YUKARI's End (149)

2017-04-13 21:46:59 | 日記

 I ate a traditional Japanese cuisine with Chinese dish. MABO-DOFU or chilly Fried diced soft soy curd, roasted sardine with a slice of lemmon and two sliced picked gingers, white GOKA rice, and miso soup with soft soy curd and shuredded fried soy curd. As a dinner, yogult with stewed orange peel.  A complete dinner in this style. Too much soy soft curd, I regretted a bit. OK, I will refrain from use it in a whole.

  Quick news continues. One laughing one:

  The body was beside the rope, thus, the police men presumed that the victim had commited suicide!!!

  We deduced that he had been killed by the same situation, however, MICCHIKU police disposed the case like that. Alzheimer Police they are, with guns!!! Terrible. So many police men participated in the investigation, and their result is "suicide, probably". See the photograph:

 And his name is the same as the renoun politician in Meiji era, who had been killed by AN JUU KON, a Korean nationalist, by a gun shooting. What a coincidence!!!

 Forever virgin police, here! Read it:

  They didn't know how to save the victims in the case of the earth quake. Ignorant police, who should not paid by tax. Their play costs so expensive!!! YUKARI is now the police!!!

  And usually, ambulance activities were done by Fire Department staff. Why the police did the same job? Double system? Two big Alzheimer dangerous groups in Japan. And the third should be self defense force would be!

 And the conformistic contradictional Micchiku way of writing, now on sale. See it:

  Dangerous or not, it would be the matter, we think. however, for this OMANKO idiot Alzheimer writers, not at all. They are evasion only type. Confusion, also. Thus, CCC!!!

  And as always, North Korea is ready to attack us, according to this Micchiku OMANKO writer. Read it:

  ABE is now ready to perticipate in USA's action to attack North Korea. Just waigning not to attack by North Korea.

  Neuro system should be tested as her sensor.Now she felt so so cold. And now, some nasty warning up, again. They wanted to know Miyuki's coldness, they said. shoud know that Miyuki is different from them,

  her sensor is normal, however, some evil existance wanted to see how funcionred. And they failed.

  Always, "For the sake of you" attitude, we call it. Not for us, allways for DDMs. Thus they failed.

  Some calling to the office incessantly. By whom? This telephone is not used for us, usually. all of us igonore the phone calling. And then repeated the calling again and again. Why and who?

 Miyuki is too too sleepy now.

  Thus, see you for people and their supporters!!!


  This office is too too cold now.

  MAR is going to sleep in the chamber....ZZZZZ...

YUKARI's End (148)

2017-04-13 19:00:57 | 日記

 MEGALOMANIAC! They spet. OK, ADACHI wispered, and she agreed as always. More bigger one, and remenbered "Miku HATSUNE", a vocaloid's song called, "World is Mine!". Thus, bigger one, she chose.

  Anyway, she didn't say "The universe is mine" at all!!! Too too dangerous for us all!!! For her, ruling is a time consuming not amusing job, at all. however, by this experience, she did learn that execution should be perfect.

  Only one DDM could destroy our beauriful world!!! Platinum Tribe felt deeply so. And Miyuki wanted to live, even she were alone. Too brave, MORIKO was astonished. She is not afraid of it. She explained, "I did already this type of situation, minimum version, and life at Kyorin is the continuous inferno like this one. And when I was a kid...."

  Miyuki did know that they should do so. Oh, you did? And they failed. They replied differently from Miyuki. "Not al all!!! Only I??? I can't put up with the lonelyness." They relpied. Oh, they did?

  ??? For her, living is better than vanishing. Thus, they failed. Only one world should have some alternative amusement. She smiles, laughing in this transitional period. Why not? Spontaneously, she laughs. She is disliked by her costom. After the recognition, she would be shocked, they said. Oh, yes, I was shocked. however, a new world creation is so so promissive and productive!!!

  Various birds are comming back, and they did their jobs. Not beautiful in appearance, however, they showed that their legitimacy and holdings. Marking, they already did. however, they igonored. Miyuki laughted at their preference. however, nothing at all as alternatives, thus, Miyuki understood.

  And found a test paper of "KATO", as a kind of marking. Some family put his test result in the rubbish box. Or, he himself put it in the box??? If the family did, it means, "We are not interested in you at all" like gesture. If the latter, Oh, KATO, you are our type!!!

  Interpretation should be righoutly. however, now a days, there are lots of confusing legislative works, contradictional ones. And they didn't their jobs rightously.

