YUKARI's End (137)

2017-04-09 23:45:39 | 日記

And then, the other clerks informed to the superior that they had done it in the female toilet. ?????

  Miyuki did heard the episode from KOISHI and OIKAWA. However, their interpretations differed.

  KOISHI said that just the rumour, the other clerks had made, because of some jealousy. "It would have happened ever in Japan. We are in Japan, and the episode like a French film or so. In the toilet, not at all!!!"

  And OIKAWA said affirmedly, "Our president said that they had done it. Thus, they would have done it. The president presumed that the male had borrowed some money from his inferiors. Repeatedly. It means that he contributed the secret money to her, because the salary is grasped by his wife. Our president is clever."

  And by the clever president, they were fired. Miyuki got in wonder. She thought that "Doing it or not, is not our matter. Private matter should not be the reason of their discharge. Why the president could do it? Illegal, we should say so..."

  And the male got some job after in some prep school or so, according to another clerk. he said, that the male came from the cram school and was efficient. Thus, some other clerks got jealousy and informed with some supposed hipothesis of his own.  HAENUKI, or genuine graduated, they were called. It means that they graduated from Kyorin University. Thus, some of HAENUKI disliked the promissive male clerk, and punished him, trapped.

  I don't know the reality. however, at least, at Kyorin Versity, the family matter should be a reason of discharge, according to them, including Dean Oikawa at that time.

  Another episode on it in toilet. I had heard the episode at the dinning room in Hasegawa hospital. A yankee patient informed with her astonishing voice, saying, "Tsugumi did it in the male toilet of the same builing of us. her boyfriend came to meet her, and they met in the floor. And they did it in the toilet, in front of the nurse center."

  Oh, TSUGIMI and her boyfriend were so brave! I thought. Without any substitute, toilet worked, anyway. Messy toilets, hasegawa hospital had. Dirty and nasty. However, better than not doing so.

  And they failed. Miyuki amused the episode. And the yankee said loud, "Thus, we should take caution to her TSUGUMI. Too nasty to do so." Why not? Miyuki thought that yankees were accustomed to this type of episode. however, even for them, this type was impressed as messy experience.

  TSUGUMI talked her, she explained. For TSUGUMI, nothing at all type experience. ???

  And Miyuki remembered a gay short story called "GENTS" or Gentleman's room, or toilet. They did it in toilet, and his father got to know it, and he scolded him, "Why in toilet? Other space should be better. Why in toilet????"

  In case of necessity. Why not? No other place for it, Father. Miyuki responded in stead of him.

  Any place it would be. Some kind of necessity. Only toilet served the chance. then, they did it. Probably smelly, however, better than nothing....TOHOHO tribe shouts, "We have no chance at all!!!! Worse than in toilet!"

  Gents won and TOHOHO lost, in this battle. Laughing, however, too too nasty for us...not at all!!!! Thus, we should struggle for our necessity. Thus, we work hard. Thus, we walk hard.

 1 little of milk, they took. Like us!!! Philipine boys yelled. Miyuki can't send promised box yet. However, we have some problem to do so. We have in transision. My kids don't want to send any of their belongings at all. they are thrifty yes, however, for them, some subjectively important things would be included type thought exists. Because their evil Auntie took it for granted that their Linus blanket like towel and summer bed clothing should be trash in a box. Thus, they are afraid of being lost them. Thus, wait for a while.

  After the MEGA-LOSS of DDMs, we, Miyuki and ADACHI will move to our site. At that time, there would be plenty of gifts for you, boys and girls!!! At that time, Alex and Clare would understand my intention collectly. Now, YUKARI commented on all of my remarks with her evil suppositions. Thus, we should wait that they get to understand that we help eadh other. YUKARI interefers all of their activities. She herself doesn't do nothing, thus, she does her nasty disturbing jobs.

  Thus, "Spare time makes a lazy wife an evil monster", the deformated version of a Chinese counterpart expression.

  We should be deligent, in every meaning. Only delirio she lived. And now she is in bed. Why she is so nasty? Because she doesn't work. She prefered not to work, by her intention. And she felt no regret at all. Why she thought so? We are not rich family. Why she thought that she could be feeded by other family members? Too too strange for us to think so.

  For her, parents feed their kids forever. Terrible. My father is 84, while my mother is 79 now. And YUKARI is 48. Why she could think so? Probably she forgot her real age. Always 25 years old type, waiting for possible marrige. Thus, always, "I am an assistent of householder" without any sense of shame.

  She is dreaming to get married even now. Why not? DDMic wedding is her ideal. Why she didn't do that???

  She wanted to be matron to my kids, probably. Sexual activities' monitor, in Victorian age. She tried to be Merry Poppins, and failed. Now, matron.

  I learned the word matron from Yushi ODAJIMA, a translator of Shakespear in the campus of Komaba, at my 1st grade.

  He was famous for the translating job. Not so promissive type, and his pronunciation was so bad. however, at least, he tried to make a joke. Sometimes he got a success, however, almost all of them failed.

  One of his succeeded joke was as follows:

  At the corner near JR Shibuya station, there is a franchise confectionary shop called "Cozy Corner". One day, it rained heavily. And the nearest river, supposed to be UDAGAWA river, flooded. Thus, the confectionary was filled with dirty water. Thus, he said, "Oh, it is the real KOUZUI Corner!"

  KOUZUI is flood in Japanese, the similar sound of Cozy. OYAJI gag, he made. Thus, he got famous in the field.

  The pupils didn't expect him so much. Oh, he is just a translator. We should put up his messy class, anyway.

  No expectation, means he has plenty of time to do the translation. At least, he translated with common Japanese, understandable for people, from Shakespear's working.

  And recently, M&A found a lot of metal nails with messy venil tape on the concrete pedestrian decks. Why? Pink, blue and yellow. Sometimes white. Some kind of marking for insisting the holding of property. It means that they themselves confessed that they are in the middle of wrongdoings. Each region has its own power holders, probably. and some supporters, sharing their wrongdoings.

  Old ages idiocracy, we passed now. Ex-police type. Probably, they confused patrole car with ambulance, because of their Alzheimer disease. Probably, Tea Ceremony Tribe vanished already on 8 of April, Budda's Birthday.

  Miyuki entered into Buddist kindergarden, and did watch a theatrical play of the story of BUDDA, and the end, the pupils drank "AMACHA-ZURU-CHA" or sweet licolis like brown drink. They poured the drink on the statute of Budda, then they drank it.

  And on 14 of Feburay, Budda's funeral aniversary. A theatrical play called NEHAN-E, or Farewell Party of Sleeping Budda.

  And another Chrismas play with their teacher responsible called Kuniko HITOMI. She played the role of Snow White.

  Common for us, to watch teachers' play, and we liked it. And Miyuki didn't remember what she did when she was in theater in the kindrgarden. As a matter of fact, she didn't remember if she were on stage or not. Not promissive type at all. Just some episodes, she remembered. Why my milk bottles failed so many times? At that time, milk was provided in a glass bottle. In the house, she spilt a bit, however, in kindergarden, always. Some strange fenomenum. Why???

  Crafts, she enjoyed. And dancing, not at all!!! Shopkeepers play was a big event for her. They prepared all of their goods and moneys, almost all of them were made of papers. Papercraft, Miyuki did like it. Especially, Aquarium and clock. Easy for her, and amusing. she liked it, and did it even in her house. She bought many times colour celophane papers and paste in the nearest stationary store called NARUSHIMA.

  There was a kind of point system. 10% of discount coupen like a milk bottle cap. Miyuki collected them, and tied with a rubber band. And used them, as soon as possible. It is most economic, she thought. And she consumed a lot of papers and pastes, magics, creyons, penciles and so on in this shop. Almost 70% of her income at that day was paid for the shop. and Yamagata-ya, she paid 20% of it.

 It was an old type sweets vending convenience store. Always, a fat old lady attended her. When she made an erand, she gave her US$0.1 as a praise. And Miyuki liked the leftover of monthly magazine. US$0.2, and got various georamas. A gift, cheapish, and made of papers. Easy to compose type. One hour or so, she spent to accomplish it.

  The most attractive goods for her. No magazine was too too important. She didn't want to read such kind of magazines, just the leftover, she wanted. They were concealed in a brown paper bag, and hooked from the ceiling. Like a lottery, Miyuki drew one of them. And all were success for her. No falure at all type lottery. Always some kind of paper works in it. Cheap, anyway. Many times, she repeated to visit the convenience store. Probably once a day.

  Each block, such kind of convenience sweets store had. It was called DAGASHI-YA.

  Near the residence, in HACHIOJI, there was such kind of store called SHIMIZU. They wrote the name "Convenience Store", however, it was the old DAGASHIYA. Miyuki's kids sometimes bought some cheapish snack of squid to do fishing of little lobsters in the stream in front of the house. Eatable, however, they bought it, and they insisted that it were suitable for the fishing.

  Now, NARUSHIMA closed, and YAMAGATAYA is run yet, at least. In front of the school, there is some kind of similar shops.

  In front of ASAHI high school, there is KOMINATO store, the combination type. They sells some minimum stationary and some sweets.

  Miyuki knows that the goods were sold in cheaper price at the big shopping mall type zone. however, as a training with comunicating others, some small store worked, she thought. Thus, a bit higher as a material, however, she yelled her kids to make an errand there, paid some bit more and Miyuki didn't know that they were informants already.

