Rabby & Chinkoro : News Time (16)

2017-04-30 21:35:20 | 日記

 Why necessary? Dead or Alive type? Not at all! just "I don't work, however, I want to play with OPPABU babaa" type sexual illusion, they took, and killed their own kids. Shameless parents. Immorality at all!

  they did as they liked, and gained a bit of benefit or money, and sold their kids to the evil schools. And they wanted to gain more, and they produced the kids more and more, by their own illusion.

  Artificial insemination assisted by the government. They wanted to get. and they did, for a while, and they did naturally also. And gained the both. No industry situation made such a ridiculous way of living.

  Only sex world, as always. Waves and shakes. And they chose to be seen as good adults. however, in the bottom, they were the evil existance.

  Miyuki didn't believe it, however, they did it. and they don't like it, Miyuki's way of life. OK, I know. I like to be myself.

  Vanish! DDMs! As always she shauts. And after the school courtyard case, she wanted to walk arround a bit alone. And she found a crow gave her a present. Evil IKKYO sumart cars passed near her, however, she knows that they can't do wrong, and they are weakened anyway.

  Crows like me! And she got to know that AJISASHIs also love her!!! She thought that they were protectors like baby sitters to her, and they failed. She didn't understand our system. She said that she wants to have some boyfriends, and she thought as if they were her baby sitters!!! Oh, the flock coat type! the black and white long cissors type tailes! Oh, my legs! Oh, shapes!!! Oh, we look like each other!!!

  Probably some resemblances would induce them to be her friends. And she recognizes that flying in the head means "I love you!" Thus, they failed. Not at all! Just a compliment for the representative of human beings and apes. Oh, just it???

  Miyuki is so so nasty to ask it. Young swallow!!! Too too dangerous!!! They criticised her!!! And Clare got to know that Miyuki found a lot of boyfriends!!! Birds!!!

  And today, two Japanese Lizzerds, young ones, appeared. And one informed how Chinkoro behaved when he died. Too too confused and he was killed by the track. And his mates were also. Crazy. They were killers of the same species also.

  Killing is common in Japan was a shocking reality for us all. however, summing up the proofs, and hearing the voices of witness, they did so, unfortunately. In Japan, kids were born for its sake.

  They continue to conceal the fact, and we should reveal the fact. Shameless evil greedy existance.

  And Miyuki remembered that URANOS ate his kids, and ZEUS was exception. He was saved by his mother and URANOS's wife.

  URANOS was a kind of Giants, like Lilis, female counterpart. They killed their kids easily. And they vanished. however, in some places, they lived. And they shrank, especially in Japan. Because of economic benefit, they shrank, Miyuki thought.

  She knows a Japanese story related on "Wood Hammer to be rich". A man gained this hammer from some fairly, and the fairly said to him, "You can gain money, when you use it. However, your hight srinks, each time you use it!"

  The same legend varies. Hammer is replaced by GUETA or Japanese old wooded shoes. Shirinking came from economical greedness.

  Alex liked to eat a desart that Miyuki made for him, however, thinking of YUKARI , he had no choice to accept her kindness. YUKARI is so evil to say, "If you eat Miyuki's food, I will kill you!"

  Now she is in the evil existance again. Evidently yes, however, for him, just an Alzheimer patient. Now, with jealousy with impulse, she turned to be a devil. Nasty foods for him only type. Her grand mother tried to tame her, however, she is not in good mood. Always talking on Miyuki's illusional wrongdoings. She uses perfume always. I felt nasty with her perfume, she said. And they failed.

  Miyuki don't use it. Just touched lemmon. however, they thought that she found some boyfriends at all!!! And BINGO!!! Oh, yes!!! Many, probablly!!!

  She is in a good mood, and cooks well. It means that she gained a lot of success!!! Probably many of them!!!

Bird wachers, they said. This type is good and quick. She watched a lot of birds, and got along with them. And she signs sometimes. they liked it. Like flags!!! Sings! Shouts!!! Sighs, as always. Really feels nasty, after watching the evil wrongdoings done by DDMs. Cruel, we thought. And this is the devil's contract.

  Why Japan could develop after WWII?, she was asked by foreigners sometimes. Diligence, pacience, and eargerness to be rich, she responded. And she remembered that when she had done the same question to her ex-colleague of Tokyo Versity Yuuki MATSUSHITA, he, after some hesitation, said, "Just a coincidence."

  Probably, he knew the fact. Someone wispered him, and he fell down!🎶

 And he was disliked by Miyuki and got in rage, abruptly, chased her, and threatened her, and hit her.

  MICCHIKU life itself, she got to know now well. For them, female Tokyo related is some kind of prize.

