Rabby & Chinkoro : News Time (12)

2017-04-27 21:58:10 | 日記

 Now, Miyuki ate her dinner completely with a big bowlful of Ruccola salad with anchovy.

 Chinkoro is satisfied with the salad dish. Super salad bowl she would need, he thinks. Probably, she will find a suitable one soon.

  Now, Chinkoro's social matters comments.

  The first news:

  OMANKO journalist is entirely unreliable, just like YUKARI. he changed the main theme after our accusation. They took our impression before our real comments, to reduce our harsh attack. Too too cheat way. Subliminal, as usual, measuring our precious neuron's impulse, without our recognition and also agreement at all.

  They invide our inner world, even now. This is the fact, and this fact is traceable by the history of the PC. We read it, and criticised their stupidity on this matter, namely, total contradiction between the main title and the title of the topic. For them, they are the same, for us, totally contrary.

  And we laught at their vapid contradiction. And they changed their mail title, erroneous one, swiftly. Before Miyuki's dinner, "8 years of exclusion by the crime of no line LAN", and now, "PW stealing is punished at 8 years of exclusion."

 What is no line LAN? Miyuki asked Rabby. And Rabby asked Chinkoro. Chinkoro replied, "Probably, they use wifi with LINE." And they failed. They confessed that they are doing now the wrongdoing called inner world invasion. The worst of all of the tabboos in the universe. And DDMs can't understand the relevance of this crime. For them, any crime is equal. For example, stealing one piece of Ruccola weighs stealing US$1 billion from the bank. For them, "Anyway, they are the same stealings."

  This is DDMic world. Electric use costed under US$1, and MICCHIKU's center called MITSUBISHI Property Management Service's director Izumi TAMADA accused Miyuki as a thief. And Miyuki got a success to prove that she had stolen US$100 of her books and stationaries on the 7th floor of New Marunouchi Building in front of JR Tokyo Central Station.

 Oh, your name is too too impressive! Just a joke, Miyuki said. 玉田泉, or Izumi TAMADA, in Japanese. 玉 is ball, 田 is field, and 泉 is fountain. And Miyuki remembered the art object of toilet called "Fountain", and also, ball is related with Golded Ball or Testacles, and fountain has the nuance of Penis. Oh, MICCHIKU Family likes put the name related with bottom part.

 And she lied a lot. She couldn't say the name of her own company exactly. She forgot in the middle of saying, thus, in the middle, she took a visiting card and handed it to Miyuki, instead of continuing the rest of the name. And this name. Miyuki thought that she were a faked one, being put some kinkiest name, which is too too shameful to others.

  However, her real name, it was proved also. Oh, so "real joke!", she is.

  Thus, they fell down! 🎶 

 They thought the name sounds familiar to them. And they chose the name. They can choose their names, as they liked. Thus, she chose the name.

  Several alternatives were there. however, for her, something special, they thought. and she got to know that her real name was laughted by us all!

  She didn't know the meaning of her name. And she was explained well on the matter, after the struggle with Miyuki.

  Thus, she changed her name. And said, I chose more upward name. And now, she is called, "Izumi ANADA". or 穴田泉. Much better, she thought. However, for us, a laughing one, as usual. Critoris is ejecting, is her actual name's meaning.

 穴 or ANA is hole. Thus, they failed.

 You can chose your name as you like, IKKYO believers said. And Miyuki didn't know the system at all. Everyone can choose their own name system. Artists do it type another name. a kind of PEN NAME combined with nick name.

  And they chose the wrong names. Miyuki liked the name of each pupil because their parents' choice were so megalomaniac. Oh, you would be a king! Oh, you are the beautiful princess! Oh, you should be the comander of the universe!" type Big Names. And she smiled. Good, anyway, their parents had a big hope on them.

  and they failed. Miyuki thought that they had their parents. The pupils said so, thus, Miyuki believed. And they failed again.

  No proof to resist against their opinion. In the middle of the process, she got to know that they are the orphan of Ikkyo believers. Their parents died or vanished many years ago, and they were used as substitutes of the original pupils of Miyuki.

  Total replacement would be better, they thought. Thus, they did it. And Miyuki got confused with their erroneous habits.

  Thus, they failed again. No public sector at all. Why we should pay for IKKYO believers? They were hired by tex, directly or indirectly. They disturbe our starting. They should vanish now!!!

  IKKYO believers have no recognition on ability and values, also. We can't do it, they should say. All Alzheimer idiots. YUKARI is just an example.

  Kids are precious like treasures, they said, thus, they sold their kids. They thought that Miyuki would buy any of them. Only one should survive, thus, they could vanish, they started their nagociation again.

  Thus, they vanished. Total emptiness is better than these disturbing existance. We have one, already. YUKARI is the last one, they should know the fact. The messy nasty one, however, she is the real DDM.

  And they failed. YUKARI is disliked by Miyuki, and they also. Thus, they should vanish all together!

  "Pass Word is not the object which should be applied Law of Electric Waves as secret." The judge of Tokyo District Court said, according to This OMANKO writer.

  Oh, thus, stealing PW is not crime, she wrote also. PW can be stolen as they like, is his choice, according to this crazy judge.

  Thus, they all fell down! 🎶

 ”We need to know the number of the bank's password!", Alex threatened Miyuki in January this year. For them, any code number should be PW. And they wanted to steal it in every meaning. Thus, they used their magic. "If you get to know it from her, you would be pleased by your precious award, they wispered. And Miyuki refused to teach it to him. In public, of course not! In private, not at all also! Thus, they failed again.

  They wanted to know it, eagerly, and Miyuki and Alex do know well tha it is too too important for their lives. She is rich, according to her saying, they thought. And failed.

  "Only US$100 per month?", They thought. Miyuki paid this value as her living cost per month. And she said, "It is calculated by the wrong information. Probably, it would be less. It all depends on the objective reliable information. My mother's counting would be a good reference. And now we should correct the error. Thus, you should wait for a while."

