Rabby's News Comments (6)

2017-04-24 22:03:56 | 日記

24/04/2017 (Monday, evening) Hello! Rabby's News Comments Time. We have Chinkoro, as our guest. He recovered from her intoxication or rather virgin shock againt some foods. He likes chocolate, however, a bit schoking food, and got exited a bit. A jumping situation. OK, he can speak anyway.

 The first news:

  OMANKO journalist in USA. His name is Kenneth Rapoza. Razoza is female fox in Spanish, and he would be one of female foxes.

  He doesn't know the difference between right wing and left wing, and refers the possiblity that the left wing would combine with the extremest party of the right wing. Oh, he is Alzheimer patient.

 And French presidency election's situation is highly similar to that of USA. only 2% of difference, and the extremest Lum'Pen would be Mr.Slump in USA. They fake to be rich, however, as a matter of fact, are messy evil poor existance.

  France is also in an ordial, and provably, the situation is the same of Japan. And the relevant role is performed by journalism. And the OMANKO journalism would win or lose?

 The second news:

 We found the law of degradation. When shopping mall enteres, the town loses. Not necessary facilities in small Japan. A nest of evils. When WASHIO came, the town had failed already. For IKKYO use, the manager thought. however, Mega-Stage and Beisia have substituted it already. And after Gyomu super came, highly near to IKKYO residencial complex.

  Thus, they failed. Again, Auntie? Why you go to Basia so much? Because she wanted to get married with a church of IKKYO line called Glory Church. Anyway, church would be fine for me, she thought.

  She came back to Japan with US$3 thousand, and thought that she were rich, and she wanted to buy some new house for her and her husband. And then, she wanted to have a husband. Young one would be fine. Beautiful type would be better. And wedding hall would be IKKYO type. And she planned her wedding with her friend. And she consulted to some friends among IKKYO members. They were terrified at her attempt. Is she going to get married with some of them? Terrible. She doesn't know the taboo at all!!!

  thus, among them, she got revealed as young Alzheimer patient already.

  They themselves suffer from the disease, yes,  however, YUKARI's case is too too terrible for them all.

  The third news:

  Black market of money is new realized in Japan. And the private company will strengthen to deliver sanction to the tradings.

  And this news is writtern for licenced lawyers only.

  Thus, the public monetary system was lost in Japan, no government at all now is there, and the company substitutes the public sector. And even now faked lawyers exist, and the OMANKO journalist is one of them, who are all Alzheimer patients.

  Confessions, this news is.

  Always "I hope so, thus I will be so..." type dreaming girl, MITSUI tdading company is. It does't start the real commercial base fish farm in any place in the land part of Japan, however, it already dreams to export the whole set of the system to south eastern Asia.

  OMANKO journalist is the same type of YUKARI.

 The fourth news:

  The OMANKo writer doesn't know the words "one cup of CHA" and does use the words "one cup of YUNOMI" in the article. Extremely shrunk vocabulary. Another proof of Alzheimer disease.

  The fifth news:

  OMANKO journalist is writing his imaginary illusion as he likes. Alzheimer explanations on parade!

   The price of the bonds are upward because of the exclusion of left wing from the French election. And the North Korea's big event is a big factor of stopping of the price in the stage, and the big holidays which come nextweek would cause the complete stopping of the bond market for 1 week.

   Non economic knowlege writer, he is. He thinks, thus, he writes type. Any relation between the price and the happenings in foreign politics or events. however, he likes to explain, using of connecting word, "because of" or "On behalf of" or "For the sake of".

  As you like, the boss asked him to write on the matter, and he, dispite of incapacity, agreed to do so. and he does his "coming out being Alzheimer patient" in every article.

  Non stop mode type, he is in. Anyone wants to stop his audacious revealing of being Alzheimer patient. Loop mode, they call it. They can't stop his wrongdoing at all. They can't manage the situation at all!!!

