YUKARI's End (160)

2017-04-17 21:29:01 | 日記

M&A came back with full stomach. Rabby is thinking of adapting our meat eating habit. At least, you should try the flavours. Then , you decide. Miyuki insists and Rabby is ready to try at least. You would be more stronger and bigger, is keyword. Rabby is already 2.5m at hight, however, Miyuki predicts that with this meat eating habit, he would reach 25m. 10 times bigger than actual appearnace. Not bad, Rabby thinks now. Our eating habit is too too different. We can't be vegitarians, however, he would be carnevoco or meat eater. Galic is a good introduction. This plant fits with meat completely, and with fish also. All of Miyuki's cooking period of the first stage was this "Always Olive and Garlic" period, we could call. Tasty and easy, was its catch copy. Always meat and vegitables, and fruit, if she was afford to pay for it.

  Thus, she now plans to be Orchard manager combined with planter. Leave as the trees like, is her taste. Rabby likes the idea. ADACHI is in doubt. She makes a trip often from now on. Is she able to deal with the orchard?

  She said YES to him. "Liberal Orchard system", we will adopt. Tree can produce its fruits, if he likes. Thus, liberal.

  Rabby asked, "Is it be able to be called ORCHARD? Probably, fruit forest, more exactly." As you like, you can call it. For me, ORCHARD, because more tasty name. However, if you think that the system's essence, it would be a kind of forest, yes. As you like, Rabby.

  Agro Forestry, a kind of. My mate of Japan Brazil Cultural Intercourse Association is a professor of Parana State, Brazil, and his major is Agro Forestory.

  This has a model. My old pal and Chris's cousin Dirce's Father's orchard. Beside the sugar corn cultivation, he has an orchard, and there, only one tree per specie was planted. And all year round, they can pick the fruits as they like, including the workers in the sugar corn field. As they like method. They naturally grew up, and who would like to eat, can pick them. It functioned.

  And Miyuki liked sugar corn field, because she felt like a scene of film, "A boy in Martinique", however, Miyuki was so impressed by this natural orchard. Beautiful and varied. They grew as they like, and the result was so good. Caju, the name of the fruit. Its nut was already known to her. however, she didn't know that is a kind of fruit with yellow big pulp. Juicy, and sweet, and a flavour, a bit similar to Dorian like one, however, within the image of fruit flavour type. A bit lacks sour taste, however, good to be experienced.

  SAYURI OOISHI give a present of this specially Brazilian fruit's bottle when they met at the last time. Oh, the bottle. A gift bottle. It would be tasty. However, I have already know the taste. Thus, it would be good for the gift for Prof. SATO in Niigawa Versity. Thus, she sent it to him, with an explanation of the bottle. CAJU is cassue nuts' fruit. This is the fruit's extract. Try it! Brazilian Tropical taste, I'm sure!!!

  Thus they failed. Yes, we wanted to drink. We loved to drink Brazilian fresh juece. however, for Prof.SATO to be astonished, it would be fine present. And Miyuki didn't say how she had gotten it.

  Because she didn't want SAYURI to get upset at knowing it. However, now, Miyuki is honestly saying, "I gave it to others. Not because of the unkind attitude, but because of kind one, rather. I wanted Prof. SATO to be astonished by some his unknown different taste. Thus, SAYURI, please don't get upset my giving the bottle to him. Not polite probably, however, for a kind of surprising present for Latin world lover. I want to put the fact now here, because probably Prof.SATO would like you and your partner ODA also.

  Handsome short man, he is. Sayuri accepted it. She prefered his modest way, although he is rich boy. Rich, Miyuki knows well. However, he is not arrogant type at all. Only he was not good at domestic tasks, like me.

  After several months training, he got stronger, and got married with her. Ordial, at first. Do you prefer your mother or me, type challenge by her. And he is too honset to act immediately. He moved from his rich big house to the modest apartment to share with other boys. Republic, or dormitory, it is called. And he made a lot of mistakes, and made a good result.

  Thus, Miyuki, you would gain your better half or halves, in the near future. Cooking is the basic need for human beings. Doing these basic tasks means she is qualified to be a member of society. Animal farm, it would be called. George Orwell would say, "Oh, well done!!!" And he would be astonished the difference between Flower World and their animal farm or natural Orchard. Fruits would be caltivated anyway. Vitamines included, and sometimes, quick substitute of sweets. Miyuki prefers fruits to sweets. Dessert is delicious, however, fruits are more delicious than it.

  Chikako TADA failed. Farm, it would be. However, sweets farm....And she made "Powder play Studio" in Gurkagon, India. And failed. No client at all!!! Populous India, we called it. However, they prefer their own traditional Indian sweets. A variety of foods, they have already. Thus, now, TADA is the pupil of them...Professor turned to be his pupils' pupil. It happened. Not a shame at all. You would enhance your criative sweets world with Indian technics and ingredients!!! You would be stronger than actual one. Indian French confectionary, Miyuki predicted. And failed. Already done. OK, thus, combined with Japanese also. A kind of mish-mash, however, not the only mixture of it. Originarity should be put. Thus, TRIO sweets. And already in Brazil, there are variety of sweets and foods, of each culture. Japanese also.

  DAIFUKU, it is called. Not Mochi itself, however, a kind of Mochi cooking. They called it Mochi, and made a Daifuku. Cris, the Brazilian, made it, saying, "Japanese are kinky. Sweet read beans, impossible for me. However, I have to make this, in this special ocasion for New Year."

  Cris doesn't like DAIFUKU, and said, "In Japan, there is some region to put Mochi in Miso-Soup. Terrible!"

  Miyuki thought that it were her misunderstanding on "Mochi" conception. Mochi is sticky steamed rice ball, and the flavour is neutral, that is, not salty nor sweet at all. Like bread.

  However, Miyuki got to know that in Kyoto, there is some region to put Daifuku type sweet MOCHI into the soup for New Year. An amazing fact for her.

  And she remembered her vomitting experience, when she was a kindergardener. The relatives steamed sticky rice, made a dough of it, and made some big Mochi cake. And they made DAIFUKU type Mochi, also. OHAGUI, they called it. And Miyuki ate it. And they served a cup of MISO-soup for Miyuki, and Miyuki took it, and vormitted.

  Through this experience, she pledged not to eat sweets with Miso-soup forever!!!! Nasty, anyway. I could vomitt easily. If I need to pretend to vomitt in some theoterical job, I would eat DAIFUKU with miso-soup. Autimatically, I would vormit, without thinking.

  Thus, Miyuki thought that in this reagion, the residents are Alzheimer Patients at all!!!!

  Miyuki resumed the character of Kyoto now. Vomitting region. However, TADA wanted to learn the skill of traditional Japanese sweets. And found, the ingredients are all the same, red or white beans, stewed ones, and MOCHI. The shape and colours varie, however, as ingredients, they are the same. Thus, at first, read bean paste. And then, GYUUHI. A difficult for actual Miyuki, however, after some failures, she would grasp the clue to make it.

  GYUUHI was its name. She thought that this mochi like sweets are too too delicious and so beautiful. Semi-transparent, and only a bit included type. Miyuki found the taste when she was eating MITSUMAME or sea weed jelly with black sweet syrop and a bit salty big read beans. And Gyuuhi added. "What is the name?" She called the adults, and they replied GYUUHI. Oh, Delicious ingredients. Why they don't use lots of GYUUHI in the dish? Probably it is too expensive to do so, she thought.

  However, not at all. Ghyuuhi is cheap. However, difficult to make manually. Industlly, easy. however, with two hands, too too difficult at first. And do your best, Miyuki. You would be a good Japanese Traditional sweets legend in world.

  Good tongue makes her a great cook!!!! She is promissive cook, they expected. MIZUAME is not the real one. Suger is the best choice. Second one, and amusing type. Whitish process is fun, and with gorflet type wefers would match it.

