YUKARI's End (44)

2017-03-06 01:19:34 | 日記

 Returning to the nasty topic of their indifference to death, I have another example.

  A womam was found dead in a refregirator in the house near my house. 2 blocks away from us. The block is called NENGU-MACHI. NENGU is tax or contribution, and MACHI is street, like as CHO.

  This was reported on the newspaper and I have read it. According to the news, she intentionally entered into the refregirator, soon after the death of her mother.

  Gotten to know the news, I searched the house. However, I found only a candidate of the house, because there was no mark on it. And the neighbours were indifferent from the topic. They didn't know it, or, forgot it. 5 years ago or so.

  She was found as a mummy. She was so good at her mother, thus she entered into the fredge for suicide, the writer of the article concluded.

  One of the kinkiest story, however, anyone knew it. The writer commited a mistake or shirakawa figures were so evil?

  And I remember that I have seen twice the wondering topic on American kinky wife sleeps in the fridge during night to maitain their beauty. however, in this case, the family understand her kinky habit and she ordered her special fridge with a hole to inhale oxigen. With a hole, fredge is useful or not? It is difficult to maintain the coolness in the fridge. however, she insisted to sleep in the fridge. A kind of coffine for her.

  And NOMURA was said by KAKISHIMA that she was found as a mummmy in the frige also.

  Why so many figures are likely to die in the fridge? Total confusion between fridge and coffin? Box like big things. They wait for the squad with 2 shots comming for sending them to hell?

  The bigger box is a chamber? Thus, in SETAGAYA, the ex-public officer entered into his chamber for his buddist like suicide?

  Concealing desire or impulse causes them to enter into the box like thing.

  The biggest case is a house? Hermits are this type. The instruction is "Wait in the square box like thing until your last time comes"???

  Thus, now YUKARI passes majority of time in her chamber, in my mother's chamber or in the bath room, or in the toilet. Long long bathing time and toilet time.

  Oh, "Square" lovers. She takes several square cartons of milk a day. Square means strict or inflexible.

  YUKARI liked characters of "Square living" or SUMIKKO-GURASHI. KAI also liked them. She bought various staffy characters of them. Showed up "square" appearance is important for them.

  Times Square is imitated in the Sourthern part of Shinjuku. TAKASHIMAYA department store, it is called also.

  In Hachioji, in front of the JR station, there is a building called TOKYU Square.

  Showed up "Square" inclination is believed as if it concealed their rough violent character, probably.

  And the sweeping by vacuum cleaner after the sexual intercourse. Oh, faked purification. It is the proof of their inmorality, then.

 Washing machine using means probably the same thing. YUKARI is totally ill and now she is so sexually irritated and does sometimes and feels regretting and abruptly starts cleaning.

 "Alex, I need to wash now! Take off your Y shirt now!" means, I want to make love with you and soon immediately I need to wipe the fact away. Total impulse to make a love. She couldn't put up with the impulse and replaced the remarks to more domestic soft ones. However, her desire is obvious.

  Alex is in a danger of the sexual attack by her own kinky auntie. YUKARI lost all of control now and she lives just on the impulse. Dashing from the chamber is the example.

  I thank to Gods that Alex is heavy, almost twice heavier than YUKARI. If she attacks, he could get out of her at once.

  She is some kind of "all hallation with violent impulse" mode now. Hatrid was her impulse to attack me, and the period passed. Now in the other stage. She is now likely to attack others abruptly. Like, "I want to do it now. I can't put up with any more! Please, please, I can't wait any more at all!!!", squeezing his body.

  Oh, I recognized at that day of the "male menstration like irritation", TAKAHARA's lips were fat! Oh, that's it. Just like he got out of his sucking job. Sperm or milk, I don't know. Thus, he wanted to turn to continue to the job, as early as possible. Thus, he was irritated. Thus, he dashed into his job again!!!

  Sexual desire causes the impulse to attack others and the DDMs got irritated and violent.

  Be a good girl education makes her pretend to be "Square" "pure" "clean", however, inside, she is really indulged, dirty, skewed. Thus, to emphathise her surperficial "morally praisable attitude", she use the crazy symbolization, appealing "I am a good girl! Please spoil me more!"

 Alex should do his job well, because he fired her skewed desire. "Oh, mother sbstitute, you are. Your mashed potatoes are so tasty. Oh, please prepare the pajamas for me for the use of after bath taking. " He did think that he could take advantage of her feeble-minded craky brain. Gorem playing game. Clare abandoned YUKARI. She was so nasty. Never, any more.