  "At least, I know the language" he said modestly, and the boss ordered him to the important job, and he failed, and the boss and the system also did.

  Viva! OMANKO journalist! You did the own goals!!! You contributed to our victory, instead of the victory of your team.

  Thus, he vanished. Shameless, he would be, they wispered. And they failed also. And now, we expect the new real journalists. And us all would be them.

  Any people can inform to us, and we put it on the articles, and everyone can know the reality. for free. and if informant wants to put your name also, we will put it also!!!

  The responsible editor is Rabby, and Miyuki assists him. Adahi and Chinkoro will do it also. Now, Rabby gained the prize of the best jounalist Prizer!!! Rabby, Congratulations!!! You did it! You could make it!!! You are the real somebody! You could do it!!!

  Thus, Rabby got the total reliance from his new friend Chinkoro. Only a big domestic type, Chinkoro said to him, directly. However, Rabby made his effort to be bigger. and now, he would be the manmoth type Vast Rabbit.

  Eveyone knows him. He is famous. Yeity, Miyuki expressed. And rabby got upset. And he made a pledge to be bigger than Yeity. Thus, he tried to concentrate on his journalistic job. And now, he is called Big Daddy by his wild hare boy.

  "Daddy", Rabby wanted to be. And he tried to be, and failed. and now, he got the real son. Wild hare! Impossible, even he is the big type, eveyone said. However, he did it! Daddy! Wild hare's son's Daddy.

   this, he cried for his triemph. He believed to be Daddy, and now, got his boy!!!!

   A prohibitted love, they call it. Why? Domestic animals can't produce wild ones, they said. However, Rabby did it!!! He took his glasses away, and dropped them to be hugged by his son, Wild Hare son. The son kissed him, on his mouth!!!

  And Daddy kissed on his mouth. I love you, my son!!! They turned to be Daddy and Sonny.

   Rabby wanted to make his mate, however, he couldn't, and died earlier than Miyuki expected. Without son, and his mate.

   OK, mate, forget it. However, son, I wanted. Like Miyuki. And he now got his real son. Like naughty boy type, as his young age's one. We are so similar, Chinkoro admitted. Rabby hugged him, also. They are pleased with our victory againt OMANKO journalism.

   As soon as possible, and quick should be. And Miyuki was sleepy. howver, Rabby could do it! He is the real journalist. And his effort got the result now. Pulizer and the son. Both! He wanted this time!!! He did it!!!

  Miyuki broght him a buquet of flowers, and a trophy of weeds he likes so much!!!

  Dandilions' Buquiet for its use!!!! Rare, however, 4 bouquets!!! On the concrete pedestrian deck! Rare, and beautiful!!!! Best shot in Japan!!!  DOKONJO-GAERU or Die Hard Flog type, combined with wild nature's beauty.

  Photographer, Miyuki would be!!!! Miyuki did her evil work today! The tree with Miyuki's shape, and Miyuki took the pictures on him, and hers!!! The same type!!!! They laught at it!!! Proofs here and there. We are the champions!!!!

  No one understands our interpretation, anyway, we should try the dangerous game. Anyway, better than nothing.

  "Survivor will come! He would be like that!" They believed, and only Miyuki understood. Who call me as a Christ or Salvator? Miyuki was in wonder. And now, she got to understand. Only one who could feel sympathy on the plants, including weeds. She? Plain type. Not so clever, however, persistent.

  And she took a lot of artistic pictures in the town. Why in Shirakawa, the trees prefer to be the shape of my "it"????

  Miyuki was pleased with the game, at first. And then, she took several photos, and then, understood. Oh, I am the representative of them all. Oh, my "it". OK, distinctive, anyway. Lack of some male "it" type, not female type "it".

  and they got relieved. Dangerous bit, they thought. however, they should do someting, and chose to mark with the shape.

  Strange fenomenum in Shirakawa. Why they are so???? And today, Miyuki wore her skinny fitting Jeans, and took her "it"s picture. They got upset at first. Why now? Why much earlier??? You should wear the jeans, and show it more frequently!!!

