YUKARI's End (153)

2017-04-15 20:10:46 | 日記

 I was attacked by YUKARI again. I proposed my mother to infrom the turn of bathing time to my father. She agreed, thus I tried to go to his room. YUKARI dashed from her TV room and tried to kick my back violently, saying, "Mother, you past me. My turn now!"

  YUKARI likes to attack on my back. I coincidently returned to her, thus, she quitted to do so, and she pretended to skip in front of my mother.

  Always she wants to attack on my back. The most sly dirty way. By impulse, she does so. I recognize it. She looks so comical, in some meaning, however, she herself is too too serious to attack me from the back. She wants to kill me really. However, she is not capable to do so. Thus, always she looks like a messy umpopular joker like existance.

  A kind of joker, OHTA said. He knew that he was in the last stage. His dying message was that "I sold my spirit, and accepted the sexually controled life and got unhappiness only world."

  Thus, after his falure to catch me, he stopped move, and stuck at the table. He never got up, probably, and vanished, at that time.

  Thus, he wore strange ALOHA shirt, when I met him next time in August, 2015, at WASEDA University. He went to Inferno, and got allowed to come back with his belongings. He brough ALOHA wear to Brazil, thus he put it when he came back to appear in the academic meeting of East Asian Sociology of Law.

  He came to Brazil to persuade me to participate in DDMic team, and failed. Just contemption, he gained from me, and died, like TAKAHARA.

  He said, "I am a kind of joker, at Tokyo Versity." Joker, YUKARI is now. In the final stage, they turned to be a joker, by their own interpretations.

  For OHTA, joker is a kind of being laught. And YUKARI, probaly, killer or some strong evil existance.

  Why her hair is so hard and likes stings??? Probably, indifferent from her mind, her hair grew up like that. Each day, she got worse, and she couldn't controle herself at all. Her hair is different, and it is independently to be so, is Clare's interpretation. She wanted to change it, however, already it is fixed so. She couldn't change it. A kind of joker, she wanted. And she realied it. her choice.

  What do you like to do? A human being or..., Gods asked us. Miyuki wanted to be a human being, and she could be so. Others also. And YUKARI wanted to be a joker. IKKYO believers should say so, was their religious leader's order.

  At the final stage of their lives, they should chose what they pretended. They did so, as a kind of role playing. The final stage of human beings, they thought. And their religious leader predicted the end of the planet.

  Thus, they wanted to die collectively. Not individually. Collectiveness mekes you stronger, is the religous leader's words.

  Thus, HASEGAWA Hospital adopted the theory as their staff's own ideology. And they did the dirty jobs, as they like, even after suffering Alzheimer disease.

  Their religious leader counted their end, after his death. He should die, and he would survive after 3 days, was their prediction. And he died forever. Then, they forgot their religion.

  They said, that their leader were a kind of God, thus, they could believe him. Now he didn't come back, thus, they could get rid of their religion at all. No proof at all, was their remark.

  And YUKARI wanted to get rid of the nasty spooky figures in Alex's room. Thus, she tried to rob some of them, and Alex got to know it. And said, "Auntie, you are doing stealing jobs, not the name of Apple Computer, Auntie. Now you should pay for me, by the cost of your wrongdoing!!!"

  And YUKARI did her first compensation to Alex. And she is reluctant to pay for him. he is costive anyway. She made all her efffort to be evil. Her choice. They gave up her training. Intamable, they thought.

  Even we asked not to work, she did her job, thus, she was hospitalized, accoring to her resposible in the versity.

 And all of them were allowed to continue the dirty work. They were called to their responsible, and they chose to do the dirty work, again. And all of them failed.

  Miyuki wanted to be praised by others, however, they didn't do so. They were busy, Miyuki thought. However, Miyuki thought, even they were busy, these things should not be allowed by anyone. Miyuki should be praised by others, she thought.

  And YUKARI did her dirty work. Dissaperance, in some meaning. Strange, they thought. She erased lots of things, when she wanted, without other's allowence. A kind of play, she said. And she wanted to be claimed by others.

  Too too nasty to return your things, Auntie. She disliked to use your used one, they stopped her. For her, used one and new one are the same.

