YUKARI's End (139)

2017-04-10 23:45:35 | 日記

  And today, Miyuki watched several falling of "Blue Impulse" or artifucial satelites for Wi-Fi system. Star Shooting projects, they did. Mr.Slump would like it. At least, they did it. Now, several ones are in the sky.

  They described white unilateral lines, and fell, and vanished. Always downward. A kind of amusing shooting exhibition for us all. Miyuki liked to predict the direction of them. All downward, with her down pointing index fingure. With her voice in belly, "Hyoooooo.......Poton..." They wanted to hear some kind of explosion, however, just like a evacuation in a toilet like sound.

  Miyuki liked to predict the day by evacuation. today, 5 of it. A big one, and relatively smaller 4. And remembered Alex's Chinese Character name. "爽", it is written. Miyuki like to image a big person with some brilliant powers. And she likes to write the 4 X as 4 人, it means 4 persons. He would be popular type upward letter for her.

  However, for YUKARI, this letter is omneous, because its origin was a dying clothings with 4 body cutting. Too too nasty, and always, YUKARI is negative, MIYUKI thought.

  Chinese character came from prediction. Old type of bone burning type. Turtle buck was used in the ancient age. And the cracks were interpretated with some experts. To record, China produced Chinese Characters.

  If the predictors were MIYUKI type, the world should have been more cheerful, they regretted. They chose nasty YUKARI type predictors. They themselves should be DDMs, already.

  Now, our age is comming. Positive thinkers only world. No YUKARI type. Easy goers world. Why not??? You, Auntie, you were popular in the nasty primitive era, however, we are in the modern world. We are going to with more cheerful one. Why not???

  And YUKARI didn't understand her ending at all. All pedals should be fixed????? Bicycle should not be used now world. Because the cycling is dangerous for Alzheimer patients. Oh, for her, everything in the universe is dangerous. Thus, you should vanish right now!!!!

  YUKARI didn't know why she separated their foods from hers. She thought that she had all of the foods as she liked. And failed. She wanted more...

  VANISH! DDMs!!! You have enough foods, and Miyuki bought her foods. She cooks, anyway. Some smells ggo type foods, she cooks. And you, Auntie, your foods are trash in the box. You disliked your job, why you disturbe Miyuki's job, several times a day? You are too too peeping Tom type. Like an erotic old man like strangeness you do, Auntie.

  Miyuki lost some panties by her stealing jobs. And found that she stole her leggins almost all. Again, Auntie? How many times you stole her bottom wears???

  Miyuki lost some leggins again???? I would check them. I have to collect my navy blue panty from the mount of dried up clothings.

  YUKARI made a mount of them, in the corredor outside the mother's chamber. Why? I don't know. She wanted to search something, however, she changed her mind, and asked her mother to search it in the mountain. Alex laught at YUKARI's attitude. She wanted to find MIYUKI's panties in the mountains. From where, she made such a mountain???

  She always did the wrongdoings, and recently, she did them too too much in a high pitch mode. She is in a hurry anyway, Clare wispered to Alex. Anyway, YUKARI wanted to make wrongdoings, collectively. And today, she collected the wrongdoings. She needed to do so. Sramp rally like hobby she had. A kind of magic, they called. Miyuki's ignorance irritated her, and her kind help irritated her also. Miyuki is yor your toy, Auntie. She is a lovely old lady, anyway. She should be ignored by you, Auntie.  She wants to be igonored by you, Auntie. It's too too easy for you, Auntie. Why not???

   Miyuki found  a lot of cut pine trees, especially, old trees, on the south side of the hills along the north side of the lake. Miyuki felt fresh falvour of cut trees. The Alzheimer SHIBUKI family wanted to sell them for making benches in the park, and some stolls with them. They couldn't calculate the demand and just calculated the supply only. Economic Alzheimers, they should be called.

  Miyuki found a park, in the south side of the lake beside Flower Park, run by ENDO Family.

  There was wet land for birds and plants. ENDOU Family occupied the vast place, and did the nasty evil job. The real estate trader is the pivot of the family. The Flower Park was run by Alex's ex-mate. I knew him well. He was a good promissive boy, with quick mind and athletic ability, and kind to his mates. Everyone likes him type boy. He was short, unfortunately, at that time.

