Rabby's Quick News Comments (2)

2017-04-20 19:05:24 | 日記

  And now, she knows that AKB 48 was a catalog of bitches, and KABUKI actors did the same job. Prostitution. Even now, power holders want to make love with them. IWAHARA liked Ebizo ICHIKAWA, and wanted to be hugged by him.

  Miyuki laught at their strange innmoral world. No any age, pride, sexual moral at all.

  Who can buy it, can do it. Miyuki didn't know the system, and her mother was assured. She is at least plain at this point. Her fashion is out of mind, however, not so kinky. Just amusement type. Not marrige at all.

  They failed. She dislikes DDMs, however, they try again and again. And now, some of them failed again. Cocaine is called Electric heating Ciggattette in OMANKO Journalism. Some synonimous, they use. However, for us, common people, don't understand their special usage of the words.

  They like to smoke, however, they have no money, thus, they want to attack Miyuki. Miyuki is not safe in her house, because in her house, YUKARI the thief stays. And outside, the other DDMs.  how shoud I do? I want to make some errand, was YUKARI's excuse, as always. And she forgets when she gains some money from the wallet of Miyuki. She could smoke, however, without any smoke, please, was their requirement. And she says, "As usual, not so always." And she smokes it in her chamber.

  She coughs because of the smoking. Miyuki didn't know her habit at all. Poor idiot without money gained the habit in Hachioji???

  She did it already in her versity days, and now, she started again. Her ideal life, should be. Marifana and Cocaine were permitted, anyway.

  And IKKYO's kinkiest life was revealed. Alzheimer Aliens, Miyuki resumed. They try as much as possible. And they regret and forget. We want to approach them, however, they approach us, and do wrongdoing. And no prohibitting powers at all in the side of common people. How should I do? Miyuki informs as much as possible. At least, she found the damage. Provably, for plants, it was shame. Thus, they couldn't confess it, and could conceal it from our common people's eyes. And the DDMs took advantage of their honour inclination.

  Yes, bald mauntains are not beautiful, however, who is agree? Plants, not at all! They, DDMs are ugly. They are agricaltural farmers, also. They constructed their own paved road to their house for their cars, and started to cut the forest. They insisted, provably, like the faked RAKAN Mountain owners and their inferiors, "This forest is our own. My family is owner of the mountain." like that. They faked the legitimacy, and it means that they faked Gods of Justice.

  KAMINARI type or Alzheimer families. Farmers should be some friends' relatives of Miyuki's mates of her school girl ages. However, for Miyuki, it means not at all. She continued to goddamnit them, with songs sometimes.

  BLUE Chateau, was the song. It was sung "Blue Commets" and the famous song was sung in a palody version. She could remember the both song, and her arranged SHIRAKAWA OPPABU version. Too too nasty, however, it is the fact.

  And found some old songs also represented the same situation. One is called "SHOJOJI-NO-TANUKI-BAYASHI" or song of wild cats in Temple SHOJO. SHOJO is wild cats, also.

  Wild cats hold their wild party per month. and the BONZ participated in the party. Oh, OPPABU, at that time. Cheerful music, with a bit of erotic significance.

  Another is "YAMADERA-NO-OSHOU-SAN" or Bonz in a Tmple in the woods. He liked to play the football, and he was so poor thus he used cats to play with. Cats would be poor girls beside the temple. BONZes were traditionally so degraded in sexual morality.

  And Miyuki got to know that BONZes did pederasty for boys also. Leaning in the temple meant Being sold to Bonzes. Thus, Bonzes could do it, as they liked. Oh, versities in Japan! The predicessors were here all over Japan.

  Recently, many strange immoral conducts were revealed by even OMANKO Journalism.  The most of the acheivers were teachers, Bonzes, and police men, especially, in the high ranking of their local town. Shemes, we think, however, probably, for them, "how many kids did you buy?" was a kind of compliments. Thus, they competed the number. 

  Oh, thus, near schools, there are many apartments, filled with pupils. Oh, they are prepared for it, living together, for the sake of their bosses.

  Oh, Kyorin Versity's pupils lived in some appartments, near the versity. Especially, Baseball Boys were living there. Probably, they shared some experiences. And the price of the use of appartment was always US$30 thousand per month. 

  Oh, thus, Masaki said "we would rent an apartment US$3 per month for us two, me and my wife!"

  Oh, thus, TAKAHARA would live for 4 figures. Probably US$3 for a pair of two figure, and 4 figures with 2K apartment is their standard model.

  Oh, thus Shouta lived with MATSU-YUKI!

  Oh, US$3, per each pair, in a 2k type apartment, which has flexible wall, and could change the mate, as they like.

  Oh, thus Masaki got upset, when her wife were interested in his predicessor.

  Oh, Masaki described that he worked with his mother, and his mother drove him from the versity, when I met him at the last time.

  Oh, mother is his wife, also. A strong woman, he discribed. I imaged a woman, robust in body, and feeble in mind. Yuri KIMURA was his mother's image.

  Oh, he got married with OPPABU BABAA, an old lady like KIMURA or his lawyer. They wanted to make live with, and the lady got a result. A baby, anyway. And he was forced to get married. They should get married anyway, after the intercourse. It is prohibitted. Thus, they should live together, and conceal the fact. And the wrongdoing also.

  Oh, NAKAJOU lived with SAKAI, already. In IKKYO provided residence, probably. And NAKAJOU's wife was forgotten. She has never appeared, and only SAKAI appeared. Anyway pair is better to conceal the wrongdoing.