  And Miyuki explained, "Not so frequently. It all depends on TPO and my feeling. Sometimes, I wear, yes, sometimes, "Oh, naughty Spring Wind! My skirt was blown off! Oh! MOURETSU!"  Marilyn Monroe walk, sometimes. Especially, she is wearing male Jeans. Why? She doesn't know. When I wear more male type, I want to walk like Marilyn Monroe. Probably, an exercise to ger Michel Jackson's bottom, I think.

  With girly wear, not so much. However, with male like Jeans, without saying, automatically, she starts to walk like that.

  Confusion at all. IKKYO couldn't recognize her to be male or female. For them, too too difficult. Thus, they want to check it up. Thus, they intensively watched her "it" place. ???? type question in Miyuki's mind. Why Kyorin related do so, was Miyuki's riddle resolving search's factor. They, colleagues, and the pupils. Why? Why they see only my "it"s parts?????

  Too too distinctively, they watched her parts, and Miyuki got upset. Why only on these two parts? Why not on other parts???  They are interested in the two parts only, yes. however, why so intensively? I am not a mild provider type, and I have no penis. Why they gaze my its part so so with their nakid eyes????

  Because she has the same shape it. It was predicted by the religious leader. The shape represents the owner of the mountains. Thus, you should find it, and kill it, was his last remark.

  Miyuki didn't know the struggle between the government and the religious group called IKKYO. And found that the blue sign stick by the government, and red one by IKKYO. However, IKKYO wrote the mark erroneously. And someone, before Miyuki, took the red sigh off. Miyuki took the picture. And Also, she posed on the blue one, to kick off the government.

  She blows her nose, saying, "We are the legitimate power holders. We, Fauna & Flora, and our supporters, are all under the control of Gods of Justice! You, DDMs, are under IDIOCRAY. You, evil, stupid DDMs, vahish right now! You shall die, immediately!!!! From our peaceful beautiful universe forever!!!!"

  She sang many times the song of victory. Too too nasty to hear the song, because they are the losers. They want to conceal the fact, and now, they should recognize that they are Alzheimer patients, who repeat the past wrongdoings, they did at that time. And Miyuki found a lot of strange stupid marks that IKKYO DDMs did.

  Why electric poles are here in this mountains? Two. and there is a Eiffel Tower on the top, eather. Only one should be good for us, even if it were necessary. and now, it is not nessesary, thus, they failed.

  Danger! Don't climb up on this tower!, the advertisement said. Miyuki thought that if kids climbed, they would be thunderbolted. however, she quitted the idea. The danger is for us all. The tower would fall soon, because they are stuck just on concrete boards, not on the earth. And the bolts are screwed by some idiots, who don't recognize the difference between circle and hexagon. And unnecessary iron decoration on the bottom part. Why? Why IKKYO believers are so so crazy???

  Their brain is getting hard, and doesn't function at all. thus, they do like so. And found green net under the concrete cement board. Slippery. The most dangerous Eiffel Tower is located on the top of the hill nearest to Dunlop Factory.

  They don't care their lives at all. And those of others also. Thus, they could develop just on the nath figure, easily.

  If necessary, they sold their own bodies and lives, and their families' ones, either. Kids' ones, especially. Incredible, we think, however, now, they got to know that Miyuki is not interested in them all, in every meaning.

  Kids said, "Nasty lady", passing through her. And Miyuki wispered, "You shall die! You shall die!" on the music of BAMBI, a Walt Disney's famous version. Miyuki has a sono sheet of the story, and liked the music and the story. Narration was done by Kurumi KOBATO, a laughing plump lady, short type. She is upward, by Miyuki's standard.

  Heatlhy and positive. Shape is just a difference or an inclination. Miyuki is lean, and KOBATO is plump. Different shapes. Just it.