  Now he is 15 years old as Alex. If he wants to live as a human being, he should kill his evil parents. An ordial. Which he choses, Boy Endou? Good way or bad way? He is a high school student? Or, just a jobless, like my boy Alex???

  Rich boy should encounter with this type of trial by Gods of Justice. Like Darmatians Miyuki met last week. How should you do, ENDOU? It all depends on you.

  Miyuki has a lot of friends of Alex's age. They played all together in the courtyard. Where are you, everyone? They were more athlete type rather than Alex. Clare was good at athletics, however, Alex was not so much. OK, Alex, I was your type. however, now I changed. For me, exercise is a good healthy job, anyway. Just walking is not enough for me, however, without walking, head doesn't function well. Only consealed in a narrow place, we lose sanity in body and mind.

  Miyuki was isolated in Hachioji campus. However, she prefered to use only public transfer system. Thus, 7000 steps a day, in averege she walked there, at least. Now, in sunny days, she walks more than 6km, per day. Half day walking is enough for her job, probably. She is a kind of blue sky adorer. If she feels that the sky is blue, she wants to go out spontaneously.

  A habit, probably. The favorite colour for her. She sometimes got thrilled that "If the sky were purple, I would not so happy girl as now in our planet." And DDMs were trilled with the blue sky. Thus, always gray clouds, here and there, all year arround for 3 years or so.

  They wanted the planet all to themselves, because of their own sake. And they deligated Moon Seng Ming as their missionary. And they could catch the power holders of the planet. however, even they couldn't change the mind of Platinum Tribe. DDMs thought that the figure were so similar, thus, we could surrender to them. However, they liked their own body, not their plumpy ugliest body, like a soft soybean curd.

  There is a proverb, "Vanish, by hitting on the corner of a soy bean curd." It means "you are too too stupid to have done so". Thus, they failed. They all vanished. Extra-terrestre could do the job, we said. And DADA and Bell combined. And then, MONOLIS aliens. For them, illogical magic should be a thing to be praised. For us, illogical cruel gags, however.

  Alzheier patients, they were called. Already sold their spirit to others mean "We can do everything beyond the limit of humanity". Thus, they were so cold.

  Old mates turned to be DDMs, somethings happen. Miyuki is too too cool to think so. Always they betray, thus, no reliance. Again, Auntie, Alex said. She shits in the bed. And wants to be concealed by him. And made a lot of washing not to be found the fact???

  Miyuki didn't understand her saying. She is a kind of nasty old pet, Clare expressed. She is not the suitable one, however, we should manage the situation.

  She should be put in a jail. however, she is too too nasty to treat like an animal. Not kind to others at all!!! Just requirement type. She audaciously did that to others.

  No legitimacy at all, Auntie. You are not rightous one, anyway. You should leave here. And she would forget tomorrow morning, as usual.

  forgetful, she said. and they said yes. And they tried to correct her brain, however, they couldn't. Filled with muck, they decided. Not any thinking at all. Just impulse makes her move. MIYUKI is a kind of target of her attacking.

 Quick news.

  the reuter now said that Japanese Economy is successively bad. Totally contrary to YOMIURI ON LINE news. Which is which???

  This news source is Governmentl Cabinet. Thus, they failed. The gorvernment says "Good as always" as Minister of Finance's remark, while, as Governmental Cabinet' one, "Bad as always".

  Contradiction, we call it. They are all Alzheimer patients. Including Reuter Company. Famous, however failed.

  OMANKO journalism combined with evil govenments in the world. Thus, Reuter did their dirty jobs in every country.

  You know, Mr.Slump. how they betrayed you? They were not reliable at all. YUKARI's world forever type. They should vanish at once, immediately.

  They should not write on economy at all. Only some compositions, they could do type. Gramatically right, thus, they could put the articles on the news. And they failed. Even others wanted not to change the situation, we should change the evil OMANKO Journalism, they thought.

  OMANKO journalism already done type. And they also failed. They themselves turned to be one of the OMANKO Journalists.

  Auntie, you should sleep in your chamber. This is not your chamber. you should use your bed, not here, Auntie.

  She recently wants to take a nap in the others' bed, frequently. She felt, and she moved. Spontaneous movement for her. She were called to come by her religious leader. however, she just moved from her chamber to the others' ones. Just move is enough for us. Thus, I moved a bit. And she failed. Believer, anyway. And she always evasive. Always for her own sake, and MIYUKI is a kind of her victims.

