YUKARI's End (142)

2017-04-11 21:24:08 | 日記

 I eat WANTAN soup with egg white, vineger and soysauce, and as a dessart, castard cream in a skilet. On both dished, I put shredded lemmon peal on. WANTAN was ready made type, bought at US$1 in a package. I used half of it. Good for my stomach astually.

 And castard cream was a success!!! It tested like the one I ate for the first time in the restaurant of famous french cook in the New National Art Museum. A kind of milk egg pudding in a French-Spanish style. It was covered with a caramel candy, thinly spread on the surfice. I paid US$18 for a lunch course, and the dessart was it.

  I heard a strange story when I was eating alone, from some ladies at the next table. One of them was some artist's OPPABU lady. ASAKURA, they said the master's name. She was his assistant, ex-student of him in her versity days. And she contributed to his works. And he did the same thing to other ladies as natural things. She respected him, and he thought her as a kind of one of his pets. And she talked on his ex-lovers clearly.

  And he had a wife also. And they went to his funeral altogether. For them, nothing at all. Astonishing, however, according to her, he required them. All of them. I don't know what job he had. Some art related type, she looked. She frequently visits some expositions related on him. She talked the story to younger generation. The latter was too modest to show her astonishiment. Oh, you did it, type plain ordinal expression, the took. Nasty, not at all. And I got to know that some society allows this type of harem even in Japan. Why not I?

  They called him "SENSEI". Why she allowed him? By her intention. He showed his sexual eagerness to other female obviously in front of her, and she dared to support him to approach her. Why not, type coolishness. No confusion in his funeral. Like "Bell Epoch", a spanish film, forcused on 1910s. Before Franco system.

  Oh, Franco, you too?!!! And Salazar, you also?! Oh, Valgas, you too?!!! They did the evil contract with DDMic figures called Peeping Tom Muck Bokkos. Too much books????Oh, pimps also. Peeping Tom turned to be pimps, is the right answer.


  Salazar is a typical  example. He was the professor of Administrative Law at Coimbra University. Financial matter was his strongpoint. And he could maintain his long reign, because of the assistance of the devils.

  The devils liked so much their peeping jobs. They monitored the people's private and public lives, as they liked. Informant system, they adopted. They passed the limit.  And they vanished in the end.

  Salazar was replaced with his substitute pimp, Franco got succeeded by Felipe the king, Vargas commited suicide in a 99% catholic country. they vanished, and their vanishing was explained like above.

  Pimps came from other world of knowledge, they believed. however, they soon started to degrated. And got so so forgetful. Alzheimer patients, we called them. They refused, and pretended to be normal and continued to take their arrogant attitude, without noticing that they were so so evidently forgetful to others.

  And they failed. Masato NINOMIYA did the contract also. He wanted to be the president, however, failed. He thought that Japanese Nationality was not good to be so. And he changed his nationality from Japanese to Brazilian. however, he pledged to both countries.

  And Miyuki remembered that he had greencard of USA, according to him. IT costed US$1 million, and he could get it. He was ready to run away from both countries in case of emergency.

  Greencard is bought by rich people, Miyuki got to know. however, she quitted to buy it. For staying USA, why I should pay US$1 million? My smile values at the same price. Thus, all of them, whom I showed my smile, should pay me the cost. Unnecessarily, I had to smile to these evil existance. I thought that they were at least people in the lowest category, and failed. They were evil inhuman existance with cold hearted. No worth to my smile. Thus, they should pay for my forced apple polishing jobs! I didn't want to apple polish to DDMs. They faked as if they were people. In this case, Shein Theorie weighs.

  Thus, each my smile to one DDMs' skin bag, they should pay US$1 million, exactly!!!! Miyuki's smile costs so so expensive!!!!

  DDMs wanted Miyuki to be the same pimps, thus, KAKISHIMA came to approach her, and she forgot her mission, and failed again and again. "Why I was called by her 3 times? Always her calling was meanless and non fruitful one. No positive result at all. Always she didn't explain the object of her calling, and I couldn't presume her intention at all. Why again and again, she called me to come to her????" was Miyuki's big question.

  She called her unnecessarily. For what?, was Miyuki's question. And her reply was, "I just want to see you." 3 times? Only once is enough. Why 3 times???

  For DDMs, every meeting is meanless trifle compliment, however, when we have a meeting, always we have some object. Why DDMs could meet without any reason? Why they are satisfied with only compliments? Because they are muck.

 I come back to our quick news. Read it:

 DDMs believe that the failed department stores were saved by ANIME freeks. Why so? The OMANKO writers didn't explain at all. No grounded just hope or expectation like prediction is the reality of journalism in Japan. Reasonable explanation was not required at all for them. Thus, just declared some "Oh, I got it! It's a good idea!" type fictional composition.

  How many people beieved that some national big newspapers, at least, transimitted some facts. And they failed. How many years, they did the wrongdoings? Many of people believed that they did their sincere jobs, and we are betrayed by them.

