine leather, bought at San Tiago de Chille, at Public Market." Good leather only shop, Miyuki found. And she bought so many leather goods, including two cowboy hats, and they were stolen by satans...Good brown one and anotehr dark brown one. SANKIN contributors, the Alzheimer ladies, in the main house!!!

Anyway, her "Snail Bag" is so big, and so nice! Just size for Miyuki, thus, as if he waited for Miyuki's arrival at Public Market, Miyuki thought!

Good qualitied leather, only. It is so rare even in Latin America. She relies on the quality of the shop, of course! Near "Versaile Palace like toilet" or Center Park of San Tiago. You should visit there! You would find so many good leather goods, genuine cow and ox leather type!!! Leather products lovers should visit the shop!

A robust middle aged lady, reliable guy, would attend you! Curled black hair with slightly dark skin westerner, she is! Miyuki offered a discount, and she agreed, and she bought so many goods only at US$300 in total! Oh, I would visit the shop one more time!!!! All leather, only! Genuine! No faked artificial leather! Confirmed type!!!

Thick dark brown leather big bag, it is, and no brand mark at all! Thus, she liked so much. Probably, some guy, individually, made it manually, and it is so functional, at the same time, so so cool, and simplest design! Thus, my line!!! And it seems like snail's shell, on Miyuki's back. Thus, with this bag, Miyuki turns to be "Miyuki, the Snail!" or MIYUKI TSUMURI, thus, moving mode Miyuki, she turned to be now!

And, Miyuki recognized today that Oh, also this time, rat chasing sound came to her. The earthquake like tunnel Missile like shaking of these days, is it! Oh, thus they yelled, Chinkoro King, now ordered his whole Rat Tribe to go forward to save our beautiful universe!!! Thus, Miyuki is moving now!!!

As much as possible, she doesn't want to buy anything, however, she wants to enjoy each seasonal or special events. Thus, today, she bought some special products for them.

Sliced Olives in glass bottle : US$2 from Italy
Prezzels, 10cm middle size : US$1.3 from USA
Lense Beans, canned type : US$1.2 from Italy

And to continue her job during day time without returning to the office, she bought cheese at US$1 of KOUBE. And Miyuki planned to collect some special delicious foods for herself and for her team mates, in this way:

If she finds some interesting or suitable products at reasonable price at shops, she buys them and stocks them in the hut, and she, sometimes eat, and, sometimes, especially soon before the party, she checks the date of expiration, and offers them, which are near to the date, to the next party, and we consume, and she buys substitutes instead. A chain cycle to be party organizer, forever type.

Thus, good idea, every guy apploused!!! Oh, how thrifty, and reasonable, and how cheerful!!! Chinkoro King likes her so much, up to her thriftiness!!! Thank you, Chinkoro King!!!

Today, Chinkoro king passed a bit melancholid time... He gained the role of Lolita, in "Cat's People" easily, because the director also targetted him only. And he posed, and the poster was already put. And so many guys stole the posters, in each site. So popular, and it was so liked by every guy!

And, Oh, Chinkoro King, you are stupid today. He was trapped, and agreed to perform another film called "愛のいい子だ!”or AI-no-IIKO-da!" or "Good girl, so lovely one!" directed by Naguisa OOSHIMA, again!!!

This is his third "AI-no" series. First, AI-no-Colida, the second, AI-no-Ricorder, and the third, this AI-no-IIKO-da. And his instruction was simple as always, in short, "Just in your own natural way, Cute Girl, Chinkoro KING!", and his one day, so so private common one, was filmed, and was put the title above.

Just a Disney Animal Movie, in short. However, he is so so cute in the film, thus, whole universe wants to see this film, and the way of viewing was different from Road Show type. Two in one type! And Miyuki remembered this type as 日活ロマンポルノ or NIKKATSU Romantic Pornografic films series.

In FUNABASHI, so near to the exist of JR station, there was a big cinema only for pornography type. She remembered that on the advertisements, thus, she knows "Female Prisoner, Scorpion no.28" of Meiko KAJI.

And so many PACHINKO shops were near the cinema, where, on her grand mother's back, Miyuki visited, when she was ZERO age.

Oh, thus, I can't speak in polite Japanese, when I visit FUNABASHI town...Miyuki recognnized. So so vulgar mode only, there. Even with her SARUSHI wear, she can't speak correct NHK mode Tokyo diarect at all! Just as in her inner side, exists magnet like strongest prohibittion to use polite NHK language. Too too strong, thus, she can't resist the order of prohibittion!

Thus, Miyuki imaged, that, if she were called to talk on Funabashi, in any culture hall, on serious political matters or legal study, probably, she can't talk in polite way, and the audience would get upset at her vulgar way of saying...Shame! After 30 years of study, her speaking would be worst poor guy mode only, in short...

Nasty, however, so so strange fenomenum. Thus, in Shirakawa, she can speak in Tokyo languages and others, except Shirakawan one. Just contemptious way, she can use it, in the most shortest frases.

Language problem, Miyuki suffered mentally, when she was so so tiny. Strange, however, understandable. A kind of TRAUMA inside the brain. No reason, however, happens sometimes. 江戸っ子 or EDOKKO is Tokyonean, in vulgar type. They can't speak NHK language at all. Thus, a bit nasty for others. Tokyoneans can't speak Tokyo standard mode, in short. Oh, old shopkeepers were like that, Miyuki remembered!!!

The same. Some nasty prohibittion inside their brain. They all understand that it would be better talking in both, however, they can't...Strange fenomenum.

So so strong to syntonize the local accent, probably. Genius Loci's naughty act, Miyuki thinks. A kind of. however, they are free from such an accusation. Only inside. Not outside matter.

Too too difficult to resist againt it. Thus, we can't speak NHK language in the most suitable occasions. Nasty, however, we can't run away from the situation.

BEICHOU or 米朝 feels that also. KAMIGATA language, or OOSAKA-KYOUTO-KOUBE area only language, he uses. And in Tokyo? Tokyonean, he was. However, KAMIGATA only. Forgotten? No. He can, however, can't with Tokyoneans!!!

Tuning change is necessary, yes, however, it is so difficult in some times.

In Miyuki's case, in her earliest stage, her language field of the brain was put vulgar FUNABASHI mode. Thus, already FUNABASHI diarect talker, as her standard language model, and even after her moving at 3 years old to SHIRAKAWA, she can't learn Shirakawan, exactly.

Alex and Clare don't speak Shirakawans, generally speaking. Their first dialect was learned inside the house, thus, mostly, in non Shirakawan, mixed Japanese dialects or near standard NHK type.

They were prohibitted to talk in Shirakawans, probably, by HARUMI, like Miyuki's case. HARUMI contempted Miyuki, when HARUMI recognized that Miyuki attempted to talk in Shirakawan diarect, intentionally.

Contemption is the most powerful tool to control others, yes. Some guys, who is really honour oriented type, would be killed by contemptions, yes. And the kids were treated just like Miyuki, on this matter.

And YUKARI, also. Urban type, they wanted to have, thus, they were brought up like that. For Miyuki, as they liked, and Miyuki only passed Subdays in Shirakawa, thus, not so interested in their diarects.

However, sometimes, Miyuki laught at their way of Shirakawan diarect, and she herself showed the way to say so, immitating the pronunciation. Diarect is interesting! So many different way of saying are in each region, was Miyuki's basic attitude. Like ENKA's KOBUSHI!

Miyuki laught at the kids' KOBUSHI using, spontaneous type, for kids' song. Humming like song, they sang with KOBUSHI skill, without notice. Oh, their grand father influenced so much! A kind of music education of ENKA, they learned, already!

Kids cute song with ENKA skill! Thus, shocking combination for her, thus, she laught at the fenomenum! Clare recognized it, and she got conempted so much...Sorry, however, I couldn't put up with laughing!!!

Nasty, however, the fact. Only old guy type music, however, the SEMI-Blood looking guys sang in this way. Thus...ENKA kids song singers, they were, at the past. And now? Miyuki doesn't know well. Anyway, we can immitate ENKA song, yes!!!