  Miyuki is remembering the legislative discussion in the Brazilian Congress. One 5th of deputies were there, even in the season of discussiong national big matter, namely, constitutional reform, determined by their own constitution.

  however, one year after, the result appeared, anyway. Not so many reforms. Just some tiny changes. They are prohibitted to change some important materials described in the list of fundamental rights.

  they did reform, frequently. however, the basic norm should not be changed, according to the Constitution. And they failed. They put some reforming article to change even the untouchable fundamental rights?????

  Miyuki didn't know Brazilian situation these 2 years. Brazilian legislative branch did the same evil work in Brasilia. The people got to know after the reform. Oh, Brazil, you too????

  Just a reform, to put more benefit type only, they said. However, they decided to take the article. Oh, why? Too too costive. Yes, costive. and some unnecessary remarks here and there. Yes. The nucleus should not be changed. Trifle expression can be ignored. Don't put math figure on the Constitution. It changes along the time passing. However, Judges would use some technics, if they are the reliable ones.

  And they failed. They thought that they should change the situation for better. Better for us, FAUNA & FLORA, not for them, DDMic judges, OK?

  They failed. Not promissive only world now. OK, harmless is important, for us. And MIYUKI is harmful for them. For DDMs, I should be so. And for us, not so much. She is free from guilty and sin, anyway. ADACHI sings in the swing. Why not???

  Miyuki is too too nasty to DDMs. She knows what she should do. This is the matter for them. Why? She is clever. Yes, I want to be more cleverer! And she is...

  DDMs claim our swrongpoints. VANISH! DDMs!!! Your ruling has done. FINISHED!!! OK? DDMs!!! VANISH!!!

  Then they vanished. All day long, they thought. however, electric battery ended. Thus, she stopped and turned to eat lunch home. Sesame chick pea bean paste with oliveoil. Tasty. And garlic should be good, she thought of.

  And coconut mild fits with chiken portry. Beans eater, she is, they thought. She wanted to eat meat, however, beef steak is too too expensive in Japan. She tried to move to NZ for the sake of meat eating habit, and failed. Already failed economically, politically, and morally, intelectually.

  She was not in a good mood in some back packers hostel at all. Not welcome mode, they showed. And the food price was too too expensive. Even residents claimed the high price. And the system was not good actually.

  IDIOCRACY transmitts, is her discovery. Thus, Miyuki should be protected by her asexual mode and TOHOHO tendency. Why not me??? She always asked to others. Common people, not so strange at all. Usual people could get to know some boyfriends, probably. Why not I could???

  MIYUKI was caught in the system. Strange system they constructed. Net work, they called it. And she was one of the main character of the system???? I don't know the system. Why I could do so???

  Always poor type, they needed. And they put the 3 figures of Platimum tribe into the pot. And mixed, and wanted to absorb their result of working. Terrible. Paracites, they are. And Peeping Tom Muck Bokko appeared.

  They failed in a body. They should be. And they failed in a whole in one!!!

  Miyuki should train more and more. however, today is a strange day. Fatt peacock meant what? She thought to enter into the area, at first, however, she refrained. Cold and hungry. And he said already done.

  One DDM appeared and entered into the house. Thus, it would be dangerous, probably. ENDO family or relatives, related with IKKYO. Thus, quitted the idea. Anyway, I should eat lunch.

  And found that "Shirakawa Recycling Center" is doing their wrongdoings even now. They, three green cars passed in front of her, incessantly. They came from south to north, when Miyuki was going to the flower center, and from north to south.

  Green is their symbol colour. They are Alzheimer patients, however, could recognize the colour type. Thus, they put the marking, nasty vinil tape working. And they failed.

  Kindergardens were run by them, because they were "gardens" anyway. Their idiotness deserves to laugh.

  and now, the new park near the west side of South Lake. They did the dirty job, and failed. Thus, in the middle.

  Yesterday, only several cholk lines. Today, KANUMA-ZUCHI or bright brown earth covered the place, and surrounded by low bushes. The road is connected to a company called "DAISAN", and they made some noise from inside. What type of job, they are doing? Probably, this type. Parking making job. Not necessary for now, however, they continue.

  And found two low complexes without any residents. Terrible. They want this only rice fields and faked flower gardens to change to urbanized one. And put Solar energy system beside the building.

  They should pay for the last stage's evil doing. Not any efficiency at all. and just cut forest.

  Miyuki was astonished that mountain near her family's field were explared recently. More, DDMs??? And found that they wanted to contunue the wrongdoing forever. No limit for them. habitual movement, like a spring dashing, without reason.

  And TAIYOUSHA took an advertizement of TOMIYAMA meatshop. Why they stole? For their recycled work?

  They stole it without necessity, and faked to do the job right now. A big one, and old one also. They can't recognize the difference between old and new. Thus, YUKARI is so so nasty to Alex. You should be a big boy, Alex, she said.

