Rabby & Chinkoro' s News Comments (9)

2017-04-26 21:58:43 | 日記

 Now, our special time starts! Chinkoro was qualifined as the professional commentator, thus, the title changed. He has his own corner now. Social matters, he likes. Thus, his turn now.

 First news:

 Terrible trapping. A bear, our leader type, was killed after being trapped by IKKYO group in Guifu prefecture.

 She was dishonoured to be a violent attaker, and surrounded by IKKYO squad, and got fatal shots, intensively. RUOIYUUKAI or Association of Hunting friends did the evilest work. They always attacked us, in a group. Collectiveness is their character.

  And we all pledged her revenge. She was killed and eaten by the hungry ugly human figures. They should eat their own famales, not us, especially bears, was her dying message.

  Now in the time of Animals' re-generating period. Sacred season. Mother and kid. The kid was so shocked and pledged her revenge, of course. He was treated well among us, anyway. And we should do our pledged revenge now.

  Miyuki today watched many old male figures and younger famales ones. Probably, OPPABU again. In this case, funeral is the event to provide the chance. They are so eager to do it. In black, they thought that anyone could suspect the possibility. However, Miyuki had already gotten to know the fact. Even bonzes were the clients of OPPABU, since Edo era.

  Now, her interview. "In case of Shirakawa, Sadanobu MATSUDAIRA started his OPPABU activities in a pub called "KYOURAKUEN" or House of Common Pleasure in the latter part of Edo era. It is located along South Lake, an artificial lake, which had destroyed our beautiful wetland. The scenery is beautiful, and the mood is so good for "it". Thus, if you, animals, have chance to do..." Cut, cut!!! Chinkoro started to scold Miyuki. She is a maniac to call to help her!!! She has some kind of problem. Mentally, probably. Too too many times, insists!! 

  Chinkoro, you are z-sexual. Thus, you don't understand. And Rabby is also "A". Thus, these comentators are cruel to Miyuki's advertisement at all.

  OK, She explained. Thus, second news:

  Like a music "I stomped the cat! Wow!". However, we have the common question. Why these cats were too too slow not to recognize his attacking? Probably, DDMic cats, already in the stone like motion. Thus, DDMic OMANKO writer is enthusiastic to the stomping.

 The third news:

  The major's wife is a habitual criminal!!! Repeatedly she did the wrongdoings, and now, they are separated, however, reside together. What they do in the house? Sleeping in the same room? Eating together?

  Separation means "Bed and Dinning Table"'s dividing, according to Akio SATO, professor of NIIGATA university. Thus, how this OMANKO writer got to know the fact? Private monitoring, or confession by themselves. Why they could do it?

  the next investigation's result, we wait for.

 The 4th news:

  University is always kinky, especially, faculty of medicine. This is the proof.

  Even in "the strict reign", the associate professor did it, and the others cought him. And KIDOUTAI, or military like hard line special police men group did their squad jobs. Always in a collective way, with some arms.

  Common people, thus, versities failed.

 The 5th one:

  According to this OMANKO journalist, nowadays, temples are run by way of IKKYO method, namely, interest inducing, however, failed type way.

  Greedy as a tiger, and stupid as a snail. Thus, they failed. Labour law like expression, he chose. and failed. Temples don't pay tax, because they are categorized as "social benefit group". however, this OMANKO writer thinks differently. They don't know the system. IKKYO writers type. Without knowlege, they write, as always, with total self confidence. KITADA like work, Miyuki named it. rough, however, arrogant. Special workers, they are!!!

 The 6th one:

 Again, Auntie? You took daffodiles, considering as if they were Chinese leeks. Always. And this stupid OMANKO writer of FUKUSHIMA MINYUU, one of the local OMANKO shimbun in this are, teach how to differ them each. As if he were the first figure to get to know the way! Rural agricultural prefecture lost their will to work in the field. Thus, they took wrongly.

  Agricultural boys turned to be only OPPABU users. And they got married with any of them, then they had several kids, and they killed them, and they received the insurance, and had a substitute kid again, and...the same activities endlessly.