  Alex insisted, "If the correct calculation would be US$300 per month, you would pay it all?", Thus Miyuki replied, "I would pay the necessity. If it would be US$50 per month, I would pay it at the value, for example."

  Their system is simple and erroneous. If Alex says and Miyuki agrees, and someone hears it, it would be a promise. And thus, Alex tried to negociate the same matter repeatedly, in front of IKKYO kids. And they failed. Miyuki did price down. She got to know the system. And they got astonished that she lives within US$100 per month. how wonderful, Alex was emotionalized. My mom is thrift, he said many times. however, they didn't believe it. Miyuki should prove her thrifty, they insisted. Thus, he tried to induce her. And she disliked repeating. Thus they failed.

  She was eating, a big bowlful of salad, and roasted fish. The nasty balanced foods. She ate as a rabbit. She wanted to eat her dinner, finishing this time consuming repeating job as soon as possible, or the food would get cold.

  Thus, they failed in a body. Thrifty, they thought. Hard line, they thought. and she started to criticise them immediately.

  She dislikes you, IKKYO kids. She likes vivid kids, while you are dead and quiet, Clare says to others everyday. Why IKKYO kids are so nasty to repeat the same thing so many times? She thought and got to understand that they are really Alzheimer patients. Young, however, patients. Thus, they failed.

  Impossible, they thought. and they did the wrongdoing. And it become possible. Transmission is quick, and they suffered soon after it.  Alzheimer patients nave no future, including all IKKYO kids.

  Thus they really failed at all!!!

  Replaceable, they thought. for them, yes, however, for Miyuki and their kids, not at all. Each one has its own personality.

  Thus, YUKARI failed again. She wanted to have more obedient type. And she wanted to change her nephew and niece. Too too nasty criticising type. She likes not to be criticised by any one at all.

  Miyuki dislikes her, however, wants to avoid to be killed. Thus, she got away from the kitchen. however, when she returned to cook her delicious dinner, YUKARI was there!!!! She used much luke warm water for her occupation, she thought, and YUKARI failed.

  Direct disturbance to Miyuki's life, she was ordered. And did it by her cost. And she should pay a lot to her mother. her energy costs were more than US$30 thousand, her mother calculated. and sighed. Why this stupid kinky lady insists as if she were a daughter of me? just a joke.

  She is muck, and she is too too precious according to her own opinion. And she should be treated kindly by others, also according to her own opinion.

  Now, Miyuki's quick report on Alex's attempt to increase the money he would receive from Miyuki.

  Miyuki and Alex concluded to the result the system, which Miyuki pays to  him directly the living cost on.

  Alex wants US$300 per month, and Miyuki thinks that the value is too much as living cost. Only necessity, she decided, and he agreed already. Nevertheless, he required persistently. His way was contemptious, and Miyuki endured her contemptious words. And thought that he was advocating DDMic life. Why? I don't know. Why he plays the role of DDMic life?

  If he were inclined to be a DDM, OK, your choice. You should vanish with other DDMs. Miyuki wanted him to be more logical, however, he repeated his useless ungrounded opinion without thinking well. Miyuki got reluctant to speak with him, at this point. You should put your mind in order, she adviced.

  He wants to be eaten by his grand mother, at the same time, he wants to gain money from Miyuki. Easy indulged Micchiku like double income system, he wants, Miyuki perceived. And said, "I don't like to debate you in this way. Too too confused, you are. You should choose if you could get your living cost directly from me, or be served by your grand mother. In the latter case, I would pay to your grand mother, and not to you at all. Which is which, you should choose."

  And probably he got to know that Miyuki is right as always. he wanted to gain the both pleasure. Meals paid by his grand parents, and some extra spending from Miyuki. And failed. Miyuki recognized it. Gee, she is cool! I can't trap her like YUKARI.

  Miyuki is accustomed to this type of discussion. Too too tiresome. Exhausting. And she put up with the situation, saying, "Vanish! DDMs! Vanish! DDMs!", and he is now DDM, without excuse. Why now? Miyuki thought. And felt strange. He needed to spend money, anyway type hurrying up.

  and she thought. He was stolen his money by someone. US$165, he gained from Miyuki, and someone took it. He wanted Miyuki to be compensated the value, because he lost the big money. Stupid, and you learned, boy.

  They are so evil to trap him. He was induced to go to KARAOKE, and got forced to pay for them all, because he is rich, they said. And now, he is earger to revenge them. Who paid the money? My mother already paid to him, and he lost. He was the loser of the game. Miyuki is free from it.

 And he understood. Every month, he would be accused to pay such kind of money to them. They threaten him to pay, or he would be a next victim. Vanishing, Miyuki would do. She is persistent to keep her money in safe. Even to her dearest son, she doesn't consess at all. Why we?

  Thus they failed again and again. Any their strange attempt would be welcomed by her. Repeated and illogical. Like IKKYO believers, Miyuki started to think of. And she preyed, "Vanish! DDMs!!!"

  They didn't know that there is a parent who doesn't want to pay any money without reason. Just US$30. Why she refuses?, they thought. Anyway, she is thrifty, is Alex's reply.

  They wanted more and more, and Alex learned a lot from his messy experience. Uniform is not free, from this week, they declared. And he failed. He objected against their idiocracy, and he was obliged to pay for it. and they declared, "Half a half. A bit by a bit. You can steal the money from your mother. She is rich, anyway."

  Thus, they failed. Miyuki is so nice to perceive it. Alex is in difficulty with his face. He was agonized by them. Everyday, ugly girl came to him to pay the money. Eeagerly, and greedy. This is school business, Miyuki thought. And Alex appreciated her attitude to deny all of his strange opinion. You look like your old bug type Auntie, she thought. DDM, it meant.

  Thus, Alex failed. Again, Auntie? Miyuki got to notice that you are just an Alzheimer patient. And he forgot to count his Auntie as family members. Miyuki is so clever to try Alex's friend. And Miyuki agreed to speak on the system in front of other protectionists. OK, for me, it would be better. And you, Alex, you would lose in this case. Except you too, we adults are thrifty.

