YUKARI's End (151)

2017-04-14 23:24:02 | 日記

Rabby's quick news comments' corner!

  Now, Marifana smokers moved to easy Cocaine heating equipment users. See the article:

  Paper roled cigarett means Marifana, while Electric heated cigarett, Cocaines. Thus, Even Alzheimer Patients easily could inhale them. OMANKO writer couldn't recognize the difference between slang and formal language. They confused them, and against their intention, they revealed the fact of Marifana and Cocaine are allowed practically in Japan.

 OMANKO journalist like confusion of the words. Read it:

  For Bakery YAMAZAKI, payment to the deligated factories, and for the deligated factoried, money received.

  However, the idiot OMANKO writer chose the catch copy, as if YAMAZAKI were the deligated factories.

  Total confusion between asking one with asled one. For Alzheimer patients, they were equal, without any difference. Totalitarian Alzheimers, they are.

  Now, Miyuki is sleepy. Thus, we should go to bed now.

 See you nex morning.


  Alex should say the fact on your trap on hsi family. YUKARI is an Alzheimer patient, and he concealed the fact for her, paid by her. And they scolded her. You lost your own reliance, especailly done by Miyuki. She was caught instead of YUKARI. Yukari was sly to escape from her catch. Once in a while, she did so, and she escaped from the punishment.

  Only several times, YUKARI confessed. Marifana and Cocaine user she is. And asked Alex to buy it for her. She asked him to buy it, they was astonished. A joke!!! And Alex wanted to make an errand for her, and the fact is, she wanted to buy his interest to buy for her???

  They did work to gether. Thus, they failed. Again, Auntier? You should be put in a jail. No, not at all! You should buy it!!!

  Her problem is all relying on her own nephew. She disliked to do so, and she liked to do so. ???

  OK, Miyuki, sleep well. Alex would be the second YUKARI. He would be punished deeply.

  ZZZZZ....Anyway, I am going to sleep.

 MAR leaves to her bed.

YUKARI's End (150)

2017-04-14 20:28:54 | 日記

14/04/2017 (Friday, evening) It's fine today! I did nuts cracking job in the morning. I used special tools for it, and gain a lot.

  first, I recognized that squearls are too too clever and skillful to do the same job. I took almost 2 hours for only 10 walnuts.

  I could take the eatable part from 9 of them. One was rotten. It was too too old and hard. New nuts should be, however, DDMic grocery called RISAIAN sold such kind of rough work. Black it was, and too too hard to open.

  Squerls would avoid such a walnut. Dangerous, they think, probably.

  and I miss you, squerls!!! You were there, near the mountain side of SUI-RAKU-EN, along South Lake.

  They played a lot, and appeared when we visited there for some events like scketcing or baseball game.

  They were quick, and Miyuki liked their amusing hide and seek like movement. At first, she couldn't find them. Always others found them earlier than she. She followed the direction they pointed at their finger, and found after it. Slow, they thought. Why she found such interesting objects, they thought. Miyuki thought, "Because I am an urban type. Not so rural like you!"

  And she failed. Today, she wanted to show up her as a kind of urban pretty girl, and changed her clothings. After the too too manish way of nut cracking, eating her breakfast outside, from a skilet directly, sitting on the stepstone of the office, she looked like a charming rural girl....Miyuki wanted urban, however, rural, for them....

  OK, anyway, charming. OK, Camarin, Chigurin, and Rabby, together today. Because today, it would be some dangerous catching game, probably.

  Miyuki went to the place, when she quitted to go to the bottom yesterday. Flower Gardain, it is called. A kind of joke, we thought. Only 5 vinil houses with some old rusty equipments, abandoned in the dirty way. Oh, this is ENDOU's property and business?, Miyuki doubted.

  She watched some garden providing easy plants in some of the vinil house. And thought,"Just only a rural family. No business work, at all!" And they failed finally.