  NAKAJOU showed me his son to me through iPad. However, where is she? She was absent always, and he said, "she is working as always." Thus they failed.

  Anyway, pair should be good to do wrongdoing.

 Oh, thus, 2 X some, is their standard. 4 for inducing, and 6 for executing. Thus, YAMASHITA chose JOUMAI for his mate.

  And the same day they came to induce me. And I didn't recognize it. And Kyorin versity should do other type wrongdoing to trap me.

  On 10 of October, they came to my office, on Sunday. It was a versity festival day, and I should came to the versity to do my job as a memeber of Committee for the Pupil's versity life.

  For them, I am a kind of target to gain some money, and they tried and refused, practically. "I am a kind of OYAJI" was too too harsh for them all. Anyway, high ranking professor, she is. We can be sold to her, anyway.

  Everything should be sold, is IKKYO's catch copy. Thus, they tried to force to sell their body to me, and they failed. They didn't say so, thus, Miyuki didn't get to know it.

 Lack of advertisement, ADACHI wispered. Sense of humour lacked, Rabby's comment. They should say exactly so, if they wanted money. They didn't say so, thus, Miyuki thought that they came to see the old campus, because it would move to INOGASHIRA campus.

  They should say the fact to Miyuki. They sometimes said, "When is your moving time?" And Miyuki said, "New campus will open in April, 2016. I have to work here in Hachioji campus until March. Thus, probably, March or so."

  And they failed. Miyuki didn't know the fact. Moving meant Death for them. Miyuki believed that Moving is the real moving, not going to inferno.

  And the room means tumb, probably. Thus, the dean OOKAWA was so so excited to chose his neighbours. For him, eternal cham, thus, the lotery was so so important.

  For common people, just a joke, however, for them, a serious order. Alzheimer patients should not have run the versities.

  Now, Miyuki is too too hungry. A good news for her. Another job apply offer???

  You should try your own versity???? She has no versity now. However, Kyorin would apply???

  I hate the versity. I was given my own rightous remedy, only a tiny part, monthly. Only US$400 thousand.

  And SAITAMA residents should live their lives at least US$500 thousand per month. Miyuki couldn't live with such a tiny money, sustaining her precious adorable beautiful kind and wise kids!!!!

 See it:

 Agricultural farmers built their houses beside the forest. At first, their ancestors chose the place as a atrict contract with the woods or their representatives. They were allowed to live there, pledging that they and their descendents would not abuse the allowed use, and not attack them at all, and if they betray, they would be punished by Gods of the universe.

  And now, their descendents forgot the pledge, and broke all of the prohibbitions their ancestors did with the sacred forest.

 They should vanish immediately. No forgiveness. Miyuki wispered to hear them. And they recognized the fact. Miyuki is the representative of the enemy, not their friend, now.

  They believed that Miyuki were their friend, because she was their mate, in her young age. Yes, I was your friend, however, now, you are not, and you are the enemy. You changed you mind, and chose the wrong way, and got rotten. Of course, I have no intention to forgive you. And I have no power to forgive you, my ex-friends, and actual DDMs.

 For them, it is too difficult to understand. They changed their mind, while we don't. Just it.

 Appearantly, Miyuki changed. She should be so, thus, she is returning to her normal mode. OYAJI with a dark coloured fatty clothings. She is warm place type. Miyuki imagines that she should have had fur, if she lives in cold place. However, she was born as a nakid human being, and now, she should live in a cold place like Shirakawa, thus, she needs some substitute of fur.

  Nakid ape should live in a warm forest, is the order. Thus, she wants to move to some warm place, fittable for her type.

  However, now she pledged to write rightous histories on this region, thus, she should stay here for more several months at least. Probably, until September, she thinks. Long rainny season called TSUYU or Plam Rain, would be good for her rewriting of the history. She should listen to the words of the real witness. She pledged to many plants and animals to accomplish the revenge. And asked the woods, especially old ones, to tell the real stories to her. They promised, and she should write, as soon as possible. And the story of KIYOHIME or Princess Purity, is one of these works.

  She got to understand why the geography of Shirakawa was too too difficult for her. Representation of Idiocracy itself, she got to understood recently. They did as they liked, devastated the forests, cut the trees, caltivated the fields, abandoned them, built the nasty smelly sick houses. For them, nothing. Their sense of smell is rotten already. However, for FAUNA & FLORA, it is nusance at all. Sick houses, they laught at the naming. They ejected Hormarine like smell. Miyuki felt it. Some people, with relatively good nose, feel it. The smell of medical treatment related death, Miyuki got to know. Artificial death, probably. And they did it, when they had chance.

  One figure, once in their generation, was a pledge among DDMs. Now, no limit at all. Alzheimer disease was caused by their morally degrading process. They pretended to forget inconvenient facts of their past. And now, they forgot and revealed it, forgetting their shames also.

  Today, she found that YOKOMURA Wood Business Company was doing the evilest wrongdoings, in their campus. They collect the woods taken from the forest, and couldn't sell them. Thus, just they change the place to put. Idiots, Miyuki thought, and felt so sad. Because of them, the precious lives had a great damage. However, she believes that Plants are strong, and they can survive, in different way. They are our friends. They should be. Thus, she wants to hug them. Now, prohibitted, because they would feel itchy!!!! Tickling like feeling they feel. Miyuki's soft touch is enough for now. And she wants to hug. And found the extract of ciders. Not only pine, at also other woods produce the brown liquid like liquid candy. It would be useful for polish codes of violin, she thought. She bought the pine one, and tried to save the violin. Now, where he is? Probably, YUKARI's second room. Dirty room with disorganized staffings. Probably, inside the room, the violin is there.