Miyuki is safe now from their accusation. They, the Alzheimer ladies, recognized how they did wrong for us all!!!

Alex wanted to live with them in Tokyo, he said so clearly, and they recognized that they were so stupid to say so. They planned to do so with others' money, after the guy's death. Miyuki was one of the candidate, and her father was another. They wanted to succeed the property and capital all, after his death. Sighs, however, they are like that.

And now, No Man's Land, at least, in Shirakawa. For Miyuki, praying other's death is out of mind, and goddamnit prohibitted act, in short. However, for them three, so common, and each guy pursued for their dream based on the supposed succession.

The commom purpose was living in Tokyo. 音羽 or OTOWA was liked by them, and it was explained as IKEBUKURO or 池袋 to Alex, because OTOWA was not known to him. Thus, they had a league to live in Tokyo in the near future. It means that they wanted to kill us two.

Thus, the end of the story. Miyuki hates this type. Unhappiness chacers, they are! And they should be killed immediately!

YUKARI is abnormal, and she was allowed to stay in the main house without working for more than 30 years. And according to her, she is always busy to work for the kids, because of their stupid irresponsible parent called MIYUKI. Thus, hatred only against MIYUKI. I couldn't get married because of the kids, she claimed now, every day.

Oh, get married at you like! You had lot of chance to do so! And you has, also! How about Yuuji KOISO?

Thus, the end of YUKARI, again. She wanted, however, she couldn't. Thus, she turned to be Alex chaser, instead of ideal husband, in her real life.

However, Miyuki thinks that according to MICCHIKU theory, when Alex was born in 2001, YUKARI was already over 30, thus, no chance to get married. And HARUMI disliked to hear on marrige of YUKARI or MIYUKI at all, as always. Not me, by your old mother, YUKARI, you lost chance.

Thus, the end. Alex did know well that HARUMI is super jealous on others, in sexual behaviours. She is frustrated old crazy cruel torturers, and bahaves as if she were some pure Sanata Maria!!!

She herself talks on bottom words, does pooh in front of others, however, she accused others, if they do the same as she! Terrible unilateral accusation was done by her, as always. Thus, Miyuki wanted to live away from her. Nasty attacker, and she obliged others to be free from any sexual behaviours!

She is peeping Tom, and popped out to watch Miyuki's cloths changing

Alex was attacked by YUKARI now. HE was in the toilet, and HARUMI got out from the bath room, and soon, YUKARI came to the office, and knocked the door of the toilet, and yelled, "Alex, now the bath room is empty. You should take a bath, immediately!" in a loud voice. Alex dashed out of the toilet, and replied in his most slowest way, "Yes, Ma'dam!"

Theatorically obedient mode was adopted for Alex. And YUKARI, got satisfied, refrained from the office.

Probably, HARUMI was disliked to yell to Alex, or prohibitted to speak directly to him, and after coming back to the main house, immediately, HARUMI asked YUKARI to say the words above, and YUKARI is now so so obedient to HARUMI, thus, YUKARI dashed into the office, so so soon after HARUMI's taking a bath.

Extremely, dashing mode, YUKARI is in now. Amphetamine was taken again for the task. Each, per day, the doctor recommended, and she took, when she felt necessity. Thus, one medicine per one task. Thus, they should be thrifty to work.

Probably, the system changed, and Alex is now obliged to take a bath, according to other's instruction. He was free to take a bath, up to recently, however, tonight, he was forced to take a bath, immediately after HARUMI.

Energy is lacking, in short. Thus, Alex should be thrifty, as much as possible. And no guy is so thrifty as Miyuki. She refused to use oil heater, and it was confirmed by any of us. She prefers to enjoy her whole life entirely, thus, so many fat clothings we have, thus, she wears so many of them, and her body temperatuere is kept, so much.

And electricity is not necessity in the second hut. Miyuki refused to induce the electric lines to the hut, and said to her father, "You can choose to induce it, at your cost, while I don't want any electricity at all there! I prefer non line situation here. Camping, I would enjoy!", thus, they decided to cut the oil lines for Sato families.

Only for casual use, they yelled, and Alex and HARUMI and YUKARI abused it. For them, casuality means MICCHIKU life, and Miyuki is alway's our side. Thus, Miyuki gained so much. She didn't take a bath, sometimes, and now, no guys want to take a bath, thus, they need to be thrifty to do so. Their cost would be paid by their selves, in short, was our order. Thus, Alex the tenth decided not to live any more here. As you like. And he decided to live in Tokyo. As you like. And he wants to go to Tokyo. As you like. And he starts to prepare for it. As you like. And he wants no money any more. Not at all! Thus, no guy could stop his decision. No, at all!!!

Thus, Alex regrets his behavours now. And he tries to be thrifty, anyway, thus, he is obliged to follow others' instruction, anyway. Be thrifty, was out order, and the three can't move in this line. Thus, they should be punished so many times. The main house is not lit at all, because the light is so costive, for her understanding.

And the heater is used only for Alex, thus, Alex is in trouble with others. YUKARI wants to pass one night with Alex, and he refused. Thus, YUKARI is in rage. Alex is sly, and YUKARI is prohibitted to use oil heater, because she is dangerous to use it. She lit the fire easily. Thus, she yawned, and she started to claim Alex, "My nephew is so stupid, and cruel for us all. So vast place, and only he can lit the fire. We have right to use the oil heater. And now, the oil is used by others, also. SHIBUKI family uses it easily, rather, steal, as usual. Thus, they claimed, and they said, "Yes, we have right to do so", thus, they forgave it.

They allowed to use the oil tank for them, as they liked. The stupid Alzheimer ladies were so so nasty cruel guys to others at all. Thus, no chance for her, and they are obliged to do buy oil for Alex. Alex claimed that this chamber is super cold, and others laught at his claim. Already we informed it, and Alex chose it, despite of the coldness. Thus, he can't accuse the coldness in the chamber now!!!

Today, in the morning, Miyuki caught the sight of husband of deciest YUKIKO, her aunt. Oh, he exists even now?, Miyuki thought. He didn't appear in the wife's funeral, thus, Miyuki thought that he had died already.

Probably, like Hiroshi, Seiko and Youji, he appeared to show the abusive power. Probably, he can't recognize the limit of the courtyard of his lot, and started to require to gain Chestnut hill. Miyuki found a strange tumb like tiny hill like patch and on there, trash was put.

Alzheimer abuser, they are! Thus, they took advantage of living under Chestnut Hill, and enhanced their territory illegally. And SEIKO instructed it.

MAYUMI and RIE popped out in turn. HARUMI said that these sisters lived in KAWAGUCHI, and they appeared in the house in turn. To occupy only. Thus, poor MICCHIKU related, they all are!!!

And Miyuki found that in the field of the hill, the stick with discription of Johnathan, the apples, fell down. Yesterday, it was in the standing pose. And now, fell down. Who did it?

And the car entrance along the mountain road was open. Some guy came and attacked in the smallest scale.

Miyuki found that in the tiny hill in front of YUKIKO's house, inside our Chestnut hill's territory, trash, as she discribed above. And probably, it was immitated by Miyuki's ditch making on the field.

Probably, he made a tumb for YUKIKO, and insisted that the space was theirs. Oh, the dead body was also used for their occupation, probably.

Thus, Miyuki's father said, "Not to put any plants near the margin", to Miyuki, and Clare confirmed it again and again. "It would cause difficult and costive situation for us all. Thus, take care, not to plant anything near the margin!", they warned to Miyuki.

Margin, which? With whom?, They didn't inform to Miyuki. Thus, Miyuki started to plant seeds, in front of the hut, anyway.

Probably, at first, he put the wife's body on the tiny hill, and then, he forgot. Thus, he watched Miyuki's ditch, and started to put the trash on the tumb, as ditch. Miyuki watched an egg cup on the tiny hill. Just trash, completely. Thus, they abandoned it, already.