 The 7th one:

 Again, Auntie? Already read many times. And the stolen money was US$40 million every year. IKKYO squad criminal division. And the victims are MICCHIKU rich old Alzheimer patients.

  Oh, YUKARI, you lost your money! Oh, already! Oh, your mate faked me? "I am your nephew Alex. Please give me money, or I will kill you!" was his remarks. And she handed her precious money to him, and got relieved. Anyway, I am alive now. Thus, she failed again.

  You paid for them, not was stolen by them, Auntie. You paid for the sake of your future benefit. Miyuki was your nasty sister, thus, you paid them to the nasty job. You repeated to aske them, thus, you lost your precious money, OK, Auntie?

  And now, YUKARI took her bath. In the middle of the bath taking, she smoked cocain. It is good for my health, was her remark. Miyuki felt the nasty smell, and said to her mother, YUKARI believed. And now, YUKARI is relaxed. Anyway, I did it in the middle of bath taking. Nasty, however, I did it.

  Miyuki just called her mother to take a bath, because it was empty. However, YUKARI did her last wrongdoing. No one's bath is her preference. Anyone could not use it without my allowence, she thought. And she failed. Today her mother is not wanting to take a bath, because YUKARI took soon after Clare. Her turn should be the last, was their choice, however, Miyuki prefered to take it in the last, thus, they failed.

 The 8th one:

  Intra-Gewalt between faked police and county old junky boys. It is called DAKKAN or robbery of their army, and they failed at once. Junky DDMs can't obey to any authority like YUKARI. Thus, it happened.

 Now, Miyuk will take a bath. Wait a minute, Fauna & Flora, and our supporters!!!

  See you soon after her bath time!!!


Now Miyuki is physically clean. We continue the news commnent program. Rabby replaced the anker today. His comments on DDMic economy is as harsh as always.

 The first news:

  Now the number of IKKYO faked workers reduced, thus they have to shorten the business hours.

  The OMANKO journalist didn't refer to the necessity or namely the demand. No client at all, thus, faked workers only business, they confessed.

  Miyuki found that in NTT DOCOMO in Shirakawa put the same advertisement on the entrance. We will have no DDMic world soon. Hurry up! DDMs! Hurry up! Ikkyo believers!!! Vanish! Immediately!!!!

  The second news:

  Why this transportation system is necessary? We have already helicopters. For the OMANKO journalist, there is no helicopter at all. Forever virgin, she is. Alzheimer patient confirmed.

 The third news:

 420 thousand versity graduates in the nex year. Thus, 1.7 million versity pupils now in total, presumably.

  Almost 1% of the total population of Japan, calculated from formal public data. Only 1%?

  Faked versities collect faked pupils, and they pretend to play the game of versity service. Even now, the evil habit is done among DDMs. Any IKKYO believers could be versity pupils. No grade is necessary at all. Kyorin standard, it is called. Anyone can enter, and would gain the degree after 4 years, if they didn't resist against their professors.

  And Big companies failed already. Small companies' damage is less than the big ones. Thus, the figure averege of 1.78 has no value. Strange calculation, the OMANKO journalist did. For the next spring, they predicted. And the data is based on his own supposition. OMANKO world is fully explored by his illusional description. Probably, is his reason to write. Just supposing, and he wrote.

  The fourth one:

  French winery comes to HAKODATE, HOKKAIDOU, because the climate is less snowy, and cool. He looked up on the zone from NAGANO to HOKKAIDOU, and decided HAKODATE.

  The president will be excluded from his own winary in France, because he decided by the wrong data. He was careless, and would cause a big damage in France. Alzheimer patient, he would be.

 The 5th one:

 For this OMANKO writer, foreign exchange rate is a kind of bond market. Thus, yen was sold, while dollar was bought.

  And the yen was used to buy the bond in the market, thus, the bond market price went up, according to him. Exchange rate is manageable by someone, artificially, presumably.

  And "SHINTAKU-GUINKO" or Trust Bank is a proper name, not a general noun. Strange writer she is!

