YUKARI's End (165)

2017-04-19 23:44:06 | 日記

Now, Miyuki refleshed with TOM-YAM-Wang Tong soup, roasted Fried Soy Card with picked ginger slices, and heatly yogurt trifle with strway berry and stewed orange peels.

 Rabby's quick comments on OMANKO Journalism.

 The first news today is:

  So many foreigners visited Japan. Almost all of them were Chinese and Koreans. Probably, OMANKO journalists calculate residents foreigners as visitors. They can't recognize the differenct between residencial type and visitors. history is out of mind for them.

  Without them, no foreigners at all, they confessed. Not attractive country, filled with anti-constitutional wrongdoings. Who wants to come? No one. Even Chinse and Koreans don't want, however, Japanese Government provided some benefit for them. Thus, they turned to be IKKYO believers and did the wrongdoings.


The next news is:

 Tokyo Olimpic is just an excuse to prolong the end of this rotten country. Tokyo metroplitan office made a reservation for so long, to provede much money to MAKUHARI Messe.

  However, MAKUHARI Messe criticesed the length, to avoid the closed relationship with the office, and wanted to push it away. However, from the view point of business, they should lose a lot. No schedule at all, in fact, why they couldn't rent to the office as long as possible? Benefit and loss, they can't recognize the difference between. Alzheimer Makuhari Messe organizers.

The third news:

  highly OMANKO writer like description. And forestry related are all Alzheimer patients. They want to export Japanese trees, taken from the rightous holders' place, without informing at all. It is called thief, however, OMANKO writer calls it, "President".

  No demand at all on the side of foreign countries. Just, "President hopes so" is their explanation. Our forestry is in danger, because of their stealings. Punish at once!

 The fourth news:

  Even the ugliest professor like hiroko Hasegawa took the hair style when she was a versity student. Look at the photo of her graduation in an album.

  And the Farrah Forcet Mejars' type style was rare in Japan. The name of the hair designer was concealed, and only the name of beauty parlour was put out on the news. And "holdings" was added. A kind of symbol of richness to this OMANKO writer.

 the fifth:

  Investors bought Japanese debts because western countried are economically in cricis. however, the interest is ZERO %, thus, why they invested in Japanese debts? More attructive countiries were avoided to ve invested, why? Just a calcuration, however, the OMANKO journalists were revealed not to calcurate the real benefit.

  Expectation was failed by her won chea

YUKARI's End (164)

2017-04-19 23:13:08 | 日記

they said because of falling caused by the Big Earthquake in 2011. however, she discovered newly established houses on the same place of Rose garden. 4 houses. And lots of stones, taped and numbered per each. Like a tumb stone, per DDMic citizen. And she sang the chorus song called "Song of Stone" when she was in the Chorus Club in her Primary School.

  It was a difficult song, however, she likes some parts. Spring and fall are good for stones, and summer and winter are not good for them. Thus, Spring and Fall, of course!!!

  And now, she is in good mood. At least, I could find the proofs of wrongdoings. And vast field of river side backward of the castle. Good to sing and dance. No theater is needed for us. yes, some house would be a chamber music type concert. Small hall is enough for us.

  And found the name of the park. "Komine-Abukuma" and the namers were praised by their Great Work.

  And Miyuki thought that this flat river side would have offered to construct IKKYO complexes, like HACHIOJI. The same view, they had. Beside the river ASAKAWA, the big complexes were there. Triangle buildings were included. Soft earth with triangle recalls her HASEGAWA Corporation's dirty result of "Pizza-Sand chateau".

  Miyuki checked the complex with the intention of buying. and thought, "River side would not be a good place. Scenery, however, dangerous. And the price is much more expensive than she imagined. Thus they failed.

  They explored the place to establish the buildings, however, no one wanted to buy it. Anyone came, and they decided to sell to some individuals for the cheapest place. Thus, they failed.

  Public park should be sold without agreement of the citizens? Why they could do it? They are legitimate public servants? IKKYO related, probably.

  And she found the site of "Witness of Yahwe". Dirty nasty old prefablic type. And 5 cars parked in the road. And messy dirty prefablic flat houses, the same shape, beside their non cross church. Oh, they wanted to buy it, however, no money type. Thus, they started to invide violently. And they failed.

  IKKYO used some partisanship, and they devided per religious leader. And Witness of Yahwe was one of the persistent poor type. And they failed again and again. However, they tried like YUKARI, even they were all Alzheimer patients.