  She doesn't want to move, however, they forced her to do so. And she failed. At least, you should leave your house, forever. And she left the main house. And now, she wants to have a good 2 stories bed like Clare.


  They are too too shameless, in every sense. Nasty smell she has, they said. this is why she quitted the job, her grand mother criticised her smell.

  And now, Miyuki found that the cut pine tree would be eated by Japanese flavoured mashroons. Then, probably in Autumn, they provide us lots of Japanese mashroon called MATUTAKE.


 Miyuki is sleepy now. Thus, see you in the morning. Love from Adachi and Miyuki.



YUKARI's End (138)

2017-04-10 19:18:59 | 日記

10/04/2017 (Monday, afternoon) I came back from a walk, monitoring the damage on South Lake, in the south side.

  There were  consecutive nasty ugly scenes I encountered in the side. And finally, I found the proper name of the evil existance.

  Peeping Tom Muck Bokko!!!!!!! BINGO!!!!

  Like some famous old stories in the world, they did the "anti-scientifice tremendous works", asked by idiot power holders in every history in the world.

  In Shirakawa, the oldest case, I could recognize today, is that of Sadanobu MATSUDAIRA, a relative of TOKUGAWA shogunate family.

  He asked the evil existance to accomplish the ultra difficult job of making a rural small town to be a city like urban place with a silver lake.

  Oh, you, too!!! Brasilia!!!!

   The evil existance came from MONOLIS, a muck planet like big meteriorate, and did their dirty job, at the expence of "the most important precious thing for them". A kind of contract. And they required the reward.

  Sadanobu wanted a lake city with silver mirror like water, and the compensation was Fauna & Flora. However, he had no legitimacy to do so. Thus, they failed. No legitimacy compromise is totally ennefect at all. The common theory in the universe.

  Or, we just can say, "VANISH! DDMs, all in a body!", and they vanished.

  As someones's sake, was their remarks, liked by all DDMs. And they repeated the words, only for the sake of themselves.

  The excuses by themselves. And they vanished. Only one chosen by all of us, was our promise. And we chose Miyuki SATO, because of her total kinky way of life. She could do it, ADACHI assured. Many of us, got in doubt. Only a kinky enough type was not reliable. MIYUKI was totally inconfidencial type. Thus, we wanted to chose other better more reliable one.

  However, ADACHI insisted. "At this point, she is better than others. I know her well. More than the best." And we had to agree his promise.

  And he got the best trainer prize now. How audacious!!! Plastic surgery surgent turned to be a fishery worker!!! She ate it!!! She did it!!! She made a post death treatment with her sweat!!!! She accomplished the job!!!! With all her sweat!!!!

  Miyuki bought a package of Japanese sardines, tiny type one, at the cost of US$1. Oh, 6 fish. I would train my fish cleaning job!!! And at first, she tried to cook roasted dish with them. However, she changed her mind. Fresh, and the body of the fish was too too small and the meat started to broke. Thus, BINGO! MAMAKARI, is the best selection for the Japanese dinner tonight.

  And she trained the 6 fishes and prepared a nice MAMAKARI plates, with TOMBURI with soysauce and bonito flakes, quick natural Miso soup with shredded green leek, and white rice. Delicious Japanese dish, with a sofisticated version of fishierman' like type.

  And Miyuki imagined that she were in a new fresh fisherman on board and ordered bo cook for the other fishermen. She tried to accomplish he job, however, sea men were so nasty, and claimed, "You do your job, so slowly! And thraw he from the ship in the storm. And she was saved by a fregate armed forces, marine type of USA. And she said to the American marines, "Attack them with your strongest power!!! We are friends. They, my ex-mates are enemy!"

  And she participated in the attacking job. In the natural course, she said coolishly, as always. They did their nasty job to her. In the night of storm, they dropped her from the board with their total intention.

  Slow, they said. For her, the first time, and she wanted her dishes to be eatable. Thus, she did her job with caution. Thus, she delayed. And they claimed all at once. "Too too slow!" OK, then, you should say, "We prefer quick job", before dropping her from the board. They did say so, after the dishes were accomplished. And ate them, and dropped her.