  Thus, they are afraid of her dirty jobs. She lost almost all of her promise, as she liked. Now, Aintie, Alex said to her aunt. "You lost your head somewhere, Auntie" and she failed.

  Always she failed. She promised not to get upset at them at all, in any case. And she forgot it. Now she came to be Miyuki's killer again. A chop, she explained. Not a kick. She did it, Miyuki thought it, Clare mentioned. Again, auntie?

 She wanted to attack Miuki as much as possible. If I kill her, her religious leader would allow her to live again, she believes.

  And Miyuki didn't want her to live any more. YUKARI believes that Miyuki would allow her to kill Miyuki. Her own belief. I am totally free from her illusion. And Miyuki got to be cold again.

  When she felt some nasty feeling, she gets cold. YUKARI's remarks were always the reason of her coldness. Anyway, she is costive, they thought.

  Again, Auntie? You are not good at math, Miyuki remembered your performence on the subject. She tried to teach math to you, and she couldn't. She said, "I am not good at teaching. YUKAI is not good at math at all".

  She didn't know how old she was. And did her childish jobs. I am a kind of kid, thus, you should treat me kindly, she declared to others, again. You lost your memory, in stead of your precious hair, Auntie!

  Her religious leader to make her being so, she believed. Why my hair is so attractive, she thought. And Miyuki didn't recognize her new fashionable strong hair, at all.

  Some magic she did, and she gained the hair, as the result. And she said, "I am a precious stone like a diamond, before being polished. " And she tried to polish herself, and gained such a strange hair. Her religious leader liked it, they said to her. And she denied, "I am not any kind of such a strange religion."

 Oh, she forgot her past, they thought. Always in action, non stopping YUKARI, they thought. Why she is so evil to do so? She responds to other's conducts, especially Miyuki's ones. And she is now tamed. As usual, she is calm, in the end. Every day, she lived differently now. Gradually moving type, they said. Now, she is in the critical period. Thus, she did her maximum failure as always. Smelling jobs, they thought. She dislikes to do so, however, she did again, and failed.

  Always, she liked to be her idol. And she tried and changed everyday, and in the end, same YUKARI as always. No difference at all, they thought. Just a bit degraded one.

  Miyuki was so audicious to offer to dry up clothings recen^washed up. Why not? It's easy to understand her. Always nasty to others. If she wanted to wash, it means, "She is now concentrate on her wrongdoing." Thus, she failed again.

  Don't be nasty to anyone, they asked her. And for her, Miyuki is exception. She is a target of her attacking. And Miyuki should ignore her attacking. For her, Miyuki is an object of attacking, and YUKARI is nothing for Miyuki. Thus, YUKARI is safe to attack Miyuki, according to her believing.

 Thus, she failed. A cooking perfect type, she required Miyuki indirectly, and Miyuki got to be so. And YUKARI was excluded by her. YUKARI thought that Miyuki is so nasty to do so. ZERO, anyway, YUKARI thought. And Miyuki deserved to her attacking, she exclaimed.

  Never ending hatred, they said. YUKARI wanted to live for the revenge to MIYUKI. She is for it, probably.

  YUKARI's end makes Miyuki sleepy. Thus, Rabby's quick news time!!!

 See this article:

  This OMANKO writer thinks that USA were a kind of International organization like United Nations. And USA recognized Chine as in some category of "non controled foreign money rate country."

  For him, United States of Americas can't criticise according to their own opinion. Just categorization it could, and now, China is not an object of attacking of them. For him, any "United organs" should be the same, for example, "United Arrows" and "United Colours of Beneton." All "United" are the same. Because he is a member of "United Church of Christians", probably.

  See another:

  Just a tiny earthquake. And KUMAMOTO is not a famous automobil producing prefecture. However, OMANKO writer exergerrates as always. "Too vast suffering from the earthquake, and they failed after their all efforts." Sobstory maker, he is. Always "highly" and "so much" and "tremendously" and "vast". No reality at all. For him, only one small topic should be fine to make a tear dropping sobstory.  Always tragedy should be written by him.

 Another laughing one:

  RYOUHIN-KEIKAKU was gained by their socks and sofas only. How it could be type question among common people. However, the OMANKO journalist believes that he could trap us. He is not able to recognize his own stupidity at all. And he contunes to his Onanistic performence in front of us!!!