  Care house, they wanted. And they were disliked all of the other parties. And they did the dirtist job. HAKATOMBE was done. Immoral prostitution also. Couple sex suicide as always. Now, only MEGA-DEATH, they can do it.

  And Miyuki should watch it. OK, I would! ADACHI, and Rabby is already OKOKOK!!!!

  Three of Sadistic types, they called. Cheeful killer, she would be. Always legitimacy she requires. And revenge. Money should be, she declared.

  And the mistery of the song of "Gold SCALABE". Too too nasty and spooky. "Scalabe is rich, established Werehouse only for Gold, and common werehouse, also. They live a rich life." in the totally dirk tone. As if they were saying, "Richness would be unhappy". Nasty, however, famous. Miyuki rememered that it was taken as a model song of Primary school's pupils. Negative tune exercise, she thought. And it represents MICCHIKU life. Boss type. And IKKYO life is poor version of the same unhappy life. Worse than SCARABE, is their common acknowlegement. Too too nasty to approach. Thus, we cut the communication with them. however, they attack us. YUKARI is the same character.

  And they failed. Today, at the last, too too wendy, especially, when she was singing the songs. Birds liked the birdy songs. Miyuki and kids like the song of the sun. Thus, she sang the medley of the sun shine song. And she watched the white smoke like cloud on NASU Mountain ranges, and then, Saint Jacob's Ladders from the sunshine. Thin one, however, watchable, anyway. It means, "We would punish them all!!!"

  Thus, they failed. In every sacred place, IKKYO Alzheimer Army invided. for them, non stopping exploration mode is only one. IKKYO is the group of totalitalian. Only one can be understandable for them. No other things.

  YUKARI can't learn at all. she has never learned from the begining, is her mother's sigh. Anyway, always BLA-BLA-BLA, and so reluctant to live, and too too nasty to us all. Ghost, they call her. No human being, anyway.

  She was really nasty to have done it. Why she did? I don't know. Because of some kind of inferior complex, she did it.

  And they failed. She wanted change her life. however, her way is abruptly change, and forgets the change soon after. Always, as she likes, is their analysis. Miyuki is flexible, and she got upset, if she feels contempted. her belief is liberalism. Not "I am superior to you" type at all. Just say, "Please leave me alone. I can manage it. If now, I would ask your help." And she needs always help, thus, three, always. And Miyuki is too too nasty to find some erotic art in the nature. Plants appreciate the way. Who would get to know the riddle? Too too nasty shameless things happened inside the town. and they got to know, "Oh, she has the same type? OK, hers. And her friends, also."

  IZUMI-san is not liking their naughty game. Miyuki liked it, and took a lot of pictures of the trees. Oh, ADACHI, your XXX is cut!!! Oh, Rabby, you are our backstage! Oh, Mine! Eva type! Why, she likes it? Amusing, is her reply. She appreciated some kind of the same type, and got on it, and took the picture. She is on herself, was the title. An art, anyway.

  Nature should revenge against the contemptous bad taste and gained a lot. Too too amusing to think the stone for IKKYO citizen. One per one sistem, previously. AOKI would have done it type joke!!!

  Too too rough, and they did it. When they contracted the evil negociation, they should offer their lives, and they gained the house, prefablic brilliant type, and they got the tumbs also. All combined type. And they were killed at once.

  After the Big Earthquake, TOUHOKU people got into difficutly. And they escaped from the beach side to Shirakawa. And Shrakawa provided prefablic houses for them, Miyuki had heard. And watched the vacant flat too too less costive prefablic house in the sports park, near the river side. And Miyuki thought that, If I had no time to live, it would be my site, office and resident. I should take off the wall, however, at least, minimum use, it would be afford.

   However, lots of vacant houses here and there. Why the refegees were forced to live in this inconvenient flat buildings???

  And they failed. They thought that Miyuki would be the last one to live here in Shirakawa. Probably, so. And they failed again. They wanted Miyuki to be pushed away, thus they threatened so. however, Miyuki liked the nature of the region.

  Miyuki wanted to visit SHIRAKAMI mountains because of the secred forest. In cheapy words, Power Spot yes. It would be a strong refreshment, anyway. Thus, she offered the plan to the pupils, however, the fee was too too expensive for them. Thus, Miyuki failed. Clients first. She thought. She insisted, "I don't want to visit the same place anymore!" and in recent years, she quitted the opinion. Anyway, you, pupils, can choose. As you like, even including do or not do. Thus, they failed.