  They should pay for the damage. Vanish, at first. Then, we will do our jobs.

  Rabby is now likely to do his quick news comment. Rapid reader, he is. Not legitive, at first. however, he learned soon. Oh, I could read it! I could comment it! Not so difficult. Just slow. Oh, I like this work. I am suitable for the job!!!

  He wants to wear glasses, and Miyuki stopped him. No glass is more more beautiful!!!! Without glasses, you are a strong big rabby. And with glasses, like NHK's advertizing rabbit in DOUMO-kun, or Mr.Thank-you.

  Thus, he quitted. uncle like rabbit, he was. Not his type. Good, rabby!!!

  They declared unnecessary, trifle strange self inclinated articles as they liked. see the next article.

  Potate chips maniacs, this OMANKO writer is. Always, "My favorite potato chips are laking, what should I do?!" type unnecessary trifle only type. And she couldn't calculate at all.

  She didn't calculate on the leftover or stock in each supermarket. For her, all products are soon sold as they fly. Probably, she is confused Fried with Flied. Fried potatoes are Flied potatoes, thus, they vanish as soon as they produce.

  Childish OMANKO writer she is, and hired by NHK. This is NHK, BBC equivalent to Japan.

 And another article. This time, Oh, Local Paper, you too?!, type:

  The fishery is also indulged and controled. The producers already knew that Korea don't buy their product. The necessity is so so small. however, they continued to produce as always, and failed. They chose to fail. Too DDMic choise, they did, as always, and they got victimatised. DDMs always blame others because of their own failure. They don't stop the wrongdoings, and they require money to others. Terrible situation. Any of their failure should be paid by others. YUKARI's type.

  Why they change their job? Or product should be replaced to more popular one. Or they should make effort to sell the abandant number of the marine product. They don't do that. Just want to be compensated. No working in fishery business.

 Miyuki remembered Vargas's coffee buying job, here. The abundant coffee was harvested, and the farmers were paid by tax. Strange system. and Japanese rice plantation was the same type. The government paid for the producer of the excessive rice.

  The producers produced the product, expecting that the others, especially government, to buy it. Terrible. We don't want any more, however, the government controles and pays for them. Economical system does't function at all type world.

 And too too trifle theme is treated as if it were an important one. Look at the article:

  Just an interior decoration change was called "A big reconstruction" by OMANKO writer. Stupid, she would be. Who hired her to the job. Incapable, she should be. YUKARI type working, she did. And she continues to write. Terrible.

  A proof that now the government is run by some DDMic primary school pupils. Read it:

  They just want to give a legitimation to their non working situation. Just jobless, is enough and exact. However, the childish government uses the technic of post legitimatization. Premium Friday, they named it. And they all failed.

  No industry, then why they should work? All Premiam Friday, or Plemium Weekdays and Weekends. Always jobless. They failed. They should not participate in the faking jobs. The government for such a trifle thing, we are astonished. Our precious money is where? Vanishing Cheese fenomenum, we found.

  Alzheimer betrayers are here! type article:

  AEON now decided to drop the price at 10% in averege. Oh, The central government said not to do that, didn't it? MICCHIKU betrayers, they are.

  Only 10%? Thus, they are also betrayers against us. Double betrayers.

  And they did IKKYO contract with Moon Seng Ming. Thus, triple betrayers.

  Good, 3 types of betrayals they collect. "3" is liked number for them. They should vanish now!!!!


 Alzheimer OMANKO writers couldn't recognize contradictional expression at all. Look at this article:

 Without the judgement of correctness, TOSHIBA would be quaified as not reliable. And TOSHIBA chose this way, according to this OMANKO writer.

  however, TOSHIBA's intention is "avoid the unreliable situation as the result of postponed report revelation, thus, they would show their calcularion without judgement of correctness.", also according to him.

  They can't chose both at once. With or without. Alternatives, one only chosen type. However, they said, reliance is the morst important for the failed company.

  Already no reliance at all. Why it want not to lose it? YUKARI like company TOSHIBA is.

  Thus, To Shiva, it went to be devoted. They were destroyed totally!!! No existing company No.1. Just a ghost, it is.

  however, the OMANKO witer likes to write on this lost company. All lies on the lies. Castle on air type information here and there. "I believe, thus, I want..."

  Shut up!!! We got tired of the lies. We lost so much money for the OMANKO journalism. Now the worst period. They should pay immediately for us, right now!!!

  and Alex requred his Aintie to pay her money for us. You are too too costive, and you have money. I watched that you were handed US$30 thousand by Miyuki. Miyuki showed the money, and explained why she handed it for you. She didn't want to be interefered our life by you, Aintie!

  Alex revealed the fact to his grand mother. Not only US$10 thousand. US$20 thousand more. Where is your money, YUKARI? You should pay for your living cost, anyway. For 20 years of non working situation, she passed. Now your turn. You should pay for us.

