YUKARI's End(126)

2017-04-06 19:38:29 | 日記

I cooked s chicken soup with paprica. This orange spice makes me warm up and cheerful. Eastern European people found that they could endure cold winter with this a soft pepper with a positive colour. Good to keep the body warm. I put green thin leeks, carrot, and Taro-potato in the shape of Micky mouth. I cut it into three part.

 Japanese Disneyland entered into a long reforming period which endures for 3 years. 40 thousand ㎡ space would be closed, and Disney Sea, another resembling attraction theme park would do the same scale reform, the OMANKO writer said.

  We call it closing, however, DDMs prefer saying "reformation". Just a difference of expression. For normal expression, vanishing. OMANKO writers prefer vague and soft expression as their so DDMic taste. They are prohibitted to use some nasty words chosen by the bosses. KYABAKURA is the most nastiest word, prohibittion No.1 type. OPPABU shoud be new for them, so they could allow to use OPPABU, and they themselves were addicted to the system. Too too good to feel the vivration. Especially, between the bust is their predilection. And they failed.Too too nasty for us all, however, for DDMs, an amusement park type fresh experience. They wanted some of examples in the world. And they tried and got transmitted the disease. Transmitting Alzheimer disease is called in various words. Syphilis, BSE, mad cow disease, and so on. And they suffered some of them, and vanished. After their death, many resembling figures appeared and vanished. Endless timeconsuming process. They can't exist individually. Always with others. Totalitarians. Thus, in Japan, young pupils with DDMis tendency wanted to go to toilet in collection. Why they wanted? Just impules. I felt nasty, is enough to attack the object. Thus, they abbused victims. For them, a kind of amusement. Torture for us, however, for them, cheerful play, which made them laugh or smile. Thus, their smile was so ugly. Cruel sly smile, IZUMI-san felt, and Miyuki was not accustomed to it. And after several days, Miyuki got to know the reason. Archaic cruel inhumanistic sly smiling. Always, when the wrongdoer started the game.

 Surrounded by other DDMs, they are the supreme. Thus, they could do everything they wanted. And failed. Individually, they were only evil incapable. Alzheimer patient, they are called. And their saying was not reliable at all. They forgot everything, as they liked. They love to forget. No responsible at all, KAKISHIMA assured. And she failed. She was the worst professor in the world. She didn't know legal science at all. Why she could enter into Columbia Versity's Graduate School??? They lacked ability, however, Tokyo Versity paid a lot for her stay???? Not at all. She faked her experience. She just stayed in Japan, and did a forgery. And she got to know some friends in USA, when she visited there in case of business trip.

  Just it. They didn't know how to stay abroad. Miyuki did in Brazil, with other 9th members of Cultural Intercourse Association between Japan and Brazil. They wanted US$12 thousand, and Miyuki could pay it. And their boss paid some part of the value according to their own decision. In Miyuki's case, US$100 per month or so. Not so much. Better than Salario Minimo, or the least minimum salary wage per month. Miyuki thought that it would be a kind of reimborse, or division of money and accepted it to buy some necessity. They said, "wage", yes. And I did some insignificant jobs there. For me, a kind of trainee type experience. Not working itself weighs. Cultural Difference experience.

  Japanse proverb again. "Cute girl should make a trip abroad!" Thus, Miyuki should do it. After variety of misunderstanding, Miyuki got to realize that anyway Brazilians are more happy in their lives. They cheat, yes, they became too nasty sometimes, however, meanless abusing was not perfomed at all to Miyuki, a kinky Japanese pupil like latent jobless. Always, a kind of different mood, Miyuki felt, however, no one intentionally abused her at all. Thus, Miyuki felt that Brazilians are kind and warm hearted. Anyway, kind. Miyuki looked so strange, even though, they sometimes were forced to help her, by their own moral standard. Not for her cute appearance. Brazilians felt so nasty for her lean appearance. Plump volume should be needed for her, they adviced, when Miyuki said, "I want to have boyfriends!!! Not lovers, male friends!!!"

  They didn't understand what she wanted. A kind of friendship with other sex. Not beyond Miyuki's sexual standard. A-sexual, anyway. Thus, some a-sexual would be fine for me, however, in Brazil, too too rare to find a-sexuals!!!

  Miyuki didn't know the fact, and tried to find some ideals. And found some kinky male friends. Not so much as she thought, however, not avoidable type. Got several. Amusing, and thrifty, like her. Good for us all! However, it was too too dificult for normal Brazilians to understand what she wanted. A-sexuals???? Exist in the world???

  From the begining, Miyuki failed. Gramatically, they are male and female only world. Always, one of two. Thus, Miyuki made a lot of effort to make them undersrand the meaning. Even now, she is a kinky auntie for them all. However, at least, understandable. Common people's normal attitude to her. And she is satisfied with their attitude as pragmatic way.

  However, as idealized world, Miyuki is proud to be so, because we are so advanced in the theory. Logically and theoritically.

  Miyuki is not a-sexual now. However, understand what they feel. And being a-sexual forever type should be allowed yes. Anyway can't prohibit his or her sexual orientation as a-sexual. Monk or nun, yes, also. And secular life enjoying type also. Indifferent from their other side of life, they can choose to be so.