  One more:

   OOSAKA's idiocracy in the railway field was revealed by this OMANKO writer. It could provide the railway service with lower fare, however, it didn't. And now, no difference at all from public service, however, it would be privatised. Just it is selling itself. This OMANKO writer said that it might be reduce only 10 to 20 yens as their new fare, based on his own expectation. Why now? they asked it. And the reply is, "We did our best however..." YUKARI is this railway company now.

  An example of Idiocratic company in Japan run by Chinese:

  Its name is SHARP, and the president dares to enhance to produce the most unpopular unnecessary products, against the rule of economy. "He dared to do so" is the point of this OMANKO writer. Always for losing type. Unhappiness collector, he should be. Always failure type, also. YUKARI is here, again!!!

 And the dirk side of black air company was revealed:

   Double booking is prohibitted anyway, and in the case of this, the air company should compensate entirely, was our rule.

  However, already in 2000s, this system is allowed under the name of "FLEX-Traveler system".

  Thus, I was refused to take an airplane of VARIG in Brazil. Miyuki arrived there just two hours ago, and the staff refused her to take the airplane, reserved already, saying, "You should have come here one hour earlier. You should pay to buy another ticket to go to your way." And she were obliged to pay more US$500, according to their threatening.

  They did it, Miyuki felt. However, Miyuki should go back to Japan, at the exact day. She was too busy. Thus, she should pay extra more, and pledged to other contempted travelers, "I am also the vistim like you. VARIG would vanish, soon or later, at the our harvest time". And they failed.

  Miyuki claimed, however, all of them denied her rightous opinion. She got really upset. I have no time to play with you, idiots, she said directly. However, they required more and more. Miyuki got so so upset to say, that "You shall pay for it, if you trap me." And it was revealed that they were accustomed to do so. Thus failed.

  No reliance world at all, we should say. Any trust at all type. And they didn't notice for us, at all!!! In any place, we were explored, and failed many times. Why I should be contemted so frequently in this Charle De'Gaule Airport?

  She almost lost her laggage, and the Brazilian police man said, "We are obliged to do so by law. " And Miyuki found the same remark on the elevator. The number of some instruction. And Miyuki understood that France is a kind of country to treat foreigners so nasty. Even airport clerks tried to steal her precious object so easily.

  The paper said, "You should be responsble to your belongings. In case of lost and find, you should pay to the police for your trouble."

   Oh, you too, France?! And Miyuki found that many African related travelers were treated so nasty by the clerks there.

   Miyuki passed one night in Paris. She took a 7:00 morning train to the airport. Only Africans were in the train. Miyuki thought, "Oh, white ones are so benefitted and idol to start to work later. Black diligent workers type only. Anyway, they are safe." Miyuki didn't think any danger at all with them.

  The previous night, in the subway, Miyuki was so so confused because of their mole hole like maze in the metro system. Once she failed, it was too too difficult to find the right exit at all. She tried to ask some figures, mainly white ones, however, they igonored. Almost all of them, went straight without any failure. Why they could do it? Not so clever type, they seemed. Why they didn't commit an error at all???

  Only black men, her type, kindly lead her to the rightous way. She thanked a lot, and thought, Black ones are too too kind here in Paris and more safe type. Yes, they wore in modest way. More physical worker type wear. however, for her, this is some kind of "Anyway, we are busy at our working" type expression. Better than SARUSHI nasty idol workers.

  Thus, Miyuki found that many black workers in Paris are not nasty for her. More reliable than white SARUSHI suits type.

  Thus, they failed. Miyuki thought, the subway is not so dangerous. If someone knows the system, not so bad. "You should remember the name of direction, and number of the line, beside the name of the addressed station name." And then, she tried to find the rightous way, easily. After this, the exit search become more easily for her.

  However, why only black African world in 7:00 morning in the train????

  They already know it. however, the news didn't inform it. Only someone could inform the truth, they thought. We are not dangerous, is their message, and Miyuki really thought so. Why not? Latin, rather than white one. More kind and warm.

  Yes, their impression is strong. however, for us, flat Japanese, white ones are also impressionably strong. Why only black ones???