  Miyuki likes to work even in her domestic jobs. She likes to work anyway. In her way, of course. A bit amusing way, she took. and she is a kind of perfect household type. Not so neat, however, minimum is OK for others, too. Nor for her only not at all. She doesn't claim other's liberal activities at all. She is liberal, thus, she respects others' freedom.

  however, you, Auntie, your standard is, "Strict for us two kids, while for you, too too indulged soft one" you adopt. Why you are so egoistic? You are too too arrogant, even in your Alzheimer like symptom. Miyuki got to know that you are the real Alzheimer patient. however, she just keeps away from you, Auntie. for her, you don't exist. She paid for it, already. Thus, she don't want to be disturbed by you anyway.

  I understand how she feels on you, Auntie. Nasty criminal and irresponsible at all. Adults should be responsible, is her liberalism. She is responsible at her minimum way. She pays anyway. She is waiting for others to claim their right. She are ready to pay for it. And just wait type. Not her initiative, but their initiative, she thinks.

  however, Auntie, you accused Miyuki because of her slowness, and late rising, incapable of householding jobs at all. But, Auntie, you can't do your job, at all. Just a trifle thing, you can't do any more. Miyuki disliked your rice cooking at all. She cooks her rice in a skilet, a kind of small frypan. You don't need any electric object at all, because you broke a lot of them, in HACHIOJI. You decided to break them intentionally, and paid a lot for the dirty jobs. You invited them to our house. They did your dirty jobs. Too too wild to do so. You dared to catch Miyuki, because you dislike her.

  Miyuki is not so nasty as you, Auntie. She likes to be right, and it is not bad for us all. We are saved by her precious damage. She practically lost her job, because of her wrongdoing, Auntie. She wanted to be a professor, however, you called to Kyorin Versity saying, "I am Yukari SATO, and my sister Miyuki is not good at in health at all. Please catch her anc put her in your hospital. I would pay for the job."

  too too nasty to know the truth. and YUKARI was caught at the end. Now she should go. As soon as possible, even she forgets the promise again. You should harvest the your seeded plant, Auntie. Miyuki is too too right to do so, and said always that you should be punished. And you did the dirty jobs again and again. Miyuki is too nasty your works, and she laught your sesame job. Why she did so? The hole is too too tiny for sesame to pass. Only salt can pass the hole. What is this, Auntie????

  Miyuki is too too clever to get to know her joke like dish called "Sesame with salt". Just a mix of the two ingredients. Is this a dish, everyone asked. And YUKARI said, "I am sure that for us graduate versity holders, this is a kind of dish."

  Versity holders, she repeated. As a kind of maniac, they thought. No valuable at all now, and Miyuki understood it, and said, "Just a kind of "I was a diligent student and worker, anyway, in the past." type proof", not so valuable now. And self confidence. I did write the thesis, and published as a book, anyway. Only one monologue, however, valuable as a proof.

  A kind of joke, they thought. For them, Miyuki was a mistry. Why she could write the letters???? A-B-C???

  Miyuki amused their question. They thought that Miyuki faked the past. Oh, they did??? I always write correctly, in my amusing way, the truth. Lies are confusing, and they cost lots. honesty is the best policy. Thus, she does her jobs as usual.

  Even now, she could do some contribution to others. Cheerful, and infrmative. Good experience she could have on behalf of others. Thus, she wants to help others right now. Why you want to disturbe her life? You failed Auntie. She handed the valuable money to get rid of you, Auntie. She doesn't need you, at all. She is the first one to dislike you, Auntie. You are sleeping now. You should know that she had ever dreamt the life with you at all!!!"

  And now, YUKARI is in deep sigh. Anyone understands her at all. She is isolated at all.

  Of course, Aintie. you did too too dirty jobs for us all. We suffered lots because of you. You faked your works, for all of your jobless period. You are dirty jobless idiot, Auntie. Why we should understand you. Miyuki is pratically jobless, yes. however, she is ready to work for us all. A bit a bit type jobs she would have. Good to know!!! We catch some friends nere here. Not so far, exactly saying. IZUMI-san accepted to work with us!!! her husband also!!! Good to make a new world!!! An exciting experience, we will have!!!! MAR---Miyuki, Adachi, and Rabby are ready to be used!!!!

  Not only one world, we live. All of us, FAUNA & FLORA, our supporters.

  Miyuki was a kind of idealist, thus, she idealized aliens who had intelligence. And failed. Miyuki watched a lot of Monsters descibed in Ultra Man, however, they are fictions, and a kind of represent of our world. And thought, if there were aliens, they were and should be more and more intelligent rather than we!!!

  And totally failed. Such a kind of mistakes, frequently happened on Miyuki. Only we? Three??? Where are our tribe????

  Miyuki is too too right to deduce that are some representatives of the world. We too, because we are plain, near to the power holders and pimps, and the evilest organizaions called public offices and versities.