Anyway, Miyuki took a picture of the husband of YUKIKO from the front. And thought, that he looked younger than his real age. It happened in KAKISHIMA and NISHIZAWA. Well kept, in short. Why?

To be photografied, they came. Oh, thus, today, during her errand trip, two males, in different occasion per each, popped out to be taken the photos.

One happened when Miyuki was at DAISO-Mega-Stage, and now there, the advertisement that "Photo taking is allowed" was read. Thus, for Miyuki, laughing change, thus, she tried to take the photo only. However, a male popped out and was taken by her photo with it. Oh, he wanted to be taken his own photo as dying message, probably, Miyuki presumed.

And another photo was taken, when she was taking the photo of strange suspicious car in front of Beisia Supermarket. A black wearing guy popped out, thus, OK, with you, satan, and she took the picture.

A kind of desire to show their proof of existance fenomenum happens. Thus, for her, OK, I take it, is correct answer.

And Miyuki encountered with popping up scene from INFERNO on the road from NANKO mauntain range to GYOUMU super market, at HIGASHI-OONUMA. In the slight darkness, in front of Miyuki, a black wearing guy, male, popped out, and she got astonished! Oh, he came from INFERNO to astonish me, only!

Some relation with Miyuki's menatal situation. Thus, so many commercial advertisements were put in her residence in HACHIOUJI, related with moving, when she started to think of moving. Information system, in the wrongest way, they put and connected with each other, without our agreement, nor recognition. Neuro inducing service, they yelled, and it was the biggest crime in the universe. Thus, they should be killed, immediately!!!

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (327)

2017-12-01 21:03:05 | 日記

Yesterday, she found head cut like no head big snag in the first patch, and she stomped completely. The three generation snags, they were. The oldest fat long type was no head type, and on the head part, another youger generation snag was on, and at the exact neck, the third generation whitish tiny snag was on. Oh, HARUMI without head, YUKARI with brainless head, and Alex, Miyuki thought. GAKUTSUBUSHI stupid idiots league, Miyuki yelled, at that moment!

And later, she found the cut head in the third patch, and stomp it immediately.

Today, on the same site of the third patch, another middle sized no head snag was found. Uroboros, which could conceal the head inside of the body type, Miyuki thought, and sighed, and she killed it immediately in the suitable site of Shirakawa III parking lots.

And Miyuki remembered that HARUMI and YUKARI have problem of concealed nipples, or 陥没乳首, or KANBOTSU-CHIKUBI, both. Nasty, however, she knows well, thus, they don't need to use Brassier to protect nipples at all!!!

Thus, for the Alzheimer ladies, brassier using should be scolded type. Miyuki was prohibitted to use it when she was junior high, and she was in confusion. HARUMI disliked, and she didn't explain the reason. Miyuki wanted to avoid nasty see through situation, however, HARUMI was so reluctant to buy it for her.

Thus, she started to use it, practically, so late, and as a matter of fact, no use career is so long...

Miyuki has no such a problem, thus, for her necessity, however, HARUMI didn't understand the difference, and she refused for Miyuki to give it. Thus, OK, I will mamage, was her attitude.

Probably, their head is the same. 斑ボケ or MADARA-BOKE is the softest way of saying. Popping out sometimes, their head, in short. Thus, too too strange society, we live in.

Each time, they say differently, and insiste as if they were perfect, and we made big consecutive mistakes. And now, Uroboros snags combined with Deep Marine Creatures. How ugly, can you imagine?

Shameless, thus, they attack us all, so so often. Thus, No Man's Land, in the complete version.

As they like, they can change their parts, including faces. Thus, ETE YUKARI popped out when Miyuki was walking into Big Cross. Why her upper lips has so deep ditch this afternoon?, Miyuki got shocked at the line! She had a plastic surgery?, Miyuki imaged. And it was so rare to see her face of us, because her brushy hear conceal her face, generally speaking.

Violent guys, they are! Nudging is always, and Clare suffered from their consecutive attackings. YUKARI stomped her feet, saying "Ooops! Clare, so sorry! I am so feeble minded!" and always, you should not sleep so much now. You should study hard to enter into versity!

For them, entering into versity means "don't enjoy your life!", thus, Clare decided not to go to versity, already. High school, she wanted to go, however, now she is in the middle.

Not attractive, however, better to live with the both. Thus, they want to live in another place. It would be fine, of course. We should live away from these unhappiness inducing dirty beasts! Thus, Dr.Miyuki SATOW recommends you to live away from the main house, at least, up to their vanishing!

Thus, the end of the society, as usual. Clare wants however, she has no money. Miyuki borrowed the hut, and Clare wants to live with the hut. If you like, for me, no problem for your use. Ask to your grand father. I am indifferent from your working, and no electricity at all, and as you know, naturalist only place, Chisnut Hill and Magpie Mountain are. Thus, with smelly soap, shampoo, ditergent, perfume, colonge, artificial smell, you can't live there, of course! Minimum requirement, from our side.

Chemical weapons they are. Insecticide should not be used there. Up to so bit baking powder or sugar or salt. Not so many chemical extract products, only.

Thus, Clare is in the middle. For her, living in Chestnut Hill would be fine, however, it is difficult now, yes. Thus, try precarious way. Don't think of living there. Just short visit would be fine. If you like, I will invite you to our Christmas Party in the hut.

Miyuki is so positive to live there. Thus, they are not so expecting the situation. Thus, Alex would be the last guy to follow Miyuki's trace? Chasing game?

IT skill, he has, and it would vanish soon. Thus, mechanic would be better to take advantage of his likeliness.

Anyway, he is not naturalist at all. Thus, the last guy, if F&F allows him to live.

Thus, we should obey Miyuki's correct answers. ABE is stupid idiot, only, however MICCHIKU trapped us all to believe that he were responsible respectful guy, and they all failed, in short.

Stupidest, ULTRA Hyper level. DDMs liked him so much, because he is ugly like them!!!

No brain, we perceived, and we took advantage of it. They grasp superficial power on line, however, as a matter of fact, we won, already, however, so many attackers, are wandering here and there, and we suffer so much by these Alzheimer attackers.

They can't recognize the difference between public matters and private ones. Thus, so so ridiculous situation happens now.

The police induced Alzheimer DDMs to inform them as much as possible, and these obedient domestic beasts followed the instruction. Thus, "何でもお気軽にご相談下さい" or "You can consult us as you like", they wrote on their advertisement phamplets, journals, plates and so on, thus, any DDMs dashed into the police to consult their really private problem.

In HARUMI's case, she dashed into the police to ask, "How should I do? I have evacation problem!", and the police men adviced to take yogurt.

This is her life, in the real world. She is lonely, and the police men didn't refuse her arrival. They are males, and younger than she. Thus, a kind of substitute of boyfriends, for her side. Thus, they induced her to say on Miyuki, and HARUMI, with her feeble mind, talked her originally illusional ridiculous stories on Miyuki, with hatred.

And her news sauce was YUKARI, the mad dog. Her hatred against Miyuki was so so stronger than HARUMI, thus, so many confusion would be caused by these Alzheimer ladies.

And all guys were revealed as their supporters. Thus, No Man's Land. Thus, so dangerous for us all! No police would be fine for us all, we insisted, however, any guys would not believe that it is the reality of Japan.

Dangerous Gun Maniacs, in short, Miyuki said clearly, and ADACHI yelled, and GUTS cried in the end. Stupid! Too too stupid!!! Idiots!!! Revenge only, of course!!!

DANGO party would be fine for all of us, of course! And chicken legs would be good for some guys, and for, no, no please!!! Leghon's legs, not common wild animals' legs.

Domestic type, these chickens are. Just like carnibolo's foods. Not so different from common meat for them.

Thus, No Meat any more movement happened for DDMs. Iron and muscles, it produces. We need to eat it. For others, not, probably, however, for us, anemia avoiding natural medicine, delicious type, in short.