  Miyuki is not so easy type, however, she likes to go abroad. Thus, she would enjoy her sexual life in foreign countries, was their presumption. however, she is TOHOHO entirely. Adachi and Rabby confort her as always. Don't give up. your age will come. And she sang the song, "When I fall in love". And they all expected that she would cry, "When I fall in love with XXX". And she sang, "When I fall in love with us all of you!!!" For her, FAUNA & FLORA, and our supporters are candidates!!!! Already married are not excluded. They hesitated to criticise her. She really wants to have at least some of us...Who would be the brave ones??? You? Not I, of course!" Rakan-san, or ENGACHO or BINKO, or some unluck like refusal--chain type!!

  Miyuki really likes to have some, was the prohibitted words among IKKYO pupils. Why? Miyuki thought. She always searched the chance to encounter some candidates to get her own boyfriends. Why not? Why they started to do the strange facial expression, when I said so? Too too normal to say so. I have no boyfriend at all, I want to have some. Please introduce some suitable ones for me! Your uncle, your brother, your grand father, your friends, your relatives, anyway, some guys. If you have some stock of information of the candidates, give me. Just it. Why not???

  IKKYO is not suitable for it. Of course! Without saying. And they are IKKYO believers already. Probably, now I feel so.

  Why? was their prohibitted word. Their degradation starts abruptly. Why they fall in love, they were taught. And they fell in love! Oh, good. Thus, eros & tanatos, altogher. Quick disposal, anyway! Congratulations!!!

  Then they failed. Bee like death, they thought. At the first night with the bride, they would be killed, they were taught. Who believes it? No one. Thus, they failed. Too too kinky belief, they took, the boys thought. we are not bees, however, when they did it, they were killed anyway.

  Slow, however, Alzheimer, transmissive type, it would be. Body liquid would be the cause. Thus, without making love, they caught the disease, easily.

  Not so amusing type, they thought. And they wanted to protect the fact. The early Alzheimer, they are called. And they disliked the name. And some of them servived, anyway.

  Miyuki is too too rough to classify the boys as IKKYO believers. Because they liked to do so. OPPABU was a kind of amusement for them. And the teachers should provide it. Miyuki refused to do so, of course. She is proud of being an individual respectful person. Professional prostitute? Of course, not at all!!!

  She is not the type, they thought so. Of course, not! they thought. Nothing at all. How she can??? Impossible!!!

  For them, making love means doing OPPABU??? For old conservatives, yes. However, for young boys, out of imagination!!!

  And they failed. They didn't believe that Miyuki were prostitute. Of course, impossible, in any meaning. No resource at all!!! How can manage it? Why she was chosen to the Mission Impossible???

  She is proud of holder of the tiny bust. Why she? Other substitute should be!!!

  Thus, KITADA came. A kind of joke! KITADA was good to be sold. She had experience of it. And she did it. She liked to play with them. And nasty things included. Plump body for it, they thought. Anyway, she has it, namely, mill.

  She did it, because she liked it. No excuse at all type. She wanted to replace the position with Miyuki. Miyuki would be discharged from the university, thus she would be the substitute. And she started to do the job. OPPABU was her strongpoint. Thus, she did with Miyuki's pupils. They did it. And they failed. "Why I am so forgetful now?" They claimed. And the result is, "Alzheimer patient, you are." Too too young, they thought. however, it is the exact reason.

  Brodel, Brazilians called. They ran the brodel inside the versities, Brazilians got astonished. And Miyuki didn't know the fact at all. They were so shameful to do so, however, milk machines, they were called. Kids' mothers were liked by them. Thus, they wanted to do so!

  Miyuki didn't know the fact. Too too degraded, and impossible to believe. Thus, they chose the way. Pearl Harbour like attacking on Public morality. And Miyuki thinks that now, the wind of Gods would clean up all of the evil existance in town.

  she sang cheerfully, "Even the high ranking buddist preachers and Shintoists leaders, did it. Thus, Shirakawa got destroyed totally!"

  the rumour was wispered. The bonz of the temple beside the municipality office got mentally illed. Some of them igonored, however, some of them remembered. Now it is an abandoned temple, yes. And the arrangement of the tumbs, they did. And a female IKKYO leader wanted to nagociate the sacred place's devastation. Too too nasty. Now, we should destroy them, or, the sacred place would be destroyed!!!