  Miyuki cathing game, they called it. Miyuki didn't know the fact at all. Something happened arround me. however, what, and why? Always in doubt. Why I was betrayed so much by my reliable people and organizations?

  And found that they were not people. Just figures with skin bags. Replacement, they call it. they wanted to have more skin bags for their muck. And they did it, as always. 3D printers, they called it. And Miyuki was in doubt. Body is composed with various different chemicals. Too too complicated. Not by muck. Why they could produce skin bag???


YUKARI's End (141)

2017-04-11 18:50:52 | 日記

I made some errands in the supermarket.  And as always, DDMs started to appear soon after I got out.

  They do the dirty job as a habit, not with will. Just repetition, as always. There were relatively more faked consumers there. And they were in a hurry to inform my appearance to some place. Immediately after I appeared, they started to call the mobil phone. Anyone beside me, when I was passing, did the same conduct. Why today? They love some determined numbers of plate of vehicles. They prefer 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, and 8. And double number 00, 11, 22, 33, 55, 66, 77, 88 are also their favorite. Why? 4 was disliked by them. Odd numbers they prefer, as usual, and 0 and 8, as exception.

  In NANKO lake, there is a place called 八声村、or eight voices village. It means that Sadanobu MATSUDAIRA contracted with BELL aliens. Shaking voices, echos, or vivlation, they were called. Co-emothion type. Brpbably, famale appearance they took, like Tea Ceremony Tribe.

  Oh, they were the descendents of these aliens. Thus, they were so nasty and so arrogant, and wanted to take advantage of others, and abused us.

  They relied on some authority, as always. They threatened the highest positioned one, and they failed in a body. They forced to make others wear the KIMONO clothings. Oh, NISHIMO's mother!!! Oh, she approaced with the DDMs and took a part among them!!! Thus, she wanted her daughter Vulcan Alien type Mari NISHIMOTO to wear these nasty old type premodern type incomvenient clothings!!!

  NISHIMO's parents came from KOBE, an old city in KANSAI region, not so far from OOSAKA. And they were a kind of specially privileged figures in this local town. A kind of aristcrats. Thus, they failed. NISHIMO was in wonder that why this stupid old lady wanted her to wear the old nasty unfashionable style. Miyuki could not beleive that this plain short lady declared to her friend to wear the strange out of date anacronic wear. A joke? Some romantic illusion she had?

  Probably, I didn't know their lives. Too too far from ours. Normal, Miyuki thought, when she met her, who was serving ordinary curry dish to them. Oh, aristcrats eat plain curry like us, was Miyuki's impression.

  NISHIMO didn't know that MIYUKI thought that they were aristcrats. Anyway, the house was provided by the SUMITOMO company of DUNLOP, she thought.

  Anyway, MIYUKI's curiosity is understandable. And the resumed impression on her house...MAKIKO's house like one. Not so aristcratic. MIYUKI failed. Rich, anyway, thus, she expected to have some special dinner like cavier, soup, steak, vegitable salad, dessart or so. Like some description of her children's books on such kind of class. And curry. Eatable, as others' houses' one. Not bad. Just a descrepancy between her imagination and the fact. Anyway, I ate there, is her summary.

  It was so rare in Shirakawa, eating in others' house. Never in the houses of IZUMI-san and of MAKIKO. Birthday lunch, yes, however, dinner, not at all!!! Oh, some new experience for me.

  NISHIMO liked her way of excuse of her "Strange pride on her second swirl". Anyway, understandable her irrational angry...Sorry, again. I was too too childish at that time...

  And NISHIMO was proud of her moving ears. Probably, the same kind of pride, we have. "ONDORYA dream" she talked Miyuki. Nasty dream she had, and in the end, she shout in a loud voice, "ONDORYA!" and they failed.

  ONDORYA is a threatning voice of Criminal Organizations likely to use type violent expression. KOBE is famous for YAMAGUCHI-GUMI, or YAMAGUCHI Sindicate or Family, the most prevelent criminal organization in Japan. And their violent expression was represented this "ONDORYA!".

  "Que rey sou eu?!!!" type threatning, we could say. "You know who am I, or not?" type oppressive behaveour.

  Probabaly, a kind of predictional dream she had. This situation, she dreamt at that time. She didn't remember the reason of the anger, however, she had to shout the strong expression to them.

  Tea Ceremony Tribe's threatening, probably. KIMONO wearing was one of the attempts done by one of them.

  And Miyuki found that now, some houses are dissapearing. Wider view, she could took along the roadside. Anyway, reducing, they nasty dirty ugly prefablic cheapish houses. At once, M,A&R wanted. however, gradual etrategy was taken, as always. For them three, always, "They did so, thus, we should do in the most effective and efficient way."

  however, some convenitional type is too slow to understand the situation. Thus, more faster!!!! Miyuki thought that impressive change is better. however, for FAUNA & FLORA, gradual process is suitable.