  US$300 per month, why? They would say, Miyuki is imaging. Too much, her mother would get upset, probably.

  We should manage the situtation. Thus, his uniform business failed at all. Just for play, was his keyword, and he leaned that this game weighed heavily on his wallet. Stolen, he thought. And got to know, being stolen is your matter, not mine, was Miyuki's reply. She remembered the value exactly. and he learned that at least Miyuki is reliable.

  They are evil, and Alex is surrounded by them. Oh, Alex, quit the school! You should be a diligent worker. We help you to be so. And Miyuki is not afraid of his vanishing at all. Some necessity, he has. Not OPPABU type. Unspoken necessity. Just stop going to business school.

  And he thought the same. Miyuki is good at thinking, calculating, and watching the facts. Thus they failed. Threatning, already, Miyuki thought. However, already his teachers did. Thus, IKKYO kids do so, probably, Miyuki realized.

  Take care, Alex. Your choice. And his strategy was badly broken. Double stealing, he planned, and failed. YUKARI was not good at math, thus, paied as much as he required. And now, their turn. IKKYO kids targetted him as a son of rich professor. Anyway, she earns. They confirmed at the bank, and they informed each other. She is good at business, and too too discrete. thus, they took advantage of the acquaintance with her kids.

  Thus, they all fell down! 🎶

 I hate you, Miyuki wispered to them. "You shall die!" in a melody of Disney. Terrible. She knows the system. Vanishing is welcomed type. For me, OK. DDMic Kids' vanishing would be MEGA DEATH. Miyuki is smiling now.

  You are Devil, Alex said, as IKKYO kids in her dream. Yes, for them, I am a kind of. And she smiled. Too too easy to take Alex's personality. Miyuki is accustomed to face to Alex in this situaion. Illogical, and threatning mode. YUKARI like expressions. Muck situation. Thus, she waited to calm down. And Alex got to know "Oh, I am inferior to her. Why I did it? Such a stupid game!" And he faild and appreciated her perticipation. She is more cleverer than I thought, as always.

  Laughing mode Miyuki would be fine, they thought. They don't know that this mode is the most strongest Miyuki. And she likes to be a gentleman to him. Too too illogical, however, I should put up with his stupidity type atomosphare, Alex felt. Nasty. You stupid boy, should learn the lesson from your dangerous game, type expression evidently.

  Thus they failed. Alex got to know that Miyuki is the symbol of liberalism, not only human beings. Ignorandia's Emperor, she is called. And she enjoys her position. She didn't like ruling job, however, this one is no ruling at all. Just a theatrical play. Executor, also. however, this is a bit adventurous. And she must earn for herself. Anyway, she is his parent type expressions were here and there, and Miyuki amused at this stupid boy like remarks. Oh, you are so conventional. Thus, I can use your skill. Conventionalism. If we were in feudal era, you should have paid for me!!!

  And they failed. This old guy wants to be contributed by us all!!! We should pay for her!!!!

  Miyuki liked this skewed expression. You were treated like a princess by your own parents, thus I, at least, would be done like that , until up to be adult. And Miyuki's reply was, "Oh, I worked hard in High School. Cramstudy, perfectly. Thus, I deserved to be treated like that." Alex got astonished. Oh, I have to work hard...It would be worse...I am satisfied with my dull situation...However...

  Miyuki was an excellent point-getter, they agreed. Thus, she did the hard work. No one denied. Not so geneous type, however, she was good at getting points, in the fair rule. Tiger Mask, she thought herself.

  "A jugle with no wood nor weed, a big storm blows as always. Under the total fairplay, I will win! Go, Go, Tiger Musk!!!"

  Tiger, the bagabond. She is called. Good play only type. She likes to be a hero. and today, she was the target of traffic accidents. They wanted to stomp me!!!! "Stupid!", she cried to the kinky IKKYO DDM. She didn't see at all to Miyuki, and talked on the phone intensively. And her driving was Zig Zag. Flamboyant drivers killed their own kids, and did it in the police station, and escaped from the crime, however, they couldn't escape from sin.

  Chinkoro disliked her sobstory. however, she likes to play the role of kids. Terrible, Chinkoro-Mary thought. She was in the danger on the road. From begining, atomosphare was not good for her. Fine, however, cloudy, and cold. Spooky, in the light way. however, I want to buy some ingredients. And she tried to go to JA Shirakawa again. And felt. Today, more than the last time. And flowers in pots were arranged differently. And found strange manually maden bells. It would be fun to make it. Easy toy for kids. I would try to do it.

  Miyuki did the same type in her kids age with a paper. Decoration of TANABATA, a date of once a year between Antales and Vega. A lantern made of empty can of soft drink. US$3.5??? This childish play requires money???

  Miyuki got nasty and thought, they don't know the value of money at all. anyway, I will try to make it. It roles by wind and makes tin-tin like a bell. And she did "Pooh!" by her blow from mouth.

 She found a sand bag, black manish one, in the entrance of a house. She thought, after the cleaning up, I would have it.

  And they failed. They thought that it would threaten her, however, always IKKYO fails. Miyuki thought of her action, and they thought their action. Always, a broad ditch between IKKYO's interpretation and hers. Always, without exception.

  Miyuki's different, anyway, they thought. Now, Auntie? Alex asked her. Yes, I need to go downstairs. And Alex wanted to vomit. Nasty. She made a strange dish as always. She can't taste anything, She should eat only rice, was their religious leader's order. A bit a bit, they thought. And Alex did it. She completely eats only rice, again and again. Repeatedly. No other thing. Strange, however, her habit. Thus, she is nasty to cook any dish, she explained. And she took a lot of tea, instead of her nasty dish. Too many foods make Alex a dull boy, they taught her, and she did it.

