YUKARI's End (162)

2017-04-18 22:34:27 | 日記

We ate satisfactory dinner with soup and Port Western main dish with yogurt trifle with strawberry and stewed summer orange peels.

  Miyuki put lemmon peels in the chiken bone extract soup and got a success. She put it during stewing job, not after it. Better.

  Lemmon juice sould be put after the cooking process, however, peels should be put before stewing. This is the result of our experiment.

  Efficiency combined with delicious taste is our task as always. Miyuki learned a lot from stewed peel making jobs. Now, she would make her Greece soup in the better way.

  Lemon peel is fresh, however, not to be stewed at all, they thought. however, after stewing summer orange peels, she thought of stew it during the cooking process, not after it. And she won a big success.

  Green peas, already boiled type, and shredded carrot. She wanted the third color. Some yellow vegitable should be good, she thought, and found a piece of lemmon in the fredge.

  And she thought, stewed lemmon peel would be only a colour decoration. Flavour, would not change, probably. However, she failed, and gained that lemmon peel should put in the middle of cooking, not after generally speaking.

  Taste is different, fresh, yes. They don't change the character of the flavour even they were stewed. And she found that the flavour was maintained with heating.

 Returning the news comments by Rabby.

England's way of Omanko Politics:

 The conservative party's sheets' number is a bit more than 50%, however, it also would be 44%. What did the OMANKO journalist wants to say? Not good at math, entirely. After vanishing, it would try to be a journalist. Before it, not at all!

 Who uses it? And why? OMANKo journalists have no doubt of these relevant factors of the mass media. See:

  From Paris to Paris, by way of Madrid, Zurich, and London, for 6 hours only. The OMANKO writer said for borrowing money. however, only compliments would weigh to borrow the money? Micchiku Financial system is adopted in Europe also?

  And he forgot Frankfurt, the EU central bank. Oh, it ended up already?

  Lawyers, faked ones, working as a manager of rotten and abandoned companies. And Nishimura Asahi Law Firm is their favorite. See:

  And solar enegey system is out of date, the OMANKO writer says. Why in Shirakawa, residents are enthusiastically trying to set its equipment?  Solar enegey's price is now low, thus the company failed, the OMANKO writer wrote. Why the price got down abruptly?  Population reduced suddenly is the right answer. Abundant quantity of energy now. It would be provided for free.

  OMANKO journalists have no difference between governments and private companies. This is the proof again:

  According to them, ITOU-CHUU trading company is public sector, thus its trading should be monitored and it is already monitored and the invesitigation by Committee of Fair Competition has already done. All confusion here and there.

  Alzheimer patients should quit their shameful job, even they don't recognize their suffering.

  OMANKO journalits can't recognize the difference between ZERO and SOME. See the example:

  They said, "The company could gain the money from almost all of wrongdoers perfectly, however, there are some wrongdoers who didn't pay for it yet." Long, unnecessary, and the proof of Alzheimer like error. They just prolonged the article. Deluting is their profession. Soft, not impressive, second hand information, with their own egoistic non reliable way.

  They are already desqualified as journalists. Why they wrote the articles? Just for their shamelessness.

 Always prediction based on their feeling. The OMANKO journlist confessed it. See:

  She doesn't know the contents at all, however, she wrote, "He is interested in TOSHIBA matter so highly, because he touched on the topic a bit." For her, only one eye contact would be the reason of threatning the boy to get married with her.

  Micchiku related mad dog company's conducts were revieled. It struggles for their "right to do wrong" against NINTENDO. See:

  Already their name signified that they imitated the NINTENDO's fanous game. However, they said, "Other company rented us the equipment and the wears. NINTENDO should sue it, not us.  And they would win, because of their reliable Judiciary of Injustice. NINTENDO, prepare for their illogical attackings!

  Muck occupies with marking by its own. See the example:

  Probably he is in the illusion of being a pet dog. This marking means that this is my territory. Don't approach! Muck like behaviour. Any vast place would be their target.

 For DDMs, driver's licence doesn't exist. Thus, he thought that he could have used the company's car rithously. See:

  Already 1 year has passed after his company's car use. He uses his own private car, as usual. Why not me? Everyone does it, he would get astonished at the accusation, probably. Alzheimer young announcer was hired by this SHIZUOKA mass media. Local Micchiku type company it would be.

