How to Endure YUKARI's Sighing

2017-01-31 20:09:04 | 日記
31/01/2017 (evening) I ate a Port Western dish of Roasted chopped potatoes, half boiled egg and cod egg.

I have a plan to have very Japanese breakfast with rice cooked in a skilet.
For delicious cooked rice, we need to leave rice in the water more than 20 minute in order to make the rice absorbed the water.
Thus, after washing the skilet, I will put rice and water in skilet and left one night before tomorrow morning.

I got to notice that the price of various olive oils are cheaper in Shirakawa than in Hachioji. heavily strange fenomeno, I would say. Hachioji is suburban sity of Tokyo, with 500 thousand of population, whole Shirakawa's population is only 40 thousand. Why the price of commodity is higher than Shirakawa and Itavashi ward, which is near the center Tokyo?

And regarding to the price of squids, I got an information that they are reducing the number because of excessive fishering at the period of their reproduction.

Now the price of them is almost US$3. More cheaper at US$1, than in the climax of new year's holiday.
However, fish and shells are even now expensive to me.

I like both meat and fish, like people in south European countries.
Their foods are appreciated as "mediterranean foods, good for health and delicious, also!" I agree at this point. Their way of eating is highly rational.
All of them are the latin nations, who enjoy their lives entirely.
They are also kind and human. They know that "nobody is perfect", that is, every person has its own a bit queer point and some demerit, and we should be tolerant to them, as far as they are within the limmit.

They are also tolerant to blood mixing. These Latin characters are succeeded to Latin America.

Of course, they also have commited various errors. However, they don't forget their big error.
Latin American people don't forget their experience in Militarism at all.
Many Japanese say that Latin Americans are forgetful.
However, they aren't. They remember the important episodes in their life, in broad meaning.

On the opposit, Japanese are forgetful. They forgot already the big mistake of the 20 century, that they commited.
Now, they forget the values of Japanese Constitution. They forget almost all of things, that happened to them.

They are irrisponsible and always evade. They don't learn from the history at all. They move based on the illogical and irrational choices of DoDoMerdic power holders. Why they can learn anything? They live all depending on the flamboyant discretion. Each day, as the power holders like, their glove is going arround.

Japanese DoDoMerdas are the aim of hatrid of people in the world.
They are also the object of laughing, because of their stupidity and coldness.
They are unkind and ego-centric. They believe DoDoMerdic power holders irrational remarks and don't rely on critics by others.
They are poor, miserable, messy, dirty evil betrayers in the world.
They always commit error. The same errors, repeatedly. Because they suffer from Alzheimer disease, and their society can't learn from any error.

I'm reluctant to be a Japanese. My nationality is Japanese, however, I think that I'm a cosmopolitan, living in the world ruled by Gods of Justice.
I'm not a shameless DoDoMerda. If DoDoMerdas approach, I feel threatened automatically. When YUKARI is passing, I get terrified. She is waiting for me finishing to wash dishes, without saying nothing, just watching. I feel horrified by percieving her gaze.

I want to get away from DoDoMerdic world. More beautiful world we could live in. World without DoDoMerdas. They should not have had been born.

YUKARI herself refered to the proverb that the same number of sigh the happiness runs away.
And she sighs a lot every day. She wants to spread unhappiness to us, presumably.
The sign signifies disatisfaction or regret. Maybe, she regrets her life.
However, she doesn't regret to be a DoDoMerda. She regrets not to be a successful DoDoMerda. She is a loser also in DoDoMerdic world. She doesn't get rid of their adoration for the ideal DoDoMerdic life.
For her, DoDoMerdas in Hasegawa hospital is the aim of adoration. She wanted to live like them. She had a chance to be one of them, because she could get married with one of her DoDoMerdic colleague, when she was young.
Unfortunately for her, he refused her and she dismissed the foundation for which she worked, when she was 25 years old.