  Matching problem, ADACHI had. Why me? He wanted to escape from the role. My choice is more younger one. She? No thanks at all, type. He categorized. However, they yelled. She is your type, they assured. And he, wanted to run away from the mission. APA-BABAA type, he thought. However, he doesn't regret now. He would want to fall down from the fall of KEGON in Nikko, Tochigui prefecture. A kind of experience, he gave up. And agreed to support her. Anyway, your teacher, they said. And she dislikes to be a teacher. Scholar only type. ADACHI got upset more and more. Todai lectur, she was. He was in rage. And he wanted to escape from the role again.

  however, no alternative at all. Only three times, he could run away. Already he refused three times. And now, he would be TAKAHARA again???

  Miyuki thought that the letter from someone with the name of TAKAHARA came fom others. Why and how? And thought that some chap was in danger to ask it, thus, I would reply my answer. And he saved.

  A kind of joke. He said. Why I should have written such a mail, he asked. Because of suicide matter. Yes, he wrote to others. And why now to Miyuki????

  Miyuki didn't know the system at all. Personality was replaced by others was Kyorin's situation. For her, surprizing situation, which would cause the devastation of the versity. however, for them, nothing at all. Ignorance is their response, after she pointed out the matter.

  Even the rector said, "Now in versities, academic e-mail address is usely abused by some others. You should take care of it. Not we." And Miyuki thought that she would inform this fact to other more reliable organization. And they caught Miyuki to give her torture in their versity hospital.

  No one can run away type hospital, Kyorin had. Miyuki was caught, and put diaper in her bottom, and handcuffed and put tightly to the bed by a broad belt. Lynch, she thought. And they faild.

  For them, a kind of hospitality, according to the rector. Why she doesn't understand our hospitality at all? She is not a human being. She is different from us all. All of us tried to make her to be a good girl. however, she refused, and tried to accuse us to the public agencies. It would be the last chance for her to survive. She should understand our kindness. She should be punished.

  Yutaka ATOMI would be punished, and should be revealed his own Alzheimer symptom. he suffered from the disease, anyway. And she did reveal it, writing to some legal letters.

  KIJI-MO-NAKAZUBA-UTAREMAI, or "If Japanese peacock didn't sing, it would not have been killed." was a renoun proverb. however, Miyuki discovered that this is not proverb, but a contemptous MICChIKU style threatning.

  Only evil high positioned one could say the remark, to avoid the victim to inform to the rightous place. The situation Miyuki encoutered with in Kyorin hospital. "It would be better for you not to inform to any public angency." was the remark of UJI-MUSHI-PENIS, or Yoshihiko KOGA, the dirty worm Yoshihiko KOGA. Anyway, they wanted to conceal the fact.

  Thus, Miyuki resisted and declared. You have no right to avoid my claiming right at all. I have a right to clame it in any public agency. I suffered a lot. Thus, Miyuki go to know it. Some kind of poisoneous mesmarizing process, they did on us.

  Now, no TV world again. good. Waves on the arth, they were called. TV use only. And found that they sold unnecessary long code to her, saying, "It is needed for the use".

  She bought several, and lost a lot of money. And now, the same fanomenum.

  Just the situation it happened before.  They could cut wifi, however, they refused to do so. And now, they realized that they lost anyway.

  HEKETOMBE, Miyuki said. For them, a kind of festival. For us, nasty event, however, for them, easiest and quickest way to take their food.

  Not tasty, however, eatable is Miyuki's impression of this pork called Canadian Pork. And for them, any meat would be useful.

  Last year, in Spring, Miyuki found that they did it. Rented kids were diseposed like that. Only some kids were left for it, and now, for showing the number, they produced the kids, and Miyuki disleked them all, saying, "Vanish! DDMs! Nasty Ikkyo kids, you shall die immediately!" And they failed.

  Kids are nasty however, useful, because she liked kids anyway, was their dying message. Kids would be tiny and young. Thus, they came, and failed. Thus, their failure, not ours, said ADACHI.

  Miyuki liked to declare our legitimany and their vanishing, in some high positioned place. Too too pleasant to do so. And after the declaration, winning bell, she played. Then she ran away as soon as possible.

  Everytime, some old guys were there to inform as soon as possible. Even before her declaration, they already informed to somewhere on her. Why? I am an normal person. Why I could be informed by them? They don't know how to play. These old guys graw up without knowing playing. How many years of their IKKYO conversion?

  Thus they failed. They wanted to catch Miyuki and wanted to gain their point. Rally, they did again. Always they think that they were perticipating in a stamp rally. A kind of "Inferno 48 scenes" told by RAKUGO comedian. They do the same act, even after the arrival to Inferno. They did all the way to Inferno to do the same job. Alzheimer patients groups, Miyuki watched today.

  YUKARI is now in sleeping mode. They called it, "She is sleeping now." However, for her, just a training to be more stronger. Violent, Miyuki says. For her, some kind of re-generating ceremony. We need to sleep well. Thus, she fell asleep. Many times a day, after she eats something. All foods cause het to sleep. And Miyuki knows that YUKARI eats lots of rice. how many times she ate the nasty messy foods? 10 times or so. Custive, however, only messy food and rice. She wants to eat more and more, and now, her sleeping mode.

  Her remote control botton should be found by someone, they says. She is now active again. Terrible, for them all. And Miyuki found that even being active, she deteriorates ever.

  her behaviour is too too kinky and nasty. She shut the door of living room, which is never shut usually, and started to search something. Miyuki was worried about her porch, in which her money was. However, she was chicken to open the door during her stay. Thus, she turned off the light, and opened the door and left there. Miyuki felt safe, and picked up her precious porch.

  Then, she dashed to the office, and soon came back from there, and then, came back to upstairs.

  Another kinky bahavour was, when MIYUKI was in the kitchen, she dashed into the sink, and Miyuki escaped from there, and YUKARI abruptly started to wash her glasses with a bit of liquid ditergent for kitchen use and a lukewarm water and came back to her chamber. Why now?

  Miyuki took a nap. We should sleep in her bed.

  Vanish! DDMs!

  MAR are going to the bed, sleeping already.


YUKARI's End (159)

2017-04-17 17:30:18 | 日記

Bitter Orange peels also fit with yogurt. In Japan, smooth type yogurt is liked by DDMs. I prefer Burgarian type genuine yogurt. Stronger and the rough taste makes a good combination of natural fruits type sauce.

  For more than 40 years, Japan faked their economic glory. Just on the figures.

  Miyuki got to know that Kyorin versity rented vast money from private banks at first, then public cestors. Finally, Private Versity's Insurance Sindicate like Association rented tramendous figures of money to the 3rd category versity.

  They all should die to pay the insurance, was the order of their boss. Miyuki didn't know the existance of IKKYO contract, both individual type and collective one, and group type, and natural figure one. Miyuki had not imagine that such evil existance had had spread in Japan and in the world. For her, too too harsh to know it, was the remark, that she got to hear near the bus stop, when she was waiting a bus to the campus of Kyorin in Hachioji from many professors of Foreingn Language Faculty, in Feburay, 2013.

  Why they are here today? Always most of them don't use the bus, at all. Why this early morning, they are here??? And they rumoured on her, which Miyuki didn't recognize at all. "Why for me, too harsh? What they know? Why I am not informed at all on the matter? Why they differ me from them?" Too too nasty mood in the bus.

  And they rumoured, "Just as falling down from the top of the fall called KEGON-NO-TAKI"???? Some sugestion of suicide or so? Who did or does so? Me? Not at all! If some my acquaintance does so, I don't care at all. I just want to know who and why." 

  And they failed. For them, it was enough to say so. ??? Miyuki is different, they said so. And she was excluded from the society. Yes, for her private matter, I don't want to interfare at all. However, professional information related with this versity, I should be informed anyway, even if it were too too harsh for me. After gaining the information, I would decide what I should do. Why they know, while I don't know???