  She thought that his face should be more prretier than usual. and his legs should be more longer, and his...

  VANISH! DDMs!!! Her incessant abuse is a kind of torture for us. Why Tokyo university doesn't accept her as a professor of law???

 Now, quick news type. Oh, OECD, you too? Your grades are Zero, E (failure), C (plain) and D (desqualified). See:

  OMANKO writers want to be more and more idol, and to be paid by tax. They requre Tax increacing to Japan. Thus, they failed.

  any authority should be abused, is their style. They are YUKARIs, anyway. Irrespoinsible to their words, and spreads their nasty smells to us. nusance.

  how primitive way, they use!!! North Korea, this is a contemptous joke done by DDMic idiot Prime Minister ABE. Read it:

  Sarin on the top of the missile??? Baloon bomb like new kinky technology. Only Japan could think of. Fantasy world this DDMic ABE lives. Please wake up his too too relaxed eyes, North Korea!!!

  And two DDMs shitted on the pole of Meiji Shrine!!! They couldn't do it in the toilet. They imitated their dogs. Probably, standing pose type, ADACHI commented. And so many police memberes are invesigating this so so important case!!!

See the photos!!! Only one glance is enough type.

 And read it. MICCHIKU Family gains by their infant member's death like this, and judiciary is always on their side:

 Oh, boys, you have 3 kg of Goden Balls in the bottom part. Look at the article:


 Now, all subjective court work are proved. See:

  "Umm...I think it make me feel to do it", "Oh, no! For me, nothing." "for me, a kind of the bottom of an attractive lean woman..." they talked, and judged. Joke only world!!!

  And a special secret. Arround South Lake, there are lots of trees with the shape of Miyuki's "it", we assure. They did it! Art! A dangerous Art!!! So disputing type!!! Old 150 years old type also participated in the art statutes!!! Look!!!

  They decided to make this shape to wait for Miyuki's arrival. She would be the last one. If she failed, nothing, however, she would get a big success. Anyway, try it! And they got a super success.

  "Eros or Art?" the title of the exhibition. Miyuki, Adachi, and Rabby liked them all!!! Then, DDMs failed. For them, nothing, for us all!!!! They insisted that "If the figure appear here, we would belong to its side. And Miyuki did long walk with her legs in the forest of thin leaves trees. Oh, no! Nothing!!! Too too erotic!!! However, for idencification, imitation should be fine, was their decision.

  How she shows her "Importantly imtimate part" in public? They hesitated. However, time resolved the problem. Jeans wearer, she should be. Young trees wispered. And she appeared, finally, with fatty bottom. Not at all!!! With your skinny Jeans, they cried. Oh, no, no, no.... And they got VRAVO at her legitimacy declaration!!!!

  She is south type, so she would show her "bottom part" in summer, they said. Don't worry. Soon, my Jeans season starts. I will wear my skinniest Jeans for you, my plants!!!!

  So, we are the rulers of this world!!!! A kind of honour marking, they said. And Miyuki understood it, and liked so much.

  Too too long time is needed to do so. And finally, our final hope came to here!!!! Final fantasy for them.

  And found that this zone is filled with various thin and broad leaves trees. Mixed forest, a primitive type. Not artificial type.

  And Miyuki could come here in the last chance.

  Miyuki did know the ugly forest of other countries. Eucarypus, the tree is called. In Portugal, Miyuki thought that these trees did the nasty work there. They absorb the water too too much, and other trees die easily because of drying up. Like MICCHIKU.

  They are brought from Austraria, and used for Pulp producing, is an explanation from her friend Dr.Andre Pereira.

  Portugal is a beautiful country with olive and cork trees, and ceders with tiny leaves. however, the nasty Eucarypus spread so widely, and the scenery is so bad. Along roadsides, they spread. Especially from Coimbra to Porto. Nasty trees, Miyuki thought. Ugly, anyway.

  And in Chille, she found also in some parts, from San Tiago to Valparaiso. Here and there in the world.

  and MITSUBISHI PULP was espablished here in this region. Only ceders, they should cut, they thought. however, they couldn't recognize the species of trees. Alzheimer Patients came from Tokyo!!!!

  And they were idol. Thus, only cutting. Of course, cutting caused a lot of victims and damages for us. However, because of their idolness, namely, reluctant to plant substitute, at least, this reagion was saved to be attacked by Totalitarians among trees.

  MIYUKI regretted not to visit the place before. however, at least, we could prevent the worst end. We did it. They are vanishing!!!!

  Eucarypus spread easily and quickly, thus they planted in any place, when they found the surfice of the earth. A kind of substitute of MICCHIKU residence. A kind of marking, saying, "We are the rulers of the world". And they failed.

