YUKARI's End (117)

2017-04-03 20:05:07 | 日記

 Thus, we need to help them as max. They always do it, despite of any intereference of DDMs.

  And M&A got to understand that the life is too too precious and should be enjoyed entirely. Thus, Miyuki started to scold the rens a bit nasty naughty boy like chacing. Raping, you should do. Thus, stop it! Or, it would cause you heavyly. And it stopped. And "3" of carnivoros playing under the low hight. One was brown a kind of wark's relative. And the two were black crows. Miyuki scolded the two. You are probably urban types. Don't treat the country boy type hawk one. A bit different, however, he is also good as you. Quick, he should be. However, not so accustomed to people type. Don't do too much. And they understood anyway.

  And found a big hawk in her head. He would be the ruler in the region, probably. And she chose smaller costomed one for her living room. Cosy and easy to use, especially for sweaping and cleaning.

  And they failed. Only ADACHI gained. Miyuki is conservative at this point. Not for more several years type residence, she wants. Sufficient for the provisional stay type. OK, it would prolong sometimes, however, it would be sufficient in the not predicted case. Used by someone, and the feeling of someone is alive, useing, and staying as the use.

  And Miyuki failed. Oh, she is???? Oh, she was concealed by her grand kids? Oh, OK. Better to know. They both are alive, at all!!! OK, I didn't want to steal their residence at all. Just a way to choose the houses. A big, however, a bit authentic and audacious type. And a tiny sufficient to live type. For living, we should think the necessity to keep it. Running cost for holding a house. Thus, Miyuki's imagination to have it failed. Good for us all! We need a lot of friends and supporters. Good to know. Vanishing in front of their sight is enough to survive. the worst is, enhancing strategy. They like to enhance their territory without limit. Muck they are, just it. Thus, they failed. Beauty clean planet, we hope, M&A said. The best prize for us all. And they got it. We want to start our new strategy anyway. This messy builidings should be abandoned and taken away from the planet. Nasty. Our beauriful planet should be covered with green. The faked dirty materials turned to be muck colour, finally. ABC construction materials showed the degradation with the colour.

  We should start the job. And we need to power to stop the wrongdoing done by Alzheimer Dinothaurous class. Today, a big constructions were found in NISHIGOU area, near Shin-Shirakawa station. PACHINKO shops, new residencial building in front of DAISO, and so on. The workers were pretending to work using a heavy vehicle, on which, contrary letters were written. And more than 5 workers participated in the conducts. Probably they live already in the builiding, because one worker entered in the inside the door with a big nasty smellish venil bag and left it and got out to the place. And they put the steps and their accesories on the crane and the crane started to move.

  Kinky! Steps were taken away by crane? Vast place, the crane was set unnecessarily. Only steps were needed type. And crane was used for taking steps away. Illogical construction faking jobs. TOMOCHI is all right to go forward!!! Let's take away the nasty constructions as soon as possible.

  They are too too obstructive at all. They threatened even now, using sounds. And they did another wrongdoing. In their mind, they were doing the righhtous things, and they should vanish now.

  Miyuki was so so nasty by not starting to newly created jobs. Physical training, we should have. Old is experienced, and new have power. And M&A, did nothing at this point. Already done, we should say. however, too too nasty situation. As much as possible, we should do. A kind of burden we owe. Thus, we want to start our real job. Land reconstruction, we call it. They thought that "Constructiing other MITCHIKU buildings", and failed.

   AOMARO number plate vihecle appeared and remembered that IWAMA's was HACHINOHE, and the bullet train was curved a bit in front of AOMORI. A tiny railway, called AOIMORI railway should be used for a while. Time consuming for why?

  Only an error. And the error should be concealed. And they failed. The concealing error itself is another wrongdoing.

  Alzheimer muck didn't understand nothing. After their loss, they continue to be arrogant. No alternatives. Just vanish!!!!

  DDMs ended up like that. Too too slow. After the death, they moved, and showed how they lived.

  Today, Cocaine smelled twice or three times. And now nothing. Smelles. And Miyuki found that they made a lot of unnecessary abuses every time.

  Miyuki found that the river was split to two streams and after several 10 meters, they were combined again. Without any necessity. Like a high speed road in Tokyo Nihonbashi area. Non necessity tunnel just for showing up some urbenized resembling appearance. Rural version.

  These type of jobs were made frequently by the government. Too many costive unnecessary jobs, they created and they collected the tax for it. Paracites. Muck, they are. MONOLIS aliens.

  They created some secret organization to persuade some earth reisdents. And they signed. And they lost their lives for it. Miyuki didn't know the system at all. And they failed their lives in vein. All of them should know the contract, was the requisit.

  Oh, then, TOKYO versity law professors' "Contract should be done without any agreement, by the substitute of governmental decree or law" theory in the project of civil code reform.