  Flat face, with strange small nose, is their impression. With a big laggage, and alwasy with her face of troublesome. Why they could put up with not giving the rightous information to her? Their system ended up already. And Blacks are majority in France. Especially in France. Why they wanted to conceal the fact???

  Early in the morning, only blacks work, was her discovery. Not only in the morning. Even in the evening, they work. And white workers appears only Miyuki came????

  Miyuki didn't know the system. Miyuki disliked one, and they vanished. Miyuki is obliged to do so, they thought. Only some sadistic type could do it. Oh, she? They thought. And they failed altogether!!!

  ADACHI liked his role of destroyer!!! Miyuki also. And ADACHI is now in danger???? She did too too much to destroy their system!!!! She disliked DDMs easily!!!! They appeared differently. With some nasty feeling, they had. Spooky atomosphare they took as always. Why they are so downward, was her question.

  And now, she recognized the same "Wave of male collective voices" she heard on 5 of October in HASEGAWA Hospital. The same type. ANIME voiced ugly old bitches wearing young girl like costumes, and the male voices follow after the ANIME voices.

  Their system, probably. BELL and DADA, when they appear in male and famele. They respond to their wave of voices. Some nasty expression for Miyuki. It means, "We want to make love with you!"

  Oh, thus, the HASEGAWA Hospital staff made ANIME voice, indifferent from her age. Over 35, they use the voice!!! Terrible, Miyuki thought. however, for BELL and DADA, no age at all. Always they could do it type. Waves of the voices, they respond. Appearance doesn't mean at all. just some shaking of wave counts. Thus, impulse type, they are categorized.

  For Miyuki, just like a Faked voice. however, for them, some kind of politeness and gentlemanship, in a certain meaning.

  Oh, thus, so much old males in the concert of young AKB similar group's held in KAWASAKI and in KIKUNA. Why only old males? More than 40 years old. They are decoys, probably, however, why so old ones only? Why they didn't hire younger decoys???

  Younger decoys were already dead at that time. Only old ones world, they criated. And then, only femi-lesbean OMANKO world. And now, in the real Alzheimer idiocracy. Miyuki is too too dangerous while her walking. They want to attack her, anyway????

  Squad service, they say. And now, they are obliged to do so. Miyuki dislkes their appearance. They appear to be desliked by me, Miyuki thought, too too rightously. And they failed again.

   Why you stay here, Auntie? Is Clare's question. Too too nasty for them all. However, she wants to do so, and does it as she likes.

  VANISH! DDMs!!! Miyuki wispers, like a melody. And they failed. Singing with Miyuki, they want. Thus, they failed.

  Always, they like to sing in unison. The easiest and quickest way. Why they do so? For them, singing is a kind of making love attitude! Oh, KARAOKE!!! Thus, Japanese liked KARAOKE!!!!

  And then, they failed. Miyuki could put up with the smell, when it was ejected by common people. However, by DDMs, Miyuki orders to vanish from our peaceful universe. And they failed.

  Always good type, Miyuki is. Not so important type. VIP, not at all!!! Just common people, with uniqueness. Not so sexually abusive type. TOHOHO only for a while type.

  Miyuki tried her efforts to be mature like a human being, and she is always the same in her identitiy. Like a child, they thought. For her, too too normal. For DDMs, different. Why?

  Identification problem, they have. Adults and kids. They are the same, thus, they classifies, incessantly. Formalism, because they themselves are muck itself. Just appearance matters in fact.

  And they failed. Only muck world, they wanted to make, and they failed again. Too too nasty, and we should recuperate the system. Our new system should function only among us. For them, not at all. They are desqualified anyway.

  And YUKARI thought that she was wrongly a family member of this family. She admitted that she did it, at least, today. She wanted to attack Miyuki, and always she searched some excuse. She should do so for her friends DDMs.

  Thus, she failed. Type introduction process for all DDMs. They are all desqualified in every meaning. And now, repetition, they started again and again. Muck has no limit of period. We have. Terrible. Thus, Miyuki should hurry up the process.

  ANIME voice world should be created by vocaloids already. Why these kinky ugly ladies do so???? Too too strange for Miyuki. And the male only collective voice was used on 5 of october in 2016. Why???

  They wanted to yell her, however, nothing at all. Only male voice should manage to use. Why they????