  Forestry, she should learn, and she wanted to be the team leader of NZ government, and failed. She thought of a lot of promissive ideas, and they stole them. And made another Miyuki, called Miyukims. Oh, my passport name!!!

  Why my passport name is Miyukims, always? was her primitive doubt. Probably, Ms.Miyuki, she deduced. And failed. They wanted to play the role of Miyuki, and called her on their own way. Miyukims????

  Miyuki didn't know their way to fake. She was stolen her identification holdings all by the police of MARUNOUCHI, and got to put into custody. Why they keep my identity cards and other important belongings from me? She thought.

  Even after her moving from Tokyo Bay Detention to Hasegawa hospital, they continued to keep them. Why? Robbery itself, she thought, and accused them to Judiciary. however, any judge wanted to help her.

  She didn't know the system. Already Totalitarian State, Japan was. And they wanted Miyuki to be, and put her to the custedy to take madicine called "Abilify".

  Strange name. and they forced her to take the maximum quantity for more than 3 months. Almost 4 monthes, consecutively. and tried her to force to take it even in her NZ stay. Thus, the Dr.Dull, Yuuichirou TOMITA informed the name of the medicine in English, "Epipilifphy". She didn't find such a medicine at all. He said that if you need, you come to ask us to describe for you.

  And they failed. Unnecessary kinky medicine was produced only for her. She would dislike to bahave like a patient, they said. Thus, with more effective way, we should do it.

  Thus, they tried Miyuki to take it. And they failed. Strange name. Like a "Enhancing your ability" type naming for calming down her hilarious situation. Hish tensed works, they said. And they failed.

  any people could work like that, is Miyuki's remark, however, they couldn't believe it. Only she, they thought. And they failed.

  Miyuki thought that they are too too idol, and can't do some plural jobs altogether. Alzheimer patients, they would be. All Alzheimer patients invaded Tokyo, probably!!!

  Majory were Alzheimer patients, and they wanted us to their level or lower. Kyorin already did it, and now, in HASEGAWA hospital, they tried to do it. Miyuki was thrilled at their wrongdoing. Why me??? All of us are in danger???

  Crazy mad Alzheimer patients ruled Japan, entirely. And now, they are revealed to be the real Alzheimer patients, with their dirty OMANKO journalism!!!!

  We did it!!! Every articles include some illogical, kinky remarks. for them, natural. However, for us, not at all type, joking only world, they constructed.

  3 kg of Gold in his bottom part??? Everyone would get astonished. however, YUKARI said indifferently, "For us, versitly holders, it's natual." And Alex and Clare burst into tears of laughing!!!!

  Too too nasty, her situation is. They insisted. however, her grand mother didn't believe it. However, she got to know that YUKARI is something strange recently. And found that she did it. Stealing from her bag. In front of her, saying, "I would like to pay some drag, thus, I would be given by you, Mother!" Thus, they got astonished. In front of her??? Herself???

  They were so tired to acompany with her, and Miyuki is too too nasty for her. Versity holder, however, a kind of TORASAN, the bagavond. Thus, they thought that Miyuki is out of their games. Always honest words to them. Too too kinky Alzheimer patient, YUKARI is! " She exclaimed. And YUKARI got to know her remarks, and did the calling. Miyuki should be punished again. She didn't know her it yet. Thus, now, she thought.

  And her wrongdoings were revealed by herself. Miyuki got upset her enegy abusing faking. however, for them, only one way to allow her to stay here. Nothing, Miyuki said. however, for her mother, was something, and now, is nothing.

  They should recognize that the police system didn't work at all. And Miyuki got into custody in the detention, and in kinky Hospital, for more than 3 months. Why? They thought. Miyuki is not a nervous type. Just laughing the others' strangeness. And her own ones. Miyuki is too too cruel to DDMs. She is the real property holder of the planet, they believed. and Miyuki did a good job.

  Too too rare figure, she is, they thought. And what kind???? Lean, and with legs!!! Oh, leggs!!!Legging, they thought. however, OYAJI like Hip Hop jeans, she wore, and they failed. "Who is she? or he? With cap, outside OK, however, inside, Not at all!!!"

  For them, formality weighed a lot. And YUKARI was the same. So so ceremonial type, as they got to know. One week after Alex's entrance exam, she wanted to be his mother like trainer. ???

  Alzheimer trainer, she called. Alex would be a member of our society. Thus, he would be Alzheimer patient. We could do so, because he is our successor?????