  Always pledge. She decided to write the rightous fact for the rotten town called SHIRAKAWA. One example of local towns in Japan, however, universal lessons would be included. Pupils would write on the shameful life of them. Russian Roulette of tumbs. Rightous one or evil one? They should search, and write the human history. As much as possible. To learn the rightous judging ability, too too good. Mirror of the other side. We should learn from the evil history.

  thus, she is now thinking of writing and reading in the rainy days on the matter. Probably, in the library would have clues, and the others' rumours also. Too too evil ones, they would know it, probably.

  And Miyuki remembered that "AI-AI, the monky" in Madagascal would be a kind of Glasses wearing monkies, and they are called Devil's of the forest. They harshly attack human beings with their teeth. ANOMALOCARIS in our especie. And thought, "Oh, I am! I was called DEVIL by IKKYO kids!"

   A cheerful kids song. Famous in Japan. And the movement of gesiture.Koara like tree hunging type. Quick and strong. A bit dark skin colour. However, in the fact, they are strong to threaten human beings.

   Miyuki wants to be free from totalitarians. Too too nasty. They are rotten. In front of me? Miyuki thought. and now, she understood. Thus, the kids turned me, before the negociation of the kid's prostitution.

  They do it because they feel good. No adults, no kids. Who gains? Only adults, is our answer. however, muck is muck, no difference between them. Thus, they are already adults. Just the difference of skin bags.

  And Miyuki decided to eat a bit, and will take a bath, after. We should be clean. Birds comment. You are smelly!

  Oh, sorry. You spent lots of time to cook, you ate chikens. Yes, however, White Leghorn, it is called. Almost all of them I ate were the same type. Tasty. Little birds have no portry, thus, ...

  They didn't like to be touched their wings. OK, I respect their way. And keep some distance. You are smelly. OK, I keep. And you like to sing!!!Yes. Good!!! Chatting type, they are!!! OK, chat as always!!!

  Miyuki doesn't care, if they chats early in the morning. When she gets up, their songs entered her mind. Before awaking, nothing. Don't worry. Birds singing morning means happy day!

  She trained Alex's birthday song at first. He would be 16 years old soon. If he is in good mood, I would sing for him. Marilyn Monroe sang for her boyfriend KENEDY. More than 40 years old, he has. After turning adults, westerners celebrate birthday, as much as possible. Normal. Standard. Not obligation, however, good reason to hold a party!!!

  Party organizer, she would be. Amusing! And not so difficult for her. Arrangement, and some quick decision. Flexibility, and mood making!!!

  IKKYO has dark atomosphare. They like spooky black tone. And read beans read brown was liked by Quat. Strange symbol mark. Nasty, anyway. And they failed. They did always wrongly. Already dead, they are. just alive as skin bag. Nasty existance. They should die, immediately, type. And they failed. Miyuki likes to smile to them, without watching, wispering, "Vanish! DDMs! You shall die! IKKYO kids, you shall die, also!"

  And they failed. Immediately, she wants always. however, they did it too slow. After she goes, was their pledge. Why? I watched the stone like body of them. Some dead, before vanishing situation, also. Want to see MEGA DEATH!

  Miyuki just feels that tonight we could celebrate their death for us!!! I can't regret it!!!

  Amusing story, she expected. Why IKKYO believers are so so inclined to be made a fool of??? Too too strange!!!

  Communication gap, they have, we would say. A kind of 自閉症, they suffered. Miyuki explained exactly. They live in their own world. The explanation varies, however, they can't coexist us at all, is the real remark.

  We should train to be positive and communicative. At first, it is difficult. however, soon, it would be habit and amusing one. We appreciate her effort to return to be wild MIYUKI!!! Monky age, she prefers. She passed various epochs on her characters. Normal for us. Influenced by someone, and some things. Change, also. Will, at most. And she established her character by her choice. Why they wanted to change my personality for the sake of them????

  Too too nasty attempt was done on her. Kyorin University's hospital did it, and the other versities admitted it, and the public agencies concealed it, and they all feiled. Again and again, she tried it, believing that in the end, we should win.

  Alex and Clare did believe that she would fail, however, they failed. Impossible, they thought. She thought, Only ME could do so. More people leave, anyway. The possiblity is much more I imagined. Thus, they failed.

  Miyuki's counting is different from us, they thought. Why you are so nasty, Auntie? Because of your plastic surgery? He asked to her, and her reply was, "Good boy doen't ask it". As always. She did so, and admitted so, and she asked not to ask it. And now, she wants to change her life. Anyway, she should do so, is their common opinion. Moving to the other place is your choice, no alternative at all. We can't put up with your evil cruel attitude at all. You chose it, and we disliked it. Thus, your story ended up!!!