YABUKI Hospital is public, and so many empty rooms are there. They should live there freely, and they provide some amusuments suitable for these feeble minded Alzheimer patients. Ideal world for them both, according to Miyuki's HASEGAWA hospital experience. MICCHIKU life, in short. Thus, they would adore to live there!!!

Brainless attackers, they are, and they just want to disturb us, thus, if we refer to this possibility, they springs, and start to attack harshly. Thus, HOGONYUU or 保護入 would be ideal, and thinking of the price, SOCHINYUU or 措置入 would be also recommendable.

They should be put in concealed place, and they would feel protected there. Thus, WIN-WIN for both sides.

The most suitable answer for us all. Too too strange guys only world, SHIRAKWA turned to be. Why they tried to gain affection from our side?

This morning, Miyuki found the fact that YUKARI can't recognize the difference between stylofoam plastic board and dirty clothings. Thus, too too nasty situation happened. The foam board is used for wet feet drying up material, and after the usage, it would be put in the standing pose.

Thus, YUKARI put the dirty clothings in the standing pose, as much as possible, between the washing machine and the wall. Miyuki took the picture, and it worked. So so doubtful her situation was, already, however, she refused to be put into the hospital, saying, "I am normal, absolutely, and my sister Miyuki is abnormal, as usual!", and Miyuki suffered so much by her lies.

Non reliable guy no.1, YUKARI discribed on Miyuki, and she was caught by this reason.

Yes, all Alzheimer society, in short, it turned to be, Japanese society. Thus, not only YUKARI, but also her tribe, Miyuki was caught, in exact way of saying.

Croquets are adrable foods for Alzheimer guys. Some nostargy, they buy them with, and they were trapped so many times by less Alzheimer shopkeepers.

ITAMI meat shop is a good example. They sell croquets only, under the name of "30 cents only per each", however, they require much more, and Alzheimer consumers buy according to the price, the shop keeper says.

Alzheimer trappins system is universal. ORE-ORE deceipt is 6 squad type, and they share the role per each. Thus, the same combination of assasin squad.

Criminal squad, in universal way of saying. 6 squad is standard model, however, exist some varieties. Thus, they love to colaborate easily to others' crimes. Only one is difficult, however, with others, we are stronger than targetted guy!

Thus, Pyranias, they are!!!

Majority rule is the representative of this system. Mills, made a big mistake.

No justice land was realized in Great Britain, and Henry XIII and his daughter Queen Elithabeth I were wrondgoers. Enclosure system was adopted, and it was just monopoly combined with robbery. Thus, criminal family, Tudor is.

Thus, any Kind family is good, in short. Thus, Chinkoro KING should take care of his own spirit. Lion King, and BAMBI, the Forest King also!!!

King Cong, also. Animals are so proud of themselves, and thus, sometimes they fail, and the important is, admission on their own mistakes. Laughing at themselves effects, Miyuki recommends for any of them.

Error and Trial, our life is. Thus, self education. Thus, don't hesitate to inform your laughing stories. Every guy fail. Golden rule. And within the limit, we can help us each other, despite of repetitibe mistakes done by us.
Challengers, we are. Thus, Chinkoro King agreed to participated into the audition to gain a principle role of "Cat People, Lolita version". Scandalous scenes, only type.

Miyuki did know so well how he was hesitating to choose so...However, he decided to challange their tribe's evil tradition. Stupid, it would look, because...He needs to play the role of Black Panther, cat tribe guy, and he is necessary to wear Staffed Panther head to play the role...And Lolita pose on the bed...

Rat tribe, he belongs to, however, Cat tribe, he needs to play the role of. Thus, agonized so much, and Miyuki adviced for him, "Anyway, good experience to be stupid! Be Stupid!" as ANNA TSUCHIYA said!

And Miyuki recognized that Miyuki is a kind of Tom with Jelly, and Chinkoro King, Jelly with Tom.

In the ANIME series, TOM is stupid, and gets trapped by Jelly, who is much more intelligent than Tom.

In our Miyuki and Chinkoro King version, Stupid Miyuki always trapps Brilliant Bright guy Chinkoro King, and gains a big success, without exception. Thus, Chinkoro the first is alwasy upset, after being trapped.

Clever boy, and good nice guy, however, so easily gets trapped by Miyuki, the stupidest existance. Thus, Miyuki likes Chinkoro King so much. Craisleliana, like rolling, their chasing game is!!!

Ballerina mouse was called ANNA? Prisezkaya like name, and cute common girl she was. Video series, Miyuki bought, because their English was so easy to listen. Fast, however, understandable, thus, she continued to buy several video cassette.

Sometimes, the girls split after their straggle, however, they regret, and learn so much from the situation, and gained the rewards, finally.

Mighty Mouse, is American short ANIME, with powerful dynamic body shaped Mouse, a kind of Super Mouse. Micky is light common easy going type, and Mighty Mouse is good by type.

Why only mouses are targetted to be as heroes?, Clare asked. Probably, they are so near for urbanized life. And for rural type, Peter Rabbit exist. So so delicate designed series, and sometimes, so so cool. Exists ANIME version, and Miyuki watched several when the kids were infant in Shirakawa on TV, which NHK broadcasted.

So many delicious scenes were discribed there. And their faces were so similar to the real rabbits.

And some dirty heroes type stories on rabbit tribe, here and there. The songs on rabbit tribe, also good to know it. Trapped type, so many.

Crab Barbar song is an example. Crab is barbar, and the client rabbit was cut his ears!!! So cruel song!!! Crab was so busy, and erronecous, thus, the victim, the rabbit was, yes...However, spring mood was so distincitive, and just amusing song, not dark history of the serious battle between Crab Tribe and Rabbit Tribe.

Moon Jumping song is nice and old type. A kind of Lalabye song for infants and babies.

Dancing Rabbits is Miyuki's favorite, and AKEMI's hatred...Anyway, contemtious for AKEMI, while for Miyuki, some, "LEGGUE" like, "We failed. Take a rest, and go after the rest" is Miyuki's way.

Snow Rabbit song by CALPIS Company is also sleepy and warm and cosy dreamy song. Good to sing in the smallest voice in snowy winter.

Rabbit vs Turtle, in running race, is another famous Rabbit related song. Miyuki introduced it already, however, she resumes it now again.

Turtle is slow runner, while Rabbit is fast one. Thus, Rabbit ran, however, he took a rest, thus, Turtle, without taking a rest, past beside Rabbit, just walking, and Turtle gained.

Thus, for several meanings we can perceive from the song. The rule should be decided in strict way, before the race. Sports, it is. Thus, taking rest should be allowed or not, walking is allowed or not, and so on.

And at the same time, be diligent is the lesson. Yes, we can take a rest a bit, however, non indulgence type. Thus, just several years of failures in the life would be recuperated later. However, just faking doing business should not be allowed. And the worst is, exploration without necessity is absurd!

We should continue to work, as much as possible, in certain suitable tempo. Thus, taking a rest is also good, and with taking a rest, we can gain the power.

In the above song, Rabbit is a kind of arrogance, while Turtle, diligent worker, without giving up type. Thus, already dirty hero's role the rabbit was obliged to play of. Thus, Don't worry, Chinkoro King, not contemptious song for your tribe!!!

Like Miyuki's effort to gain longer leggs. So so few, however, gradually, the world moves toward better. Thus, we continue to regain our original power and more, and work for the future, and revenge for us all!!!

Revenge is history. We learn more and more what happened under IDIOCRACY, and how satans were cruel for us all.

Probably, many pimps tried to take advantage of the lack of academism and gained high ranking positions as they liked. They had some special information network among us, which we couldn't gain at all type. Miyuki applied by way of official information, because any guys didn't inform the existance of abused insider information.

However, NAKAGAMI suggested a clue...Shiguechika UNO's father was Todai professor, thus, he had more insider information by way of his father, thus, he could be hired by Tokyo Versity.