  She liked to feed her own pets, and one pet graw up differently from her plan. Another is near her, however, he dislikes her. Nasty in anyway. And Miyuki cooks as her own way. Too much foods, Alex was astonished. Eating well, and too too lean.

  She works, in reality, they say. however, Miyuki doesn't say anything at all. Secret job, probably. Some natural watching type job, she found. A scholary job, anyway. Good eye type. and they could see some of them, if they have time.

  Snow like beautiful slender laday, she was. however, she seemed so sad, and Miyuki contempted her without knowing. A kind of confort to her, as TOHOHO tribe. You lost your love. OK, I know, thus, we are going to get along with...

  She refused. Don't say so. I lost yes, however, I don't need your sobstory!!!!

  Thus, Miyuki gave up to get along with her. Anyway. beutiful lady like Mary, in YOKOHAMA. A legendary independent prostitute, who loved only American boys. Miyuki liked to create her story with Big Boys, and sad story with Mac. She would be his...

  Her imagination caused a lot of confusion among IKKYO believers. They can't understand her character at all. For them, a strange lady like OYAJI, and wispers omnous words so cheerfully. Mary, the Chinkoro. She tried to be, however, she turned to be a kid in Shirakawa, rural area. And found, this town is rotten, from now on.

  Thus, this town should be punished harshly. They didn't want to have kids, just did it, and they were born...10 months preparation, the parents have. Single OK, yes. After 10 months, kids were welcome to our world.

  however, in this town, the parents were devils. They wanted precious treasures, instead of their own kids. No kids at all, they thought. Kids are nasty naughty evil existance, they thought. Anoying, anyway. And they did the wrongdoings.

  IKKYO kids only world, they wanted to establish, and they failed. Different factors, the two kids are. The same type. Just common people type. Alex tried to be somebody among them, and failed. He learned that being somebody among them was easy. Just pay for them. And now, he changed his mind as always. He should be a someone. A kind and good to others, only for common people. To DDMs, not at all!!!

  Thus, he decided to quit his faked pupil's job. Uniform would be provided, was a key remark for him. He tried to be a good boy type, and he failed. And tried to be a bad boy type, and failed. Just a chiken, he was forced to be, and threatened and stolen his money.

  Thus he learned that IKKYO world requred a lot of money to survive to others.

  Miyuki was smiling when he was insisting IKKYO theory. It means, "Oh, you too, Alex? You would vanish with other DDMs all!"

  And he got to realize it. Vanishing is not his dream. She knows it. And she is totally agreeing to this cleaning up. And she likes to do her cleaning job.

  For IKKYO believers, cleaning means purification, thus, they can' stop to use water in their house. And YUKARI did the same. Her water using is extravagant, her mother said to her directly. And she confessed, "I should do it, thus, I need to do it." Reason unknown. Her subjective necessity costs too much. You should pay as much as possible. And she should pay all of her money to her mother.

  Miyuki is free from her extravagance. Thus, she is too too cool to her wrongdoings everyday. She is obliged to do so, she explained. And they believed. However, who obliged her to do so? Miyuki, she explained. Miyuki is a wrongdoer for them all. Miyuki dislikes her, thus she felt nasty and she started her long long purification, she explained.

  They laught at it now. Always Miyuki is the factor of her wrongdoing. Some complex she has , yes. howevr, she should conquist against it by her own will.

  And they should think that YUKARI needs to be treated differently from now on. Mentally illed indulged dull stupid lady, she is.

  Thus, now, Chinkoro was satisfied with his report supporter. Guide, he should be. Mary, she wanted to wear, however, cold, anyway. Thus, kid, anyway. and got a success. She played with the swing, and thought that living as Shirakawa kids was a too harsh job for them all. Revenge, of course, however, they were too too nasty to know the fact.

  And they recognized it. Their parents were evil. They gained a lot by their insurance. funeral lovers, they turned. From that day, they said. however, from the begining, Miyuki thought. Tradition was established to kill their own kids.

  KOKESHI for hunger period, Miyuki thought. However, for them, every time, in case of necessity.

  Vanishing, when she was in toilet, the advertisement paper was put in some public agencies. She was killed by her family, probably. "Wanted" means "We killed it".

  A big sigh. And she realized that Shiraka is just one of this type of old local towns all over Japan. Infantcide was allowed by anyone, they thought...terrible, however, the fact.

 RESET, they called it, like a TAMAGOWATCH of BANDAI company. If your kid were not suitable for your training, erase it!!!

 They thought in reality. Thus, they disliked the toy. It represents their psychological scenery. Nasty, however, kids liked it. And the word "RESET" was used as an equivalent to vanishing.

 Now, We are going to Miyuki's mother's chamber. OK, sleep well Miyuki. Chinkoro is sleepy now, yes.


  See you in the morning! BIG LOVE from MARC!!!!


Rabby & Chinkoro: News Time (11)

2017-04-27 20:11:36 | 日記

This afternoon, Miyuki took a walk, and she discovered that Shirakawa residents are traditionally anti-humanistic, and they were incined to kill their own kids as usual, and forest devastation is the symptom of this evilness of them all.

  In short, who can't feel sorry to wood cutting, would kill their kids easily. Insensibility came from their low morality. And they are the coldness of this planet called the earth.

  The town equipped a kids park under the slope of a mountain, and infront of vast parking lots of an convenience store called Seven-Eleven, in HANOKI-DAIRA block, a north side of Shirakawa municipality.

  And she found a lot of Y crosses all over the town. Her direction problem was caused by this unnecessary Y shape corsses.

  For them, necessary. This Y shape cross is easy to kill their kids. Kids killing is Shirakawa's traditional business, even in the rural area. Shirakawa III primary school area, also. Her mates would be the wrongdoers and the victims, she presumed.

  Now, Rabby's quick comments on economic articles.

  The first one:

  -3%. Just it? And the next year, NINTENDOU would gain 53% more. The predict of OMANKO journalist.