  And she would ask some animals to give their long hair to substitute the codes. The horse's one, she had. However, she failed. After only one month of no use, they broke. Thus, she prefers to make another codes by herself.

  Probably, the tail of some horse kin's would be fine. She could play only "AMALILIS" and would try another this time.

  Not a good musician, however, she knows how to enjoy the music, is everyone's comment. Her voice is low. Probably, good to know the fact. Too too low to understand that you are female. Some zone of throat is a bit under rather. Thus, good voice! Impressive, anyway. Sometimes, she can fake the cute voice!!!

  Miyuki's cute voice is spooky, all of them claimed. It sounds too too "I am faking now, however, please rely on me, at least for a while!" type, they perceived. Theatorical voice, they said. And she liked to sing like a NANIWA-BUSHI singers.

  Some singers are not real singers in Japan. However, some ones are realy liking siging the music. In the field of ENKA, old pop songs in Japan, many singers like singing songs even in their non professional life. Sachiko KOBAYASHI, Takashi HOSOKAWA, and so on. They sing even in their private life! Miyuki thus liked them.

  Some of them exclusively sing in public, in front of audience, and not in their private life. In this case, singing is their profession, not their habit or hobby.

  Miyuki could say the same thing to her profession. Too too efficient to be a lawyer, pragmatic type. Almost no knowledge are needed. Just some principles, too too general ones, and all of common people know it type knowlege is enough.

  Many of them regret not to be a lawyer. And Miyuki didn't want to be a lawyer. Just wanted to be a scholar. And she failed.

  Scholar, she should be as a kind of hobby, now she thinks. Sometimes, she delivers some theme related on her major, however, as a profession, demand orients. Thus, a kind of consultant. For free. Totally.

  She knows the way to ask something, her mother now thinks so. She wanted some vegitables on Miso Soup. Just a bit of leaves, she wanted. And found the rotten part of someone's leftover in the fredge. Probably her mother's. Thus, she asked her if the package would belong to her or not. She said yes, thus, Miyuki asked, "If you want to get rid of the rotten leaves, give me some. I would take advantage of them. Three leaves would be enough. And I would put away the rotten part, and you would use the clean part. OK?" and she gained the three leaves, and changed the package, because rotten package vinil plastic bag had the wet dew inside. It makes the residue of the leaves rotten. And she showed that she changed the packege from dirty one to clean one. If not, the real holder, my mother, would missee it, and would think that I would had abandon whole, and it would be other's one.

  She should show that she is a kind of resident allowed to stay especialy by their kindness. At the same type, she should use some leaves. In this case, she would be too too polite to gain the result. Vegitable should be used until the last part before going to be rotten entirely. Only some leaves, not full bunch. Just for my MISO soup.

  And they expected that Miyuki would make their MISI soup, and failed. She made just for herself.

  This is her problem, they thought. Too too kind and polite, however, liberalist, anyway. Thus, they failed. Miyuki is a good cook now, however, only for her type. Not for themselves type.

  YUKARI makes for them all, however, many of them refuse to eat it. Her dish is out of mind type. Too too salty, nasty, extraordinalily bad taste. However, they should manage the situation. She forgot as always, and if they ask her not to do so, she forgets as usual. For them, Ms.Forgetful, like KAKISHIMA.

  KAKISHIMA praised herself to be so, and YUKARI did the same. I am forgetful, and you should be accuatomed to it. You should remember, and I can't do so. Don't rely on my words. I am forgetful, anyway.

  At least, admission. And they failed. She returns to be normal, according to her. Just sometimes, she becomes Ms.Forgetful. The rest of time, not at all. Just they should put up with her forgetfulness, anyway.

  Miyuki is too too clever to train Happy Birthday song to her son Alex. He would like to be sung by her. And she would be pleased with her remembering the value exactly. She is clever, while you are not, Auntie. You are Rikkyo versity holder, while Miyuki, Tokyo Versity Doctoral degree holder.

  and they failed. Thus, I would be a doctoral degree holder of Tokyo Versity. Now I have lots of money to do so, thus, I am training to be so. Oh, good. YUKARI is in mood to leave to Tokyo Versity.

  and they failed again. She thinks so, however, she quits, as always. No necessary to enter the versity, because I have already Rikkyo versity degree.

  OK, she is now satisfied with her degree. Good. However, she returns to the point. Again? I had heard of it, for several times. I am getting tired of it. And she talks on her dreams again and again.

  Non stop mode. She is now in high feeling. After Cocaine inhaling, she gets as usual. I am not abuser. I took just a bit. Not so much addicted. I am not so rotten as Miyuki. She is an addicted. And she starts to attack MIYUKI....

  Miyuki took a tiny nap, and thought to make another sesame DANGO. She used liquid candy to sweaten sesame, and it caused a hard sticky touch. Soft should be. It would be OK, when it warmed up, however, in the normal temperature, a sesame candies!!!

  And she failed, and learned. Suger should be used. Liquid candy is for professional use. It is too too difficult for common cooks. Thus, they failed. She would be a good confectionary cook. Miyuki imaged it, also. however, for a while, DANGO only type, she should be. DANGO is a kind of comparative study for her. Why they turned so hard, is her always question. Soon after the cooking, it would be fine, however, after several hours, they turn to be hard and sticky.

