Rabby & Chinkoro : News Time (15)

2017-04-30 09:49:11 | 日記

30/04/2017 (Sunday, morning) We ate specially delicious Sunday plates for us all!!! Today's RO-SANJIN's now. Special guest. He wanted to wear highly cute girlie clothings. What shoul be for him????

 Quick news from Chinkoro:

 Suicide bombs, they are producing. They, including Japanese Government, are selling our precious data as a kind of amusement. It means that the related countries would get this present of Suicide bombs.

  At the cost of cheapish money, they export our precious privacy data, and for them, really profittable source of gaining. Thus, we expect the wonderful result of these wrongdoing. GIGA DEATH, probably!

  ANIME addicted kids, prepare for being anihiliated! You, also, Alex!!!!

  And Miyuki knows well that most of her pupils died because of this measure. And for her, "Natural. Of course, they should have died before!", according to Chinkoro.

  Bloody Mary, they are! And RO-SANJIN liked this way, so much. Not only OYAJI, but also girls type, got to be killed by this way. AV use, was one of the worst way of abusing. Stealing by the video cameras put in the toilets. In Japan, normal, however, in other countries, not at all!!! Thus, they produced to export them. In a body would be fine, they thought. No exception. Thus, they cause GIGA DEATH.

  Bottom parts only collection, they are called. For them, upper parts only. For exporting, bottom parts, yes.

  Thus, we are expecting GIGA DEATH, worldwidely!!!!

  See you soon later after our outside job!!!!

  MARC with old strange kinky retired guy called RO-SANJIN in a girly fashion!!!

Now, evening flash! Miyuki and Chinkoro came from her detective work, and ate a delicious raw BONITO fish SASHIMI and NUTA of Japanese clover harbs. She could buy a full package of SASHIMI at US$2, and she provided it to her families, because it was so much in quantity. Abundant, we could say. Thus, each one could eat sufficiently, of course, Miyuki, at first.

  Low cost, thus, SATO families can eat sufficiently. They are so poor. SASHIMI should be under US$2, as always, we insisted. And she found a package. Only one, at least, eatable as SASHIMI type. The way of cutting is rough, however, the flavour was equal to other good shaped SASHIMI. Wow, I would buy it! She thought it, and changed her menu for today's dinner immediately. SASHIMI should eat the same day of that it was bought. Thus, she provided to her family as much as possible.

  And she ate it with cut raw garlic. This is the standard way to eat raw BONITO in this season. Spring Bonito is delicious, her gourmant daughter Clare confirmed. She likes this fish rather than others. Her sense of taste is more Japanese one, rather than westerners' one. And she prefers the favorit No.1 BONITO among other SASHIMI fish.

 Her comment is always, "Thank you, anyway. It's delicious." Miyuki knows the reason. To avoid attacking by YUKARI. She respondes in impulse, not by her intention. Thus, Clare should avoid in this way. YUKARI is just jealous violent mad dog type, she said. Thus, saying nothing is the best policy. If necessary, saying in the shortest way is the second choice. Thus, she behaves like a SUMO wresler, as a result. After the several months of her harsh experience, she reached this method. SUMO wrestler is clever, Miyuki admitts. Foreign wrestlers speak in Japanese fluently, especially, in their polite way of saying, with good pronunciation.

  And almost many sports professionals learn Japanese so quickly. Thus, Miyuki admires them, "Oh, they are quick in learning foreign languages! They are clever, and I should be like that!" Thus, she trains a lot.

  She trains to be good at using muscles of brain, in metaphorical way. Brain is included in a body, and body is appealed by its shape. Thus, Today, she got a BIG SUCCESS!!!

  RO-SAN-JIN, she named the fashion. Rugby type colours with black and dark red beans, and broad hoziontal lines. Belet is the dark red beans colour, and the leggins and shoes were black. Only lean good shaped guy could wear like that type clothings she did today.

  And she gained a lot of boyfriends!!!! Various. Young swallow and spallow! Oh, they are younger than I, more than half century! Love beyond age!!!!

  And she got to know that they liked her lean legs, especially, young swallow, namely, 若いツバメ, in Japanese, liked her legs so much, and he and Miyuki danced for  a long time!!!

  And the 若いツバメ had a girlfriend near!!!! Oh, 不倫, or immorality!!!! Miyuki got a success to attract a young boy, who were with his girl!!!! Oh, I did it! I'm so sorry, however, I liked it!!!

  The girl got a bit upset, however, soon she forgave his boyfriend. Sometomes young male behaves like that, she should be pacient, she said to herself. Miyuki waved her hands to them, saying, "Play more another time!!"