  Faked city project, it was called. Japan was already done, thus, only some extinctive one should be satisfied with the nostargy????

  Miyuki didn't know the kinkiness at all. Just kind people, she thought. At least, kids should be growing up among kind people. At least, in the first stage, they should be protected against evil ones, until they could gain the power to struggle with the evil ones.

  And YUKARI failed. She herself was the evilest ones. She wanted to do the dirty jobs forever. Not at all!


  And the smells. They wanted to conceal the fact of MEGA-DEATH, however, Miyuki got to know the fact. Too too less populous. Especially, no one existed along the road totally at the first glance. Thus, suddenly, they appeared. A lt of cars, as always, and some bicycles riders and several walkers.

  Walking rally ended up, Miyuki got to know. Tourists dissapeared. Faked hired tourists, they provided. And strange advertisement on HAKA-MACHI. Artists inducing Company. What are they doing, Miyuki got interested. Oh, just faked event producers!!!

  Even now, they tried to fake MINI Tokyo in Shirakawa. Miyuki found an advertisement of Premium Friday, or Friday as weekend. Central Tokyo addopted the system, according to OMANKO journalism. And some local towns tried to induce the forgery. And only one dragstore put the two posters on the door.

  and the posters were for esthetic house use. Thus, "Less time consuming esthetics on Premium Friday", they said. ??? type advertisement. Luxurious time, they should advertise, however, they wanted to economise time even in their spare time. For busy cosmetics freak type are targetted, and the posters should be put on esthetic houses, not on the drag store.

  In Shirakwa, Premium Friday was individually adopted, probably. This is another proof that the municiapality doesn't function at all. 

  And on the dead end of the NAKAMACHI, suddenly, many cars appeared. This is not main street of the town. Why here appeared so lot of vehicles???

  They appeared always from the corner. Abruptly. In Tokyo, figures appeared from the doors, suddenly. Just like DOKODEMO DOOR or Warping Door of DORAEMON. why and from where, they came?

  Muck producing system, probably. MONOLIS invented it. They came from MONOLIS, and vanished here in our planet. They could come, however, they could not return. They died so soon like a efemerous. KAGEROU-DAYS. Now, the shortest version came and vanished immediately.

  They prefer artificial smell, rather than natural good flavour. And their smelling sistem is different from us. They could eat some special foods only. meat with bones, not at all. Yogult and bananas, YUKARI could eat. Some not chewing foods, they prefer. and they can't use chopsticks. Only spoon use type. Big spoons for foods, while small ones for drink. YUKARI uses one spoon per dish. Why? I don't know. Some kind of religious order, she took.

  And recently, she wants me to wash her dirty dishes. Why? I don't know. When I am in the kitchen, and washing the dishing or cooking, she dashed from her chamber of my mother's chamber to put her dirty dishes in the sink. Why?

  I leave her things in the sink. I think that she should wash by herself. She just eats, and took advantage of my washing jobs. why? Working prohibition?

  Now, we are sleepy.

 VANISh! DDMs!!!

 Adachi and Miyuki always go to bed together!


YUKATI's End (136)

2017-04-09 19:34:21 | 日記

 I had a chicken soup made by born stock left when I had eaten for lunch, paprican taste, with shredded onion, green peas, cheese, and Taro potato. And fermented soybeans with fresh onion and TOMBURI. And GOKA rice in my ARITA bowl. It fits with white rice so much. 

 Quick news. TOSHIBA is revealed as Fregates protected Japansese company in Electric field, the OMANKO writers confessed.

 And Chinese Company had a big damage by the sly way done by Japanese Government. They participated in the auction of the company, and gained. However, the OMANKO writers said the victory were for provisional stage. The next challenge would be done by All Japan Companies League, they predicted.

  Thus, their dirty way was revealded also. They lost, and remeined to say, "Oh, we will win in the next change. Come again for the second match!!!"

  Our situation, should be. People, read it, didn't you? DDMs want to win the next war. They don't appology at all, no intention to recognize their failure at all, they denied to be losers. Thus, the process prolonged, and we had a big damage.

  They should kill themselves at once. They have to do so immediately. VANISH! DDMs!!!

  And they exibited their real understanding on the situation. "See you again" type joking. They should be punished by their lack of sincerity, at first!!! They couldn't recognize the loss, thus, they should vanish. No capacity to recognize the fact. It is enough to be punished now, immediately.

  They failed again. OMANKO writers in a body. Today, only few news on the economic matters. They would evade that it would be because of Sunday. However, they were already dead. And they set the episodes, in a loop mode. No sincerity attitude is the last one we could endure. They made a fun of their own MEGA DEATH, and dared to challenge us, even now.

  OMANKO Journalists should be killed, they said immediately. However, they didn't do so, because of their forgetfulness. They just move by impulse or desire. Just at the moment. Thus, after several hours, they decide differently. Again, Auntie. You said, Miyuki should take all of clothings from veranda, indifferent from the weather yesterday. And Today, she tried to do so twice. however, you objected her to do so. Why? Alex would like to ask her. However, already her grand mother asked, and YUKARI failed again. "Oh, I said so? You made a mistake. I will take them when I like. It is the rule for our family." She declared.

  For them, system change, and for her, just a remark, trifle one. Miyuki would do so, because of her mother's order. And today, YUKARI disturbed her job. Each day, differently. No rule for her. And always she scolds others because of bad understanding of her rule.

  Ever changing ruling, she did. IDIOCRACY, it is. She is Alzheimer, who has no quality as a creature at all. And she didn't recognize her wrongdoing, and again, Auntie, type question from Alex too.

  You don't like Miyuki, and we don't like you, Auntie!!! And she failed. Affection gaining game, she tried. Thus, she feeded the kids, and they were in rage of her treatment. Too too nasty bad food only. Miyuki at least knows culinary, anyway. The smells. And she recommends to eat, if they liked. Only for them, not for YUKARI at all. They know that for her, YUKARI doesn't exist at all. Evil harmful existance, for her.

  And Miyuki decided to wash their clothings, and they all liked it. And YUKARI did double work. Again, Auntie???

  She disliked to wash others clothings with hers. Thus, she did her washing. And she was criticised by others. Why, then, you disterbed Miyuki's job? She wanted to take only our clothings. Not yours at all! And she failed. She wanted to wash her clothings, and she couldn't. They should do her jobs, anyway. And Miyuki did hers. She is a kind of nasty cook for others at all. Her feeding attitudes were the last one for them all. She wanted to buy some big pets like AKITA-ken, and she thought that her nephew and niece were their substitutes. Thus, pets for her. KOISHI like attitude, Miyuki thought.

  Thus, affection failed. They hated her, however, they wanted to believe that she were a kind of maternity believer. And failed. Just for her pride, she did so. Hatred, exactly. And she excused Alex. Just a trifle expression. A kind of joking. And they got upset more and more. Nasty expression, and after the delivering it, it turned to be a joke. Just like The police inquisition to victims after the raping crime.

 Miyuki got to know that the police had been evil as usual, during these 150 years, incessantly. Just pets of power holders of Central and Local government.

  Thus, Kikumi NOGUCHI got married with one of the police, got a daughter, and separated immediately. MICCHIKU marrige, among their limit. Just an artificial insemination, for us. however, for them, marrige was needed. Oh, NOGUCHI, your dream to live with her passionate husband and her daughter in a Sky Tower in Shinjuku was just a lie???

  Miyuki believed her story. Fuminobu TOMOOKA esplained the detail. She liked a police man, with a good shape, with some kind of pragmatic knowlege, in a cafe well known for academicians in Shinjuku. And they liked each other, and got married, indifferent from the status difference. NOGUCHI is a daughter of famous Yukio NOGUCHI, an ex-public servant of Ministry of Finance, and a writer of how to put the desk in order type pragmatic essays. She is a professor of Administrative Law, in Housei University, a conservative ideological one. And he is only a plain police man.

  They deceided to live in a newly build Tower Building in the center of Shinjuku, and started to bring their kid up. Several years after, she declared to Miyuki, "We moved to an urban area."

  Miyuki got to knew that they were rich, thus, they could live as they liked, totally contrary to Miyuki's family. No jealousy at all. Shinjuku is not Miyuki's target, and the urban area also.

  Thus, they failed. Miyuki is not such a type, they didn't know it. Just kids, not husband at all type. Thus, they failed.

  They wanted to get Miyuki to know the fact. however, they couldn't. Why? They avoided to tell her. Stupid. It is not said that they "wanted to inform to Miyuki on the fact" at all!!!

  They tried, not at all. Just an evasion. She should like to be a Miyuki's robot. Impossible. She is fat, while I am lean!!!

  Miyuki is too too right to say so. Miyuki wants to be lean, thus lean. Why she should not be????

  Tomochi remembered that she liked to be a hero of the old costume play called ZATOU-ICHI or Furious Blind, performed by Shintaro KATSU, like she. He had it!!! We agreed at that point!!!! Heros like Steve Macqueen, James Cobarn, Peter Fork, Lenard Nimoi...Too too old for other kids. Others liked more pop type heros like Hideki SAIJO, Goro NOGUCHI, Hiromi GOU, and so on. Miyuki didn't know Jackson Five at all at that time. Kunta Kinte and Chiken George, yes.