  Thus, Miyuki for a while, DANGO investigator. One expert type, at first. Then, general consultant. At least, she should learn more and more.

  Miyuki is too too nasty to Shirakawa actual residents. From where they appeared, was her always question. From MONOLIS, yes. Probably, they were replaced when they did the contract. Thus, the same style, they same inclination, however, out of tune, and immorality at all. Brainless girl, she should be. And now, she is filled with brain, anyway. They thought that Miyuki is so clever like that. M78 galaxcy, probably. She likes Ultraman series, and thought, It would be fine for me to have watched ULTRA Q when she was a kindergardener. She felt nasty, however, at the same time, attractive. Total confusion with spooky mood. Just like the previous lesson for this situation.

  Alzheimer cruel patients they are. All over Japan. They do wrong more and more, and they go eviler and eviler, anyway.

  And they failed. They don't think that they are suffering Alzheimer disease. however, they are so. Just they lack the recognition on that point.

  And now, they should move to somewhere different. IZUMI-san liked her "Always astonishing letters". Shirakawa is the evilest place for us all. And many of them failed or turned to be the real aliens. They faked to work, and didn't at all. They didn't earn money from the real business, and relied on the insurance and succession. Terrible chain of wrongdoings. And Miyuki found that is Shirakwa, and the most of local town's reality all over Japan.

  She couldn't believe the fact at first, because too too cruel and immoral. However, considering the actual situation, the origin is too too old and the wrongdoers were prevalent here in Shirakawa. In commercial zone, of course, and in rural one, also. They are the same. And why she felt that Shirakawa was conventional and feudal. In feudal age, the wrongdoings were common among them. Family was for financial object. In KAMAKURA, already, in Heian, also. The family split and fought against each other to survive was common situation in KAMAKURA militay government. The same thing happened in Amsterdam, Neitherland.  And they are also rotten. For them, the same reluctance to work can be seen, anyway. Lack of living in the real life is the common point of the both reagions. Working is not welcome to them. They don't like amusing life, but like quiet stable unattractive life they want. They can maintain their actual richness, and the standard of life. Thus they easily pledge to sell their life, including their family.

  Miyuki's feeling of not so stupid and immoral, was failed, in every meaning. They concealed the fact from us, and they did wrongdoing, as they liked. Everyone thought it, and they wanted to continue it.

  They can't stop their habit. Thus, natural born trash, they are. Only disposal would be fine to them. And they should be punished right now.

  Miyuki felt that she were protected by Fauna and Flore. They are reliable, different from DDMs. She wanted to walk the new road with some faked commercial zone beside KASHIMA Shrine. And she could do it. Coincidently, she says as usuall. And thanked to the old tree to protect her.

  Sometimes, she almost was caught by DDMs. They tried to do so even now. No public power world, we live in. And she asked her protection to her friends, namely, Fauna and Flora and supporters of us all. And she got to return the same area and found that the scene was just she imagined yesterday. No comercialism at all. One man tried to slide a wood board in the courtyard, and no masonry at all.

  The day before yesterday, she went to RAKAN cemetery park, and found a advertisement board called "Memorial Stone". they script said that KASHIMA Masonary Company should praised by their great starting of this cemetery park.

  And the address was near KASHIMA shrine. Thus, Miyuki tried to find some masonary, however, no existed at all. At least, no real residence they use.

  And Miyuki understood the system. IKKYO ruled Shirakawa and they did as they liked, and the names of the companies are not valuable at all. They just did it, because their bosses ordered. And they can't stop the behaviour that they did at the past.

  Brainless existance, they were called. And the bosses wanted to take advantage of their ignorance. They were obedient to them, anyway. however, the bosses died before, and they were left. And brainless Alzheimer young faked workers are doing the same process, even now. Non stop Alzheimer wrongdoers, they are. The bosses should have disposed them, however, they failed. They left the Alzheimer faked workers untouched, and we common people, Fauna and Flora are suffering lots from their idiot like conducts.

  Isolated OMANKO workers they should be. They don't understand their final loss at all, and pretend to be the winners.

  Religioully betrayers, and in secular society, Alzheimer. Incapable, and they ...

  Miyuki is sleepu now.

  and MAR iw going to the bed now.

  VANISH! DDMs. We should survive anyeay!




Rabby's News Comments (1)

2017-04-20 15:22:27 | 日記

We present a new independent program called Rabby's News Comments. Rabby was qualified as a best commentator of this army, thus he was allowed to have his own program.

 Today's opening news:

 Harvard and the other versities confessed their wrongdoing, already done type, now in their OMANKO online news. No expression is needed, automatically your inner world would be reveiled in public. The extremest and evilest invasion against individual existance. For them, including OMANKO journalists, this search and experiment is valuable, because "They would save incapables, and for their benefits in every fields".

  They would apply the technic to every one in the world, and steal all of our prescious innner world. They are the betrayers of the rule of cosmos, our rightous world ruled by Gods of Justice. They should vanish immediately. They deserve the harshest punishment in the history of the univers, Gods of Justice say.

  Thus, they failed, and admitted their the cruel wrongdoing. 17 is their favorite number. Younger than their usual pupils, thus, genuine and would be managed by them, they imagined erotically.

  Incapable means that they, Alzheimer patients could move and express their erotic illusion as they like. Terrible world they would live.

  Non stopping type, confirmed. They can't judge the rightousness or not. Thus, now, the harshest punishment should be taken.

 Go! Gods of Justice! Your turn!!!!