  For them, agriculture means nasty work, thus, they wanted to be an urban type. Oh, yes, you should be in Tokyo or some cities in a certain place in the world. And they failed. They wanted the town to turn to be the city, as they liked.

  And made a garden plants producing system, unnecessarily. Any infants could do it type easy job, they did. And Miyuki thought, "Just for it? No value. Why they did it? Too too crazy, they are!!!"

  And found, at least, some dandilions are on the side of the stream. Beautiful. Rural common flowers, yellow ones, they were. And now, rare existance!!! Why???? Much Much better than their gardain flowers!!!

  Nasty for the real gardeners, like my mother. Because their roots are too too deep and difficult to be taken. Thus, my mother failed. Good for her to take them in her own field, namely, in her house, however, in others' field, not at all.

  At least, my mother is indifferent from the situation of dandilions in the others house. Only they come with wind. After the flowers dry up, the seeds are spread here and there. For her, it is a cause of Dandilions' spreading.

  And now, they were over. Now no dandilion near her house. Miyuki found some of them in the fields only. And found, much more prittier than garden flowers. Natural, they are. Leaves like theeth of Dandy Lions!!! Triangle type!!!

  And Miyuki found that they were different from that she knew well when she was a kid. They were tall, and their flower was more ball like type. Now, they are short, and flowers are bigger than the old type. And brilliant yellow, they are. A kind of mix with JISHIBARI? Some resembling flowers. Not so bad. Just a difference. A kind of climate chamge made them to be combined? Or radiation problem????

  At least, they make a cheerful spring field. Rabby liked them also. Creyon like flowers. Kids' pictures' model type. Anyway, better for us. Now, any good green plants were welcome. Our marking as spring fields are ours. Thus, Miyuki ordered to grow up accelarately to green plants. Any, Miyuki said. Good ones. Wild weeds, of course, yes, and garden ones, OK, if you are our friends. And they did it.

  Miyuki is too too reluctant to exclude any special species. If they were not suitable, after our victory confirmation, they would do competition. And some suitable ones would win. And it would be balanced as a result. Thus, no matter for us all. Thus, anyway, green should appear, right now! Let's cover the dirty raped concrete cement roads and the house yards with you!!!

  Alex found some strange flowers with Miyuki's taste. Too too kinky type, and asked, "What is this?", and Miyuki got astonished. A Dandilion, yes, however, the flowers are combined of 4 or 5 blooms. Impossible type. Why? Before radiation. She was so so astonished and took one as a sample. Some change, they did. Different!!! Near the confeccionary shop called OOYA. Why? She was in wonder.

  And she found clovers with 8 leaves, and the presentator called Kyosen OOHASHI in the programm called Quiz Durby, one of her favorite at that age, said, "Clover is suffering from change easily. Thus, in Austraria, 24 leaves clover was found." And understood, why we look for 4 leaves clover. Different and rare. At first, Miyuki thought, it were a miracle, however, for plants, not at all! They change easily, more than we thought.

  And Miyuki found that a flower called TACHIAOI in Hachioji, grew up in a cracked asphart, or macadum road. It was tall, and flourished totally! AJISAI and TACHIAOI were survivors, in HACHIOJI. There, even sunflowers failed, because of shame.

 Sunflower was a symbol of fairness, and the design was adopted for lawers in practice. However, Miyuki understood that they couldn't protect us, and they themselves sold us easily for their own benefit. They thought that they were allowed to do so. Kinship were more precious rather than our lives for them, one of the lawers declared to Miyuki, directly.

  She was too too shocked and soon gave up to ask them to assist her. We wasted lot of precious time, money, and lives, also. Miyuki got to recognize that they were the evil existance, under the name of justice.

  And she thought that they system of creating lawers was a kind of source of wrongdoers. She preyed "Vanish! This system is totally cruel and immoral." And they failed.

  They just pretended to be lawyers, after the abandonment. And they failed. No lawyers world is much better than the world with them. We all agreed. They themselves were wrongdoers. IKKYO complax took the advantage of the absence of them. Thus, police only world, they created. All monitoring sytem, they called it. And they believe that they were doing justice!!!