  Not kinky at all. Common. And if he or she wants, it can change as it likes. All private matter. They can judge as they like type. Thus, MITCHIKU marrige was too too strange for us all. Just for money, Chris was astonished. And it was the reality.

  Family for money, they call it. Only financial safety, they construct the family. Why? Miyuki thought that they were stupid.

  Alzheimer patients, now realized the fact. "Happy for me, anyway" was OOTA's excuse. Unhappiness creating jobs, they did, Miyuki felt. And tried to understand their system. And failed. Just crues. And got to know, that they are all Alzheimer patients!!!!

  Long long latent symptom holders period. And then, abruptly, the disease triggers the gun. Bullet immediately came to their brain. Acepharos, Miyuki called it. From the begining type, and they dislked Miyuki because of the right discovery.

  And they wanted to catch her. They were revealed to be stupid. Then they vanished. And some of their representatives were left on the earth. And they played the mad role. The kinkiest behavour they should play as the original sking bag offerers.

  The pleage, they said. And they relied the substitute. Better than appearance and brain, anyway. Thus, they are different from the old original one.

  Oh, thus, they were a bit different!!! Takahara's eyes were changed, Kakishima's nose was changed, and the Todai figures looked younger than I expected, yes. However, they were feeble-minded as always. Not so better than the original one. The same level. Forgetful, anyway.

  They lost their spirit and dissapeared at once, and left sking bags. Then the muck alien mended them, and put the muck inside. And they started to move like the original ones.

  Skin bags movements are different from others. Too slow or too dashing. One of them. No modest normal movement. They can't coodinate the speed. Thus, they should move like that. For quick dashing, they need to repair some of their neurons, and it costed lots. Thus, they asked when is the dating day and hours.

  Thus, each versity professors liked to meet once per month, and on the exact day, they should do lots of meetings altogether. Miyuki did 5 meetings in a day, and 5 classes with 90 minutes each. In May, 2017. A record breaking God' like activities as a proffessor of versity. And found, that they made a busy faking meeting jobs unnecessarily. Just meanless jobs, Miyuki thought.

  The organization regulations were messy. No one could manage the organ at all type description here and there. And they put the burden to make a legislation on young professors as a kind of torture. Their time should be wasted, anyway, was MATSU-BOKO's slogan. Meanless meetings were fine for him. And he recommended Miyuki to perticipate in the meanless job to get along with others.

  Miyuki thought that meanless, why it should exist? And asked to IWAKUMA if I should participate in the meanless meeting. And he refused Miyuki's kind offer. Thus, Miyuki stopped participating to the meetings. Twice, in different occasion, Miyuki asked IWAKUMA, and he refused both twice. Thus, buy for meanless meetings.

  Why they like to perticipate in meanless meetings? Just want to be friends with other colleagues, probably. And Miyuki was really busy anyway. And Miyuki thought that her colleagues were stupid, anyway, and had plenty of time to waste.

  Jobless is better than losing life, everyone thinks so, Miyuki thought. And pride? Pride for what? If Miyuki were a pride type, Miyuki would not work for Kyorin University at all!!! Just a 3rd class versity. A kind of INFERNO under the name of versity. Thus, jobless with some income anyway, with different jobs is ideal for her. And Miyuki decided to find or create new jobs for our new world. More productive, anyway!!!

  And she thought that Ilustration is good job, however, earning by the skill is different. Living cost, we must earn anyway. If some people like the skill or work, and they pay sufficiently for it, it could live as an illustrator. A kind of non necessity type jobs. My scholar job is resembling. Thus, I think to work in multiple way. Various professions are all combined type. A kind of human convenience store. If someone want me to do some suitable job, I will offer type job would be fine.

  I train a lot of skills everyday. I pledged a lot of revenge to victims. Thus, this is my main job. And other, I should do to earn my living cost. cooking, confectionary, gourmant commentator, washing and trash collecting, bed making, cleaning, gardening, agricultural forestry, food  producing monitoring, river preservation, nature reservation, animal feeding, singer, performer, actor, pantmimer, journalist, writer, informant, resercher, investigater, detective, and so on. I would do almost everything. Thus, you would rely on my jobs.

  Not perfect type. I try to be perfect, however, for me, 70% is enough already. Mission should be completed, anyway. And I know when it has been done. I feel it, and I want to move to another stage. I did the muck raking jobs. OK, I continue to search the victims and the past wrongdoings, however, DDMs Alzheimer Patients' world, we got tired of. We want to create new jobs.

  Wi-Fi cutting should be the priority. Just for harmful amusement, why wi-fi should exist? Wrongdoing, it is. Thus, they failed. Addicted, they claimed. And thus, more and more useless. Thus, they failed. Abandant figures without any use. Abandoned addicted should be punished and vanish immediately.

  Thus, PACHINKO addicted lost their position. And other skin bags. They lost their spirit, and should compensate the damege for victims. Wi-fi users are limited now. Thus, taraceable. Thus, they failed. Not tracable, they thought. However, the machine is the recoging system, already. One bit change should be a proof. Thus, traceable. And the last one near us, would be our ex-friends. Thus, they failed. They believe that we can't abandon the family. DDMic family, never! Like YUKARI, DDMs should be punished and vanish immediately. Already addicted means they lost spirit. Thus, no value as human beings. Thus, wi-fi addicted has no alternative. Just stop the wrongdoing. Or Gods of Justice order to vanish to you, Alex.