  The 6th one:

  Why 3 staff are needed? Because they will do it. OPPABU is run in each bank, all over JAPAN. Miyuki watched some expamples of them. One is SHizuOKA Bank's Tokyo site, which is located in KITAGUCHI building of MARU-NO-UCHI near the central station of Tokyo. And in NOMURA building in the same area in Tokyo. Financially Japan is already dead, thus, they have no business at all, thus they appreciate the pleasure inside the offices. Shameless Alzheimer patients, they are.

 They should be replaced by ATM.

  The 7th one:

  They are too too slow in every stage of their lives.

  And the OMANKO journalist took it for granted that they should be replaced by non obedient monitors.

  MIYUKI is sleepy now. Thus, we are going to her mother's chamber.

  VANISH! DDMs! You are too too ugly.

  MARC will soon meet you, FAUNA & FLORA, and our supporters!




MIYUKI's Report from Shirakawa (2)

2017-04-26 18:14:31 | 日記

Miyuki took a walk in the downtown of Shirakawa. Highly short trip, because this morning she tried to her first cooking of Cesar's Salad. And got a big success. MEGA SUCCESS, we praised her ability of cooking.

 "Cooking is a kind of experiment, like natural science. Re-accomplishment is necessity. Only rare cases, we could encounter in. Miyuki is a lucky girl, thus, she could re-accomplish the flavour, with her quick skill learning ability. She is a bit more than amature, however, not perfect type. Pursuit for the perfect flavour zone, yes, however, at appearance, not so perfect. Her preference. Thus, she couldn't gain a good success as a MICCHIKU restaurant. However, she would be a good chief type cook, who would be called "Emperor of our dinasty"!!!!

  Miyuki would cry by this praise. She would be a amature singer, with BELL CANTO vibrate!!! She tried to make a chorus with her ex-mates in her school days. Chorus would comfort some of them. They would be victims, not enemies. Probably, they were killed without knowing why, and believing that their parents would have been kind ones for them.

  Miyuki remembered that some of them were not so bad,, however, teachers disliked them. Why? Poverty? Not at all. They were equally poor like us all. However, some pupils were disliked by them, without no reason.

  Miyuki thought that some of them were foreigners. And thought that southern eastern foreigners might be, she thought.

  Shimazaki was this type. Brazilian or Philipino, Miyuki thinks now. He was "bonito moreno" type. Kazuyo TAKAHASHI said, "Oh, he is more prettier than Goro NOGUCHI!", and Miyuki agreed.

  Shimazaki came from HOKKAIDOU, and his father worked for NARUI NOURIN or Agro-forestry Company, their evil teacher responsible Kouichi YOSHIDA said in public. Oh, brown skin tropical type came from nothern part of Japan. Anyway, they, he and his sister,  were quiet in subject, and good at athletics.

  His eleder sister was the same type. Morena bonita. And quiet. Slender balanced body, they had.

  Miyuki didn't know to where they went. After KATSUMI case, they vanished from our memory. At least, they didn't come to our junior high. To where???

  KATSUMI was in KOORIYAMA, they all believed. And his elder brother together was put into the Kids consulting center, Kouichi YOSHIDA said.

  When she was in junior high, Takako KAWASAKI, her ex-mate of the YOSHIDA's class, informed Miyuki that KAWASAKI met KATSUMI in KOOTIYAMA, coincidently. In YOKADO's stairs, they encountered. She said, "KATSUMI is cool now! He looks like Hiroshi TACHI."

  Oh, yes, KATSUMI looked like that, in his atomosphare. Appearance was different. More short head, he had. TATE's one was long.

  MIYUKI believed. However, now she is in doubt. Even their own kids were killed easily by their parents. KATSUMI had only one female parent, and YOSHIDA said that she was mentally illed. The situation is just the same of Miyuki's kids.

  They wanted to kill them, KATSUMI's family all in a body, because they lived in HABIISHI, near the RAIZIN or Thunderbolt Mountain, other side of IZIMI-san's family.

  IZUMI-san was a brriliant pupil, however, teachers were not so enthusiastic to educate her. Makiko, either. MIYUKI was a pest for them. Why???

  Probably, DDMs don't like them. Resistent, anyway. They don't think that teachers are superiors to them at all. Thus, adults failed.