Two generations, they are, like NITTA, whose major was Japanese LEgal History. And FUKUDA was the famous KAN-ICHI FUKUDA's relative???

Anyway, in academism existed a kind of tradition of multiple generations of one family. KINDAICHI or 金田一 Family was also one of them. Kyousuke, the first, Haruhiko, the second, and Kyorin Staff.

Some politicians are the same lines. Family names were so important for DDMic society. Individualism, Constitution in Japan adopted, however, satans ignored this nuclear from the begining. ABE is the worst example among Japanese history.

Invaders' families, they are! And Sato family, also. They came to attack us all, and they did as they liked, and got satisfied with their end, presumably.

their purpose is just crashing down our happiness, confirmed. Clare already reached the answer, and found that these Alzheimer ladies were really stupid nasty ugly forgetful unusual extra-terrestral existance, and gained the power by way of the resilience against their attackings.

So so nasty for us all, however, for them, always the same. No prohibittion worked at all. Just collective attacking in every moment, and Miyuki never gave up her attempt to establish our new future with others.

Thus, Miyuki gained the power so much. Alex made big mistakes, consecutively, because it was so common among satanic society. Thus, for him, too too natural to do so, and in averege, all total vanishing type, he recognized already.

No succession, no insurance. Miyuki chose, correctly. More safe, and more reliable society, we should create, and we have lots of friends.

Moles worked instead of Miyuki in the field. Thus, Adrians, they are.

She thought that the soil is so so different in Chestnut Hill, and so much KANUMA soil like whitish bright brown pebbles like sand put soil cover it. Is it the original soil? For her, the left over of broken paved parking lots.

Miyuki remembered that Chestnut Hill was surrounded by so many lean bamboo stickes, high type. And the pond, under part of the slope. And it was so muddy, when she visited there, on the surfice. Long rubber boots were needed to enter into the land. And there, some wild leeks were taken. NIBIRU or Wild Onions were taken there.

And pond shells were there. Some black insects and sweet candy insects also. Pond, with wetland type weeds, and long high stick type bamboos were there, was Miyuki's memory on the hill.

Miyuki has memories on her own infant days, yes. As much as possible, she wants to keep, of course. And her memory system should be repaired so much, yes.

Drunken mode, they yelled. However, for us all, milk drinking has problem?, like impression. Why they criticise Miyuki on behalf of her high performance? Because they are all stupidest idiots!!!

Too too nasty result for them all. They could recognize their failures, however, they denied, thus, the special gift for them from God of NEMESIS...Revenge!!!

Eveness, at least. They triggered the invasion, and now, they refused to stop their enhancing mode. Territory, they want, unnecessarily, and they want to gain some money by selling it, confirmed.

Thus, no man's land, at all. No necessity to rob our pleasure at all! However, they took all of our happiness, and laught at us all, and said, "Ooops, sorry, I made a slight mistake! I am stupid guy, thus, you should act based on my own stupidity, OK?" was their catch copy.

We don't need to put up with their wrongdoing. We should survive. We need to attack them in our own way. Thus, Miyuki said the facts for others, as much as possible, as soon as possible. And Miyuki's words effect so much.

Alex confessed that he doesn't want to be farmer at all. Good. And he wants to live in Tokyo. Good. And he wants to buy a house in Tokyo. Good. And he wants to live in Tokyo to gain the money. As you like.

Thus, the end. For Alex, Tokyo is for his pleasure island, thus, he wants to be a gamer, and he wants to work alone. As you like.

Thus, he needs to learn so much on living alone. However, he himself learns that he is just an indulged non talented guy, despite of his intention.

however, trial he should do, and learns how he was childish and selfish, and not suitable to live alone yet.

Even though, good to try it, in the minimum mode. As trial, thus, you can make so many errors, as you like. And at least, you should live away from Alzheimer ladies' maternal maid serving plays.

Animal feeders, they are, and you are domestic pet, in short, Alex. You should recognize it, and how domestic pet live alone? Impossible. Always with the owner, he can gain foods.

Thus, he is now in trainee, yes. As much as possible, he wants to be independent. Good for you, and for us all!

You have right to choose the place to live. And your profission. You think on your life, by yourself, and we assist, if you require. However, as much as possible, you should try to do everything, by yourself. And in case of necessity, ask to us. We will provide you sufficient advice and help.

Anyway, cut the chain from DDMic society. You are pet of old ladies, including your grand mother, Auntie, teacher responsible, and so on. Old guys love you, Alex, because you look cute, relatively.

They are older than you so much, thus, they believe that they can order something to you, and they require you follow them. Thus, obedience only life, you spent up to the moment. Miyuki hated your way of living entirely. Thus, she was so cold toward you, recently. You should behave correctly, however, you couldn't. Miyuki respected your freedom and rights, however, you didn't respect Miyuki's ones at all.

Thus, for Miyuki, you are trash, Alex. However, if other rightous brothers allow you to take advantage of chance, you should behave correctly, as the last chance. You did so wrong, thus, for Miyuki, you are trash, which has no value for her life. However, anyway, if rightous brothers give you a chance for you, Miyuki respects their decision.

Thus, at first step, saying your desire is good. Non farmer, of course, OK. And Tokyo living, as your choice. However, don't rely on others, and respect others, who are different from you.

Miyuki said no lie on you, Alex, while you lied so much on Miyuki to others. She lost reliance so much, and you were abused by old satans, because of your habbit to lie so easily. Your BLA-BLA-BLA didn't work at all. Just nasty noise for Miyuki's sound. You can't understand the diffence between right and wrong. Thus, you should learn on it, at first. What you did wrong at your past? You should write all, as much as possible. Any tiny lies were counted already as your wrongdoings. Any offending attitudes also.

For example, you explained YUKARI's strange attitude as Miyuki's, and Miyuki lost good reputation on her sense and mind. YUKARI has no philosophy at all, while Miyuki, yes. Thus, you should regret your confusion between DDMIc Auntie's way of life, and Miyuki's presious life, namely, our common life. You are YUKARI and HARUMI's pet, even now, and you just wanted to gain their affection. You are domestic pet, and they treated you as if you were 5 year old boy.

Thus, almost 10 years of difference between illusional Alex and the real Alex. And you are dealt with as 5 years old mode Alex. Thus, to gain independence, 10 years lack of experience, you have, as a big debt.

Thus, at least, you should be trained to gain 10 years old boy's independence, and the next, 15 years old. Too too childish selfish guy, you are, Alex. No guy, among us, would get along with you, Alex.

Yes, you have so many friends, satanic type. Thus, majority, they are. Thus, in averege, you are in among them.

However, averege pupils are all satans were already revealed, thus, if you want to go with them, go directly to inferno now! It's easy to go yes, and your adorable Alzheimer ladies would like your choice, so happily!

If you want to avoid total vanishing, you should behave differently from them all. Satanic majority, they adopted, thus, you were all with them all. Thus, as much as possible, you should learn to think by yourself, and you decide, by your own thought. And act based on your own decision. Training on it, is necessity to be our team member.

Everyday's training is necessity, and it is not easy for you, Alex. You had plenty of time to correct your errors, however, you didn't do it, and now, the time came. Thus, as you like, you should decice.

Total vanishing is so easy, and with your team mates. Thus, you would be happy in going to inferno.

And our way to be our member is not so easy. Tough for indulged type. Thus, which is which. You decide, and don't regret any more!!! Your choice, not your friends' choice, nor your families.

Cruel, however, the reality, this is. Thus, as you like, and be pragmatic, and not be dull boy, in short.

Yesterday, Miyuki got shocked that a vehicle came directly to Miyuki on the pedestrian deck, in the evening, on Route 11! They want to kill her, of course, however, on the pedestrian deck, from the front position, the vehicle came, whose numver was か...4.

how andacious, and so many cars were passing near the site, and any vehicles recogized the abnormality at all. This is Shirakawa, Miyuki sighed.

No legal system was applied here in the rural village, and now, any vehicles can pass on the pedestrian decks, as they like, is the reality.