  She got upset again. Never! She replied. However, Miyuki smiled at her success. I got it! I got it! A young swallow!!! Finally, I got 若いツバメ for free!!!

  And soon she gained another!!! Youngest little tiny spallow!!! Oh, much younger than the swallow!!! ZERO age!!! The youngest boyfriend I have!

  She got 1 year old human being boyfriend, however, this time, she got a new record!!!!

  More and more!!! She tried to attract a crow, and failed. However, soon, another crow liked her so much, and gave her his lunch!!!! Precious!! What is it? Frog? Something strange, slender, black!!! And she found in the road. Oh, shrimp!!! They came back!!! Dried one, however, they came!!!

  Thank you, crow! You are already my boyfriend, confirmed!!!

   Shrimps were highly common in HACHIOJI in the sharrow river in front of her residence. Her kids liked to do fishing. Everyday, 10 or so shrimps they fished. However, in 2016, they dissapeared. Why? Miyuki got in wonder.

  And now she got to know the reason. Shames, they had. They were ashamed to live in HACHIOJI. The evil anti-constitutional agaist universal law city, it was. Artificial insemination for IKKYO female kids to gain popularity. The earlier, the better, the city power holders thought. And they did it, in really.

  Miyuki didn't know the anounsment at all. However, they did, by their own way. Miyuki is free from the responsibility, thus, you decide, Clare was asked. Yes or No, they asked. What? You can be a god????

  Thus Clare said, "Not at all. It means Alzheimer patient." Thus they failed.

  Miyuki's way of thinking was sensed by her. Human beings should be a kind of creature, living one. Not immortal and immoral god. Why they asked such a strange thing? Public Schools should be free from religious influence at all. They are inconstitutional!!!

  And they failed. For them, no difference from religious thing and secular one. Thus, they were thought that they are realy Alzheimer patients.

  For them, all of them are religious, and could do everything under the name of their god. And we don't believe their god. And they forced Clare to believe their god. A strange kinky existance with nasty erotic illusion, she thought.

  Thus, they failed in a body. They wanted to do so, however, she disliked it. Of course!!!

  Miyuki thought that a bit strange that Today is Sunday, and she had to go to AIZU with her mates, after arriving to the school of CHUO junior high. Probably, some basket ball games she would have there, she thought.

  Nothing at all. She went to the school, and found that it was shrunk, and the gymnastic halls were left without pupils nor teachers. Oh, they vanished, she thought.

  Thus, she came back to her home, and started to make some cookies. And her evil Auntie said to her, "Get out of here. This is my place. You are only junior high pupil. You should obey the elder ones like me." And Clare seded the place to her.

  YUKARI likes to occupy some places. Now, again, the kitchen, because Miyuki would get confused with her appearance. Too nasty. Wearing the same clothings of the winter. YUKARI liked to do so. OK, however, why now? And she is wasting time and foods and energy there. I want to use the kitchen, to make my delicious lunch!!!

  And YUKARI pushed Miyuki away from there, and Miyuki took only a cup of Cafe Latte, and made an errand. OK, I would caltivate may lemmon trees. And she prepared a vase for it. She put the earth in a yellow vace, and put the seeds from the lemmon fruits, which she had bought in り菜あん or Agricultural Sindicate's Association's shops.

  Probably, these lemmons are made by amature Shirakawa residents. Thus, the seeds would be a kind of wild type. And the taste would be more extracted. Thus, much sour than their parents. Better for me. Lemmon should be sour.

  And they failed.

  Miyuki found a newly opened plants selling shop along the ruete 289. And found that they are produced in the house or stolen from near property. Lemmon trees were also there. Oh, one vase costs US$30, and smal one US$7. Thus, she decided to put the seeds on the vase and cultivate by her own hands. And she thought to make a small vinil house for the vase. Anyway, they should be protected by coldness and the catapilars of beautiful butterflies called AGUEHA in Japanese.

  They are beautiful, however, eat so much. After the trees got big, the leaves would be plenty. Thus, wait a minute. At first, we should make big trees, thus, you, AGUEHA worms can eat the leaves as you like.

  Thus, they got it. Miyuki had some experience to consede them her grapefruits young shoots. Almost all of seeds could get shoots, however, the worms ate them. They got beautiful AGUEHAs, thus she conforted the loss of Grape fruits trees. OK, anyway, they are beautiful. She liked especially black with morpho type blue AGUEHA. And they were the type. She couldn't eat her own grapefruits, however, could see their beautiful scenes.