  Mad crazy old lady she is. however, she is dangerous even now. Miyuki catching game again, she did. Even today, for her, a kind of joke. Miyuki should be caught. Why not now??? She exclaimed, and they appeared. For her, an amusement, however, for us all, Miyuki is precious one, like others.

  Why only Miyuki could stay here? was Alex's question. Alex wanted two auntie for his own works. And YUKARI is a model for him. And now, he forgot it. Too too nasty story, he thought. And rightous one should win, anyway. He wanted to create his own world, and he forgot it. Now, IGNORANDIA is too too good for him!!! Always, by his own will, withing the limit!!!!

  OK, Miyuki, you are too too rightous to do so. Nasty human being like figures, Bye, forever!!! We are common people, which belong to FAUNA & FLORA, and our supporters friends. Thus, they failed.

  Broken robot should be disposed, was the order of their leader. Religious, we thought. however we failed. We got to understand that HARUSAN was the last one to recognize YUKARI's idolness. She just didn't want to believe it. Beyond her imagination. However, it is the fact. YUKARI is an Alzheimer Patient. Spontaneous type. Her concealed period made her being it. Thus, she should fail again.

  She pleaged several times, and now, no pledge at all. Don't abuse water was enough for them all. And Miyuki is thrifty. Even she, liberalist, her wrongdoing was not tolerable type.

  Miyuki's attitude was too too harsh to others. Omitting YUKARI's existance at all. Only for her mother, handed a plate of japanese sweet, and added some excuse, and ignored YUKARI entirely, as if she is nothing for Miyuki.

  Just it. Nothing for them is the right attitude. Why she is so arrangant, is Miyuki's question. Because of her disease??? Spontaneous Alzheimer disease, and she should be punished by her wrongdoings. She is nothing for me at all!!!

  She behaved as she thought, and YUKARI failed. Why not for me?, YUKARI asked to her mother. Because Miyuki dislikes you, Auntie. For her, your comments are nasty wrongdoings. Stop accusing her, anyway. She has right to give her home made sweets to whom. You are desqualified, Auntie. It is the fact. For her, you are nothing. Miyuki wanted to quit you, thus, she handed US$30 thousand. Now, you should play the role of nothing to her. You are dangerous, and a killer for her.

  Miyuki is almost killed by you, Auntie. You did your dirty work, as always. And she decided not to communicate with you, Auntie. You are nothing for her. She has right to behave like that. US$30 thousand is not a low value, Auntie. She doesn't want any interference done by you, Auntie.

  And Miyuki decided to make her delicious dinner for herself, as always.

  Thus, wait a minute, people!!!


  MAR will come back soon, after our special dinner, always in 3!!!

YUKARI's End (147)

2017-04-13 15:58:44 | 日記

13/04/2017 (Thursday, afternoon) It's fine and cloudy, combined. And in the shadow, it's cold. Cloud is dark gray, the symbol of IKKYO betrayal.

  Today, I tried to make GYUUHI or smooth steemed stiky rice flat bars, and failed. I steamed the rice powder, expensive one, in a shape of flat oval, before to make flat bars, and mixed with sticky transparent liquid sugar called MIZUAME, or water candy, and found that I should have made the flat shapes before steaming.

  I am a kind of "Die Hard" type. Thus, I immediately made Shiratama Dango with Sweet stewed red beans, in a rough style. And I ate all of the failed product with green tea, and gave some part for my mother, saying the truth.

  An accident like sweet and tea break, I decided to think so. And I thought, "At least, the flavour is right. Only the appearance is ugly. Thus, Japanese tradicional sweets are a kind of art of pretty appearance. It takes long time to learn. However, only for the taste, even amature Miyuki like bad hands could do it type. "

  Thus, I changed my mind. For this season, DANGO would be nice. UBATAMA is difficult for MIYUKI. Even GYUHI is too too difficult for her. Nice try. And got a phyrosophical answer. DANGO only, for several months.

  Nice try, they appreciated. However, GHUUHI is a kind of art, already. Too too difficult to make it. Ingredient works, Miyuki did know well. Thus, just some training. And it takes more time than Miyuki thought. NANKO DANGO turned to be HANAMI DANGO. Just it.

  And MIYUKI thought. Shiratama powder is too too small in countity. And it is expensive. Miyuki would mix some others for HANAMI DANGO. Rice, is an alternative. Well milled rice would be a kind of DANGOs ingrediend.

  Dumpling, the idol girl called Polly required. She was a plump eating only type. However, as least, she was not nasty. Idol, however, not wanted to give a harm to someone.

  She turned to be a queen, chosen by a prince, jam head type, and he was also not so evil. Just dull.