She said to me once that she had the chance to get married with him, different from me. At that time, she wanted to emphathise her superiority to show her possibility to get married with a man.
Unfortunately for her, I had any interest in men at all, so I didn't envy her at all. As a matter of fact, I felt strange and thought what a strange man he was to get along with my sister YUKARI.
Anyway, YUKARI lost her love and also the chance to be a urban DoDoMerda like those in HASEGAWA Hospital.
3 meals and siesta. YUKARI enjoys her life, in different meaning of ours. DoDoMerdas lives in a world of "status quo" and they themselves are still lives.
They don't want to move physically. They just want to lie down during day and night and be served meal 3 times a day. This is exactly the life of DoDomerdas in Hasegawa hospital.

"If I were a wife of a male DoDoMerda in SARUSHI suits, I would live in an urban area of Tokyo and would have a happy still life there", YUKARI thinks, perhaps.
She doesn't think that she is too much benefitted at the mercy of my mother. Her true happiness was destroyed by others, she considers.

The more she sighs, the more DoDoMerdas get unhappy, I think.
Thus means that we get happier, with her sighs.
So I try to put up with her existance.

Mac'Donald Incident in TACHIKAWA

2017-01-31 18:36:17 | 日記
31/01/2017 (afternoon) I was an incident at the Mac'Donald Shoo in Tachikawa, in 2015.

The evil clerk, which I described previously on, was one of the protagonists.

There I was drinking a coffee, writing a legal paper. I got tired physically and felt like doing exercise.
I have a dream to make my legs as flexible as possible, if I could, in the horiontal shape, or 180° angular one.
There were much space in the shop. There was no one sitting beside me, namely, the seat beside me was empty.
I had left my bags on the seat. Now, I put them on the table and I put my left leg on the seat to extend the bottom part of my body.

A woman with ugly plump face, showed her super-strange face to me. She, I don't know why even now, began to start to do the gesture of accusing me. I ignored that ugly face. Then she called on the movil phone.

Soon after, the clerk above appeared and said to me, "You shouldn't put your leg on the seat." I asked her, "Why? There are lots of vacant seats. Why should I put my leg to another place? " She replied, "Because it's a manner."
I asked her, "Why I need to move my body because of your manner preference? I am a consumer, and you are just an employee. You have no authority to infringe my freedom, without any clear rational ground. Manner isn't sufficient to persuade others. Explain in another way."
She said, "Your shoe makes our seat dirt."
So, I put off the shoe. "OK, now, your reason vanished. Good bye!"
However, then she began to threaten me, "We call the safty service."
"Why? I'm safe at all. I'm not dangerous. Why do you call it?" I said to her.
Then she vanished, saying, "Don't put your leg on the seat!"
Thus, I put my leg on the table. Because she herself prohibitted me to put it on the seat. "Now, I can extend my body to keep it in a good shape."
Soon after, a guard man appeared with her. The guard man said to me, "You should take your leg off from the table."
I asked him, "Why? I have right to move my body as I like, beside affecting others. Explain me correctly!"
He said, "You should behave well. It's a manner. "
I said. "Nonsense! It's not enough to limit my physical liberty. "
He said, "You should keep our manner."
I asked him, "Why? It's your manner, not mine. I am putting up with the ugly face in front of me, like that woman's. For me, your face is also unendurable. However, I put up with your uglyness. I'm highly polite. Why only I, a customer, should keep your manner and you are allowed to show your ugly faces to me?"
He and she vanished, saying, "We will call the police."
I said, "It's not a public matter. If you do so, Mac'Donald will receive a vast damage for your wrongdoing. Mac'Donald would use the public power to put away the customer disliked by the staff. The renoun global fastfood company shall pay unvaluable amount of money for it."

Several minutes after, despite of my warning, a police man came with her.
I said the same remarks to him. And say, "Now, poblic power is involved in the wrongdoing of Mac'Donald. The government will regret this colaboration with a worldwidely renoun company. Well, Big Company and a State. Good. They shall be punished and pay tremendously lots."
I put another remarks. "In addition, I am a professional professor of law. My lesson is expensive. I should give you a lesson. You shall pay even the lesson fee, too. Good job."
They vanished, saying something. I don't know what they did after that.
I continued to work, writing my legal paper. They disturbed my precious jo0b.
They shall pay vast. Mac'Donald hires such an evil clerk as their staff. She has repeated inhuman wrongdoing as we know. She is a DoDoMerdic staff.
Acoording to the theory of judicial person or basic doctrine of organization, the superior should be punished, with the staff.
Big companies should owe the responsibilty, because they earn vast money with their brands and privileged positions as the renoun names.
Only one rotten apple is enough to destroy whole box of the fruits.
I'm looking forward to Mac'Donald's responce on this incident.