  Miyuki got to know the existance, hearing from HIROSE in front of an Elevator of AOYAMA Gakuin versity, and said "Crazy! It would be the suicide of Legal Study. Contract is the center of legal studies, and now, they forgot it. Promise, in a common language. Just agreement is enough. Serious one should be. And now, without agreement contract? Contradiction. Too too degraded intellectually, anyway!!!" Exclamations!!!!

  And they forgot to legislate it. Escaped from the worst result. Contract without will but with governmental intention. Terrible! Totalitarians, they are!!!

  Not only Japan, but also Japan, they occupied the place. Miyuki watched the nasty residues of the  horrible wrongdoings. They sold the spirits to the aliens, and said nothing to us at all!!! They said, "Oh, you are aliens, you should have money. Give me, I will give you my skin bag!" Oh, TAKAHARA like attitude, they took.

  Because they were already aliens, and wanted to turn to their own planet, reliesed from the skin bag. The trainig to take skin bags should be done by themselves???

  Vanishing is enough. Not training. Thus, they should be punished more. Just to delay our process. They are too too evil to stop our movements.

  They can't think and just pretend to work. Masks for decoration in the dangerous place? Like a near stonehenge swirl marking job, they did. They could do it, thus they did it. Out of thun. And they failed.

  SHIRAKAWA is one of the spot for their attraction. Oh, PACHINKO! They amused it??? They looked mesmarized and watched their machines intensively with their vague sight. Too too nasty sound surrounging them. And so few foods were stocked in the shops. Not sufficient for them all. Why they felt interesting in the simple uninteresting mechanics???

  A kind of joke. They had no choice. It was decided by them. Muck decides and did, as they liked. Sterotypical, in anyway. Only one task they could type. And the one should be unnecessary. And refusion to other jobs. Muck itself again.

  MONOLIS was too too nasty for us. Too too cold for us. 3 caps in our house. Miyuki couldn't put up with her coldness at all. Outside is more wormer than inside. Existance of DDMs cost lots. YUKARI is the evilest degraded one. And she should pay her money.

  Vanish, anyway, at first.

 OMANKO journalists are sexists. Look at the above site. They says, "Men buy the only one in the convenience store, while women are iclined to walk arround the whole shop and buy various goods unnecessarily".

  For them, women are represented by YUKARI like figure. Contemptous word for working women. Prejudices they hold as always.


And a relevant proof of confusion between private matters and public ones by renoun politician called Taro ASO, and OMANKO Journalism. They all think that the exploration of OOISO were good because ASO is the ground son of Shigueru YOSHIDA, a keyperson of after war politics in Japan. For them, kinship is a ligitimacy to make a decision. Too too nasty expressions are here and there. And for them, a kind of being praised type things. The person without recognition of the difference between private matters and public ones, should resign immediately. And all of us recognized ASO's skewed strange face. It would be caused by several brain damages. He is Alzheimer anyway. Now, we are assured.

And OMANKO Journalists has no literacy at all. Read the article above.

 They said, "Soler enegy film without any solar enegy." ???? Just a film, witch can transmitt electricity.

  And such kind of products were already used several 10 years ago, especially for MITCHIKU buildings. Not new. Why they write and inform the old articles as if they were freshly made up? Just Alzheimer Patients' proofs.

  They couldn't recognize between old and new. Always new for them. Probably, electric bulb is a new product. PC is called AI and they were shocked at the advanced technology. Always new. Intelectual verginity, we could say.

  Like MITCHIKU girl called Julia HATORI in HASEGAWA Hospital. For her, UMEBOSHI or sour salty pickled plum was new in her life of 19 years old.

  For them, everything is new, thus, no important insignificant articles are here and there. For us, they belongs to the past. 1970s they live in. They dream as if they were young like 50 years ago. KITAMURA's ADONIS declaration. Forever young, they think themselves. Muck is old. No new muck at all. And they failed. Muck eating habit, YUKARI was accused and got upset. "It was my divine task. You can't blame me by the reason. I am superior to you, anyway." Always YUKARI declared like that and went to back to her chamber to sleep for her eternal dream. Muck should be her soulfood, they said.

  They have nortargy to their homeland. Thus they ate muck. And they ate lot and lot. Rice was the substitute of muck. Now, she really wants to eat one paint of muck each day. And they should do, YUKARI said. For her, her family is too too nasty and didn't understand her way of life at all. They are claimers, anyway. Always they blame her as a kind of amusing. Tortured YUKARI, she thought. Her sister in law dissapeared already???? Now, Miyuki is her sister in law. A kind of strange similarity, she had with her family members called MAYUMI and Rie. Dirty ugly faces, they have. They were prettier in their youth, however, they turned to be ugly ones. Messy, idol, non working hermits, they are.