  She got to know that they were so so evil just up to want to kill her. They orederd her some difficult job, and she did with her criativity. And they did the dirtist job. Result for us, and the damage for you.

  Thus, they failed. Miyuki wanted to be yelled by anyone who could believe our justice. And she almost lost her life again.

  And found, they came from the other universe. Illogical muck world. Thus, for them, Alzheimer disease is common sanity at all. Common situation is Alzheimer symptom.

  They could do some extravagant works with their illogical strange ability, which should be called MAGIC by them.

  And they liked to be found their illogical inability by others. For us, shames, at every sense. However, for them, a kind of amusement. And She found that many power holders asked them to use the special powers for their dirty jobs.

  GIGALOMANIAC, they suffered already. And they asked to their ex-mates to help them. They were strong powerholders in the history. Emperor SHI was one of them. Raa in Egypt also. So many examples in the world history.

  And Sadanobu was one of the small scale one. Only a city? Easy for us all. And the compensation is FAUNA & FLORA, too efficient for us!!!

  And they all failed.

  Miyuki found today that DDMs did the event called HARUKA for their MEGA DEATH, because some of the cherry blossomes in front of the hotels along the lake bloomed. And a lot of mistaked they did. They wanted to be praised by OMANKO Jounalism, however, they igonored it. And Miyuki found that Sadanobu was a young Alzheimer also like YUKARI.

  He should not reform the lake at all. Beautiful wet place like OZE in Tochigui area. Now, some epecies of the same plants were found here and there in the alongside of the lake. It would be a wet land with pretty flowers.

  Miyuki has not visited OZE at all. Wanted to visit, however, no chance. Harusan visited it. And she had to walk on the board type wooden bridges to see some special plants.

  Miyuki liked Lily like MIZUBASHOU, a bunch of flowers she got when her Auntie got married from her auntie. And decorated on the base on TV. Calar, it was called. And at TV news, she found that it were MIZUBASHOU. The same type. A trumpet like white big flower, and long dugger knife like leaves. Too stylish, she thought.

  And she thought that this didn't mean to get married early. I don't want to get married!!! Just a bunch of wonderful flowers, I gained. I don't want to have them, if I did know the meaning!!!

  A kind of shock for her, getting a bunch of flower of bride is the symbol of "next bride". A confusion. Why I? Just like a man, who didn't know the tdadition, coincidently gained the buquet, unfortunately type confusion.

  Jack Lemon's last facial expression on the end of "Too hot to be". What should I do...I didn't mean it...However, the epecie is so nice and pretty. If I would have a house, in the living room, I would decorate this especie. however, too too similar to the rare natural MIZUBASHOU, prohibitted to pick up.

  Stylish life, she wants. ADACHI does. However, now, fishery. Stylish fishery, anyway. And they want to live independently from Miyuki's family.

  Nasty end for YUKARI, yes. She was relied by others, as Miyuki's good adviser or so, however, the reality was totally contrary. They didn't believe her words at all. however, Miyuki was too too kinky for them to understand. She changed so much. And now, Miyuki is better than before.

  She changed to be better. She trained herself to be kind. Not a bad change. Why they wanted Miyuki to be nasty for them all????

  YUKARI would explain the meaning, they expected. however, she failed. She couldn't explain anything. Thus, she couldn't explain Miyuki's attitude at all. Always, "I think that Miyuki did the wrongdoing" type expression here and there. And Miyuki got pragmatic. Nothing saying as excuse, when the excuse would harm her impression. She is a kind of perfectionist at this point. And put up with the torture like situation. Why they don't get YUKARI off from the house? She is a casual wrongdoer, and an evil informant of DDMic world. Betrayers for us all.

  And YUKARI got to know, she is no more reliable at all as MIYUKI's advocate. Alzheimer advocate for Miyuki? Laughing position. However, Miyuki is so so quiet for them, and sometimes, got upset to YUKARI. And now, she totally igonores YUKARI at all.

  Thus, they thought that YUKARI is beyond her limit. And she did her last and the evilest wrongdoing this morning.

  Washing faking was revealed, and she nudged, and patted Miyuki with a hunger hook with clothing. Miyuki wanted to help the family, anyway, however, YUKARI pushed away her from veranda, saying, "Don't touch any clothings at all! Never!!"