  Not my desicion, but Gods of Justice's decision. Thus, wi-fi should be cut immediately. Your activities are already traced. And even you are evil, Miyuki is free from her responsiblity. Miyuki dislikes disonesty, thus, you are the past for her. And she has no right to forgive any wrongdoing. Even her family should be punished and vanish, immediately.

  Wifi cutting was already promised with FAUNA & FLORA. Thus, priority number 1. Thus, I will go with them, not you, wrongdoer. Thus, you should know the fact. Alex was a cheerful one, however, he easily turns to be a wrongdoer type. YUKARI like inclination he has. Addictive. Thus, he has chance to be good or fail. Not my job. Gods of Justice directly decides, thus, Alex is not safe at all. Miyuki already left him in the hands of Gods of Justice. He wants to believe it. His problem. Not mine. Liberalist and individualist. Thus, not painful for her.

  I am reluctant to be forced to waste time with his meanless repeated debate like not amusing jobs. He should know the limit of endurance. He is not good at all, anyway. And he is evasive. He himself should face to Gods of Justice. Not I. Thus, I am free from his wrongdoing. Cut the line immediately. Alex would cry for it, and he should recognized how he was addicted. Good for him. Addiction was temptation for us all. And he would like to fail like as YUKARI probably.

  And Miyuki got a prize. Cold hearted mother for DDMic kids. They are too too nasty to say, "I dislike you" directly to Miyuki. And she said the same to him. Even!!! They disliked Miyuki, and Miyuki disleked them. Too too agreeable! We feel the same!!! "yes, I hate you!" cheerfully to kid faking DDM. Skin bags liked to be infants, because they liked to be indulged. and they were treated as baby with no brain by DDMs. Thus, they failed. Too too slow, and too too sleepy as always, like a dead baby. Thus, they were found as IKKYO babies.

  Renting babies was terrible for us all, however, IKKYO was accustomed to treat them like so. Indifferent from their appearance, they treated the babies as sleeping bags. BUTAGO or Swine baby, Miyuki named them. And ADACHI laught at her naming. "FUTAGO " is the name of franchized bar corporation. Thus, Miyuki changed the only one from F to B, and took a picture. Lots of Swine babies' restaurants here and there. Chekin Pinchos bars, they were. Thus, Pork Pinchos restarants should be.

  Why TAKATA and TAGUCHI chose such a plump quiet BUTAGO for their babies???  Just easy to manage type. Always sleeping type. And sometimes drank a bit of milk, from milk bottle. Easy task, they thought. And the sand bag like babies.

  Rental system they use. Near our house, there is a building of renting apartment of TAMAYA apartment house. Three terrace houses, A-B-C. And always B, the most nearest to our house, is always filled. Now, plenty of kids family occupies the B apartment. US$600 per month. As Shirakawa's standard, too too expensive. why they chose it as their place? Because they have some merit to live there.

  The house is backward of NAKAJIMA's property. And NAKAJIMA is electrition. What does it mean? They rent the houses for renting kids family intentionally, because they pays lots for them.

  They should be used as a victim of traffic accident. It is called ATARIYA or Object for Traffic Accident. They are accustomed to play near the targetted one. For example, backward of the some neighbour's vehicle. They earn money by insurance. MITCHIKU only could gain from insurance. In other words, other clients were excluded by insurance company.

  The insurance company should treat high income figures as their best clients, thus, HASEGAWA Hospital was so popular among DDMs. Only they could gain from the insurance. Only one different from other hospitals. Their doctors would easily sign for the carte or patient record. They were so so reliable on this point. Thus, Dr.Dull asked Miyuki to request them the medicines. Miyuki is out of mind of this strange offer. I was discharged. Why I should be monitored by them? Privacy invasion they did. They asked her family to monitor her. And failed.Without any authority, why they wanted to manay her life? A kind of dying message, they did. "we are strong enough to moniter you, MIYUKI" and disliked their post-mort wrongdoing. Even after the death, they do wrong. Terrible. Victims would be comtemptious forever!!

  Thus, they failed.

 I am sleepy now. Thus, I will sleep.



YUKARI's End(125)

2017-04-06 16:26:06 | 日記

Quick news. OMAKO Journalists are inclined to shrink their expressions spontneously. They themselves avoid to use some possible trouble causing expressions, by their non-legal illogical coward standard. They are desqualified to be writers, in every meaning. They should hide in the closet until to die as dried body called Mummy!!!

 Did you read it? Just a word commonly used for Big Tea Ceremony was resistered as a brand name by a renoun tea producing company called ITOEN. For their sake, they did so. And the coward OMANKO journalists warned to common people not to use it for avoiding future trouble. Leaders to induce shrunk words world, they are. Thus, they should vanish immediately.

 Natural born rapist was allowed to be OMANKO journalist. Again, Uncle? Hs was a habitual rapist. And his colleagues protected his kinky condusts for the sake of his family value, probably. Only 28 years old, and he did raping crimes at least 3 times. And NHK concealed the fact and now NHK quitted to protect him. Too many habitual rapes, he did. NHK is such a kind of company.