  Two are enough for her, were their words.??? A kind of joking situation they are in. They want to communicate each other, and want to meet each other. and they couldn't. Transportation, they could. And now, forgot the way. Just forgot. And only several times, they remembered it.

  MONOLIS, they should go to. And they forgot the way to go back to the planet. And YUKARI would die for it. Then, die!!!

  Vanish! DDMs! You are too too ugly, and we can't put up with your ugliness at all!!

  And Miyuki should know it. She is now a bit sleepy. And sleepness was caused by YUKARI's cocaine taking. Thus, MIYUKI was so sleepy during the stay in Brazil. YUKARI wanted to confess her habitual smoking, however, she couldn't. And now, audacious YUKARI did it. And now, the other YUKARIs started to confess. A kind of joke, they thought. however, it worked. And they did. YUKARI did the worst things, because she was the real haterid of Miyuki. Miyuki was thought a kind of target to be blamed. And now, Miyuki knows that YUKARI was the real target. And Miyuki was so so nasty to be accused by them. I am not a kind of put up with contemtion. I would require my honour at all. For them, being a versity staff is a kind of joking, however, for me, a way to be a scholar. I want to be a scholar, anyway. Thus, I need to be a professor.

  YUKARI should be a right figure to be a professor of law as others think. And now, a punishment.

  And LCC company failed and did the wrongdoing after the failure. They started to hire 25 times more young figures to gain the loss. Last year, they hired only 5, and this year, 125 figures. It means that the company use them as their faked passengers, and in case of necessity, they would turn the victims for the insurance income.

  and LCC now started to provede foods and so on to earn popularity, according to this forgetful Alzheimer OMANKO Journalists. Why the LCC failed? Lack of passengenrs. And now, the number of them are increasing. And a benefit for the passengers. OMANKO Economy it would be. The journalists didn't feel any strangeness on the miraclous revival of the company called SKYMARK. No necessity company turned to be a popular winner, without any rational reason. For them, too too clear, without saying type way of remarks here and there. They are taking it for granted, perhaps, thus, no remarks on the most crucial point of the riviaval. Thus, we presume the reason, and found it. The typical example of MITCHIKU company management.

  They fail, and they revive with this measure. Cotract of obedience with newly graduated figures. They would learn how the contract costs for them. too too heavy for them. This is why they didn't inform the reason of their way of life at all. for them, too too natural, because they lived like that as usual. They youth were grown up for the moment. They lose their live immediately with the contract, and turn to be worriers for their evil side.

  Thus, SKYMARK failed and the OMANKO journalists again. Nasty cruel contract for us, however, for them, too too natural. Even after the entire loss, they put the youth into the lost army. Only Economic prontothaurus could do type failure, they did. And brainless youth lost their spirit already and probably they move like a vacant passenger in the air.

  Only on the name, they exist. In realty, they don't exist. They are already dead in public register. Thus, legally, they are not protected by anyway. They also evil to take advantage of the situation. Abuse them as they like. Now, just the object of their amusement. As the boss like. They are young, and the bosses are old. What it happen to the lost new youth????

  Toy like existance after the contract. They should obey, if the bosses are Alzheimer patients. The nurses of the bosses, would be. Life time insurance, they said so. And soon after the contract, crash. And insurance was applied for the company. And the company miraclously revives forever.

  Now, the price of basic necessity is not stable. Thus, Alex came to ask me how much it should be. I replied, "Probably, US$100 per month, for each kid.It all depends, however, HARUSAN would know the living cost, especially on the foods cost."And he asked, "If they allow me to eat, I should pay?" I replied, "If the rightous legitimate one allows you to consume it, it would be the matter between you and it. Only legitimate one could dispose his own dishes and foods. Not faked one." I emphathised. And I warned to him, "You should not take advantage of use your grand mother as your cook. In this case, you should pay her your money for her offered job. " And he added unnecessarily, "she gave me a new bicycle." Thus, I said to this stupid boy, "Then, you should pay more for the sake of it."

  He didn't recognize the benefit from the loss. And putted the last remark, for his loss. Alex, you should learn more among common people. Your trainer should be so so stupid type. Why you said the loss unnecessarily. Thus, he failed as always, and left without saying.

  Debate is a kind of game. Benefit and loss, should be calculated immediately. Miyuki is developped at this point. A kind of animals. No figure is necessary type. She immediately thinks, "Oh, poor boy, you lost again. You should learn lots more. You are an amature. Better than DDMs, however, not enought to be a professional debator yet. A kind of little monstor to claim with his threatening tone. Who is your teacher or model? We know it. And you should learn, which is which."

  Unnecessarily, is the point. DDMs do this type of mistakes. And then, after our appointing, they started to cover the mistakes. Always. They have no recognition ability to get to know the errors. After our reference, they start to conceal the error. And failed again. They did so to conceal, and concealing the fact is the most disliked thing by Gods of the universe.