Only one TACHIKAWA DoDoMerda can draw the curtain for ending the fastfood Taikoon...or?
Let's watch the process, people! It's an interesting show for us.

Vanish! DoDoMerdas!
Mac will keep their name or turn Muck...?

People, manner is not enough to force us to do or to prohibit something.
DoDoMerdas don't know it. We should not be caught because of their ignorance.
They should pay the damage done by them to us. They are wrongdoers and we are victims. They don't think so and do think just opposit.
However, our guaranty of fundamental rights is universal or global.
Global standard is DoDoMerdic or constitutional?

Thus, the incident deserves our serious watching.

on Curry Roux Tablets

2017-01-31 16:35:53 | 日記
31/01/2017 (afternoon) I took a walking to the east part of the city and entered the supermarket. I got two bottle of spices, namely, turmeric and cumin, dried red kidney beans and mixed raisins.

The spices are planned to be used for curry.
During my forced imprisonment in HASEGAWA Hospital, I read a magazin, witch forcused on dishes for preservation in winter.
There were no usefull magazine in the hospital, so I read it repeatedly, until I learned to cook various kind of unkown dishes. I left the book in the hospital, however, here in Shirakawa, I could apply almost all of the recipes on it.

The exception is curry. Because I couldn't find spices for the dish at the reasonable cost at the market near my house.

In the magazine, some expert of Indian foods taught that Indian curry is basicly made of 3 spices, that is, turmeric, cumin and Garam Masara.
Thus, I looked for them at the market today. I found all of them there. However, I bought only two. Why? Because Garam Masara is unnecessary at all!

There, I checked the ingredients of the spices. Turmeric and cumin are genuine. However, astonishingly, Garam Masara is only a mixture of various kinds of spices. I found that there is no Garam Masara tree or Garam Masara plant at all. It's just the name of the mixture! And many of the spices are already in our house.

At the same time, I began to doubt that this Indean espert weren't genuine.
She said these 3 spices were indispensible for curry in India and in Sriranka.
The difference of the currys between in these countries of South Asia is, in Sriranka doesn't use onion, while India does. In India, souted onion, garlic and ginger are indispensable.

Now, I get two more selected spices for curry. Mainly turmeric is for colar, while cumin is for flavour. I'll put in my curry dish various kind of spices in the kitchen. A great experiment of taste in history of human beings. I will find various delicious combination of these spices. It seems like another adventure for unknown world called South Asian culinary.

It's the last day of January. I didn't get any good news on my new job. I don't want to be jobless. I must find a job by any means. I will master at least minimum usage of basic Asian spices by my departure. I should be more talented. If my next superior orders me a dish of curry, I will serve him or her one of my special recipe, that would be called "Dr.Miyuki's original".

According to curry, at Komaba campus of Tokyo Universkty, there was a legend on how to take A grade in any subject.
following the legend, a student put down the reipe of curry on the paper of the exam. It's subject was unknown. He got A grade, with a comment of the professor, saying, "Your recipe is perfect."
Then, another student tried to use the same method. He wrote the recipe on the paper. However, he didn't get A grade in this time. The comment is, "I cooked the dishe following your recipe. However, it tasted bad. "

This kind of jokes was spread there, because we all knew that it is only a joke. At Tokyo University, there was no course of cooking at that time. I don't know that actually whether there is or not. Considering the DoDoMerdization of Tokyo University, there might be.

This legend is spread in other versities, probably. We call it "urban legend".
It means that even in modern scientific society, these illogical or irrational rumors spread, especially, in the zones of Superior Education.
Many youth use the words "urban legend" as a queer ungrounded ridiculous rumore.
However, Messers.Flabbies, like Masato NINOMIYA, use them as a clue to deduce the result, which fits their story. As you know, he said, "No spoke without fire".

At the supermarket, before the shelves of spices, there are the spacious corner of variety of curry roux tablets. It means that there are lots of people who don't know how to cook curry of genuine spices, like YUKARI.