  And the story starts of the scene of fire incidence in the forest. The deer king lost his precious life to save the friends of the mountain. He is the real responsible on the forest. Lion King is in the savanna, while Bambi's father in the forest.

  And trick star was USA-KOU, a rabbit who got along with Bambi. A naughty boy type.

  Lion King was influenced by Leo, written by Osamu TEZUKA, and Leo was influenced by Bambi, written by Disney. The same stories, however, the kings of animals should be responsible to other members lives. And in the worst situation, they should be the last one to be saved.

  Thus, Rabby chose to be the last one. Miyuki is too too flamboyant, and sometimes she went to sleep in the middle of her jobs. Rabby got upset, and sad. Why she is so irresponsible. She should pledge to finish her one day's job, before sleeping.

  Oh, Rabby, sorry, however, I was too too sleepy. And when speely, I fail repeatedly.

  and Miyuki is too too honesty, she was said. Not so honoured type, however, at least, honest.

  her nasty smell, here and there. And she didn't wash her pajamas at all. Only several weeks' use, she thought. She thought that "Oh, it smells a bit. however, I can put up with the smell. I will wash them next time."

  And she was scolded by her mother. She did it, because she is indifferent from the smell. however, her mother, a owner of the chamber, cares. however, Miyuki is the user of her chamber. Not her subject. Thus, on private matter, like my clothings, she should not interfere into. yes, I respect her preference, however, probably, she smells by my appearance. not my body smell exactly. for her, messy appearance smells. And I don't like wearing as hers. My style is different from hers.

  Thus they failed. They wanted to change Miyuki's habit, and they tried to force her related not to do so. Total interference in her privacy. Anyway, I am myself, an independent in personality and in my body and health.

  They believe that plump body were healthy, and couldn't change their mind. Miyuki is healthy, and lean. Good. Their belief, not scientific one. Miyuki is not afraid of being fat, is afraid of being unhealty. It means being fat. For Miyuki's classification, all of females are fat, in rough saying.

  thus, they failed. Wavings are not so bad, however, shakings are nasty. For Miyuki, both nasty.

  And today, near NANKO block, in the mountain, she heard "Bird protector" or Bird excluding machine. Nasty sound nusance. They did it, because they wanted to call the police, probably.

  and they realized that the fact that they are all informants were known to us. No police at all came to catch Miyuki. They are participants of Miyuki catching game.

  They call it as game, because for them, Miyuki is a kind of trifle. Just cathing and gaining some small money is their interest.

  And Miyuki is smiling. "Stupid DDMs, they are. Probably, my ex-mate in my school days. They shall die! They shall die!", in the melody of BAMBI.

  They all can change their personalities as they like, if they agree. And they rented theirs to others, easily, because the others paid a bit for them. thus, they failed.

  An ordial, they thought. And they failed. They tried to crate the system to live longer with younger body, as they liked. And tried and failed. Again and again. And they got upset at Miyuki's bahaviour. Why she doesn't like us?

  Because you are morally, intellectually, and physically degraded, is her answer to all DDMs. For her, you are trifles, DDMs!!!

  Chinkoro likes Miyuki a lot. however, she likes to touch him. hug, OK, however, touch!!! However, a kind touch. Sorry, we are too too slow to save you, Chinkoro. A cute guy, TOHOHO tribe one. And she got hungry.

  Really shoking, however, she needs to eat to fight against the evil ones who caused the damage to the victims.

  Chinkoro likes Miyuki's fluffy indlination. Just pleasure of sense of hands. Skin, probably. Not erotic type, however, substitute of sexual desire.

  Fluffy hair, whould be needed to her. And she thought that she had when she was long long time ago in the south region. North region is nor her residence. just for resort, she thinks, really.

  Chocolate, wild hare is new to. and Chinkoro wanted to eat. And he liked, and failed. Shoking. Exiting. and offensive. Miyuki knows the effect. For her, caffeine is a kind of waking up drink. And tea, for a slight refreshment.

