YUKARI's End (111)

2017-04-01 19:48:54 | 日記

I have sent my Curriculum Vitae and Peple's Charter with a coverletter to CALTEC and MIT at the same time.

 First, I seached the mail-address, and found that MIT had already ended up. They didn't want to show their own e-mail address and asked me to send something with my own e-mail address. Data stealing job only versity, it was qualified by our quick job.

  Even Japanese OMANKO Journalism said that MIT couldn't instruct any advansed skill to the versity pupils. Oh, then why pupils entered into MIT. And found the fact. Just for job seeking. MIT was a kind of agecy to provide various jobs through their pesonal and financial network. No education was necessary type degraded versity.

  For liberalist who believe the idealsm of academism, it would be a fun. However, for others, just a trash. Wasting precious money to the ditch type. Oh, the same of Japanese counterpart!!!

  Anyway, CALTEC at least put their e-mail address on web-site.

  I added our Animal Charter, under the name of People's charter. How they treat me??? On April Fool's present from Miyuki & Adachi. Miyuki hopes that they give os whole. the campus, dormitory, class room buildings, warehouses, facilities, equipments, information, libraries, halls, kitchens, gardens, courtyards, all of all, without debt. Property, we call it. We need to use it.

  Miyuki would like to invite her own professors from every fields and countries. No degree system, they are called. Working place, for us all!!! Good atomosphare and family attendance. Hospitality. And Miyuki and ADACHI try to keep it clean, as much as possible. However, you know, OYAJI is, generally speaking, not good at the job.

  Alex is claiming their double teacher system like instructing system. What they do in CALTEC, is their common curiocity. And the answer is, all and nothing. To adapting in the new environment, they will do every effort. Thus, all. And for us, her kids, nothing. They should think what they should do. Youth, you should be ambicious!!!, thus, Mr.Clerk said in SAPPORO.

  MIYUKI posed the same, and thought, "Oh, he looks like Lenin!"

  They made a good job to find a suitable job for them. And CALTEC, after the disaster, is the best choice, they agreed.

  a wiping job, ADACHI said. Miyuki didn't know the system at all. They controled the neuron, actually.

  Oh, MicroSoft USA office, it was. Thus, they could control directly my neurons.

  When I asked the problem of stolen identity of my e-mail address of Versity, I asked to the clerk how I should do. And the reply was, MICROSOFT USA site office is responsible for our message sending and receiving. Thus, "If you have any qustion, ask to it."

  Then, I had to write a massage to MICROSOFT Shinagawa office. However, it had no e-mail address and obliged us to send to postal address. Oh, it ended up already!!!

  I wrote, and waited more than 1 month, and had no response at all.

  Now, Microsoft sold my personality to others, and they used it, instead of you. Slender Oriental Lady with a bit kinky appearance. And they made a wrong choice. My nasty degrated figure.

  Sorry boys, I am more taller, probably than you, NARDS!!!! You are quick kids, already. And quick kids are easily turnning to be short type. I am taller than you, probably. And I am much more lean, than your image.

  A kind of nasty resemblance, Miyuki found. With glasses. Black leotado type wear, she wore. And the nards failed. Miyuki prefered being us, even in CALTEC. Thus, they failed.

  Miyuki's nards are common people like us. Not kinky old bugs, at all. Chris Blame is a kind of nards, however, she is tall. 175cm high!!! Clare liked her expression....Ummm...anyway, good! Clare liked that her feet are so tiny. Miyuki found that her feet are only 24.5 cm. Like Makiko. Makiko is under 170. And Miyuki is only 23.5 cm. Miyuki was astonishing that Clare have 26.0 cm feet. And excleimd like a tryanph, "My daughter's feet are  26 cm!" and the old man beside their table burst to blow his drink. Miyuki laught in a belly with Adachi. IZUMI-san felt sorry for her tiny feet. Miyuki was not proud of her big size, however, just wanted to show that my daugher's category is totally different from Japanese male standard.

  Miyuki's family is too too kinkiest for them all. Too too nards for muck army. Nards would be muck also. Sticky, persistent smelly kinky figures, they were.

  Miyuki prefered CALTEC without these kind of kinky nards. Then gained. A letter should be needed to show her legitimacy to use. OK, "I will do my snow russeling job when it snow".

  Neighbours were afraid of the moving of kinkiest family in the world to their sacred place. Frankie goes to Hollywood type strange fenomenum, they thought. A kind of amusement. Trees were too too harsh to put up with the smell, also!!!

  Oh, artificial smells. I know. Trees smells are freshing, and sometimes, I would like to try green tea with their young leaves. Not for everyday use, a kind of tasting freshness. A bit. A leaf of smashed young pine leaves are too too delicous. Young!!! Soft. A bit bitter. However, sometimes, especilly in Spring, Miyuki did the job. Pine flavour!

  Chris has an Uncle, a headmaster of local bank. Miyuki didn't know the name at all. Anyway, a kind of TOUHOU GINKOU, Miyuki thought. Begin with H...and the rest, Miyuki forgot.

  and he has a train house for his own railway hobby. And a trophy room for his kids, yachtmen, they are. And a garage only for OPEN CAR's cover change. Special house, however, not so kinky type. Normal Big house with big courtyard. Miyuki found that richness is thus. For their amusing, they spent their money. Not so extravagance. Yes, yacht going is a kind of extravagance, however, not for showing up type. Just a sport.

  They did a drive in the Hollywood Mountains. Pines were here and there. And big big pine nuts!!! Like Dorian size. And picked up somes. Plant hunting, they accused them????? Miyuki was too too right to remember, that they watched raimbow in the day. Miyuki found it and cried, "Raimbow! Raimbow! Look! Raimbow is there! It would be a lucky sign! I will have kids, soon!!!" And they thought, this guy really wants to have kids.

  Thin flat lady, they explained. They were searched by Miyuki's accuaintance????? Miyuki is too too right to predict the loss of Mr.Slump. They vanished. Soon after Miyuki's accusing on the family, they vanished. Thus, she was quitted her misson of advising to counter Mr.Slump attacking. Bomb, they said. Terror, they said. Why they were the power holders of USA????

  Just ABE did the same type trick, they used. Figure faking jobs, they called it. Miyuki was done when she intended to be a class chief and found the figure is easily faked.

  Miyuki's gained votes were only 2. however, 4 mates came to her to say, "We voted you, thus, the result was strange."

  The difference. Miyuki didn't put her vote in her, because for her, it was a shame. Thus, probably, only one supperter should be calcurated by the evil teacher responsible Kouichi YOSHIDA. And they found that the technology failed as the tool of wrongdoing.

  OHP, over head projector, the equipment was called. And pushing button remote controler like swich machine each in the desks. Each candidate has its own number. Then pushed. And the result was reported by him on the black board, by his chalk. Miyuki gaind 2 vote, thus failed. And instead of Miyuki, Shukuko TAKAMURA gained. Ampanman like "safe reliable " type, and Miyuki admitted her being class cheif. No struggle at all. However, they got to know that Kouichi YOSHIDA did the trick in public, and the possibility of fake in electral system, in general.

  Thus, he did the evilest dirty work in his final end of the period. Figure faking. At Kyorin, Miyuki was a victim of this kind. KITADA did the job. Enquate counting was her method. "I am always popular, and it is proved by the figure." Type remarks here and there. Teachers Pets like dirty jobs. And Miyuki didn't persist at all. Because it was for pupils, and according to her, pupils didn't want to work with us. Thus, OK, your choice. I am out of it. However, Miyuki claimed to have wasted the precious time for her faked popularity making jobs. Why she called me the meeting for better cheerful life for the pupils?

  I proposed most liberal enjoyable plan, listening to the opinion of the pupils' representative, also pupil he was. And we made three plans. And after 1 week, on Sunday, she apruptly sent me the result of the enquete, sayinf trynphly, "Your idea was not supported by any pupil. Thus you failed. however, our ideas gained  pupils' favours. Thus, the modest one should be taken."

  ???? Not mine. The most enjoyable plan. Why my opinion? And why so tryanphantly, she daclared that I had failed????

  A kind of recognition problem she suffred from already. Collaboration job, she said and called me to perticipate in the meeting. And then, each ones' opinion, she took. ???? She confused colaborate jobs with individual jobs. Comunizm, they prefered because of it. Identification problem. For them, Vesity's name only can be recognized.

  Oh, old school boy type nostargy. They are all Alzheimers!!!

  Thus, they are so so slow. All meetings were useless and time consuming type. The organization system was badly made. They had no responsibility at all. Alzheimer, they suffered. And they called them as professors of universities.

  For me, versity was an experiment place for liberalism and better future for us. Thus, kinkiest should be, among our public moral limit.

  However, for them, only a sanatrium, to pass their rest of life as the final stage.

  Oh, thus, "residence of the final stage", Harada started to look for. MIYUKI was so astonished that when she started to find the ideal final house only several years after buying an apartment in BUNKYO ward. Why final residence? They had a kid called KIRARA, at that time, junior high pupils or so. And they were 50 years or so. Why now??? Why final?

  And she said that she had an old house of their parents, which were suitable for their library, in Saitama prefecture.

  Enhancing mode? Her husband was her ex-colleague, and his major was English literature, especially, Dr.Johnson, the father of OED dictionary. They got married and lived somewhere.

  After I got hired into Kyorin University, they moved to BUNKYO area, near Tokyo University. There, HARADA wanted to put KIRARA to OCHANO-MIZU Women's Versity's anex primary school. However failed. She said, "On the exact lottery day, I had to perticipate in an important meeting at Kyorin Versity, thus, I couldn't participate in the lottery, and she couldn't entere in the ideal school."

  And I didn't ask her alternative at all. I thought Primary School 7, because it would be the nearest for their supposed apartment. And she said, "KIRARA would gain a puppy, when she could enter into an ideal junior high, becaues I will give it as her reward. This is Mao ASADA's example. KIRARA liked Mao, a renoun figure skater."

  And after the remarks, Harada stopped talking on her daughter at all.

  Sometimes, I had asked her, "How was your daughter?" And her reply was always, "Oh, not so bad.My daughter is not so promissive, as you know."

  I don't know she were promissive or not. However, I have heard the origin of the name. Highly promissive, accoring to her naming.

  KI was named after the diary of Dr.Johnson. A famous one, as she said, and it came from her husband's major.

  RA was named after the significance of "ALL in Whole", because Dr.Johnson was a man of every knoledge type.