  Alzheimer patients are allowed to drive a car now. See:

  However, I watched worse case in Shirakawa. "Oh, paved pedestrian deck is prohibitted to drive a car? Why so?" like attitudes here and there in this town. I took a picture of the proof;  a car came from the road, entered in the pedestrian deck, and parked his car in the middle of it, in front of the post office.

  Alzheimer society, we call it. The ruler is Alzheimer patient, and the residents are also. IDEOCRACY perfect type, in Shirakawa, is realized. IKKYO believers are the main factor of this rare fenomenum in the history.

  Miyuki is sleepy now. Rabby should end up his quick news time.

  MAR is going to the bed. We should take a rest. Tomorrow, she would cook better than today. Everyday's exercise will bring her super wonderful result. Orchard for everyone of us!!!

  VANISH! DDMs!!! You are too too ugly! Beyond Miyuki's imagination!!!

  See you, us, common people and our supporters, including Fauna & Flora, in the morning!!!


YUKARI's End (161)

2017-04-18 19:14:11 | 日記

Rabby is now commentator of us all. Quick news time!

 Look at the article:

  The OMANKO Alwheimer writer doesn't know Bar  Code system. Or, for them, prohibitted remark, because it suggests the kinkiest hair style of a dull famous politician called Yasuhiro NAKASONE.

  He was almost bold, however, he planted some of long hair in his head skin, probably female hair, and put it to cover the bold space as much as possible. Only some experts could do it the special job. Thus, he needed to go to them frequently.

  The secret was, using paste. They stuck the hair in his head. Thus, if he scrached, he needed their help.

  Thus, in 2016, they had their hay day. Miyuki found that each building in OOTEMACHI and KASUMIGASEKI areas had one barber, at least, and took several pictures. She got in doubt, "Why this less populous city has so much barbers? " And found the answer. They had a power at that time.

  Oh, the story of "The king has donky ears!" Miyuki watched several theater plays on it. Only barber could know the fact that their king had two pair of Donky ears. And found, thus, we should inform the fact, that NAKASONE is completely bold!!! to the world!!!

   Top secret, he thought. And only several barbers could know it. He should kill them, if they revealed the fact.

  And now, all of us got to know that NAKASONE was entirely bold.

  Bald or bold??? HAGUE! in Japanese. No head hair at all!!!

  We should put that at least NAKASONE didn't put his pubic hair on his head skin, we assure.

  BUSU for females, HAGUE for males. The most painful words for DDMs. Thus, we will sing the song of BUSU-HAGUE ONDO!!!

  And Miyuki knows BUSU combined HAGUE!!! Shizuru MISAGO, it is called. It was a dean of International Affair Course of TSUDA college. Short, almost 150cm at hight, plump almost 60kg at weight. It wore SARUSHI dark suits, when it pretended to be a male. While, when it pretended to be a famale, it wore KIMONO for formal ceremony. And it was bold, and completely ugly. The song of her taste, we will sing tomorrow!

  OMANKO Economic Journalists don't think of cost at all. This is an example:

  A vehicle at the cost of US$400 thousand would be sold in Japan and in the other countries. Who would buy it? They don't think of necessity on the side of buyers. Always ego-centric illusional predict. Ego-centric world they live.

  Strange fenomenum in Japan. SARUSHI combined with Rucksack, for mountain hiking:

  Almost 10 years ago, at Kyorin University, male collegues started to bring it on ther back. Why? So funny. Professionalism deteriorated versiton. Formality combined with casual looking. Why SARUSHI, and Why hiking?

  And Miyuki got a result. IKKYO believers use the common laggeges among them.

  Miyuki was stolen her laggege, orange tiny rucksack in 2016. In July. They stole, and took her precious US$20 and returned to her. She was in the train, and should write her legal letter in the train. She concentrated in the job, as usual. She was too too enthusiastic her job, and she found that her bag was stolen. In Hachioji, she found. Thus, she claimed. "My bag was stolen!!" However, IKKYO believers stopped her, saying, "I am sure that your bag would be safe". Why you are sure? I have to claim to the clerks of the JR railway, anyway. And he disturbed me to get out, violently. Thus, I couldn't get out there, and I did in the next stop, in Nishi-HACHIOJI, or west Hachioji.

  I claimed to the clerk, however, he refused it, and indicated to go to the police, and Miyuki was forced to get out of the station to claim the stealing.

  Miyuki entered into the police station, and found that the police was totally run by IKKYO believers. They are so kinky and skewed. They chose the staff because of their appearance. Thus, the staff don't know nothing on the matter at all. already Alzheimer world in public.