  Now, after she gained big trees, they can eat the leaves as they like. Win-Win situation in the future. She confirmed that she will not get out of them AGUEHA worms intentionally. They can eat leaves, while she can eat fruits. No harm at all!!! AGUEHA field, it would be called, CLARE imagined. Citrus is their favorite. Oranges, various types, she would cultivate in some sunny side hill, if the animals allow. Each one can eat as they like, because they are abundant. No greedy one, only. If the rest appears, she would cook jelly, and her friends appreciate it!!!

  Vicious circle should be cut, and good effect should be obtained. Thus, they failed.

  Miyuki would cultivate her own products, thus, we would gain the profit from the same product by way of excluding her. She would buy it, how much expensive it were. Monopoly is their only one strategy.

  Miyuki imagines abundant of citrus. Any FAUNA & FLORA can appreciate it. Animal like way of thinking, she has. Thus, human figures not at all world, she prefers. Why not? Only one can be used most effectively. They want to kill me, as always.

  Today, she found a lot of informants here and there. And heard the sound of chainsaw near her mountain. She said, "Vanish! DDMs!!! Including old bugs!!!" And they failed.

  Any old guy should be included, they thought. They should be treated kindly, they imagined. However, for her, old guys are generally DDMs. Highly rare to find non DDMic old guys. Thus, they failed again.

  Miyuki's classification is always different from theirs. They like to think that "Miyuki would like us all." and always they do wrong.

  Today, Miyuki really got upset sometimes, as always.

  At first, she visited the old tumbs of NIWA family. IZUMI-san is an expert of this family. And found that they did it also. Before the MATSUDAIRA family, NIWA was explorers, and they abused their priveledge given by TOKUGAWA shogunate.

  NIWA was a kind of betrayers' family. They were the subjects of Nobunaga ODA, however, they helped TOKUGAWA family, and gained the previledge of 18 million litles of rice per year from Shirakawa residents. At that time, tax was paid by rice. This value was relatively higher than normal worriers' families in this area.

  They betrayed in the evilest way, thus, they were previledged so much, was the common opinion of the local historians.

  And now, the LION's club, leadered by Kaoru AOKI did the same wrongdoing, accumulating the shames tremendously.

  Petit South Lake, the ponc was called. Miyuki and IZUMI-san visited there as a kind of club activities. The mummies were there, anyway, although they could not watched them. And the tumbes were concealed in the dark woods.

  Now, they were in the public park, beside the HANABUN, a local famous old traditional Love Hotel. Already closed, however, Miyuki, as always, found an old plate, written like, "Night Club & Restaurant. Addmitted by FUKUSHIMA prefecture's Public Security Committee." Oh, OPPABU, this old authentic Japanese hotel was.

  Thus, when IZUMI-san refered to the hotel, "THAT hotel..." she emphathised! Oh, I got to know it!!!

  And now, the part of the hotel is prohibitted to enter by Committee of Education of Shirakawa Municipality. No explanation at all. This is the evident character of IKKYO believers. For them, "Some DDM prohibits it" is enough. Obedience is all, in their whole life. Thus, now, they should vanish exactly in a body.

  Even the final last one should vanish, is Gods of Justice's order. Thus, all, yes.

  And Miyuki watched a lot of old trees were cut by SHIBUKI related DDMs. Their rough way, Miyuki sighed. Olderst one looked 200 years old or so. Big one. She sat and considered a bit. And the smell. Oh, OMANKO smell! They did it here!!! In this tumb, they did it!!!

  And she found that this place were fittable for exhibition of nudists to the shop of barber in front. They did it, in the wood, and they took the video. And they enjoyed together.

  For them, appearance weighs a lot. Thus, recording is necessity. Thus, they failed. They should learn how evil they were. And the smell is so strong for us, common people. Nasty. And Miyuki dared to take her own picture with the stomp, sighing, as always. "We feel you would have been ashamed at that play, old guy!" And she did pledge also.

  Probably, it was a famous center of the attraction of this small NANKO lake. However, IKKYO believers don't know the value, and they dislike old ones, thus they cut it at first.

  They don't understand any value at all. Miyuki found a stone mill used as a step stone. And also, cheap faked stones were protected as if they were so sacred. New and young, is their predilection. Old and elder is hatred.

  Thus, they dislike Miyuki bacause of her age. Anyway, over 50. More than my mother. And she is cute!!!!

  Miyuki knows well. Why your mother is cute?, is the most evil question to Clare. Why? Just lean, she responds as usual.  Like an old man, she explained in detail. She doesn't do makeup recently. She wears highly OYAJI like clothings sometimes, however, she likes to do costume play during a day. Thus, she looks cute.