  Miyuki's irritation, as always, is understandable. However, why now??? Already slow. Thus, now. As soon as possible. At the most speedy way, after we get to know the fact.

  Broader roads they provided. Thus, they took some houses off. However, they constructed other houses again, devastating the nature. Why they made new residence? No man's land, already, Shirakawa is.

  DDMs are too too slow to know the fact. They repeat the same attitude even now. Suspicious gaze to Miyuki, and abrupt call to someone. Why? They couldn't stop, thus, we should stop them.

  Vanish! we called. And again and again. They ignored. And some residues now.

  And quick news time.

  Look at this one:

  One vehicle called TESLA costs US$100 thausand per each. And this car is most popular in USA, the OMANKO writers said.

  They can't count the figure correctly, probably. A popular car costs more than one new house in USA!!!

  They don't know the standard price of each object. Thus, they write as they think so. No correction world, they are. Always "You are right, Aintie, as always.", " You are the finest of us all" type apple poslishing promotes their narsistic existance.

  For them, no information is necessary at all. Just some insinuation or suggestion is enough to write for them. Good to know, Miyuki. Your job is qualified with your standard presumption award. Oh, she thinks so? Oh, she too? type sympathy.

  Too too strange for us. However, for them, not strange at all. Alzheimer disease was named for their symptom, not for us, we think indeed. For us, just a provisional forgetfulness. however, for them, too too normal situation, thus, among them, why the common people blame us so harshly type question appeared.

  DDMs nao tem fim, infelizidade so! Infelizidade pra os, como se fuera as folhas de floor, que existe mas no!

  Vinicius de Moraes got astonished at Miyuki's forgetful creation. Sorry, I tried to memorize the song complitely, however, I failed. I could sing several hours, yes. However, I forgot, and substitute with some resembling words....Sorry for your poetic sense. Mine is more pragmatic and amusing.

  Vinicius de Moraes was a kind of genus with various professions. Diplomat,  Musician, producer of film making, beach drinker, and so on. Brazilians way, Miyuki thought.

  They should do something altogether as much as possible, and this attitude has positive value. Clever! Quick! Genus! They praise their works.

  However, in Japan, "Aproveitar" means to abuse. Not take advantage of something, in positive sense. Miyuki was criticised because of this "Aproveitat" spirit. Why not? Platinum Tribe have the same question. And they failed.

  In Japan, DDMs were too too prevalent anywhere all over. KIMONO conceals the length of legs. Thus, it was liked by DDMs. They didn't want to be revealed their body shape. A kind of prohibition for them. They have an inferior  complex at this point. Muck. Fluctous one. No tensed body, it shows reluctance to live. Not lean body is enough. Healty body, beautiful body I want to have. Plump is good for someone, who's standard healthy body shape is so. however, Miyuki is different. And sometimes, changes. Now, a bit strong in legs type. And now, her headache is on the upper body. We need muscles. Thus, she tried to be a milk delivering service boy. however, she is in doubt of the necessity. Why they put the site there, is Miyuki's primitive question. No population to take milk. Why they chose KARAME, the less populous place?

  Just Georama rural scene, they made. Peeping Tom Muck Bokko did their worst job in Japan. They deteriorated day by day.

  5.6 billion years of deterioration. When they were produced as some happening, the cleverest age, they were. Anyway fresh muck. And then smelly age. And at the end, dried muck on the rural road, as markings.

  DDMs did so. Like pets dogs. They lost their spirit when they were produced??? From the begining, they have no spirit at all!!!

  Muck without spirit, thus too too cold, and their informant system looked too strange. Monitoring they called their peeping Tom job. HASEBE protected their dirty job, under the name of safety. he was DDMs, from the starting point. And TAKAHASHI chose him as his successor. Not promissive, anyway, he was free from attaking his boss, probably.

  Deterioration of Tokyo Versity's reason, Miyuki found. The idiots loves more unintelligent idiots. "BAKA-ha-BAKA-wo-Yobu" fenomenum, OKINO named. A good expression! All idiots call more deteriorated idiots, she wants to say. Total agreement among us.

  Thus, YUKARI should go to Tokyo Versity, as her divine mission. Why me? She asked again. "Because you are suitable for them." Alex explained to her. She liked his soft remarks. He is a kind of lady killer. Too too quick to apple polish DDMs.

  Miyuki doesn't want to do the dirty job for DDMs at all!!! Just some lip service, she should do. As a kind of smoothing oil. Rublicant!!!

  Red tape bereaucracy should be called "Red Penis lace thread craft on Condom", not necessary, harmful, poisoneous, innefective, however, for DDMs, a kind of divine job.

  Nasty expression, M&A created. And they laughted at all of their actions. They did just only them. Whole world, they did them. And finally, they lost.

  Even now, they continue to ask us to forgive them. VANISH! DDMs!!!