  They are DDMs, poor miserable type. They are too too messy and spooky, becaues they already sold their spirits.

  Thus, skin bags, they are. Thus, they are so cold and nasty and spooky. Always negative significance, they delivered as their remarks.

  Miyuki disliked the way of spooky attutude that TAKAHARA did. Oh, his father would be a Funeral producer or so, I presume.  BINGO!!!!

  Miyuki didn't know his profession, however, she thought that this boy looked so spooky, and he at least respected his father and grand father.

  The same thing could be said to her second "faked" lover Masaki. He respected his father and his grand father. In his case, not spooky at all, however, forgetful.

  Both are some kind of training to find her suitable boyfriends. And Masaki's case, he was married, anyway. Oh, immoral love, they wanted, she presumed. however, she found her suitable position. "Will, the read clothings" in Robin Hood. A Dandy Nephew of the hero Robin. He is strong, however, fashionable, and Robin's friends made a fun of his costume play and too too theatrical way to say.

  Miyuki liked to be Robin himself, however, for her, the second best is Will. Thus, they failed. OYAJI, again??? They thought. She is too too OYAJI, and she insisted to be OYAJI.

  Again, Auntie? She wanted to play the role of her sister MIYUKI. I would make my own sweets, and she failed. Too too difficult for her to make an errand to KAWACHI or DAISO. Too too complicated, she claimed to her mother. She said, "I would be substituted by Miyuki. She is a good cook, and good at all of householding jobs." And they failed. She is good at all type, they knew well. However, she is not fond of washing, they presumed. Not at all. Of course, compared with Bolivian Cris's grand mother, Miyuki is less fond, yes. however, washing is done by machine, and just drying up is confortable, when it is fine. Not nasty work, at least, except winter. And rainy days, drying up machines. Two, she has. Why don't use it? Because it costs money is Miyuki's reply.

  Miyuki didn't know the system at all. Costive, is good for DDMs. And she should pay more than we, common people, who know thrift well. Miyuki is the most trift emperor in the history in the universe!!!! Oh, I am the clevest emperor!!!!

  They couldn't believe it. Without buying, she entered to the shop called Agripark, and searched a tester. Strowberries, there were. Today, some kind of fruits, may be...She expected. However, she failed.

  Smell. The nasty artificial smell, she sensed immediately, and did the gesture of , "I hate the smell". And they failed. For them, any perfume should be fine. Perfume users, they are!!! Rural ladies???

  They should use it anyway. Thus, YUKARI made her own perfume, when she was in Hachioji. She used her "Anais-Anais" and Miyuki's lotion, bought in Mujirushi-Rohin. And failed. Miyuki disliked the smell. Miyuki bought it because of non smell type. And when she came back from her office work, there was a bottle, willed with lotion, however, with the smell of "Anais-Anais".

  She bought it when she visited Brasil in her first trip. Her colleagues recommended her to try to use it. They said, "Annete" is good for her. She bought it, and felt "not so bad, however, different from my character." And found "Anais-Anais". She liked the bottle also. A kind of non pransparent old type.

  Boccicario, the name of the perfume store. It was phermacy. And the site was located in San Bent, highly near the office, she worked for. And she visited the perfume shop with them, and liked the decoration of old type of cilinders and so on. Glass chemical experiments materials, fairly odlies types were decorated there. And bought "Anais-Anais". And put it. Good. And not so costive like imported brand perfumes.

  She repeated to buy the bottle, and put it in the intimate wears drowers. It was enought for. Sufficient. And the smell is not so articiaial. Rose with orange type, sweet, girly, vivid and tasty smell. Thus, they failed.

  Miyuki now prefers non perfume only. Yes, Anais-Anais is a good choice, however, why lotion non smell type had such Anais-Anais's like flavour???