  And she smelled the flavour of young Pine leaf. Freshy! How can I take it? Shredd? Spice? Tea, robably. Refreshing. One piece of leaf is enough to be refreshed. Just take it, and smash it, and smell it. Easy refreshment for us all!!!

  Pine for refreshment? They thought. IKKYO is so stero-typical, Miyuki thought. Stone head. Not flexible. And now, Miyuki should know that her mother is really tired to take care of your fat bed clothings. She had to take them before YUKARI's wrongdoings. YUKARI wanted to dryup her all bed clothings today. Only today, she declared. Because she wanted to do so. And hip-tec of her usual "No excuse at all to others" pose.

  always, she does it. All excuse for others by her, and no excuse should be done by others. Strange troublesome kinky nasty forgetful Alzheimer patient, she is.

  She should be punished. And how? She is evil, and reluctant to work. And highly arrogant. Thus, she would live with her own mates. The same philosophy holders, they should be. Versity degree holders, of course. And some boys included.

  Group Home is a kind of suggestion for her. She would accept it, because she is now in mood to move anywhere. This old house is nasty for her. Thus, you say, "Do you want to live in a more cozy modern type beautiful clean place?" And ask her how about to live with her cousins in the slope of the SUGOUDATE. Sun shining garden house. She would like it.

  and they failed. YUKARI wants to live there. And they agreed to live together. By your own will, YUKARI, her mother said. They are too too kind to you. You are unban type. You would understand how you three live.

  and they all failed. Miyuki would be the first one to get out of the house, yes. First or not, I don't know, however, I really want to get out of here to our independent life.

  Miyuki liked to live this house, and now, house, yes. however, the climate is not ours. and independence, I need. And interference, not at all!!!

  Thus, they failed. They just wanted to play with Miyuki, however, they were Alzheimer patients. They didn't want to be substitute of Miyuki. Why they imagine to be so? Kinky. I am not IKKYO believers. They are our enemy. I don't sell my life, body and soul at all. For DDMs, nothing at all!!!!

  And they failed. Ugly ladies, Miyuki called them. Urban type KUSOTAWAKEs, they are. Thus, they should move to their own place.

  "Oh, mother, I would do so. I am too kind to do so." And forgets. And another attempt to enhance her territory. She put Miyuki's clothings box on the corredor, and wanted to put her tea shelves and asked her mother to do so. And she was scolded. "You have your chamber. This is my chamber, and she understands it. You don't understand it. You should not get out from your own chamber. You are smelly, anyway. You are miserablly wearing your fat wearing even now. In Spring, you don't change your clothings. Miyuki did. It's fine today, and she went out outside to work. you, only in the house, don't do anything except enhancing your territory. You should live in another place. This is our house, not yours, OK, old cham. You should realize the fact. Your forgetfulness is our of our endurance. You forget everything, even it is important. Today is Miyuki's washing day, and we promised in front of her that she could use washing equipments all day long. however, you, nasty girl, disturbed her job, and dried up your clothings, after taking hers from the veranda, and then, several ten minutes before, you dried up there. She wanted to dry up more, because she felt wet on the clothings. And she took them, after they dreid up perfectly. and put them in her shelves. She didn't claim at all, however, she knows that you are already mentally illed. Forever younger than she, you are. Of course, however, you are Alzheimer patients, and you lost her sheet, and I found from your clothings.

  You can't remember who is the rightous holder of each object. You are mentally illed. It was caused by your own idolness. You are not responsible at all. And you spoke ill of others, while you were in my chamber. Miyuki is busy, thus, she can't speak ill of you, stupid girl! She thinks you are already an Alzheimer patient, in the real type, spontaneous one. And they failed.

  Miyuki got to know the reality. You put the pajama on the box, and they took it that you accepted her gesture of putting the box on the corredor. And they failed again. Miyuki thought that her mother chose to put the box on the corredor, thus, I didn't claim it. Not acceptance to YUKARI's behaviour, but to our mother's choice.