  They were relatively young, however, already their brain was damaged.

  Miyuki got to know that they suffered Alzheimer from their kids period. Sex, they did with adults. They live together. and for them, adults and kids are the same. And they liked it. Thus, they knew it since they were 7 years old or so.

  For them, a kind of gesture that "I like you", thus, they transmit the disease easily, and they are Alzheimers, when they reached at 20 years old.

  Why they suddenly got forgetful?, was Miyuki's question. They are forgetful, as always. She tried to interpretate their saying at the best benefitted for them as possible. And after the spell resolvation, she thought, Oh, they are just young Alzheimers.

  No difference at all, because they live togather in some narrow place. Thus, they sleep together, and they do as they like. For them, prohibittion was not known one. they are too too ignorant to know the fact, they are said so. Thus, allowance to them all.

  Selling and buying are the same for them. If they find some target, they try to attack, and get the chance to do it. and they failed. they were not so unexperienced at such kind of the things. Only Miyuki is TOHOHO!!!

  Thus, Miyuki failed, and got to know the fact. Oh, they could do it? Better than that "One per month, conversation and tea only" type.

  Oh, thus MASAKI did know it!! He confessed me that his parents did even they were in the same bed room. And he said, he had 6 family members. Several times, the members were changed. And he consulted me on one of them's pregnancy.

  Oh, IKKYO kid, he was. Thus, his mamory was so confused. Oh, it is their life. Thus, he was so so filled with problems. Other kids had a bunch of problems. Oh, I was a kind of consultant for them all!!!

  Thus they failed. They disliked Miyuki's logical reply. Always rightous answers type. Why not? I don't waste time. Time consuming unattractive jobs for KITADA, and for me, more creative jobs.

  Miyuki quitted the relationship with Masaki, because he wanted to consume her precious time more. "Oh, it's not my job. See you, MASAKI!" was her last words. She was busy anyway. Thus, they failed.

  They wanted to learn from Miyuki, however, she refused it. KITADA would be your mother, old auntie type. Miyuki is not at all!!!

  Thus, they failed. They wanted to catch Miyuki, however, she escaped from the trap. Anyway, I am busy to make my precious time to study my major. And she is even now TOHOHO....

  IKKYO kids should be better than TAKAHARA type. However, for her, not at all!!! Miyuki really wants to destroy IKKYO evil world. They are anti-fundametal law type existance. No rule at all. Just impulse type. Deterioration in total.

  And she found a good stage for Orchestra concert for TOMOCHI. Tiny chamber type music would be good at WASHIO's side. And the big stage, a colloseum type would be good. Anyway, always a lot of audience. TOMOCHI liked the idea.

Better than nothing. And they are quiet, anyway. Western music, they are not accustomed to listen. However, soon , they would be a good audience of this type of music.

  Miyuki sang some Japanese songs in RAKAN-Hill Park Cemetery. One of them is "RAKAN failed". A game. RAKAN is a Budda's another transformation. A band, they are. And they fail easily. They are thought a kind of wise men, however, they faile, and get forced to roll. Why? Strange music. A traditional Japanese kids lyric like British nursery rhyme. Why? Raping like situation, the letters recall. However, amusing melody. Why? Unlucky Rakan, Miyuki imagins. He would be laught at by kids, anyway, indifferent from his width. Why?

  Liquid Candy? "When it drops, we should roll it up!" the song says. A riddle? Rakanka, is the name of fruit. And there is a candy called the name. To make the candy, we should roll it up? OK?

  Miyuki is right. Why raped by kids? IKKYO kids would do it. Thus, HEKATOMBE is held. So few kids participated in the festival. Where are others? Only we? They should do so. Because the adults are hungry.

  Muck eats muck. Boy meets Girl. Thus, after making love, they should be eaten. Or vanish!

  Miyuki's presumption is so so nasty for them. Smiling to them, and found that some old men came from the same direction to the same one. Oh, kids eaters. They wore white venil clothings.

  And Miyuki found how the railway sounds so heavily. There is a bridge for the sake. Miyuki was astonished at listen to "Thomas the tank engine" like sound when the common electric train passed in front of her. Oh, they set it in the ancient style. And for the counteners, almost 20 connected, a normal train like sound. They can chage the style easily.

  Miyuki found that the boss of devils is also Alzheimer suffering one. They should do according to his order, and they failed. Oh, the system. Only one orders, while others obey in this case.