  Always backyard. I don't know what they do.

  And sometimes, I found some fact by myself. Clare does cooking in the kitchen, and YUKARI pretends to cook. When I entered to the kitchen, abruptly YUKARI turned from facing the sink to clean the rail of the sliding doors.

  And I presumed that YUKARI gave up to cook for Alex's lunch. Too too nasty, Alex claimed to her. And she pledged to cook better than today. Thus, Clare helps her to cook, and found that YUKARI can't do nothing at all. Just she occupies the narrow space called our kitchen. Miyuki just took some objects to make her own sweet time for refreshment. Clare got to know that Miyuki is too too right to say that YUKARI is an Alzheimer spontaneous type. She fakes to cook, and does nothing. For her, it's natural. And now, probably, Clare is a kind of substitute of frozen foods providers.

  Now YUKARI has no money, according to her memory, thus, she can't buy any frozen food. Thus, she asked Clare to help her. And Clare is now cooking as always.

  She is a good cooker, an ordinal recipe is her strong point. Miyuki is too too egoistic, and her foods are accepted by everybody type.

  Thus, she gained a lot today. She is a kind of pretty girl type. However, any DDMs think so at all. Only Miyuki recognizes it. And she thought, Oh, Miyuki, you too?

  They don't understand their fashion senses. For them, the boss's order decide which were good for them. The bosses relied on the information provided by some Todai related. And they were not reliable, now they themselves thought.

  Only when they failed, they recognize the fact. My boss is not clever at all, is their remark. And Miyuki said them IKKYO betrayers in the song. And they kept silent immediately. Why? The prohibitted word No.1 for them all.

  They liked to think that they chose this way of life, indifferent from their religious belief. Thus, they failed. Probably, they wanted to escape from the contract, and failed. Only one should be known the fact, and it would be Miyuki, Moriko and OKINO. They thought. They are special, and they knew their world, anyway.????

  We presume their world, as much as possible. However, Alzheimer patients are totally different from us all. Thus, we couldn't understand their world at all.

  And Alex call her Auntie to induce her to her chamber. Sleepy, she is now. After her wrongdoing, it would be a fun time for her. She starts her evil job again. Nasty smells are made by her. We can't know their world at all. "The county of Stupid Ivan" written by Torstoy, probably.  This is our world, and not their one. However, they are Alzheimer patients, and don't understand the difference. For them, no difference between death and life. Thus, they should vanish now. For us, counts lot. Clare is now claiming to Alex. She said, "Do you want to assit me to cook?" And Clare got to know the fact. All of them she should do it. And no reward at all to her. YUKARI thought that Clare liked her, thus, she would be her ghost cook.

  Always her own world, she lives. For Alex, Clare is his sister. However, for YUKARI, just an assistent. YUKARI was so tired to her cooking today. Too many dirty things here and there. She is nasty, Clare thought. Why know, Auntie? We use the kichen since we came here. Why you recognize that this kitchen is nasty to make a good culinary???

  Miyuki is not nasty to cook. She just takes as they like. She cooks as her own way, And result is a bit different from other's culinary. However, thrifty and not so nasty. Beautiful, Alex was astonished. In the glass wear, orange beels with transparent appearance looked beautiful. And good for yogurt, he thought. And he did the same thing. He thought, now, I would ask his Auntie to pay for him.

  He chose direct payment to YUKARI. However, YUKARI prohibitted him to do so???? She has no right at all to do so. however, for her, she is superior, thus, the kids should obey her???

  Miyuki doesn't understand her world at all. Obedience only world. She requires obedience in every meaning. No freedom for them at all. Clare wanted to cook for  herself. however, YUKARI ordered her to cook for her and the family. Without YUKARI they can do function well. With her, all of their efforts frustrate.

  You did the same, Auntie! I helped you, and you did it, under my control. Today, you couldn't do so. You deteriorate day bay day, OK? You are just an Alzheimer patient. OK, you don't recognize. however, this is the fact.

  And she was scolded by them all. Too too harsh for YUKARI. She would thing of her revenge again. And Clare found. YUKARI is nothing for her. Thus, ignorance is the perfect tactics, as Miyuki does every day.

  She quits her good girl job. too too nasty. YUKARI is the evilest one. Why they obey her after the revolution? We should recognize it, that almost all of them kept silent, however, someone resisted against IDIOCRACY. Miyuki is one of it. The last of among them. MORIKO did, OKINO did, and the last, Miyuki did. She was praised with her strange way of her mamory using. She remembered a bit. Not all. Too too costive, thus, omissive memory, she has. Not so perfect, however, with some clues, she could remember almost perfectly. And she knows her weakpoint. Thus, she always helps to assist her, and they protected her, more than thousand times. Always, they claimes. They want to call her and they failed. Why she is so popular, Auntie? They asked. And Auntie said in short, "She is prettier than me." And they failed.

  At this point, she would not affirm at all. 7 years younger than Miyuki, is her always source of pride. Miyuki laught at it, however, for her, a kind of luck, anyway.

  And she failed. She is different. A kind of Parisilenne, today. They praised. A nasty old guy sometimes fakes a lot. She likes costume play, is Alex's explanation. In warm day, she likes to behave like that. And she likes to cook in her prittiest way. It means not costive. Lean and thrifty dessart, Clare admired her work. They didn't believe that she was good at art. They forgot that Miyuki wanted to be an artist. Thus, Parisenne. Shoji FUJITA, probably, today. Miyuki would be the lean artist called Shoji SEKINE from Shirakawa. He was poor, so only red, he could privide to buy, thus, his paintings use read impressively, Miyuki was explained like that. And they visited the musium that his arts were exhibitted. He was somebody, however, because of poverty, he died highly young in a poverty. And Miyuki thought "I want to enjoy economically sufficiently rich life at least. I am talented, however, I dare to avoid to be a painter or sculputurer!" Declared she, and concentrated on her intensive study as a worrier of Exam War.

  If she were an artist, we would be more happier, thought Alex. However, oh, poverty, he didn't think so. From where, your money comes, was his weakpoint. Ilustrator, he replied. And Miyuki said, "One of jobs, it would be. Another more economically sustansive jobs you would have, or you can't live on." Thus, he learned. "Even artistic type could enter into the best university in Japan, at that time." Yes, we are good at art of course. Music, she liked, however, there are more superior talented ones in front of her. Thus, music was her choice in high school. Because, if I chose art, I would spend more time to do the work, and I would lose my precious time to train for the exam war.

  They got to understand that she  proudly confessed that I had studies as much as possible during high school days. I had to ignore almost all of teachers remarks during the subjects, because I was so busy to solve my own tasks.

  Thus, they failed. Good students, yes, in a certain meaning. However, at the same time, bad student, in almost all of the other meanings. She likes to study, yes, however, she is not obedient, is their claims on her. She was the best point-getter in the history of ASAHI high school. Record breaking jobs, she did. Like a kind of "Only kinks can do" type work.

  They got to know that she could entered into any faculty of the virsities at that time. However, she avoided to be loser in the year 1981. One more year to enter into Tokyo Versity, Literature I? Not at all!!! No more cram study!!! Sufficient for me, the 3 years of hard study. I would be loosen after the failure, and I would pass one year in vain. Thus, anyway to Tokyo Versity type chose the worst ranked faculty, namely, Literature III.

  This is her choice. Not for the literature only. Yes, literature was and is her strong point, however, why literature III? Because it is easier to enter into compared with That of I. II? Out of mind! Economy, she should study! Only money world!! Not for my preference. I or III, this is the matter for her.

  And she chose III, and could turned to I pratically. Faculty of law, she proceeded. And failed. A big failure for her, yes, in a certain meaning. However, not so bad. She spent her precious versity time in her own way. Wasted a lot, however, gained a lot also. Thus, they understood. A big failure makes Miyuki being a stronger figure.