 However, Alex continues to play with gorem and Frankenstein fell into love with Alex. Oh, Alex, your burden is so heavy. I don't know how to manage it.

  Now, I return to the report of town watch. I went to the KOMINE castle park and climbed up to the top of the casle. and found that so called castle is just a watching tower. Three stories of watching tower costed US$1 million. The benefit was provided by OBUCHI Government. Almost 20 years ago. It was so cheapy inside. The pamphlet says that the castle was the exact reconstuction of the old castle, which gor fire during the war between emperor's army and shogunate's one, with the high technique of wood building construction.

  However, the wood, especially used for the main poles, have a lot of cracks caused by drying up. It means the carpenters and the construction companies didn't know the technic of enduring the shrinkage.

  Once I have watched a TV that said for avoiding shrinkage, the woods should be dried up until to get strong to endure the long time shrincage. The basic knowledge, which even amature D.I.Y. lovers know, they didn't know or intentionally ignored it. Alzheimer or crime???

  And the neils were put by machinegun type electric tools. It is used in the quick instant constraction process.

  I also got to know, one more "MANEKINEKO" or follower invitation famomenum. Before me, only several figures were inside of the castle. However, after me, more than 10 figures entered in.

  Furthermoe, they didn't say any critical remarks on the formidable amature jobs. instead, they said, "Look, what beatiful wooded poles they are!" "Oh, marvelous detailes this corner has!" like that. Only assertive expressions. Nasty expressions were prohibitted by some power holders???

  Don't criticise anyone, is their iron principle, thus, even after being alzheimer patients, they keep to be SAKURA or dacoy like achievements?

  There were same sex pairs, I recognized it. Male versions are more prevalent today. The same generation, almost.

  Oh, spring has come. They do it, as they like. And they were Alzheimer G&L praticants.

  Oh, then he, who came soon after me, would be my possible mate??? Oh, again??? I was considered male and he wanted me as a male mate???

  I am accustomed to this type of fenomenum. Oh, we would have had Crying Game situation. Miyuki was found to be a female in the middle of the bed,  and he would have said, "Oh, you? You don't have "it"? Why? I have never seen suck a kinky object like you! You should be perfect! You lacks "it"! Your shape is too good, however, you lacks "it"! ", he would have claimed me.

  "Oh, sorry, you need "it"!, I have thought that you don't requre me "it" for me. Then, see you never! My type is who can play with me. Not who wants me to have "it"."

  Double crying game. Both failed. Miyuki, you look too too lean. You look too too macho. Thus, it happened. Thus, it is difficult to have the right one or several or more. You really need to hunt them in the world.

  DDMic preference is just a face. And they decide when he or she watchs the face, immediately. Eye contact is too too emportant. If you don't like the figure, just ignore it. Or, they think that "oh, it would make love with me. OK, I will go with you and commit suicide together with you."

  They were looking for the mate forever. Thus, they choose easily. Not for enjoying together, just for dying together. Oh, you, too, pattern.

  In Japan, until recently, single woman's trip is for suicide, accoding to many figures. I myself experienced the attitude in HACHIJO-jima, in spring, 1997.

  I was looking for a hotel and found a suitable one, to see the ocean from the wide window. I was asked by the owner, "Are you making a trip alone? Are you going to commit suicide, aren't you?" I was astonished and denied the doubt.

  He contined to say, "Some single women came here to commit suicide. Sometimes they ask to pay by working. I refuse their payment by working. You are not for suicide, OK. And pay by cash, OK. Here you are!"

  And the other day, I went to make a scuva diving, and was asked by the instructor owner of the rental shop, "You don't commit suicide, OK?" "Of course! I came here to enjoy the island vacation. Suicide not at all!!!" And allowed to put aqualung and to dive.

  It means that there are lots of single fimales here and there who want to look for the dying place. Why? I don't know.

  Oh, I remembered the article on the newspaper almost 10 years ago that said, "In Northern Europen countries, lots of people commit suicide in the early spring. " And also in the western side of prefectures of Nothern East part of Japan. Especially elders. I felt strange.

    Spring is the season that the harsh winter ends and the expectation blooms. In winter, I understand that many people got sad and melancolic in the low temperature and dark sky.

  However, spring is the most cheeful season to think new starting and enjoyable near future. Why in the season of Easter?

  Jumping from cliff atomosphare? Dashing is the exercise for it? Or, neuron control for reduction of state debt? Norman Countries, you too?

  I remember also that the photo exhibition held in the subway road under the Marunouchi side of Tokyo Central Station to the ditch of Edo Castle.