  Thus Kyorin University hired ex-president of NHK as a visiting professor of Graduate School only. His name is EBISAWA, and he was accused by all of us, because of his total idiocracy in NHK. He protected his favorite clerks and artists as he liked. And forgot them. And he was revealed that he suffered from Alzheimer disease.

  He forgot what he had done for us all. And the president of Kyorin versity called Hiroharu MATSUDA did the same. Thus, MATSUDA called EBISAWA to the big ceremony held for graduation pupils in all Kyorin versities, including Graduate shool members. And EBISAWA made a speech, which was disliked by the parents of the pupils. Booing only world.

  I heard this episode from Ken AOKI, my ex-colleagues, who died abruptly. A laughing story, and I got astonished, "Now? Only several years ago he was forced to quit his presidency because of his evil idiocracy. He is too too shameless to appear in front of us! " And we laughed at their audacious forgetfulness. For them, several years are enough to forget their wrongdoings. However, for us, like yesterday. They believe that we common people were so so forgetful as they. All Alzheimer patients believe so.

  For them, they are the standard of the world. Thus, if they believe, it should be the common sense. Just it. No ground is needed for them at all. Just they believe is enough for them. Thus, YUKARI was so assured to insist that Miyuki were out of common sense, and accused her because of lack of common sense.

  Muck believes that muck is the best. Thus, they are the equal. Their common sense is always equal, because they are all muck. Thus, they don't need to think at all. Just feeling is enough for them. Muck common sense is inhuman. Thus, they should vanish as they want.

  YUKARI, as the representant of DDMs, should teach her way of BLA-BLA-BLA to her predicessors. She is the evilest progressive model of DDMs. Thus, she weighs a lot. Better than Miyuki, anyway. And her modest appearance should be liked by old idiots DDMs. Conservative, anyway. Her way of attacking is too too old type, according to their kinky standard. Progressive evilest model combined with modest appearance. Ideal for them all!!! Thus, YUKARI is now thinking that she would accept the offer from Tokyo University. When she received the call, she was shocked at the fact. "Why me? I am just a sister of Miyuki. Not Miyuki herself." How modest she is!!! They were so astonished. And they scolded Miyuki that she was not their representative, at all. Just a modest DDM. It means, too too ideal for them. An averege, is the keyword for them. She is plain in any meaning. This is why YUKARI was chosen by them all. And versity degree she has. Rikkyo versity is too too ideal for them. Too modest. Anyone could enter type plain versity. Thus, Kazushige NAGASHIMA could enter. One year younger than NAGASHIMA. Ideal!!!

  Thus, YUKARI is now upset to her departure. Too many confusions she caused. She wanted to be a professor, however, she thought that it was just a dream. Now, her dream is coming true!!! Dream Girl, she is called among DDMs. And Miyuki is in favour of her departure to be a professor of Tokyo Versity!!!! Yell to her!!!!

  Miyuki yelled at all!!! Totaly agreeable! I am proud of a sister of a professor of Tokyo Versity!!!! I am so so pleased with her departure anyway!!!! Too good for us all!!!! Hurey!!! Go to Tokyo Versity! The versity needs you, YUKARI!!!

  And she disided. She should go now!!! Immediately!!!! She would be a good professor at the versity!!!! And she would be popular among her pupils. Love romance would happen between YUKARI and her pupil. Most favorite type. Appearance, good, and obedient like a pet dog. Good choice!!!! Like a pet dog, he would be your good boyfriend. You would gain profession and boyfriend. How lucky you are!!! You are just you imagined. A dream girl, you are!!!!

  And YUKARI realized that it is not an April Fool's lie. The reality. She decided to go, as soon as possible, before the enthusiasim of the DDMs pass. They are flamboyant. Thus, take advantage of their abrupt decision. Thus, she said "YES" to Tokyo Versity.

  Thank you for our army!!!! She will go!!! Anyway, she will leave here. And we will restart our real jobs. Interesting!!! Amusing!!! A bit troublesome, however, cheerfully, we can do the jobs!!! Now, we should realize the fact. We are the champions, we are the champions, no time for the losers, cos we are the champions, of the world!!!!🎶🎶!!!"

  Recognition problem, DDMs had. Thus, the process delayed. Why we had to be caught and forced to be in custody??? We all thought. And they didn't recognize any difference between false and true. And DDMs agreed to leave to their planet, MONOLIS!!!! MONOLIS should be destroyed in any meaning. Too too delayed, however, we could.

  Castre and Polux, they were called. A planet like big disfigured big meteriorates between the earth and the mars. It is one of them. And made of muck. And now, YUKARI decided to leave the earth. They made a mistake on the difference between the earth and their meteriorate, a kind of planet like material. And they faked us, and made a faked world in their space. A virtual world, we said. KUBONOTIROHIUMO is the spell. Moomin did, and found that it was a dead spell.

  A too too spooky figure, which is simmilar to him in appearance came from the mirror world, and took Moomin's personality. Miyuki did know it from the picture book of YUKARI, and the animated TV film by TEZUKA production. And got terrified. Anyone could find the difference between them. Even his family liked another Moomin, and said, the real Moomin were faked evil one. In the end, her mother got to know that which is the real Moomin. Until the scene, spooky evil world only ruled the series. Miyuki disliked the searies. Too too spooky. And YUKARI liked the book.