   8 years of consecutive reduction, the topic said, however, not so much reduced. And big promissive gain in the near future. OMANKO jouornalist's drama making skill. All lies. Just reduction, is the right information.

  The reason? Reduction of IKKYO believers.

  The second one:

  Old companies failed in SHIKOKU, was OMANKO journalist's analysis.

  Ours is, old companies were already dead, and IKKYO believers used the names, and now, they stop to keep them. Total abandonment, they did in Shikoku area.

 The third one:

 Meat Company also produce detergent. Miyuki lost appettite, and they fell down🎶!

 The fourth one:

  Lunesas was dead already, however, they faked as if it were alive. From the begining, it was IKKYO faked company. Miyuki watched the route bus to the company, even after their failure. As usual, she thought. And the number of the passengers was also the same. IKKYO's rough work, we know. And they just do as they think correct. Thus, repeatedly, the same process should be done by them. All faked company, Lunesas was.

 The fifth one:

 No money to pay, however, the government ordered to fake upward economy, thus, they chose this line. The line to INFERNO!!!

 The 6th one:

 NAFTA conversation on the telephone was good in mood, however, the prices of Mexian and Canadian moneys dropped. No explanation on the dropping. Just a conversation on the phone of Mr.Slump. What does it matter?

 For OMANKO journalist , it matters, because he is stealing the conversation.

 Watergate by Japanese OMANKO journalism. Potmuck river is surrounded by Japanese cherry blossams. Watch out! They use the ugliest yellow journalism as muck rakers!!!

 The 7th one:

 Always OKOKOK mode. Thus, they are not necessary. Always faked numbers, they provide, according to DDMic declaration. Return to us our precious money!!!

 The 8th one:

 Now Big lizzers need to cut their own tails. Unsustainable, anyway, was their excuse. Thus, we presume thay MITSUBISHI UFJ Financial Group is going directly to INFERNO!!!

 The 9th one:

 The public servant responsible to this matter said that the lack of labour population is the main factor. Oh, Alzheimer patient, he is. 引地睦夫, he is called. HOKKAIDO's rate is one of the worst one, and it means that the latent workers are excessive relatively. However he said the contrary explanation. OMANKO journalist is also Alzheimer patient, because he informed the responsible's wrong reply without any doubt.

 The 10th one:

 Another proof that represents the MEGA DEATH of Renoun Banks in Japan. All downward, they are going. Downward to the bottom of INFERNO!!!

 Now, Miyuki should eat her delicious Japanese dinner with a big bowlful of salad. YUKARI pushed her away from the kitchen, thus, she had to run away from her evil doing. Thus, she is hungry like a wolf!!!

 Duran Duran. Oh, Rio, Rio dancer, she would be!!!

 OK, MARC is now again going directly to the kitchen. Eating is living!!!

  Vanish! DDMs!!!

 See you soon after our dinner! Love from MARC!!!  

Rabby & Chinkoro: News Time (11)

2017-04-27 20:11:36 | 日記

This afternoon, Miyuki took a walk, and she discovered that Shirakawa residents are traditionally anti-humanistic, and they were incined to kill their own kids as usual, and forest devastation is the symptom of this evilness of them all.

  In short, who can't feel sorry to wood cutting, would kill their kids easily. Insensibility came from their low morality. And they are the coldness of this planet called the earth.

  The town equipped a kids park under the slope of a mountain, and infront of vast parking lots of an convenience store called Seven-Eleven, in HANOKI-DAIRA block, a north side of Shirakawa municipality.

  And she found a lot of Y crosses all over the town. Her direction problem was caused by this unnecessary Y shape corsses.

  For them, necessary. This Y shape cross is easy to kill their kids. Kids killing is Shirakawa's traditional business, even in the rural area. Shirakawa III primary school area, also. Her mates would be the wrongdoers and the victims, she presumed.

  Now, Rabby's quick comments on economic articles.

  The first one:

  -3%. Just it? And the next year, NINTENDOU would gain 53% more. The predict of OMANKO journalist.

   8 years of consecutive reduction, the topic said, however, not so much reduced. And big promissive gain in the near future. OMANKO jouornalist's drama making skill. All lies. Just reduction, is the right information.

  The reason? Reduction of IKKYO believers.

  The second one:

  Old companies failed in SHIKOKU, was OMANKO journalist's analysis.

  Ours is, old companies were already dead, and IKKYO believers used the names, and now, they stop to keep them. Total abandonment, they did in Shikoku area.

 The third one:

 Meat Company also produce detergent. Miyuki lost appettite, and they fell down🎶!

 The fourth one:

  Lunesas was dead already, however, they faked as if it were alive. From the begining, it was IKKYO faked company. Miyuki watched the route bus to the company, even after their failure. As usual, she thought. And the number of the passengers was also the same. IKKYO's rough work, we know. And they just do as they think correct. Thus, repeatedly, the same process should be done by them. All faked company, Lunesas was.

 The fifth one:

 No money to pay, however, the government ordered to fake upward economy, thus, they chose this line. The line to INFERNO!!!

 The 6th one:

 NAFTA conversation on the telephone was good in mood, however, the prices of Mexian and Canadian moneys dropped. No explanation on the dropping. Just a conversation on the phone of Mr.Slump. What does it matter?

 For OMANKO journalist , it matters, because he is stealing the conversation.

 Watergate by Japanese OMANKO journalism. Potmuck river is surrounded by Japanese cherry blossams. Watch out! They use the ugliest yellow journalism as muck rakers!!!

 The 7th one:

 Always OKOKOK mode. Thus, they are not necessary. Always faked numbers, they provide, according to DDMic declaration. Return to us our precious money!!!

 The 8th one:

 Now Big lizzers need to cut their own tails. Unsustainable, anyway, was their excuse. Thus, we presume thay MITSUBISHI UFJ Financial Group is going directly to INFERNO!!!