And consideration on Yawning from another world. Miyuki remembered that some of Moto HAGUIO's short works are in this line.

1.An old feudal Japanese story called Daughter of XXMITSU
3. Twin stories, multiples.
4. Dream of Unicorn
5. American Pie
and so on.

The heroes lost so so precious mates in their life and suffered lot from the solitire, hearing the yawning from aother world, in short.

Leigh Bradberry's Nessy story, also. Oh, his Dandilion's wine has the same taste.

We liked so much, however, we now can't meet you at all, thus, we are so lonly, is the message.

Miyuki caught the message, several days before during her morning dream. Elenor Farjon like dream, she thought.

And for her case, so so few to feel it, and sometimes, "Oh, we can see you in somewhere in the world, again!" she thinks.

Thus, her team members came. ADACHI, Chinkoro King, also. She felt so so strong sympathy, unusually strong, and felt as if they were a part of her. So so similar, at some point, and "Sorry, Sorry, I couldn't save you. I didn't. I should have done so, however..." and they, after their regaining power, they came, yes.

All of them came to see her, yes. Thus, a kind of SQUAD, or Team, yes. Thus, Miyuki's yawing is not so negative, nostargic, past thinking, melancholic type, at all.

However, how the yawning is, Miyuki did know well. Why so strong?, was Miyuki's big question when she was called by satanic side from 2013, and it continered almost half a year.

Probably, nasty, however, good to know it. TAKAHARA problem, they called it, and for Miyuki, ummm...problem, yes, however, the past. Rather, now, I am in trouble with "post TAKAHARA lacking problem" or, I want to do it, however I don't get any guy at all problem!!!, Miyuki really thought.

Thus, too too strange. TAKAHARA's image doubled with nasty dirty worm PENIS Yoshihiko KOGA, thus, so so dirty nasty impression, TAKAHARA caused to her, in the end.

Sly and spooky, was Miyuki's general way of saying on his character. Fass is fass, in resume.

And only fass world, she got recognized, thus, for her, oh, with TAKAHARA or without TAKAHARA, the result was the same...Impossible to be not virgin, materially.

Total failure, yes. It is so rare for her. She always makes some effort sufficiently and gained sufficient or more reward in the end. However, on this matter, the result is so different. Just like "I want to be IBERO-AMERICAN Law professor, International type, who would be respected by its super intelligent analysis and useful knowledge by others" and the dream to work in the wonderful versities in the world.

Mission impossible, yes, and she learned the reason...Just a hobby, not profission by itself.

At the same time, versity system was rotten. It should not exist type. Just liars creative society, it was. The worst was faculty of law, in short.

Unkind and irresponsible. Alex expressed on Miyuki so many times, however, his way of conceiving these terms was different, Miyuki thought. For honest diligent guy, she is kind, and Alex was not, thus, for him, unkind. Undestandable.

And for Alex, responsible means indulging him as he likes, in short. Thus, for Miyuki, as independent kids admiror, he is trash, in resume.

Miyuki doesn't use any oil heating system, confirmed. They yelled that MIYUKI is feeble physically, thus, Alex should lit the fire for her. And they said that Alex would be fine to do the play the role of their messenger, thus, he played the role. And Miyuki behaved so cool as always.

yes, cold here in the office, however, we can put on more fat clothings. Thus, no necessary for petroleum for Miyuki.

Yes, in case of necessity, she uses it. However, as precarious stayer, taking advantage of others' use is enough. By her intention, she wants to avoid to use it. However, she wants to have plan to make ONDORU or オンドル, Korean floor heating up system in the primitive way.

Thus, she wants to study how to induce hot atomosphare from the stone oven to the bottom of the floor of the second hut. A kind of heating up system use, yes, however, it would be fine to establish bath outside the hut, also, in the near future.

Rabby & Chinkoro : News Flash (326)

2017-12-01 17:03:39 | 日記
01/12/2017, Friday, cloudy, rather cold

-At 17:07, she is writing:

Miyuki now came back from the second hut, by way of two supermarkets' errand.

She, at the moment of entering into her space in the office, got upset! Someone spreed insecticide!!! Smell remained! Terrible attacker, the guy is! Probably YUKARI came to spree it under the name of Alex's safety, probably.

They can't kill mosquitos by hands, and use spree type insecticide easily. Natural to attack using chemical weapon, for them, it is. Thus, since last week, YUKARI popped out with spree can in her right hand.

No many tasks she can do, now. Thus, anything, she wants to do for Alex. Thus, spreeing the sites for Alex is her favorite activities now. Thus, if she feels nasty, she attacks with the spree cans.

She should not attack us all, of course! However, she can't quit her wrongdoing. Her inclination. And now, she is Alzheimer disease holder, confirmed. She forgot the real name of herself. She started to sign as Yukari KOISO, and expressed that she is the real wife of Yuuji KOISO.

Thus, she got married with him, officially. The police attacked also on the couple. Two figures would be fine to be dealt with YUKARI. Pen name, thus, Alex liked her attitude as married woman. Too too Auntie like attitude, rather than yesterday. Her movement is more rough, and not so, SHOKA-IKO-IKO mode.

Unusually soft, he felt. And YUKARI likes to attack others, without saying, even now. No time for us all to dispose the couple!!

This morning, when Miyuki came back from the south courtyard, in the office, her father and YUKARI were there, and YUKARI was tempting to teach some IT related information to her father. However, she failed, and her father quitted her instruction. "OK, no thanks, any more!"

Oh, YUKARI was required to offer some service on PC, and she failed, however, she delayed to say the fact of IT dumb, Miyuki perceived. YUKARI tried to use her BLA-BLA-BLA explanation, however, she couldn't, and she was fired.

So primitive question, she couldn't solve, probably, like, "Where is the key to go forward?" And she insisted to be able to manage the situation, as usual, and she didn't, in practice. Chizuru MISAGO fenomenum, again, in public.

YUKARI declared that they monitored whole life of Miyuki, without noticing to Miyuki. Thus, of course, YUKARI's one, also. Thus, in publice. For them, no difference between public matter and private one. For them, every conducts should be informed to the bosses.

Thus, shames were collected so many by the Alzheimer ladies. They chose to stay longer, and accumulated the shames, vastly. And no classification at all type. A kind of You TUBE for whole their lives. DDMic life, they spend, thus, their lives are all monitored and informed in public.

YUKARI is the worst model of DDMs all. Non working class society model, she herself categorized, however, she is poor family version. Thus, she should behave as poor guy, however, she tried to behave as MICCHIKU member, thus, the gap was so big, and failed because of it, also.

No money working class, yes, however, without any math figure at all. Thus, they should have been good cooks at least, however, they forgot the pledge, and they played the role of MICCHIKU version. Non working class was their aim of admiration, not their reality. However, they don't cook, and love to buy foods at supermarkets.

Japanese DDMic life's representatives, the two different version. HARUMI is SEMI-SAZAE & SEMI-MISAE, while YUKARI, MISAE only.

Thus, gradually, Japanese DDMs degraded, in short like that. Non working, and if they work, the disaster happens.

Miyuki was almost killed several times by YUKARI, physically. Violent strange figure, she is!, Miyuki did know so well on her at this point. Thus, runnning away is the best policy.

Anyway, concealed from their sight, is the golden rule. Their sights are so limited, and the zone of their sights is just what they want to see. Thus, near the ceiling is out of attacking. Search light type eyes, they have. Thus, red fly like eye holders, they are expressed as DADA aliens.

They want to find some targetting thing in the office, now. Thus, we should take care of it. Thus, Paddington Bear, Photo files, PC related, Camera related, and so on. Proofs, in short, as priority. Non replaceable, thus, we need to know our limit.

They want to do general attacking on the Sato family. And they want to rob all of Miyuki's belongings. Oh, the declaration of next wrongdoings is confirmed. Betrayers combined with Blasfamia performers. Criminals, already. Prisonners, and repetitive. Alzheimer attackers, they are!!!