  Magic like fenomenum, and Miyuki believed, thus, we could do it, in much more better way and style. Thus they failed.

  Miyuki imagines always positive and better for us. Because justice should be better and positive, while injustice should be worse and negative. We don't want to be laught at by others, as shame.

  Miyuki makes a lot of mistakes everyday. However, she tries to reduce them, and she continuously tried to find other interesting new type of job, thus, fails again. New means challlenging, and the percentage of failure is not less. Thus, she amusingly fails, and continues to proceed, anyway. Yes, less mistakes is better situation. However, without mistake type thought stops her walking. Kyorin type perfectionism affects all of us. Thus, she thinks that some failures would be some kind of nutrition to the next time.

  Thus, they failed. Perfectionist, she should be, they said. And they were dull idiots, she discovered. Thus, they failed. Oh, they were so so ugly in their brain. Acepharos, they are in reality. Now, the magic was resolved, and she would be free from versity admirering. Only some selected one could enter, was their catch copy. Now, only some selected idiot could enter situation. Thus, they got angry to her song. Wrap music, she sang today. and laughted at their low level ability and acepharic brain.

  Even after graduating from doctor course, they were worse than my kid Alex. He is the worst 3 of the class in his junior high, however, better than them at all!!! Only I could win his dibating. Why the idiots go to law school? The system is all rotten!!!

  Miyuki is too too harsh to them. And they decided to break her only one world. She made a slight adventure after the rap misic, for 30 minutes or so, and returned to the main road. and got to know, "Oh, the author of "Crayon SHIN-CHAN" would be killed by the police.

  He was almost 60, and fell from the cliff, when he was taking pictures from there. Too young. He was yet productive, she thought. Why abruptly? And she climed up the hill, separated from the cemetery. Probably, he was watching the cemetery constructive jobs, and went to prove it, for his comic with sarcatristics expression done by this naughty boy of 5 years old.

  Probably, he did the same work of ours. And the police followed him, and pushed him down from the cliff. The proof was perfect, according to the police.

  And they failed. For them, smiling should be allowed, however, laughing is prohibitted. IKKYO is such a religion. Probably, laughing makes them to feel pain of the facial skin, because of their plastic surgery. It pains anyway to them. Thus, spooky mood, they prefer.

  For them, showing pain is prohibitted. however, it pains in fact. Thus, they can't concentrate on the job. Always it pains. Skin expression should be avoided, would be their advice. And they failed.

  Laughing is a kind of exercise for normal skin owners. Not for plastic surgeried Alzheimer patients, they thought. YUKARI was revealed that she did the dirty work. She did? Oh, she did. her face. Look well. She did it.

  They were astonished at her dared plastic surgery. however, she changed a bit. And the nasty line. She couldn't put up with the line. And wants to change again. And they said, "OK, your face. Not mine. Spooky, however, your choice."

  "Helter skelter" was the name of Kyoko OKAZAKI, and the reality of plastic surgery she wrote. And she got married, and injured by traffic accident. Soundless vehicle approached her, and  hit her. She got unconsciousness for more than 10 year, and recently, she could write new comics????

  Information was wrong. They hit her, however, other Kyoko OKAZAKI. Not the comic writer. however, OMANKO Jounalism confused it???

  She got wounded, however, not so much. however, she got reluctant to work, and retired from the life as comic writer. And got married, and hit by a car.

  Oh, IKKYO husband she gaind. He attacked her for the sake of her money. They did so, because they were rich.

  Crayon Shin-chan't wife? She agreed to do so. She is an informant of his family. Again, Auntie? You are too too noisy recently. You broke papers so frequently. Why? Alex asked. And her reply is, "I want to erase my shame." Thus, vanish!!!

  She is the shame. She herself should vanish at once. They don't believe that she is the real DDM, however, with her plastic surgery matter, they understood. Why now? Even as Alzheimer patient, why you did so?

  She wanted to change her mind, and did it. Positive image, she wanted. However, not at all. And pains. Thus, she relies on madicine. Cocaine like electric heating cigaret type. Miyuki isn't wrong at all!!! She is right. Cocaine user, YUKARI is. Nasty, however, the reality!!!

 Now, Miyuki is hungry. Thus, MAR goes to the kitchen. Probably soup. We would make colourful pea soup with carrot. With chicken born extract. Rabby would like it!!!

  Rabby recently faces some philosophical question. His vegitarian belief was just an illusion...he started to think so.