  And they failed. Old guy pretends to be a young cute girl, and got a success!!!! Immoral at all! They were astonished. And they couldn't believe it.

  Clare is good, however, not cute, is their qualification. However, Miyuki is different. Clare tried to explain so many times, however, they didn't understand it. RO-SAN-JIN, today, she is. Clare explained. Who? Old guy, who liked good taste, in Japanese style. And now, western type, he wanted to try. A kind of challenge, he decided to do so, bravely.

  And got a good success. She danced at a mountain dove, also. He could dance like a long reach wings type like halks. However, a bit more broad width of arms, he has. And dove like dancing also. Thus, Miyuki got in wonder. Which is which? And he responded, "DoDo, Coockoockoo!", Thus, the right answer is dove. And she took a picture, which he was on the electric pole on.

  And he appeared again on the road, and Miyuki got worried to be killed by the evil car with number "1-11". And they failed.

  Miyuki got to know the system. Identification is important for us all. and the number is the easiest way. Today, she watched twice "81" post office service wagon. Red one. Thus, they failed. Twice should not be.

  Oh, then yesterday, I watched "18" post office service motor bicycle, also!

  She tried to find the same number now. And found red "1001" of ENDOU confectionary. Other two "1001" were there beside the confeccionary. And she did her third attmpt to attack this confectionary. She ate several peaces of the sweets, and left without buying. I don't buy you, she declared already. And she came, and ate. What's wrong?

  And found that the confectionary is located at the corner of the main road, and the curve induces traffic accidents.

 And ICHIKAWA, a bakery also along the road side, induces in the other ways. Parking form type. Inducing the cars to attack the wodden tables outside the confectionary. House courtyard type inducing. She got to know that a car was parked highly near one of the table. Almost in the face of her, it came and parked. She was drinking a bottle of tea, which she brought by herself. Nothing interesting in the shop, she thought, and took a rest. And the car came, as soon as she sat.

  And she found a helmet of physical worker in construction business on the corner of the building of the shop. Why?

  No man's land is recently highly populous with foreigners. Why? Probably, the number of their targets is so limited, and I am one of these. Thus, they concentrate on attacking us.

 And shocking scene near the place. A park got to be seen one. The continuation of South Lake field. And there are lots of stomps. they were inclined and had the mark of tortures. And Miyuki said, "wait a minute. We would manage the situation. We pledge your revenge!" Newly cut stomps also. The smell. She knows the smell of cut wood. Refreshing flavour, yes. however, when she feels it, it means that they were cut already. Dying message, she should hear. Thus, she goes to hear it, and pledges as always. Nasty, however, someone could do it type job. Chiken, she is. however, at this matter, she knows her strongpoint. She feels yes, however, after arranging correctly the nasty sad feelings, she gets hungry, and eats, and regains the power. Anyway, she gets more cheerful after the process. The process should be passed alone. No interference is important.

  Another formidable confirmation on Shirakawa I primary school's evil fact. The athletic park vanished. She enjoyed it with her kids, when they were infants. She was afraid of the degradation of the equipment, thus, at first, she tried to play the equipments with them, and confirmed that some of them were useless, however, others could use, with some cautions. Thus, she played with them intentionally and allowed them to use the equipments.

  However, today, there were nothing on the hill, which is called "FUREAI-NO-OKA" or the hill of touching, or priendship. Nasty memory she has on the name. Just like upper part raping.

  And she got to realize that her predict was unfortunately correct. DDMs sold their precious kids. They were brought up for being sold. Athletic equipments were for the sake of insurance inducing accidents.

  And she watched a pool, in which a pair of ducks were swimming. They are the actual manager of this evil school, she understood and signed and took a picture of them.

  And got to realise that Japanese public schools were so so evil to induce the sacrifice of swimming pool accidents every year. The same type of accidents were repeated. Always the kids were drought vaccuumed by the exit of water. Why they didn't put the tap on it? Cheap and effective. No excuse can be allowed type errors each year.

  All of the school teachers know the risk, and didn't save the kids' life. They sold the kids' life, at the cost of their economic benefit.

  All of school accidents were the same types. Why they were repeated, was our doubts. And she found the fact. Cruel, however, it was the fact. She sang the song of the kids decieased by the errors of evil adults. They are in the school of Gue-Gue-Gue-no-KITAROU, or Tumbs' Devil kid.

  They wanted to live, however, their own parents killed them. They were killed twice. Too too nasty. They would be praise by their endurance. How evil their parents were! They thought that the kids were their own property, and they could kill them, if necessary.