  She asked Alex and Clare, if they did it or not. And their reply was, "We didn't." Strange, Miyuki thought.

  Marking, they said to others. To distinguish Miyuki from others. They are blind??? yes, in a certain meaning, now in another meaning.

  For them Miyuki is nasty figure. Yes, I know well. And they should get Miyuki to put Anais-Anais????

  Her way of life should be one of us, YUKARI is her favorite, is her rival KITADA's declaration as always. Thus, they rented a house for YUKARI and concealed her to the place????

  Miyuki didn't understand that they did so for her sake???? They didn't want to be betrayed by Miyuki????

  Miyuki was monitored by them at that time. And they wanted Miyuki not to recognize it. And asked her sister not to get her to recognize. And they failed.

  YUKARI was a kinky old lady, and they thought that Miyuki were fond of her, anyway. KITADA said so, and they failed.

  Miyuki would not believe that Kyori Versity were so evil to kill her at the first time. Some coincidence, anyway. The squad wore black formal suits like to go to the funeral.

  They were produced for the job, Aintie. Alex explained to his Alzheimer aunt called YUKARI. You called them to kill Miyuki. You did, Auntie. You forgot, however, you did, auntie.

  For YUKARI, some kind of joke, now. however, Miyuki lost her academic reliance with the dirty experience, she thought. Thus, she tried to recuperate from the nasty experience. I am not a patient of any mental disease, especially, Melancholy at all!!!

  And they failed. After her hospitalization, they started to monitor her bahaviour, and found that she was not their friend. Just an anemy, they recognized, anyway. Thus, then, they tried to kill her again.

  Yukari would be fine to kill her, KITADA exclaimed this time. At least, KITADA did know YUKARI well. She turned to be a professor of law in Kyorin Versity. She was not her type, Auntie. Alex tried to persuade her. however, she decided to do so.

  Miyuki disliked her anyway, is Alex's decision. Only 5 sticks on the flower seeing DANGO, Miyuki put. It means, "My family, composed of 5 figures, can eat them." And they failed. She is too too evident to understand. Miyuki disliked YUKARI so much. They can't persuade YUKARI not to touch Miyuki at all. YUKARI would like to kill her because of her intentional disliking of YUKARI.

  OK, Yukari, I dislike you. For me, you don't exist. And you agreed to be so, at the cost of my precious US$30 thousand.  You shoud manage your emotional problem. You are just a trash for me. Don't touch me, nor my precious things, of course. My family especially. You chose your way already. Don't touch us at all, Alzheimer spontaneous type, Crazy Mad old lady!

  They couldn't make YUKARi believe that Miyuki didn't exist at all. She is a ghost, Alex explained. And DANGO was her last dying message, he tried to explain. however, YUKARI didn't accept the explanation.

  YUKARI should be excluded from our family, is her strong message. They felt it. And Clare said, "Gee, we felt the same thing!!!" OYAJI feels the same. They are too too OYAJI for Alex. Nasty Auntie, however...

  VANISH! DDMs!!!!

   Miyuki's way is too too harsh, however, Yukari should get to recognize at least that she is not the emperor of our family.

  She did too much. All wrongdoings. Her mother is upset of her time consuming lies. Always BLA-BLA-BLA and no excuse at all. She can't chane her mind, thus, should vanish!!!

  She started to learn care taking, her mother said to the grand kids. However, anyone believed her remarks. YUKARI should be taken care of. Why she should learn to take care of some others??? Thus, YUKARI got revealed that she just went to speak ill of Miyuki. She is my hatred No.1. I want to kill you. And they called their police as usual, and they failed.

  Hatred should be our business, is YUKARI's declaration. She want to establish her company to work with her. A kind of enterpreneur she wanted to do it. Miyuki's rightous revenge like idea, she got.

  And she failed. Always she immitates Miyuki's way, and nothing she does, in the end. Only BLA-BLA-BLA, and after, nothing. Or, Miyuki would be killed!!!