  "Roots" the Drama was called. NHK broadcasted for 2 weeks. Miyuki watched the first, and the Chiken George series. And liked George, more. Yes, KUNTA KINTE is beautiful in body shape, and he is the rightous hero. I liked him also. However, a kind of Achireus type. Tragedic. Strong but he lost his devoted female.

  Chiken George is much lighter type. And musical, danceable. He is quick, however, he was misunderstood by his light way. however, he doesn't stop his own way. Anyway, we should win type. Not so too much secious one, and has power to realize his freedom.

  And he is strong. He has passed harsh time. However, he prefers to be more cheerful. Good for yell to others too!!!

  And on Furious Blind, KATSU is it, Takeshi KITANO interpretated it by his own way, however, KATSU is more impressive in the same line.

  He is an indulged younger brother type, compared with his elder one, Tomisaburou WAKAYAMA. The latter was a kind of good boy type. The body shape was similar, and big round head, they had. And TOMOCHI and MIYUKI liked the former. Impressive, anyway. He died at 60 or so. Too young, also.

  He was a kind of naughty kid. his works were impressive. SUGOMI, or strength, in Japanese, he had. Attractive to others, especially, who loves minority type. KATSU was criticised his manner, however, good artist, we both recognized.

  He turned to be a naughty photographer. Only pretty girls were his target. You know, why he turned to be??? Of course, you should know yes. And an actress, called Mieko HARADA, criticised him because of his naughty way of instruction. Only erotic OYAJI could do it type remarks. Miyuki laught at his behaveour, because only he could do it, such a kinky way to take pictures of his favorite pretty girls!!!!

  Miyuki liked the story. He wanted to touch her important private part, pretending to mend the preets of her panty, and she scolded him and he evaded, "I am a photographer, thus, I need the preets to be my own way" Too too stupid evasion, however, he had a charm to do such a naughty wrongdoing. Admissible as a human being type.

  His wife Tamao NAKAMURA was also a strong type. Even he were erotic OYAJI, she could understand his kinkiness, and believed his genus type charm as an artist. She is a clever actress as herself. And their episodes talked by them were successive jokings. Serious artists type, however, a lot of erroneous falureses they did type laughing stories.

  They had some "it"s. At that age, artists should have it. Or, they are nothing. Now, anyone could be artist, and OMANKO TV produces prain country girl to be a big idol!!!!

  Without any charm, they turned to be idols. They sold some important uniqueness for the superiors and got to have a chance to be a big.

  And Miyuki liked Wents boy, because of his perfect Japanese. Oh, like my Alex! Perfect intonation of Japanese, and no dialect of English. He would be non English speaker, she presumed. and found that he can't speak it at all!!! Oh, my deduction was too too right.

  And Alex felt, Oh, my mother liked American type!! Oh, Brazilian also!! Oh, all kind of races, even animals, and aliens also!!! Plants, also!!! Anything OK type!!! And TOHOHO tribe!!! Too too perfect!!! Just like me!!!!

  Miyuki is not so ugly, however, always TOHOHO. As many as her age, she is TOHOHO, Alex shouted in public, on the public space in the JR station of HACHIOJI. Miyuki got confused and scolded him. "yes, I am TOHOHO, however, you should not declare the fact here in public...I don't want to be revealed as TOHOHO!!!"

  Too harsh for her, to be TOHOHO for almost 55 years!!! Not so much, yes so much, a matter of fact, only 4 years TOHOHO. Because, I was a-sexual before!!!! 50 years of asexual, the novel would be named....

  Miyuki's TOHOHO experience continues even now. TOMOCHI failed and got married with some TOHOHO also! OK, why falure? Better than nothing. TOMOCHI said, Miyuki would be more TOHOHO for a while. Too too TOHOHO for us all...

  Why? Nothing so TOHOHO like MIYUKI. Genuine TOHOHO, she is. A kind of mistake, they thought. Platimum tribe are TOHOHO tribe, also. Majority are TOHOHOs. They are protected by Gods of the universe. TOMOCHI encountered with TOHOHO and got appassionated at all!!! Oh, I adore the situation. I would like to experience it!!! TOMOCHI, I would like to know the fact on the prevention tool called....

  MIYUKI would like to know from her directly. In this blog, avoidable secret!!!!! The secret of the secret!!!!

  Miyuki is so promissive for the future. At least, now, TOMOCHI got discharged from our TOHOHO club. An important member, we lost. however, we should continue to this activity as TOHOHOs. We want to get out of the club, however, whe should be recognized our TOHOHO situation. Why we should be TOHOHO even now????

  IDIOCRACY, the reason. Thus, for our tryemph, we should struggle with the evil system. Our incentive to gain some friends...special colourful friends!!!!

  TOHOHO club president, for a while. Forever type, they predicted. Not intentionally, as a result...Why I am TOHOHO even now? Why there is no man here and there?????

  At first, she calculated the target, the half of the population, thus, easily, she would get some special friends. However, the number reduced inpressively. And now, almost no one!!!!

  Why? I am a kind of some attractive type. Upward type. however, no upward type at all arround here in Shirakwa.

  Today, no no no nothing day. Where is somebody? Too too unpopulous day. And only kinky catching tryers appeared. Miyuki was in danger, however, she knew that we won. Thus, they failed. Yes, nasty. However, they can't do anything in reality at all.

  And strange fenomenum. A piano played "Cat's stomped" a bit. A training melody.

  Oh, and yesterday, in GYOMU super, Miyuki heard some "Tango with black cat" like song on BGM. Some danceable songs, they played. And Miyuki liked to dance there in the supermarkets. For Miyuki, G.U., Shimamura, any supermarkets, are the adequate places to dance, for free. And danced a bit. and the mode changes. Why not? type strange atomosphare. Miyuki didn't know the system. Dancing in public was prohibitted formaly???? just inside, with special partners????

  Terrible. TAKENOKO-ZOKU was prohibitted? Miyuki did stripties like TAKENOKO tribe, or Bamboo Shutes Tribe, they were called. Dance team, spontaneously constructed in a street and in a park in the center of Tokyo, in her young age.

  MIYUKI was asexual at that time, and as a positive fenomenum she yelled. Not danceable type at all. She liked to dance when she was 52 years old in Colombia.

  Yes, she danced in Brazil, and got a super success in a dance hall and on the street in Sao Paulo. Spontaneously, she wanted to dance. And made several lessons on variety of dances. And danced in public also.

  And in Japan, she tried to dance like that. however, failed. The mood is different. The most nearest danceable place was KARAOKE house, when she went with Alex in their own way.

  Alex likes to sing, while Miyuki likes to dance. Thus, he only sings, while Miyuki, dances, and sometimes, to add some burden, shouts. He dislikes to be disturbed his song by Miyuki's loud voice. Anyway, she has not tried to touch a microphone at all!!! Non stop dancing is MIYUKI's favorite. Until sweat, is her catch copy. thus, KARAOKE house wanted to ask her to pay for dancing????

  Why? Hotaka TAKAHASHI did it with his ex in the room in KARAOKE house. I thought that he were so brave!!! I imagined, that if I were he, it would srink, anyway. I would not accomplish the act at all!!! Thus, Miyuki respected his braveness.

  Too too difficult situation. however, his mate in Baseball club informed me his braveness. And Miyuki adomired his braveness. ADACHI would admired him also. They both, in the same opinion.

  Why not? Just some problem of braveness or cowardness. not a kind of morality at all.

  Miyuki liked Hotaka's appearance. He has slender long legs and arms, and 175cm or so. Small head type, and a moreno like good looking. Brazilian or Philipino?, Miyuki thought. He didn't say on his nationality or race at all, thus, just she presumed. Curiosity, yes. however, we should refrain from the matter, if he doesn't want to be asked type attitude.

  And sometimes got in wonder. Why they hired TAKAHARA for the role? For my object, Hotaka were more suitable for us all! I liked his moreno like appearance. And he was my ex-pupil of newcomer class. I knew him since he was in the first grade. He is a country boy type. His fashion sense was messy. If I were his fashion adviser, he would be a model type boy, probably. More interesting rather than TAKAHARA, especially, in his appearance.

  TAKAHARA was not bad, however, east Asian type. a good looking yes, however, not so attractive as Hotaka. The same age, in the same grade pupils in my class. And Hotaka was a member of Baseball Club.

  Miyuki was in wonder, why they chose TAKAHARA instead of Hotaka??? More affectionate, if they had chosen Hotaka...

  A kind of mistake. Hotaka was not good at math, they said. Good! However, he didn't know how to explain it. Sports type sometimes omitts the words. He is one of the promissive pupils when he entered in Kyorin Versity. He was praised for the high points, in case of the exam text. He gained US$2 thousand from the versity for his good performance in the entrance.

  And he failed. He lost the money???? He gained, however, he had to use if for his sake. OK, your money. Why not???

  He got to know a girl friend from KYOURITSU women's university. And the episode above. Oh, you did it! And I tried to imagine the situation, and I failed. I couldn't do it, even if I were you, Hotaka. And Adachi failed also. Too too diffucult. Mood, OK, however, the possibility...the clerks passe through the corredor. And the glass windows. How he couldn't shrink it...We admired his braveness!!!

  TOHOHO tribe would admire why????

  And some more this kind of episode. two, I know.