  The repetition of RA came from her name. Her name was NANAKO. The second NA is repetition. Thus, the girl was named like KI-RA-RA, she proudly explained me, when I ate lunch with her in versity restaurant called Hall ANZU.

  Why HARADA lose interest in her daughter???

  And she should do care taking job for her and her husband's old parents. During 5 years or so, she lost at least two of them, incessantly.

  And final residence she found or not???? I don't know. She said that her husband was totally indifferent from his family and his daughter's education at all, because he is a great scholar. ????

 First, KIRARA vanished, then their old parents, then which one? Family reduction game, they did. And they wanted to take the financial property from the both of the parents.

  OOMAKI, was her pre-marital name. And her birth place was vague. Sometimes, she said, Tokyo born, And sometimes, Born in OOSAKA and moved to TOKYO.

  They did a first dating at OPERA house in IKEBUKURO. Where, KOISHI found their dating. After that they got married. She was enthusiastic to get married, and he was OK, anyway type. And 10 years ago, he left Kyorin versity, and moved to Tokyo Women's Versity. Becauese he was promissive, she explained.

  Miyuki did't know that he was renoung scholar of Dr.Johnson at all. Anyway, he is a kind of English Literature maniac type impression.

  HARADA said that the most easiest dish for dinner was SASHIMI. Quick, and every family member were satisfied with. Oh, you are rich! Everyday, SASHIMI life? Miyuki responded.

  For one person, SASHIMI or fresh row fish is not so expensive. However, for three figures, everyday SASHIMI eating habit is costive, I thought.

  One by one, incessantly, is their way to reduce the family. To concentrate their capital, probably. A kind of diminising process, they did. And family use. The superior ordered to reduce the number. Alzheimer family reducing program, it was called.

  Alzheimer disease is a kind of shame, they thought. And, ABE took an advantage to resolve the problem. Only one would be a surviver in a family.

  MIYUKI is safe, from the begining. Because she was alone in public register. And Miyuki didn't know why Sato FAMILY was not so rich anyway??? Money is the low value type???

   And YUKARI is different. She is money oriented type. Then, why she didn't earn money at all? She likes money, then she should earn, within the limit. And she passed the limit. And now, she vanished again. She spent lots of money for her own, and forgot her name. She is SATO, anyway, she said.???? It doesn't work at all. Alzheimer test she did. And she forgot her proper name. I would be mult-existance, she declared. Thus, failed. Her temptation to take Alex as her ideal husband was too too evil and strong. And she should be hospitarized anyway.

  However, a disaster. Miyuki was too too rightous to put her into Tokyo University as a professor of law. And she said, "I am a professor of law of Tokyo Versity." In the test. A declaration. And she failed. She would be a plain ordinary professor of law at Kyorin versity. Oh, Tokyo versity, why not?

  They disliked her way of spelling mistakes appointing custom. She liked to be the superior to others. Thus, she failed. She was thought to be modest type. However, responded, "Oh, I am a professor of law at Tokyo University. Any problem?"

  And she went asleep now. She would do the same type of wrongdoing again. Arrogant day for her again tomorrow?

  Not at all. Plain girl day for ordinary DDMs. Variety of DDMic prsonality is found in a body. A kind of kinkiest example.

  And she wanted to go to Tokyo Versity at once. And failed. And Kyorin was nothing for her, now. Oh, she gave up to be a professor? And she is thinking of being a comedian. Oh, good. Would be. Try, anyway.

  A positive, cheerful YUKARI would be shown tomorrow. A kind of joke. She has in out of impulse world. Just haterid. And haterid made her cheerful. Syphilis, finally. a kind of. cheerful for her, terrble for others type???

  Oh, group home invitation with her cousins? IZUMI-san is so worried about Miyuki's mental health. MIT? Not at all! The evilest place in the world!!!

  Oh, I didn't know it. Kurt Vonagatte oftenly refered to his versity. Thus, I put my CV etc to the versity. Anyway, I put them together to CALTEC also. At the same type. Just a April Fool's special service.

  And got only CALTEC. MIT vanished at all!!! Masatusette! Oh, sorry, east side of the continent. Harvard is near, and Columbia. And Miyuki forgot wisconsin document???? A kind of joke. MIT was mesouri, Miyuki thought, when she was in flamboyant mood. And now, MIT was found in the bottom of the lake.

  Ministry of IT? A secret Ministry in the marine cable only type. And they did a lot of wrongdoing. Miyuki felt green tea leaf now. And several hours before, some milanese type smell. A kind of symptom of recovery process. Remiembering far smell selective. The system is unknown and was found and lost in the police.

  A Mesouri Versity accepted her kind offer, however, russeling jobs. Only russeling jobs type. Russeling car should be available for the use. And Miyuki understood that MIT was different from Massatusate Institute of Technology. Mirouri Infantabuse Technical speciality.Oh, Pederasty we call it.

  Not a joke. Miyuki was caught now and was abused by them????? Black gag!!! April's real fools!!!

  Miyuki's discription is too right to express the situation. And her spelling mistakes. Every mistakes cost a bunch of time loss, they claimed. They said, the system should be perfect. And Miyuki didn't know the system. Only one person game, it would be. In the world, there is no doctoral holder except you and OKINO. And OKINO failed to be a power holder. I am not a power holder at all!!!

  And Miyuki failed at all!!! Miyuki didn't like to be a power holder. And CALTEC is such a kind of power holders' dream type???? Miyuki doesn't want to have power holders' job at all???? Responsible jobs, if they were ment, OK, a kind of power holder we should say. Toilet wathing power holder, cooking power holder, instructive power holder, message sending power holder. A kind of taking their own risk type responsibility. If the task fails, they should be recover it, as soon as possible with the max sincerity type. Not power holder until now. For the future, responsability, we call it.

  Thus, Miyuki failed and gained. OKINO wanted to be a school master of CALTEC and Miyuki would be her assistant and some managing jobs. And the income? We should earn, anyway. Vegitable gardens, meat!! Exchange meat system!!! Some services we provide. And professiong jobs also. Cooking for consumers, also. Anyway, we should live and earn our living cost.

  OKINO wanted to be a founder, however, a reformer now. Anyway, CALTEC is a good name. Calcium prodcing company like pronunciation, Miyuki said. Good for our long legs inclination.

  OKINO accepted her kind offer! And she would be a good trainer for MIYUKI's kids also!!! Good. Alex is a bit fatty, thus, training is a bit necessary for him.

  Plump, they said. Fatty, in Miyuki's way. Fatt is avoidable, Miyuki's belief. Not Spaltan type, that OKINO liked, a soft spontaneous one, like tennis, swimming, squashing and so on.

  Spontaneous, is a keyword for us all. Spaltan for herself. Not ITTETSU type, of course!!!

  MIYUKI is too too right to choose her own amusing inclination. Thus, we should fail it. Miyuki & Adachi. We should call it. A kind of combination. And Miyuki is so so chiken when he is taking a nap. And sometimes, it works. Miyuki felt nasty when she watched the orenge tarmeric colour. Like a blood, she thought. Some dying message of them???

  Too too deeply they sank. Always good for her type remarks as always, and failed. Prediction game, they called. And failed and failed. Only several tymes, they found the truth. Oh, YUKARI's test. Too too nasty jobs, and isolated with her. And made a lot of mistakes. And Miyuki understood that YUKARI was too too nasty to others. And dangerous at all. HARUSAN tried to say, MIYUKI is not nasty at all. A bit smelly type, she is. And forgot her daughter. A promissive, she was, probably. And now, a monster. Sleepy monster should be. Today's too too hard for her. Too much job for her. A washing. And all day long. And she said, "I did a big mistake. MIYUKI tried to catch me again"?????

  Cathing job, Miyuki did, she explained. Miyuki caught a lot. And now, she is a target. And failed. She used the machine only DDMs could do. Wi-fi like waving type. Oh, a vivlator???

  Shaving system, we said. The same motor is used for it. And shaving. And failed. Good for her to try to do so. And sneezing. And HARUSAN asked her to sleep in YUKARI' own chamber. YUKARI caught a cold now. And she wanted to occupy the mother's place to have a blanket. For blanket, she would have???? Requst again. An expression of enhanced mode.

  Thus, the end. No, no, no , expansion at all. For her, good, for others, nothing.

  And she had to know, even robust body, no eating habit is not good anyway.

  Miyuki feels slight hungly. thus, I will see you, soon after !!!!

  CALTEC would provide their falicities!!! Invasion by Today ladies, they claimed. And now, vanishing at all. Just an empty place. Good. Neighbours are not more suffering from their own nasty smells. Oh, animals are our neighbours friends!!! Good!!! I want to see them again, Mountains and trees, and animals. Squeals!!! Nut cracking is for it!!!!

  Good sign for new opening. And three!!!! Like a brain!!! Miyuki got a prize of real nuts cracking. NARDs massacre, they called. A good to know. Sufficient to make a log house type simple house. good experience to find some suitable to manage it. Old guys were here and there. Good. Anyway, they are human beings. They survived. Not only we!!!

 See you! I will come back soon! We can plan our future!!! It would and should be promissive!!!!


YUKARI's End(110)

2017-04-01 16:55:37 | 日記

An example of how DDMs are stupid, vapid and feeble-minded. See the article:

 DDMs buy canned foods because of the femenine package design. Stupid! Not delicious type "cute" design is planned by this DDMic sea foods companies called "NIHON SUISAN", "NIHON HAM", " TAKARAJIMA".

  The last one is a magazine company. Virtual reality type cheap quick company. Paper Pulp company it would be!

  In 1980s, the magazine "TAKARA-JIMA" or treasure island was popular among youth. A witty cheap magazine.

  I wrote an cheap aricle to the MOOK or easy instruction book published by the company. An amusing job. Example of amusing Constitutions in the world type job. Easy job. However, Hiroshi SHIONO dislaked it, and said, "Scholar should be strict. Such a trifle article, everyone could write.", in indirect way, as usual. And I ignored his expression. Only an insinuance was not enough to frustrate my activities at all. He lacks a sense of humour, I presumed.

  I used the book for my class. Especially, a comic story on Japanese Constitution's birth story. My university Kyorin is the 3rd class, thus, I am the 3rd class professor. Thus, anyone expected me to be serious. Thus, I printed the comic story and supplied to the pupils. And asked them their impression.

  At least, comic should be a tool of information, I thought. And tried to be a good teacher. To attract their interest, I used the comic. Why not???

  An interesting story was included. An hypothesis on "who is the leeker of the bad attempt of maintaining Meiji Constitution to MAINICHI Journal". A big scoop.