  Kids know well, Miyuki thinks so. Thus, we should learn from kids, we thinks. However, IKKYO kids are too too conservative, and don't know how to play in this world.

  Testing fruits is not good for them. Thus, they informed that there were strange person who ate the fruits and didn't buy them at all.

  This is their world. Informants creating process, IKKYO education is. If you find any strange guy, anyway, inform to your superiors, especially to your teacher responsible.

  Thus they failed. They can't play with Miyuki. Miyuki refused their atomosphare. Not vivid, and always with their quiet spooky facial expressions. Negative mode, they wore. And Miyuki likes to hum, "You Shall Die, You Shall Die!" and Miyuki sang, "Return to Sorlent" in her own version. "Never appear in front of us! You should go to INFERNO!", she entusiastically sang in the middle of AOKI street. BELL CANTO vivrate rang the bell. Thus, they failed. Totally illed advertizement here and there. For them, meat is portly, and the SANKIN is a land holder. Why they praise SANKIN so much???

  "RAINHA da SCATTA", was the drama in Brazil, when she was there in 1990. A story of growing up company, from the bottom of the status. Recycling business, they called it. And they did the dirty works only. They sold their mothers to NARUI to earn their money. Mentally illed, was their reason. Always, they called their mothers Alzheimer Patients. And now, they themselves got revealed that they were really Alzheimer patients. Anyway just eating, not working type, they are.

  Thus, they failed. Driving licence is necessary for my work. YUKARI said, and she gained, according to her saying. However, she forgot the number, and she can't drive now. Her explanation is everytime different. And they already know that she is suffering from some serious brain damage.

  Miyuki said that "My sister YUKARI is Alzheimer patient!" And they agreed. Yes, she is. Now she is singing strange BELL CANTO melodies. Too too nasty to hear them. She said, "These songs represent the fact of SHIRAKAWA. From the begining, SHIRAKAWA figures are IKKYO believers. They are the same. Thus, modern type IKKYO came here to reside. They got along with each other.

  Thus they all fell down!!!! ACHOO, ACHOO, they all fall down!!! 🎶 

 Nursery Rhymes repsresent our situation. The old British people did know the same story. They experienced the same evil business.

  Enclosure, it was called. Elizabeth I was famous for the movement, and established her strict system. And Miyuki turned to be human beings' EMPEROR. Oh, she did? Thus, she would be Alzheimer patient, they talked each other. However, according to her, her EMPEROR business is just like a declaration of the order of FAUNA & FLORA, protected by GODS of JUSTICE. Once a while, and for free. A kind of "Only it, I can't live with. I need other professions also" type job, it is. The reality of Emperor Business, written by Miyuki SATO. Actual Emperor of the planet earth.

  They liked her joke like EMPEROR business. Not busy at all. Some kind of hobby. Amusing. And risky, anyway. High place, she must climb up. In a flat place, not suitable. Strange habit, she has, they thought. Why on the mountains? Or relatively higher places. And the steps. She likes to step down, singing medreis. OOTORI RAN type, she would be!!!

  Campy, she said. Why now? They thought. OOTORI RAN was expected today. And they prepared such a type. Thus, they failed. Today, her choice was "PICHOTE, turned to be an old man, with cute appearance." They were agonized with her choice. Too too strange. Always she takes advantage of her lucky atomosphare feeling ability.

  It was spooky cloudy today. She thought that today were good for writing the report. There are lots of not yet informed facts here and there. Thus, she reported some, and changed her mind. A bit of walking. Just for evacuation exercise.

  She is good to train her intestines. And remembered that Chinkoro's death weighs lots for us all. Early, and we should not his death in vain. Thus, she sang the song of Chinkoro, with the melody of ISHIKORO-NO-UTA, or Stone Song, a chorus, a bit difficult for pupils of primary school, with a sad persistent tone. Requiem, it would be. And she did it.

  IKKYO smart cars hit him, a wild cute hare, a young one, in the spring period. He would be paid a lot by the value of this goddamnit town called SHIRAKAWA, at least. Total abandonment of this town is not enough to compensate his death. IKKYO believers are equal to SHIRAKAWA old residents. She continued to sing through the members of them. They have no ears at all. Thus, I would protected even among them, and she ended the song up just in time when she reached the house.