However, it doesn't mean that all of them were as dull or idol as YUKARI.
In case of erders, they are casually Japanese dish eaters. Thus, they rarely eat curry. So, for them, knowing how to cook curry isn't necessity. If they want, they use the tablets as a kind of petit luxury of taste.
And for busy workers, curry should be cooked as fast as possible. In this case, the tablets are usefull.

However, for DoDoMerdas, there is no excuse at all. They have plenty of time to learn how to cook. The ingredients are much cheaper than the tablets. They cook curry repeatedly. Once per week or more.
When someone asks to kids in Japan which dish do they like most, most of them reply that "I like curry and rice most!". Every year, curry is the No.1 favorit dish among kids. They are delicious, indifferent from cook's ability.
It means that how much DoDoMerdas are prevalent in Japan. They prefer being called "Domestic Wives", however, in effect, as I wrote repeatedly, they are domestically unable eather.

In Japan, there is a mixed powder of curry, sold at economically reasonable price. I liked the taste. It smelled good. However, I recognized the flavour only in the restaurant in a bilding of Shirakawa Municipalities Office. Why other places, cooks, at family level or professional one, don't use the powder?, I wonder.
I used the powder and got a success according to my estimation. However, my family didn't like it much. They wanted to eat the curry of a certain brand.

Now, I decided to cook for myself by myself, as a principle. Thus, I try to various combination of curry. Now I can soute shredded onion considerably fast in my skilet.

DoDoMerdic YUKARI spends a lot of time in the kitchen. I observed how she worked. She, in her arms crossed, was just waiting for the ingredient finished to be boild. Just waiting. That's her way. She prays and she waits, as if her dream did come by way of just waiting.

They are waiting their saver-Salvador or Christ.
They do nothing productive and just wait to be saved by their super hero in their illusion.
He would be called White knight or Prince by them.
Pretty Cavalier in their sexual fantasy will save them from their monotonous boresome life. Who would be?
You know the name already. He is all in black and with a long scythe.

Returning to Indian foods, we have lots of potatoes in our house. I would cook Zabji tomorrow, probably. Easier than curry sauce and good for fast cook for one person. The best choice for a principiant of Indian dishes.

Skilet as Rice Cooker

2017-01-31 12:36:48 | 日記
31/01/2017 (morning) I had a really Japanese lunch with two roasted semi-dried sardines called MARUBAOSHI, boiled spinach, shuredded white radish, quick MISO soup and GOKA rice.

This time, I cooked rice in skilet. My mini skilet at 14cm of diameter is multi-use. I put a small amount of rice in it, washed with water, left it and water in the skilet for 10 minute and after cooked. Easy way to cook without electric rice cooker.

This way of cooking is used in southern part of Europe, like Italy, Spain and Portugal. The nations of these three contries are rice eaters. Of course, they eat bread also. However, they miss rice when they are not eating rice several days. Valencia is one of the areas of the rice cooking tradition. As I wrote before, Professor Ines likes to cook various types of flavoured rices in the pan. She came from the region of Spain. She is Cataran and the language of Catarania is gramatically different from Spanish.
She has an opinion that the cataran language was influenced by ancient languages from Africa. I presume that Fenicia, which was the rival of Rome, came from the African continent passing over the Alps and some groups lived in Europe and left their culture and language in the region. So the descendents of them are so independent.
Another independence oriented region in Spain is Vasco. Their language is also different from ordinary Spanish.
Prof.Ines thinks that she is morena, rather than roja, presumably because of blood of her unknown islamic ancesstors.
For us, she looks a white woman, but her identification is a bit different.

Spain, Italy and Porugal are the countries of delicious dishes. Why they are so tasty? Because they respect the tradition of eating of each region or uniqueness of foods. They deslike the united flabour of the same ingredients, in particular, MacDonald's one. For them, the MacDonalds burgers kill the sane sense of tongue of kids. They are so vicious.

I sometimes eat MacDonald's burger, because it's easy to buy and cheap. Especially, when I am busy, working outside the office, Mac'Donald is one of the best choice wor me.
I eat only meat-patty of the humbergers. Thus, usually, I ask several humbergers to eat only the part of patty. I throw the rest, especialy bread away, usually.