  And YUKARI pushed away Miyuki from the kitchen, saying, "Don't use my food at all! I carried this heavy yogult carton all the way from the supermarket! You didn't feed your kids, at all! You bitch!", throwing away all of the yogult Miyuki put in a purple glass dish to the sink. Why the thrawal was needed? Miyuki got in doubt. And she throw Miyuki's cruch bag to her, in the office.

  Consecutive violent today Miyuki received from her in the morning, and in the afternoon, she was tamed. Why???

  Alex made some amusing cookies today. The OMANKO TV news broadcasted that today public high school did the entrance ceremony. Alex was in our house, and went to do some errands in the morning, and some cycling with Clare.

  Miyuki said to him in her belly. "Study faking is too nasty. You should prefer doing more interesting acts for not getting idol." And he decided to quit his high school boy faking.

  And he got upset when her grand mother said to him that you should help your grand father in his agricultural work. Alex said, "I dislike agriculture at all!!!"

  And Miyuki got upset, and said to him in a belly, "For me, anything OK, however, you are pretending to be a high school boy for your grand mother. Why you blame her because of your agricultural disliking? You just say, "I don't prefer to be a high school boy, because the school is evil". Enough for her. Or, you would be an idol wrongdoer like your Auntie, and you want to follow her failure, namely, vanishing????"

  And he changed his tactics. Too too nasty for his grand mother, sho believes that he were a high school boy. And now, he should speak to her. His grand Auntie called to her grand mother to inform the news.

  Alex explained her, that the entrance ceremony were tomorrow, on 11 of April.

  Yesterday, he asked his auntie YUKARI on the preparation for the ceremonial day. And she replied, "I don't know". And he relaxed. YUKARI forgot the day. Thus, he said to his grand mother, "Not today, on 11, tomorrow."

  Anyway, he escaped from the ceremony. Just a ceremony, is Miyuki's way of thinking. Not any material school job, as a habit. And on 13, he said that it would be a math exam. MIYUKI was astonished at the education. Miyuki thought that Agricultural Course were free from such kind of tortures.

  and he failed. He just wanted to fake to be a school boy, because he was not confident to be a worker now. Just a pupil like job, would be fine, and he wanted to be a fake school boy. And Miyuki threatened him, "you would vanish, with the faking, OK, Alex?"

  And he quitted. Easy, however, DDMic, he thought. Any positive activity should be fine for now. Productive, we say. Not to be idol, is the rule of the universe. Thus, he decided to work as a school teacher faking.

  School inferiority complex. Why now??? Miyuki took a long time to be a professional learner, all arround type. However, now she is productive, anyway.

  This afternoon, Miyuki found that the MEIJI Memorial museum was replaced by Lamp Cafe. Several DDMs and a shop keeper appeared suddenly, and Miyuki took a picture. The Lamp Cafe moved from 10 m distant building, now the ex shop was closed, and turned to be a memorial museum with the name of FUJITA Museum. Which is which????

  And found that NANKO Shrine was also a faked one. Old stone statutes were taken, and collected as DDMic way. And pair inclination Miyuki found today. Two, always type. Thus, Alex got out with Clare in bicyle. One was dangerous today. Miyuki didn't know it. And a bit shocked that the old lady of the confectionary OOYA also did the dirty job. She informed MIYUKI to some DDMs, and when MIYUKI said her, "My kids were your grand kid's mate, in their kindergarden days." She asked Miyuki, "Oh, so, what is your name? I have not visited them recently at all"

  Oh, you too?!, type a kind of surprise. And an old man entered into the shop, getting off the white van. He opened the door, and Miyuki got off through the door, keeping the door open.

  A kind of expression, "I think that you sould get out soon, thus, I kindly keep open the door." And they failed.

  Miyuki dared to buy AN-Doughnut, her weakpoint. For almost 40 years, she had not eaten it, because she disliked it.

  However, she tried it, because of supposed freshness. They were not last week in the shop. Probably, in the weekend, they made it. Would be fine to eat before NANKO walking. And found that An-doughnut was a bit different than she imagined.

  She thought that it were a kind of oil fried An Bread, with shugar coating. however, it was an ordinal home made type doughnut with An, or sweet stewed red beans, as filling. Eatable, and considerably fresh. Better than imaged.

  and found that they lady sold her spirit at all. When, I don't know. however, already, for her, her grand kids don't exist at all.