  Miyuki didn't know the system at all. Only male collective voice, why? Miyuki didn't recognize female voice at that time. Why they yelled for me? Day of Brazilian Constitution's estipulation???

  anyway, some kind of yell, she accepted. Spooky, anyway, however, some kind of yell.

  Anyway is her keyword. She always made a lot of mistakes. however, in the end, she thought that her intention is a bit different from others. Thus, she summed up, and pragmatically chose the result.

  Thus, Miyuki is not liked by DDMs, anyway. And she wants to be good to others, except DDMs. Thus, she wispers "VANISH! DDMs!", and DDMs laught at her remarks, then she said directly, "You shall die, DDMs!" And they got quiet.

  They are strange existance, and anyway collective. Only one, they couldn't live. Thus, they should die in collection. OK, altogether, at once, in a body!!!! And YUKARI refuses it now. And she liked to be alone. Go alone! YUKARI disliked Miyuki's way of liberalism. And she established her own belief, as always.

  VANISH! DDMs!!! Miyuki is going to take a bath!!!

  Wait for a while! We all go to the bath room!!! See you soon after bathing of us!!!


YUKARI's End (152)

2017-04-15 16:51:44 | 日記

15/04/2017 (Saturday, afternoon) It was fine in the morning. Warm spring day! And now, it is cloudy.

  This morning, I found three shoots of Cameria flower in the earth. Yesterday, two. Today, 3. Who did the nasty job?

  After blooming, camerias drop down. It is natural, I think. However, before blooming? Like a crocs, near the cameria tree. The evil one like YUKARI did the dirty work, intentionally, Miyuki thought.

  And she picked them up, and put them in a glass cup, used as a vase. Rose like figure. Cameria and rose are the similar especie. And Cherry blossams, and Plum also. Rose kins, they are.

  HANAMI-DANGO were eaten all by someone, anyway. They consumed all. It means that my DANGO is delicious, they agreed.

  I had a recidue of stewed read bean paste. I did a good work to cook it. Thus, without Dango itself, also delicious for tea break.

  I used backwheat water, which was left when I boiled DANGO. And made green tea.

  I found strange tendency done by IKKYO related. They can't calculate the value at all! In the supermarket called GYOMU  SUPER, a 200g package of SHIRATAMA-KO or sticky rice powder costs US$2.2. While, a 1kg package of frozen ready made SHIRATAMA DANGO costs US$3. Do you believe it?

  I bought the powder, because I am training to cook Japanese sweets now. For learning, we need genuine ingredient. Now I pay more a bit, however, in case of emergency, I would turn to be a cook, and could work for us all. Thus, as a kind of my hobby, I bought the powder.

  And the super contributes to collective life for IKKYO family fakes. They can't cook as individuals. They just are provided some foods as their meal, like in Detention or in hospitals.

  Thus, they failed. Alzheimer patients can't cook is famous fact, even DDMic medical doctors recognized. They have no sense of taste, and of smell. Thus, YUKARI failed. She was accustomed to eat ready made foods like frozen one or cooked dishes.

  She can't cook at all. And she wants others to cook for her. She dislikes cooking, thus, she is a bad cook.

  IKKYO believers live all in a band, and eat at the same time. Like provided lunch in Schools. Miyuki disliked it, and got fat. For YUKARI, delicious foods. She insisted that she ate delicious lunch when she was in Shirakawa III Primary school, contrary to Miyuki's remarks. Thus, they believed that the school changed for better, anyway.

  Not at all. Only YUKARI liked to eat it. Rice, she prefered, and they provided it to the pupils. Thus, she liked it. Only such a reason.

 Miyuki got to know that the DANGO was delicious after warming up. A bit nasty for her, however, they should do their best. And Miyuki doesn't think that her mother did it intentionally. Don't worry. It happens, type.

  And today, Miyuki found that animals with fur and 4 legs are victims even now.

  Also today, TANUKI or wild plump cat died and was abandoned along the roadside. He showed Miyuki his dying message. "Don't allow them at all!!! Up to the last one!!!". Miyuki watched his face, showing the teeth and the base of them with harsh facial expression. Don't forget our revenge type message. Thus, Miyuki pledged and did high touch with his forehead.

  She did! Oh, she touched!!! She wanted to show her sincerity to him. At least, you are our friend army!