And I also like crispy fried potatoes of Mac'Donald Shops. I like to share one paper bag full of fried potatoes with my daughter Clare. It makes me feel happy.

However, if I have plenty of time and more money, I prefer eating different more delicious things. Mac'Donald is my safety net or so. Minimum animal protein I can get there, so I go there. It's my stance to the fast shop.

I had a really nasty experience in Mac'Donald shop in Tachikawa, Tokyo.
There was working a DoDoMerdic evil girl employee. She was so evil to wake up a young girl, sleeping at the table, saying, "Are you OK, Ma'm?, patting her on the sholder.
She pretended to be kind to the consumer, however, she disturved the basic desire for human beings, namely, sleeping. She should leave her sleeping. But, she came all the way from her corner to make the sleeping girl awake.
She faked to do so "for the sake of the girl consumer". I hated her hypocricy.
The girl got up and left the seat, with nasty feeling.

The evil employee seemed too old to her age. When someone does wrong, he or she looks so ugly and old. I did see these abrupt changes of appearance many times in Tokyo, especially in Kyorin University.
"Wow, she is much more older than I! I thought that she were at her only 20s. However, she looks more than 60 years old!" I was astonished at their changes.

Unnecessarily unkind. This is the catch copy of DoDoMerdas. They do the unkind tasks with their hypocratic excuse, "for the sake of you".

Cooking is easy. So I prefer cooking if I have chance to do so. Electric rice cooker is unnecessary for my life. Yes, if I get to need it, I will buy it. However, now, I don't. A skilet is enough to cook delicous GOKA rice.

My tiny skilet is omnipotent. He cooks, fries, roasts, boils, stews, steems, almost do everything. He works out well. He is one of my best partners in the kichen.

Country Road or Concrete Road?

2017-01-31 09:47:50 | 日記
31/01/2017 (morning) I had a bowlful of garlic soup with onion, fermented soybeans, souted ABURA-AGE and a bowl of GOKA rice.

I got to notice that my spoon and its container had been replaced from the place on the desk to the basket for drying in the kichen. A-Ha! Yukari put away them from the office. She don't understand what she should do and what should not. My belongings are in the danger of her distruction. Help!

I consulted my father on the matter. However, he doesn't know the counter-attacking measure. YUKARI is out of our imagination. She is violent. She is destructive. I must find some effective measure for protection immediately.

Thus, I made a triangular prism of hard paper and on the three surfices I put down the words of prohibition "Don't touch!" in three languages.
The triangular prism is 15 cm at hight and its width is 5 cm. I put it on my desk. If YUKARI the broken robot sweep the desk even with this measure, I will take another one.

I think that she is imitating the heroine of the TV drama called "KASEIFU-NO-MITA" or "Ms.MITA, the paid housekeeper".
The heroine lost her kid in a tragedic accident and suffered from trauma, bacame a unsmiling machinary figure, earning money as a housekeeper in various different families, watching their plain lives.
She is perfect in housekeeping, however, she never shows her feeling to others and conceals her past absolutely. She always wears the same clothing in winter and in summer. Always with a black down jacket.

Unfortunately, YUKARI just imitates her surperficial character, like unsmiling facial expression and wearing always the same clothings.
She is parfectly useless even as a housekeeper, contrary to Ms.MITA. And Ms.MITA earns money outside as a diligent worker or the specialist of housekeeping, while YUKARI has no income becouse she is nothing in social meaning.
As a result, the resemblance existes only in their machanical robot like donducts. Ms.MITA is a excellent high specked robot, while YUKARI is a broken out-of-dated one. YUKARI's work is easily replacable, while Ms.MITA's not.

YUKARI isn't able to understand any important conditions. She choose the way to work on the standard of "the most easiest one". It coincides with that of the medical staff of Hasegawa Hospital.
Only YUKARI thinks that she resembles the heroine performed by the actress Nanako MATSUSHIMA.
DoDoMerdas want to play the role of their favorite actress. They are so narcistic.

Thus, I understand the reason of the impression that YUKARI gives me. Robot.