 The 9th one:

 The public servant responsible to this matter said that the lack of labour population is the main factor. Oh, Alzheimer patient, he is. 引地睦夫, he is called. HOKKAIDO's rate is one of the worst one, and it means that the latent workers are excessive relatively. However he said the contrary explanation. OMANKO journalist is also Alzheimer patient, because he informed the responsible's wrong reply without any doubt.

 The 10th one:

 Another proof that represents the MEGA DEATH of Renoun Banks in Japan. All downward, they are going. Downward to the bottom of INFERNO!!!

 Now, Miyuki should eat her delicious Japanese dinner with a big bowlful of salad. YUKARI pushed her away from the kitchen, thus, she had to run away from her evil doing. Thus, she is hungry like a wolf!!!

 Duran Duran. Oh, Rio, Rio dancer, she would be!!!

 OK, MARC is now again going directly to the kitchen. Eating is living!!!

  Vanish! DDMs!!!

 See you soon after our dinner! Love from MARC!!!  

Rabby & Chinkoro (10)

2017-04-27 09:56:32 | 日記

27/04/2017 (Thursday, morning)  Miyuki put Chia Seeds in the water in a tiny China Bone cup to monitor the enhancing.

  And found that it turned to be frog egg like transparent clear ball, which has the seed in it. The description of the package was not lie. However, it is not sufficient to fake the volume of the foods. It is used for "diet" to get learn body.

  A kind of Slada or Sweets ingredient, it would be used, Miyuki thought. Salada is her recent theme. Chinkoro adores eating fresh salada!!! This morning, she made a soupbowlful of Frilled Letus Salad, and it was a success. KINUA, red beans were used for it, and lemmon juice, olives, their extract oil. Fresh Spring Salad, yes.

  However, this bowl is good for soup, while for Salada, Chinese Soup Noodle's bowl is better. Thus, next time, she will make bigger one with full of the letus.

  Discount fruits and vegitables because of excessive maturity is her favorite. Anyway, she could find tresure in the trash goers. Eatable, fresh and cheap. It means delicious, if she takes advantage of it.

  And now, her stock of meat and portly is sufficient. Good to cook in the house, when it is cloudy or rainy.

  She is too too careful to turn off the swich. Sometimes, in Shirakawa, it snows even in April. And the plumber companies gained a lot because of the disaster caused by snowing. And artificial snowing is possible. In 1990s, the method was already used. In Brazil, a big portly company called SADIA used it. They could sell it at a cheap price, thus, they escaped from vanishing. Cheap and delicious, was their keyword. Not for celebrated rich families, but for general common people, because they are the majority of Brazil.

  Thus, they did wrong method, however, at least, they provided it at the reasonable price to the people.

  In turn, in Japan, they used it for their own benefit called monopoly. We are only one, it means that we can put the price as we like. Even under the IDIOCRACY, they could manage the price, they thought, and did it.

  NISHIMAKI family, in her block, and in YOKOMACHI block, IIMURA family. They didn't work, however, took advantage of the other's disastrous experience. Eveytime, they required US$2500 to her father. Again? He thought. And Miyuki was put the dishonoured name of erroneous flamboyant stupid girl among their family.

  When she comes, the plumber broke. And her father had to pay the value to them. And SHIBUKI family is the wrongdoer. They took advantage of the nearrest to Sato Family, and used wifi wave to break the bath. Necessity, however, they can monopolized it.

  Thus, in the middle of telephone call, the female boss vanished. Miyuki ordered, "Vanish! Immedietly, Ms.SHIBUKI!" And Miyuki laught at her stupidity. She did her black informant job, and her last words were, "I called you, why I don't know.."

  Laughing death! Miyuki is smiling now! just like YUKARI! SHIBUKI's boss was harsh and violent. Threatening was always to their members, yes. And it transmitted to YUKARI easily. They are the same, Miyuki got really impressed.

  Miyuki remembered her remarks to scold her challenged boy. Always, "This stupid! Why you don't understand such an easy thing!" type accusation.

  however, she got to know that they were all faked families, taking advantage of their kins' challenged situaion.

  The boss was an organizer of a kind of tea party in her empty messy apartment house. They came with their challenged kids, including adults, and did something trifles, chattering something in loud voices. Why they are so noisy, Sato Family got in doubt.

  they faked the number of the participants, now Miyuki understood.

  It was a normal apartment, when she was a school girl. She remembered that a cute boy of age 3 was there, and they got along with each other. Miyuki complimented to him from veranda or the corridor, and he replied in a loud voice, normal to that age. A kind of amusing communication for Miyuki in cramstudy.

  A flat type handsome boy, she remember. A bit similar to her paddington bear. He was curious, and his family left 2 years or so after. From where to where, she didn't ask. Because it was Adults' matter. for them, amusing communication was important.

  She knew his mother, however, she didn't know his father. Never seen.

  and she remembered another couple, relatives of SHIBUKI family, her mother said to her. Single parents, they were, probably. They left the apartments, and after them, empty.

  Probably, the last common peole families leave, IKKYO vanished, and the apartments, both, older and old ones, turned a messy old houses.

  Miyuki didn't know the system. The evil wrongdoers mesmarized the common people, using every technic and made them think, "You have no choice. This is reasonable for your situation." Thus, they all fell down!!!🎶

 Chinkoro likes to sing nursery rhymes. And Japanese ones also. She likes singing, also. Thus, they hums. She put her own words, when she was in doubt at the exact frases. Then, OK, I sing. More amusing type, she requires!!!

  Now she got to know that SHIBUKI's female boss was the real "Terrible female Boss" in Lindgrane's Karre serias. Plump, yes, however, her arms were like those of Popeye, the saler man!

  Violent family. They were so poor when they were in 1945, soon after the WWII. And her mother said, "SHIBUKI established a Company of pebbles, taken from the riverside, according to the advice from Greek Orthodox church.

  And Miyuki thought, this is the family believers' reason to contribute to the church. Orthodox, it was called, however, not at all. Now, they are the same IKKYO religion in a body. Totalitarianism with several partisanship.