  Several times, she encountered with their death. All of the cases were done by vehicles. Traffic accidents, Miyuki thought. And now, they were our team, Miyuki finally understood.

  She was in doubt, because TANUKI samtimes fakes. And they are too too similar to us. Thus, she was in doubt, and in the position of neutral, until the fact revealed. And now, she finally got to know, that almost all of wild animals with 4 legs and fur, dissapeared from the earth!!!! In this reagion, yes. In HACHIOJI, also.

  And today, she found some friends of our army. Lizzard. Tiny one, however, she could recognize it by the sound.

  In Hachioji campus of Kyorin versity, there were lots of Japanese lizzards. Adults and kids, also. She liked especially kids, because they have metalic colour tail. Dark green and black rainbow colour like the reflection of petroleum. And adults have more pinkish white leather. Totally different! Like incects!!!

  And found some butterfries. Now, white common butterflies are also rare in Japan.

  Miyuki remembered that in her pimary school days, they were too too common. She remembered that more than 300 butterflied were found over the field of cabbage near her mountain. Worms, pretty green one, a bit transparents, also.

  Where are they now? And found that cabbages are also rare here in Shirakawa. No agriculture is done, pratically.

 Miyuki is anderstanding the situation of Shirakwa after WWII. GHQ, or General Head Quater of USA and its rellied, ordered Japan to divide the anti-pruductive earth formally held by rich families to farmers without their own property.

  Then small farmers with only 1h earth field appeared all over Japan. In Shirakawa also.

  The first generation took advantage og it, and did their agricultural job. Then, the second genaration, didn't. They just sold the field, and bought some luxurious cars instead. Imported cars, also. Miyuki remembered that in 1970s, there was a boom on imported sports type cars. The rural country boys were inclined to get them by the money.

  And the next generation did the worst job. They explored the land ilegitimately, and sold them to some evil real estate traders, and they remained to live in the heage of the mountain side, and they explored the earth again and again.

  For them, mountains were unlimited source of fortune, according to the real state traders. They were already morally degraded. For them all, nececcity of others were out of immgination. They wanted money, thus they did it type.

  Ego-centric, and their illusion was based on the value of the land. however, in Shirakawa, no one wanted to buy their land at all. Too too rural and inconvenient. Just a country side, like other similar region in Japan.

  And they failed. No necessity at all. This fact was revealed by their exclamation. Oh, you too?, type impression in every city arround Tokyo.

  Miyuki was called by someone to watch Tokyo arround, and she watched, and got astonished at the fact. No population at all!!! No man's lands are here and there. Even in front of the JR main stations, no man's land either!!!!

  They faked that there were some concumers. However, nothing at all!!! They pretended to work, to consume, to pass time with family, to study in school and versity, to play the sports, and so on. Just a faking world, she watched.

  Miyuki was surprised that in Japan, couples were made by someone's orders, and they pretended to do dating!!! In Bay Quarter in YOKOHAMA, Miyuki watched the couples were too too reluctant to pass the same time together. Really? Oh, faked couples! Then, I would play with them, yes!!! Breaking couple game, she called it. She put net type stockings, and hot pants, and T-shirt, and a cap. Evidently, Philipina like fashion she did! And tried to attract at least one part of them. Male, she wanted. However, sometimes, female were attracted. Anyway, better than nothing, they were fished. And recently, she participated in this play again.

  Rural pretty girl, is her image. However, with low rough voice. Always some changes are needed type. And her face was male today. OK, any declaration should be done some OYAJI. Thus, low voice, she used.

  And got a super success in the forest of South Lake. Twice, she had to do it. Anyway, today, we shoud not commit an error. Thus, she did it!!! Now, the perfect declaration it was!!!!

  And found that the forestry management center is the real wood cutting base in this region. And they established their own private house with agricultural field in the natural park!!!

  They are so evil to prohibit the entrance to their house and the office to any other vehicles, and they themselves used the concrete paved road especially for them. Terribly egoistic attitude. And they showed their evil acts in front of Miyuki. A couple cultivated something in their field. They are too too mentally illed to forget that they abused this place. For them, everyday life, living in the forest and do their dirty job as a reluctant garden only agricultural business.