  Masumi ISHIKAWA, was a journalist of ASAHI SHIMBUN. I met him in KOMABA at Tokyo UNIV. Anyway, he is famous, thus, I went to see him. A kind of previlege as being a Tokyo Versity student, I thought.

  And listened that the scoop is the biggest in the history of Japanese Journalism. Yes, we know well, however, he emphathised it. Thus, a kind of repetition of Japanese history, I did., from his lecture.

  According to the comic, the leeker would be Toshikazu MIYAZAWA, a renoun professor of Tokyo Versity.

  He was sly, according to Ryuichi NAGAO, phylosophy of law professor of the versity. Yes, he got the benefit from the falling of his boss, a big lawer in Meiji Constitution era, called Tatsukichi MINOBE.

  MIYAZAWA got married with MINOBE's daughter. And after MINOBE's accusation by military, he got a succesor of his position.

  And his wife was ex-girl friend of Misao FUJIMURA, who was said to put his body into the fall of KEGON-NO-TAKI or Fall of KEGON, a buddist prased flowers, located in Tochigui prefecture, and understood as a suicide.

  I thought at first that he was a Walter in Ghoethe's novel. However, considering the situaion, he was killed by MIYAZAWA.

  He killed if he wanted. Thus, he betrayed easily. Thus, he betrayed Meiji Constitution and apple polished for GHQ.

  He is the origin of After WWII Public Law school in Tokyo Versity. My Grand Grand Grand Grand Grand....Father type existance academically.

  However, I found that he was no understanding on Japanese Constitution even in 1949. He didn't know the system of Judicial Review at all!!!! It was my big astonishing discovery for me.And I said the fact to NAGAO. He said, "Oh, probably, he was Alzheimer at that time."

  I just said, "He didn't know the judicial review system at all. For him, too too new conception, and he had no flexible mind at all." In a fairly soft way of saying.

  Oh, all of them, Tokyo Versity pimps did know the fact. Tradition of Alzheimer. Authentic type. Classical one. Thus, YUKARI is so so qualified to be a professor of the versity.

  Direct reading of classical works written by renoun author is a kind of plesure for us. First, oh, he is a mestre in anyway type respect. And then, Oh, he is only a common figure, like us. Not so too too intelectual type. Only famous among people.

  Sometimes, I felt superiority finding mistakes in their writings. A game. And when I found, I thought I won the race. Sages are also human beings, anyway. Thus, failed, sometimes. Thus, Miyuki was not so afraid of "living authority" in academic society. And after loss of Masao MARUYAMA, Miyuki realy wanted to meet the most important figure in the field.

  They are common people, at least. And not so kinky like as Japanese law professors. Human beings, anyway type.

  Even sages in history, failed, thus, they also fail, naturally, is MIYUKI's stance. Yes, Miyuki respects other people. Not "superiority complex" at all. A kind of a certen point, wise type's respect. At least, common people, should be, is the requisite.

  In this lowest category, they all were kind in any means. Yes, they sometimes failed, however, not so "absurd" among Japanese society. They know shames, and tried to avoid them, yes.

  In Japan, professors tried to kill intellectually superior ones because of their faked fame keeping. Too kinky, we all think. However, they do, and did, and try to do again.

  They could change the compostion of chemical existance. Thus, tarmeric turned to red. And the bay leaves turned to chewing gum flavour. They could do, thus, they tried as their custom, at the sacrifice of our neuron.

  Someone entred into the Big Date reservation zone and did the evil experiment to show their power. A trifle thing, you things. However, the worst type evilness, they did.

  Tarmeric turned to be red by some chemical change, MIYUKI thought. However, only shrimp, onion, rice, were not the component of the colour change. Some evil work should assisted the colour change. Paprica like orange. And Miyuki remined that yesterday Miyuki used Paprica. Why? Some confusion, they want to cause, probably. And took the picture of the half red tarmeric proof.

  Why they did so???? Miyuki is in doubt of their recognition ability. They are colour blind and smelling confusion.

  Oh, white nights, some members, suffered from Alzheimer disease????

  Miyuki was too too right to deduce the situation. The trick is simple. They changed the bottle and put the paplica on the surface???

  Why? A bit of amusing??? Tameric trick, they said. Why??? Not a bad type???? I don't know. If done by my friends, I accepted the colour change. However, if the enemy did it, I will not forgive at all, of course!!!

  And chowing gum was too too nasty to put in a soup. Terrible. I will not buy any SB foood at all!!!! They are Alzheimer Company, would be. Lots of substitutes. Spice Company colaborated the dirty work. They should vanish now!!!

  Recently, they are so confused in smell, flavour, and disceiption and knowledge on spice. Highly DDMic, we could say. Chinese foods use only type discription on Lorel leaf's package. SEKAI-NO-SHOKUTAKU like confusion, or more exactly, degradation. Smell lost spice company. Alzheimer patients ran a spice company. Thus, dangerous, anyway.

  They rely on Tokyo Versity data, because of their forgetfulness. And Tokyo Versity related are also forgetful and made a lot of mistakes and got revealed easily. And now, a tryanph for us all!!!

   Ding-Dong Bell!!! Pussy's in the well? Who put her in? Little cute girl called Miyuki and ADACHI!!!!!

  Chigrin combined with Camarine version. Strongly cute, like a jobless itself. Anyone believe that she is anyway a professor of law!!!! Just a jobless, homeless!!! They said all! And her way of eating!!! Oh, she ate more than 5 pieces!!! Too too nasty!! She is our ruler? Not at all???

  Miyuki thraw her ruling job to IZUMI-san already. Thus, she was safe at all!!! Miyuki did it as she liked. And too nasty for others. Japan running cost problem. DDMs should pay. Miyuki is always right. And DDMs failed again.

  If Miyuki were the ruler, she would save us, was their belief. And Miyuki earned a lot of money, relatively rather than DDMs in Shirakawa. Miyuki is a nasty fellow, however, anyway, she earns some living cost from her enemy.

  HARUSAN likes her special way to thank to others. Miyuki is so right to say thank to notice her errors, she was astonished. Miyuki is doctoral holder, however, she thanks anyway. And YUKARI is illed yes. They should know the fact. And the sanatorium, they called it. Oh, versity! Kyorin was located on the top of the hill. "Magic Mountain" by Thomas Man. OYAMA frequently reffered to the work. And said, "we are just like figures in the novel."

  Miyuki didn't think so, because the versity advertized that "practical type versity" and Miyuki did know that no academic flavour at all type messy 3rd class one.

  And know the end of the novel. WWI happened ang they died. Just it. Weakened useless figures died after going down from the mountain. Only when they were in Sanatorium, they were happy.

  Alzheimers' sanatorium, versity should be. Miyuki didn't know the fact. And believed that only intellectually strong type worked there.

  And now, considering the situaions and the fenomena, just a muck producing factory it was. And other versities were also.

  Jobless is latent and job hunting is always, Miyuki thought. And did, and not found at all. Now, trial again. CALTEC and MIT. A kind of IT versities. They want to be target. However, they should put up with the ordical. And April Fool. And, MIT did it? Both?

  One by one. Tarmeric, for CALTEC. Chewing gum, for MIT. And Miyuki disliked both. Colour change was too too nasty for them, because they should change the system of neuron at first. Smell is the most important part of sense. And they did. Bye, boys!!!

  And chewing gum. Disliked by her, at all!!! And she thought to throw away all of the bad taste leaves. And she chose to throw all of the spices on SB. It would be good. Old ones, they said. Thus, cheap???

  Not cheap. Spice is sold in a tiny unit. Thus, almost US$1 however, thinking of their real value, too too expensive. Thus, they failed.

  And not amusing types of jobs for them at all. Just a tiny trick by others. Who???

  They all??? Miyuki was too too right to be caught again. And vanish!!!! DDMs!!!!

  And silence. Too too nasty jobs, the should do. Miyuki's only world it should be. Not amusing. However, it is a reality. And tic-tac in her heart. And a sound of car.

  Not reliable world, they put Miyuki in. And nasty feeling again. They faked again. They pledged never! And did it, again. Alzheimer patients forget the pledge. Vanish!!!! DDMs!!!

  And they tried to take advantage again, and failed again. Everyday's fear repeatedly. Alzheimer patients here and there, and the world's reality is this. Thus, we should put them all away!!!!

  And recovery job, we should do it. Now the sound of plane. Faked or not, I don't know. Anyway, some sense are suffering from controling by others.

  Adachi liked to believe his terrible story of Miyuki's own world and she put up with the lonliness. And they was astonished. Even family should do it type fear, in case of her family. YUKARI was too too evil too do so. And she did it. And colaborated to the bad joke.

  She said, she was pretending to be an Alzheimer patient and turned to be one of them. An admission. As always. Not so kinky type. Already heard type. Each time, a more deep truth were found type confession. Thus, swirling srtair like repeating jobs, they should do. A kind of nasty treatment for them. Miyuki is too rightous for them. And Miyuki won. Miyuki believed that she should live, even others die!!!!

  Of course, thus, we came up to here. Why we stop in the middle? They chose to be losers. And they realized the dream. Thus, we are right, indifferent from our number. And Miyuki was scolded by her mother, harshly. And appologies by her error.

  Why YUKARI didn't do it, HARUSAN confessed. The only one should be mine world. Even now, for HARUSAN, why YUKARI thinks so, type question in her mind. She is jobless, useless Alzheimer patient. And criminal. And behaves worse everyday. And she insists to alive. Because she is muck.

  Everyone knows that she is muck. For HARUSAN, sometimes, YUKARI is a poor sob story's heroine. Thus, she got to behave strong to be nasty to both of her daughter. And failed. YUKARI's kinkiest explanation is always too too out of moral type. Miyuki is not so kind, however, within the normal moral, anyway, she is forgetful yes.And YUKARI refuses all of her accusation after her admission. she always said contrary remarks at the same type. And got confused in a certain period. In the evening. She began to cry. Oh, impulse. I know such kind of feeling. She wants to go back to muck planet called MONOLIS.

  Thus, the end of the end. Too nasty smell for others. Muck eating religion. Self produced perfume. And her wrongdoings.

  She wanted to chenge Miyuki's sense of taste, and did it. Call to INFERNO or MONOLIS.

  And did her wrongdoing. She should be punished again. Arrogant YUKARI today. And everyone should put up her attack anyway. A "counter revolution" type response, here and there. Thus, Japan is dangerous. Vacant reign confusion, we could call it. And they didn't believe the fact. Vanishing world, they didn't. And tried to drive a car????