  Thus, SHIBUKI was one of the oldest IKKYO believers, and thus, Miyuki came to here. A normal messy neighbours family, with flamboyant violent head, she thought. And she didn't communicate with them at all!!!

  Not good at math, is her classification. It means "illogical". Why they can establish their new houses so frequently? Why they changed the appearance so easily? And now, business type building turned to be a IKKYO like modern prefablic small house.

  And in the middle, strange buildings, with mixed styles. KURA or old werehouse combined with garrage, and old messy prefablic cheal appartment, and the oldest mortar one. Why they wanted to have so many houses unnecessarily?

  They have maniac to occupy the earth with their cover, in this case, residencial buildings. Kinky skewed mind, they have, Miyuki thought. Anyway, at a glance, only the facado, or the front face. However, in the middle and the bottom, nasty dirty buildings, was the fact of this SHIBUKI family.

  Miyuki is accustomed to use backward to get in and out, usually. Thus, her closest friends came from the back door. Always. However, YUKARI's so called friends came, knocking the entrance door. Unusual. Like a kind of commercial or religious advertisement, Miyuki felt.

  Their sweet words were Miyuki's haterid. Inducing in every meaning. Shark skin, she had, when she heard this type of "cat taming voice" from the evil ones.

  Thus they failed. They really fell down! 🎶 However, they tried to conseal the fact, and made a faked sound for it.

  Yesterday, she watched a series of Downward Flower Vases in the closed entrance door of normal IKKYO prefablic houses. They conseal their mega death, probably, she felt. And now, GIGA DEATH!!!!

  She really wants it!!! We 3 also!!!! Rabby, Chankoro and ADACHI wrote a paper of their pledge. "We don't do it until we watch GIGA DEATH of all DDMs!!!!! with their signitures. With blood, Chinkoro insisted, and he failed. For you, OK, you had a lot, however, in our cases...

  Chinkoro disliked their cowardness, however, this is the reality. OK, Daddy and Uncle Kenny, I obey both of them. Predicessors, anyway....

  Chinkoro is "Dangerous executor", they call him. Anyway, he likes to see blood. Bloody hare!!!!

  Mary, he wants Miyuki to turn female character. "To Mary in the 5th street." From Kenny.

  "Inform Kenny, when he comes."  Oh, white and black kids' mails, in their direct personal way. Then, they discommunicated against their intention.

  Any waited people doesn't come, is the remark of religious lottery in Japan. They should come, however, did not come yet. What's up??? Squad was waited, however, they didn't come. Thus, they got to realize that they were in the wrong age.

  Squad calling without any reason, just by feeling, was too too common in Japan. "Unreliable figures' sake", they explained. And now, all of DDMs are revealed that they are totally unreliable at all.

  Miyuki is cautious, in any way. Like rabbit, in a good sense. She is clever, it means. Rabby and Chinkoro were praised by their brave jobs. And now, they found their mission. Divine mission, they really thought. They knew that Miyuki has this blood also. Thus, quick, and her nose sometimes takes this one. Rabby is near. Thus, today, my nose would be used, she thinks. At first, because of German Sheppard' connection, she thought. Tracability, she felt. The character of the smell remained her mind, and the determined one appears in case of necessity.

  Burned handle of pan like smell, she expressed. A kind of. For them, the same smell. Different from cocain, at all. However, petroreum articficially finarized type, in common. Thus, they failed. Thinner is the right word, however, it was different from thinner. It was used for paint. Totally different. Toren is similar. Also used for crafts. Thus, they all knew the smells, at least, in Shirakawa. Semedain like flavour. Nasty. And adults worned the abuse, saying, "It makes your head dull. And sometimes, you would be killed by been choked inside the vinil bag, during inhaling."

  Teachers strongly warned at this point, thus, the kids got interested in it. However, Miyuki, and others, almost all of them, thought that the smell is not good, even its effect should be some "walking on clouds".

  Thus they failed. They thought that it were attractive for common people. Thus, they used it. ????

  They induced common people to use the evpensive medicine at the cost of US$50 per 1g. Just the same value of prostitution. And they failed. She knows the price, was their keyword. Why? Because she used it, was their presumption.

  She knows, because she assisted Courts in several criminal cases. Cheap trick. Always habitual users were found and got punished by them all, including their own advocates. Lawyers are common users of Marifana and Cocain, was too too shocking to her, in 2016. Now, oh, I see. Thus, they were so vapid, she realized.

  Degradation, it is equivalent to acepharos, she thought. Why they are so so stupid? Suddenly, they got to be seen as totally insipid flamboyant indecisive cruel stupid idol dull wrongdoers. They are so, from the begining, is the right answer.

  Shirakawa is only one, not at all. Like Hachioji, entirely degraded town, as other almost all of towns all over Japan.

  Totalitarianism invaded there gradually. Creeping totalitarianism, it was warned. And Miyuki got in doubt. Why, even after the fall of the wall of Berlin, Japan is inclined to go rightward??? Why left wings should be punished after the end of the battle between West and East???

  OHTA induced Miyuki to make a presentation on the theme of "Unconstitutionality by way of Constitutional Interpretation."

  Thus, she wrote on the matter, investigating the fenomenum, after WWII. And she encountered with lots of similar examples in the same line. Oh, already in 1940s, soon after the WWI, the degradation started. Not so unusual for Japanese, and all of the Constitutional pimps did the same job of consealing this big contradicion.

  Thus, she wrote it honestly, and delivered the speech, in public, in Canoas, Brazil. She thought, thus she wrote, and she spoke. Why not? Professors exist for it. ?????

  Thus they failed. They didn't know that Miyuki is not DDM. They believed that MIYUKI would be one of them, and knew the system well. And she didn't at all!!!

  OKINO and MORIKO, also. However, they knew a bit more. Too too ignorant!!! She is quase perfect on this matter. Thus, she was chosen as Emperor of Ignorandia. Easy task, to be an emperor. A kind of amusement. And I can do some kind job for us all. Like a theatrical play, and confortable. I can't eat of this job only, however, I can manage the situation.