  We tried to stop them, however, they were too too persistent, and couldn't stop by themselves. Like loop mode. They continue to dig the mountains, to cut the woods, including the sacred ones, to live in the temples and shrines as their common use. No morality at all. All arrogance rules them.

  Thus, only Gods of Justice can do the job. Vanishing immediately in the most imressive shameful moment. Death on the belly would be the best for them, they think.

  Now, please, at once, immediately, right now, anyway! Hush-Hash! Too shy!!!

  Rabby is broovy now!!! Miyuki took some pictures of this non stopping evil doing in the mountain side. They are cutting the worest, saying, "This montain is ours." And they don't know the name of the mountain. RAKAN Mountain, it is called. Public Cemetery, it is. However, they insist that theirs, and prohibitted Miyuki to enter. She watched the solar enegey generation system and took the picture at least. And they again said, "This is our private mountain. You can't do it."

  I want to visit RAKAN mountain. Where it is? , Miyuki asked. They replied, "Here is not it. Probably there!" Always, "Probably, there!" Miyuki did know what  this meant. "I don't know" in the polite way.

  Thus, they vanished. They equiped the vast solar energy generating system on our mountains, and said, "It is ours."

  They should be punished by their audacious arrogant way of saying. No legitimacy at all, however, exercised the power of prohibition.

  Miyuki did wrong, they claimed. They wanted to go to ONNAISHI side. However, they prohibitted to drive the car, and said, "It is our private place" to her mother. And they failed. Again? Her mother asked. This is public cemetery. Why you can say so? And they failed. I think so, was their reply. And her mother got upset to Miyuki. She said, that she would be reliable, and now, she failed. "probably" she said. And almost she could reach, however, they prohibitted lllegally. Why they could do it? Terrible traffic accidents would happen, if the private sectors could do it. And thought, "They were the real evil existance. They used the public power for the sake of their private banefit.

  And her mother understood that Miyuki is protected by Gods of Justice. She tries to prove the strange fenomenum of no man's land. In her own cheerful way. Always, "I got astonished at the fact that..." And laugh. For her, amusements, probably. No man's land is so good for her? Every family got in doubt. For her, OKOKOK ! No man, except our families. And she is so fine, recently. Just a walking, and she found a lot of strange fenomena, and reports to somewhere, and laughs.

  For her, good. however, for them, probably, not.

  And she thought, "Anyway, Constitutional Law is not for our use. For her, so usefull, however, for us, too too harmful."

  Miyuki assured that it would continue to the road, and today tried, and failed. The private company called 吉川 or YOSHIKAWA was just doing their wood cutting wrongdoing, in front of her. Vast space was bald, and they vanished immediately. Goddamnit words should be used in this moment, however, she was so shocked at the situation. No time for the losers, however, they can't stop it by themselves. Always, they do, as if, they were the winners of the war.

  Several residues she found. Devastation at all, in every block, she walked, and the faked residents tried to catch her. She should walk arround to know the fact, and they approached again and again, and she disliked them, saying, "Vanish, now! You should be punished by Gods of Justice immediately! You shal; die now!!!"

  And they failed. Big cemeteries here and there, now in construction. Who would be berried? They themselves and their families. For them, OK, however, for FAUMA & FLORA, not at all!!!

  She recognized that almost all of her mates in her kids days would be punished now. They had chance to choose the good way, however, they chose wrongly. The ordial, we would say. And always ordial. And they failed.

  They are Alzheimer patients, probably. And hermits, probably. Now, they appeared and showed shat they did at the last moment of their human being's age.

  thus, they failed. She wanted to hug the sacred forest, however, she only touched. If she could, she hugs. And they liked her hug. Taking pictures with them. The kinkiest shape is her favorite. With US$1 million dollar's smile!!! Precious smile!!!

  For us, for free. For DDMic each figure, costs US$1 million, she declared. Thus, they should pay lots!!!!

  She likes to keep silent when she is walking, and she feels to sing, she sings. And when she thinks of some new amusing naughty idea, spontaneously, she smiles. Beautiful uwpard smile, she thinks, and she likes it. However, DDMis dislike her smile. Too too costive!! And they failed. Only one day, she earns tremendously. Too too rich!!! She is rich, and she dislikes us, thus, they should pay the value!!!!

  For Miyuki, old emotional chain weighs nothing. Or, weighs negatively. They know me, and they do or did the wrondgoing. Thus, they are more immoral to do so!!! Thus, they should be punished in the harshest way!!!!

  Miyuki likes to think, "If he were a wrongdoer..." And she smiles. Why not? Imagination is free from any punishment. Only imagination is not object of punishment. However, the group related with HARVARD Versity has already done the cruelest wrongdoing. And they already got some success, according to their OMANKO news.

  Thus, they failed. We should free from the search of our imagination or inner world. However, they thought that the search were free and not against the academism or academic morality. Thus, they should be pusnished again and again.

  Loop mode thinkers could do it. It would make their Android or humanoid a human being according to their OMANKO definition, and power holders gain a lot of their use. Especially, they would replace IKKYO betrayers, and they would be persistent residents of the blocks. Degraded Real Estate policy, they chose. and now, her father is in the quest of his old mate. All IKKYO members. And they would ask him to quit the presidency. And her father would think that it would be better than losing his own family, especailly Clare, his dearest grand daughter.

  She is better than Miyuki, however, why, I don't know, Miyuki is more luckier than Clare.