  And she maintained the appearance of the same as when Alex and Clare were infants. Where are the mates of them???

  Miyuki was too too cool to know that ZIZOU is the representative of diseaced kids. And Miyuki was said that she looked like ZIZOU. The lowest ranking as Budda's appearance for statute. Local type, and omni-existance. Sometimes, they taught danger to Miyuki. This is not your place like direction, they gave us.

  And Sougui Modoshi has a big ZIZOU at the corner. And the confectionary is located in the dangerous place. Without adults, infants should not approach type location. Sweets are kids' weakpoint. And Miyuki entered in for some sweet to eat. Inducing, they existed???

  Alex and Clare should use not sportive type, was HARU-san's declaration. Thus, red beans like colour they required. Anyway, the cheapest ones would be fine for this moment. however, for Alex's health, it would be fine, Clare thought. And Miyuki understood how Clare considered. Anyway, for Alex, getting out is important. Yukari is too too near to him.

  And Miyuki got a big success this afternoon. "Oh, Miyuki is dececting fish. she could do it, anyway. Cheapish type, however, at least she could do it!" And Clare was pleased with Miyuki's praise, that she already did know how to cook.

  Yes, she knows cooking in her highly professional way. however, YUKARI is jealous to every thing. And Miyuki understood YUKARI's intensive jealousy to others. Superior type, she dislikes, and inferior type, she liked. And Alex wants to be disliked by her. He is thought that he were inferior to YUKARI, by herself. And failed. Miyuki did know it, however, YUKARI is too too influencial to him. Unnecessarily, Alex got upset to his dearest grand mother. Why? He asked himself as always. Anyway, we should keep away from the kinky sisters, at all. And Miyuki maintains coolishness, for them all. Now, better to do so. Too too dangerous to gain some affection from Miyuki, because of YUKARI's attacking.

  Alex decided to say the fact. HARU-san would regret her choice, probably, he thought. however, she said nothing. Your choice. I want you to be educated in high school, however, it was not suitable for you, Alex. Anyway, play with Clare. You should be more healthier.

  Thus, he decided to get up early in the morning, at least, earlier than MIYUKI. It would be fine for us all. Late riser, as usual, Miyuki is. Not be criticised by her casual late rising. And Alex would be praised by his dearest grand mother.

  Gradualy, the price is changing. Today, his grand mother found some cookie making poweders with some decoration coatings at the price of US$0.5. 90% discount, she was astonished, And brought Alex to the shop, and bought two for his sake. Bakery is not so bad for the kids. A kind of amusement. And Alex did a good job. Miyuki knows that they did as always in Hachioji, such kind of jobs. They got already several successes, however, Miyuki stopped to infrom the fact to their grand mother. They want to be praised again by their grand parents. Miyuki kept secret for her width.

  Don't worry, we two with you, MIYUKI. And got to know some nasty fact. OOYA confectionary for the evil doing. Thus, the place was too too skewed. And the ditch. For killing kids, after their sweets buying. Like a nasty building of AOYAMA Gakuin Versity, No.9. For their sake, they excuses. They what??? DDMs, they replied. They knew well them. And they were caught immediately.

  Nasty calling they did, soon after Miyuki entered. And excuse. "sorry to delay to attend you."

  ZUZOU for several kids, which lost their precious lives here . Nasty, however, the fact. Thus, the price was set low. For kids eating. Common confectionary can't do that? Miyuki didn't know the fact, and the ingredients were so cheap, thus, they set the price so low, she thought. And failed. Inducing, they did.

  Shirakawa figures were so cold. When they turned to be adults, they are already DDMs type. They knew the reason of Miyuki's catch. Too too genuine to believe the fact. Constitutional Law professors should be pimps, they thought. And why Miyuki turned to be so? And found, she was forced to teach Constitutional Law, because no necessity of her subject, Latin American Public Law.

  OK, then, anyone could believe the evilness of Japanese Constitutional Law itself. Thus, they failed also. Just like Miyuki.

  Anybody could fail in this system, if it is a human being. They constructed the system like that. And Shirakawa's coldness came from Silver Lake. Along Silver Creek, the name of the book written by Laura Ingles Wilder. South Lake for amusement park, Sadanobu did, using Peeping Tom Muck Bokko.