  Why they do so? Just a habit. No reason, as usual. Thus, just cut the system. Crab meat sandwitch, it is called. A kind of nasty job. Plastic surgery without knife with laser. Beam for burn their body. For them, nothing at all! just skin bags, they thought. Chengeable, as they like. Now, so few skin bags were left for them. And smart cars. They came from some other world. With heavily light sound. Made with glass fiber like plastics. Not sustainable, thus, it costed cheap.

  Not endurable, however, weighs sometimes. Miyuki thought that the red car is made with some plastic materials with alminium. Not iron type, thus, US$20 thousand, it costed. Alex liked the red colour, and he chose the car, Miyuki's father explained. And now, YUKARI wants to drive with one of her pet. Oh, Alex? You want to drive the car???

  He wants to try, however, with YUKARI? Not at all!!! Suicide driving she would like to do, presumably.

  They refused her request as always. Go to Tokyo Versity. There you would find your happiness, anyway.

  She decides to go there, and failed again. She forgot the time, on the exact day. Previous day, yes. however, on the exact day, she forgets as usual. Then, next calling. "Where is Miyuki SATO?" A kind of nasty dream. First, they search YUKARI, and then, Miyuki, for their amusement. Just threatning is enough as their point getting jobs.

  And they all failed. Miyuki didn't feel fair to receive the phone at all. Anyway, they were far away from here. And we want to know why they get to our privacy information. And jumped to attend the phone call. Kyorin mode, she said. In the most inconvenient moment, they called me in the office, and took a bit time to get me delayed to the meeting. Intentionally, Miyuki recognized. Kyorin's cruel methods were famous in the world. Alex did say them. Always nasty old bugs followed them. And Clare disliked them at all. All kinky old boys, wanting to know their name and address, saying, "We are the police."

  And then, they dissapeared. They immdiately vanished. Where are the uncle like old boys? Clare asked, and said, "Oh, that's it! Vanishing. As usual. Here we go!" And Miyuki got to know that in HACHIOJI, there is no TV system at all.

  Some places in the world, already it was realized. Nasty image here and there. Miyuki grew up in the golden age of TV, thus, with a lot of idealism and hero stories. Then, degradations. Miyuki liked "Bewitched" and found that all of the methods are used even now. And the most deteriorated way. The subliminal laughing, they used. On time, with some understandably sympathetic scines. Not so nasty. however, when Alex watched "Konyamo Yofukashi with MATSUKO", the laughing voices sounds only when Miyuki felt nasty. Always with prejudicial remarks to others. Their laughings are too too nasty. And too many bottom part discriptions. Why they were necessary? We use some dirty expressions as a technic, however, they chose the topics on bottom part with their erotic curiosity. Strange. And topic chosings came from us, especially Miyuki. They are registered acepharos, who gained money from our neuro system. And they failed.

  They should not do so. Of course not. And they did. Thus, they vanished and Alex went to sleep. Good.

  Alex put his old uniform to enter into the class room, and they didn't recognize him at all. Non existance fellow in their school. Total exclusion from the society. No pledge of obedience, he did. Thus, he doesn't exist at all. And laughing, when the teacher indicated. Thus, he got upset, and decided not to the school at all. OK, you should do it more earlier.

  Now they failed. Miyuki is too too right to worry about Alex's life. They wanted to his life. He was thrilled his experience. Too cool! Like an experience, for the first time. He wanted to be cool, and he could. A kind of secret. Any time, you can return to the car, was their promise. And he went and came back. And said, "Too too nasty place. No subject at all. Just an instruction for tomorrow's body shape measuring event." ????

  They need to know his shape to make replica. They want his replica. Miyuki's in vain. She didn't want to use it. KAEDAMA, it is called. Appearance, resembles, however, different type. And Miyuki remembered KAKISHIMA, NISHIZAWA, TAKAHARA, and so on. After several years of non seeing, they became younger, anyway. Strange. Not beautiful for Miyuki, however, less wrincles, and more twinkle eyes. And nose. More narrower nose, they had.

  Miyuki found the shape of "ハ" on the both side of nose holes of NISHIZAWA, and got in wonder. Oh, he did it? Why he didn't his ugly teeth first? Strange. He chose to change his nose first.I don't understand his preference...

  I am hungry now. I will have some light meal now. Quick one. Wait for a while!!!

  Miyuki with Adachi and Rabby. Always Miyuki is between them, hunging on their arms!!!



YUKARI's End (140)

2017-04-11 15:36:41 | 日記

11/04/2017 (Thuesday, afternoon) It's rainy today. I stewed sweet red beans, made pastes of black sesames and of chick pea beans in the morning.