  Miyuki recognizes that her daughter is better than she, in every field, including culinary. However, even Clare, she knows that Miyuki is the best one to be our representative. And he faild. He lost his position, and Miyuki doesn't matter at all.

  Anyway, Real Estate is free, now. Why Real Estate Trading can be business??? Just a KARAOKE club. Why it is important for you, father???

  Miyuki has no intention to be a representative. Always, natural choice. No amusing job, in an essence, however, as a kind of the last example, I would value a lot, maybe. Monky type is easy going.

  She found a IKKYO temple like Wedding Ceremony Hall with Gothic British style. And the residue is used for Car renting station. Oh, how DDMic, they are!!! They understand that it were a bit feminin, however, no man's land. Who would care?

  And Miyuki laught at them. And remember the name of Diana Loss. Oh, Diva! Tonight We celebrate for your death, DDMs!!!

  And rememered tha song of The Sumpremes. "Stop in the name of love!" with the film of Atomic Bomb. The Supreme's best DIVA, she was, and considered Michael Jackson's cousin. Without kinship, they are super stars, yes, without saying.

  Added value. Wow! Type. Thus, they sang well type. Confirmation. Miyuki didn't know it, at first, and them got to know it, and nodded. It should be!!!

  And remembered also her cute misic, "Don't do it right now" type virgin song. Fill Colins sang, and she liked it, and then, original version, she heard, and "Oh, too too conventional type faking! Like a virgin of Maddona, at that age!"

  And danced a bit. Nice, Miyuki. For old ones, your harsh comments are too too nasty. They think, "We are old, and we live here for long time, thus, we know it already. Should be, however..."

  OK, I would keep distance from your own discovery. My atitude of persuasion didn't affect at all. And we should wait until each one recognize the fact.

  My kids did so. Se goddamnited her kids because of their conservativism. "You are too too old. You look like Auntie and Uncle Sam!!!" For their teenage kids!!! And got a success. She is too too childish to understand our situation. OK, she would learn as she should do.

  And Miyuki failed again and again. University should be liberal, at least, ideally. And she failed. When she claimed Dean OOKAWA's wrongdoings to her kids in "Dessert Festival" in Tokyu Square in Hashioji, they said, especially Alex said, "You should pretend to be more conventional. Or you would be punished." And she got upset his comment. Too too coward, and too too conventional. And she tried to persuade others to obey the constitutinal law. However, they didn't. Not conventional. Conformistic, she thought, at first. They, she found that they are the real totalitarians, prohibitted in any country. They managed our society. Cruel! Our constitution was just a BITCH. My colleagues were Alzheimer pimps.

  Thus, they failed. Until the last one recognizes their wrongdoings, was their promise. And after Miyuki's recognition, they continued their wrongdoing. non stop mode, Miyuki thought.

  She laught at the taped stones in the backyard of the castle mountain. Howver, after watching the KAYANE block's disaster, she couldn't say anything. Sad. They already did, when I was a kid, she found the stomp. Old one. And they burned the forest, repeatedly. They tunrned to carbon. And she found the green bright moss, called Aristocrate' moss on the stomp, and a tiny weed on the moss. Just like the explanation she was received from an old chap in AOKI-GA-HARA.

  She and her pupils went to the resort town called KARUIZAWA, and on the way, they made a trip on KAWAGUCHI Lake. There is a forest called AOKI-GA-HARA, and it is said "The renoun place for suicide". At the same time, this place is famous for the servival of the erupted vulcan of ASAMA Mountain, and Morikawa, her favorite pupil made a reservation of the trecking guide. Anyway, it is free, was the keyword. Volunteering chap walked arround the lake, explaining the plants and the revival process. First, moss, then weeds, then low trees, then high trees. Thus, struggles. They can do their autofagy. 500 handred years would make the volucano eruption experienced place green forest. And here in KAYANE, there is the earth. Even on the stomp the suitable plants grew up like that. Thus, in several years, it would recover the forest!!!!

  And she found a field of roses. Thin ones, however, already had shoots and stings. Oh, Rose Garden, it would be. Roses are a kind of Plum and Cherry and Cameria. They would bloom soon.

  And they failed. Some DDMs planted Roses here, however, the result, we would appreciate. We lost Rose Garden in the castle. A big rose garden. Why Roses ? Was her always doubt. Anyway, at least, in the varieties, they were one of the best. One especie in one tiny place. Half of the casle side was covered with the roses. And she presumed that some DDMs did so, however, some supporters did their best jobs, thus, they collected the variety of roses in the world. Various, anyway,

  And when she had time, she visited with her kids. Anyway, kids were free at that time. She brought some rice balls, and ate them with their kids at the table or on the bench. Others did also. US$3.5, it costed. However, once per year, it weighs, she thought. and she was given a free ticket, and used it in some year.

  Kids liked the fish in a pond, anyway. however, better smelling roses. And she liked the rose arch. Tiny white roses covered the iron arch. A good to pass in the bourvard. Some kind of "Mary Antoinette" play. And she got a good note.

  She liked to play the role, they said. She changes her wear immediately in her house. And she likes to change the clothings. Climate changes so abruptly. Thus, a bit a bit, she does. Sometimes, Jacket, fat type, while other times, light jacket. Skirt also. Jeans also.

  for Alzheimer patients, given clothings are their suitable one. No other choice. Or, they gets upset. One by one, per season. Thus, KOROMO-GAE or clothings change. Miyuki suffered a lot of the cold temperature, and hot one, yes. She needs to change, according to the climate and temperature. Thus, half a day, trip. And she plans to have a big trip on summer. Bus riding trip, or train trip, if they could be used at that period. If not, I would do in an alternative way. Flexibility, we need. However, Alzheimer patients can't do it. Thus, uniforms, they wear.