  Anyway stronger, is their policy in common. To win, yes, and to gain, yes, and to protect others, yes. To be kind to others means to protect others as much as possible. Others mean of course, common people, FAUNA & FLORA, and our supporters, who are ruled by Gods of Justice. Rightous existance. At least, harmless one.

  And all of DDMs failed. They are too too nasty for her. Even today, they appeared unnecessarily. Why today? It's Monday today. Usually, Monday is calm and quiet. No movement at all. Dead town, practically.

  Cherry blossoms would be a reason, yes, however, the most famous site of the cherry blossom tree, called "OTO-HIME-ZAKURA" was less populous. Only she and a pair of two old ladies. Others, why they came to Shirakawa? And why they walked arround me? In front of me, relatively many figures. In every temple I visited. Always no man's land cemeteries were filled with DDMic visitors. Simple old cherry blossoms. yes, they are beautiful. However, not so famous. Why they came abruptly today, on common weekday???

  Alzheimer patients have no time nor week day caluculation. Sunday would be better for them, because it was summer like beautiful day, yesterday.

  Today, warm, however, cloudy almost. Why today?

  And Miyuki found some houses put the signs of someone's death on the shattered entrance. Oh, AOKI's neighbours, they are. They were attacked by AOKI's relatives and went to death by their order, anyway.

  AOKI's spooky mood were covered the town, however, today, more cheerful bird singing days. Spallows did their jobs. Miyuki liked their Cheep Cheep tweets and sings some of music, as her loud low voice. Threatening voice type, they thought. In her cheerful way, with cute appearance, she ordered the most harshest punishment to them all!!!

  Religious leaders should be punished of course, and she, was not one of them at all! And she liked to do so. And cheerfully she does so even now!!!

  Declaration was done. Why they resist even now? is her question. Spooky figures should vanish now!!! She smiled to them, wispering "You shall die!!! Vanish! DDMs!!!"

  For them, no sensitive organ at all now, however, they felt some nastiest remarks she did. With smiling, she did. And YUKARI did the same evil thing to her, as always. Smiling is her powerful killer attitude, Miyuki remembers.

  After stomping her belly with her foot, YUKARI smiled and said to her, "Because you looked so harmless, and your belly was waiting to be stomped. You looked like Chinese Meat cake!"

  Childish way of saying with cruel remarks. Miyuki felt nasty, and oledged to take care of her. And she failed. Miyuki thought that she were not so evil in the bottom. And asked her to take care of her children, at least, until they could settle well in Tokyo.

  And they got into INFERNO of YUKARI. They suffered lot because of her illed remarks, always. She insisted that she needed money, because she couldn't work outside. Why you couldn't work outside, Auntie? They asked. You can work as a casher in the register counter. You are good at math, Aintie. Or gas station servicer, too. Why not, Auntie???

  She wanted to be a librarian, yes. Thus, she could to be. however, she changed her mind. IKKYO believer would gain a job, they  said and she did the pledge as soon as possible, and got a job for a while.

  Only 3 years job is enough for her, they said. And she followed the instruction. You have a sister who are studying Graduate School of Tokyo University, they asked. And she said, "Yes, however, she is not interested in me at all." She replied. Thus, YUKARI was hired, she explained to Miyuki. However, she made a big mistake. Miyuki is her source of income, mainly. She needed to inform her day by day to her acquaintance, anyway. And she failed. Too too slow to do so. And she was scolded by her boss, and she got upset, and said the prohibitted words, "I want to kill you!!!"

  And she quitted her job. She said the words, they wispered. She is such a type, they thought. Thus, she was hired again, after several years of rest.

  Now, much better for them all. Alzheimer like symptom she had. Forgetful anyway. Better. Incapable. Better. Thus, Miyuki should be caught by her.

  YUKARI would be a suitable killer of Miyuki was predicted among them. And Miyuki was killed by her professionally. Sochi-nyu experient would not be a professor, YUKARI declared on the phone. Why she said so? Because she wanted to say so.

  She likes to punish Miyuki, in every chance, even now. Always she says, "OK, my sister is in custody. Who are you?" And they failed. They called Miyuki to confirm if she were alive or not. Just for it. And they failed. Only in custody? They thought.

  They were so evil to ask her life identification. Always. Nasty type, they were called. And they were cut off, anyway. Automatically, they vanished. They reduce the number, however, sometimes, it increases, they grasped the tendency.

 When Miyuki is in good mood, they want to avoid to do so. While, Miyuki's bad phase, they called. And Miyuki doesn't refuse it at all.

  Miyuki did a good job, thus, she is hungry. A big success causes her hunger. Today, pork stake, as main dish, and pea soup, would be fine. Spinach was taken away somewhere. She categorized it as foods, however, her father thought it was trash. She used some pieces for her dish. She predicted the possibility, thus, she didn't regret it. Anyway, eatable.

  Flavour is the best way to know the rotten evil material or not. The sense, we call it. Matrichana would be fine with spinash also. Probably, from the basket he used, this would be trash, however, Rabby would eat it, and Miyuki and Adachi also.

  Some fresh parts, only. No problem at all. Miyuki is too too stronger to do so.

  And she is planning to make orchard, the earth left for them. Of course, with agreement of FAUNA & FLORA. If they want to use, OK, you are our boss. However, Fruits World would be fine for us all. Not so vast place. Some sufficient place. And good for birds and us all. We plants, and we ate, picking as we want. Relatively a bit wide space should be. However, animals, apes especially, would like the result, we think. We plants, and we all eat. With your accordance, we could make the place to the orchard. And vinil house or glass house would be especially for tropical fruits garden. Yes, apes and birds, and other animals could eat as they like. Abandantly, we would produce. And then, as they like method. We pick them of course, however, others can pick them too. We spill the seeds, and then, trees and fruits grow up, and the period of harvest comes.

  Sacred forest for wood and plants, and Fruits World for Fauna. Good idea, we think!!!

  Then, we need to speed up the process. We want to collect our result in automn, yes. Thus, we should plant now. Abundant would be. Thus, they would be satisfied with, and we Sato Family also. Luxuarious type??? A kind of. However, necessity, in a certain meaning. And Miyuki dislikes the pose of obedience of Japanese rice plantation.

  Waste line, she is afraid of. ADACHI also. Not our stylish type movement. Too too much to fake the pissing pose on the exit of water from NASU mountains. She is nasty evil naughty fellow! She did it! In both way! Standing pose, as a male, and sitting pose, as a female. Too too evident for us. Smells would be marking, like pet dogs' case. And she repeated. Two days consecutively. Crazy mad figure she would be! And she posed like "Thinking man" by Rodin. Meditation pose in a Japanse toilet. Some of supporters disliked her pose, and regretted to help her. Why she is so naughty boy type? Sitting? Worse than boys!!!

  She is disliked by their prejudice. And conquered other's yell. "EEJA-NAIKA" is the name of the film. This represents the strange fenomenum happened during Meiji Revolution period.

  Money notes fell down from the sky, and the people danced in the shower of the notes rain. Even now, it is considered some rare strange madness happened during the period.

  however, now, we got to know it. They new government preparation team did the contract with evil existance, and the latter did the job to tame the people.

  Sometimes, the evil existance used this method. And the ordial for human beings. Common people don't choose it, Miyuki, Moriko and OKINO believed. however, most of them were revieled not to be common people. Just DDMs. Thus, the pupularion reduced.

  War, they explained. Not at all! Just the devastation. For DDMs, also. And they failed finally.

  Now, it started to rain. Rain of benefit for our future harvest, Miyuki thinks so. The OMANKO news said, "Yellow sands would come from China on 18 of April. Too too late compared with other years past."