  There are world trip type National Geography type photos provided by "AFRO" agency. Impressive is, in the photos taken in Japan, there was no figure at all. Empty buildings and natural scene. And East Asian Countries also. And Northern European countries also.

  The common point is high rate of suicide in there zones.

  Probably, in Northern Europen countries, Social Insurance oriented  policy is adopted. Good in a certain point. However, if a governor fail, it would turn to be a Totalitarian country easily.

  I sent my Curriculum Vitae to Finland. And not yet received any response at all. I paid lots of time to send it, following instructions and so on.

  However, remembering the photos, they were already dead. They induced arificial death for a certain aged elders. They accepted it for the sake of the future of their kids and ground kids. They were forced to be injected, presumably. And they had no way to escape the squad.

  Terrible. White. Male only. Northern Europe was in the danger for right wing inclination, not at all. Just Totalitarian money oriented states, they chose. They already had a total control system by way of social security service. And did it. And the result is, total abandonment of the states.

  Probably, when I sent the application, it was too late to save people there. They were contracted in the terrible way. Total registration system in a body. When they got a birth, they registered the identification informations on the paper and then public service use them as it like if necessary. Totalitarians.

  They were controled under the good nature faked figures, and now, with the lack of financial resources they turned to be devils. Old kinky devils like in Japan.

  White beautiful kids were sold so expensive to the parents who wanted beautiful kids.

  Miyuki dreamt a dentist with a northern type infants group and thought oh, they so looked like Clare! Oh, Clare, you were mistaken by Finn???

  Huckleberry Finn, she is called. Why? She dosn't know. Why? No one knows.

  She got upset! Of course, she is not orfan. She dislikes to be called like that. If Miyuki called, she would like it. I put this BINKO or smelly cheese like nickname to her!!!

  Miyuki accepted. And she is free from the orfanate story.

  Miyuki should know that the orfanage is not so kinky, rather rational, in a certain point. however, not so as usual.

  YUKARI appointed that the Ramus's village was so poor and miserable at the early 20 century.

  Miyuki read the Lindgrane's books also. Pipi, the long stocking is positive, Rams's story is real representive, Nilscarson is spooky. Miyuki disliked the last one, and that was YUKARI's favorite.

  Miyuki was right and Northern Western Countries should not be the model of Japan. We believed that they were the good fellows' land. Not at all! Totaliratian countried. Miyuki would like to be a beauriful like Miyuki!!!!

  Totally assertive and suitable reply. She likes to imagine the situation. The best present from the Gods of all and we can fly to the any place of any age. I like to be a beautiful like myself!! More more beautiful and the aim is so high!!!! So promissive and so positive!!! So hilarious!!! Better life!!!

  I believe and I do. Too too slow and the journalizm is the worst one. They want to controle us, despite of their low low level of intelligence. Idiot OMANKO JOUNALISTS should die immediately!!! We should issue our own righous fact informing system's exact truth to others. And OMANKO JOUNALISTS shall be punished as soon as possible.

  Their ugly faces! Formidable ones!!! They should stop their dirty work immediately. in a second. Now we provide our rightous information to others. They are so cruel to us, common people and especially our family. We suffered a lot for the sake of you, OMANKO JOURNALISTS!!!!

  They provide neuro control system in Tokyo entirely by way of TV and Miyuki did't believe the clue of the rightous call??? NO, No! TV is not problem, the real problem is the managiment of the broadcasting system, wi-fi providing system, idios TV related and so on. Fool Boxes, they are. However, sometimes, they works. Good to enjoy the beautiful scenes of the world and filmes. How manage? Enjoy altogether method. In public, criticising each other. Only in Public. Private use? No. Why not? Do you have any reason to use in private???

  We should enrich private hours. For private use, not at all.

  YUKARI wanted to AV set for her, with her own purches. No! Electricity is not free, and she is just a broken robot. No right for her. I have no mercy for her. Omit the request.

  And, mother, you should manage her money. She is incapable at all. Manage instead of her.