   They couldn't produce anything. Just gardening, they did. Terrible. They couldn't produce food.

  Probably, they can't do it, because they can't cook. Only frozen ready-made foods, they ate. And now, they are forgetting to eat.

  then, they failed. For them, eating is a nasty habit. Auntie has no taste, is their opinion. Miyuki is a good cook, however, DANGO is not so delicious, they thought. And now, warming up DANGO appeared. Her mother worried about disease or rotten belly pain, thus she served the dishes to the rest of the family, as soon as possible.

  Nasty food, like DANGO, YUKARI expressed. A kind of muck, she put in, she added. A kind of. Nasty, however, the fact type expression, she started to remark. ADACHI-rization, she is experiencing now. A bit nasty job for the all of the family. However, she needed to learn that she is illed now.

  They thought that she would realize her evil dream to kill her sister soon. And they failed. Miyuki should win, they exclaimed. And they ate the muck like food, anyway. She said, "NANKO DANGO" and showed her hatred to YUKARI.

  Miyuki is naughty girl, they said. Dumpling inside the stewed read beans paste. NANKO DANGO like impression.

  They didn't know what is NANKO DANGO. They didn't eat it??? Miyuki ate several times. Someone brought a package to the family, and she ate it. She remembered it, clearly, and she didn't know that they didn't know what it is...

  Miyuki liked eating almost all of delicious foods, thus she remembered some of them. Not all of them, however, some impression she has, as always. And nasty smell, also. This is rare among them????

  Miyuki didn't know that her smell is too too good to smell illusional smell???? She can remember the smell, yes. However, some nasty smell, she doesn't smell intentionally.

  and she realized that this ability is a kind of special ability, which deserves to be kept by her.

  Illusional smell effect, they called it. They lead the neuro marketing with the smell. Sometimes she failed. Because of the smell, she bought something. However, sometimes, she avoided to buy with the smell, also.

  Perfume is one of the nasty invent among human beings. Now she agreed with them. Non chemical flavour user, she decided. Artificial smells made of petroleum have their own cheapy characters. Nasty, Miyuki thought. Anyway, it reduces my precious, our precious appetite. Rabby got a success on it. He appeared when she started to work for us. She chose to do so. And she calculated erroneously. Oh, this job makes me so so rich!!! I would be one of the richest person in the world in this job. In Japan, no licence is required to struggle with wrongdoers, especially big ones!!! I would be free law consultant for the victims, and would gain every struggle in the court, because when I accept to do the job, it means that there were wrongdoings with the maximum anti-fundamenta rights type.

  And failed. She didn't know the system at all, and thought, "Why anyone couldn't sue the big company because of wrongdoings? Why always someone who proposed such kinds of law suits accepted to escape from the battle in the court?"

  Always winning theory, Miyuki thought. Why no business on this field, she got in wonder. And failed. There are some reasons to be so. And she realized that law suit proposal is, even in civil type, avoidable, when she wanted to live!!!!

  She didn't know the system at all, and believed that Japan were constitutional country, as the pimps related with Tokyo Versity said.

  They were astonished at her behaviour. Too too genuine to believe so. Ignorant at all!!! Why they watched me like that? I am a kind of odd figure? Suing is so strange fanomenum? Why their remarks are so vague and conformistic???

  And finally Miyuki got to know that Japan is the country of anti- fundamental rights' promoting existance.

  Japanese Constitution is already for faking job. Just to pretend to be a constitutional country. Bitch, as ADACHI said. Only Miyuki believed that it were a pretty virgin type. However, not at all. She is the real evil, idol, dull worker among Constituional World.

  Only her cheapish cosmetics, makes others to be trapped. Especially, in the international world, the pimps worked as her promoters and protectors. Miyuki did the same job, and said, "she wants to work, however, she has difficulty to work entirely. Her contributers and friends are not so evil, however, their heads are so so conventional and not flexible. Thus, she couldn't work rightously. Her low performance should be allowed at least, because of her good intention. At least, she is making effort to work better according to our idealism."

  However, all of them, including Miyuki, failed. Japanese Constitution is a typical BITCH!!!!

  Miyuki failed and learned a lot by he predicessors. Not pimps. More common types, in the other fields. And thought, Probaly, law, including constitutional law is not a kind of the object of study at all. Law should be used, and not should be educated by the superior educational organ.