  Miyuki was so right to think that long walk weighs a lot, and only 200 km ? Shirakawa is too too near to Tokyo. And they failed again. They wanted to establish TAXI users tystem for Miyuki?????

  Out of mind!!!! And Miyuki yelled, "I would like to walk anyway for our beautiful hip and legs!"

  It was too too hard to understand for them. Just a walking. It's spring now. And they failed. They all failed. MIT and CALTEC were too too sorry to participate in the inmoral game. They should be. The last time, they thought. Miyuki does't believe that now in a better world. A lot of birds are returning from the mountains. and some rare animals also. ITACHI like KAWAUSO like figure, along the river side. Oh, he!!!! Slender short legged water proof swimmer type black animal!!! At least, not a cat. mature, but small and lean. Wet and brilliant!!! And something in his mouth!!! A thin black one. Licolis???

  Miyuki was too too clever to see the sign. And took a picture. And a man abruptly yelled, "It's danger!" Why? Vehicles were her after, and Miyuki was in a pedestrian deck, already. He himself was a danger???? Or, Miyuki was danger for him???

  Anyway, Miyuki continued to keep silent and checked the file and left the place again. Cool, ADACHI, thought. She didn't notice the reason of danger at all!!!!

  Too too dangerous walking arround the town. Why? Miyuki didn't know the system at all. Anyone mentioned it, thus, Miyuki ignores it. Why not????

   Even SHIONO suggested "joking in an academic article should avoid", Miyuki idonored. He didn't say directly to me. Thus, not an order or duty at all. And he had no authority to do so. He was VIP in the field yes. However, I am free from his opinion. Why I had to think of his remark????

   Miyuki was too too right to understand their system. Miyuki is not one of them. And they all collect others to play their mimic games.????

  Why? Muck??? Muck should be eaten by other rightous our supporters. Ferterilization process, it would be called. a kind of purification. Miyuki remembered the smell of sardine used ferterilization factory in the corner of the pond along the way from the station and the grand mother's house. Miyuki was accustomed to dash from the site, because of the nasty smell.

  And muck eating factory Fertalizaion Process, has its own smell. Perfume of Country Side, we accustomed to say it. In Hachioji, in front of our ex-residence, we smelled it. Especially, in the morning, when Miyuki got out from the house. And the smell came from the north side, JR station was there located.

  Why? HACHIOJI is too too country, because of it? Miyuki thought.

  Muck they were. Thus, they produced ferterilization process factories here and there. And in MARUNOUCHI, more primitive way was taken. Muck directly to the garden between the office buildings. It smelled so bad, and I told the fact to others, Spanish part-time professors, in TSHUDA versity. They agreed by the gesture of head from up to bottm, slightly, however, they kept silent. They knew the nasty smell, however, they couldn't say it. And Miyuki started to comment the situation, refering from the actual messy situation of the center of Tokyo.

  And some strange remarks delivered by one of the professor. 2 years ago she came from Spain with his husband. She said in YOYOGUI, she lives, because there is a long dog run and her dog needed to run anyway. It costed US$2200 per month, however, she chose to live there for his dog's benefit.

  For Miyuki, her choice type remark. And Miyuki got to know that she is rich, than Miyuki is. US$2200 is too too high for Miyuki. And YOYOGUI. A good place to live, in the center of Tokyo.

  And another lives with her peruvian female medical doctor mate in YOTSUYA. The kichen is small, however, sufficient to live, she explained. Yes, Japanese gas range is too too small for them, also.

  And price, Miyuki didn't know,because that the price is paid by her group. Some missionary, she participated in. I don't know it. Some catholic related type, I presumed. She was in Thailand and lived in Chenmai, because Chenmai is more kind to foreigners.

  INES lives in SAITAMA with her husband NACHO. Her relatives also lived in the same buildings. The same type like Miyuki lived in HACHIOJI. And the almost similar price. And she is satisfied with the life, because she wanted to go back to her country and buy some suitable one after her retiring.

  INES could be hired by TEIKYO versity and claimed her strange versity life. For example, she had to do the monitoring jobs during the exam period. And she wanted to have normal holidays, because she wanted to go back to Spain and do several some trips. However, TEIKYO scheduled the most incovenient monitoring jobs for her, and she had to ask them to change the schedule. I felt that TEIKYO unnecessarily prevented her to go back to her country. Why? Just a torture??? Or jealousy???

  And Filippe Daunou, a french professor. He works for HITOTSUBASHI and he was given a house for his own use. His family lives in Paris. And he is satisfied with in his HITOTSUBASHI life. He was a cyclist, he said. And he taught in Phillipine already. Monsoon climate resident he is.

  INES has been in Phillipine to make a trip. A bright clean beach not at all. However, some nasty accident she had. An acctivity related with apes. She was scrached a bit by them. However, not a disaster. A kind of episode with astonishment.

  For 3 years or so, they changes. And Miyuki worked for TSUDA for more longer years than them???? It all dependes. Every year, NAKAI, regular professor of the versity, asked their schedule and sometimes asked to change their schedule. It was his only working, Miyuki thought so. A professor of Spanish Language. Don Quejote, by Cervantes was his major, he explained.

  Easy job, Miyuki thought. And he bought a house near the versity, and a new car, small British Mini-rover with brilliant orange one, almost 5 years ago. And almost 3 years ago, he made a second honey moon trip to Spain, San Tiago de Compostela, and his young wife concepted soon, and got a daugher called "RISA".

  His fisionology is similar to Souta KIMURA, a kind of bold rice shape male KANNON type face. And he was a lunch box user.

  He explained that he got married with his pupil and she is almost 10 years younger than him.

  In the versities, a lot of this type of couples, namely, teachers and pupils combined. Always teachers are older than 10 years or so than his wives.

  CHIHARA, Yuutarou HASHIMOTO, Youichi CHIBA, OOKAWA, only among Kyorin Faculty of Social sciences related. The formar 3 have kids of a boy and a girl. OOKAWA, unknown.

  Raping type marrige, they prefered, I felt. Mature experienced male adults and ignorant young female pupils, promissive one, probably.

  And WANI is a kind of this type. And in Kyorin, a young girl student brought her fiance, a professor of Philosophy at Keio University, to her graduation ceremony. he was 40 years old. Not so promissive type. He didn't speak at all, just ate the dished, separated from her????

  A lot of unusual combinations here and there arround Kyorin versity. And they are all Alzheimer Patients, thus, any combination should be welcomed by them.

  WASEDA prefered remote marrige type. TAKEDA, FUKUNAGA, IMAGAWA, KUROKAWA and so on. Why each versity has its own predilection of marrige form???

  Degradetion pattern, they called it. First, single. Then, remote fake marrige. then coupling. Then, having baby. Oh, gay world, should be. Thus, as a counter revolution, Feminism-Lesbosess took advantage of the male vanished world.

   Oh, thus, no OYAJI type at all in the versities. Thus, we turned to be some rare OYAJIs in their world. Thus, they failed. We are OYAJIs, yes, however, we are famales, at least, Miyuki, MORIKO and OKINO. Miyuki is the most OYAJI like figure, anthentic type, they called, because of ADACHI's support. Thus, CAMARIN was too too shoking for us.

  And the counter revolution to counter revolution. Testacles Pets revival era. And CAMARIN was counted as female and they tried to catch her to put her into her female world. "Be CAMARIN forever!" they declared to Miyuki, and Miyuki escaped from the offer. They lost. Why they tried to be so so arrrogant?

  Any other kinky figures appeared several times in front of Miyuki and Adachi. Why they are so so persistent? Because they are muck. Smelly and sticky. No brain at all. Too much cleaning jobs should be required after touching the evil dirty thing.

  Thus, YUKARI wanted to punish Miyuki because of her precious muck losing. Miyuki thraw it at once, from the mug. Smelly. For our safety, anyway, we should do it. And everyboday laught at YUKARI's kinkiest attitude toward the dirty chopsticks. Why? She wanted to regain the power at all????

  Today, YUKARI appeared more than 40 times to use the toilet. Why? Strange habit. Just staying the concealed place. Sometimes, she faked to use the washing machine. And now, she is in toilet. And the bath room. Long minutes of useless bath room ocupation she did.

   A kind of ceremony, she did, probably. And she sneezed tree times???? Her meaw cat period passed. And the arrogant mode is ending.

  Now, it's time to put her Animal declaration to CALTEC and to MIT. Miyuki disliked their neuron control attempt, however, she wants to make a joke taking advantage of this special ocasion of April Fool. Everyday Fool's revenge, they would call it!!!

  Nard should do so! Thus, wait several minutes!!!

  Vanish!!! DDMs!!!

  See you later, everyone!!! Miyuki & ADACHI, with special love bomb explosion!!!



YUKARI's End (109)

2017-04-01 13:40:11 | 日記

01/04/2017 (Saturday, afternoon) Hi! It's the begining of new educational and financial year in Japan. And April Fool!

 Japanese Education and Financial system have been all lies, DDMs wanted to say, perhaps.

 And another proof of Subliminal OMANKO Journalism:

  Since yesterday, I have thought on Lego Houses, a block for poor residents with colourful pastel paintings, in Lima.

  And Marcelo lives in Tokyo, Ramon in NAGOYA, both lived in OOSAKA.

  I thought of Copenhagen also, thinking of the isolated town less populous, capital of Denmark.

  6900 yens is the value I paid for the passport entering to Disneyland on 7 of June, 2015.

  Toube Jennsen is the writer of Mumin series and she is female, not male.

  And 9.3 ha’s theme park in NAGOYA near the pier???? Too too vast. Tremendously big. More than Shirakawa Town street!!!

  Why NAGOYA has such a big space? Toyota failed and vanished ant the field turned to be a LEGO LAND?

  And OUTSIDE, the news says. Thus, toy blocks got rain and all of the accomplished works in messy rain. Why OUTSIDE?

  Block making is a play inside the house, especially in rainy days. I loved to play making a lot of buildings by my own mode. OUTSIDE? I prefer "Anderseen Park" Like activities. Tarzan ropes, long long sliders, tricycle ridings, and so on.

  They can't recognize the difference between outside and inside.

  And 500 figures were in the rain. All Alzheimer patients who came to the place by some calling. Only 500 figures. Total number of pupils of one common junior high school. Like a collective journey for the pupils.

  Outside exhibition type not at all. And LEGO should be broken and constructed again. Not only for showing up.