They have no right to do so, yes, however, they insist to be able to do it. Thus, we do as much as possible, and presumably, they can't accomplish their wrondogings, without saying.

Calm, rather, today. And as usual, in front of Miyuki, so many guys were waiting for cashing, and after Miyuki's arriving to the cashing mashine, no guy popped out any more. Precarious in this way.

Just disturbance is OK for their satanic side. Thus, these losers attacked Miyuki only today. And she didn't perceive well, and thought how the number 11-94, white big van had attacked her.

Probably, at the Ruite 11, the van came to hit Miyuki, however, Miyuki recognized it, and escaped from the disaster anyway. And she remembered the number, immediately. The exact scene, she can't remember now. However, she tried to gaze it as soon as possible, after the case, and could do it. And she took the picture, however, she was not sure if she had took it with the number. Thus, she remembered it by her own memory.

Deciesed are related, thus, いい供養 or Good Cherish to our ancestors, Miyuki memorized.

And she found a warning plate in front of KOMERI parking lots, saying, "We are out of service now. Please come tomorrow!" while the shop was run, as usual. Contradictional plate, it was!

Yawning system, they adopted. Miyuki remembers how they attacked her in 2013, in the former part of the year.

TAKAHARA was any more not attractive, thus, she started to find other guys already. However, some yawning sensation obliged her to choose him. "Terrible! He is at max one per month type! I want to do it at least twice per day! Why I can put up with this anti-functional guy?!", Miyuki really thought, at the same time, it was so persistent to quit the image of him. Nasty, and anti-attractive after the day 13rd of December, 2012.

Oh, Miyuki now recognized that today is "You should not have been born!" Day for TAKAHARA tribe!!! His birthday, according to his declaration. He failed, and he died, thus, also, the day 13rd of December was crucial point for us all!

He confessed that he belonged to "Once per month, untouched type", and Miyuki stopped her movement. She got chilled, in short. Oh, no passion, no enthusiasm type...Thus, I will quit to induce him to go to some hotel to pass one night...not my type. Oh, it's better to be declared before the inducing." and she refrained from him, saying, "Oh, you are so...Thus, you will meet me only twice up to your graduation. Once for your job hunting's result' report, and one more time, for handing the graduation report for me. Only twice, OK, you are obliged to come to see me, like other pupils." and he did so.

Miyuki is so so strict on her own rule. For her, his appearance was not so attractive. Just like me!, was Miyuki's impression, and considering on attractive points, other pupils were more and more charming for her...even on the view point of appearance...Hotaka TAAHASHI, MATSU-KEN, and so on. Why TAKAHARA, I was so obliged to be persistent to put my mind on?

So many physically attractive guys existed yes, thus, why only he, was Miyuki's big big question.

And one day, Miyuki found the big clue...Oh, reformed version of Miyuki's photo in her Checkers' cut days...

One day, Clare asked Miyuki, "Who is this guy? Your boyfriend?", pointing the photo...Oh, Clare, not my boyfriend! Silly girl, you fogot your own parent? ME, Miyuki SATOW, the photo represents. Look well at me! This is me, when I was in the first grader at Tokyo Versity!, Miyuki yelled to her. And she watched the photo...Oh, my photo is so similar to TAKAHARA...

Thus, the end of the story. Probably, the photo was used for their 3D printer job, and he was produced by this. And the fact was so so cruel for their side!!! Miyuki hated him!!!

Clare got upset a bit, when Miyuki ignored "Vanishing TAKAHARA", at JR HACHIOJI station's inner bridge. Miyuki recognized his existance, in Yankii sitting pose, and in her belly, "Oh, TAKAHARA, you are dying in evacuation pose in public!", with her smile, and went in haste to go back to the residence, because Alex would claim their absence, saying, "I am hungry!"

Thus, the end of the story. For Miyuki, diceasing TAKAHARA was the past. Deep squat pose, he took. Thus, when she watched ABE's MARIO BROTHER's staffed clothing wearing sitting pose in Rio Olimpic in 2016, she felt the same. The worst mode of vanishing for betrayer type, was the sense. Oh, betrayers, they were???

They voted for the two sides. For Miyuki, no reward at all, means "I was not voted at all, as far as I know!", however, anyway, they bit...?????

On behalf of Miyuki, they died. Oh, thank you for your early death. However, Miyuki wants to yell in a loud voice:


for two!!!

Thus, the laughing story, the end, TAKAHARA version. Miyuki forgot completely on his birthday, and he found that always number 12-28, the birthday of Kenny ADACHI, put vehicles are near. One van popps out on the parking lots at SHIRAKAWA III, and another, in the parking lots of KOMERI. Today, she confirmed the latter, also, at KOMERI.

Why so many times, this number vehicles pop out in front of her?

Miyuki has so many plan to hold events in her new sites at Chestnut Hill. Thus, she picked up them:

Today...preparation for Christmas starts.
24/12...Eve for Chrsitmas. Candle Night Fever! Not fire incidence, at all!
25/12...Christmas, or Jesus's Birthday. She wants to have TSURUHASHI, a destruction tool.
28/12...ADACHI's Birthday
31/12... Eve for New Year
01/01...NEW YEAR's DAY
06:01...Boxing Day
07/01...7 Weeds porrige morning
10/01...DANGO eating Day in Shirakawa region
10/01...New Adults Day
03/02...Bean Spilling Evening
04/02...Eariliest Spring comming Day
11/02...DARUMA DAY, Never Give Up spirit's Day

and so on.

Thus, she is so busy to prapare for these events. Up to Christmass Eve, she wants to move, as much as possible.

And she decided not to bring her clothings so much, because they are so spacy. And no bath at all now. Thus, minimum wearing is OK and sufficient. No bath taking at all, and almost ESKIMOO like situation. Putting on the same clothings, fat type, during winter, generally speaking. Thus, no necessary except some selective clothings to put in the second hut.

Breaking of iceberg fenomenum. Miyuki expected it last spring, however, it delayed so much. Icy winter came again. And so many plants suffer of the coldness.

General Team Leader Cool Mint decided to go with Miyuki to the second hut's courtyard. Thus, Miyuki took him, as much as possible there. He signed it by flavour. And he agreed to produce more and more.

Now, Miyuki's way of cultivation at Chestnut Hill is so primitive. Just she took advantage of Mole's hole...Now, she put kiwi seeds in the field.

She cleaned up the floor except some rare parts. Thus 80% was wiped up, already. And she started to put some special things on the desk. And her bed would be sofa, sometimes, in case of necessity, she decided. Thus, some cussions would be necessity. And now, so new original idea came from SACHI's house...Oh, what is it???

DANGO producing method! Oh thank you!!! TOBE was her maiden name, and now, Miyuki can't remember her actual name. Japanese Confecitonary, she runs, however, sometimes, the staff produce western cakes, also.

Thus, no guy would laugh at Miyuki's early bird separation????

Miyuki gave up to get up early in the morning now, because it is so cold in the early morning. She can't work at all with this coldness outside. And then, at Chestnut Hill?

She wants to take advantage of bright sunshine, as much as possible, thus, early bird, she soon would turn to be.
Not so strict way, rather, amusing way, she would sift smoothly.

The nearest toilet, western style would be WASHIO's. Not clean water, it has, however, washilet, at least, it has. And she would find the short cut from Chestnut Hill toward WASHIO, in the near future. Miyuki found that DAIKOKUYA grape hill is located so near, only the back of Chestnut Hill, and from Grape Hill, WASHIO supermarket is so so near. Thus, not so difficult to live in western style.

However, Miyuki chose to clean up the floor, and uses slippers or fat inner shoes only, because outside she would have so muddy shoes' situation. Thus, in Summer, nakid feet, she would be inside the house.

And she would make terras type big bakery combined with kitchen with roof. HORO or 幌 would be used. A kind of substitute of blue sheet. Canopee like material would be fine, she does know well. From some used vehicles, abandoned, she would gain so soon. Tent type, in short. Thus, just poles would be fine.