  Thus, they failed. Makiko was also astonished at her daughter's confession that TOUHOKU versity is now in custody????

  They, the pipms, failed, and closed the versity, however, some clerks took advantage of it, and opend the verstity under the same name. And they failed.

  Miyuki immediately informed to her friends on Makiko's daughter's unluck on this matter. And she presumed that the daughter couldn't belileve the fact, like Miyuki. She would know it by herself, like me.

  And Makiko understood that IKKYO is preverent in SENDAI also. They did the dirty job, and their work is too too messy, and bad made. The manual, they called it. And nasty expressions, almost all of them are anti-constitutional type, are here and there. And Makiko said to her, "OK, you should refrain from studying there. If you want, you can go, however, you would suffer lot because of your choice. Not economic one, but more important value like..."

  Miyuki understood well. Now, Alex is danger everyday. He should survive anyway. And avoiding YUKARI is his priority. The same generation DDMs are at least not so evil like his Aintie. He regretted at his past with her. MIKARA-DETA-SABI or, "His own failure", was his words.

  YUKARI is so nasty now. Any remarks to say good bye, she refuses. Clare tried to do it, and failed. More than 15 minutes, she should waste to get away from her. Clare has said already "Then, Good bye!" to her. However, YUKARI didn't recoginize it at all, and continued her BLA-BLA-BLA meanlessly.

  Why she wants to follow me, was her question. She would be sad, is her grand mother's explanation. No one could save her, Clare thought. And she sighed. If I were Miyuki, I would kill her.

  OK, Miyuki tries it everyday, however, she couldn't even now. VANISH! DDMs! She said. And she dared to say, "She is just a spontaneous Alzheimer Patient" to her father, however, YUKARI disliked to hear the remarks.

  And YUKARI attacked Miyuki again and again. No working is OK for her, they agreed. Miyuki liked to work for washing, yes.

  Thus, Miyuki is appointed to be their cleaning shop. OK, I would wash your clothings. I was accustomed to do so. With double counteners machine, I did so. Now, whole in one type. More convenient. And veranda drying up is not so nasty, especially in fine spring days. Why not???

  Miyuki is late riser, however, she is quick, and she avoids waste of time, anyway. No time for the losers, she prefers. Why not????

  And they failed. Why they show their innability each time??? Why the price of one small package of read beans, used as seeds, costs more than 5 times of the same, used for cooking????

  They, KANAKO seeds shop, sell the read beans like that. And the packages are the same of them, sold in some groceries in Shirakawa. They were produced in the same place. Monopoly controled economy, they are doing. Unnecessarily, and harmfully. And poisoneous. They should vanish immediately!!!

  According to HOSONO, Alex's telephone friend in HACHIOJI, tomorrow, YOKOHAMA, TOKYO and OKINAWA would be attcked by Missiles ejected by North Korea. Thus, Alex recommended to write his "living will" and said, "If I could, I will visit your tumb". And HOSONO reluctantly repied, "Well, I would think of it."

  Alex is now astonished by HOSONO's ignorance on ANIME. Alex's astonishment is, HOSONO forgot the name of Card Chapter SAKURA. Famous for his generation. And Miyuki also knows it. However, HOSONO, as least, he pretends to be the same generation, doesn't know it!!!

  Miyuki thought that HOSONO is 40 years old, and thus, he doesn't know it, or he forgot it because of his Alzheimer disease.

  Forgetfulness, he suffers, Alex got to know. IKKYO kids are Alzheimer patients, Clare ixplained. How much, is Alex's question. And Miyuki got to know that both are the answer. BINGO!!!!

  Today, IKKYO kids participated in their voice training jobs from ASAHI high school. Shirakawa I primary school turned to be parking lots. Only vehicles were there. And one new entered into and parked in the courtyard.

  Why they parked the cars there??? Like on 13 of March, at CHUUOO junior high.

  It was 15 of April. Some event? Appearently not at all. Just parking, they did.

  And now, Miyuki will try to cook our Japanese dinner in the kitchen. At least, I would try. If YUKARI were there, I would quit it immediately. She is really violent recently.


  See you soon, after our delicious dinner!!! MAR goes to the kitchen now...