  Then, they failed again. Washing machine didn't function in front of YUKARI now. She tried to move, and failed. And instead, she put the switch of the bath boiling. Many times. No one takes a bath, and it rains. It means that no possiblity to prevent the frozen tube. Unnecessarily, she put on the button.

  During Alex's stay in the office, she wanted to stay in the bath room, in the office also. Why? I don't know. Frequently, she did so. When Alex is here, she came, unnecessarily, for some reason. And pretends to work, even it is night. I don't know the reason. She came back to the main house, and then another sound of her. ????? Miyuki didn't know the system. She didn't recognize her vanishing. Thus, she appears endlessly. She is nothing for Sato Family at all. However, she wants to remain for Alex, anyway. She wants to protect him???? Miyuki is in doubt. She liked him, anyway, and wants to be his angel, and Alex failed. He refused her kind offer. Too nasty. She is not his angel. He wants to be more stronger. And tried to be more harsh to Miyuki. And failed. Miyuki was a bit sleepy. And he wanted to take advantage of it. However, she was stronger than he. He failed. Gee, even in this condition, she could debate. Not good for us all.

  Alex failed to combine with the better existance. And now, he realized the fact. YUKARI is no value for him. She said, "All OK for me. And I am the householder in this house." For him, her reference to the legitimacy was enough. however, he got to know that the rightous legitimacy is required to live in this world. Faked legitimacy was enough for him, and YUKARI was only for this use. "She said...." and YUKARI could say any strange thing as she liked. Thus, Alex thought that she would be an emperor of the world. Expressionism, or, Shinedinks, anyway. However, knowing the forgery or lies, anyone could take advantage of the expressionism's priveledge. Only one who knew the real fact could be protected. Even Japanese Civil code refered to this point. For figure who knows the real legitimacy, the faked remarks on legitimacy have no value.

  Thus, Alex gave up to use YUKARI's lies and forgery. YUKARI is not reliable at all. Just an Alzheimer patient. No use at all, and dangerous for our family all. Alex wanted to play with her, and found a kind of use, according to Miyuki's theory on Expressionism. However, he recognized that he misunderstood the theory.

  Oh, Alex, you should not take advantage of your tools' lie. Too too nasty job. She is incapable. And you should pay instead of her. You are the boss, and YUKARI is just a tool. OK? Figure should not pay for you. You should pay for her damage. And Miyuki perceived that YUKARI wanted to approach him anyway. He is now only one person who believes her existance, or, the use of her existance.

  Now, she was revealed that she is the ghost in Sato Family. Too much rice reduced every time she passed. And Miyuki scooped the rice from the bag to the bucket with a pan. Why not? She required her mother to buy a scoop for the special use to move the rice from the big bag to the bucket. ??? Anyway, she wanted to buy the medicine, and needed some reason. And the scoop. Miyuki did a nice try. You should show the way to use his father's favorite pan as a scoop. Now, YUKARI wanted rice more, to exchange it to her medicine. Oh, barter trading!!! Oh, thus, a plastic package box near the rice bucket. Oh, now, rice could buy cocaine!!!!

  And the end. Again, Auntie? You sold our rice. Miyuki should not put the rice in front of her. She disliked the way. Scoop should be scoop. It would be expensive. And specially made for the object. Scoop only. Pan, not at all. And failed. Anything could be. Why scoop??? YUKARI got upset. And said harsh words to others. Thus, Alex was got upset at first. YUKARI's anger transmitted him. He is now in his anger period. Smiling should be a better treatment, Clare said to her grand mother. Alex wanted to be tamed by Miyuki, and she did it. However, it was not his plan. Miyuki should be persuaded by him. He wanted to have some money. Why not? And failed. He should privide money for her medicine. He didn't know that the medicine meant Cocaine. And now, he got to know. YUKARI is addicted, anyway. Not patient, he imagined. Oh, you, too? Only DDMs can use it. Thus, she failed. They is DDM. She could buy it. Someone who has licence of the contract could buy it.

  Miyuki didn't know the system at all. Two figures differently should be treated order, they called it. Miyuki believed that DDMs are evil existance. And they did the double meaning system in reality. Shirakawa people and aliens. Oh, register?


YUKARI's End(116)

2017-04-03 16:49:21 | 日記

03/04/2017 (Monday, afternoon) I took a walk to Shin-Sirakawa along river side. I will report on the formidable situation to you. I tried to tell Clare on the rabbit and the pony to Clare, however, she was not in her house, when I visited her. Thus, later, probably next morning, I will try again. Wait a bit, Rabbit!

Now, some quick news with short comments.