  In the campus of Kyorin in Hachioji, there were two clerks, both married each. They got appassionate, and someday, the female entered into the toilet for the clerks use only, dashing with tears on her eyes. Then, the male followed.


YUKARI's End (135)

2017-04-09 16:17:24 | 日記

09/04/2017 (Sunday, afternoon) I ate two roasted chicken legs, Italian short pasta with tomato sauce and fresh basil leaf. During cooking, a cup of cafe latte. I proved to taste a spoonful of chicken peas paste with TOMBURI. Anchovi should be fine with this paste. Nice to eat, however, "it" lacked, I felt. Probably, the "it" is some spice of distinctive unique character. Our type, Miyuki discovered. A bit nasty to pass time with, however, necessary to make a perfect harmony. ADACHI is also. Many Platimum tribe are different. More good girl type. Some ordinary figures should be to accept the role type.

  And Miyuki is the most unnusual, but not predictable type. At a glance, she is a good auntie type. However, inside, the real OYAJI is. ADACHI was really astonished at the coincidence. She would be me, if her cowardness would be cured. And they changed some parts. And now, a really cheerful Tack Bonz type. Always laughing when she gained.

  A nasty threatnings were here and there even now. Rain stopped, thus Miyuki decided to make a walking trip outside. It would be fine to check the system. And found that almost done. However, many foreigners came from other prefectures. And some astonishing facts. They killed their grand kids. No kids found today, and some buddist flowers in a glass bottle on the road side. For them, a rented kind, anyway. Thus, just a flower arrangement is enough.

  The garden flowers in DOJO-KOJI were downward looking, as if they were ashamed of their arrangers' wrongdoings.

  I remembered that there were several bell orquids in our house. Now, in our courtyard, so few kinds of flowers are. Why? I don't know. the bell orquids were vivid, and had a more positive image. Puff french sleeves, only for lean arms like kids' ones. And Miyuki realized that I would be fine with the sleeves shape!

  However, the bell arquids here in DOJO-KOJI, were ashamed, evidently. Some regretful appearance, and appology, they did.

  Flowers, you are not responsible for the wrongdoing. They were the witness, however, they couldn't move at all. Not their fault. They were not able to stop it. No way, for them. Be nice and beautiful, as you are. Garden flowers for amusement of sight of people. They should be pretty, thus, upward, as always!!!

  And found some strange contradictional meanless plates of advertisement. They said, "Now in construction. Don't pass the road. However, now the construction is out of order." And an old man was monitoring my choice.

  An informant, he is. And I took a picture, and passed the road. I didn't found any construction equipment at all. Why they put the two contradictional plates? To catch some target. And they did, before me. The man was accustomed to do it. Normal figures also should be the target of the information job. The man put the plates to catch the target. He thought that it were his job to earn some money from the police.

  The road is near KAWACHI, a supermarket type gragstore. Thus, some passengers were caught by him, and some of them died in custody.

  They did as they liked. Old men also have a job, thus, they were dirty jobs. Retired police men, they were. And they did patroling in a real public patrol car. They forgot the fact that they had been retired. A gag. Alzheimer ex-police men were how evil!!!

  They earned their money as they liked. They faked to be qualified Administrative formality writers, called GYOUSEI-SHOSHI. At Kyorin Versity, some of my pupils said to me, "A lot of police men turn to be GYOUSEI-SHOSHI." I was in wonder, at that time, at first. Why? This profission is too difficult to be, because the exams were too harsh for common people. However, there were some technics. Personal connection, should be.

  I was astonished at the fact that all of my ex-collegues of the academic society of Adnimistrative Law were the examiners of the text. Oh, then, I could pass the exam, probably!!!

  And tried to answer the past test. Not so difficult as theory, however, jurisprudence should be memorized to solve the quiz type test. Almost 80% of the quizes were based on the past jurisprudence, with some contradictions.

  Yesterday, I showed my hatrid againg the old faked police, kicking some plates of advertizement, and took a picture with my foot. They wanted to revenge me. however, they forgot to do so. "HARUKA" was an attempt for collective suicide for wandering car tribe. And they should die in a body. However, the police men failed. And prefered to do revenge against us.

  They thought that they were doing justice. Their justice, which is called injustice by us. For them, no difference between injustice and justice, recognizable. Thus, again, the wrongdoings.

  Miyuki bought some chicken breast meat, because it was the least costive. And entered into an old confectionary called KASHIWA-YA. And took a free cherry blossom tea with some sweets for tasting. And got out without buying. And the ambulance came abruptly.

  For her, going out with a disposable paper cup offered by the confectionary is normal for us. However, for the DDMs in the area, this attitude should be punished. And failed. Why? Miyuki would get astonished.

  Not objection society, they wanted to espablished. And now, Miyuki is against their idiocracy entirely. Thus, they wanted to take any advantage of Miyuki's falure. And they failed. Miyuki didn't fail at all.

  Sneezing is not for being punished. Running nose also. Tasting without buying is also!!!

 And now, the police was managed by these old kinky bugs. Thus, they tried to catch me in the grocery. And today, in front of the old man's house.

  and an Ambulance chased me, with a siren. Nasty. however, it passed through me. Probably they forgot what to do now. Alzheimers they are, anyway.

   For them, mannors weighed all. And they all failed. They caught more precious figures, at first. They, the second. And the therd. And the end, MORIKO, OKINO and MIYUKI. The least valuable one, morally for our army. Almost similar to DDMs, they thought. However, totally different. Uniqueness values a lot, for Miyuki. For DDMs, the plain averege weighs a lot. Miyuki is liberalist, and they were totalitarians. They couldn't recognize the difference between Totalitarian and Liberalist.

  For them, anyway catchable was enough. Then, they remembered that we are different from them. For them, suicide insurance would be fine. However, for us, nothing at all. Errors, and errors. They tried to conceal them all. And they failed. The most distincitve way, we promised. And Miyuki did. She suid them at judiciary. And failed. Oh, Judiciary, you too!!!

  And then, Japanese Constitution, you too?! period. And they failed in a body. Pimps, they were. I don't want to be one of them. Constitutional Law professors should be pimps, was their order. And they turned to be so.

  Sota KIMURA should be the last, we expected. However, he was just the low quality DDM, Miyuki said. And he failed. No alternative. This profission was so contradictional. Thus, they disliked to be.

  No applicant at all, was always excuse for the vacancy. And Miyuki applied as always, and failed and failed. Miyuki didn't know the reason. Miyuki thought that "I am effective for us both. I am also Administrative Law professor, and Latin Americanist. Generally speaking, the versity should pay for 3 figures. I, only one salary. How rational choice!"

  However, they avoided Miyuki. Why? I am qualified to be a professor of law. I am productive. I am good at talking and writing, presentation, and some comical gags. Why, you, the versity, don't hire me????

  always Miyuki recognized in the last period. Now, no versity system at all. However, they say, "We are waiting for you to work with us!" Thus, Miyuki applied, and failed again. Too too formalistic evasion, as always, like in Japan. No material explanation at all.

  Thus, they really failed. They should retire from the universe. Not necessary at all. Why they induce Miyuki to apply? Expectation is more valuable than the reality itself, the rector YAMAZAKI in Aoyama Law School said to Miyuki. And she believed his suggestion, and conducted according to his instruction.

  Why he introduced Muguio ISHII, a faked lawyer without any legal knowlege neccewary for his job???? Miyuki almost lost her precious life because of his erroneous instruction. And lost US$120 for the meeting with the rector ATOMI at Kyorin University.

  They are too too forgetful, and tried to cover the error with collective power. Proof faking, they did. And now, they want to be...VANISH!!!!!! You have no chance to say so!!! Your word is counted as wrongdoing only!!!!

  And YUKARI attacked Miyuki again. When she tried to put the clothings into inside from veranda, YUKARI dashed and nudged Miyuki, and stopped her to do so, as if she were saying, "This is my own job, don't rob my only job at all!!!"

  A kind of joke, she did. She really wanted to retire from her work. however, when she heard that Miyuki's comming to do the job, she wanted to object the service. she just works for disturbing Miyuki only.

  and Miyuki tried again, because it passed 16:30, the period that her mother indicated her to put the clothings into inside the house. The clothings were in Veranda, and YUKARI started to put the clothings into the inside at that time again.

  Why again? Miyuki was astonished as always. At 16:00, she did ended up the job, Miyuki thought. however, she was there at 16:30 also. For Miyuki, her behavour is out of mind. And for her mother, also. Why she does everything so slow? Like an Alzheimer patient, they explained to her.

  YUKARI didn't realize the fact at all. And always talked on Miyuki's choice. Why she does so? I don't understand it, is her always saying. And Miyuki felt nasty when her mother asked her, "Where are you going these days? If you want, please reply." And Miyuki kept silent. It means, "It is not your matter, Mother!" And got out of the chamber, where YUKARI stays all day recently.

 Miyuki presumed that all day long YUKARI asked the question. And her mother tried to ask Miyuki direcly. And failed. I don't want, thus I don't reply, it meant. And her mother understood.

  Always Miyuki is rational. thus, she has some reason to do so. Milk should be bought in the lowest price, would be a convenient explanation. however, Miyuki prefered to keep secret. Her choice. She doesn't want to say at all. Just it.

  And YUKARI continued to remain in her chamber. Why Miyuki is always so cold, is her question. Miyuki laught at the question. To avoid nasty result, of course!!!