  Yeity type, Miyuki expressed. "Woo" is the monster's name. He is the protector of unhappy excluded girl called YUKI. She was wrongly espulsed by the villege residents, and she started to live in a cold snowy mountain, under the monster called "Woo".

  and Miyuki thought that Woo looked like Yukie IKEURA. Her collegue at primary school. Cute girl with her own style in fashion. A daughter of beauty parlor. And her house was not so big, however, a wstern style one. Her fasion was a bit different from other rural pupils. and they were the relationship to invite each other to their house as birthday visitors.

  She gave Miyuki a clever gift as always. And she found a tea cup for Japanese tea with the design of NYAROME, a cat character of Fujio AKATSUKA.

  She also liked KEMUMPASU, however, it is worm, and not suitable for drinking. And now, she uses it for Japanese tea. A tiny type. Good do drink petit break.

  She is not so good at getting point, however, she had a style. She would like today's Miyuki's costume. Prisienne went to East Coast in USA, and turned to be a sportman like costume.

  She did her nasty work again. Bridge squat, we call it. The symbol of marking, in pet dog way, she admits. And a bit more. Ballet like movement with a bar on the guard rail on the bridge.

  And then, the three old men with white vinil rain wear appeared. She thought that they were the catchers of today. And now, all of them should be Miyuki's catchers. She did the declaration again in RAKAN Mountain, with music!!!

  She conducted the cherry blossoms. Anyway, blooming is beautiful. Better than nothing, even watcher is only Miyuki.

  She thought that cherry blossoms are a kind of victims. They can't move by themselves, usually. And if they grow up wrongly, the competition of the wild field would make sense. If they can coexist, they would survive, and not, they would shrink. Don't worry, anyway, you are trees. And you should bloom anyway. Sakura should be appreciated in this season.

  And she reported this specially planted cherry blossoms trees bourvar to her boss. You can drive in the car. There is a broad road to the top of the cemetery park. Tumbs are new, strangely. And the montain beside the public cemetery, there is a same type private cemetery also.

  and she failed. Anyway, she doesn't care of cemetery matter at all. Cherry blossom is her forcus. Cemetery is not so amusing one, for almost all of us, however, for her, some kind of marking or so. Not so nasty ones.

  Miyuki was accustomed to wash the tumb stone, and sometimes poured cider on it. MITSUYA cider, it was called. Her grand father's favorite mark. Miyuki liked Ribbon Citron more, however, she always searched MITSUYA cider for the diseaced grand father. And got a great note.

  Tumb lover, she was called. Anyway, for her, some kind of game play toy like chess's porn or so. Tumbs should be like that. Not for music, they thought. However, she doesn't think so. Some nasty one??? Don't move, just it.

  Miyuki thinks that some tumbs would get upset at the contemptious behaviours. IKKYO's way of life is beyond their limit. Nasty, and anti-humanistic. Contemptous. They don't feel nasty to have done so. Newly established tumbs with no bone, Miyuki thought. Not at all! however, with others bones.

  They confuse lots, and don't recognize the difference old and new. Who's is their matter, not at all. Anyway bones, is their understanding. Thus, YUKARI dislikes chiken bones and fish bones.

  Oh, thus, my answer was near. Bones were hated by IKKYO believers because of their sin recalling system. They were spooky existance as always for them. Thus, they disliked skelton. Thus, they did the nasty job. They confused the bones, and said, "This is for your diseaced one" to the others.

  For them, anyway, quick would be, is business life. And they did previously. Thus, they establied the tumb with the two names. A couple would be, and the name of construction. Strarnge stone tumb. When they died, was out of question. Probably, the date of payment should be enough for the masons.

  Founding date was curved in the stone. OR, they died immediately at the same time? The death doing it type?

  Miyuki would get astonished at their strange conducts, however, they searched the mate for it. !FUKUJOUSHI or death at the moment of extasy was their preference. And they did it. And they wanted to keep in the stone monument.

  Oh, the remarks I heard in May, 2015 were their real ideal death! Oh, I thought that some metaphor.

  Thus, they died. Neuron inducing system was used. And they searched the mate to do so. Miyuki didn't think so, however, they thought so. Some of them were selected for the job. Miyuki was their target of the contemptious death.

  TOHOHO, anyway. Eros with Tanatos, I would like to avoid. Miyuki was too too clever to understand that IKKYO life is totally superficial and no pleasure at all. Thus, only sensing is their way. Erotic, they should be. Thus, they prohibitted the healthy sexual curiosity of youth.