  Auntie, it's spring, Alex said. And she replied, "For me, it's enough." She doesn't have any interest on her clothings. And she makes mistakes on choosing the kids' intimate wears so many times. You should retire from the task, they said. However, she was input the mode, and she couldn't change at all.

  Intimate wear is their favorite. Even they can't use it, they are interested in it. ??? And they stole as usual. Shuji TERAYAMA died at 60 or so, and he was caught by stealing jobs of intimate wear.

  And she found yesterday, an intimate wear in a hunger on the post of the entrance door. Why? Some kind neighbour found it on earth because of strong wind, and put it on the box?, Miyuki presumed, and handed it to her mother.

  Her mother thought that the neighbour were KOJIMA family, and Miyuki thought some birds. Anyway, neighbours, should be.

  And YUKARI's interpretation was, "Someone took it and put it to show the shame"???

  Illusion of being victimatised. Her mother perceived it. With a hunger, it was impossible. They found and retured to get us find easily.

  And Miyuki gained a lot. They can do it, Clare said, however, they didn't believe. Miyuki did know it. Miyuki knows well on the matter. Miyuki likes to play with us. She realy forces to do some special thing to her friends. And sometimes, she makes a mistake. Sometimes? Frequently. Monky would not do that!!! Their bosses get upset. The lowest ranking soldier, she is. And they themselves sometimes think and regret that they chose her as their representant. Anyway, she does her job, was ADACHI and Rabby's qualification. She is a chiken, however, she did, at least.

  they came immediately, if she appeared. Too too strange, if she found some strange fenomenum, and took some pictures, they appeared and passed through her. Even in the most rural road in no man's land they appeared. Too too strange. Why? I have some magnet??? Miyuki got in doubt. Neuro Marketing for it? For what??? What they want to do???

  Just passing with their smar cars. Miyuki watched the trains on the rail several times this day. Why? Long long burdened trains, and 2 trans for human passengers. Always vacant, however, today, many shadow stucked on the glasses of the windows, she saw. Why? And the trains moved too too slow. Slower than me? She thought, and tried to run, and they stopped at the cross. ???

  Just for scenery, she thought. And BINGO!!! The same as Tokyo. No train is used actually. No man's land is no passengers land. And she thought to learn stopping the train. Adachi and Rabby would would make it move in high speed, and Miyuki should stop anyway before the terminal. Stoppers. At least, she should do it.

  And they failed. Miyuki is not train user actually. Train is not useful for her. Only so rare train trip, she does. Usually, not at all!!! And they failed. they thought that Miyuki liked the way. No! Too costive. And she knows that railway is a kind of old prefablic and easy to combine. Just like toys. If we need, we can construct it, the most rational way, without giving big damage to the nature. Flexible. No tunnel is needed. Cross should be protected, however, highly rare passing the trains. Thus, previous information is enough.

  "Today, MAR is going to KYUSHU. They should go there for business. Thus, watch out! Or, you would be stomped!!!"

  And Miyuki knows well that non stopping train is rapid. Enegey loss is so tiny, and rapid.

  Russian mathematician offered an idea of moving station. If the station roles in the same speed of the train, the passenger could get out from the train without the train's speed loss. A rolling station would be.

  A good challenging idea, they thought. Not all the station. However, a kind of variety, as experiment, it would be fine. And they were scolded. No money at all.

  Thus, thinking of the situation, money was abundant. No idea to play the game, probably. Alzheimer patients are stone hard heads holders.

  thus, they were scolded again and again. Only one challenge, in the urban era, with the cost of the DDMic members. And they got the success. Some strange business, they tried. Rolling station business?

  Business, not, at least, now. However, an experiment, and attempt of the change of mind or refreshment, I think it is valuable. Like Miyuki's culinary.

  Vast, however, theotetically, yes. Now the exact caluculation of the possibility of realization, and safety, first.

  Today, Miyuki encountered with some artificially made curves near the rural house. Oh, they sold the spirit already, Miyuki thought. They built the house along the road. And no caution or no protective guard in the courtyard. Oh, they intentionally put their kids to the dangerous place. Because of insurance, they got kids.

  And they failed.

  At her days as kid, the rural house had a long inducing way to the entrance. In the bottom, their house was located. Now, near the roadside, as if they were saying, "Please hit my kids. We need money, gentlemen!"

  And found that some houses near public facilities had the shape of OPPABU or LOVE Hotels. Feminine type. Cheapest Rococo modern, it would be. And presumed, "There were some morally degraded ones did it with their favorite females. Especially, after the meetings. Thus, they were so exclusive to others.

  And the females liked to visit medical doctors to date with. HASEGAWA Hospital's patients were this type. They were the last one to do so, Miyuki thought and failed. The teachers did it as they liked with their favorite females, adults and young doughters.

  Oh, thus, "I like SHINOBU. And she has a single mother." Kouichi YOSHIDA declared in front of us. The pupil of the next class, he liked so much. He called her from the next class, and showed her in front of his desk, and delivered the remarks.

  They did it. And they thought that it were their previlege. And Miyuki thought that our kids probably were free from such kind of attacking, anyway.

  Thus they failed.