 Miyuki's cool way was too too kinky for them. If they have explanation, they should do it, as they could, is DDMic way. No time to do so, and no legitimacy to require so. My own matter, is the shortest reply. However, Miyuki did know the result. Too too logical remark stimulated her mother's frustration. Thus, just keeping quiet is the best policy for us all.

  Miyuki knows the way of OYAJI. Too too coward at this point. Avoiding the worst result, and the worse result eather.

  Miyuki is too too kind to behave like that. YUKARI would not learn at all. Forever indulged girl, and nasty anyway. And she persists to stay her place. Inside in the minimum concealed space, we thought. However, she couldn't put up with the condition, and enhanced the territory. The representative of DDMs.

 Shirakawa was destroyed by them, we could say. For them, nothing. Just a tea saloon was required for them. and the maitenance, by tax. Terrible preference. They should vanish at that time.

  And they failed. No commercial zone in Shirakawa. Only some DDMic stores. RISAIAN is a kind of this. Too too smelly cheapy perfumed air in the grocery shop entirely. Miyuki picked her nose to show that she recognized the smell. And got out without buying anything at all. Not cheap for today. And took a breath outside, showing, how smelly it was.

  Too too nasty smell in the foods shop was as always for them. They disliked the natural sense. Thus, Tea Ceremony Tribe didn't do tea ceremony at all!!!

  Smell and taste was also important factors for tea ceremony. Sense of season, at least, the subject needed. And they failed.

  They used such kind of perfume in case of tea ceremony!!!! Astonishing fact!!!! Miyuki couldn't put up with the strong smell, however, any other clerks didn't care at all!!!

  Oh, 4 squad, they composed, probably. Only one client Miyuki, and they came from inside to attend her. Why so many? Miyuki got in doubt, and got out because of their price and smell.

  And they failed. They should fail on the day of HARUKA event, shouldn't they????

  Miyuki thought that today, no kid day. Only she met 2 kids playing in BENIMARU store in SHOWAMACHI. Disturbing, thus, we adults should put up with type normal movement.

  And yesterday, also in the same shop, she watched that a mother of an infant scolded her and spunk her bottom, by so trifle reason. Nasty, Miyuki thought. DDMic family, they are, Miyuki confirmed.

  Everyday, fewer kids fenomenum. For DDMs, not shoking. And only DDMic kids vanishing is not at all for us, either.

  Miyuki should know the fact. They are monopoly game perticipants. And they lost anyway. They did unnecessary "Shop keeping play" like kids. and they required money for us without any legitimacy. They were basing on the theory of "Shein Theorie" without knowing the content. Idiots. Thus they failed.

  Before starting the play, they should know the exact meaning, at least, Miyuki thought. For them, too too complicated. Then, they should have refrained from it. And they lost.

  Only for unknown figures, it weighs. The explication. And for them, who is unknown should be decided by themselves.

  And they failed again and again. No testing was served in supermarkets, even on Sunday. And found that the cubic of het, greece of cow meat, is free in BENIMARU, in YOKOMACHI, and picked 10 tiny packages for her cooking.

  And the prices of MAGOKORO Milk were different between SHOUWAMACHI and YOKOMACHI. Why? Same franchise.

 Miyuki wanted to buy a carton in KAWACHI, because once she watched the lowest price. However, today, in KAWACHI, milk is expensive, and in SHOWAMACHI, also.

 Only YOKOMACHI, she could buy the normal priced milk. Necessity, anyway. I consume 1 little of milk per day. thus, I need to buy one carton per day. Necessity is different among us. For some kids, milk is nasty drink. However, Miyuki and her kids, necessity.

  Miyuki knows that they stocks their delicious milk in another referegerator. And agreed the way. OK, I will buy mine. I need to do so, however, I just economized in the limit. Common use, I thought, and they didn't refuse this hypothese at all!

 And Put her name on all of her foods in referegerator, like Platinum Tribe, at that epoch. Normal for them. Why not? Common use, except marking or separation. YUKARI or Alex said so, and I followed their instruction. Why not?

  And always someone took some belongings from Miyuki's only box. food or dish. Why?

  Miyuki didn't understand the system. DDMic confusion game, they say. We all should refuse their world at all!!! Only one DDM could do so.

  Wi-Fi is advertized by some NTT related company and some restaurant in DOJO-KOJI. The town's name was confused as DOJO-Machi, as always, and they put the wrong name on the signs in public. On the electricity poles, and the bus stop poles. They don't care what they wrote. They don't need any information written world's residents.

  Thus they failed. Just they faked. And they want.. VANISH! DDMs!!! M&A in rage!!!!

  Too too persistent!!!! Muck!!!! No mercy for them, at all!!!!

  The concoved warning advertisement, why? With rubber stings. Miyuki is in doubt. They are too too indifferent from the materials, objectives, siginificance and so on. We can't put up with them at all.

  For them, only muck world. No any significance at all. however, for us, the beautiful universe, we belong to. Objectively we should judge. They are nasty evil wrongdoers, no value to survive. Why they appeared today? All of them should turn to be steam or fog in the night. The most lowest quality type remained as always like YUKARI.

  She did her nasty work, also today. you should not need to do, Auntie. Retire from your nasty jobs, OK? Miyuki would replace you anyway. And she got up!!! No way. Hatred is her only existance. No other impulse.

  Always Miyuki triggers her movement. She is accustomed to do so, and now, she want..

  VANISH! DDMs!!! 

YUKARI's End (134)

2017-04-09 11:07:14 | 日記

09/04/2017 (Sunday, morning) It's raining. Warm spring rain of gift. Not nasty one.

  I did washing for my family, and was writing a letter to IZUMI-san, my boss in this region. The machine stopped after the function. Then, YUKARI appeared, and she started to wash the same clothings!!! Too too useless, harmful and costive. She did it! She did it!!!!

  We was astonished at her audacious choice. She can't recognize the difference with dried ones and wet ones. Terrible. Thus, she repeated the washing jobs, incessantly. For her, washed up clothings are the same as the clothings waiting to be washed. Then, she pushed the starting botton again.

  I should have taken the clothings before her repeated attacking. My failure. However, I could confirm her unnecessary repetition working today. It weighs as a proof. One more added proof for her Alzheimer disease.

  Now my mother is out of house. Where, I don't know. And YUKARI did her wrongdoing again.

  Probably, my mother already has known her symptom. Just I myself needed to confirm it, by myself. And I got it.

  Individually we should know her symptom. Indifferent from others' information. We should judge as individual. My words are not influentical at all. I am a kind of a baby for the rest of our family. However, even a baby got to confirm her serious illiness. Now YUKARI has no evasion at all.

  MIYUKI got to notice her inclination to collect something similer by her own standard. She collected some black and white bird shape turtan check, called CHIDORI GOUSHI. And Miyuki found a lot of clothings with this shape. For MIYUKI, not at all. They were too too wide for her. And the rubber belt. Miyuki dislikes it, because the waiste should be maintained in a good size, especially. Until 60 cm, for her standard. However, the bird shape design texture skirt is for the figure who has 66-70 cm's waiste. Not for MIYUKI at all!!!

  And she found a Ralf Lauran stripe Y-shirt, that YUKARI bought when she earned money at the fundation at US$200 !!!

  Only she could buy it type. For me, the maxmum, US$50, even in my traditional British inclination days. However, she could buy it. And she washed it. Now, she put it in the mount of clothings near MIYUKI's old stocks of clothings. Just for rural area only type clothings, MIYUKI put in. Now she put it on it. Miyuki deduced that she wanted to participated in Alex's entrance ceremony, probably.

  Alex asked her to come with him. And failed. MIYUKI is too too clever that even agricultural course has finished already. Thus, he couldn't ask Miyuki to come. And he asked YUKARI what would be needed for tomorrow. Miyuki heard it, and thought that they were going to the school together.

  Anyway, I am free from their wrongdoing. I would not prepare for the messy ceremony for some evil sake. I am out of the project at all.

  Then, Miyuki gained. Not jealous at all medal!!! Even her son called YUKARI to his ceremony, MIYUKI didn't feel any sympathy to go there. Just finished type...Oh, again, you start the game???

  Miyuki is too too nasty not to get up early in the morning. Miyuki is busy to do her job. She is busy, anyway. Some jobs were asked by someone. She is assured her income until September. However, she prefers to be busy to do her job. Doing nothing is not good for her. She wants to work in a certain organization, probably. International, probably, because she prepares a lot of International strange foods in her limited ingredients. A training, a kind of. And they deduced. At least, for Miyuki, doing nothing is a kind of torture, while for YUKARI, doing nothing is a kind of pleasure.

 Her belief, Alex commented. Doing nothing is ordered by her religious hero called Moon Seng Ming, a Korean writer or so. She was influenced by his idealism, and she prefered to be an Alzheimer rather than to be a normal people like us. Auntie is a kinky, and Miyuki is always a liberalist. She didn't change her ideology at all.

 Alex is a kind of torture should be, YUKARI thought. Nothing at all. He is doing something for himself. Chatting a kind of training for him. discommunication is too too bad for him. Talkative type he is. Thus, they failed. They didn't want to talk with him, because he looked like an American. And he wanted to buy a bomber jacket, as MIYUKI presumed. Oh, good! I want to have one....However, all XL type. Not for me. Bomber jacket for kids only, made with leagher....Too too rare!!! It would exist, however, rare, thus, the price should be too expensive for MIYUKI. And appeared cheapish bomber type Denim jacket. Who would buy such a cheapish clothing???? Miyuki igonored it at once. And they failed.