  A different type is enough to know the character. Miyuki likes to think positively, while YUKARI negatively. Which is more suitable for her companion? Alex asked HARUSAN. Anyway, Miyuki cooks well, is her answer. They all knew it. Only YUKARI believed that Miyuki were not good at cooking and nor any domestic tasks, at all. And failed. Even domestic tasks, at least, Miyuki can be qualified with a member of society. However, YUKARI would not. She was a kind of indulged girl. Too old to learn the reality. And they decided to help her to go to "Tokyo Versity". Only one place she could to work for. Good choice. And they just colaborated. Evil Miyuki, they wanted to see. However, she is out of the play. YUKARI is easily trapped by the others' telephone call. If someone says, "I am a professor of some versitly", she wanted to talk on Miyuki's problem. She is an Alzheimer patient. She would die immediately, because her illiness is too too serious. She can't recognize me at all. Only one sister in law, not at all. And they failed. YUKARI wanted to inform her knowlege on Miyuki, because she is too too coldhearted to her. And when someone said, "I am a friend of Miyuki,.." She cut the phone. Only several times, she attended the phones. And said the above story to the others. "Versity maniac", she was called. She liked to talk Tokyo Versity graduates, because they were talkable. And YUKARI was chosen to their companion. YUKARI took advantage of Miyuki's acquaintance, and she gained the prize. A position at the best versitly in Japan.

  She is proud of it. And now, she is sleepy. After her excitement, she should take a nap, anyway. And she would sleep well.

  And she dreams a chance to be a rector of the versity. And she would be it. Her dream gets bigger and bigger. Good to know it. Megalomaniac, she is. Now, she will forget the story? Or, she starts to prepare for her departure????

  Today, Miyuki met some faked family on the entrance to Shirakawa III primary school. The same numbers that of when her kids entered into it. No reduction. And they failed. After the Big Earth quake, many pupils ran away somewhere. Only several familes left. Miyuki decided to move from SHIRAKAWA, because she could bring to HACHIOJI anyway. Air polution, is the crucial point. HACHIOJI is 10 times cleaner than Shirakawa. I could aspirate the cleaner air rather than they. Kids are more sensitive to radiation. Thus, Miyuki brought them to HACHIOJI. Adults, as they liked. Under 40, crutical, the newspaper said, and MIYUKI believed.

  And Miyuki watched the cracks on the road, here and there, rooves were broken, the walled were fallen. Disasters. Not non- accessible, however, big earth quakes they passed, Miyuki presumed, because she experience the big one when she was in the office building at Kyorin Versity in Hachioji. And she knows well, that 2 days before the 3.11 Big Disaster, there was also a big earthquake, caused by the same reason. SENDAI's off shore, the pivot of the quake. The same time. Like a previous exercise, she felt.

  And Weather Responsible Agency called KISHOU-CHOU, once dissapeared and appeared again. In the Marunouchi area in Tokyo, there was a complex of public agencies called GOUDOU-CHOUSHA. Suprisingly, Governmental Cabinet appeared in the middle of the messy old buildings. And then the Meteorological Agency vanished. And after several days, the sign of the agency re-appeared again. Why? A cover like advertizement, near Tokyo Metropolitan Fire Department office. And took a lots of photos on the matter.

  Tokyo central offices were disappearing and reappearing, Miyuki took lots of pictures. And she was caught after her search. And all of her belongings at that time were also captivated by MARUNOUCHI department of the police. For 4 months, they were taken by them. She tried to take back of them, and called to MITAKA police to know the situation. They said to Miyuki, "Call to MARUNOUCHI department and say directly to them. " OK, then, I will take them all after my discharge, by myself.

  And my mother, soon after my phone call to Mitaka police, she herself went to take my belongings and they handed all of my belongings to her. I am not her, however, they handed them to her. I thanked her, however, the police system was totally faked one, Miyuki resognized it. Why they handed to my family, without my agreement? For this kinky evil existance, family relation is enough to recognize, and personality not at all. Againt liberalism and individualism.

  Too too strange, this evil system is. Inhuman and anti-constitutional in every meaning. Total falures, they commited. And they don't recognize them at all. Illogical. This is not for us all. Just BLA-BLA-BLA is enough for them. No brain world's residents. Muck, they are.

  And Miyuki got to know that we are surrounded with illogical evil Alzheimer patients!!! And even now, they continue to their evil wrongdoings. Today, Miyuki went to BENIMAL to collect some her lineup of foods. And found that there were big vacacy in parking lot. Today is thursday. Why?, and Miyuki took a picture. And did her errond, and got out. And found that the parking lots were almost full then. Why? The customers were few, as always. No so increasing number. however, the number of parked cars got increased appearently, and took several photos. And watched a bus of TOTO KANKO again. The provider of faked walkers, without car type. Today is weekday. Why they did some trip, this unpopular place? And the number of travelers were few. At 14:00, almost. Returning? Too early. Comming? Too late. Why only TOTO KANKO was used for the object. And thought TOTO means all or total in Egyptian languate. Tutu Ank Amen is a name of Megalomaniac king. He created new religion of Amen Ra, a sunshine believer. Tutu or TOTO is all. Thus, Totalitalians chose the name. And the colour. Spooky black nuanced colour. The character of DDMs. Thus, Miyuki recognized that they were in the end of the end of the end of their final stage. Residue of Muck, they are. Too too resistent. Last muck is tiny, however, we should wash entirely type trouble.