  Some April Fool only article? Just foolish, not April only. Mish-mash of my information, stolen by anti-humanistic way and they damaged all of my information. I requaire them to stop the wrongdoing immediately and total compensation also immediately.

  Gods of Justice is really in rage. Cold hearted evil wrongdoing again. Not stopped at all, and did the worst mish-mash, without no any other outside source at all. All perfect hunting should be done, immediately. Wi-fi cutting, entirely and completely.

  I know that some region already cut the wi-fi system. However, in Shirakawa and Hachioji, not. Yesterday, so called "HOSONO" called to Alex. And took his advantage of knowimg Alex, my son. And failed.

  Until the last time, they did the wrongdoing, and the news! Disastrous one. Not amusing at all. For April Fool only? Another evil crime. Vanish! And we should collect the shames again.

  Too too kinky their feeling of sympaty. A cruel, we think. For them, raping the raped victim is a kind of amusement, they declared. Thus, YUKARI continued her dirty work.

  Dashing from the back house. She was ordered to make a base of wi-fi again by her wrong superior, and she did it. Thus, she wanted to enhance her territory. Again, Auntie. Your evil crimes were already listed up by our army and our supporters. You failed, you should know. Even Alzheimer patients could know the fact type obvious wrongdoing.

  And she did a lot of mistakes this morning. Put some nasty flavour into the package of Laurel Leaves. She said to her mother, "Miyuki lost smell. Thus, she made a bad soup with the bay leaf."

  The flavour was that of chewing gum. Terrible. The soup was saved anyway, because Miyuki found the smell of bay leaf and put it away in the trash box. Strange!!! Why they smell like chewing gum? Turky, the produced country was called. ??? Turky is a country who provides delicious dished. Groumant country, anyway. Why and how?

  This morning, tarmeric powder turned yellow to red. I put it into my shrimp paella. And immediately, they changed the colour and in the middle, they chemical change stopped. I took the picture anyway for a proof.

  Why paprica colour??? Recently, strange kitchen fenomena here and there. Black beans taste like soy beans, also. My bologna sausage vanished.

  The package is made of S&B food company. However, they said, "Bay leaves are for Chinese dishes." wrongly. And now, their ingredients are not reliable. I will not buy the product anymore. too too confusing. They made a lot of errors.

  Sense of tongue and that of sight, they affected. Cooking relied on the senses. They are too too jealous and tried to destroy my senses, by way of neuron system, taking advantage of wi-fi system.

  YUKARI and HOSONO are the same. They are MONOLIS the muck. Personality doesn't exist for them. Thus, we are indifferent for their identification. Just muck, shit and pooh. MONOLIS, as a common name for them.

  And vanishing. They persisted to vanish, taking advantage of family relation and friendship. And Miyuki is too too clever to do instead of them.

  Miyuki could do it, because she is out of their rule. They are protectionalists, while Miyuki is liberalist. Miyuki didn't refrain from cutting with an evil family member not with her friends. Thus, she killed the relationship with OOTAKA, and HOSONO.

  YUKARI was already killed. And now, more powerful violent YUKARI. Throwing YUKARI!!!! She thraw a package of English bread and passed the corredor like an emperor. Miyuki picked the package and put it on the right place. And made her passing previously. An arrogant Alzheimer patient, now she is.

  She is too active this morning. She pretended to work in washing job, despite of so small amount of dirty closhings. She ordered to cook to her father for her, and he did his job. Taro potatoes washing and peeling were done by him. YUKARI said to him, "I will cook, so you should prepare for it." And her job was just putting maionase and mixing with a masher.

  Several mashers are there in the kitchen. She was allowed to use mashers as her own tools. DDMs only one system was applied to her in her own way. Only one cooking tool for her. And the other her activities were all her kindness, they classified. And? Nothing. She went to the same mode, and we Sato Family did the same. An Arrogant YUKARI again.

  Oh, she is going to Yokyo University to be a professor of law. How subject is Gender Theory. She is the predicessor of KAKISHIMA!!! Oh, thus, she is so arrogant today.

  She accepted the kind offer and she should go out as soon as possible, to gain the best advantage for her. Delivery Host using tickets, it is called. She wants to try it, as soon as possible. Thus, now, her hush-hush day. And she can't do anything at all, thus, she called Alex to make a pacage for her. Alex is silent, and obedient to her ridiculous order. Because it is more productive anyway. A kind of endurance, he gave up. Stupid boy, YUKARI was accustomed to say so, in her nasty smiling way. As if she were amusing his stupidity. And Alex did treat her, in her own way. And she liked it. Oh, Dorothy!!!

  No Dorothy in NIMO. KAKISHIMA faked???? Miyuki didn't watch the movie at all. Childish. Why me???

  It look a lot of time to watch "Gaia Symphony" for Miyuki. Nasty, anyway, some amusing discriptions here and there. And KAKISHIMA's taste was not impressive for me. A common OKINAWAN guy for Miyuki. More inpressive figures were here and there. And they believed nature. Naturalists. And Miyuki failed. They were fakes, at all!!! Oh, were they. OK. I liked some.

  A lion lady, hawaian surfer, marine scientist, pianist turning to be a scientist. I liked their way of life, even they were the faked ones. Some of the reality, they talked. Thus, I liked. however, too too long!!!! I didn't waste time at that time. I needed to sue KYORIN Versity at all. And new job hunting, I was doing. And KAKISHIMA's recommendation was a burden for me. However, I didn't know that she was so evil. Thus, I did watch it and failed.

  Anyway, I returned the videos to KAKISHIMA. I didn't want to have them at all. Once is too much sufficient type.

  Why she wanted to lend me? I didn't know the reason. She is a mistery for me. And YUKARI is also. Thus, they are too too similar for me. A big mistery like MONOLIS.

  Michael Tarcofsky's searies were performed in 300 figures theater in Sengoku. She went there and watched another one, because had no choice. Schedule. Thus, watched "Sin and Crime". And liked the fisiolonomy and dislied the performance. Why they fainted so easily? Anemia, also!!! They are hungry, probably. My problem. However, my way is too too slow. Like, "Oh, Alex, I will take a nap for sevral days. Don't disturbe me at all during the period. Don't worry. I will get up after 3 days at most. " And got asleep. And they claimed "Miyuki was taking a rest a lot. She should be more diligent. She is too too idol."

 I felt sick. Why I couldn't take a rest at all? I am not a machine. I need to take a rest anyway. After the recovery, I would work harder, of course. However, it was not my idolness. Necessity, anyway.

  And Alex's case. He suffered headache, every Monday, and tried to escape from his schooling. And asked me to call to the school until 8 oclock. Why? They should prepare some pupils to play the role of his friends. His school ended before he entered. Why they forced to pay lots and continued as if the school existed??? Just wanted my money. Why? Only one family who gained income.

  And now, good news!!! YUKARI ended up to go to Tokyo Versity as a professor!!! Visiting professor, for a provisional use. And then she is ready to be the regular professor!!! Oh, good for us, anyway!!!

  HARUSAN was astonished at the offer and said, "Probably, you are mitaking Miyuki with YUKARI!" And they said, "Not at all. Our boss called KAKISHIMA called YUKARI to be her assistent. YUKARI is suitable for her!!!"

  Oh, ping-pong!!!! They system. The idiot superior chose more idiots as its inferior. Thus, KAKISHIMA found only one, in the world. The most idiot and the second idiot in the world. Good combination!!!

   Miyuki did a good play to show her inferiority in the moral degration competition. Oh, I lost at this point. I am always inferior to her YUKARI. Oh, I always am inferior to YUKARI!!!!

  And Miyuki gained the prize. Truth prize in April Fool!!! And Ig-Nobel prize again!!! She liked to collect her Ig-Nobel prizes continuously. IZUMI-san liked her way of, "I don't want to be so stupid to gain genuine Nobel prize, especially peace prize, because Eisaku SATO gained the prize. Ig-Nobel would be much more suitable for me!!!

  It is the order of intelligence. Ig-Nobel recepients means intellectually superior with humours!!! Miyuki is collector of the prize. And prize value??? Invaluable !!! Unlimitted!!!! Superior in humors, especially. I could put the honour in my CV!!!!

  And Miyuki decided to go to CALTEC, anyway. It would be her own world. Miyuki should provide their agricultural foods for her pupils. OK, I and they should do it. Agriculture is the base for life. Miyuki thought "OK, he is the type. Thus, agricultural course." And thought, probably, his Auntie instructed the composition. And corrections. Miyuki was too too right to presume it. And YUKARI failed. She wanted to play the role of teacher instead of Miyuki. Oh, do it!

  And she decided to go. One machine in a each family. KAKISHIMA liked her figure anyway. Idiot, she thought. More developped type. And BLA-BLA-BLA. It was too too rare for her to find this type. Oh, I know lots of them.

  And she decided to live with her in the glass building. Good. A good choice for Alzheimer patients.

 Miyuki didn't know that YUKARI wanted to be a teacher at all. And she did, as she liked. A corrector of his composition, as always. And she robbed his chance to develop his writing ability. However, in this situation, he gained safe because of her wrongdoing. And got C, anyway. If he wrote, he could gain A, he thought. However, better than D.

  He alwasy asked her to do his homework. And said, "OK, auntie, your job is correcting my spelling mistakes. It was suitable for me. Only correction."

  And found a lot of spell mistakes and she got pleased to her evil comment.

  Oh, I thought that she wrote for me. Not for him. For YUKARI, others are too much nasty and more sutupid.

  Emperor YUKARI turned to be KAKISHIMA's assistent. Good choice! YUKARI would kill her, as soon as possible.

  And yesterday, I found a gimmick in food shops. A advertizement plate only types here and there.

  The shop is called "FUKUMI" and everyday, the advertizement was written manually like "Croquet US$0.7, Milanese of Humburg US$0.8, Tiny Chinse steamed Meat pie in a cube US$0.25.

  I tried to buy the last one. Only one individual for one bite. And tried to go into the shop. However, the shop was too too small, differently from the big advertisement. And the same tiny advertisement board on the wall. And the counter, there was no one. And all shelves were totally empty. And the paper said, "Please ring the bell, if you want to ask our service."

  Oh, absent type. And the bell. Like a buzzer in the counter of HASEGAWA hospital. The staff didn't want to appear at all. And the who put the bell or buzzar should be a nasty fellow. And hatred by all of them.

  I once put the buzzar in the hospital, because I was asked to call at least one of them to my illed mate Ms.ARAKI. There were no staff in Nurce Room. And the paper said, "In case of necessity, call us, putting the buzzar." Thus, I put and called a nurse and transimitted the message from my mate, that is, "Come to see her, immediately."