  And she realized finally that she did it for Alex, and he disliked it. Her own world, he thought. Nasty, however, for him, she did, she said. And she failed. For the sake of her self satisfaction. She likes to call it "For the sake of you!"

  Thus, they used the same expression. "For the sake of you!, Auntie!"

  Miyuki shoud eat now. Or, her head aches!!!

  Hurry up, Miyuki!!! AI-AI!!!


  See you soon, after her light meal!!!! MAR is dashing to the kitchen!!! 

YUKARI's End (163)

2017-04-19 19:00:37 | 日記

19/04/2017 (Wednesday, afternoon)  I made 2 trips along the river called ABUKUMA and encountered with lots of shocking facts. Some of them are our pleasures, however, most of all are the proofs of the evilest wrongdoings, in fact.

  Today, it was rainy at first, then fine, however, the temperature turned colder, and windier according the time.

  I left almost noon, with light clothings with an orange cap bought in Costa Rica, however, soon I felt cold and put one more fat jacket on the light orange jacket.

  I went to the park for sports in ASAHI block. There, the kindergarden of my kids is located. And found that the cherry blossoms were in the climax! Wendy, however, they endured the wind and showed their most beautiful time for us all!!!

  Then, a surprise. A kids' natural park called Donguri Park, or acorn tree park vanished, instead, a big flat building was built. It is established by the foundation of Quat Government, the plate said. They bought the our park, without noticing to us, common people? Who did it?

  And they failed. Public servants and the government of Quat also. The symnastic hall, built for the National Gymnastic Festival, held in Fukushima prefecture, was also sold to Quat Government. And the citizens of Shirakawa are not informed at all. Terrible shock on us all!!! Foreign Government participated in the wrongdoings already.

  And they didn't leave any residue at all. No Islamic figures at all here in Shirakawa. Why? They did, and immediately, they vanished. They took advantage of our ignorance, caused by the worst policy, national and reagional.

  And the kids park increased the equipments, and the those for adults are several there. However, no one came. No man's land, again. Miyuki did our usual confirmation of legitimacy, and took 360° pictures as proof.

  When her kids were babies, Miyuki took a walk frequently, and there were lots of the same age kids with their parents. Miyuki complemented them, and the kids played with each other together. Too too natural scenes. She also participated in the games. Sometimes, the other mothers did the same thing. Why, now, no any kid? Equipments seem more interesting to the kids, however, a bit strange. A slider, tube type, which Miyuki got thrilled and refrain from was there. Why? Because the tube is concealed by not transparent plastic materials, and Miyuki disliked the dirk concealed place. If she stucks, she thought. Terrible! OK, I would play with another authentic slider, she decided. And found that the plate, which is stack on the slider,says, "Prohibit to use!" ??? We can use, or not?

  It is IKKYO kids park, probably. She climed on one of the slider, the same type of which was there when her kids were child. A bit different in material, however, the same shape. Roller type, she remembered. Good to slide in the sitting position. And they found several tiny frogs there in the handle. Her kids could touch them, and Miyuki couldn't. For them, tiny pritty frogs, while, Miyuki is not good at wet type animals. Thus, she appreciated the shape and colour. And thought, when she had been a kid of the same age, she also had encountered with the tiny 1cm frog near her house. She thought cute, however, she couldn't touch. Wetness is not her strongpoint. Anyway, they know the same animal, Miyuki thought at that time.

  And snails are not her type, exactly. And she encountered the African type in the courtyard. Poisoneous, the newspaper said. However, only one? Is he really harmful? For agricultural field yes, however for us, he transmits the virus? She was in doubt, and when she tried to find again, she couldn't.

  Shirakawa is not warm place. Rather cold. Why African type is here now?, she thought. Some foreigners?

  Now, snails are rare. Nasty slow existance, however, according to the dictionary, they are a kind of shells.

  And she ate a plateful of them in SAIZERIA, a cheap Italian franchaise restaurant, in HACHIOJI. And thought, no taste. Just for tasting the oil and garlic, as NISHIZAWA said. And animal protain, they have. Not so nasty as their shape, however, not so favorable one, she judged.

  She did the same type declaration on the top of the slider, and slided down. And did some adults gymnastic equipments' exercise. Not bad. However, why so many sliders and no other species at all???