  Today, Miyuki got a good information of success, anyway. The same as that of 1st of January. Big Muck!!! The longest one!!! Anyway, good sign!!!!

  And they failed. Why NENGUMACHI is descrived as MOTOMACHI???? Why KAMANOKO, KARAME, KURABEISHI, GOKA are in the same place? Miyuki should know that the town is shikinking. It is too too good to know. All of your family is in favour of animal's reign!!! Especially, Clare liked the idea. The most important is, Miyuki was failed by their quality. Oh, a kind of sympathy or affection, we mean. YES, here we go until to do it type expression. And they failed. Miyuki is easy goer, and Animals should say that a kind of nasty expression, however, a kind of literacy.... Anyway, if we have chance, we do...however, probably, perhaps, presumably.....OK, anyway. Difficult, however, in would happen....

  They surrendered Miyuki's quick change, and non prejudice world. And remembered that some audacious ones were killed by DDMs. Some expression is already prohibitted by them. KYABA-KURA is one of the most hated one. Strange, we think. They use it as usual. Thus, they failed. "Fundamentalists" should die, KAKISHIMA said. And they killed them, by their own understanding. KAKISHIMA is YUKARI at Tokyo Versity. Messy spooky unintelligent type, without any academic ambition. Just a bride candidate type. And Miyuki got to know the reality. Doctoral Degree was for the object. And why for a-sexual???

  Nards, we call it. And Nards need academic identification or excuse such as, "I am kinky, however, I am "somebody" in this field, anyway" and as a proof, they show thier degree to the applied versity. And Miyuki got the name of Emperor of Ignorance!!!! Ignorandia, she lived!!! Realy similar to Idiocracy, however, more peaceful and kind type world. We prefer Ignorandia rather than Idiocratic world!!!

   Menos mal, they gave up. Idiocray is too too worse to anybody. Ignorandia is free, and responsible, anyway. And amusing. Why not??? Totally different form Idiocratic world.

  However, for DDMs, they are the same. And they thought that they could coexist with the residents of Ignorandia. All DDMs should not exist in our ignorandia!!!!! Vanish! DDMs!!!! You are too too ugly!!!!!

  They failed at once. Again, Auntie? Alex was astonished at her change. Miyuki felt that it's warm today, and changed her clothings, and found some suitable for the spring date. It would get cooler in the afternoon, thus, we should take a walk earlier than the coolness, and she changed her wear. And Turned to be Osamu TEZUKA in Paris in his femenin style. No DDMs understand the sense. Only kinky figure, they thought. For today, a winter wear, they chose. Someone chose the clothings, and it ordered to wear like that. They didn't think at all by themselves. Strange. However, at Kyorin versity, Miyuki found the fanomenum. Yuri KIMURA, was fashionable, when she entered into the faculty as a staff lecturer. however, she turned to be an ordinal old lady and in the end, like an old bitch with the domestic type wearing. Degraded in fashion sense.

  Miyuki felt that someone requested them to do so. And black limmed glasses day. In September, 2015, Miyuki put a pair of black limmed glasses for her lesson in Administrative Law. And almost all of pupils wore the same type glasses. Miyuki recognized it, and said to them. They didn't respond at all.

  And KIMURA's ethnic costume play. Why? Miyuki was in wonder. To gain poplularity, OK, her effort. However, she didn't appear not so much.

  And Miyuki found that only 3 to 5 professors came to the campus. Why? And the light on system was combined to security system. The monitor is for it? Miyuki didn't know the fact. Some monitors were showing some public spaces. However, some monitors were for watching Miyuki's office work. Oh, snail aliens??? And found that she is a loberal professor. And they failed. Not their type. They wanted DDMs only world. Thus, they should construct it in the other planet. OR vertual concealed world. Thus, they failed. ULTRA Q like world, they wanted. For them, OK, however, for us, in reality, not at all!!!

  Thus, Muck failed. Just muck, they are. They disliked us, and we too!!! WinWin, forever!!! Vanish! DDMs!!!

  Miyuki is a funny guy, they said. Just a monky. Oh, qualified!!!! We are the even category!!! Emperor of monky world and one of ignorandia. We are some kins. Oh, I did know it. In Tartaruga, I got the idea.

  Miyuki is too too clever to accept the naming at once. They wanted to refuse it. However, emperor liked it, thus, IGNORANDIA, they accepted. As you like, you can call it. However, to avoid arrogance, it is a good naming, I think.

  You should know your limit, is the mean of MEMENTO MORI. They didn't want to know it, and only imortality they persued. "We can do everything we feel good, beyond the limit of morality" was their kinky catchcopy. "Do it!" in the worst sense. Without no inner limit. They do it, and failed. Even now, they continue to construct unnecessary building and reform. Why they do so? They know that it is the wrongdoing. Their sight, and the unnecessary compliment, as if they say, "Sorry, I said, thus, you should forgive us all" type downward looking. Nasty. Every figures arround us did the same, and laughing without any reason. We disliked the laughing. Too too comtemptious. They should vanish now!!!!