  Too too late yes, however, why now? And Miyuki and Adachi presumed that even China it happened. Thus, no industry at all, and the air popution diminished abruptly. Thus, Yellow Sands would not come probably.

  GOBI disert's sand, it was said. However, with some smells. Lots of fine sands and smells came abruptly in early spring, usually in Feburary or March. And the air looked yellow like poren powders. Not so nasty. A kind of seasonal event.

  However, according to the newspaper, China produced fine chemical called M29, and it would be the cause of disease, especially, bad for lung. We don't know which information is right. however, why they didn't analyse the fine sand by micro-scorp or some gene test? They have technic for it?

  Every year's fenomenum, not searched yet type strange problems here and there.

  Miyuki remembered in Hachioji, probably in 2013 or so, the effect of the ASAMA mountain was so big, and the vehicles had more than 10cm of ash. Miyuki watched some several centimeters of ash on the vehicles on the road. however, not so 10 cm. Too fat, she thought.

  However, rare for her. Even in HACHIOJI, the ash came.

  and she feels now, and from several days ago, some smell of dried and changed chemically hormaline like. A bit similar to TOCHI-NO-KI. Even in the house, she feels it. Why? YUKARI's old sin would be revieled probably.

  She broke some papers with a loud noise. Her expression to commit suicide, acording to her explanation done earlier, almost 30 years ago. And she failed again. She forgot what she said. Just a joke, she said. After her pledge to do so, she ended up to say so.

  Miyuki is accustomed to her behaviour. Just a violent Alzheimer patient, she is. She should go to the suitable place. And Miyuki felt the same smell near ex-My town, new Care Giving Expert School, when she passed beside the building.

  She would be put there probably. For her own care taking. She is an Alzheimer patient combined with pupils of the school, would be. She could enter into the building, and would not get out so frequently.

  For her choice, they wanted to do so. however, she is so much persistent. She would be a good nurse, they should say to yell her. Terrible!!! Kinky Alzheimer nurse with her shot gun! Hasegawa hosopital's staff!!!

  Then, just a care giver. Not shot gun at all!!! She tried already, and decided to go. Anyway, pupil. Not patient, she would insist to others.

  Miyuki would make her soup and pork stake! Wait for a while!!!


  Rabby is a bit interested in her meat dish...OK, soon, someday. Today is not yet. Fish only, he is now.

  Then A&M are going to the kitchen now!!!! 

YUKARI's END (158)

2017-04-17 16:12:15 | 日記

 I made a short trip arround the town. I met a various cherry blossom trees, especially old ones with more than 100 years old.

  They could survive from the harsh period of Shirakawa, and watched what had happened in the town. All of them are located in the temples, thus they could protected by some religious believers, and survive.

  Now, IKKYO believers ruled the town, and changed the way, and they could survived as an attraction of tourism. At least, old, however, they are beautiful, is the reason of their survival.

  Other sacred old trees are, for IKKYO standard, no value at all. They couldn't feel sacred atomosphare at all, and cut as they liked, and they were punished.

  Even now, they want to arrange the old temples, as they like. They prefer simple cemetery with vast parking lots. A kind of theme park model, they use. For them, no value is recognized. Old things should be abandoned, is their catch copy.

  Thus, some of old trees were cut because of their oldness. Crazy, we think. however, they hate old object, including elder people. Thus, they are likely to push the old people away from their world. Thus, they killed the old people in this city, and called others to behave as if they were alive.

  Thus, we could see some odd example of this season. They are doing assasin jobs even now. Miyuki checked it, and found that AOKI relatives are too too dangerous to attack others with some cheapish reason.

  The road from TENJIN temple or God of Sky Temple to the AOKI's site, a broad road are paved in the spooky AOKI like mood. Today, Miyuki declared our legitimate exclamation, and ordered to DDMs to vanish immediately. And she rang the bells, as much as possible.

  Winning Bell, we call it, while for them, the last bell or BANSHOU.

  Miyuki would like to ring the big bells in the all of the temples, however, some temples have no bell at all. And some temples used Shrine type small bells to be hit. Thus, Miyuki hit the substitutes. Anyway, we should make a sound.

  Thus, after her declarations, she rang the bells, in the loudest sound, as much as possible. And in case of shrine bell type, at almost all of the places, she clapped cheerfully.

  Sometimes, birds played with her. Spallows, today, showed her that they already had occupied the residents. And found that swallows also had done it, however, they were forced to return to Siberia in winter. Thus, seasonal residents.

  And Miyuki liked to work with spallows. "Some melodies with spallows she knew and the song of HIGASHI-MURAYAMA 3 SHOME ONDO. Or Eastern MURAYAMA the 3rd block song.

  Each town has its own town song composed by some renoun musicians, almost all are the same in melody and in lyrics. however, their songs, anyway. And Miyuki learned that SHIRAKAWA ONDO, also. She disliked the strenge not amusing sound, however, she and her mates were obliged to dance the skewed dance. Japanese dances are not made for us, they thought. Only some old ones. However, sometimes, as a kind of communication, they should dance in this way. Old ones like it, thus, we should dance in their way. Just an expression of kindness. Now for their own pleasure.

  However, sometimes good dancing in Japanese way. Easy to imitate, and could participate in the other town's local pestival as visitors.

  Her grand mother was a vice president of the ICHIBA block the 3rd for several dacades. And she should obliged to participate in some events. And Miyuki participated in the event also. For her, too too natural to amuse the festival, and they complimented strangely, when she went to the festival in the last time.

  "Oh, you are her grand daughter. So you would be difficult to pass time with her." They commented. ????? Miyuki was surprized. Why they said so? I am not living with my grand mother. I visited her sometimes per year at that time. No inconvenience at all. Why they said so, in the same way????

  Miyuki found that several years ago of her death, some fire insidence happend one day after the festival. Someone put fire on the main stage, made of wood. Who? Too too strange. Why? Some kinky fire incidents maniac?, she thought.

  And she failed. Probably, they themselves put the fire to gain some insurance, now she got to know. Evil existance, they were. Why they did so? Cheerful amusements for insurance? Too too messy.

  And found that in Shirakwa, when she did weelky DEKASEGUI to Hachioji, every weekends, there were some events for kids, and she and her kids perticipated in them, because they were free anyway.

  At least, this town has money to provide for kids' amusements, was her understanding. And now, everyday, some strenge telephone ringing, in a certain telephone in the office. Why it rings so often, and even in the midnight, it rings. Telephone call from DDMic INFERNO? And she leaves it as it is. No telephone at all. Only e-mail and post service type.

  Thus, they failed. They wanted to make contact with her by telephone. Why "On the telephone" only? Because they don't want to leave their proof. Thus, they vanished. They are too too nasty to do the trick to threaten Miyuki. Probably, the nasty phone wave would deserve for the use. And only one telephone type, they are.???

  They can't talk any more, thus, just one call to be attended. Oh, "WAN-GUIRI" or "one ringing ends" type!!!

  And they failed. For them, one ringing is enough to threaten her. And they continue their evil service. Try to attend it, and they drop. Thus, they try, and fail, then, they couldn't cut the phone, thus, only long long telephone ringing, disturving her job. Anyway, nusence, in the field of hearing. Miyuki ignores it, as always, and no attends at all. Not for me, and my father, the owner of this office, said to me, "You are free from attending the phone call." And she is diligent to obey the order.

  Diligent worker she should be. She likes to amuse yes, thus, bell ringings in every temple and shrine.

  And Miyuki got to know that anyway, for us, victory ringing, and for DDMs, losers confirmation.

  And they failed. For them, any difference at all. Just a difference is the cause of informing. And they did the evil informant's job, as soon as they found MIYUKI. Strange, anyway. Short skirt with long hair, with white knit belet, with black long stockings in the town. No one does so. Thus, they informed, and said, "I found a strange figure, you know..." and they vanished. Why they wanted to call on me? Normal, fashionable, with a good body shape lady today. Almost all of the pupils' ideal body shape, she thought. I am superior to you, girls, junior high pupils, at this point. I am more beautiful than any of you!!!