  This morning, Miyuki dreamt a strange mare. A 30 aged teacher, male, tried to write in a red pencil. he found some differenct colours inside the pencil. He said to their pupils, "Sometimes it happens. We should take care of it." And Miyuki claimed him, "Oh, Uncle, you are too too stupid! You should claim to the pencil company because of their error. And the worse is, after the cheking, the pencil gets not usable to anyone. You should teach that if one of them were rotten, claim the company by yourself. It is the education." He got upset, and tried to catch Miyuki. And his Testacles Pet tried to trap her. Miyuki escaped from both of them. And thought, this boy is worse than the teacher. He has no chance to be a good human being. Apple polishing only life, he would live.

  And they failed.

  Today, she watched the scene of marching of Shirakawa III primary school for gymnastic festival. Too too early, she thought. The event would be held on May. And she has already heard the same music since March. Why they repeat the same type of training so so frequently? They don't study at all, and mass game only type? Ikkyo kids like activities. Only one music for one event. No other alternatives. And they wanted to continue the melody endlessly.

  And the faked neighbours appeared to watch their training scene. Stupid. Only once is enough. And she found that a father and his kid were waching the scene in the courtyard, sitting in the style of rural rice planting pose. Oh, they are jobless, and appealed as if we would be suitable for your friends in bed!

  And some DDMic female faked teachers were just watching the scene. They didn't touch the matter at all. Just like the teachers of Kyorin versity in the class of Pre-Seminar or first graders' exercise class. Only one teacher talked in front of the pupils, and the rest, just was watching him and the pupils.

  Miyuki thought that it seemed too too stupid, and said it in the meeting. She said the excatly what she felt. Useless. And they agreed. Even Yuri KIMURA agreed her proposal.

  And they failed. "Easiest is the best" is their policy. Miyuki's proposal was too too easy and better for both. Miyuki wanted to do her study, searching and writing articles on her major, Latin American Law, especially, and they wanted to take a rest as much as possible. Thus, they liked the idea, and agreed.

  Thus, they should fail. No one could criticise their perfect plan, Testacle Pet Arata KUNO declared. And they agreed. And now, Miyuki, the last one they liked proposed, and they agreed.

  Strange, anyway, I could economise the time, she thought.

  and they failed. For feeling sympathy to her, was their catch copy. No sympathetic at all, was her last words. Why we could feel the sympathy with such tremendously evil wrongdoers???

  ADACHI and Rabby gor knocked out. They couldn't, and Miyuki, neither!!!! The harshest words to them all!!!

  In the ring, they were already in their preparation. Body and Mind, of course. They were boxing gloves, already. And starting jobs, already, of course. And DDMic enemy appears. And they started to get off their robe, and said, "A bit, por favor!", they started stiptees!!! not boxing!!! We prepared for the title match, however, they, on their sacred ring, they started to do it!!! How audacious!!! ADACHI and Rabby fainted completely. Only Miyuki could fight. And she hit them all.

  The ring had already rung. However, they continued to get off their panties. Thus, Miyuki punched them, like Popye the saler man!!! And Miyuki won. ADACHI and Rabby thanked her audacious speed play. She knocked out, anyway. One punch, per figure. She could it!!! And they are the champions. We are the chamipons, We are the champions, in the end, and of the universe!!!! No time for the losers DDMs, 'cos We are the champions!!! We are ruled by Gods of Justice, while they, DDMs are under the controle of Injustice. They are ruled by IDIOCRACY. This system is suitable only for them, because they are idiots, acepharos, in every meaning, not for us all!!!!!

  Thus, we got a big trophy!!!! She likes trophy, yes, however, a kind of the real one, only. Plastic cheapish type, we want to avoid. And she wants to make a shame searching homework for the pupils. Every tumb would be a target. Is it for DDM or for our friends, for all of the tumbs. Explanation should be objective. Oral one would be fine. And the tasks' results would be the presents for the 3!!!

  Miyuki laught at the one stone for one DDMic figure policy, and they realized it. Thus, they made such a big pharao like cemeteries!!!

  Vanishing doesn't need tumbs. Why they do such devastation, construction new cemeteries? For collecting their shames more and more????

  Shameless and non stop mode. Terrible. They constructed the new family cemetery called SAKURAGAOKA park with the name of HENMI. Why they should do it now??? On the newly caltivated field! Why?

  And Miyuki found the origin of their shame praising strange activity. It is called "Legend of Anchin-Kiyohime"

  Anchin was a Bonz, who was born in Shirakawa, in NEDA, the KAYANE block. He went to learn Buddism to the famous temple in the KANSAI region. When he came back to Shirakawa, he was kindly offered a night stay in a rich house. And he raped a daugher of the house!!!!

  She was only 13 years old, and got in fury, and pledged to kill him, and did it. She asked her friend snake to kill him, and he asked his friend Dragon in Shirakawa. Thus, she could attain her object. And she forgot him, and found a better boy, and got married, and lived a happy life with him in her whole life. The end.

  The rapist ANCHIN was hero in this town. His tumb was near the mountain of NEDA. Miyuki thought that he were so beautiful to attract a anake like monster, which could fake to be a beautiful female called KIYO or purity. And she got interested in his beautiful face. Which type? Probably, in that period, of course, Japanese type...not my type, anyway, beautiful, I want to know his face...

  And she failed. The story turned to be a play of KABUKI and she watche it with her closest friend AKEMI, who was a KABUKI lover. TAMASABURO BANDOU and Takao KATAOKA were her favorite. She likes Japanese faces. And Miyuki, as some sample, they were not bad. However, as my preference, more deep type should be...