  Neuro marketing it is called. They advertized by their own media, or train news, sponsored by NIKKEI Shimbun, a major journalism at that time. And they failed. They thought that the method were totally cool for them all. However, as our standand, they are the real inhumanity at all. A big descrepance between their value and ours. Why? Miyuki took some pictures of it. Commercial news should be maintained repeatedly, thus, they repeatedly broadcasted. And Miyuki took again.

  Thus, YUKARI failed. Again, Auntie? You did the washing already twice. And now, the third!!!

   YUKARI is different from us all!!! They all thought. And Miyuki alone thought that anyway, she were some creature. however, she at first thought that YUKARI were a broken robot, then gorem, and zombie, and alien, and finally, muck.

  This is the process of their thought. How she could move? By instinct. Maternal one, at first. Then, just impulse, Then, sexual desire. Then addiction. Then, finally, only as a habit.

  Muck remained until it vanishs. This is the proverb, newly invented by Alex. OKINO adopted it for teaching to DDMic class. Miyuki's genous kid called BAKABON invented a new exact remark to represent our problem, she said. And the pupils kept secret...Dumbs, OKINO got upset. Again, Auntie? Your job ended up. Your versity dream was done, anyway.

  Versity should be, OKINO thought. Miyuki understands her intention. Nice try, OKINO. You should confirm it. Thus, your mission completed. We deduced it already, and had no intention to confirm the aquared fact. However, you did. You proved once more. Not anti-productive for us all. For her dream, yes. However, for our army, good job, anyway....

  OKINO got dissapointed at the result. Dream should come true, she thought. And her versity foundation dream went to more pragmatic school founding jobs. Systems, yes. And for common people, not so commplicated type should be. They learn as they like. Just take care of your own spirit. And Miyuki found that her rainy wear was in the closet on the second floor. And...oh, she did? Anyway, I would take a bit of rainy walking.

  MIYUKI wanted to wear vivid red vinil rainy wears with red vinil boots. However, she couldn't find them at all. Tokyo should be fashionable, Miyuki thought, however, nothing cultural or interesting at all. Boresome. Just like HACHIOJI. Worse than SHIRAKAWA.

  And SHIRAKAWA is not good at all. Thus, she could do her job, as she likes. If she has time, she would be a fashion designer. She could do it! However, she wants to continue her jobs. She should design well, and did already sometimes, and for shoe design, she got a prize. however, the idea was stolen with some cheapish prize.

  This is the reality of the world. And they all failed. No design world, we could say. Only imitation of the others. Not unique at all. And worse than original.

  Miyuki found resemblance between some Paris designers' costume with the middle ages ones, she watched in some pictures in Museums. And they did the dirty working. Terrible choice they did. Sell what they have, as they like type movement. DANSHARI, it was called. And YUKARI is a follower of it. And she failed. Only one world, they chose. Reluctant to work, and relied on others, especially families. My sister is rich, however, I am poor. It is injustice for us, is the claim of the hermits.

  IZUMI-san got to know the resemblance among the other examples. One of them is the real earner of bread, others not.

  And Miyuki's family, Miyuki paid for her thrifty foods, while others relies on her father. Individual, she said. and she wants to move to other place, more warmer, and safe one. Only as a provisional measure, I need to stay here. She decided to ask him, expecting his agreement, and put, "How do you think of it, Father? I would like to be agreed with you, anyway." And she gained advantage from her added remarks. At least, she did know her limit.

  Just for precarious, she wanted to stay. Thus, a tiny space, she is sufficient. And she likes to stay like this. Because, it costs low, probably. Only for sleeping type space, and minimum office space for her writing. And YUKARI gained too much space to do her wrongdoing. And MIYUKI got to notice the resemblance with the DDMic ocupation. Thus, she is the representative of DDMs. At first, as a welcomed by other's kindness, then she started to be one of them, and then, she started to require her property, indifferent from her ilegitimacy. And enhanced, incessantly.

  Shibuki did the same, probably. Her parents said that SHIBUKI had some part of our mountain, common NANKO mauntain, it should be...strange. And found two antenas on the top of the mountain. For faking like a building, Miyuki got in doubt. too too kinky. Just an old kinky bug could do it type black joke, they did.

  And found that only Sato Family is surrounded by 4 quares by neighbours. Why? They want to attack everytime they could, probably. They were abusers, at all. On school problem, TAMAYA apartment residents. On agricultural jobs, Kojima residents. On forestry and construction, Shibuki, and house building, Sakuma. And parking lots, School.

  They wanted to inform any trifles to the police to earn some money. And they did and failed.

  Miyuki had a nasty experience with a kid of TAMAYA residents. He came without sound back of Miyuki's car moving. Oh, ATARIYA, she felt. And thought he would be 4 years old. And her father said, "He should be 7 years old". It means that he should judge the danger by himself age, he reached.

  Too too small, in shape, and their movement are slow like old guys. Sportive faking, they are. Reluctant, Miyuki felt. Baseball fun didn't do such a movement. They liked to play the game, however, too too nasty to play it type movement. Downward looking substitute.

  And found that not amusing atmosphare in the kids and their parents or grand parents. Some cautious gazing to Miyuki. Miyuki felt it, and found that they are already losing their spirit.

  Informants are looking downward. New proverb, in this area. OKINO felt it exactly today. Sunday school, anyway. Once a week type, she tried. However, the result is the proof of IDIOCRACY.

  Not yet type movement. Why they are so many? We muckrake everyday. Reducing, anyway. However, not complitely.

  Muckraking should be perfect, is the proverb. We should take caution, yes. However, we should do someting. Not doing means allowence for the residue of Muck.

  Thus, Miyuki would do a bit amusing errand trip in town. With her newly gained size different heavy cute boots. Anyway colourful. Red, I would have someday. however, for now, lucky spring colours. I should be a well understanding emperor combined with a lowest ranking soldier.

  They call me a baby. OK, for their understanding, it should be called like that. Better than nasty expressions.

  And Miyuki believed that some guys were alive, even now. At least, some friends of Alex and Clare were normal. After grown up, I don't know. However, they were normal kids, anyway. We played with them, and I liked their common kids way. We were friends, in some way.

  And they failed. They dissapeared anyway. Even in the kindest ones, turned to be evil DDMs. Yes, possibly. I don't rely on others, except us. Then, if they are alive, Oh, you too! type astonishment and pleasure. And if they failed, they chose it, thus, we got to know it type, no sympathy at all. Thus, too too harsh for them. Affection, they expected. however, Miyuki and Adachi's affection is different. Rather belongings with memories. They yells me lots. And nostargic talking starts. Adachi is accustomed to the way already. Anyway, you are older than me. You have some intimidation with the holdings, anyway, Auntie.

  Adachi is a kind of brave type. A bit violent. And he bahaved rightously. Thus, Miyuki felt a bit different. I couldn't break other's nose at all with my fist!!! ADACHI was respected by this episode by her. Gee, she respects me at this point. I thought that she would blame me....Oh, the same type!!!!

  Adachi's mother came to her office and talked on the episode. A strange episode. In a train, they met. They, Adachi and his old ex-colleague at his school days. The boy took some pictures of some girl there, without noticing it for her. Adachi approached him, and said to him, "Don't do it!" And the struggle. And he gave a big fist on the nose of his ex-colleague.

  Several days after, the boy and his parent, probably his mother came to ADACHI's house, explaining the situation, and finally, they appoligies to ADACHI.

  Miyuki thought that it would be normal. They did invide her privacy. And ADACHi saved her. They failed, thus, they appologised. Probably, the parent came to claim his wrong violence to Adachi's parents. However, at least, after some conversation, they got to realize that their kid did wrong. Thus, they appologied. Normal attitude.

  And her mother talked the episode, as a common story. And Miyuki thought that they were normal people. If Miyuki would be the parents or kid, did the same thing. Wanted to claim, however, understood that we did wrong, thus, appology did.

  ITSUKAICHI is an extremely rural area. Miyuki visitied MORIKO junior high to see MOTEGUI's class. He made his all effort to make a good class lesson. And the teachers appreciated him well. He helps us a lot! He did his preparation all in non sleeping mode.

  And Miyuki felt Oh, MOTEGUI, you are suitable for the job. Better than me!!!

  Preparation, Miyuki disliked. Just for teaching, why type. And did the least. And avoided such a making effort type bahaviour. and got a success subjectly, and nothing, by Kyorin appreciation system. Always in the lowest ranking. No enthusiasm at all type. However, why only me? Yes, I am not an enthusiastic type. More sinical and cool type. However, other professors were worse at teaching at all, and they got the prizes for the best teachers.

  Index would be different, Miyuki thought. and they pretended to make all effort to prepare the lesson, and Miyuki got to know that they didn't anything at all. No class at all!!!

  Thus, the end. Alex decided not to go to school, and Miyuki said, "Anyway, life first. Education? You can manage it by himself." And he found that education means in the realy broadest way. Almost all of things would be the object of being learned. Thus, he really quit his high school faking.