  Then, some IKKYO families appeared with kids. Male ones. And here and there, the excuse papers, "On wednesday, we close." They says. Now in Shirakawa, the adults don't work at all. All Sunday Mainichi, like my uncle Takeo ironically said.

  Like French schools on Petit Nicola series. Wednesday is absent for all kids. And got to know that thus, 35 hours labour hours for French workers. Pratically 8 hours a day for 4 days, and 3 hours for Saturday. Strange habit. However, for some excuse for black workers, probably.  White French don't work, only claim, like YUKARI, probably. Privileged, probably. Poor white in USA, probably. Thus, DDMs in Japan wanted Alex to be the same of them.

  Miyuki remembered that YUKARI declared that "Alex needs to be treated luxuriously. He requires more money. Custive type. And resort life, he needs. A kind of a boy should be indulged type."

  And Miyuki disliked the way. If he chooses the way, I would cut the line of him. All depend on his choice. And he decided to be a rich, deligent type. Quick, he should be. however, a bit indulged by the females surrounding him. Always with females type. Miyuki thought, at least good for his growing up. Discommunication is bad for his learning.

  She is not jealous. Just think, "I would have lots of friends, of course, common people and our supporters of rightous world." And they failed.

  she got to know that the system. Today, when she was walking on the riverside country road with weeds, singing the songs, amusing types, suddenly, the craction shouted, and she evased from the road. The riverside patrol car, the painting said. "Oh, they want to catch me? Please go ahead. I don't want to be caught by you, old boys!" And they failed.

  Miyuki thought that the catching if for her custody, and she failed. They wanted to rape her, or more exactly, they wanted to find some object for the collective suicide.

  Miyuki got to know the fact, when she was walking on the other riverside after the first trip, a junior high faked boy was stopped by a car, and entered into the car. They same way, she was experienced before. Oh, she remembered the same scine several times. Especially near the schools. Oh, that's it! For the object!

  Thus, they failed. Miyuki didn't know the system. They probided their kids for the other adults, and the other adults their own kids also. The club system was for it.

  Today, Clare took a rest of the club system. She can do it, and she didn't want to do it. Nasty, she thought. Not amusing. She prefered to play with her own way, now. Miyuki found several places to do basketball, tennis, baseball, football and so on. And they failed. Mates would be needed, they thought. however, their decision is the same. No DDMs at all! IKKYO kids, forever not!!! Never, never, never!!!!

  They found some of their own friends. Not human being shapes, however, their friends. Clare liked her turtles, however, they were caught by the evil ones. Cats, probably. With the armour, they did it. Terrible. She cried frequently. Too too nasty. She was not so cold as YUKARI. She said, "You should buy other turtles. They are cheap." And Clare finally got really upset aginst this evil existance. Too too stupid, they knew already. And too too nasty, yes. However, at least, she would be kind, they thought. And failed. Like a broken machinery, they thought.

  Today, Clare required her many times the same thing. And YUKARI didn't do it ever. She said just, "Please bring me my wear Auntie!" and she started to cook in the kitchen. Miyuki was there, cooking her delicious Japanese course. Common less costive type. However, for YUKARI, she is a kind of rival. Thus, YUKARI started to cook many times there. She did her toasted bread, and then, her rice preperation. Why she eats so many strange combination of foods as dinner today, Miyuki thought. And Clare called on the phone, until YUKARI could bring the right one. And Clare stopped. OK, you are proved to be an spontaneour Alzheimer patient. Miyuki said the same words already. and now, you are the evil one, of course. You are a big liar. You said that Miyuki suffered from Alzheimer disease, and she was forced to quit her job, pratically. And she lost her professional life as a professor of law. You did destroy her life, and you pretended to be a normal figure. You yourself is the real Alzneimer patient. You should be punished by Gods of Justice.

  And they failed. YUKARI said, "OK, if I am an Alzheimer, I should be worthy to be treated kindly. You, Clare, you too!"

  And she failed again. Evil Alzheimer patient, she is. They all thought. Miyuki did know it, and avoids to say so now. She said it already, and they didn't agree in expression. Thus, she just ignores YUKARI perfectly. YUKARI tried to get Miyuki upset, however, for Miyuki, she is nothing. Thus, just Miyuki avoided her.

  In the kitchen, she used the space normally, trying not to touch YUKARI at all. A kind of exercise, she thought, and did her delicious Japanese common course, as she imagined. Not so costive, however, as a taste of normal family satisfies it type. They agreed. She could cook the way, while, Auntie not at all.