  This morning, YUKARI put the switch on of the washing machine, and forgot. Thus, when I recognized the end of the function, I informed to my mother, and she picked up the clothings and put them on the veranda. If I hid so, she gots upset, thus, my mother did so, instead of me. Only 45 minutes of machine use, however, YUKARI costed half day long every time. How custive! She doesn't want to pay the energy spending, thus, she could use like that abundantly. If she herself pays the expenditure, she would get more economic. Maharaja like attitude, we got astonished. Why more than US$250 pr month for electricity?

  YUKARI is the key figure of the wrongdoing. She did her contract obedience to her mother. However, she betrayed her. She did the same type of contract to others as always. She is always depending on the mood of the situation. Thus, always the most costive, is her choice. I don't care. My family would pay to you, is her words.

  And they failed. She is an Alzheimer patient, and she could not do it. however, they wated to sell the most expensive things to Sato Family. For example, the uniform. Alex wanted one, and Miyuki not. And YUKARI did her contract, and Alex gained one, and she could not pay at all. She said, "I am incapable. Thus, my family would pay." And Miyuki said, "Ilegitimate figure has no power to make a contract at all. She, YUKARI did by her own incapable will, not by our will. Thus, we are not obliged to pay at all.

  Miyuki didn't know the system of Shirakawa. When they get upset, they sent the assasin squad. And always they got upset to Miyuki. She didn't buy anything. She should be caught and lynched by us. And they failed. Miyuki didn't want to buy anything at all, and asked the clerk "May I have this one for free?" And she replied, "Yes, you may."

  Miyuki is a legitimate power of the tiny pieaces of bread. They allowed Miyuki to dispose them. Miyuki ate them, and judged that they didn't disturb to be bought. Thus, she got out of the supermarket.

  for her, easy jobs, however, for Shirakawa figures, not at all. They thought that the test bread should be paid.???

  Why? They themselves said, "You may eat them as you like." Thus, I ate. Several times, she did the joking attitude. And laught. They did the dirty work, if they wanted to catch some target, when they wanted to punish them.

  They were wrongdoers. IDIOCRARY, rural traditional version. For them, obedience to the idiot bosses was a kind of trial to be forced to endure. Miyuki is exempted for the obedience, because of her special status as a trick star.

  And for others, idiocracy should not be maintained, however, no other alternatives. Oh, so? Then, Igranancia is an alternative. Cheerful bright amusing world in which only Miyuki lives. Only liberalist could be allowed to belong to the contry.

  Miyuki is a provisional emperor of this country. however, no residence at all. Miyuki is now dependent on this matter.  A kind of virtual world, however, Miyuki is ready to prepare the realization. And now a big news, TOMOCHI would move to Miyuki's castle in the near future!!! I accept the offer, yes. A couple, OK, don't worry, I expect your privacy.

  Miyuki does her pledge easily. This causes a lot of problems in their place. She wants to realize our dreams, and our dreams varie. And Miyuki's always liberal, and they can do as they like. I don't interfer them at all, within the limit. I should be a kind of OMBUSMAN in our future country. I do my job as always, and if they requre my assistence, express the requirement, as soon as possible.

  I myself find the crues of wrongdoings, yes, however, if you can, inform me. Then I start my search generally speaking. A kind of Mr.Kin's role, I would do as the future position.

  Only so few people world dosn't need so costive comlicated system. Only some figures could do the job as experts, however, if lots of people assist us, we will welcome. Not so exclusive job. I will do some jobs combined. Convenient person, I would be. In case of necessary, I would do their jobs.

  Not only for people, but also our supporters can ask us help. FAUNA & FLORA, and aliens, and fenomena, materials and so on.

  For example, if someone ask me to bring fresh cow milk from some cattle farm, I would do it, as much as I could. If someone ask me to put some electric bulb to the cealing light, I would do it. Some helpful tasks I would do for us all.

  And writing. I pledged and pledge revenge to DDMs. I must do the revenge, as my constant job. Muck raking, we do. Shames of shames, DDMs comitted. And they should pay to us, as their post-death obligation. I would write legal documents for it.

  And I should find a lot of other wrongdoings which were not discovered yet, walking and wandering, everywhere as much as we could. Our job.

  Our new member is not people. A big rabbit. he is 2.5m at hight, and a brave type. Yes, vegitalian, he is. however, recently, he started to eat various beans. Anyway, we should increase our strength. And we got some tag prize.

  He could hold when Miyuki was too too thrilled in the coldness in Hasegawa hospital. Miyuki asked one more blanket, however, the medical staff said no to her. Not only her, but also Ms.ARAKI, who was in the coldness of her illness of cold. She asked them, however, they said, "We provide one, already. Not any more. You should ask your nephew to bring some blankets to warm up you. " And Ms. ARAKI asked the staff to call to him, instead of her, because she was so illed to walk to the public telephone. And the reply was, "We can't do it. We should refrain from doing so on behalf of the patients' privacy."

  And all they failed. Too too nasty denials repeatedly. They were cold-hearted evil existance. Never think of the patients' body or mind. The hospials in Japan were like that.