  And a girl, tiny vivid figure made an effort to save their baby. They were too too idiot to save the baby. Thus, she made a costume play and entered into the enemy's territory, and almost failed, however, escaped from the worst situation, ang got to grasp the secret of the enemy, with which, she could kill all of the enemy.

  Thus, she did, and the baby was saved. They didn't do nothing, however, they loved the baby, and they got pleased with baby's servival, and thanked to her.

  She was not so good at living with dull figures, thus, she prefered to live outside the castle, as usual, and made various adventures with her interesting friends.

  Tom Tit Tot story ends like that.

  Our story is different. The parents were the evilest type, and their kids also. Just chose to be their kids type.

  This occasion, they wanted to help their evil parents, not Miyuki's side. And did the dirty works.

  Childish, Miyuki thought, when she saw the letters on the mails came from DDMic organs. The prosecutors offices, also. Kyorin Versity, yes of course!

  And they failed. They participated in the forgery. Childish letters were a kind of mistery for her. Why prosecutors office hired the kids for their jobs? was Miyuki's question.

  however, for MICCHIKU Family, use of family members was common among all of them. Family, in case of emergency, they called. Emergency? Why?

  The kids did know the reality. Only Miyuki didn't know the fact. Nasty, she would say, they afraied. All of her privacy was flowen to the enemy, including highly intimate matters, they knew. And Miyuki belives that OK, thus, attack them! They are wrongdoers, and I, just a victim. They should die, and I should live. I am right, while they were all evil. Which do you prefer? Live or die?

  Then, they failed. They thought, "We are majority of the people. Almost all of the human beings. Thus, she would allow them to live." was their expectation. And they failed. They should vanish, immediately!!! And they did so.

  Miyuki is not nasty at all. Just cheerful happy guy. Why not?

  Miyuki is too too strong even in the worst situation. They wanted Miyuki to die, and she allowed them to use WIFI!!!

  For only WIFI, a kind of evil toy, why I should continue to be a victim!!! Not at all!!! They are too too evil to insist like that. They are now doing wrong, and insist that because of their convenience and pleasure, I shoulc commit suicide!!! Terrible!!!

  Idiots should die immediately. Only one is rightous, it is enough to insist its right. However, they, the moajority is rotten evil existance. Good proof of non necessity in the universe. Just kill them. It's enough.

  Thus, the ordial started. A kind of bet, ADACHI said, and Miyuki totally agreed with him. And she liked to play the role of "Which is which, do you bet?" directly to DDMic her pupils. A kind of joke, she thought. They would bet on DDMic party, Miyuki presumed, and got good points. Almost all of them. Not several. Oh, some lucky guys remained. OK, good to know it.

  All of them, Miyuki thought. Thus, for her, some residue is a kind of lucks. Thus, they all failed. Oh, sorry, only you?, was expected expression to them. Oh, sorry, I am not such a type. I imagin the evilest situation, namely, onle Miyuki world. And found several, thus, Oh, how many times the number is!!!! I falied in calculation, however, good for us all!!! type.

  And ADACHI liked her way of saying. Rabby is returning to his fishery. Nasty smell, at first, however, some delicious smell, after that. Bonito flakes like smell. And eatable, he thought.

  Devil's fish!!! Octopus is called like that in Anglo-Saxon Contry. She did read the letter in a museum. Or, Octopus!!!

  And recently, eating enemy is a kind of amusement. NINGYO-YAKI, or Doll figure soft cookies with stewed read beans inside. NISHIZAWA brought one package of them in the meeting, and he said, "Many confectionary makes this kind of sweet, however, I like this one. A thin cover and a delicious fat stewed red beans. And he gave MIYUKI a devil's figure. and MIYUKI said, "Oh, devil! Then I would kill him, by eating!" and ate. And found that the peel like cover made of burned wheat is a kind of carameled one with burned suger smell. Delicious, and the sweetness was modest type. Oh, yes, your choice is right. I hated Doll Figure Cookies until now, however, this one is delicious. I will eat it from now on!!!, she declared.

  Nasty, he thought. He wanted her to refuse it. Then why he provided me? It meant "I give you this sweet." Why I should refuse it? If he didn't want to give it to me, he had alternatives. First, he should not bring it to the meeting. Second, he shoudn't show it in front of me. Third, he should not mention the existance of it.

  Then he failed. Just a nasty joke, he wanted to do so. He and his OPPABU HUKAWA were given "Havanero", a hot chilly snack by Miyuki, as a symbol of IDIOCRACY. HABANERO is an arrangement of NAGUEWA in TOHATO confectionary company, with a lot of green peppers. Green pepper, the most chillest type in the world. HABA came from Jarapenho, and NERO came from Roman emperor. A King Pumpkin like Anger Comical Face on the cover package. Miyuki wanted to show, "I am in rage!" to them. They refused, thus, Miyuki only ate, because she was hungry. Polite, I would be. I recommended him to eat, and they refused, by some means. OK, I will and can eat all. Not so bad. Anger makes me hungry.