  Oh, Liberal Democratic Party in Tokyo's disliking sexual education attitude. They like to do with youngest girls, themselves, however, they prohibitted others to do so. Some kind of privilege, they thought.

  and Berlusconi is another example. IDIOCRACY here and there in the world. Old guys dream should be realized, was their catch copy. And Miyuki didn't want to get along with any one of them. Alzheimer patients are just trash. Not my type at all!!!

  Thus they failed. HEKATOMBE would be tonight. "Tonight, we celebrate with you for us!!!" Lionel Richie and Roberta Flack? Whitney Huston? Anyway, black beauty singer. We celebrate the new age!!!

  We, all FAUNA & FLORA, and our supporters, should cerebrate our triemph anyway. Thus, Miyuki and ADACHI and Rabby are going to the kitchen. Now Miyuki's energy is so low. We need neutrish us!!!

 See you soon!



YUKARI's END (161)

2017-04-18 17:17:16 | 日記

18/04/2017 (Tuesday, afternoon) It was rainy today. Then, it turned fine. Thus, after my roasted Chiken wings lunch, I made a trip, visiting cherry blossoms' scenery.

  They are now in bloom. And I found a private temple, which is run by OPPABU BABAA, have two big old wonderful cherry blossoms. Presumably, they are 500 years old, and they are beautiful.

  There was a cemetery, Mountain type. Old and new, mixed ones. And they are arranged like a half dome colloseum, thus, I conducted a song of Wagner, "The song of our victory". I sang in a loud voice, proud of our triamph. Why not? And the cemetery agreed that we are legitimate power holders.

  I negociated with them to occupy our town with their old tumbs. Better than MICCHIKU prefablic cheapy buildings, commercial type and residencial one. Our plan is, first, the old tumbs occupy the earth, in stead of the cheapy prefablic Micchiku houses, and then, the woods and plants grow up. They can coexist. No problem.

  And we create a new educational game called "Find out Old Tumbs!" according to "Wolly Search". For example, a teacher orders "Find out 1967's tumbs in this forest! " and the pupils search it in the woods. Who is the first finder? If he or she gains, the teacher gives him or her a prize. It would be some sweets, delicious type, of course.

  They, they learn what happened in this year. The tumbs are the proofs. They should presume what was done on them. And then, the teacher esplains the history in general, and the pupils write their own stories what happened on the person of the tumb holders.

  Of course, the arrangement would be welcome. Tumbs as a playing game. The tumbs should admire our wage. Too too amusing, and educational. Good suggestion. Better than IKKYO educatin system. The pupis should learn by themselves. They should learn how to listen to the history. And Miyuki did a good success.

  Always she chose foreign song, they claimed. Again? This time, TNBO-IZA! Thus, they failed. They prepared for "Song of Pleasure". Thus, as a second song, Miyuki sang it, and they could it.

  TANBO-IZA! is too too difficult for old ones. Never heard, they said. At least, Song of Plesure is familiar in the end of year. However, similar, they thought. German songs are similar, Miyuki resumed. Anyway, you can sing it. Train well. We can sing for our victory.

  We are the champions is their favorite. Easy, anyway. Slow, anyway. Old ones could sing such type. GOEIKA type music.

  Queen would cry for it. GOEIKA!!! Buddist songs, sung among SOUTOU party's believers. Sato Family is traditionally SOUTOU party. Miyuki heard them several times. It costs. And the singer is BONZ!!! Miyuki was astonished at the strange habit of the temple called CHOUJU-IN, or long life Temple. And more astonished, when she heard the songs were sung by only old DDMic females.

  They should be free, Miyuki thought. However, greedy BONZ requered Sato Family to pay for the strange songs. For Miyuki, boresome prolongment. however, Sato Family is a kind of aristocrat in this region. Thus, they failed. Miyuki is the kinkiest girl among them. Why she is always different? They are all the same type. Traditional rural DDMs. Miyuki is different. Anyway, thus they are saved.

  Aristocratic family should obey their rule, they thought. And Miyuki is too too differently thinking of her aristocratic theory. "Nobles Obrige" should be applied to the benefitted one. In the most urgent case, they should be useful, anyway. The essence of this remark. Miyuki learned it from the history of WWI. The best boys in the public schools went to the war, and didn't return after the war. Churchil was one of the worst dull boys in his age. He was an aristocrat, in a good family. Sally he should be, Miyuki thought. Monster's Inc, the Sato Family watched. And Miyuki liked the end.