   And now, another understanding of nursery rhyme "Who killed Cock Robbin?"

  Probably, Cock Robbin was a idiot king, and after his death, various his related did the formal funeral superficially. However, common birds didn't like them all, and cereblate the new age with happy voices!!!

  Spallow tweeted the wrongdoings of them, and they were killed. Common birds, here and there, and they did it.

  Thus, they were killers, however, they were  free from acusation. Any reference of this killer bird at all. Just, spallow said, "I killed Cock Robbin".

  Gorgeous music at the first part, then, when the vesitivity begins, up tempo cheerful music with chorus. The same situation, we are passing.

  Why this song is so beautiful, and at the same time, so full of misteries?, was Miyuki's question. And she gained the right answer!!!

  Thus, spallows are so cheerful today. And Miyuki heard the wispers of wind in NIWA's tumbs. They could produce faked sound also. Not only ocean waves, but also some tracing and storm also. They could speak, Miyuki really thinks so. Thus, oceans! Miyuki realized.

  And she asked, "The shelles came from IWAKI as mad of radiation?" and they agreed. Crams, and smells. IWAKI is fish, FUKUSHIMA is potato, Miyuki nicknamed at the smartcar numbers. And she classified, "Fish, IMO(potato), IMO, IMO, Fish..."

  and found NARA, MITO, OKAYAMA. New members came from far prefecture, by way of their going to INFERNO!!!

  We said, "Go directly to INFERNO!" however, they came, probably, because of their alzheimer lack of sense of direction.

  Smart cars are  also Alzheimer patients! Yes, materials also turn to be the disease. Nasty, however, the fact. They wander as if they were Alzheimer patients. They pretend to be cheerful, however, their conversation stops, when she said, "Vanish! DDMs!"

  And she heard some nasty DDMic conversation in the backward of MATSUKAZE or SHOUFUU complex of IKKYO. Agricultural farmer like old guy said, "In the near future, we would reign this region, thus my father would work in the farm near..." Probably, he was thinking of succession, and he thought of devastate forests. His father can put up with farming job, however, for us, not at all. We would start new business to earn money more easily, he wanted to say to his mother and relatives.

  Thus, they failed. And some farmer faked families were disliked by Miyuki. Why they wore the smocking and the dark blue pachi type working wears? Too too nasty to see the fake out of date type wears!!!

  And they failed. Now, anyone can do the easy agricultural jobs with UNIQLO type more casual wears. Why they want to wear such old type? Because they don't work and just pretend to work, is the right answer.

  No necessary to wear the uniform, Miyuki thought. however, they don't. Alex asked and failed. Now he is punished and he should take a rest for a while. Forever, probably. Quit the school. Useless. Be a diligent worker! Anyway, use your mind and keep your mind to function quickly.

  Miyuki is too right to think so. Nasty ugly DDMs don't think so. Leave them out of mind. Just bitches!!!

  And she likes to sing "Bitch, Bitch, Shabu-Shabu, Ran-Ran-Ran!" It meand, "DDMs, you are ugly bitches, and addctied medicine abusers, You would be killed and held a funeral with a Orquid called KOCHOU-RAN”.

  She likes to sing, they think so. Yes. And likes to dance. Yes. And she likes...

  VANISH! DDMs!!! Your Guess what game's nasty. Now, Miyuki are going to take a rest a bit, and after the rest,

we, two rabbit tribe, start our good sense job! Wait for a while!!!!

  See you soon, and don't forget us, at all!!!! We are always with you!!!


Now, Rabby's News Comments on economical matters.

 the first one:

 The fantasy to sell rice poweder. DDMs are always inclined to think "I really want to be rich..."without any effective strategy. Just they want, and the measure is just categorize in three sectors. Childish. We are really upset that these insipid DDMs are public servants.

  The sedond news:

 OMANKO journalism is too slow. Empty aparments are the reality, not a future risk as they describe. Prontothaurus, they are.

  100 residencial houses are managed by a faked family composed by IKKYO believers. Practically ZERO. No man's land, the fact it. However, "there is a possiblity that the owner could not gain from the apartment in the near future." Not soft expression any more.

  The third one:

  Only 26 companies? OMANKO journalist said "Now in USA, the use of confirmation by smart phone is accelated."

  For them, these 26 companies are the standard of their material world.

 The fourth one:

 No demand, thus the company should be closed. However, this OMANKO journalist wrote that family and relatives should succeed the company. For OMANKO journalist,

 Miyuki is going to sleep. She dreamt UME-san in the dream.

  See you tomorrow!


 With love, from MARC!!!