  Miyuki cought a cold, however, she decided to cure the disease by herself. If she informs it to the hospital, they would take advantage of killing her. Thus, she chose to sleep with a jacket, whole day.

  and when she got dischaged and came back to Shirakawa, a TV program said, "In case of cold, sleeping all day in the bed would increase one's inmune power four times rather than usual."

  Oh, coincidently, I experienced the cure. I made my decision to do so. Thus, hospitals were not needed, entirely.

  Only one hospital should be maintained, they requested. Terrible. Monopoly, it would be. Thus, they failed. Kyorin was the evilest one. They themselves said the fact by their HP information. Who wanted to enter into the gate of the evil hospital?, Miyuki thought. And found, Oh, they all did the same type of wrongdoings. No necessity for them all!!!

  Miyuki was asked to investigate "Darkness of Mental Health" by her coworker of AOYAMA GAKUIN versity. Her name was YASUMI, a short professor. At least, she was a kind ordinal lady. Miyuki's same generation. Not so distinctive, however, she was categorized a illed professor, because of her melancholy.

  She was forced to visit Mental Hospital for the sake of it. And she asked Miyuki to investigate the theme, instead of her.

  Miyuki thought, OK, I suffered a lot by the same matter. Kyorin hospital is the evilest one in the world. Thus, I accepted her offer, and did as much as possible.

  And the result was disastrous. Any public office nor private sector didn't want to colaborate our job at all!!! Only one world, she experienced. We are logically speaking, however, any figures can't understand us at all!!! We were so so isolated, without no understanding of others, including my family. Too too nasty and frustrating situation, Miyuki suffered.

  And then, she understood that just saying the rightous remarks were not enough to gain reliance from others. Expecially, protectionists requre more than Miyuki thought.

 Thus, Miyuki tried to gain their reliance, as much as possible. Not so logical nor rational. however, we should manage the situaion. And did a success, anyway.

  Miyuki didn't want to change her haracter at all. And she tried to be honest, as much as possible. Thus, she chose to be say some remarks at minimum, no excuse at all. And gained the reliance. And acts. Only BLA-BLA-BLA doesn't mean at all. Just act! is her job. And she did and does, as always.

 In winter, she suffered from the coldness, however, we can get out now. And she does so as always. And inside, she works as always. Incessantly. And they want Miyuki to work more, and Miyuki attends their needs.

  Just paying, she should do, is YUKARI's words. She wanted to earn from her, and she was desqualified as a worker at all. Why she thought that she could do it??? Miyuki didn't want her to approach her. And she ran away from her as much as possible. And YUKARI wanted to approace in her violent way. Terrible. A kind of storker with hatred.

  And Miyuki decided to work for us all!!! And she pledges to work as much as possible. Too too nasty to work, MIYUKI is an idol worker, thus Kyorin Versity wanted to push her out, was their opinion. However, after Miyuki's working, they chaged their mind. At least, she likes to work, and others don't. Look, such news papers. Only lies. High rate economic increasing in one side, while high rate economic sinking on the other side. Why they could say so, such a contradictional remark, like YUKARI.

  And they laughted at their slowness. Miyuki got to know it earlier than them, in Tokyo. and Kyorin versity didn't want Miyuki to know it. Thus, they wanted to kill her forever. Thus, Miyuki doesn't want to return to Tokyo. In Shirakawa, as a provisionaly place, she lives. She wants to get out, however, not now. She should find more and more wrongdoings done in this place.

  And foods. Cooking skills, yes. Now, increasingly better, however, not so much yet. just experiment type foods too much. And she likes to try different dishes. Thus, they failed. She would be a good cook, because she has a good tongue. And she would be a traveling cook, like a Mistral singer. She would be. Using a lot of different local ingredients, and would create some new dishes also. Miyuki likes to enjoy her life all!!!

  thus, she likes to twinkle her eyes when she thought of some good idea. Thus, DDMs failed. She wants to do something, her eyes impressed. Yes, it's true!!! I want you to VANISH!!!!

  And they failed. They liked to tame MIYUKI, even using medicine to do so. YASUMI was used the treatment. And she was caught. They wanted to kill her again. And they threatened not to go to the research trip with Miyuki, Nishizawa and Fukawa.

  They planned to go to France and Portugal, however, they forced Miyuki to quit to go with them, at the last moment. Why???

  Miyuki didn't know the system. And NISHIZAWA did know. She wanted to live. Of course. Thus, he didn't want het to come with them.?????

  Then, they induced me to be killed by them????

  Miyuki didn't know the system at all. No chance for the professor who was hospitalized forcedly by their bosses.????

  Thus, they failed. In any version, Miyuki didn't know the system at all. Why they continue to do so??? Too too anti-productive.

  Thus, I will go to a carton of milk for me. Necessity. Thus, for a while, wait for our report!!!

  MIYUKI, ADACHI, and RABBY, always in three!!!!!