 A big bank called MIZUHO, has so small number of bankers hired by them. Only three workers for extra night working are too too burdensome for the mega bank. Thus, they for the first time, use computer telephone answering system, according to the news. The OMANKO writer lives in 1970s or so. An Alzheimer in a nortargic dellirium like YUKARI. They think that they report something new to others. Plain ordinary less developped change. Just reduction of personnels. And three bankers are too too many for them. 1,2 and many! They live in a figure indifferent world. Economy without figure or math calculation, they live. MONOLIS, they live. MONOLIS banks are different from ours. Thus, so so astonishing for them to telephone answering system, probably, is.  For them, perhaps, 1 or plural. Thus, MONO or Many. And the easiest cleanest is 0 or ZERO, thus, total abandonment, namely, vanishing. For them, the best policy.

 Why LOGOLAND in NAGOYA set the entrance fee so expensive? Probably, not to allow any guests to come to the theme park, we thought.

  However, according to MITCHIKU writer, they expected that guests' grand parents pay for the grand children's visits to the land. They calculated so so based on their dellirium. Greedy and no any reason to gain. Just, "I want money" type price setting, like YUKARI. Under the MONOPOLY Idiocracy, they could do it. However, LEGOLAND is not new, not interesting at all. Just a kind of "Oh, opening some kinky theme park. Try to see the kinkiness." And the guests never will come again type facilities.

  Interestingly, the LEGO blocks were tightly grued each other already. Then, no value as Toy blocks. No value themepark with the price of Disneyland. Any atraction at all. Who pays for the kinky hobby?  Any reasonable economic sense was laking, and they opened the park, anyway. Anyone didn't stop the idiots' plan. They colaborated to the realization of IDIOTS' land.

 LEGOLANDO should be SHIRAKAWA. No one stopped the wrong plan, which has no future for any people at all. IDIOTs! Miyuki shouted. And they failed. In SHIRAKAWA, they were too too obedient to the Alzheimer power holders traditionally.Miyuki did remember some idiots requred money for their "volunteering job", run by their family. NARUSHIMA, the kinky old bug called. She did a "talk show" with her familiy members, especially, pupils in some schools. And she required US$50 for us, as a reward. We, working parents, were forced to pay the value to the greedy old bug and the relatives. "KATARIBE", it was called. Worse than RAKUGO, Miyuki thought. "Oh, Alex, you could earn lots with your BLA-BLA-BLA technic, because you are good at these type of speaking at all."

  And they failed. Other groups were not requiring any money anyway. Volunteers, we thought. However, they required. And they requiered each year.

  Miyuki encountered several times with this old bug, and said, "Oh, Ms.NARUSHIMA, I know you. I met you in another talk show held in MAHORON stage. I met you here in Culture Center in YUUKI." And they failed. They thought that Miyuki couldn't know the story at all. And Miyuki found her name in the program of a type of PTA meeting for financial planning. And found precious US$50 was paid for her group, only her families were the members type intimate group. Oh, she stole our earned money under the name of volunteering. Thieves, Miyuki thought. And wanted to claim in the meeting. However, she stopped. She recognized that if she did so, her kids would be targetted by the accusation.

  Other parents wanted to object the stealing job, however, they couldn't say any remark on it. Threatening in a soft way. HARUSHIMA family was one of the evilest family in SHIRAKAWA, probably. And they all failed, including the kids, altogether. Beggers, they should be called, and they thought that they were good at mamories. And a competition. The old bug failed. She couldn't remember Miyuki's face at all. Alex remember the race. GEE, My parent is good at mamory also!!! Gee, she should be a top of the town! And he realized. MIYUKI is not the type. Attacking is her good point. However, she dislikes disposal of the residue. Always, thank you for your colaboration, previously! I will meet you later! Type remarks and left the place. Too too cool for him. The most delicious bit for her, and the rest, for them all!!!

  She likes to eat a bit of the rarest thing. Thus, freshness is her good point. And now, she recognized that PACHINKO is her dead sight. Loss of focus, probably. They were there, lots, even on Monday. No figure in town, however, they were found in BIG TSUBAME, a newyly established amazement building with newly installed machines. PACHINKO! Miyuki thought that she had already graduated from the hobby, when she was 7 years or so. Thus, she didn't want to enter, except in case of necessity.

  And yesterday, as she wrote, found a DAIEI, newly established one, with the similar name of DAIEI, a supermarket. And found a lots of figures there. Today, weekday, it is, however, lots of figures also in BIG TSUBAME and ALADIN, an old PACHINKO house along the road route 289. And found they could change points to foods and some basic necessity type materials.

  And visited "YUMEYA" also, and so small figures there. There were no foods changing system at all, and no clerk either. Only machine type amusement park. And here, strangely, commic reading corner inside. Why???? A boy was reading comic in a big echo noise. He was indifferent form the noise at all.