  School without any desk, Miyuki thought on ASAHI high school yesterday, because all of the desks and cheers were located outside. And today, half of them vanished. Miyuki thought, it would be suitable for us to study. Good. Our wooded old ones were nortargic and good in style, however, concavos were lots, and we needed to use some flat staff to make a flat space. Not nasty, just minimum rational one to combine, in case of collective meetings.

  Miyuki didn't find any nasty feeling at the desk? Why? Kouichi YOSHIDA is nasty, however, school building and the eauipments were different. I hated stingful floors, however, changeable at all. IZUMI-san wrote to me, "Too sad to lose our old school" And Miyuki went to see the final of the building, and sat on the strange line stones near the health room. For what? Miyuki didn't know. Some "UNMEI-HANTEN-JUUTAKU" like training, Miyuki thought. And some wheel's use. Anyway, some catching games' object. If failed, painful. however, many pupils avoided to do so. Just some too too slow ones failed.

  And Miyuki wanted that KOUICHI YOSHIDA failed there. Only idiots fail type place. Even slow Miyuki didn't fail there. In case of soup bucket carring, we needed to be careful, however, we all took care sufficiently. And as far as we know, any bucket was dropped at all!!!

  No construction any more, IZUMI-san thought. Miyukii thought, Nostargy I have, however, thinking of the sting corredor, and the plan was already done, for me, it was not so bad. Conformist, at this point. I am not sure of the resistence of the old building. And I have some memories on the building, and my kids would have their own. I am not so persistent to keep the old house. I didn't know the value of the old building. Anyway, non wound would be fine. Painful for me.

  IZUMI-san didn't know how stingy the building was. Oh, you are lucky. I suffered sometimes. The nasty experience I had. In 5th grade, I had a big sting in my knee. 1.5cm×1.5cm. I didn't want to be wounded by taking it, thus, I left it for more than 3 years. It sometimes wounded. However, better than medical treatment. Some old skin pealing, we should wait, and the sting left finaly with my old skin.

  However, DDMs are totally different from my sting. They should vanish now!!!! They did the worst wrongdoings and now, they do. Even between my house to Benimal store, they continue to do wrong, with the downward looking. They pretend to be residents, however, not at all. Just DDMs, who don't like working, and now, by their Alzheimer disease, they show up the faking jobs, which they did before as their custom. Terrible. After the war, they continue to attack us, just because they were accustomed to do so. Proveing is already done. No proof is necessary. And their jobs themselves, new wrongdoings, namely, inhuman crimes. Thus, they should vanish, at once!!!!

  Old bugs attmpted to catch my boy Alex. They are nusance, however, they do their dirty work. They show their faked voices already. Sex and age, they don't have. Adults and kids, the same. Just small and big. Kinky appearance with some DDMs and strange black formal cheapy wears were chosen for their celebration of their kids' entrance to school. Too too nasty. for the first day? Like a funeral visiting. For them just the same.

  AEON provided the clothings to them. When I went last time, they put a flower broche on the black wear, while, one day before, just a black wear. And they advertised "This is for your ceremonial days, for entrance, for funeral, for wedding and so on".

  AOKI is the spookiest, thus, they liked it so much. Kinky erotic cruel serial killer he was. He wanted to have some lady like YUKARI and failed. YUKARI lidliked him, because he was ugly. And YUKARI did know that she is really similar to him.

  Spooky figure, they thought. Just like our boss. These days, she didn't appear at all. And she wanted to get out of ther concealed house now. I am free from your protection, she declared. And she wanted to get out.

  And now, she prepared for her departure. A kind of bride. She would get married with Tokyo Versity. Good combination. I wil congraturate you too!!! And they failed.

  Now, it's raining. A spring rain. And Miyuki would know that Spring has come now!!! Warm, Miyuki felt, and changed her clothing. Until spring, she didn't change her winter clothings, because of coldness. She spontaneourly changes, we couldn't criticise her at all. Clare said. She liked to wear like her, however, she is coward to do so. Uniform. Oh, you should go to school yet???? For club activity, she can wear sports wear. However, for schooling, uniform only. Oh, for me, you can wear, as you like. If you need, I will advocate your choice. Not nakid, OK? I this case, you would commit a crime of imprudence. The rest, you can wear as you like.

  Miyuki put a blue down jacket on the tunic. And found, Oh, my hip is too narrow! Good! My skirt has no soft female line at all! Just like TEZUKA's image!!!

  DDMs wear legins type jeans and Miyuki thought, "Oh, lady, you forget to put your skirt on! Alzheimer!" And said the same to the slim legins man also. "Oh, man, you forgot to wear skirt on! Alzheimer!"

  The same type wear. UNIQLO adopted. And Miyuki is a kind of model wearer. And found that this type is so common for Japanese body shape, male and female both. Adachi liked his wearing as CAMARIN. And Miyuki took care so much to hold a little finger. Or, the sign of "I want to meet you, boy! I am a lady like man, however, I want to make love with you!!!"