  They all did know the death of the wild hare. Chinkoro, he is called now. And he liked her song, anyway. She is brave, he is astonished. In the middle of the wrongdoers, she sang. Impossible. They want to kill her. However, no power for the losers, now. They are Alzheimer patients for it.

  Thus, they failed. YUKARI got neuvous to hear her voice. Impulse, probably. Her wave is stronger than theirs all. Non word type, they are. They move by impulse only, and Miyuki's impulse irritates them all.

  Thus, they went downward, and started to inform her to their superiors. Any strange figure should be caught and berried, was their policy. Thus, only 29 homeless in FUKUSHIMA prefecture.

  They were too too evil. Like diabolic existance. Many of her ex-mates turned to be them. And Miyuki got to understand that many of the ex-mates also turned to be victims.

  Miyuki is lucky, as usual. and she believes that she is protected by her actual mates and GODS of JUSTICE. Birds are watching her behaviours. And their wrongdoings.

  Why, abruptly, near the primary school, many IKKYO believers appeared? Unnecessary. I hate them, and I was singing the song of contempting them all. Strenge masochistic inclination they have, Miyuki thought.

   And they all fell down. Why they appeared so many today? In previous time, less populous, and now, populous anyway.

   And Miyuki found lots of "Our shop closed in the past" advertisement. why now? IKKYO peeled them, and now put them on the entrance???

  Miyuki took some pictures of Downward Penis flowers, and they were called as KOCHOURAN or Chinese Butterfly Orquids.

  Yesterday, she thought that the shop to sell the flowers put the advertisement of this flower, and when she came back from SUGUIYAMA Industrial park, she watched U-CHOU-RAN or wing Butterfly Orquids. KO was replaced by U, or my mistake, she got in wonder. And she searched PC, and found that UCHORAN was totally different species, however, the same roots they have. More wild type, UCHOURAN, if the photographs are correct.

  and they failed. KOCHOURAN, the flowers were called. And spooky nuance it has. "I like KOCHOURAN" means "I would like to kill you", according to them.

  Oh, dying message from the diseaced bosses? Thank you for your choice. It costs almost US$100 per vase.

  Dying message should be expensive, was their preference. Thus, the flower was chosen. And today, she met a lot of IKKYO believers in black. Especially female ones. And Miyuki liked to say directly to them, "Vanish, DDMs! You are too too ugly! You shall die, you shall die!" Refraining.

   And many precious Downward Penis flowers inside the house, near SAKAMAKI family related. She got to know that SAKAMAKI family occupied near ABUKUMA river, and constructed blocks filled with cheap messy apartments, and disturbed passenger to enter. And they had a bus written in Portugues.

  REIHA-kai, the plate said. Spirit of Ghost and Wave. A strange significant name of religious group. Thus they failed. Beside the house, there is a bigger house, modern prefabric type. And the door was widely open. She took a picture, however, the door was already half shut. Anyway, some part of them appeared. A lot of DOWNWARD PENIS FLOFER VASES were there in the entrance. And females in black were also there.

  It means that many bosses died already, and their inferiors are participating in the funeral.

  Thus they failed. She took our picture! They got astonished. Miyuki always takes pictures. Her collection, one of. Downward penis flower vases collection she should furnish, in every trip. And today, there were many DDMic movement in the town. Not so distinctive, however, for her, appearent. They failed again.

  Chinkoro would be the last victim of our army, FAUNA & FLORA decided. Thus, they moved their line. Harshed one, Miyuki desired. ADACHI agreed. Earlier than whatever!!!!

  Chinkoro was me. Miyuki took the same measure, and failed, and got damaged hard. And now, she really thinks that CHINKORO died however, his death should be praised and be useful for us all.