  Miyuki liked to declare so, and they vanished. She is right. She is attractive. A kind of model body shape, a bit boy like , however, good in fashion. Then they vanished.

  They shouldn't agree to the truth that Miyuki found. However, too too ovbious. And they failed.

  And she found that this week, on weekdays, probably, there would be HEKATOMBE,or IKKYO kids' math disposal event. She met a lot of pupils near Primary School II. And wispered, like singing a song, "Vanish! IKKYO kids! You shall die!!!" with smiling face. They should know that MIYUKI is too too younger than them. They use kids' sking bags, however, for Miyuki, old figures, as always. Nasty IKKYO kids with spooky figures.

  And found that one of them, a girl, was trying into a car in the parking lot exclusively for the teachers. Oh, she would be bought by her teacher, anyway.

  This is their life. No difference between teahers and pupils. Just a role. Thus, they can do it with any kids as they liked. Thus, so many raping cases done by teachers are reported even on OMANKO newspapers.

  As they like, the pupils do. No difference at all. Any one can do it. Thus, they prefer yonger, not so used skin bags. Thus, junior high girls are precious among them.

  Just a skin bag, however, it weighs, was their remark.

  The same remark she heard in a metro subway's platform in Tokyo, almost 20 years ago. She was a graduate school pupil. An old business man, with drunken voice, in public, yelled, "I want to make love with girls. Of course, young ones. Their faces don't count at all. Just youth is enough and it is important for males."

  And she was astonished. Oh, old man can yell his sexual desire in public, in SARUSHI suit. Too too impolite, however, for them, it looked like too natural, because any his colleague stopped him saying so. They showed agreement, by way of non saying. Thus they failed. They were too too nasty. However, in Tokyo, these kinky attitudes are allowed by majority.

  And she failed. It was not only they, but also others thought naturally. Oh, muck world, already!

  And she got to know, "Bubble Economy was brought by muck devils called DDMs. No real economy at all. Just a changing of math figures."

  And thought, the same evil disasters were admitted all over Japan. Exploration, unnecessary, with robbing the lives of their previous residents. They thought that they could, and public agencies admitted their wrongdoing or crimes, the evilest ones, as their natural expression of gaining financial benefit.

  For her, out of mind type conducts were done in Tokyo, and in Shirakawa. For them, DDMs, their desire turned to be the legitimate reason substancially.

  Nasty, however, the fact. For young sking bag, Miyuki were experienced the assasine. KITADA is her substitute, was the dean OOKAWA's explanation. Thus, they failed. A trash, Miyuki thought. however, she was precious younger tamed girl, anyway. OYAJI was not required by them at all. They tried to persuade MIYUKI to be a domestic type moternal existance, however, Miyuki refused. And started her own revenge. And failed again and again.

  Why? I am totally right. Why I failed? Because social system is totally injustice itself, is her result, through her experience.

  No man's land, OK for her. And for DDMs, not at all. Thus, DDMs should vanish at once in a body. You dislike this world, thus, you yourself vanish now!!!

  And they failed. Kids should be her weakpoint, some DDMs tried the strategy, and they failed. IKKYO kids should die immediately, she said clarely. For them, an astonishment again. Eternal Virgin, they are, in reality.

  Alzheimer kids. Why they can grow up righoutly? And she heard that some male pupils were saying the same remarks like kinky skewed old guys, refering to the bust of females. Oh, you already experienced OPPABU, boys? She thought, and wispered, amusingly, "Vanish, IKKYO kids, immediately. You shall die, immediately. You are so nasty to say and do so, boys!"

  And they vanished, before expected HEKATOMBE. And Miyuki found that DDMs also do their evil exploration even now. Terrible, however, they can't stop it.

  Miyuki is hungry now. She would eat some yogurt with summer orange stewed peels. Wait a minute!

  MAR is dashing to the kitchen!!!


YUKARI's End (157)

2017-04-17 09:25:45 | 日記

17/04/2017 (Monday, morning) It's my father's birthday. I said "Happy Birthday!" to him, when I met him at first in the morning.

  It's warm cloudy today. I made cram Paella with the crams from KUMAMOTO, which yesterday I bought at US$1.5 in a package. And egg white soup with the extract. Delicious ocean dishes for spring. Blooming like opening. They were alive. It means they were fresh. Good nace dish for us, all!!!

  A bit regret. I put too much tarmeric to add rich colour. It erased the delicate cram flavour. And I added salt a bit more than usual. Yes, withing the zone of delicious taste, however, not my taste. For more salty dish type. Anyway, eatable and delicious at the standard of common people.

  Too too strange. I put the same quantity of salt as usual. However, it turned a bit salty. Crams were already salty before cooking? KOMAMO sea is saltier than other normal sea???

  Anyway, we should eat delicious foods, even in this post war period. Alzheimer patients are here and there. My sister YUKARI is only one of them. They sold family, because of their obediency to their superior. I don't want to be her victim any more. Thus, I ignore her existance at all!!!

  Rabby's quick news in the morning.

  See the article:

  OMANKO Journalist wrote according to the suspect's his own HP advertizement. They are not journalists, but Advertizement staff like HAKUHOU-DOU and so on.

  博報堂 or HAKUHOUDOU is famous for their advertisement use by Liberal Democrat Party after WWII. They use the prohibitted method called "subliminal" or neuro marketing. And they faked the figures after the election. OMANKO Journalists are just their staff, not the real journalists, thus, they don't know how to get the real informations. Just they provide the information given by the governments, central and local, and faked ones.

  They don't know how to collect the proofs. Thus, they failed. Just edit, they did. For them, advertisements and public anouncements are the same. Fiction is non ficttion for them. Recognition problem they suffer.

  No difference betweeen faked information and real one. For them, anything is OK. U.S.O. broadcasting is the name of YOMIURI Shinmun's ironical short comments' colums. However, for them, the real news source.

  Thus, IDIOCRACY failed all in a body!!!

  They thought that information is the act of informants, thus, monitoring states and municipalities, they established. For them, no difference. Anything is OK for them. Acepharos don't think at all. Just do the jobs, ordered by the superiors, and the superiors are also Acepharos!!!

  Miyuki got to know that Todai relatad didn't create anything. They just imitated something. And they were not good at found some interesting theme. Why? She thought. Lots of themes arround her. She started to listup the themes, and found! Impossible!!! Too too many themes!!! Only I, found so many. Why they write the similar themes of their predicessors????

  And they had tradition to imitate their predicessors. Just a tiny change is their favorite. Radical change, not at all. Thus, they continued to do nothing. Slow too much. She thought. After her declaration of returning legitimacy to FAUNA & FLOR and their supporters, ruled by Gods of Justice, they continued the dirty works.

  MAKIKO's daughter expected to enter into Good Versity in this country. And found, "Just like high school. No liberal attitude at all. Just politeness. Why we should pay precious money to them? And quitted. No chance for the versities, at all!!!

  However, Alzheimer residence used the name of TOUHOKU Versity, one of the renoun national versity in Japan. So she entered and failed. She got to know the reality by herself. Too too costive experience, however, better than paying for 4 years, MAKIKO agreed.

  An ordial, for them all. Renoun, however, not good. In this case, we should continue to pay or not??? And be pragmatic, they thought. Now, versity degree has no value. Miyuki is respected by her culinary, not by her Doctral Degree.

  however, YUKARI the broken robot, doesn't understand the change. For her, under degree holders should obey for her. And only Miyuki were superior to her. And she chose to be nothing to her. Thus, arrogant YUKARI again.