  And today, she got angry. They did the wrongdoing as usual. 6 squad, as always. In front of a clinic of surgery, there were lots of cars. Filled with vehicles, on their parking. The clinic is small, while the parking is filled with cars. Why?

  And the other side of the road, a phermacy. Unpopular one, however, today, many clients. Why? And when Miyuki passed, they tried to run away from MIyUKI. Strange. They just watched  me, and then, they took a car, each, and ran away.

  They were exactly 6. Why they wanted to do the dirty jobs, even if they were already marked by us????

  And they failed.

  Before the catch and custody game, Miyuki complemented to a boy, who said "Good afternoon!" to her from the courtyard. Thus, she complemented to him. And then, his teacher responsible did the same compliment, thus, Miyuki said to her the same words.

  This is why they wanted to catch Miyuki.

  Only once, they remembered. Not at all. They could compliment once anyway. However, twice is prohibeitted. ??? Their religion. Yellow tapes were for them. Betrayers, they are.

   They are maked by themselves, and they tried to catch them. And now they failed.

   Miyuki did the winning bell like ring-ring in a mish-mash shrine in KAJIMACHI. And the clapps with "Bee Flies"'s rythum. Why not? And they were collected by Miyuki's accuaintance????

  Miyuki didn't know the system. Miyuki is too too right to walk arround. She likes sunny sunshine. And you, YUKARI? You should take a walk, a bit. And she took a walk a bit. She commented that Miyuki had some wandering habit, and she had difficulty to return home. ???? Miyuki has no taxi user. And she just likes to walk arround. She likes to report what happened arround her, with her astonishment. Oh, they are already dead. Just like God Hand HOKUTO!!!!

  ADACHI liked her expression. Nose breaking stroke, he did. Not so tough one. however, they broke. Oh, feeble bone symptom? False diagnosis????

  ADACHI thought that it was a soft touch, however, they said, "You broke the nose." in their house. And Miyuki liked ADACHI's strong stroke better than soft touch. In both case, the boy with broken nose failed.

  This is IKKYO world. They said. What? IKKYO for what? What is it?

  Miyuki got to understand that SEKAI-NIPPOU or world diary was one of the evilest measure of ther evangelists. And thought that only some greedy too too evil ones could enter into the skewed religion. And YUKARI failed.

  She wanted to get married with someone. however, she didn't. Thus she turned to be an harmit. And failed to their trap again.

  Too too contemptious tasks they ordered to me. Miyuki would not put up with the job at all, she said. however, always her prediction failed. Why you fail so frequently?, is Alex's ordinal question. You are too too nasty to do so. MIYUKI has mouth to speak, and her words are so clear, rather than your nasty remarks on her inclination.

  And they failed. Miyuki wanted to make UBATAMA, and ended up to make only some Dango like strange shaped ugly dumplings with sweet read beans paste. and anything is OK in the taste. Appearance. Too too imature. However, delicious.

  She knows her weak point. She declares her "Big Dream" and then failed. And says. "Oh, I failed again...I will try again near future. This time, this is the result."

  Miyuki is a kind of comical existance. UBATAMA, is it??? A kind of joke, they thought. However, some resembling taste. She used MIZUAME, and she failed. MIZUAME is the nasty existance for sweet professionals. Too too delicate one. The temperature should be so low. And today is not for MIZUAME. Oh, artisan type!!! Thus, they made AME-ZAIKU with MIZUAME!!!

  Miyuki liked to watch the art of AMEZAIKU in ASAKUSA. They made various animals, including beautiful birds, in a minute. She watched the art, with her admiration. And said to her kids, "How beautiful and skillful!!! I want to have several. However, it costs lots.Thus, I should give up. Thus, you should give up. And when I was a child, I made a zoo in more smaller scale with lots of animals, including crocodiles, elephants, birds, and so on..." They walked and passed the place.

  Too too sly, they thought. She liked, however, she passed. Always, she passed, saying the same remarks, "When I was a kid..." No! No more nostargy! Buy, at least, one of them!!! They thought, and failed.

  She commented harshly to their sweets. Oh, the problem of appearance. Art for pretty appearance. Then, if I have a time, I would try. And for this season, DANGO is least, it is called HANAMI-DANGO!!!

  Miyuki is too too right to presume so. Some day, if I have a time...It would be fine. Their dream to be a professional sweet maker failed. Dream Colours Patticier, the ANIME was called. Miyuki watched some part of them, and understood that it is an istrcuction of managimant of entrepreneural small industry.