  YUKARI said, "Curry is my strongpoint. Miyuki doesn't cook curry at all. The easiest type. Thus, she is an Alzheimer patient." She declared daredly. And Miyuki laught. OK, they compared the way of cooking. Miyuki likes to cook, because she likes to eat. While, YUKARI dislikes cooking, because she dislikes eating. Her taste is highly limited. And she said, "Japanese food is my strongpoint. Miyuki can't cook it at all." And Miyuki likes to cook it, as usual. Why not? I like Japanese food. A bit more complicated, however, it weighs lot. Ingredients are the answer, like other ethnic foods. Why I should abandon the delicious local food?

  And she found that the leaves were chilled already in frege. Thus she used it, 3 pieces. Too bit is enough for MISO soup per person. And they failed. Miyuki didn't cook for them all. Just for herself. She likes to cook for herself, and not for all now.

  YUKARI did the nasty cooking, however, weighs a lot for the substitute, they thought. however, for her, cooking for the family is not her job. Her educational system. Kids should cook as their own foods. OK, a pan serving system would be fine for us all. One per a pan. However, now, not at all. Wrongdoers are free riders of this system. Thus, I cook for myself.

  And they failed again. Miyuki is a good cook. Not so costive, however, variety of foods, she tries, and sometimes fails. And she is positive, anyway. She likes to walk arround the city. Arround the town, no walkers, practically. When she saw, only men in black with a banch of flower. Why? Too too spooky.

  She is now amusing to plan the future wild life. Camping type cooking in the river side. BBQ should be. Lots of vegitables and roots type veges. We don't need to cut trees at all. Abundant of tree's bodies here and there. They are old and new. We would use dried ones.

  And sports, we could do. Any type should be. Squash would be good for her. Wall Tennis is her substitute. Any school's wall should be a fittable one.

  We can provide to some walkers, if they are common people. No money is required. We have sufficiently, and they are invited to participated in our lunch and sports.

  Visitors should be limited, was Kyorin's slogan. Miyuki didn't know it. Why now you can do it, Auntie? Always, she thinks of strange declaration as power holders in this family. Alzheimer power holder? They think that she is so so strange, however, she threatens them with her violence. She is the symbol of DDMic reign. Anyway, she is out of date. Too too old in her mind. Brain damage should be proceeded in her head. and they think Miyuki's choice is too too right. Being a liberalist. and they thought that YUKARI were not a protectionist. Only totalitarian free rider under the name of protectionalist.

  She doesn't know anything at all. And BLA-BLA-BLA, as she knows it. Shameless lies, she did. And they cut the communication with her. And she thought that food supply is my strongpoint. And she failed. She couldn't make an errand. She doesn't know the system at all. She pretended to use her priviledge. And she failed. She has no chance to pay in cash. She is categorized as a priviledged one. Thus, they failed.

  She can't pay at all. She would be a thief, they thought. And then, they found. Only Miyuki and her mother should pay fot the supermarket in the town. All of them knew it, and they didn't say it to them, because they took advantage of their ignorance. No information system, they said. And Miyuki didn't know it. Why? They should explain it. They only require money and don't provide nessecary and indispensable information at all. They pretended to be that the world were functioning normally, however, not at all. Why they fake so? Today, I had to pay US$6 at the supermarket called BENIMARU, in YUKOMACHI block. Why they faked to buy the foods? Why the registers were there? Why the machine required me the value? Why I was forced to pay unnecessarily? Your wrongdoing is collective and organizational. It means that this game costs too too tremendouslly high for you, DDMs.

  Anyway, we should protect our lives. and animal protains are necessity for us. However, they required money, potting the price card on each materials. It means, "We require your payment." Thus, we should pay it correctly.

  And they failed. No man's land already. however, they came and pretended to be residents. Wrongdoing itself, Miyuki affermed. And declared our legitimacy many times. And they failed. however, they tried to catch Miyuki again and again.

  Why they came in the car? Was her basic question. Only cars. No people, pratically. And she likes to imagin "If I were a bird". Always. When she entered into the primary school, the imagination started. Looking on the blue sky, and thought, "I am not belonging to the class. If I were a bird, I would fly and could astonish our mates and teachers. It would be fun!"And passed the subjects all day long. She was good at all in study subjects. However, always she was not good in mood. I want to pass time outside, when it is fine. She thought. Thus, recently, she did so.