  She spoke ill of Miyuki yes. She got so angry, when Miyuki came. Everyone knows it. Impulse, they called. And she herself said, "I can't put up with my hatred on Miyuki at all". Yes, I know. Thus, I want to leave here. however, this is not our time yet. We should wait a bit more.

  Miyuki got a success to put her backwheat flouer into sticky rice powder called SHIRATAMA-KO. Not nasty, a bit rural, nowever, tasty, and good for everyone in this region!!!

  And her stewed read bean paste is a kind of success. Not so sweet, however, tasty, they said. Uncle Bean, they called Miyuki. OK, red, anyway. Mr.Bean, is her replacement. OK, anyway, comedian. Pant mime type. Not so bad!!!

  Teddy bear suitable figures, they are, anyway. Not so many in the field of commedians.

  And Miyuki found that...I don't know yet. however, Teddy bear is traveling in the world. Don't worry, some bears remain with Miyuki. Adachi bear, they called. An expensive type. however, because of its money value, he was the target of stealing several times in Hasegawa hospital.

  The Alzheimer patients steals, they said. And they did the same thing. When they feel, "I want", thus, they steal. A kind of joke, they did. They are out of tune, anyway. Thus, Miyuki took so cautious to him. And now, she put his bear on the shelves. For traveling type, especially in a jeep, she thought. Tiny, and good to be recognized. Strange face, like me, Miyuki thought when she saw ADACHI, and liked his photo, and put it on her desk. A pair of the other photo of her kids.

  She showed her bear in front of their pupils in the class hall, E402, on 1 of october, 2015. Soon, she was caught under the name of "Hilarious situation." Miyuki couldn't understand why the hilarious situation would be the reason of custody.

  For them, yes. They should remain spooky anyway. Their bosses ordered to them. No reason at all. And they created the non boss world also. They killed their bosses as always. Alxheimers are incapable, thus we should kill them, and they also could kill the bosses, also. Eveness, they called. Alzheimer like disobedience, they said. They were allowed to do everything in the world, thus, IDIOCRACY in the final type. For them nothing at all. They could do beyond the limit. No limit at all to them.

  Thus, Auntie. Miyuki knows our rules. She is different from you, AUNTIE. You are too too old to get to know our rules. Unchangeable type. Miyuki is different. She failed yes, however, she could regret and tried to change her way for better, and she could do it. She is strange as always, and she wants to be strange. Uniqueness, it is called. She wants to live as herself. You, YUKARI, you has no yourself. Always, just a hatred and your false superiority complex. And lies. Miyuki suffered lot from your lies. She should accuse you, Auntie. She has right to accuse you, Auntie.

  They all recognized that Miyuki fails sometimes. Now, a bit. However, she made a big nasty mistakes. however, she didn't want to kill any supposed common people, at all. If she said, "You shall die!", it is a kind of expression that "I am highly angry at your attitude!" Now, you, Auntie, you called the police for catching her. Far away from Shirakawa, you called the police, and they did it, Auntie. You just forgot it. Miyuki remembered it, all of them.

  Auntie disliked the thopic. And she got upset as usual, and Alex thinks as usual, "At least, one of them is not so evil as the other."

  For him, liberalists are a kind of wrongdoers, However, now, he is getting to understand that liberalism is more clever way to live, anyway, regarding the matter.

  YUKARI is not good at all, and just does BLA-BLA-BLA. And she doesn't think so. Subjectively, not, however....

  Only objective conducts value world, we live now. Thus, she should fail. And now, she took her midicine. Once for a while, they said to her. And for her, any remark is equal.

  Now, we should have eat something. Miyuki couldn't eat her dinner when she declared. YUKARI was in the kitchen, and was doing dish washing job. Thus, she failed. She didn't need to the job, and insited to continue the job, for them all. And Miyuk refrained from the place, with a package of fermented soy beans. Now she should eat exactly!!!

 Thus, wait several ten minutes!!!

 MAR would come back soon!!!