  Thus, requiem, she sang. For DDMs??? Out of mind. Chinkoro was our idol. Cute fluffy one. My first wild hare, encounterd in Shirakawa. She cried. Chinkoro is now, in standby. He really liked his quick service. Social media, he creats. He is popular among us. Too early. However, his death would be fairly usefull. He is a kind of powerful male rabbit, like Popeye. Anyway, he ate a lot of leaves, and Miyuki bought a bunch of frilled letus, at the cost of US$0.6. Anyway, everyday, we should eat, and nutrish our body. And she bought a lot of meat packages, and put them in the freezer. She would use them, everyday, without worring about the next meal, they thought. She should buy some of meat, and the rest for us, they thought.

  And YUKARI did the same. She stole, and returned a bit of them. Thus, according to her, she returned it already. Miyuki thought that her way of life is formidable, totally messy one. Why she can live like that, and she failed again.

  Miyuki's song was a kind of laughing to her. Anyway, irritated one. "She is now singing. Like an opera singer. I would sing better than she!" And YUKARI started to sing GOEIKA or her gospel.

  She trained it everyday, in her chamber. And her mother praised it. And YUKARI liked the gesture. Praise should be given to me, was her remark. And Miyuki doesn't do it, thus, she wants to kill her.

  Assasin type Alzheimer patient, she is. And they should apple polish every day. Miyuki is out of mind. She is just a spontaneous Alzheimer patient, violent evil type. She is going to inferno. Or, already a resident of there.

  Now, she is in a good mood. Anyway, her choice is right at all, she thinks. I am superior to MIYUKI, thus, I am a power holder of this town. And she wants to be an emperor of the universe.

  Again, Auntie? You did, and lost. Now again? YUKARI is now turning to be an idol among Alzheimer patients. Anyway, she is quick, they praised. Thus, she likes to visit them, everyday. Oh, public library?

  Yes, thus, she failed together with all other IKKYO believers. They wanted to live together there. However, they have no cook at all. And YUKARI was a substitute of MIYUKI, and they thought that Sato Family members were all equal.

  And they failed. BELL CANTO hatred, Miyuki showed. They were too too evil to start crane constuctive jobs near the castle. IKKYO likes to fake the reason. Destroyed stone wall's repairment, they said. However, just go and flo of the heavy duty vehicles. 4 big cranes were there today. Like IKKYO complex near HASEGAWA Hospital.

  And today, the second popular clothings were white medical type. A man in this cheap flock coat type was in the backyard of kinky maternity hospital called TUMURAYA. He was in the pose of obedience, and Miyuki wanted to put some knife in the asshole of him. However, her hands were busy to bring the goods bought in the supermarket. Thus, she just took a picture of this pose. Probably, he was too too vague and had lots of time to spend with gardening. And the fatus would be a good partilizer for the object, like Masao SEKINE.

  She was not a kind of pets, Masato SEKINE proved. Not cute type, however, a kind of interest they had, he agreed. Strangeness, probably. He was a rich boy, however, common type. Not so bad, as far as I know, was his agreement. Not so promissive, however, not so evil at all. At least, physically, he looked like his father, however, more honest type, he was.

  Rightous type, he would be. However, failed. And his death was not so worse than others. Terrible. In the period of Gods of Justice, they suffered a lot, and many of them would have been the victims of their own families.

  They believed that Japan were constitutional country, and they failed like Miyuki. Why? Because of Micchiku justice. Injustice and unfairness, we should call it. And they tried to struggle with each other, however, their attempt was punched out.

  Now? In this period of developping?, was their teacher of social matters reply. Miyuki thought, "Now? In this messy undevelopped town? No industry at all, thus, we need to take advantage of inducing factories", were his meaning.

  And they failed. Miyuki didn't know the situation of Shirakawa at all. Why the world of western children's books are different from our school days?, was her big question. Why not? She thought. Thus, she thought, "If I would be an adult, the society would be more developped, and I would do the same adventure the heroes in the books did in their world!!!"

  Thus, she gained a lot of clapps from them. Why not? Why only kids??? Playing with the cheerful equipments is not only for kids, but also for adults!!!