  For versity managers, the end was too too unpleasent. However, it's America, Miyuki thought. I couldn't recommend to our clients to quit our versity, however, if I were Sally, I would do so type result.

  Miyuki liked the second story. Sally and his chap entered into Versity to be a postman in the best company in their world. Harvard like versity. And they were scolded by their failure. Thus, they quitted, and then they made an effort to be famous, and the company hired them as regular staff. Thus, their versity experience turned to nothing. Versity is not useful, is the message.

  As a versity staff, a bit difficult to say "I all agree!", however, as an individual, "Yeah, that's it! It should be!" type film.

  Miyuki is too too right to say so. Even in Monsters' world, the versity education was required. And the chap entered because of his quickness, and Sally, because of his aristocratic blood.

  however, Sally made an effort to their threatening job, and got a prize. However, they did lie. A way to make the chap to be useful. They lied, and got categorized as unfair one.

  the chap was good and quick, however, small, and this is not his fault. however, for a requisit of participation, they should have some performance with good point. And they faked the figure. And they were scolded, and then, discharged.

  However, they got a success to realize their dream. Anyway, they could be the staff of the Monsters' Inc.

  Thus, they failed. Nasty film got a success in Japan, also. They don't think nasty. Good to know it. The message was not recognized at all! Anyway, the films provided from IKKYO should be "A big success" and they failed.

  Always ANIME, Miyuki's kids required her. And it costed a lot. Almost US$50 in total per film in a family. Miyuki thought that watching DVD is more cheaper. However, renting DVD is dangerous, because TSUTAYA, the big renting company requred her to give them all Drivers' licence information in total. She refused, thus, they are saved.

  Miyuki would be the last one to TSUTAYA to register. All of the family members already did, they said. However, Miyuki didn't. She disliked "point system" and they liked. She disliked "cheapy gift inducing advertizement". Thus, they failed.

  Always she is the last one. Thus, now, she would be the first to do so????

  For them, new type of lady no.1 should be YUKARI. Oh, I totally agree. DDMic, anyway. The evilest persistent ugliest, No.1!!!

  And they failed. Miyuki is too too clever to find a new job. Agricultural Business under the control of FAUNA & FLORA. Volunteers would be welcome. And DDMs, not at all!!!

  They can't recognize the difference between Chinese leeks and duffodils. Why? Because they are Alzheimer patients.

  The OMANKO writer also can't. He put the photo of the comparison. For us, no necessary to be indicated type too too easy difference they have.

  The width of the leaves, smells, the shape of flowers. All of them are totally different. However, DDMs make a mistake oftenly. Some kind of test. If they can recognize it, they are free from the doubt of Alzheimer like quick test.

  Thus, rural DDMs always cultivate Duffodils in the field. Probably their rural boss did the same mistake, and they followed.

  And all of them failed. Poisoneous, and they got nasty feeling. They believed that their leader were clever, however, it was proved that he is also Alzheimer patient.

  Miyuki did the same thing, a conductor job in the public cemetery called RAKAN-YAMA Park. She found that the cemetery is surrounded by beutiful cherry blossoms. No one except her. No man's land again. Thus, she conducted the song of victory, and said, "TAMBO-IZA!".

  Then, suddenly, three vehicles appeared. Too too strange. No man's land turned to be cherry blossom visiting place. Why three? For Miyuki catching?

  And Miyuki continued her adventure. Natural Forest trecking. She wanted to get down the mountain in the other side. However, she failed. No exit. She found the slender bamboo plants called SHINO is the sigh of human zone. Too too clear for us all. Up to the bamboo area, human beings can enter. Over ther, only forest. And she found that the side of more rural zone was not explored at all. Only a field and a rural modest house. A big one, however, not IKKYO type house, anyway.

  And the relatively fat bamboos were there. Thus, she couldn't get out.

  Thus, she changed ner mind, and decided to return to the mail road. And found, the moutain was explored only one side, Shirakawa I Primary School's side, whild Shirakawa III side was maintained as always.

  Some woods, a fine one was fallen, however, by natural cause. And Miyuki was confirmed that the glooming like treatment is not necessary for the forest. Too too easy. As they like, is the way to make forest. No so much human beings to the job.