Outside kitchen, she would establish, and almost whole stones were located near. Thus, just a kind of block mounain making process would be fine for preparing the event of DANGO festival.

Cookies, crackers, cakes, breads, and so one, also would be fine to be made in this type. Use not yet used flouer bags. Oh, Miyuki knows where. Near MATSUKAZE complex.

And recently, as Clare says, foreigners' sking bags are used so many times, especially arround GYOUMU Super area. South Eastern type, Pakistani, Indians, Russians, and so on. And where they are working?

Just in Commercial Facilities, Miyuki finds them, generally speaking. Probably, lack of Japanese oriental skin bags, they do it because of.

TAKAHARA model was Korean, probably. And Miyuki didn't know her resemblance with Koreans, however, sometimes, foreigners asked her, "Are you Korean?", thus, probably, some heritage, Miyuki had.

Big Guy project existed in Shirakawa. No Man's Land for it. Tall guys are prettier, they thought, like Miyuki. And they started to make tall type, by way of 3D printers. Thus, they popped out, at that period.

And now, variety of guys, they started to produce. Thus, no casual mode at all. And their way is so primitive. Just feel, and immitate, and then, change.

Replacement, they wanted to do. Thus, versity Miyuki was replaced by TAKAHARA, already???

In their primitive image, Miyuki should be P holder, thus, Miyuki was replaced by P holder TAKAHARA, already, and she was obliged to work hard as P holder, and DDMs traied to fain TAKAHARA=Miyuki's affection!!!!

Terrible! From the versity entrance, Miyuki was turned to be P holder, or, male MIYUKI. Thus, "May I put P on your hip bone?" was the real voice from satanic side!!!

Miyuki refused it, of course, and they failed. Why they are so so nasty and strange?! Cheapish bad made science fiction like taste. Science Pulp Fiction. Quentin Talantino would make another version...Chinkoro King and Miyuki, as Lana Turner!!!

"Help, King Chinkoro, The King of All Rat Tribe! Glory of Rat Tribe! Help! I am in danger!", LANA-MIYUKI yells toward her lover, powerful big King of Rat Tribe, King Chinkoro, and he, according to her yell, soon, he flies toward her, and saves her emmergency!!! No fire incidence at all, please!!! Chinkoro King scolds Lana=Miyuki, and Miyuki pledges never to do so!!!

Oh, this year, no voice of warning of "Watch out the fire!" done by Block Volunteerers. Male low voices, they produced for walking arround in a group, and in HACHIOUJI, they did it so many times per night. Nasty Noise, Miyuki thought, however, anyway, they were working for others, thus, we should put up with the nasty sound of BELL and the male voices, she thought.

And in Shirakawa, up to recently, it was done per block. However, this winter, Miyuki never has heard of it.

Probably, no necessity at all to fake their intention to lit the houses. They love to lit them, and they do as they like. Thus, for precarious way, only daytime, she would do it. And now, inside the house, only candle type, she would use. Or, alchool lump type tiny fire, she would use.

Or, thinking of the cost, some tiny suitable cheap light, she would gain. Small light, handy type. Thus, no use of electricity, generally speaking, without some battery used type.

Not abusive, in short. Thus, Alex failed. He did his best, however, he couldn't put up with the coldness, and he refrained from the office.

The two Alzheimer ladies yelled, "Miyuki level's life, Alex should enjoy!", and for them, Miyuki level is the symbol of luxuary. Thus, they failed. Miyuki didn't use any heater this hear, not at all! Just fat clothings, and foods, and body temperature. Thus, they didn't believe Miyuki's thriftiness, and yelled to use all of electric equipment as much as possible, because she is the real indulged guy, and she should know her limit!!!

Thus, they failed again and again. Miyuki is so economical, and so so nasty to be proud of her thrifty life. Alex and Clare believed that Miyuki is not rich, and she is really jobless, considering salary wage. Thus, the end of their lives of satanic players.

They believed, and they moved in this line, and they failed, so easily. Then, they started to change again and again, to catch up with the reality, and failed again. No history type, they are. Thus, so so forgetful, and no learning any more type. Only feeling effects type. They can't put up with the sensation, ever, and oblige others to put up with.

Shemeless onanism only guys, they are, yes. And they themselves think that they are all clean. Contradictionally grotesque. Illogical, and ridiculous. Monstrous Deep Ocean Bottom creatures, they are!!!

Thus, the end of the story...The end of the end of the end of the end...

Stone Oven would be made, so soon. Stable type, it should be. Thus, she would learn how to combine the stones correctly.

Smokes would be HELP call yes. YODEL also. Pipe smoking is also good. Mate tea drinking in common, is also. So many camp fire like use, we can think of.

With Alzheimer satans, we can't appreciate any amusement at all. Cruel torture for us all. Why Miyuki gets up early in the morning, to provide only a cup of hot milk to Alex, who gets up so late? One and half hour of delay would cause cool down of the hot milk. Why this 16 years old boy can't heat up milk alone? Mentally illed?

Thus, so strange fenomenum for our side. Alzheimer disease causes collective illusion, and they shake so much, thus, for them, no personal difference at all!

Thus, sometimes, they took big mistake on us all. Thus, Pole MAKI is Carousel MAKI, and MAKI-ko, also....Ummm...

No difference between YUKARI and MIYUKI, thus, I like YUKARI, and hate MIYUKI. Thus, please dispose Miyuki, and leave YUKARI near me, was HARUMI's last remark. Thus, the world changed so much.

Personal replacement should not be done, in every meaning, in our society, however, they did it easily. Thus, no difference among them, and they themselves recognized the difference by superficiality. And now, with recognition problem, they can't recognize which is which, thus, sometimes, so many strange replacements happened.

Oh, good material to excercise Japanese language. This is whole part of Prime Minister ABE's remarks on Imperial succession. The proof of how dumb he is, the real concrete version:




These <...> marks are all errors, from the view points of Japanese language skills, social approach, political stance, and judicial matters. Oh, ABE, thus, you failed to enter into Knocked Out Versity's kindergarden...We presume so easily, and this is top leader of Japan, accualy, according to satanic OMANKO writers.

So many repetititions in the short remarks. The symbol of stupidity. And confusional usage of feudal old era and modern age. The last word まいる or MAIRU is too too old for us all, and abandoned almost 200 years ago.

My Majesty, Emperor, is the exact AKIHITO only, it means. TENNNOU-HEIKA 天皇陛下 wound not be used for other ex-emperors. Thus, oh, AKIHITO, you are older than 200 years old!!! The Guiness Record Breaking long life guy, he is! Public record, thus, GUINESS, you should change the record!!! Japanese Emperor is the acctual oldest guy in the world!!!

And he, works as emperor, more than 200 years! Thus, presumably, 220 years old and more, he would be calculated. How effective he is! During his reign, WWI, WWII, Meiji Revolution, First Encounter with Captain Perry, and so on, happened, it means. Where is SHOUWA Emperor? Where is TAISHOU emperor? Where is MEIJI emperor????

ABE loves "Today", thus, he repeated twice "Today" or 本日, and tomorrow, he would forget all! Only today type, thus, One Day Acuview, he is categorized as Alzheimer patient.

And the opinion is decided by the meeting, and it would be stipulated by Japanese ABE government, in the near future. Opinion, is just proposal, not should be decided in collective. However, ABE took it that the imperial family meeting decided the opinion, without feeling strange at all. Decision making is out of mind in his conception, it means. Politicians should not incapable at this point. Decision maker, the top leader, Prime Minister, yes. However, ABE doesn't know what is decision, and who is decision maker at all, even now!!!

With what kind of legal effect, he stipulates the decree? He decides something, or he just follows to the decided opinion? He can't recognize the difference between order and obedience! Oh, SELF type! ONANISM gramar, he learned since he was a baby!

Urobolos, he is! No head type!

Oh, Miyuki remembered now that this morning, the same fenomenum happened on the patch!