  Only you, Auntie. Miyuki's education is different. Miyuki prefers to educate herself, and she thinks that we should do the same. Only you want to play the role of the teacher in some school of your DDMic religion. Not we, at all!!!

  Glory Church, it was called. And found that the bigger church was called with some foreigner's name. And wedding photo studio run by SUZUYA, and confectionary serving for the ceremony. And a kinky castle like love hotel on the middle of the mountain. Disney type small one, which uses some eye trick to enphasise the size. Cheapish! And there, the air was evidently cold. Why? Miyuki put her jacket on, and after passing the zone, Miyuki got sweat. Strange place!!!

  IKKYO's memorial hall, it was called. Already done type. And they worked for it. Oh, Alzheimer, probably. They didn't want to believe that they are really muck. Thus, they tried to fake some positive job. Thus, the disaster.

  Wedding without love is IKKYOTO's catch copy. Terrible. For money, yes. Thus, they failed.

  Miyuki is too too cool to know that their pupils approached her for her money, and didn't rely on them at all financially. She doesn't rely on anyone, at this point. YUKARI thought differently. The kids should be a thief, and it would damage her, and did the dirty work. Reliance breaking jobs. And she gained for the sake of it, by DDMic army, thus, she got arrogant like that.

  She should do so, because of her religion, they advocated. And disaster, incessantly. Alzheimer patients, they were revealed. YABUKI Hospital wants to catch them. They needs patients, as the president said. And they did the dirty job.

  HARUKA, is the formal name. And HANAKAGARI is back yard. HANA means sakura, and KAGARI is night fire. Thus, some fire works or incident? However, it was rainy. And they failed.

  Miyuki imagined that collective suicide they wanted to do, because in Japan, suiciders should be paid by Insurance company. And fire insurance would pay for the fire incident. Double income, they wanted to have. And some medical treatment should be needed for medical insurance. Public damage, thus, compensational act would work for the sake.

  They wanted to earn like that, and they failed. Miyuki was totally indifferent form the spooky event. Why me???

  Miyuki wanted to know that today was also calcurated for Miyuki's nasty death.???? Because Miyuki is too spooky to them. Our pleasure. And they wanted to kill Miyuki and Adachi. As usual. They are Alzheimer patients. Too too repetition.

  Miyuki understood that every family has its own broken robot. Yes!!! And we thought that Miyuki were it. Probably. And now, they got to know that Miyuki earns lots as diligent worker, anyway.

  Just doing nothing type, they decided to categorize her, and failed. They wanted Miyuki perticipate to their army. Not at al! They are smelly DDMs!!! Muck, not at all!!!!

  Thus, they asked, "Do you want not to do muck or want to eat as a human being?" Of course, I want to eat delicious foods. Not doing muck? What does it mean? I prefer eating, anyway. As a result, I will do muck, yes. However, as a creature, it is normal at all!!!!

  And they failed. At that time, they decided to attack on the earth???? Two years ago. In May, 2015. The came long long ago. And forgot it, probably. Muck like memory, they had.

  And you should know that memory should be trained much. Thus, talkative is good. Thus, Miyuki wants to talk. However, with whom????

  Now the problem. So tiny number of people, and most of them like to listen. OK, talking head! House should be burned!!!!

  DDMic house only!!!! And the nusence. How should we do???

  That is the problem. Taking off is the best, however, DDMs disturbe the job. They don't understand the importance, and they believe that they would have won. Vanishing is only one policy for them all, no alternative.

  And they failed. Again and again, terrible shoking wrongdiongs they continued to do. Every wandering, we fould the traces. Painful. However, we should know the fact.

  Muck likes paste....Oh, my paste!!!! Chicke beas turned to be Turkish paste, added with olive old. Easy cooking, I didn't know the skill. Miyuki thought that turkish dish were a kind of complicated process required. However, too too easy.

  Doing is easier than meditating. Thus, Miyuki would do her Italian cooking for her lunch!!! Two legs are left, and some basil leaves, tomato sauce, olive and garlic, and short pasta!!! It would be a perfect lunch for her. And some paste with leftover of TOMBURI. It would combine with chick peas paste, probably. And anchovi!!!!! Too too Italian, with a bit of Turkish flavour. They are relatives.

  Miyuki got to know that Islamic culture influenced in Italian Cuisine. Thus, Meditarranean plates are so delicious and full of varieties!!!!

  See you soon on our blog!!!

  Vanish! DDMs!!!!

YUKARI's End (133)

2017-04-09 00:55:10 | 日記

 They wanted to play with Miyuki, probably???? They were so nasty fellow, who visit 3 oclock in the morning. Not usual time at all. Why now? Miyuki got thrilled and slept again. And talked the visit after her awaking, as soon as to her mother. Pribably newspaper delivering staff, she said. Miyuki was in doubt, however, Miyuki refrained from her opinion. And got a success. A kind of joke, they thought. 3 oclock in the morning, is not a joke, for us, common people. For some rare figures, yes, probably. however, for us, not at all.

  and got to know that YUKARI disliked MIYUKI so much, and she presumably ordered the squad, and two of them came, and others not. And YUKARI regretted it. Only once, she said. And she lost the chance. YUKARI really wanted to kill Miyuki again. She is a kind of "Die hard" type. Thus, she should be killed repeatedly.

  Again, Auntie? Miyuki did know the fact. YUKARI is so so hating you, MIYUKI. Me too. I hate her. And Miyuki is in the side of rightous ones. Yes, of course. Thus, just presume, why she conducts like that, in the kinkiest way. And write to us all, yes, of course. Or, it would be in vain.

  Thus, YUKARI failed. Miyuki would be the first, and she would be the second. She planned her assasin schedule. Anyway, she is jobless now. No value at all. And no benefit at all. And failed. She has a job, and latent jobless, anyway. and she is good at pointing the problems. And she likes to wrote for them all. Thus, they failed. YUKARI's side, they yelled. Anyway, she is the sister of MIYUKI. And Miyuki's side, no one. DDMs world is too too contradictional. Miyuki is a nasty figure, while YUKARI is not so nasty. Just messy type. Thus, they chose YUKARI, and failed.

  And now, Miyuki got to know that in reality, they did all of these wrongdoings. Alzhemeimer like jobs, they were called. Why they put wrong name on the mountain? They establishe a new shrine gate, TORII, in the same site of collecting scatters. Blasphamare, we call it. however, for them, totally normal. and Miyuki looked up the mountaing, and found a newly constructed tumbs over the head. Why the did so?

 Now, Miyuki took a nap for a while. A wide vast field filled with weed flowers, in the early in the morning. And them some cabege field. And then, a hibiscus. What does mean? Weed flowers field is more promissive for the future. Cabege is eatable, however, sufficient is good type. Hibiscus is for watching in a trip scene. Different type of plants. Vegetation, they thought, and they sent the message. Oh, rabbit, I dreamt???? Miyuki thought that spring field would be covered with weeds, in case of vacant. And vegitables for necessity. Hibiscus, just one is enough, to cheer up the life. Now, Miyuki is dreaming of the nasty vacant houses' earth should turn to forest. A big forest, mountains connected with NASU.

  Miyuki found that RAIZIN Mountain was connected with NANKO mountain ranges. However, now, the valley like houses discomunicated the place. And the illusion, she was mesmarized. She was looking for the nakid mountain of MITSUMINE Shrine, then appeared another moutain range related with NANKO forest. And she was in the brige nearest ASAHI High School. Why? The bold montain was near another brige, called ENMHOUJI bridge. I am in a different place. Or, I was moved by someone????

  Anyway, I know the way. Thus, I go. Miyuki passed the bridge, and they failed again. Miyuki didn't feel strange? Felt yes, however, sometimes happens. In Tokyo, also. And found that they are in the shrinking jobs. Thus, some kinky expressions here and there. Why NENGUMACHI turned to be MOTOMACHI? Or vice versa????

  Confusing, however, we should accept it. Mountain range should be connected. OK, I agree. And they should be more fatty. I think so also. And houses. We want to replace them, anyway. They are too too nasty and probably harmful for us all. Chemical materials. ABC construction material  Company would do the nasty jobs again and again. Thus, it includes nasty smelly nusance producing materials, probably. Thus, we need to take them off all!! Only necessary for human beings, under the accordance of FAUNA & FLORA, we can use. Not so greedy space. Modest spaces are sufficient for us all.

  And got to know that old cherry blossoms near her Auntie's house are ready to bloom. More than 150 years ago, someone planted them, probably. And almost 10 of them survived anyway. They are at least living. We can appreciate the beautiful blooming of them.

  And FLORA didn't fail at all!!!! They loved to be beautiful, however, Miyuki said, "Oh, this year, Cherris, Plums, Camerias are all in the same time blooming!!! The climate changes!!!" And Camerias looked downward. Thus, Miyuki conforted, "Not because of you, Camerias. Just a temperature or sunshine problem. You are the victims, you should not be ashamed at all. We all know that you are excessively feeling shame, because of other's shameful conducts. Don't worry! We understand you, and you should be upword looking, more beautiful way to bloom. You deserve to be appreciated. You are beautiful. Don't be ashamed yourselves!!" And a toutch. And nose toutch for herself. A kind of sympathy.

  Narcisus, or Doffodiles are not anymore downward. They looked more beautiful with the position. Of course, Doffodiles are not for "strict standing pose like the lowest soldier". However, with their original shape, you look so beautiful. And toutched them and nose toutch.