  And ALADIN, Miyuki found a strange advertisement on "listening ability loss" to old men. Miyuki was in doubt. Here in PACHINKO shop, unnecessarily big noise is heard. And Miyuki's felt noisy and nasty. Headaching noise. They would be lisning ability loss with this sound. Intentionally they want to be a deaf????

  They should earn foods anyway, and should earn money from insurance anyway. Thus, they came to PACHINKO house. And they passed some noisy time there. And failed. Miyuki's "Why they are here?" is too too harsh for them. They couldn't listen the sound at all, why, her real voice in belly is so recognizable. Too too nasty voice she had, they claimed. Like a man. Too too cute in her gesture, however, old men like voice. Too too nasty for them all!!!

  Some listening loss ability was repliced by some belly sound, probably. Oh, KOTSUDANDOU, or shaking transmission by way of bone shaking. And they found that M & A was not their friends at all. Why now???

  Miyuki is too too cool to laugh at their strange habit. KOTSUDENDOU is a service for Alzheimer patients. And they could hear Miyuki's real voice, when she approaced. And she disliked them at all! Always, Oh, you, TAKAHARA, again, then, VANISH!!!!, amusingly. M & A is a real laughing Sadistic type. Too too rare in the wide universe. Only several rare were introduced. Siva and Visinu, Michal Archangel. They are your relatives!!!! M & A appreciated their participation and shouted their song of tryanph!!!! They liked their way. MIYUKI, you are really the type!!!! You didn't feel any regret for the death of DDMs!!!! Perfect machine for the job!!!! Amusing!!! They expressed. Any DDMs disliked their palody making sense. Sobstory, they wanted. And always they were laughted at!!!!

  Even now, YUKARI pretended to be useful for the family. And when her mother asks something, only refusal with her high pitch tone voice. Thus, her mother tried to use her for another more easiest job. And then, she started to order something to her mother. And her mother asked her to change the electric bulb and she read the consuming electric enegy watt figures. She said, 60 w, and MIYUKI recognized that she could read the number. Then, she failed. After she ordered some uncesessary job to her mother, her mother independently found the cause of the not turnoffed bulb. Just a problem of concent loosen. And said, OK, we found the cause and we repaired the probmem. The bulb was turned up once. Then, YUKARI ordered to do some extra work to repair the bulb, as if it had not been repaired. "Oh, YUKARI didn't recognize that the bulb was repaired already!", and her mother laughed at her idioticy. OK, we all idiots!, in a loud voice, with "HA!", like Clare.

  YUKARI didn't recognize her loss at all!!! Only ordering to others, to conceal her inability. She is so accustomed to do so, and everyone knows it. Only Miyuki was suffered from her. She was the real idiot. And she pretended not to be so. And claimed that MIYUKI were an idiot.

  Miyuki got to know her idioticy, almost 3 months ago. However, not wanted to touch her at all!!! Just ignorance. She is so dangerous. Thus, Miyuki failed. Dangerous, however, someone should punish her. however, she recognizes the loss at all. Thus, how she would be punished??? Just inducing method. Praise, for her. like a job as a professor of versity. She would accept the offer. And with a beautiful house, should be. A warm sunshining living room, she wanted to have.

  good to know it. A slope is her keyward. She liked to climb up the slope???? She wanted to go up, and wanted to go downward immediately. Oh, a good place in the hill top. IZUMI-san's brother's house. Palace like splended house in the top. It seemed empty. In the same campus, there is a tiny cosy house with sunshining corredor. Suitable for common people.

  Miyuki disliked the big house, because of window and authentic appearance. Not good to live, she thought. And tiny cozy house is sufficient to live alone or several type. Not so brilliant type. However, good normal house, she thought.

  And found some clothings were hooked on the corredor. It would be a good to use for someone like a washing job.

  And Miyuki could use the house???? Oh, I can????? Miyuki didn't know the system at all. Miyuki found some cozy place to live. For their family all???? Miyuki didn't know the information on the Noah??? I asked to have a big flood for our FAUNA & FLORA!!! Too too dirty, this prefablic cheap brilliant houses, covering the earth. And thought, small necessity should be good and enough for us all. Thus, they failed. Miyuki really wanted the big house for her family?????

  I wanted my house for myself, to stock my belongings, documents, books, data, stationaries and so on. Thus, big office, I want to have. And she tried to ask someone to have it? Always, yes. I imagine, these warehouse like stupid library is good to our working. Or, this nasty school is sufficient for our colaboration, like that. And always someone was there, monitoring my behaviour, to inform to some their boss or authority.

  Thus, they failed. Miyuki wants to have residence and working place. Not property of the land at all. Not at all!!!! Land should belong to FAUNA & FLORA. I just want to use some part of them, withing the limit of necessity and convenience. Not property at all. We should learn from our big loss, that we human beings are not legitimate to hold the property. We just can use it, under the allowance of FAUNA & FLOARA. FF, from now on. Federic Felini!!!!