  Always BLA-BLA-BLA mode, today. She likes cloudy, because it is not necessary to work. Fine day, she should wash the clothings by her own too too slow way. And rainy, not at all. Cloudy, only by her impulse. And now, she moves only by hatred against Miyuki.

  Miyuki wispered to her mother, "May I wash the clothings, left on the changing room?" And YUKARI started to wash them.

  She sprang out of her chamber to collect the clothings. And dashed to start the washing machine.

  Miyuki already got to know that YUKARI could't push the right botton. She did the same movement to put on the micro wave. Many times she put the same botton to start the machine, and it doesn't work.

  She explained that the machine is difficult to use. And Miyuki wispered, "May I start to wash the clothings by the machine?"

  Miyuki knew the system. YUKARI moves by her hatred. And her job is so rough and costive. Nothing is better than her doing. Thus, MIYUKI offered her doing the job, and failed. YUKARI is sensitive to Miyuki's remarks. Why? Miyuki didn't know at all. However, probably, she is installed this receiving equipment.

  Only Alzheimer patients' mode. They would be their burden, thus, we leave her in the family. Thus, hermits lived like that. Non survival type. Slow in every movement. No change at all. Bad at math. Illogical, and BLA-BLA-BLA. Arrogance, in short. Costive, and subjective only world.

  Natural born Alzheimer patients, they should be called. She came from other planet, was Alex's presumption. Different from us, anyway. Recently, she is too too dangerous. She returned to muck in half. And now, the residue moves like an impulse response. Miyuki is her spring dashing's cause.

  Alex monitored her bahaviour, and got to know the same chacacters thatn Miyuki had. Spontaneous!!! Miyuki doesn't think well, however, does the rightous way. And YUKARI, doesn't think also, and failed again and again.

  She wants to be superior to others, probably. And she wants to be superior to Miyuki, anyway.

  RAKUGO like teaching, she did, her mother thought. And Miyuki confessed it, as a natural result. She is a kind of comedian, and not a strict type, they thought. Alex participated in her lessons. She invited him to participate and he did his job, anyway, and she dinned with him as his trianph. Anyway, you did, and you did in public, in front of the versity pupils. You didn't escape, and your presentation is more than good!!!

  Alex got to know that her teacing is a bit different from other teachers. She likes to make a fun of them all! Including her!!!

  Always she tried to make them laugh, and failed. She tried, however, she couldn't. Why? Good try, Miyuki. Miyuki is one of the rarest professor to be comical in front of the pupils. however, her pupils were too too strict to lesten to her comdy theater!!!

  She danced, sang, and made a joke!!! However, no one accepted her performance. She applied the "SUEHIRO-TEI" standard, namely, "eating and drinking are all allowed. You paied for it". However, they rarely ate. some boy ate, and she applauded his braveness, and she herself ate, because she was hungry. Too too long bus riding anyway. And the pupils didn't want to go, standing in the bus. Thus, always Miyuki should dash into the bus, the firstest arrived one, anyway. She had to go there anyway. Because the lesson could start without her. She allowed the pupils' slowness. Their choice. I earn the money from the versity. Thus, I should arrive there as soon as possible.

  And long lines in front of her, as always. Too too strange. Her class is common Constitutional Law class, however, more than 200 figures presented in the class belonged to the faculty of Health, natural scientific course. And the number of the faculty is half of the faculty of social sciences, in which she belonged to. ???

  And so few pupils of Faculty of Foreign Language. ???? OK, the three faculties' students could participate in the class, however, why the pupils of the faculty of health are so many here????

  And they didn't know the name of the dean of their own faculty. Anyone. No exception. Miyuki asked repeatedly, getting down to the alter. Searched someone who knew the name. however, she couldn't.

  She asked the name of the dean of the foreign language faculty. Only one boy said "Yes I know!", however, he faild. He said the different name. More similar to the dean of other faculty. And the second chance, he said, "She is...SAKAMOTO"

  BINGO! Miyuki said. Robin SAKAMOTO. At least he could presume it.

  Now, the pupils of her faculty. No one knew the name at all. Thus, she returned to the alter, and suggested, "Something starts with "OO" "OO-BAKA"..."OO-BOKO".."OO-BOKE"...OOOHHH!!! OOKAWA! That's it! OO-BAKA, OO-BOKE, OOKAWA, he is!!!"

  And failed. So hilarious, she was categorized, and got caught, and put into KYORIN jail, called "KYORIN Hospital". Why? She thought again and again. She is too too serious to think of the real reason. Probably, reasons. Many of them disliked her, and each group wanted to take advantage of the chance of her capture.

  And they got a success, according to their understanding. Miyuki catching game, they called it. And they did it, and in reality, they put her in custody. They got a success!!! Then thought.

  And failed in a body. This catching game was started by their OMANKO Journalism, and they tried to catch her as many as possible. And she escaped from it for many times. And on 16 of October, 2015, she was caught, and got to know, even her family sold her.

  And she learned that she herself should protect herself. In the worst moment, she thought that her father participated in the catch, because he was called by the versity's hospital staff. She didn't know that it was their common way to catch others. They wanted to cut family tie. And she got to realize, that she should protect her body and soul by herself. Others are probably busy to protect themselves. Thus, she started to fight against by herself, without other's help.

  And she got dissapointed with every unit of society in Japane. First, with the police, then, prosecutors, then, Judiciary. Legislative power, yes. Executive one, especially, by no means.

  And the private sectors also. Public related private sectors, too. Educational system, public and private, all, of course. Cities, and rural areas, also.

  Hospitals and clinics, also. Medical doctors and their staff also. Agricultural sectors also. Forestory also. Kindergarden, also. Private carers, for kids and for elders, also. What is left???

  The vast planet is for her own, they said, thus, she declared. "We are the champions of the univers, we, Fauna and Flora and our supporters, who are ruled by Gods of Justice!!! DoDoMerdas, you vanish!!! You shall die, immediately!!!"

  The end. No time for the losers, because we are the champions. And found more and more victims backward. Old ones, also. She pledges and took the photo. She was chiken, and avoided to touch the dead body, however, at least she pledged the revenge.

  Wild dog type cat like existance called TANUKI were always victims, actually. Smart cars passed on them. They are too too indifferent from the hit.

 For examle. See this one:

  The local politician hit an old lady and he said, "I didn't recognize it!" And OMANKO journalist wrote his remark.

  His name is specially common, and she remembered the same name professor, and KAKISHIMA's superior responsible.

  And imaged a story. the prof. TANAKA hit the old lady like feeble minded graduate student called KAKISHIMA, and after, she threated him to make her a versity professor. Just a scolding, he explained, however, her father was related with the police. Thus, he nominated her as his successor. And failed.

  Miyuki liked to make a lot of strange human relation cross road puzzle. And the most kinkiest is her flavour. Thus, she gained always. "Oh, that Auntie type did so?" Alex was in doubt. And pledged. "If it were proved in public, I would believe that your stories on japanese Society are the real ones.

  and she did it. She bought boys by money. By tax, yes. She believed that she could do it. Privileged can do it, she insisted. Thus, she paid the money of sexual massage course by the ticket provided from her faculty for Miyuki's catching.

 She should call the squad, however, she changed her mind. Miyuki didn't know why she visited her daughter's parents in law to the near house of the daughter. She was called to participate in the squad, and she failed. She wanted to go to her every weekends' pleasure, namely, sexual massage. Her relaxed time. Only several US$50, she thought. And she was lots of tickets provided by her friends. 15 minutes discount. Thus, she used and gained a lot. 2 times for massage, Miyuki got in doubt. however, "Oh, she likes it. As you like, lady. I would pass time in the jagzie and the big bath. Swimming, I would do.

 Thus, Miyuki agreed KAKISHIMA's luxuarious time, and informed Alex the result. "KAKISHIMA's sake, our schedule would be prolonged for more 2 hours". And waited for her.