  Bell ringing was a nasy thing for them. Thus, they induced me to put it to call one of them. However, Miyuki found that this shop is run by BELL aliens or Alzheimer Patients. Thus, I gave up, and took a photo as a proof.

  I found that many meat shops are the same situation. Some of them looked functioning anyway. I did buy a cheese cream ball type crocket in TOMIYAMA meat shop near BENIMARU and CHIJUIN, our ascestors' temple.

  The clerk was YUKARI's class mate in her junior high school. YUKARI liked his face and said to me, "Oh, his face is beautiful and looks country boy." For the first time, I met him last August, soon before my custody. And I thought, "Oh, normal uncle.Not so beautiful but not so kinky one. " And paid US$1.3 for it. A bit expensive, however, anyway, sustainable. Cheese is included, anyway.

  And I like this joking place. Meat shop beside the cemetery!!!! It was an old meat shop. As far as I know, it is located there. "Body Shop in front of Coffin producing shop" type impression.

  And I remembered my experience, a fish version. I went to Aquarium in NIIGATA, when I visited NIIGATA university to meet Prof. Akio SATO. I wanted to take advantage of the visit, thus, I made a touristic trip. Yaichi AIZU museum, an old Prefectural Hall in a mish-mash style of Western and Oriental archtectures, and the beach with cannons and the aquarium.

  I liked a arch glass window for fishes. And watched various fishes, most of all came from near sea, that is, Japanese sea. Common sea foods' ingredients type fishes here and there. And in the end, I encountered with an advertizement. "Now in this show case, OCUTOPUS is absent because of escaping from us." OK, only an octopus.

  And I was hungry and took a look at Aquarium restaurant. And found the shocking advertisement, "Today's menu. Ocutopus's SASHIMI"!!!!! A good well joke in reality????? I talked on this conincidence to others.

  However, considering the acctual situaion, my doubt would be not a joke but a reality!!!! Aquarium was show windows of Japanese sea foods and they killed to cook from the last one. Thus, ocutopus got to be a victim.

  I did't enter into the restaurant, because the dishes were too too exensive for me.

  Octopus is famous for its eating his own feet. I don't know if it were true or not. However, we have some proverbs using this supposed custom. Self Bomb, it means. Sooner or later, it would end up, vanishing.

  Eating themselves, is octopus's dying message. Miyuki remembered Shijaku's round brilliant skin head looked like an octopus.

  DDMs believe that diceased have no mouth, like, "Good indian is only dead indian". However, we people believe that we could find proofs after the death. Thus, no time-limit at all. In Japan, criminal laws got to adopt to limit the period of fact finding process saying, "useless and costive" however, usefull and free, then, we could do. Thus, the time-limit has no rational ground to insist at all!!!

  DDMs have no logical thinking and this is their chacacter. Inflexible and flamboyant. Out of tune, and they were all revealed that Alzheimer patients. Alzheimer disease came from MONOLIS. If one figure were taken place by them, he turned to be an Alzheimer patient. The same thing. Muck, we could say to apoint them both.

  MONOLIS figures. Thus, too too simplest tasks were already tiresome for them. Thus, YUKARI didn't work at all. Why she avoided to work so persistently, was my big question. And I found the right answer. She is muck.

  KAKISHIMA is muck, also. Muck&Muck, double Muck Burgers!!! They might get along with each other, because they are the same in a body. And double income. TOKYO Versity would pay money for them as two figures anyway. Thus, they would register as a couple in SHIBUYA Ward. And gained the social benefit. And they would gain assisted scholarship for their special search for males. And concrete field study would be developped by them. Delivery Health workers' investigation in the real type. And they would order the catalog of the males and order their service to know the reality of their jobs. Complete should be. Thus, everyday, different types should be.

  The process and the result should be transparent for others. Thus, video taping should be duty. Thus, all angle video cameras were setted in the special equipment in the special room called Love Hotels.

  and economy research should be done buy them. Which hotels are suitable for the usage, or love making jobs. A divine job, they would do. All transparency rule. Only selected figures could do the sacred job. Thus, degree holders should be, DDMs chose them. And now, they should start the search as soon as possible.

  And they were too too amusing the situation that Miyuki got scolded by her mother. She was scolded by her junior high degree holder!!!! Doctoral degree holder was scolded by her!!! And Miyuki appologised her immediately!!! Repeatedly. Sincerely. And thanked her for noticing it. She accepted her scolding. And YUKARI realized that doctoral holder was too too nasty to be praised by her mother, even her errors.

  Miyuki is too too sly, YUKARI claimed. She was protected by her mother. She said, "OK, she admitted her wrongdoing. She left her bag in the common place, and appologized her error, with total sincerity. She is a doctoral holder. And you, versity holder, you lied that you lost the bag there. Miyuki found her immediately and said, "Oh, sorry, it's mine, and I left because of my forgetfulness. Oh, thank you for noticing it. Oh, I need to pick up now! It was too kind to teach me my forgotten bag. Thank you, a lot!!!"

  And mother thought, that she was so so forgetful even now. Doctoral degree was not for developping her memory at all. But, at least, she saved her important objects from her help.

  YUKARI found the bag and said, "Oh, it's mine. I should pay my deabt now. I have a lot of money now. I should pay anyway. Now, immediately."

  Why you are so busy today?, My mother asked her. And her explanation on the above. Anyway, I want to pay at once, as soon as possible.

  And she found a lot of bank book in the wallet like big green plastic bag. Oh, my precious things are here, mother! Look, we are rich now. Kill Miyuki as soon as possible!!!!"

  This is her world. Thus, Miyuki was always in danger when she was in a trip abroad. US$300 thousand travel insurance, in case of her death, Miyuki entered for her short trip. Normal one, Miyuki thought. Only for medical care was necessary for her, however, no alternative. Thus, paid US$70 for one trip to Latin America, US$40 to other countries. And it didn't function at all.

  In Buenos Aires, Miyuki was forced to stay one more day because of Huricane. Miyuki didn't know the information. When she got to the airport, she found that her plane was canseled by it. And tried to be compensated by insurance company called MITSUI SUMITOMO TOKYO KAIJOU NICHIDOU insurance company. However, after long explanation with US$11 telephone use, the clerk said, "Hurican is not our requist factor. Thus, you should pay the money for hotel stay."

  And she should return to the hotel and asked the clerk to stay one more night, because of huracane. The response is, "Your room is already reserved for someone. If you move to another vacant one, it would be fine, and your payment, of course."

  Thus, Miyuki moved to the other room and passed one night there, and left it one day delayed.

  And she found that MIAMI airport is not good for her. Too much irregular happenings here and there. Haricanes, of course, and the abrupt staff change frequently. Miyuki's most nasty case is, no sufficient staff were found for the departure!!!! 

  Oh, suqad system, I got to know now!!! She was an aim of assasine and squad was called like Jon-Nam Kim's case. However, she escaped from the disaster, without knowing. Anyway, I will wait. Here is not my place. Just wait. Good to take a rest a bit. I will make a visit of shops and make a plan for my article and start to write some part, anyway.

  And passed some excessive time and came back one day delayed. And said HI! to her kids. And kids said, "Oh, you came back? Where were you? We thought that you were making an errond in the supermarket."

  Anyway, OK, they were accustomed to my absence. My trip abroad means a kind of errand or so. Not so great journy type. Common type of going outside type activity for them. OK, I am not so a great scholar. OK, thus, highly common to them, my study trip anyway. Not bad. Globlizion, in their mentality. Normal, for them.Not a big special trip at all.

  Thus, Miyuki got a total reliance from them. They were so worried about her delayed trip. And YUKARI declared, "Miyuki died and now, I am a power holder of this family. We have US$300 thousand already. And I have my own right to get my part. I require my part."

  A lot of confusion, caused Miyuki's forgotted precious objects. YUKARI said, "Even after her death, she gained a lot of money. Why we, alive, can't gain money at all? We are alive, thus, we should be paid by public agency. Miyuki was proved to be died and now, she gained again. How lucky she is. Versity professor has its own previlege. Thus, I would be a versity professor. I want to pay my debt anyway. Thus, where is my wallet? Oh, red one? Tiny, too much. I prefer green one. Bigger is the better. Good lucky type."

  Thus, Miyuki failed again. YUKARI wanted to write her story again. And did nothing. After death honour, she called it. And she turned to be a writer, and said to her mother. I am her post-mortum organizer. Let's have a party for her death. And graduation day should be fine for her. Always she was in good health, however, our God took her life, is th best frase for her. And you, Miyuki, Kazuo SUZUKI rented her skin bag, probably. Thus, she is so so arrogant today.

  YUKARI sold her skin bag, they called it. She didn't think so. She just felt strange, when she was in her chamber. And got her prize of idiot in the world. And she was praised by her god. A faked god, muck eater's honour. She wanted to be one of muck eaters and turned to be. A success, she admitted. And she wanted to do it in an amusing way. Thus, a mug cup. Muck in the mug, Miyuki thought. However, for her, god in the corner. Every muck is precious thing for her. Thus, she made a god with her pooh. She liked to be muck and real muck now.

  Vanish! DDMs!!!

  You are too too ugly. Nasty smell, she did. And she had to take her precious things anyway. She put it in her own mouth and ate it, as a symbolic way. Like shit drinker's ceremony. They are the same. They did in shit, why we couldn't do it in muck, is their catch-copy. And she got a brilliant in mind. Too quick, they praised. And she would be the rular of Tokyo Versity.

   Vanish!!! Completely, You are entirely ugly!!!

YUKARI's End (109)

2017-04-01 13:40:11 | 日記

01/04/2017 (Saturday, afternoon) Hi! It's the begining of new educational and financial year in Japan. And April Fool!

 Japanese Education and Financial system have been all lies, DDMs wanted to say, perhaps.

 And another proof of Subliminal OMANKO Journalism:

  Since yesterday, I have thought on Lego Houses, a block for poor residents with colourful pastel paintings, in Lima.

  And Marcelo lives in Tokyo, Ramon in NAGOYA, both lived in OOSAKA.

  I thought of Copenhagen also, thinking of the isolated town less populous, capital of Denmark.

  6900 yens is the value I paid for the passport entering to Disneyland on 7 of June, 2015.

  Toube Jennsen is the writer of Mumin series and she is female, not male.

  And 9.3 ha’s theme park in NAGOYA near the pier???? Too too vast. Tremendously big. More than Shirakawa Town street!!!