  The poorest emperor in the history of the universe!!! Anyway, epoch making!!! VIVA! Le'Reign!!! We should be more ignorant than she!!!

  Chinkoro predicts to be the next emperor. OK, if you like, you can substitute the task. Comforting, anyway. Not for money at all. For free. Thus, we should work as much as possible.

  Miyuki didn't know that emperor job is so easy and simple. She imaged something authentic and heavy, strict, formal one. However, quick and easy. Songs would be good to combine. More opera like one. ADACHI instructed her, and she did it. Perfect, as a human being, they applaused!!!! Clapps, by her own hands!!!! Big Clapps!!!! And her calling. "You, DDMs, You shall die! You shall die!!!" in a melody of BAMBI's opening theme. Lightly, ADACHI requested. Ummm...Oh, this one!!! Just for it!!!!

  And she found another nursely rhyme for the same social fenomenum. Crooked man, who lived in a crooked ally, walkind down the crooked street, found a crooked money, and a crooked cat, and they lived together in his crooked house.

  Oh, skewed forged money, and oppabu female prostitute. All the same of Shirakawa!!!

  Beatiful melody line type, sad tone, and amusing ones, nursery rhymes have, Miyuki got to know. Probably, there were lots of histories behind the songs, like Grimm's legendary fantagies and EASOP's aphorisms.

  Common people informed in this way, Miyuki understood. Oh, I am so economically established. And appreciated her sigle live for a while. Human beings have so few males, is her discovery in 54 years of watching in their society. All of her aquaintances are females and asexuals, except her and ADACHI. And they can't do it. They tried to do it, when the got to know the difference of their shapes. "Oh, you have that, while I have this. Good idea! Let's do this evening!" They agreed, and went to eat their lunch. And Miyuki said to ADACHI, "I would pay US$1 for prevention. Buy it anyway!" And then, they got involved in some adventures. Art museum, private type, assited by public money. Oh, SEKINE's case, she understood. And there were DDMs, wearing KIMONO. She didn't know it, however, it means OPPABU, in KIMONO style. And she saw RYOKAN or Japanese old type hotel, in her predictional dream. Oh, love hotel! Thus, Oh, ADACHI! She called. However, she couldn't find ADACHI, and they must have to do their jobs.

  Thus, they are really interested in it, however, even now, they are really TOHOHO virgins.

  Chinkoro is an asexual, however, when he gets to grow up, might be...

  Chinkoro is offended, he thinks. Thus, Miyuki stops remarking it.

 OK, I would wait. At the same time, I look for...

  Chinkoro is offended again. OK, now Rabby's hour again!

  The first news for today:

  NAFTA, now Mr.Slump hates. Oh, without diligent Latin workers, who works for USA??? Poor whites are Japanese DDMs' counterpart. Thus, he chokes his own neck.

  Good. Mexican peso and Canadian dollar got down. Thus, the both countries can export more. Arrogance should pay. Thus, Mr.Slump revealed that he is LESS THAN AMATURE in economy. How he could be rich, was Alex's simple question.

  Chinkoro likes Alex's simple way to ask. Now Chinkoro replies. "He faked." Oh, that's it. Alex was totally persuaded.

  Quick economic education course, they produced. however, too too quick, and for DDMs, impossible to understand.

  Even being so evident, they believe contrary.

  Today, at 7 oclock in just, the news doesn't appear at all. Strange fenomenum, they thought. And then, Miyuki's opera singing. GYOKUIN HOUSOU or Bell Canto Broadcasting, like morning call of sky lark!!!!

  Who is this beautiful vivrate voice's holder??? She would be a professional singer!!! yes, she is. She should earn money a lot, she said so. Thus, they are busy to respond to the DDMic questions.

  Alex wanted to earn as a singer, however, Gods of Justice prefer her voice. Anyway low, sounding well in the town. Alex invested well on this matter, however, she gained without paying. All the town is empty and sounds too well like in a bath room. IKKYO empty prefablic houses have effective in this point. They shake, and transmitt the waves as much as possible.

  Then they failed. GHOkUSAKI or Canon Ball Crasing, they wanted. As you like! Do it!!! GIGA DEATH should be!!!

  And they failed. Their proposal is accepted. And they continue the wrongdoing. Their existance is the wrongdoing itself, we all say to. And they continue to stay in our peaceful beautiful universe.

  She is too too right to understand the system. Newly creative one. Just "Do it, if you say." And she does in this line. Sometimes fails, yes. However, tries, if it is necessity. And each one has its own order of preferences. And for others, some necessity, while for another one, especially Miyuki and ADACHI type, just an ideal.

  Thus, they failed. OK, M&A are the real liberalists. They have some borders to classify the difference. However, YUKARI faked it, and failed. No standard at all. She interefers lot in privacy, and she believes that her own privacy should be protected without any excuse. Strange system, she creates, and threatens by violent way. The same as SHIBUKI's female boss.

  She insistes that she is suitable to be an emperor. And she did once, and she wanted to be again. And we all refused. She lost her chance, reliance, and credibility. Alzheimer patient, spontaneous type. Why they were so so arrogant? Because they believe they were perfect.

  Gods like existance, they should be. Thus, they believe, that they are incapable and inpunishable. Just their belief. Not at all. Morally degraded, and they themselves prove that even Alzheimer patients could do wrong with us FAUNA & FLORA, actually.

  Thus, they all fell down! 🎶

 Now, Miyuki would eat our lunch, and make a walk a bit. Today, it's cloudy, and a bit cold. however, good to walk arround to furnish her collections!!!!!


  See you soon, then, our supporters, and us, FAUNA and FLORA!!!!

  MARC is going to the emperor's special kitchen. What is today's menu? Salad! Chinkoro requested. Morning one was less than he expected. I agree. OK, anyway, requitite.

  BIG LOVE from MARC!!!!