  Miyuki is not good at changing clothings. Thus, she took time a bit more, and arrived in time. Alex was already, and KAKISHIMA came, and said, "Why you didn't chose your dishes yet?" Miyuki was astonished. We are new to here. We don't know the system. Why we only could do it? You said, "Wait for more 2 hours" and we waited. Alex was tired of the SPA, however, he put up with her company.

  And she entered into the restaurant first, and then they followed. And they paid each. Miyuki paid for Alex, in the limit of necessity. For extra order, you should pay, and Alex paid more US$2 for his special order. Miyuki's system. She pays, within the limit. She was ordered to prepare money for Alex, by himself. Thus, she is ready to pay, whenever Alex asked her. She said, "I wait your real requirement. Whenever, you request, I will pay. I am prepare for it."

  Thus, they failed. She is a kind of standard of the new generation. Why she is already done type now? Alex wants to have it for his birthday. As you like. And he wants to more?????

  Miyuki didn't know his system at all. Miyuki is now "自閉症”, according to YUKARI. Oh, I thought that this were her old disease. Now, she got revealed as Alzheimer patient, thus, she tried to put Miyuki in the same hole.

  She is isolated by everyone. Thus, she would be the disease, she declared. And Miyuki knows well to manage this situation. "A bit strange for us, however, anyway, good fellow type." Thus, her grand father's assistance. A bit stone head however, not an illed type. however, her mother was inclined to interpretate him as a patient. Thus, she changed the model. "OK, Makiko! Your turn." She thought. She is healthy in every meaning. however, even she, in the period of Exam War, got nervous, and got accustomed to wash her hands, many times a day, and each time, with lots of time. Cleaness affection disease, probably. A kind of stress, she suffered. and MIYUKI's mother understood. Miyuki is too too good to say so. Even Makiko, the healthy athletic type would be categolized with some mental illness.

  And they failed. NARUI's one patient in a family policy was revealed. Thus, one big burden in Sato Family. And they thought that Miyuki were the real problem. Mentally illed, they categorized. And she evased the problem.

  YUKARI was never illed mentally, was her excuse. Because she is out of public medical insurance. That's it. She should pay for her cure by her own money. and she said, "I don't want to use my money. Miyuki is rich, and she should pay for me."

  And she failed again. Miyuki is not your family. She is independent. Just a consultant. And her example is too too clear to understand. RAKUGO like understandings are OK type. The 3rd category versity she worked for, thus, she is easy to explain type. She should be so, thus, DDMs want to consult how to do!!!

  VANISH!!! DDMs!!!

  Miyuki wants to make an errand in the town. Now she is rich in referegerator. however, something new ingredients for her enhanced mode of cooking. Probably, some poweder to make a bread. And her way to save money. All of her thriftness transmitted to her, and now, she took advantage of eaten fruits. Peels should be eatable, however, not so thrifty way, they thought. however, Miyuki stewed it, and gaind a success. Glass countaners. She chose it intentionally. They could combine togather, thus, 2nd time should be a bit different. however, the same fruit. Because she bought 3 Japanese summer orange.

  She bought it to eat, and ate, and stewed it with liquid sugar and genuine sugar. She used white sugar. ZARAME or rough crystalized suger is for Japanese sweets. She chose rightouly.

  Some experiments for enhance the sense of taste. The second one is better type. Not so bad for me. Especially, yogurt is good to taste with.

  She always thinks of glass wears for yogurt. however, YUKARI prohibited it????

  YUKARI is always deicisive, and changed her mind as usual. She insists that she doesn't change, and they are forced to change according to her abrupt change. She got to know her disease, was their common comments. however, she insisted not to be an Alzheimer patient. She disliled to be called Auntie, now. Thus, "Yu-chan" is fine for her. And they followed. And now, "YUKARI" is more suitable for her, she decrared. Alex feels strange. "Just YUKARI, Auntie!" and she agreed, "YUKARI is Miyuki's naming. Thus, for her nothing. Miyuki should change her name according to her declaration.????

  Miyuki is independent. She is out of mind. Why you are so complexed by her? For her, you are nothing, Auntie.


  And she thought that now, she would stew mixed cirrus peels jelly, For her own, thus, no care at all at this point. Anyway, eatable is good. Delicious is best, yes. At that point, forget anyway. I don't want to harm others at all!!!

  Dried up TANUKI, she thought. Anyway, he hated DDMs. Thus, we should do our revenge, including him. His species are too too suffering car accidents. They were accustomed to get out of mountains, thus, they were hit.

  Only few acknowleged her plan. She wanted to change the world as she liked. More liberal world, she hoped. Almost all of things were already thought when she was a kid, however, I need to write some report on this subject, thus, I should write it here, as a graduate course' grade aquisition activity.

  Thus, short 11 page report, she offered to HIRAI, and she failed. Too too rough to establish the new world, they criticised. However, too too liberal, and no worry world, they thought. Why not?

  And they failed. They couldn't understand her real target. Protectionism should be abandoned. Totalitarianism??? Out of mind!!!

  And they failed all!!!! Alzheimer patients world, she called. And they thought that IDIOCRACY were ideal for her????

  Flat interpretation, they only could. DDMs are so so idiot, dull, stupid, vapid, insipid, vague, feeble minded.

  And they faild again. Sadistic Miyuki Band, they are called. Trio Los Panchos, they said so. Anyname is welcome. They like to do so. And they hope MEGA-DEATH of DDMs, anyway.

  The biggest one, they want as public declaration. HEKATOMBE would be continued, they required. By their payment. We need to eat after their death. And explosive crackers, by their money, of course!!!

  Their system is thus. Don't inform to others. Only among us, DDMs, or they would gain. Alzheimer patients should cooperate each other. We are the same patients. At least, we should live????

  You should die, Auntie. Your choice. You participated into the lost army. You are the evilest and most stupid one.

  After Miyuki's death world, she likes to speak. "I would buy A, and I would buy B..." And they thought, "She would like to buy something, already she had type. More 40 scoops, probably."

  She wants to buy it, because she should not wash them at once. For her, many means without any limit of quantity. Thus, abundancia.

  Just like ex-yankee old erotic abusers. Alex did not know that business school is really so bad. And other high schools either. And he leaned a lot. And now, he wants to quit, and wants to work anyway. Good. Try every jobs you think good. Objectively, of course. You can satisfy your own needs, however, don't forget that other ones' necessity should be considered first. You should be useful to others, OK, Alex?!!!

  And Miyuki should know that she is too too egoistic to others. She works as she likes. Independent enterpreneur should be type. Only her world, she established, and works as she likes. Good to know it. Someone wants to make her work as their assistant. OK, Miyuki accepted as their offers. As much as possible, she limits her range. And it's sufficient to others.

  Low level education type, they thought. The 3rd grade versity, she worked for. She was a professor, however...

  And she did her jobs as she thought. And practically quietted it. No time for the losers, in the end!!!!

  MAHORON's architecture is similar to the station beside exploration. Rural Hachioji, here is. Hachioji is also rural, and they passed the limit. And Miyuki experienced "Silent Spring and Summer" in fact. No fiction at all! The plants chilled, even incects didn't appear except some nasty ones. Wet tiny fries and its' worms. Black ones, and Miyuki strugged against their attacked. Just abandon them!!! She disposed again and again. And now, the building was forced to abandoned.

  She got to know the reality. The dream of developed country was just nightmare for us all!!! Too too illusion like lives, we passed, Miyuki got to understood. And they tried unneccesary effort to fake us.

  And failed. A kind of illusion war, they did. No reality at all. All virtual effort. Thus, they were disliked by us all!!!

 Now she will decide to move to her new place. After the resdue was disposed up to be manageable for us, she thinks now.


  We will see you soon after our different job. Here we go, MAR!!! And she started to peel up the last summer orange.