  Two confectionary shops, a big renoun one, and a new small one, in the same competition. How the small one should gain the game, is the theme. They tried to do their efforts. And they failed. All of them failed. They used decoys!!!

  Oh, faked consumers!!! Like hot pepper like working they did! Oh, thus, Alex said, "Decoys contributes to increase the populality. It is natural as a measure of shopkeeping. " and Miyuki said, "No. It is against fair comtetition. Sly. The measure is prohibitted. You can use easily, however, you fail with your employers. You should choose you way. Live or die. And you chose the latter. Your choice. "

  And they failed again. Only once, they did. And they failed. Pledge to be obedient to their system. Protectionism, they called. however, just totalitarianism, as we said. Thus, they failed. Faked ideology. They are decoys, we could say. Why they should do so, at the cost of our precous money??? We don't want to do so. Costive. I don't waste my time at all. Alzheimer disease is your matter, not our matter, Auntie. You did decoy jobs here in SHIRAKAWA, and we didn't know that you were a participant.

  Oh, the participation on the reading club was a decoy, also??? She thought not, however, she should realize the fact. She sold all of her information on Miyuki, without Miyuki's recognition. iPAD was sold by her. One, at least. One was robbed. And one left. The third is a present for her father. She paid almost US$1 thousand for it. And she failed. She had no chance to use it any more. WI-FI world only type. Oh, then, I should hold it, as to check my memories.

 And they failed. Miyuki would pay for it, was her remarks???? She can't recognize who is rightous at all. And now, she forgets all of what she did. Now, she is controled by her family, even her toilet intention. She should do it alone, at least, now. However, soon, she would use her own diaper. They predicted. And she looked that all of them think that she is just a nasty existance. Doing nothing all type, they raveled. DDM, genuine type. It is too too rare in the planet. Probably, she was some substitute of the real fatus.

  And she forgot her story at all. now, just hatred makes her move. Don't move, Auntie, except your toilet use. It would be fine for all of us, including you. You don't like to work, and we also think so. You are not good at any job, Auntie.

  Miyuki's strange habit to make some sound in any shrine is a kind of joke. They repeated the melody in other shrines. Anyway, she is the model. Then, their own marks.

  NANKO Shrine mark in the rubbish throwal. They marked with sacred design. They are so evil to do so.

  and Today, another big news!!!! Miyuki watched three Japanese wild peacocks near NANKO forest. A pair, beside her field in the mountain. Oh, our neighbours! Good! The male one is too slender and beautiful. Female is more rural type, however, she looks like thunderbird.

  And one more near the entrance of "Flower World" in the vast rice field of ENDO family. She got to know that ENDO family is the main character of NANAKO devastation. And her friend and Alex's mate also failed. Bye, boy ENDO! You chose your family tradition, not ours.

  In the vast space, only some part of the earth is used, and it is covered with big vinil house like sun room. At least 3 big houses, in the south part. And not for exhibition at all. And two more, near the entrance, however, they are not used actually. Only an advertizement. And there were lots of nasty plastic pots in front of their houses. It means that they are not functioning at all.

  These facilities are located in the middle of rice field. And the discriprion says that they would plant rice field art. Only for autumn, the season of harvest. And they failed at once.

  Unnecessary space, which forced to endure lots of animals to run away to other better zones. Someone suffered lots because of their change. They are strong, however, not so strong to the evil attack. and WIFI attacked them all. Too too nasty, especially, some sensitive ears type.

  And Miyuki found a fat type Japanese peacock near the entrance. Male. Beautiful. Big. And he said, "I occupied already here." And found other kinds of birds!!!

  And near the field, in the river, Miyuki found a white SAGUI and his friend graysh same shape different big bird. Anyway, river birds are coming back. Probably, they found some flogs to eat in the river, Miyuki presumed.

  And Miyuki did her 4th declaraion on the mountain. In her field, she declared. "Yahooooo!!!  The universe is ours!!! Fauna & Flora!!! VANISH! DDMs!!!!" Then, they failed.

  Why not? Our field. At least, we have used it, as our foods base. Thus, I, a refugee and an emperor of my IGNORANDIA, had to declare the legitimacy to others.

  ADACHI wispered to do so, and Miyuki chose the bigger remark. Thus, she failed. She should put "And our supporters.", after 1 hour or so, she got to recognized, and said. Natural interpretation. All included. We are friends, anyway!!!

  Then, they failed. Miyuki had no legitimacy to our planet, they started to dispute. She didn't want to rob your legitimacy. Wait a minute! She would explain better to you!!!