  Not at all! Thus, Miyuki foled the little fingers so tight, to show, that I just wore these clothings as my taste. It doesn't represent my sexual orientation at all. I am a cute type today! TEZUKA in cute Parigenne wear now! Sorry, old ladies, I am cuter than you!!!!

  TEZUKA liked his wearing. Why me? He was a slow riser, and just the resemblance of belet, he was forced to play the role. A kind of disaster, should be. however, he gave up and learned a lot some skills to be pretty. Like your cute girl type. MELMO, or UNICO, or Knight of Ribbon!!! You can do it!!!! Old guys were not wanting to do so. They are conservative. And they disliked CAMARIN character to play. To appreciate, he is good. But for playing, not at all!!!! Evenness for them. Thus, TEZUKA was a kind of victim. He is imaginary excellent, thus, he could be the most suitable for the role. And he did it well.

 Miyuki's victim, they said. Why she images such a strange thing. Oh, white belet! I adore it! I can use it today. And my costume is....And Ping-Pong!!!! Sporty a bit, however, anyway good.

  Where are my leggins? Again, they vanished. Clare or YUKARI? Alex? I couldn't find any leggins in the closet in the first floor. I bought a bunch of them, however, today not at all. Anyway, I put only one, and could pass one day with it, only. Thus, spring has come now. And spring rain.

  A public pond for fishing? Miyuki thought these days, when she found a YANTA river small dum construction at KARAME area. Too too strange explanarion. There are 7 steps on one side. And the explanation said, "for small fishes to climb up to the main river." Oh, escalator system for MITCHIKU kids, even in the world of fish??? Miyuki was astonished. Then she watched. Miserable. Just normal steps for human figures. Why for tiny fish, they said? And the net. Unnecessary trash bag nets, two, at that time. They said, "For helping the fish"???

  They liked to show that they were the real Alzheimer patients. Using tax money, they appealed to say "I am messy, intellectually degraded public servant. I want you common people to pay tax for sustaining me. " 

  SHIRAKAWA was a petit Tokyo, in every meaning. Rural TOKYO, like MITAKA or HACHIOJI. Public servants were evil wrongdoers all!!! They should vanish! And we continue to made revenges to them all!!!

  Money, now, you should pay us!!! You, DDMs, return all of your money, and damage compensation all at once!!! You would vanish now, thus, now!!! They didn't undestand and vanished. And the residue. Continuous boresome struggle with them. For them, FAUNA & FLORA's job is delayed. They should pay this damage, also. Their nasty marking called construction should be taken all in a body. They want to continue to pretend to work, unnecessarily.

  Several days before, I met CHAGAMA's president riding near SHIRAKAWA municipiates office. Oh, CHAGAMA brought the RAMEN noodles on the way from NENGU-MACHI to here??? A slight astonishing fact. Because, Miyuki thought that each block has its own RAMEN restaurants, and CHAGAMA is for NENGUMACHI and YAOYACHOU area or so. Tasty, however, not to famous one. And each block has its counterpart.

  Thus, Miyuki got to know. So so few people eat RAMEN now. Costive, and we have no economic activity at all. Only some Tokyo walkers like figures ordered the RAMEN.

  RAMEN is for ordering, and eating in the house, was SHIRAKAWA style. However, now, someone ordered, and vanished. Who eats Ramen??? They could dial at once, and they vanished. Before eating RAMEN. Strange. Why they do so?

  TOTO KANKO is a faked bus tour, and they came from nearest prefectures. And they should say, "We came from Tokyo". And someone could eat RAMEN and someone could make a trip. And they did as they like. Shirakawa was one of the MEKKA of DDMs, and the shooting stars. Miyuki thought that they were for watching. Not at all! They came like that. Falling is a kind of arrival. Oh, and the leaving is falling also type????

  They wanted to leave here, however, something happened. And did BLUE IMPULSE and fell all.

  Ring-Ring a roses, a pocketful of roses, Acchoo, Acchoo, we all fall down🎶

  Miyuki liked to sing a nasty song, when they really don't want to hear it. Miyuki's selection is always contrary to theirs. Too too nasty, sobstory like music, they needed!!!

  Vanish!!! Requst is counted as damage. Betrayal is so expensive for them. Thus, big damage!!!

  We like to be cheerful. Sometimes, we felt so nasty. Messy destruction here and there.

  (To be Continued)

YUKARI's End(124)

2017-04-06 00:54:25 | 日記

quick news.

Strange. Why the president of construction sued for only US$4 million? He has right to sue for US$10 milion. Strange discount he did. Conformist, he is. He is evil one, however, he wants to behave like a white night, to criticise KAGOIKE. Both evils, in the struggle type dispute.

 Some news were erases like this article. Some power holders' relative, he would be. Thus, the trouble maker was saved to be a target to be attaked. Discretional treatmeny done by OMANKO JOUNALISM.

 Even OMANKO Journalists have to blame type case on ex-NHK OMANKO journalist. Rapist in the evilest cases. Thus, they failed. Their colleagues. They protected him, even now, and they now decided to accuse him, as a sacrifice. We need all cases srevealed. Not only some of them. All, we insist.

  I am sleepy now.


 Adachi and Miyuki are going to sleep now... ZZZZZ.....