Rabby's News Comments (4)

2017-04-22 21:49:47 | 日記

22/04/2017 (Saturday, evening) It was a spooky day. Fine, but cloudy, in a part, and cold anyway.

 We took a walk to the Public Library near the Station. And we found lots of DDMs inside the facility.

 The building is plain flat simple one, however, the municipality held a conpetition of the design and some urban resident gained the prize. He gained a lot from it. And probably, he was one of the Shirakawa relatives.

  No design is needed type prefablic house. Why he gained? Because some relative wanted him to be rich.

 It took US$3 million, according to the newspaper ASAHI, and the materials are too too ceapy type. Probably, some related stole the tax and offered the false figure to the municipality. Always they did it. And after the debt of the municipality got incredably high, they continued to do the extravagance.

 They bought the young girls as they liked. They made a trip to South Eastern Asia to do so. And called Philipinas to come to their house, for the sake of their job. Immoral, however, for them, the necessity. Long long tradition to receive South Eastern people here in this town. Our body is a bit different from Tokyo residents, Miyuki thought. Variety, we have, while Tokyo residents no. Why? Because they did artificial insemination as always. The easiest way to produce IKKYO kids.

  They did as they liked, and increased the number of the kids, and brought them to the school, and took them to the house. Because they couldn't know how to return their new houses.

  IKKYO kids have no memory. And they don't learn at all. From the begining, they had a brain for old figure. Their brain was too too mature, when they were put into the kinky religion called World Unification Church.

 They were born with the brain of the elder's. Anyway, they are not the youth, as you think usully. Just reluctant to live, they thought. "Aliens" written by Andre Sied. Irrational. They kill their dearest one because of their flamboyant feeling. For them, no reason is required to do so. "Because it was fine at that day." Was the hero's explication on the reason of assasin.

  IKKYO is irrational, and they just obey the superiors. Like a broken machine, and they explain the motivation with their really subjective expressions.

 OK, now the first news:

 The capital of JP Company or Japan Postal service Company has more than US$100 billion, according to the graph.

 Wow, they are so rich. Thus, they should pay the debt for us.

  1% of the state income, they have. Pay as soon as possible, the faked company.

  unnecessarily, they hired a lot of faked drivers and they appeared when they wanted to kill us. Red cars and motor cycles, they use. They are Alzheimer patients, already. However they want to continue the wrongdoing.

  We heard that they were always wandering near the residence. 5 times a night, to deliver the newspaper. Alzheiemr Gag Selection, No.1, it would be.

  And the OMANKO journalist doesn't explain why JP bought the Australian company with high value and why they trashed the precious money to the ditch.

  They pretended to be an Australian Company and paid the salary to their Alzheimer relatives. And they failed.

 The second news:

  Why TOSHIBA continues to appear in the economic world? Lost company like Dinothaurus.

  And even Japanese government tried to save it, the government couldn't, and now, the government asked a help to American private company, and the OMANKO Alzheimer writer said, "US-Japan league tries to save TOSHIBA".

 The OMANKO writer couldn't recognize the difference between public and private. Thus, his Alzheimer disease was revealed for us, in the evident way.

 The third news:

 The name of an OMANKO journalist was revealed today. Kenichi SUZUKI, he is called.

  He is automobil writer, and didn't know the existance of pick up track called Hi-Ace. The most renoun car in this type in the world. Less than 1000cc, is the character. And he didn't know that the name for export is different from that of Japan use.

  Thus, he and his supporters failed. Ignorance is their common character. Too too basic knowledge, they lack, and try to continue to the evil OMANKO writing. Thus, they are collector of shames.

 The fourth news:

 TAKAMATSU airport and Seul one. They have OMANKO treaty to fake the passengers' number.

  Every year, 15,000 figures have use them constantly. Why? They are co-actors. No movement at all, however, they lie as closed friends. Thus, they failed. League work. Unnecessary airports use the skill.

  In 1990, Japan constructed lots of local unnecessary airports all over Japan. Fukushima airport is one of them. Pratically, it is a vacant building and parking area, at the large scale. Takamatsu airport would be so.

  And HANEDA airport is also one of them. No passengers, pratically. Only some common tieup limes are used, in case of necessary.

  And they failed. Takamatsu airport for LCC, and they increased the frequency from 3 times to 5 times. Oh, the number of OPPABU users' visiting number per week?