  Why NAGOYA has such a big space? Toyota failed and vanished ant the field turned to be a LEGO LAND?

  And OUTSIDE, the news says. Thus, toy blocks got rain and all of the accomplished works in messy rain. Why OUTSIDE?

  Block making is a play inside the house, especially in rainy days. I loved to play making a lot of buildings by my own mode. OUTSIDE? I prefer "Anderseen Park" Like activities. Tarzan ropes, long long sliders, tricycle ridings, and so on.

  They can't recognize the difference between outside and inside.

  And 500 figures were in the rain. All Alzheimer patients who came to the place by some calling. Only 500 figures. Total number of pupils of one common junior high school. Like a collective journey for the pupils.

  Outside exhibition type not at all. And LEGO should be broken and constructed again. Not only for showing up.

  Some April Fool only article? Just foolish, not April only. Mish-mash of my information, stolen by anti-humanistic way and they damaged all of my information. I requaire them to stop the wrongdoing immediately and total compensation also immediately.

  Gods of Justice is really in rage. Cold hearted evil wrongdoing again. Not stopped at all, and did the worst mish-mash, without no any other outside source at all. All perfect hunting should be done, immediately. Wi-fi cutting, entirely and completely.

  I know that some region already cut the wi-fi system. However, in Shirakawa and Hachioji, not. Yesterday, so called "HOSONO" called to Alex. And took his advantage of knowimg Alex, my son. And failed.

  Until the last time, they did the wrongdoing, and the news! Disastrous one. Not amusing at all. For April Fool only? Another evil crime. Vanish! And we should collect the shames again.

  Too too kinky their feeling of sympaty. A cruel, we think. For them, raping the raped victim is a kind of amusement, they declared. Thus, YUKARI continued her dirty work.

  Dashing from the back house. She was ordered to make a base of wi-fi again by her wrong superior, and she did it. Thus, she wanted to enhance her territory. Again, Auntie. Your evil crimes were already listed up by our army and our supporters. You failed, you should know. Even Alzheimer patients could know the fact type obvious wrongdoing.

  And she did a lot of mistakes this morning. Put some nasty flavour into the package of Laurel Leaves. She said to her mother, "Miyuki lost smell. Thus, she made a bad soup with the bay leaf."

  The flavour was that of chewing gum. Terrible. The soup was saved anyway, because Miyuki found the smell of bay leaf and put it away in the trash box. Strange!!! Why they smell like chewing gum? Turky, the produced country was called. ??? Turky is a country who provides delicious dished. Groumant country, anyway. Why and how?

  This morning, tarmeric powder turned yellow to red. I put it into my shrimp paella. And immediately, they changed the colour and in the middle, they chemical change stopped. I took the picture anyway for a proof.

  Why paprica colour??? Recently, strange kitchen fenomena here and there. Black beans taste like soy beans, also. My bologna sausage vanished.

  The package is made of S&B food company. However, they said, "Bay leaves are for Chinese dishes." wrongly. And now, their ingredients are not reliable. I will not buy the product anymore. too too confusing. They made a lot of errors.

  Sense of tongue and that of sight, they affected. Cooking relied on the senses. They are too too jealous and tried to destroy my senses, by way of neuron system, taking advantage of wi-fi system.

  YUKARI and HOSONO are the same. They are MONOLIS the muck. Personality doesn't exist for them. Thus, we are indifferent for their identification. Just muck, shit and pooh. MONOLIS, as a common name for them.

  And vanishing. They persisted to vanish, taking advantage of family relation and friendship. And Miyuki is too too clever to do instead of them.

  Miyuki could do it, because she is out of their rule. They are protectionalists, while Miyuki is liberalist. Miyuki didn't refrain from cutting with an evil family member not with her friends. Thus, she killed the relationship with OOTAKA, and HOSONO.

  YUKARI was already killed. And now, more powerful violent YUKARI. Throwing YUKARI!!!! She thraw a package of English bread and passed the corredor like an emperor. Miyuki picked the package and put it on the right place. And made her passing previously. An arrogant Alzheimer patient, now she is.

  She is too active this morning. She pretended to work in washing job, despite of so small amount of dirty closhings. She ordered to cook to her father for her, and he did his job. Taro potatoes washing and peeling were done by him. YUKARI said to him, "I will cook, so you should prepare for it." And her job was just putting maionase and mixing with a masher.

  Several mashers are there in the kitchen. She was allowed to use mashers as her own tools. DDMs only one system was applied to her in her own way. Only one cooking tool for her. And the other her activities were all her kindness, they classified. And? Nothing. She went to the same mode, and we Sato Family did the same. An Arrogant YUKARI again.

  Oh, she is going to Yokyo University to be a professor of law. How subject is Gender Theory. She is the predicessor of KAKISHIMA!!! Oh, thus, she is so arrogant today.

  She accepted the kind offer and she should go out as soon as possible, to gain the best advantage for her. Delivery Host using tickets, it is called. She wants to try it, as soon as possible. Thus, now, her hush-hush day. And she can't do anything at all, thus, she called Alex to make a pacage for her. Alex is silent, and obedient to her ridiculous order. Because it is more productive anyway. A kind of endurance, he gave up. Stupid boy, YUKARI was accustomed to say so, in her nasty smiling way. As if she were amusing his stupidity. And Alex did treat her, in her own way. And she liked it. Oh, Dorothy!!!

  No Dorothy in NIMO. KAKISHIMA faked???? Miyuki didn't watch the movie at all. Childish. Why me???

  It look a lot of time to watch "Gaia Symphony" for Miyuki. Nasty, anyway, some amusing discriptions here and there. And KAKISHIMA's taste was not impressive for me. A common OKINAWAN guy for Miyuki. More inpressive figures were here and there. And they believed nature. Naturalists. And Miyuki failed. They were fakes, at all!!! Oh, were they. OK. I liked some.

  A lion lady, hawaian surfer, marine scientist, pianist turning to be a scientist. I liked their way of life, even they were the faked ones. Some of the reality, they talked. Thus, I liked. however, too too long!!!! I didn't waste time at that time. I needed to sue KYORIN Versity at all. And new job hunting, I was doing. And KAKISHIMA's recommendation was a burden for me. However, I didn't know that she was so evil. Thus, I did watch it and failed.

  Anyway, I returned the videos to KAKISHIMA. I didn't want to have them at all. Once is too much sufficient type.

  Why she wanted to lend me? I didn't know the reason. She is a mistery for me. And YUKARI is also. Thus, they are too too similar for me. A big mistery like MONOLIS.

  Michael Tarcofsky's searies were performed in 300 figures theater in Sengoku. She went there and watched another one, because had no choice. Schedule. Thus, watched "Sin and Crime". And liked the fisiolonomy and dislied the performance. Why they fainted so easily? Anemia, also!!! They are hungry, probably. My problem. However, my way is too too slow. Like, "Oh, Alex, I will take a nap for sevral days. Don't disturbe me at all during the period. Don't worry. I will get up after 3 days at most. " And got asleep. And they claimed "Miyuki was taking a rest a lot. She should be more diligent. She is too too idol."

 I felt sick. Why I couldn't take a rest at all? I am not a machine. I need to take a rest anyway. After the recovery, I would work harder, of course. However, it was not my idolness. Necessity, anyway.

  And Alex's case. He suffered headache, every Monday, and tried to escape from his schooling. And asked me to call to the school until 8 oclock. Why? They should prepare some pupils to play the role of his friends. His school ended before he entered. Why they forced to pay lots and continued as if the school existed??? Just wanted my money. Why? Only one family who gained income.

  And now, good news!!! YUKARI ended up to go to Tokyo Versity as a professor!!! Visiting professor, for a provisional use. And then she is ready to be the regular professor!!! Oh, good for us, anyway!!!

  HARUSAN was astonished at the offer and said, "Probably, you are mitaking Miyuki with YUKARI!" And they said, "Not at all. Our boss called KAKISHIMA called YUKARI to be her assistent. YUKARI is suitable for her!!!"

  Oh, ping-pong!!!! They system. The idiot superior chose more idiots as its inferior. Thus, KAKISHIMA found only one, in the world. The most idiot and the second idiot in the world. Good combination!!!

   Miyuki did a good play to show her inferiority in the moral degration competition. Oh, I lost at this point. I am always inferior to her YUKARI. Oh, I always am inferior to YUKARI!!!!

  And Miyuki gained the prize. Truth prize in April Fool!!! And Ig-Nobel prize again!!! She liked to collect her Ig-Nobel prizes continuously. IZUMI-san liked her way of, "I don't want to be so stupid to gain genuine Nobel prize, especially peace prize, because Eisaku SATO gained the prize. Ig-Nobel would be much more suitable for me!!!

  It is the order of intelligence. Ig-Nobel recepients means intellectually superior with humours!!! Miyuki is collector of the prize. And prize value??? Invaluable !!! Unlimitted!!!! Superior in humors, especially. I could put the honour in my CV!!!!

  And Miyuki decided to go to CALTEC, anyway. It would be her own world. Miyuki should provide their agricultural foods for her pupils. OK, I and they should do it. Agriculture is the base for life. Miyuki thought "OK, he is the type. Thus, agricultural course." And thought, probably, his Auntie instructed the composition. And corrections. Miyuki was too too right to presume it. And YUKARI failed. She wanted to play the role of teacher instead of Miyuki. Oh, do it!

  And she decided to go. One machine in a each family. KAKISHIMA liked her figure anyway. Idiot, she thought. More developped type. And BLA-BLA-BLA. It was too too rare for her to find this type. Oh, I know lots of them.

  And she decided to live with her in the glass building. Good. A good choice for Alzheimer patients.

 Miyuki didn't know that YUKARI wanted to be a teacher at all. And she did, as she liked. A corrector of his composition, as always. And she robbed his chance to develop his writing ability. However, in this situation, he gained safe because of her wrongdoing. And got C, anyway. If he wrote, he could gain A, he thought. However, better than D.

  He alwasy asked her to do his homework. And said, "OK, auntie, your job is correcting my spelling mistakes. It was suitable for me. Only correction."

  And found a lot of spell mistakes and she got pleased to her evil comment.

  Oh, I thought that she wrote for me. Not for him. For YUKARI, others are too much nasty and more sutupid.

  Emperor YUKARI turned to be KAKISHIMA's assistent. Good choice! YUKARI would kill her, as soon as possible.

  And yesterday, I found a gimmick in food shops. A advertizement plate only types here and there.