  And they all failed. Miyuki wants to get out of here, as soon as possible. And she wants to keep away from YUKARI, immediately. She is dangerous, and harmful.

  And they thought that Miyuki is so so right to think that YUKARI suffers from Alzheimer disease. Too too forgetful, and always says BLA-BLA-BLA, without hearing others' words. YUKARI is too too nasty, they thought. However, for them, she is a kind of broken robot. Not an object. And for Miyuki, nothing at all! She doesn't exist for me.

  Spooky dangerous feeling I felt. She was the past. Not actual existance.

  Thus, they failed. Miyuki is too too right to say so. And they couldn't put up with her arrogance. Thus, group home would be fine for her. Any modernized type house would be fine for her.

  she thinks to be a member of her new family, and could be so. She would be a kind of family, for DDMs. She was called for their moving. Assisting their moving. And she did some part. DANSHARI or total abandonment, they thought. And YUKARI thought differently. I had to work tough to be kind to them all. Old chaps, she explained. And she forgot to ask their names. And remembered that HICHIWA was one of them. And they forgot YUKARI also. They said, "MIYUKI is our preference. However, YUKARI would be her substitute."?????

  Thus they failed. Anyway, the friend of them, they thought. Substitutable, was their catchcopy. And they failed. Miyuki is not related at all with them. She is a nasty strange lean figure. I am more attractive at all! And she put her wear not to make her precious wearing dirty.

  Thus they failed. YUKARI criticised that Miyuki used my clothings, and now, she confessed that she herself changed the wearings.

  Sorry, Rabby, I am sleepy. Congratulations for your Great Work!!! You deserve to your rightous journalistic jobs.

  You look better with the glasses, when you are doing commentator's job. And I also congratulate your Dadday life's starting. Not so bad to be a parent. We are friends. If you need help, I will help you. Probably, we can play. Just it. I am not so care giving type, you know...

  Adachi likes OYAJI like Miyuki. Too too OYAJI, they feel. Why now? They thought. For them, Miyuki is a good girl type....Oh, a kind of. however, OYAJI good girl is better expression.

  And they failed. Another one? Tiny one. A good guy type. young, anyway. Cute, in his face. Fluffy, wonderfully.

  Miyuki likes to think so, they thought. OK, you are totally right, Miyuki. Quatar, not Quat!!!

  Shirakawa was sold to Quatar, and no Quatar people at all. They are afraid of Miyuki's exisance, and got out of here. and they sent money to this goddamnit town and they failed. Miyuki wanted to accept her money, they thought. They didn't write to Miyuki, and to Alex, and Alex failed. He didn't hand Miyuki and did hand YUKARI. A kind of joke. He thought. Miyuki didn't know the fact at all. She just wants to destroy Shirakawa at all!!! And MARC, all, ofcourse think so!

  Shirakawa is evil, and goddamnit town. No excuse at all. And they failed. No time for the losers in the end.

  Quatar colours, she thought. and said so. and put it Quat. and they came. Quat is not so bad, and they are different from us. Miyuki is indifferent from nationality. Just DDM or not is her interest. In case of DDM, vanish right now. And In case of non DDM, live here and work together with us all!!!

  thus, they failed again and again. Too cold, they thought. Even Miyuki thinks cold, and she couldn't put up with the coldness at all.

  Now, another good news. YUKARI should be treated carefully with her cousins. YUKARI would get along with them, and they are IKKYO lovers. YUKARI is beyond her limit. She doesnt recognize the fact, and wants to do her evil conducts as always.

  Now, we are going to sleep. Hand in hand, in Rabby and Chinkoro's case. Good. Not to fall down.

  Miyuki & ADACHI, not at all! We prefer walking independently. And fat confortable warm bed today!!!!


  See you tomorrow, on our blog!!!!

  From Miyuki, Adachi, Rabby and Chinkoro, with Big LOVE!!!