  Thus, they failed. Miyuki read that for making cider forest, human resorce is highly important, and because of the lack of this resource, Japanese cider forest is not useful for the sake of competitivity loss.

  And they failed. how many years they studies forestry? Once they walk along the forest, they could perceive it. Why they explained based on the wrong ideology?

  Tokyo University is the evilest one, they call it, and Miyuki, Moriko and OKINO agree, enterely. Even Foresty, they made on the wrong base.

  For them, forestry is for study, not for nature. Commons, it was called. Miyuki was intruduced to the meeting, however, she didn't make contact so frequently. Some kind of "Yeah, I know you, cham" type relationship. And they failed. They didn't remember her at all.

  Oh, you, Auntie? You did the nasty dish again? Alex asked. Only curry she could do it. And she wanted Alex to bring it for lunch. A disastrous future, he predicted. Thank you, anyway. However, impossible for me.

  Her mother asked YUKARI to make some sustainable dish for him, and her choice is curry. Anyway, I can do it, is her reason. For what, was her weakpoint. Alaway she forgot the object. then, she was scolded again. "I am not Miyuki. She has all, while I have none. You criticese me because of lack of luck. You are too too sly. You gave her all, while to me nothing. Why you accuse me?"

  DDMic kids like claim, now she is doing. Deterioration. Miyuki said "Degradation" and she failed. Degradation was always. Now, worse than it. Thus, Deteriorarion. OK, Auntie, you should quit her job, all of them, OK? You should retire from all of your jobs inside the house. And YUKARI agreed. They relaxed. YUKARI was too too nasty to insist her omnipotent ability. Why? Because she imagins so, was Clare's answer.

  She got a prize to inform her grand mother that YUKARI did the wrongdoing again and again. Peeping Tom, as always, and stealing, as the same times. And she wanted to kill Clare again.

  Again, Auntie? Clare is your supporter. Why you want to kill her?, Alex asked softly. Her reply is, "She is nasty young girl. You are different. You should be protected as a boy."

  DDMs also protect their boys as their protectors. Thus, YUKARI's opinion that "Boys are different from girls. They are too too sensitive, and all of maternity should be provided them even they are adults."

  Terrible, Miyuki thought of. However, she insisted and tried to indulge her nephew. And she got disliked by anyone. She is only a kinky old lady. Peeping Tom, Miyuki said.

  Alex's remarks always mention to her parent. Thus, Miyuki is now in danger. Again, Auntie? Miyuki is not so bad guy. you are bad guy, Auntie. You should recognize it.

  Alex is too good to manage her. She is always tamed, when she was in a good mood. Drinking would be fine for her, Alex suggested. And she tries to drink a can of beer everyday. And she got pleased and said, "Miyuki is too too strict to prohibit her to drink it."????

  Miyuki is always confused by her remarks. All illusion on Miyuki.

  She found that "Henry's house"'s residencial address is ONIGOE, thus, the tiny space is the site, in fact. Thus, she discovered that the IKKYO business should be found by the address search.

  the exhibition center for residencial buildings, a vast one in Mitaka, was established for more than 5 famous consruction companies. And the adress is only house type. It appupies the vast space, however, only one address would be fine to continue their wrongdoings.

  and they did even in Shirakawa. RAKAN-YAMA is not a mountain, just a house, is their opinion. Thus, they failed. Only a house with a lots of tumbs, and old cherry blossom trees. Strange!

  And Miyuki found that IKKYO cunstructive company has its site in front of KASHIMA Shrine. And found that a single mother and her boy had moved there more than 5 years ago. Probably, they rented their SHIBUKI name to found the new construction company. Her mother said that they lived there, bought a house. A boy got a good job after his high school, and they bought a house, she said to Miyuki. And Miyuki believed that they bought by their 35 years loan.

  Miyuki always refused to make a loan, because she doesn't want to pay the interest to the bank at all. If I buy some house or apartment, I would pay in cash, was her choice.

  and they failed. They did the devil's pledge, instead of paying the money. Just a lip service, they induced. And they did it, and was killed. Why they were killed, Auntie? Alex asked. Because they were wrongdoers, was YUKARI's reply.

  YUKARI informed them as wrongdoers. They claimed the school because of the noise. For them, indurable, probably, Miyuki thought. In front of the gymnastic hall. And she failed. They wanted to move, just it, was Alex's interpretation.

  And Miyuki would eat something now. She needs power.

  Wait for a while.


  Our pledge is too too strong. MAR!!!!