  Miyuki does it, as she likes, because there is no people arroud her. Good! I can do as I like! And birds sing with her, when she sings amusing songs. Why not? She does so. And they thought, "We should have done so!!!" TOHOHO in this field. Anyway, Adult TOHOHO, she is. They are KID TOHOHO type. And they should learn a lot with Miyuki's movement. Miyuki is always OK type. For IKKYO believers, life is not so short, because they live in a body. The last one should be alive, thus, we are alive as usual, is their belief. Then, die for now!!! The last one should be monitored totally until its death. Die, the rest of all DDMs!!!! Too too effective. You can concentrate your own limited richness on it. Do it! We are more clevere than you, and for the sake of you, we recommend this choice. "It would be better for you, Auntie, to take a lot of water, anyway. " Alex wispered. And she took a lot. Taking water means less eating, anyway. Too much shit, anyway. good to know. They spill the shit of cats to push away someone from their own territory. The pet bottle for it.

  Strange bahaviour, Miyuki thought. And advertisement, enhanced type. Now, also shit?, Miyuki wondered. Until now, just fass, however, from this advertisement, shit also. "You should clean up pets fass and shit", by the police equivalent.

  They did wrong as usual.

  Miyuki didn't want to make a jam with this orange, probably, they thought. Izamaril is used, probably. American type, probably. MOCOTO type tiny oranges. US$1.5 per 5 in BENIMARU, SHOWA-MACHI.

  It would be fine for HARUSAN to understand that Miyuki is appreciated the allowance of use of ready made Ceser's salad dressing. Only a bit for tasting, and I just want to know the ingredients, Miyuki said, and did so, and got a success. And said, "Better than the ready made one. Delicious. This is a reward for you, HARUSAN." And her father came, thus, she gave one to him also. Brazil like way. When you deliver to someone, it would be fair to others.

  Thus, they failed. For DDMs, not at all. For others, by her own will, is Miyuki's style. And she put her name on the vinil bag, meaning, "Don't use mine. I don't use yours, without your admission." And they failed.

  Common use is better for them all, was their preference. However, considering YUKARI's abuse, this is not a good idea. Miyuki should protect herself from YUKARI's eager illegal appetite.

  She is a kind of monster, thus, she would be taken to the hospital, they thought. And Miyuki was caught, and suffered a lot, unnecessarily. They thought that DDMs thought that one per family was enough, and Miyuki was replaceable for YUKARI, their idol.

  YUKARI is a kind of legend. Why she could gain the good job in the hospital? They thought. She is now working woman mode. Thus, she is arrogant. In her dream, they thought. however, she wants to be a care taker of their own families. Nonsense. She should take care of herself. And live far from our family.

  And they agreed. YUKARI would buy her own house with her money. US$30 thousand is enough for it. And she realized that her dream is already realized. she gained a house near the house. A big house, a flat one. and she wants to move to it.

  TAMAYA family have a big house near Sato FAMILY, and it would better for her, they said. And she tried to ask the price. Now on sale. Thus, she failed. She wanted to ask the price, and they couldn't say the price. It would be fine for us, to know the way. If we say some price, it would be their price. Thus, they failed. For free, they said, and she said, OK, I paid US$30 thousand at just. And she bought it for her own. Good. Moving, anyway.

   And Miyuki should recover the damage. OK, Miyuki would work as a craftman. And carpenter, OK, I would manage. I did some when I was younger. Don't worry. I am good at it, probably.

  And I would have one for me. Independent and sufficiently big. I need to put my objects, including my data and books, altogether there, and place to receive others. To plan our new world. Preparation for the new trip.

  Thus, they failed. Miyuki likes to imagine the worst case. Positive, however, a kind of training. Idiocracy was the result of such a mind exercise, however, DDMs took wrong, and realized it in fact. Dull work oly world.

  And they failed again. Already done type DDMs here and there today. DDMs with kids, also.  Wednesday. Why the kids are here now? And Miyuki found that SHOSHO high school was totally empty at all. In front of the station, there is no economic activities at all.

  The restaurant called BIKKURI or Surprise! was already closed in July, 2016.  Even in the exact front of the station, it was closed already.

  And a shocking fact. NTT was already closed and the big building was taken by some social benefit service groups. however, a faked worker pretended to call as if he were working for NTT. Oh, Alzheimer, he is.

  repetition makes sense. Thus, they just repeat the faked remarks again and again.