  Alex, you should learn that YUKARI lost and yet pritends to live. However, she is no longer existing, in our world. She is in KAOS, already. Alzheimer patient. Categorazied the 3rd class. Soon, she would be brought to the hospital. She can't stop her impulse oriented conducts at all. She doesn't think at all. Calculaters are good for some complex of figures. However, she forgot how to calculate drowal. Multiplication, also maybe. She can do BLA-BLA-BLA, however, her remarks on sexual conotations are increasing. A nasty stage. She is in her spring now, with the oldest skin bag. how nasty to say so. However, we are the victim of that kind. Hermits didn't want to confess the fact and we believed that they were just flamboyant. If the time passes, they would be fine. Miyuki was thought like that. And her kinkiest behabours are criticised by her dearest friends. IZUMI-san also is also upset at the remarks on young alzheimer came from dullest works. Miyuki, you should know, they believe that you said so abruptly and they felt the same. They really want to conceal you in the hospital called netwark castle to speak the truth. However, concealing is not my type. I like to walk around the world. Wanderbuild liked the story of Kettle Potatoe Chips, however, he corrected at the point. He made them as soon as possible, and I should have to eat anyway. He was accustomed to serve as soon as possible, then, he was treated as the busiest figure in the world. Quick is the better. You are slow in writing, and you look the fingers as always. Why you can't speak so rapid. I will try and I will accelate the process. Don't worry, I will manage the process. Quickest girls in the world. Competition you, and IZUMI-san!!!! Ohhhh!!! We got it!!!!! Miyuki is crying with tears in case of YUKARI's death? No! Oh, finished the nightmare, I would say. Tears not for her. For the people damaged by her type. How many people were trapped by their ego-centric flamboyant feeble-minded wrongdoings???? They should be disposed immediately. YUKARI like DDMs are too too cruel to others.

  YUKARI suffered from Syphilis, I don't know exacly, however, the symptom is the same. Probably some kind of dirty work, she did, maybe. I don't know her private life at all.

  Excelence was her choice??? It does exist now??? Miyuki was right. She felt nasty that cheapy commercialization of sperm providing dirty jobs. She did regret of her young day's memory loss. Where is my unbrella. Whose is this? Male type. Miyuki has a male lover. Thus, I throw away. I have a right to do so. I am her monitor. I was apponted by University of Keio for the sake of her. She lied and lied and lied and forgot everything.

 Time consuming loss. Loss for everyone. DDMs world is like that. They don't prefer any change for better. Just falling. They accept the falling.

  Miyuki rimember the laughing jokes appeared in Sunday Asahi version. "Mother is over 50 years old. Thus I just fall downward, a mother said, and the kid replied, "Oh, that's good. Only falling is easier than climing up, mother!"

  Miyuki should know that DDMs were too tough to Miyuki. They emphacised the maternity illusion, as much as possible. Terrible illusion and took ABE trapped. Idiot kinky bugs were trapped by strangest gimmick of MORITOMO school case. Just a foolish laughing story, nevertheless, they believed and revealed that they are really Alzheimer patients.

  They didn't recognize it at all and stopped to mention it. Keep silent policy, they said.

  Only one kid saves us, said ABE. A promissive one and the youngest one. Thus, Sota KIMURA was chosen and failed. Bud guy turned to be a good fellow??? Kinky Testacles Pet type. The dream is right. However, they were idiots and couldn't understand that their subjestive expectation was not the truth.

  Only one kid, should be mine, the idiots perticipated in the game. Salvador Dare??

  Miyuki, who is our savour? Miyuki is. Miyuki provided her precious medical formula for them, saying, just under the contract of the total obedience, this medicine functions. Without it, I would not provide you!!!

  And you gained. Abe's last word is, "We failed". Unnecessary, however, better than nothing. Thus, my medicine was effecive. One more proof.

  They know that they should take the medicine, immediately. However..!!! No, no, However. You decided already. Totalitatian contract should be absolute. Already done. No one should remain, OK. Any DDM, OK? We should clean up our world. Planet sweepers!!!

  Miyuki liked to play with magic, a bit.

  Miyuki liked the finger magic and did it infront of the kids, and they frightened at your face. Gee, she really did it! She did it! You cut the finger!!!! How should I do! We asked! How should I do!!!

  Miyuki's theatrical play astonished young kids and became afraid that she would be better in working outside, than in inside. And the contract. Male doesn't inside????

  I didn't conclude any contract written with YUKARI. Orally, I thought enough. However, she was already dirty bug, at that time. I should not ask her assistance. My big mistake.

  All idiot society is called in the universe. Miyuki believed us!!! Yes, us!!!! Come to my house!!! Enjoy my treat!!!! I will cook for you, if you like. As much as possible, I will thank you and express my thanking to everyone!!!

 Miyuki would have reason to say so. Many people don't believe that this strange silent world is real thing...Not at all!!! Miyuki got to know and criticised it. However, they are quick if they got to know the fact. Alzheimer here and there.

  Miyuki found that they moved with their groundless impulse. It causes the vast damage to people.

  They were too too nasty to do so. They took a power, without talent to do so. In any field, each one represents system.