  Miyuki is good to perceive that the lady of smiling idiot is a clever girl type. A Way, is a lonly story, however, she found that she should know that even after her lover's death she should live and left the circus. New way, she chose to live, anyway.

  Miyuki was too too right to chose the tiny house to live. A tested one. A big house, I don't know inside. However, not so interesting type. A colour. Earth Colour, however, not so good. A tiny one is we used it type. Many of my friends of my school days lived such kind of house, and the sun shine is used cleverly.

  M & A found that many MITCHIKU houses didn't have wonderful Southward room or veranda at all. Even they have vast courtyard, they didn't have sun appreciating room at all in the suitable place. Probably, they were not thought to be lived. Just for showing up. And no water evacuation stream from the town. It means that this town is already dead. No one live here. Only some strangers pretend to live here, by the order of their boss.

  They can't cook, not wash the clothings. They were not accustomed to live individually. They were totalitarians and prefered to live in a body. Thus, no kitchen houses where build. Oh, one room mansions? I used it in HACHIOJI. Messy one, however, I wanted to be a kind of strict bonz who was prohibitted to enjoy the life, and enjoyed my life only on weekends with my kids, at that time. A strict separation between working and family life. And in the end, I got so so exhausted and started to refresh anyway. I need change. Thus, started to cook in a certain meaning in the tiny kitchen, and appreciated bath time with bath salt, various kinds, Miyuki bought. Only US$2 or so per each. Not so extravagant type.

  And they failed. They wanted Miyuki to be an extravagant type. And they really liked extravagant types' working, because they were paracites.

 They were only stupid paracites, who should vanish immediately. And they failed. After their loss, they didn't realize the fact. Prontthaurus like slowness, they have. Miyuki got to know YUKARI'd slowness immediately. And YUKARI didn't imagine that she is the real idiot. "They are idiots. I am not good at the job. Just it." And what is your strongpoint, YUKARI. And she responded, "smoking marifana, probably. And Cocaine using, perhaps."

  Just it. Muck. M & A 's effort produced the fruit. She was in high tension today. And immediately she refused her mother's asking on something related on bath using job. Probably, turning on the swith for the use of the bath. However, hearing to the asking, abruptly she started to refuse to do it, saying, "You should know that I am not good at it! It is not my job at all! I am not made for the job at all! I am free from the job!!"  Too harsh response to her mother's probably common task asking. Why she refused so with her total strength? Miyuki was in wonder. As if she said, "Miyuki is suitable for the job, Why me? I am not good at it, you should know it!" Not a difficult job, it might be. Some kind of thrawal of some wrong things? Muck?

  Miyuki didn't know what happened today in the house at all. Miyuki was outside. And found some envelops on the PC. And found all of them came from TOKYO. And thought that they were useless, however, it would be fun to criticise their kinkiest choice. And not opened them yet. Because first, wanted to write on her fresh experiences, and the residue of yesterday, like quick critics on OMANKO Journalism.

  And they failed again. Tokyo is her suitable place YUKARI declared again. "Her" whose??? YUKARI liked to amuse to be MIYUKI, and it was the confusion of others. YUKARI criated another MIYUKI and said, "Versity professor should be like that. I know her well and almost all of professors did like that" type joking.

  And MIYUKI was declared Alzheimer again and again by other DDMs. They wanted Miyuki to be so. And they tried Miyuki to be illed by Alzheimer. Several attempts to make her nervous, and Miyuki put up with the tortures, yes. We should be.

  Nasty nervous conditions, they created and accused Miyuki by not doing anything. And they failed. Miyuki participated in some PTA type meeting, watching what was happening in the kids' schools. And felt, my school days were better than theirs. Anyway, lots of kids and teachers had no time to interfare us, almost. They had intentions to do so, probably, however, 45 figures with naughty inclinations, they couldn't interfere their freedom.

  However, now, with the use of IT, they did so, with invason to their privacy. Peeping Tom, they are now. The kinkiest old bugs, they are. The most disliked adults rule the place called school.

  thus they failed. HOSONO was 40 years old, Miyuki thought. And he failed. And another HOSONO again. No more HOSONO, Alex claimed!!! And he called him to meet again. With my money?!, thus Alex refused. They wanted to pay for ALEX, however, no money at all. And they failed.

  They got chilled everyday. Weakened, Miyuki felt, when she passes through them. Today, many "lady with a puppy" type pairs were found here and there. And Miyuki tried to tempt some of dogs, as many as possible. Almost all of them liked Miyuki, and they got scolded by the lady, in a soft way. Miyuki was igonored by them at all. Only some kinky dogs igonored her. And Miyuki said, "OK, your choice. You looked like TAKAHARA. Vanish!" and they failed.