  Touching is a nasty, they claimed a bit, however, soft touch is not so bad. Anyway, she didn't cut them at all. Sometimes, stomps, however, endurable.

  And got to know that Dandilions were reducing as much as possible. Why?

  They were so many when my kids were infants. They liked to make a blow of mouth with the dried seeds of them. Yes, Dandilions roots are too deep and sometimes it gives a damage to other flowers, however, not so bad. Yellow spring, it was in Shirakawa. And now, so few dandilions.

  Probably, the surfice was changed by DDMs, and only some different weeds could survive. JISHIBARI or Dandilions similar type is also rare recently. The surfice spreads on the earth type. Yellow is now provived by Narcisus.

  Better than last year. In HACHIOJI, only AJUSAI or rainy ball like flowers and TACHIAOI only. Sun flowers died with their dishonour, I knew. Other flowers were also dead.

  Now in Shirakawa, the species are different, however, anyway, weeds cover the earth, in some fields. Some nakid earth fields mean that the construction movement continues.

  And they should vanish now. Too too nasty figures, they are. Constructing Alzheimers. They are genuinly ready to construct without any reason. Impulse, we call it. And the pebbles. Now, Miyuki's family's house's courtyard is almost bald, because of pebbles spread. Why? No one explains at all. Probably, SHIBUKI is an informant, and did the dirty work, as usual. And now, they failed. They were wrongdoers, we got to know.

  Yesterday, in the end of my work, in the midnight, they failed. I heard the sound. Why they were so near to my place???

  Some kind of joke, they did, Miyuki thought. They informed, as much as they knew on Miyuki's family. It was their jobs. Nothing without it. Thus, they failed. And TOBE should know that their cousins were also evil wrongdoers. Oh, you, TOCCHAN, too?

  Miyuki's not dissapointed. And TOBE thinks that Miyuki is not so usual. Thus, she was caught. OK, Miyuki's version up type. Miyuki would like to work for FAUNA & FLORA. And Miyuki likes to struggle for something. Alway, I want to make efforts to fight against....type. a kind of game. Serious game, which is valuable to do so.

  The planet was already replaced by the DDMic army. They didn't do anything. Just pledge, they required. "We would assure your lifetime safety, while, you should offer the most important thing for us." Thus, they failed.

  Momoe YAMAGUCHI's song!!! "For you I would like to give the most important thing of us girls." And they gave their lives!!!

  They lost spirit at that time, and lifetime safety only existance. And Miyuki got to know that they were too too stupid. Why they, the DDMic army didn't erase them at the same time of the pledge??? Lifetime insuranced safety, thus, with losing life, the safety should be done. Not your duty type some extra privilege they gave to the skin bags.

  Just muck, ADACHI claimed. Muck rakers. Miyuki did the jobs, repeatedly. Every article has some part of muck. Without exception. Why they continue the dirtiest muck producing jobs, without stopping????

  Miyuki's dream is colourful. Usually, colourful, Miyuki thought. However, DDMic theory, dreams has no colour. When she said that my dreams has colours, the nurse responded, "Oh, thus, you are genus!"?????

  Miyuki didn't blieve that colourless dreaming is common among us. Because, we are not colour blind, thus, we represent the same scenes or modified versions through dreaming. More natural, less costive in the system.

  Miyuki didn't know the theory of blind world???? Blind dream some beautiful world!!! Oh, colours??? Sometimes. Oh, better! Recognition ability, they has. Some function disturbe to see the world, probably.

  And smells? My dream has no smell at all, as much as I remember. And temperature? Sometimes. Usually not. however, in case of "I should have gone to toilet before getting asleep" situation, I sometimes enter in a pond. Sometimes, winter snowy or icy pond. And I have to get up to go to toilet.

  Direct dream, she has. Toilet dreaming, is a kind of mechanism of dreaming. Always, regretful not to have gone to toilet. Sorry, Miyuki is so honest to say so. Nasty? Amusing.

  And some eaten up situation, Miyuki's dream is a kind of suffering. And regret again. I should not have eaten so much...Nasty agnozing dream she has.

  It is said, "Dreaming comes from internal organ's disfunction" as a proverb, OKINO said.

  Miyuki is too too direct to remember such kind of dream. Thus, Miyuki contributed to science discovery. Dreaming is a kind of outlet of frustration. Thus, the value is limited, they say. However, a kind of understanding how I realy feel type function is also important. Thus, interpretation of the dreaming. Not so "priority" type working, however, sometimes, it works. And sometimes, it predicts and warns what we should take care in the near future.

  KUWABARA KIWABARA, Miyuki said, when she wanted to avoid the disaster predicted for the near future. And the disaster is YUKARI. Now she is in the calm period. However, Miyuki watched her irritating lots. Thus, tomorrow, not predictable. Anyway, I will get out of here, as much as possible, if it would be fine tomorrow. And if it rains tomorrow, we had an interesting jobs related on my attacking on Tokyo Metropolitan Office. Thus, both, we can enjoy entirely.

  Miyuki is not good at math, YUKARI said. VANISH, DDMs!!!!

  Then YUKARI turned to be an emperor again. Vanish!

  YUKARI is a kind of nasty figure for the family yes. however, evil, not at all, they believed, and failed.

  Auntie, are you all right? You are a liar, yes. However, you are too too chicken to kill Miyuki, right, Auntie??? Thus, Auntie got upset and declared, "I am too brave to have killed Miyuki once. Now she is the ghost because of My killing job. She should have died anyway. Too nasty figure for us all, OK, Alex. I am not a chicken at all! You should know it well, boy!"

  She explained how she informed Miyuki's wrongdoing, and Alex heard it with a lot of pacience. How many times, she said so? How many times, she killed Miyuki, he thought.

  And now, she should know it. Time limit. Her time is exhausted. She fainted at once, and then, slept a bit. Some kind of fainging habit she got, they talked. A kind of anemia, Miyuki thought. And she got up, and said. I went to sleep anyway. Good. Go and sleep well.

  Her day passes like that. She liked to be a mimic of Miuki's habit. And created her own style. She is different from us all, Clare decided. Not hospitality type. Miyuki's a kind of trainee only type. Different, yes. However, she knows hospitality. She explains what she needs and why. And knows what to behave. A soldier in ther lowest ranking. And got a success in her family. Todai related can't do it, they rumoured. Sato Family produced a monster. and Miyuki is a kind of them, probably. Miyuki is the nasty newly born type. Already done type here and there. however, always newcomer type. Not forgetful, however, she likes to find the new fronteer anyway. For her, new is good and interesting. Curiosity, anyway. Thus, Clare said, "Oh, Auntie, Miyuki is totally different from you. She is a versity graduate, however, she is always curious to find a new amusement. She likes to enjoy her life." And YUKARI failed again.

  Today, Miyuki found a MITCHIKU dog in "SUZUKI Construction Company" became solid. The last stage of skin bugs. Several days ago, it moved slightly as if it said, "" However, it looked like already in dead condition.

  Pet problem, it would be caused, they worried about. however, nothing. They devided to two. Obedient to their kinky DDMic bosses, or to our army. An ordial for dogs, however, they should choose the way.

  And some of them survived. Probably, they would find some friends among us. Don't worry. We don't abandon our friends. Not feeding type, sometimes, however, we treat you, as our friends.

  Alex wanted to have a puppy, and failed. to be independent, at first, they, you should think well of it. You should learn a lot of things from us. Thus, he failed. And gained her grand mother's confidence. He said, OK, I will have in the future. Now, sometimes, we will meet my pet friends.

  OK, Alex. You should feed some animals, however, before it, you should show your respoinsibility as a human being. Thus, you decide to feed someday, after your independence.

  Miyuki's education is for independence to them. Not getting out from the family. YUKARI made a mistake and influenced bady to the kids. Miyuki was a cruel mother to them. And Miyuki should be a good mother, she thought, and dialed to the police. "My sister is law is a kind of monsters. We need your help. We should be saved by you, the police." And Alex claimed to hear the story. She repeated it again and again. Not necessarily. She liked to be superior to Miyuki. Miyuki catching game was so so exciting for her. Anyway, I am a illed figure, and she was a mentally illed one. Miyuki is inferior to me, OK, Alex.

  And he failed. he said "Yes, Ma'm" to her. And she said, "Oh, good boy. You would be my boyfriend, anyway. You are beautiful, anyway. You are plump and childish, and too fat fot my boyfriend...."

  And he failed to escape from her. Never ending story mode, they said. She repeated the stories as long as possible. No stopping as always. We should escape from the mode, anyway. And the end. she stopped saying, and asked. What I should do now? Go to sleep in your chamber, Auntie. Thus, YUKARI went downstairs.

  Long long story for her. And we are tired of it. DDMs only figure. For us, time consuming, and nasty feeling. Just a conmpliment is enough and no true reliable relationship, she wanted. She is a good girl for DDMic society.

  You should live in the other world, Auntie. And she failed. OK, for her. And now, it was too too awkward to move her from the chamber of her mother. Thus, "You should go out from this chamber now" is the most kind words for her.

  She should know the limit, and she can't. Thus, she should vanish! And she vanished.

  Miyuki and ADACHI got sleepy with the YUKARI's episodes. Excessively told. And we need to take a rest.


  See you in the morning!!! Miyuki and ADACHI, always with you!!!