  The shop is called "FUKUMI" and everyday, the advertizement was written manually like "Croquet US$0.7, Milanese of Humburg US$0.8, Tiny Chinse steamed Meat pie in a cube US$0.25.

  I tried to buy the last one. Only one individual for one bite. And tried to go into the shop. However, the shop was too too small, differently from the big advertisement. And the same tiny advertisement board on the wall. And the counter, there was no one. And all shelves were totally empty. And the paper said, "Please ring the bell, if you want to ask our service."

  Oh, absent type. And the bell. Like a buzzer in the counter of HASEGAWA hospital. The staff didn't want to appear at all. And the who put the bell or buzzar should be a nasty fellow. And hatred by all of them.

  I once put the buzzar in the hospital, because I was asked to call at least one of them to my illed mate Ms.ARAKI. There were no staff in Nurce Room. And the paper said, "In case of necessity, call us, putting the buzzar." Thus, I put and called a nurse and transimitted the message from my mate, that is, "Come to see her, immediately."

  Bell ringing was a nasy thing for them. Thus, they induced me to put it to call one of them. However, Miyuki found that this shop is run by BELL aliens or Alzheimer Patients. Thus, I gave up, and took a photo as a proof.

  I found that many meat shops are the same situation. Some of them looked functioning anyway. I did buy a cheese cream ball type crocket in TOMIYAMA meat shop near BENIMARU and CHIJUIN, our ascestors' temple.

  The clerk was YUKARI's class mate in her junior high school. YUKARI liked his face and said to me, "Oh, his face is beautiful and looks country boy." For the first time, I met him last August, soon before my custody. And I thought, "Oh, normal uncle.Not so beautiful but not so kinky one. " And paid US$1.3 for it. A bit expensive, however, anyway, sustainable. Cheese is included, anyway.

  And I like this joking place. Meat shop beside the cemetery!!!! It was an old meat shop. As far as I know, it is located there. "Body Shop in front of Coffin producing shop" type impression.

  And I remembered my experience, a fish version. I went to Aquarium in NIIGATA, when I visited NIIGATA university to meet Prof. Akio SATO. I wanted to take advantage of the visit, thus, I made a touristic trip. Yaichi AIZU museum, an old Prefectural Hall in a mish-mash style of Western and Oriental archtectures, and the beach with cannons and the aquarium.

  I liked a arch glass window for fishes. And watched various fishes, most of all came from near sea, that is, Japanese sea. Common sea foods' ingredients type fishes here and there. And in the end, I encountered with an advertizement. "Now in this show case, OCUTOPUS is absent because of escaping from us." OK, only an octopus.

  And I was hungry and took a look at Aquarium restaurant. And found the shocking advertisement, "Today's menu. Ocutopus's SASHIMI"!!!!! A good well joke in reality????? I talked on this conincidence to others.

  However, considering the acctual situaion, my doubt would be not a joke but a reality!!!! Aquarium was show windows of Japanese sea foods and they killed to cook from the last one. Thus, ocutopus got to be a victim.

  I did't enter into the restaurant, because the dishes were too too exensive for me.

  Octopus is famous for its eating his own feet. I don't know if it were true or not. However, we have some proverbs using this supposed custom. Self Bomb, it means. Sooner or later, it would end up, vanishing.

  Eating themselves, is octopus's dying message. Miyuki remembered Shijaku's round brilliant skin head looked like an octopus.

  DDMs believe that diceased have no mouth, like, "Good indian is only dead indian". However, we people believe that we could find proofs after the death. Thus, no time-limit at all. In Japan, criminal laws got to adopt to limit the period of fact finding process saying, "useless and costive" however, usefull and free, then, we could do. Thus, the time-limit has no rational ground to insist at all!!!

  DDMs have no logical thinking and this is their chacacter. Inflexible and flamboyant. Out of tune, and they were all revealed that Alzheimer patients. Alzheimer disease came from MONOLIS. If one figure were taken place by them, he turned to be an Alzheimer patient. The same thing. Muck, we could say to apoint them both.

  MONOLIS figures. Thus, too too simplest tasks were already tiresome for them. Thus, YUKARI didn't work at all. Why she avoided to work so persistently, was my big question. And I found the right answer. She is muck.

  KAKISHIMA is muck, also. Muck&Muck, double Muck Burgers!!! They might get along with each other, because they are the same in a body. And double income. TOKYO Versity would pay money for them as two figures anyway. Thus, they would register as a couple in SHIBUYA Ward. And gained the social benefit. And they would gain assisted scholarship for their special search for males. And concrete field study would be developped by them. Delivery Health workers' investigation in the real type. And they would order the catalog of the males and order their service to know the reality of their jobs. Complete should be. Thus, everyday, different types should be.

  The process and the result should be transparent for others. Thus, video taping should be duty. Thus, all angle video cameras were setted in the special equipment in the special room called Love Hotels.

  and economy research should be done buy them. Which hotels are suitable for the usage, or love making jobs. A divine job, they would do. All transparency rule. Only selected figures could do the sacred job. Thus, degree holders should be, DDMs chose them. And now, they should start the search as soon as possible.

  And they were too too amusing the situation that Miyuki got scolded by her mother. She was scolded by her junior high degree holder!!!! Doctoral degree holder was scolded by her!!! And Miyuki appologised her immediately!!! Repeatedly. Sincerely. And thanked her for noticing it. She accepted her scolding. And YUKARI realized that doctoral holder was too too nasty to be praised by her mother, even her errors.

  Miyuki is too too sly, YUKARI claimed. She was protected by her mother. She said, "OK, she admitted her wrongdoing. She left her bag in the common place, and appologized her error, with total sincerity. She is a doctoral holder. And you, versity holder, you lied that you lost the bag there. Miyuki found her immediately and said, "Oh, sorry, it's mine, and I left because of my forgetfulness. Oh, thank you for noticing it. Oh, I need to pick up now! It was too kind to teach me my forgotten bag. Thank you, a lot!!!"

  And mother thought, that she was so so forgetful even now. Doctoral degree was not for developping her memory at all. But, at least, she saved her important objects from her help.

  YUKARI found the bag and said, "Oh, it's mine. I should pay my deabt now. I have a lot of money now. I should pay anyway. Now, immediately."

  Why you are so busy today?, My mother asked her. And her explanation on the above. Anyway, I want to pay at once, as soon as possible.

  And she found a lot of bank book in the wallet like big green plastic bag. Oh, my precious things are here, mother! Look, we are rich now. Kill Miyuki as soon as possible!!!!"

  This is her world. Thus, Miyuki was always in danger when she was in a trip abroad. US$300 thousand travel insurance, in case of her death, Miyuki entered for her short trip. Normal one, Miyuki thought. Only for medical care was necessary for her, however, no alternative. Thus, paid US$70 for one trip to Latin America, US$40 to other countries. And it didn't function at all.

  In Buenos Aires, Miyuki was forced to stay one more day because of Huricane. Miyuki didn't know the information. When she got to the airport, she found that her plane was canseled by it. And tried to be compensated by insurance company called MITSUI SUMITOMO TOKYO KAIJOU NICHIDOU insurance company. However, after long explanation with US$11 telephone use, the clerk said, "Hurican is not our requist factor. Thus, you should pay the money for hotel stay."

  And she should return to the hotel and asked the clerk to stay one more night, because of huracane. The response is, "Your room is already reserved for someone. If you move to another vacant one, it would be fine, and your payment, of course."

  Thus, Miyuki moved to the other room and passed one night there, and left it one day delayed.

  And she found that MIAMI airport is not good for her. Too much irregular happenings here and there. Haricanes, of course, and the abrupt staff change frequently. Miyuki's most nasty case is, no sufficient staff were found for the departure!!!! 

  Oh, suqad system, I got to know now!!! She was an aim of assasine and squad was called like Jon-Nam Kim's case. However, she escaped from the disaster, without knowing. Anyway, I will wait. Here is not my place. Just wait. Good to take a rest a bit. I will make a visit of shops and make a plan for my article and start to write some part, anyway.

  And passed some excessive time and came back one day delayed. And said HI! to her kids. And kids said, "Oh, you came back? Where were you? We thought that you were making an errond in the supermarket."

  Anyway, OK, they were accustomed to my absence. My trip abroad means a kind of errand or so. Not so great journy type. Common type of going outside type activity for them. OK, I am not so a great scholar. OK, thus, highly common to them, my study trip anyway. Not bad. Globlizion, in their mentality. Normal, for them.Not a big special trip at all.

  Thus, Miyuki got a total reliance from them. They were so worried about her delayed trip. And YUKARI declared, "Miyuki died and now, I am a power holder of this family. We have US$300 thousand already. And I have my own right to get my part. I require my part."

  A lot of confusion, caused Miyuki's forgotted precious objects. YUKARI said, "Even after her death, she gained a lot of money. Why we, alive, can't gain money at all? We are alive, thus, we should be paid by public agency. Miyuki was proved to be died and now, she gained again. How lucky she is. Versity professor has its own previlege. Thus, I would be a versity professor. I want to pay my debt anyway. Thus, where is my wallet? Oh, red one? Tiny, too much. I prefer green one. Bigger is the better. Good lucky type."

  Thus, Miyuki failed again. YUKARI wanted to write her story again. And did nothing. After death honour, she called it. And she turned to be a writer, and said to her mother. I am her post-mortum organizer. Let's have a party for her death. And graduation day should be fine for her. Always she was in good health, however, our God took her life, is th best frase for her. And you, Miyuki, Kazuo SUZUKI rented her skin bag, probably. Thus, she is so so arrogant today.

  YUKARI sold her skin bag, they called it. She didn't think so. She just felt strange, when she was in her chamber. And got her prize of idiot in the world. And she was praised by her god. A faked god, muck eater's honour. She wanted to be one of muck eaters and turned to be. A success, she admitted. And she wanted to do it in an amusing way. Thus, a mug cup. Muck in the mug, Miyuki thought. However, for her, god in the corner. Every muck is precious thing for her. Thus, she made a god with her pooh. She liked to be muck and real muck now.

  Vanish! DDMs!!!

  You are too too ugly. Nasty smell, she did. And she had to take her precious things anyway. She put it in her own mouth and ate it, as a symbolic way. Like shit drinker's ceremony. They are the same. They did in shit, why we couldn't do it in muck, is their catch-copy. And she got a brilliant in mind. Too quick, they praised. And she would be the rular of Tokyo Versity.

   Vanish!!! Completely, You are entirely ugly!!!