  Tom Tit Toto. Tutan Cu Amen like naming. Peeping Tom, in abbreviation. They steal, they do magic, against scientific rule. It means, illogical. They could do it, thus they did it. They are beyond the limit, we claimed. And now, their universe invaded to the earth.

  Power holders called them, and they opened the closet to enter. Narnia, it would be. And they used Door to everywhere like DORAEMON. They appeared from the corner, in case of car using. Suddenly. And quickly vanished.

  Nasty catching attempt again and again near the lake. Miyuki would know the fact that pair inclination came from DDMs, or Peeping Tom Muck Bokko.

  Bokko-chan, the book is named by Shinichi HOSHI, a short short story teller. IZUMI-san liked Miyuki's way of astonishing. And found that the rumours sometimes talks the fact. Too too nasty, she also thought. OOYA confectionary had two kids, and they were killed by their mother. And they conceased the fact. And they failed, and appeared as different type of figures.

  Forever young type, IZUMI-san thought. Yes, we have some old experienced appearance. Miyuki is also! And she liked to be so, and enjoys to. Young is good, however, old is also good. Wrinkles, also. No wrinkles also!!!

  Anyway, take advantage of today's me, ADACHI! And she changed sometimes her character's today. First, she started to be an old man in hip hop stype, with a bit of charming. And then, it got warm, thus, she changed her clothings in a toilt, called "翠楽園"or SUI-RAKU-EN. The advertizement said so. This toilet is called SUI-RAKU-EN!! Oh, you too, toilet!

  Miyuki already found two of this especie. In San Tiago de Chile, and In Tokyo Central Station. Like a palace or hotel or tea room like appearance they have.

  And she thought. The real SUI-RAKU-EN, is a tiny restaurant beside the park for OPPABU only. Public park with OPPABU with Tea Ceremony Tribe. Miyuki did think that my squad would have constructed this type of the building only at the cost of US$2 thousand. Why we had been forced to pay US$1 million for the cheapish Tea Ceremony hall in Japanese style???

  And found that the NANKO Mountains, beside the park was also descructed severely recently. The plates said, "9 of March, 2017". Terrible, M&A was already here in SHIRAKAWA, and found the mark of SHIBUKI Family. They did it. And found that in YAOYA-CHO, the setting was arranged completely. Wood cutting by SHIBUKI family, Construction by SAKUMA family, IT by NAKAJIMA family, Money Renting by KOJIMA family, and Miyuki' family is Real Estate trader.

  Unfrotunately for them, and fortunately for us, at least, our Real Estate Trader is not good at gaining money. Thus, they failed.

  They did the nasty devastation, in a body. They already sold their spirit, at once. And they dissapeared. Nasty feeling always in this block. Not reliance at all type. And Miyuki got to know that they were Miyuki's acquaintances. And Miyuki laughted at the fact. Evil DDMic cousin of Sachiko TOBE. For me, nothing at all. Just a indulged boy he was, and turned to be a kinky Alzheimer patient like YUKARI.

  KOJIMA family rented to Sato Family when Sato Family was in financial disaster, and they robbed our property, and requred more and more. Miyuki disliked the parents's way of life, and their kids, also. Miyuki didn't know the history of hatrid between the two families. Always, they were different from us, and I am always different from others, thus, nothing for me, at all type ignorant attitude to them.

  And remembered that the sound of "cab" riding of the father of Miyuki's ex-mate. And today, she heard the sound. Why now? Without any motor bicycle at all. 50cc light one called "Super Cab" by SUZUKI automobil company. It was sold well in the world, especially in the 3rd world. 5 million, Miyuki read from an advertisement.

  And felt strange. Honda's "Monky"???? No recognition at all. Gorrilla, we know. however, Monky???

  The faked town was made for someone's dellirium, Miyuki thought. And failed. They lost their spirit, recently. Oh, so these years??? Just after the failure of Bubble Economy????

  Not at all. ???? They lost their spirit, when they sold the universe for their sake????? Miyuki is too too clever to question it. however, they thought that they could do it. As usual, DDMic way. They believed, then they sold, and they bought. OMANKO economy in the universal scate, they did. Just it. Just the difference of scale. The structure is always sterotypically the same. Only kinky Alzheimer patients could do it type repetitions.