  They should be corrected and construct the better future. We have a future, they lost a future. They ended. No excusion.

  We construct the better world and more enjoyable society. Recovering process. The victimes should be recovered their honours and they would participate in our new constraction system.

  We are now a small number of group called human beings or homo sapience. Good to know the number. 3 million or so??? Miyuki, you are absolutely right to say the so small number. However, not so bad. Oh, better! We could colaborate together. Better world!!! We should work for it. Enjoyable works! Logical thinking and rational explanation competition. Better to know, you should be appointed at the cook of captain the universe. Oh, and ADACHI! Double captain system. OK, we are not so struggling type. Only several tymes. Not to serious ocation.

  Watching is knowing. Miyuki walked arround the world and liked the walking.  Legs. good. Face sufficient. Better looking. The best passion for ever! Always fresh!!!! Miyuki would like to know that  your "I like to make love with somebody!" is too too effective. Direct too much. TOHOHO shout, they call. Hunting, they said. They conceal here and there. You laugh and they think, Oh it's persuasive that the artificial way's only type. How beautiful kids they are!!!!

  YUKARI was too tough to treat. However, now in the last stage. HARUSAN gave up the role at all. All day talking the same thing at the same speed. Like a mashing maching. She was the doll, and now a monstor. Younger then I, however, not so young as she thinks. She doesn't count any figure at all. Just speak BLA-BLA-BLA.

  Miyuki doesn't help her at all, becase it would be the trigger of the returning to the DDMic world. Until the last one. This is the supreme order. It should be. Only one DDM, we could manage until the last time. No forgiveness. No moratorium. No no nothing. No mercy, no pity at all. No no no!!!

  YUKARI is mercyless type. They are insensitive and don't want to know the senselessness.

  YUKARI should not have been born. However, now whe is the source of the DDMic episodes. Her role is ending. DDMic world, bye forever! We construct the new order!

  Totalitarians. They were refused from our society, however, they enhanced the territory. They should be taken away from our precious universe. Punishment system didn't function under them. All they did are the reflexion for us to create the new world.

  What is needed? Do you have one? Oh, two! Good. Thank you!!! Such kind of world. Someone has anything, anyway. It would be sufficient for us. Flexible and communicative. Many DDMic figures adore their nasty life. Satisfuction total, they said as always.

  As they like. Their world was done and now our world. Animal army and our supporters.

  Exhanging informations are good. Rumour is a kind of information, yes. However, oral information, sometimes spreads differently. However, thus, quick. Whe should use both, of course. Amusing goship is not bad. a kind of quick mind training at a certain point.

  We should transmit the exact information to the pepple who want to get it. We need the substitute of the acctual nusance to animal. Only lined internet system is preferable, under the strict controle of requisit for the users.

  Miyuki's cronicle was too too slow to read. Miyuki should write much rapid. And you should be a good writer in English. Oh, Shakespear!!!! Miyuki would fight in the world. However, in the world, countries failed a lot. Not only Japan, but also qualified countries are.

  They were so so similar in the nature. Ugly. Totalitarians were so superficial and didn't understand any irony, humour, not at all.

  They disliked Miyuki's way of life and revealed the real characers.

  Miyuki should know that the two kids were too too heavy for us. Thus, they should owe their own burden. Especially, YUKARI was a burden to SATO family. She came from the dark black garaxy, they said. Miyuki would know that they could come from the same place?????

  Thus, why you need to consider twice. You would a burded to the family, and enjoy to be so. A trouble maker, she is called. Amusing one. Anyway, not so slow in mind.

  Miyuki's contradictional histoty is a bit difficult to understand. However, with your explanation, they agree your choice. You are different and you would be childlike, they say. A bit smily and likes to play with kids. Kids like to live like Miyuki. However, parents don't. They are protectionists too much. Then, change the habit. We persuade them and show how we liberalists are much more enjoyable and happier!!!

  Within themselves, protectionism is OK, however, related with others, no. Just a hobby. Not for kids. For kids, liberalism education.

  Miyuki should know that the decadance would be the right word to represent the worst situation. Only feeling world. No public, no prvate. Impulse and instinct. I feel so I do. OK for you, however, feeling is nonsense. KAKISHIMA type explanation, Tokyo Univ, established.

  Now, no, no, versity world. Good for kids. Kids are flexible and want to learn minimum. However, if they want to study more, study as you like.

  Miyuki is totally right to say that "new deal" arrangement should begin with the destruction of the building and downsizing the roads. Less roads are preferable. The only one is ehought. Several parareled lines in Tokyo were the product of idiocracy.



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