  They are too too evil, Miyuki thought. And remembered the song, in a cassette, presented by Sandra, her friend of English conversation in Plaza da Republica. Bebado y Equilibristas, it is called.  Joao Gilberto, probably.

  She once visited music hall called Tom in Sao Paulo. And paid relatively expensive and failed. Cheap sheet looked more amusing. She drank a glass of soft drink, listening to the music, however, in downstairs, they danced and sang with the singer composer. And learned. In Brazil, cheap is more clever way to be.

  thus, they failed. 4 months of trial, they insisted. and they failed. No information at all, and Miyuki is always on her own way. Why I should change my life? Anyone said so, and if they said so, they would be unfair and in injustice.

  Thus, they failed. Politeness only world, they wanted for their sake. And they were rotten totally, and not qualified to insist it. Degraded, anyway. Inmorality at all. Shame, in short. Even monky type like Miyuki disliked it. They sell and buy the kids, as they want. The kids are provided by Ikkyo, the strangest faked religious circle. Shirakawa was already targetted by the circle.

  Miyuki found that KASHIMA shrine was one of the oldest rotten one. Inside the big Forest of Sacred, they put the shrine of MATSU..XX, which is characterized by exploration and commercial only values. MATSUDAIRA would be the leader, probably.

  And got to know, the shrine was more older than the human shrine. Old sacred of animals. Probably, monkies were the ruler of the mountain. She got to know, for the first time, the Stone Henge in Shirakawa.

  Shirakawa produces stones especially in this location. And found table stones on the mountain. Monkies' tables. Some monkies would eat the delicious fruits and nuts there, seeing the forest arround there. Birds would be flying there, sometimes, they had lunch together. She could reached the table, however, she got thrilled the hight seeing the building in front. 4th floor???? Just an illusion? Anyway, she did the legitimacy declaration-confirmation again there, and thought, I would climb up here again, when the time comes. Now, it is dangerous. They, DDMs, frequently attack me. They can push me to fall from the hight, like Crayon Shin-chan's author. And she chose to get down the confirmed reute to the shrine.

  and found a new visitor came here and he was talked with a clerk of shop in the shirine.

  Miyuki did the legitimacy declaration on the top of the bridge, and she passed it. When she came back, she used the other way. Dangerous to use the same route. Sometimes, the squad wait for her to catch.

  Thus, they failed. Miyuki doesn't rely on them at all. KASHIMA is now invided by OOMORI family. They used the name because of appearance, she thought. And found an explored block backward of the shrine. Messy, she thought. And found that the family sold their spirit and did wrongdoing. In the sacred forest, they should not cut the woods at all. However, they did. and marked pink tapes to indicate the predicted assasin against the woods. Terrible. They don't understand any moral at all. The day before yesterday, and also yesterday, Miyuki found that the Buddist temples did the unmoral activities called OPPABU, and today, Shrine also. They did it. Traditionally they did. So rotten they were.

  And now, Miyuki really thought the song of Joan Gilbert was literally the situation of us all. Even 20 thousand km far from his country Brazil, in Shirakawa, they exactly did the same, litteraly.

  It was a protest song of Military Government called Authoritarian System. Brodel was OPPABU in Brazil. They established IDIOCRACY and required strictness to common people, and most degraded morality was allowed for them, power holders.

  Totalitarian's transformation or deterioration process, they traced. All of them. Except any example. Thus they should be punished. And Brazilian and other Latin American people pledged "No more Authoritarian system at all." Sometimes, they failed, however, their pledge is the sincere one. Thus, after more than 30 years, they continue to be in the world of anti-totalitarianism, at least.

  Miyuki thought that all rotten system had the same inclination and same character. Kouichi YOSHIDA was only one evil teacher in the rural town, however, Miyuki got to know that we were minority and they were majority. We could protect ourselves, anyway. However, many of the related ones got rotten. Greediness and eroticism. Slyness. Arrogance, in short. Superior complex in their illusion.

  Thus, they failed. Miyuki pledged the revenge, and she wants to do it with pleasure. Thus, she gained. Epoch making, they thought. Revenge should be threatning, they thought. Oh, yes, of course. However, among us, more amusing type should be!!!

  And they liked their way to live like monky. forgetful, however, amusing. Pride is small, and curiosity, the first type.

  They would help us, probably!! And Miyuki found the shocking place backward of the castle KOMINE. She didn't see the side of Rose Garden. She knew that it closed. however, why and what is now, was in question.