  Miyuki liked TAKAHARA's slender and MIYUKI resembling body, because of the similarity to her body shape. ADACHI was nocked out by her way of thinking. Positive, anyway. Super hilarious!!! Oh, laughing! He was transimitted her laughing sadistic ways, and they increaced the power!!! Too too sadistic, they be, and they amuse more and more!!! Spontaneously!!! Beyond the limit type!!!! Only one could be fine, and three should be fine, Gods of Justice said. And they chose "3", because they liked the figure. Their choice. some kind of esthetics or so. "3" is today's theme. And found a lot of "3" related numbers in the number plates of vehicles, and the number of birds.

  Miyuki found a hawk, probably. Arms are broader than those of crows and thought, clows are more urban type, while hawks are more contryside type. And they were relatives. Animal eaters, carnivoros, they are called. And found lots of "nightingales" near ENMOUJI. They can sing like as old Japanese discribes, however, they could sing in other ways, and tweet also. And presumed that many of ducks were comming from fields of rice, because there was no water in the rice fields. They moved from there to the river, because they could fly. And chose to live there. Normal choice, Miyuki thought.

  Miyuki remembered that 20 years ago, she had read some articles on Duck feedings in rice fields in Shirakwa. And thought that she would eat cheap delicious duck meat. However, no duck meat produced in Shriakawa. She bought 500g of duck meat at OOTAKE meat ship, at the cost of US$14. And made some stewed duck dish for others. And Miyuki ate lots, because she liked it. And the duck was produced in TAIWAN.

  Then in HACHIOJI, MIYUKI finally found some cheap duck meat from Philipine and bought and made Portuguese Arroz dom Pato or Duck Pilaf, remembering the dish eaten in SANTOS with a big Portuguese professor of law. He said, "As you like, you can order." Thus, Miyuki requestied some dishes unknown to her. Duck meat is delicious for pilaf, thus, I would cook it in Japan, she declared. Delicious. And SALAMI sausage! More tasty with duck meat pilaf.

  However, Japanese SALAME has some nasty taste. Too too apearing type. Not good with the meat. Thus, only Duck, or with cheese is better, under this condition. Flexibility, OK!!!

  And Miyuki tried to make the pilaf, using electoric cooker. She got a success. And then, whe got to know, "Oh, skilet! It would be used as a kind of PAELLA pan. Fat and heavy. Good for the usage as Dutch Oven." And remembered that SHIMPOU moved from KUNITACHI to YAMANASHI for the sake of DUTCH OVEN.

  And had a great success. For one person, a 14cm skilet is a good choice. Always all kind of dished in the world could do in it. And BANJO!!! With strings, it would be!!! And UKLELE!!!

  Out of tune, Miyuki thought. And she got to know it. Miyuki's world is a lot of amusement, and YUKARI's world is threatning and fear. Just like MONOLIS. And they all confessed that they are MONOLIS aliens, not the planet people.

  Today, MIYUKI found a strange tree, decorated with more than 5 maskes, in the riverside, near the bridge. A dangerous place. And Masks are added the both side tied with their strings. Why? They misunderstood the trees as bamboos, and the masks as TANZAKU or TANABATA decorations, probably. And the place.

  Miyuki put her harsh claims on the TANZAKUs or papers for the pray in 2016, in july, in the period of TANABATA or dating of Vega and Antaile. 7 of July is a dating time for them, according to Chinese legend.

  HACHIOJI Station buildings called CELEO privided for the consumers to write their prays in the papers. At that time, MIYUKI was too too angry to HACHIOJI's kinkiest inhumanity, especially on Artificial Reproduction Assistence systems and the faked residents in the town. Thus, everyday, she wrote her claims on the papers. More than 50 papers, she wrote.

  However, every next day, the papers were taken and Miyuki should write new prayes again and again, with her maximum anger.

  And then, she wanted to claim the vanishing of TANZAKU, because it was the public space, and Miyuki wanted to express her objection to HACHIOJI's wrongdoings. Thus, the vanishing done by them meant destruction of freedom of speech, especially, political expression. Thus, they all failed at once.

  They said that they didn't believer the miracles. She is just a kind of kids, controled by somebody, they said so.

  And MIYUKI's switch was found. She has as always. And sometimes, she asked support to others. I want to do so, and ADACHI sent me a special good idea. However, I am not good at defence. Thus, please, support me, you all!!! Especially, you, ADACHI!!! Your intention, and I agreed. I liked the idea, and I amuse it, however, I am not sure what would happen after!!! Please, all of you, I need to help all of you!!!! I will do it, thus, please!!!

  Alaways helping type. And I do, I do, and pledges. And revenge. And special request by M&A. With the max amusement!!!!