  And they want to increse more in the near future. Non stopping mode. They could increase the figure as they like to fake, because they are irresponsible to the contents at all. Alzheimer patients could do it, they probably think so.

 The 5th news:

  OMANKO writer revealed that Taro ASO is also Alzheimer Patient as he.

  Mr.Slump wants to negotiate with Japan, as two big countries, and ASO wants to avoid the line, and wants to talk on the dead TPP. Why? Because this faked good boy trained for TPP, and couldn't change the mind to talk on the more profittable way of nagotiation. Just stupid, we say, however, OMANKO Alzheimer patient writer informs that it would be common for him. Double suicide type article. Thank you for your ugly "good job", OMANKO witer!

 The 6th news:

  Again, Auntie? type symptom, this OMANKO writer represents.

  We already knew the matter in December last year. And for forever virgin OMANKO witer, this news is valuable to inform for us.

  And we got to recognize that IKKYO families did BBQ with squads, not with meat. Why?

  When we visited SAYAMA, in Saitama prefecture, we entered into ITO-YOKADO, and found the fact. Why they like to eat squad?

  Probably, they sell roast squads as usual in the local festivals all over Japan, and they eat them as their common meal. They believe that squads were cheap as always, because they can't change their mind. Alzheimer patients are not flexible at all, thus, indifferent from the increasing of the price, they buy the squads.

  YUKARI does the same thing on minced meat. It is expensive now, however, continues to buy, believing that it were cheap.

  Stero-typical thinking, they can't change. YUKARI dislikes sea food, thus, she choose to buy minced meat, and lost precious money of her mother. Why she doesn't understand that minced meat is relatively expensive, was her mother's claim.

  Always, "Oh, I thought that it were cheap. I would take care of it, next time." And failed and buy another package of minced meat.

  They can't chage the way of life at all. Persistent. And continue the same life, as always, after their loss.

  Non stop mode, they are in. And they failed again.

 The 6th news:

 Shintaro SHIRAI, is another name of OMANKO journalists. He didn't explain why NIIGATA wants to produce the new type of rice called SHINNOSUKE, instead of their own renoun delicious rice called KOSHI-HIKARI.

  A kind of "Inner harsh struggle" called ICHI-GEBA? GEBA came from Gevalt, in German.

  Thus, they failed. No rice producer at all even in NIIGATA. Thus, the necessity to create the new name for the other especie of rice. The taste is different would be, and they want to fake the probably imported rice, as "made in NIITAGA".

  And they failed again. Rice producers don't want to caltivate their fields, and asked IKKYO believers to do so, and they also don't know how to caltivate. All Alzheimer farmers, and faked farmers. They are not able to produce nothing, indefferent from their vast land holdings. Anti-productive use of the earth, we confirmed it.

  Thus, they lost all of their reason of existance. "We produce rice!" was their excuse, as always. And now, they can't do it. Rice needs to be caltivated with care, of course. However, IKKYO's way of caltivation is just "moving the heavy duty vehicles". And they lost the chance to caltivate the field this year, again.

  They did the same mistake, several ten years ago, and Japan got to be lacking of rice. IKKYO caltivation, we got to know it.

  They can't work at all. Alzheimer patients, accelated type. Just live by their own impulse, like YUKARI.

 The 7th news:

  The OMANKO jounalism like to rank up "favorite companies in Japan", because it is easy to produce the information as they like. Only feeling is enough type. Valueless article, and OCN likes to put it on their site. Most degraded company, we use.

 The 8th news:

 一言剛幸 or Takeyuki HITOKOTO, is another OMANKO writer. And he is in Jakarta, to inform the news on Australia. Why? Now, South Eastern countries are the evacuation place for OMANKO writers, probably. Attack on the South Eastern Countries!!!

  The 9th news, the last one for today:

  Why G20 is held? Just for resort use. No essencial meeting at all. Just compliment type event, using our precious tax. The result is always, "We confirm the importance of liberal economy in the field of international trading" like a stero-typical Alzheimer remark.

  Oh, G20, you too?! Thus, these 20 countries failed. Thank you for your participation, Idiot Taro ASO! They are also your disease friends!!!

 And now, we will take a bath, and go to sleep.

 Good night for us, common people, Fauna & Flora, and our supporters in the universe.