When she was in junior high, she claimed me, "I am playing the role of dumb in school. Because you entered into Tokyo Univ. and everyone expect me to do the same. I can't! So I pretend to be a fool, escaping from their expectation. I'm suffering from you! You shouldn't go to Tokyo Univ. I'm your victim!"

I said nothing, however, I was in wonder why I should avoid to go to Tokyo Univ. for YUKARI's strange satisfaction? She wants to be superior to me. According to her odd way of thinking, I had to go to versity of the 5th class.
Terrible! I wanted to go to versity of one of the best ones in the country. "Tokyo Univ. is most suitable for me", I thought and, thus, I made all my efforts to pass the exam and I won.
YUKARI has no right to accuse my pursue of happiness. She is so skewed in her mind and always seeks the excuse of her errors and mistaken choices.
She pretended to be a fool and now she is realy a fool. She planned to become so and did it. Her dream came true, didn't it?

Everyone has his or her own dream. I have a lot of dreams. I make every effort to realize each one of them, as far as I can. My dreams are positive, that is, enjoyable, cheerful, good also for society.
However, YUKARI's dream is negative. DoDoMerdas pray destroying others' happiness.
Their behavour is jealousy oriented. "What's your last favour?", if they were asked like that by Gods of Chance, they would reply, "Make others unhappy!, please".

Since junior high until now, YUKARI has had a lot of chances. However, she herself refused to take advantage of them. Why? Because her priority is "life time easiness".

I hope my son doesn't repeat the same mistake.
I myself already decided how to respond to each of the possible result regarding his entrance exam. I have no physical power, thus, I use another power to punish him. He asks a help to my mother and his inferior. They are protectionalists, however, they have no money, practically.

In these circumstances, how Alex chooses his own way? They are tender to him, however, they don't want to pay money for him. How much Alex insists, they are not able to pay for his education.
They just advice and give influencial suggestion to him. However, he should learn to be pragmatic. They are nothing to him, financially.

Alex has his own dreams, perhaps. He should learn that dream doesn't come true only with his pray but does do by his action. We call it "making his effort".
We observe you, Alex. You yourself should get rid of DoDoMerdic wispers. They are irresponsible, you should know. You yourself owe the risk of your choice.

I of course am responsible for your choice as a parent. However, my duty is limited. Who is responsible for your life is only you, Alex. I'm free from your decision making on your own like. I just owe the cost of your mistake, financially.

I've already said to you what I should say. So, Alex, you should decide on which way you go. One way is, DoDoMerdic road. You would be nothing socially like your aunt YUKARI, learning nothing during your life. Another way is, the road for becoming a member of our society of common people, learning from wour own experience, that is, pragmatic way of establishing your personality.
Now you are in the trial. We hope that you choose the correct road.

"Country road or Concrete road. It's the problem." He is considering now in his class, like Hamlet.
"Hamlet is the name of the dish that my godomnit mother cooks every Sunday only for herself, Sir." "Why do you think so, Alex?" "Because Ham is my favorite and letus is my sister Clare's favorite. My mother is so evil to cook the dish of my favorites and eat it all alone, Sir." "Does the name Shakespear recall you something,Alex?" "Yes, Sir. It's another dish that my damnit mother makes in every evening to drink with "tin-tin!". In ordinary family, it is called cocktail, I suppose. My mother likes to shake the metalic contener filled with alcohol. She is alcoholic., Sir!" "Oh, she does drink every evening... You have reason. We should hold a meeting to discuss the problem. She is really a typical example of bad parent." "May I sit down, Sir?" "OK, Alex.We appreciate your colaboration. Your mother is really an extreme public enemy. We should vanish people like that!" "Thank you, Sir! I'm ready to speak all truth of her. She attacks me. She harases me. She treats me badly. She is so violent. She threatens me. She accuses me as a thief, without any proof. She is so unfair.She loves my Clare more than me. She is always kind to her. I am disliked by her. She said to me, "Vanish, now! As soon as possible! What a evil parent she is. I have been in doubt since I was child that I might not be her real child. She sometimes confessed me the fact. She said I was an orphan. So I need a lot of love and affection of other kind adults. My mother is a kind of devils. I don't want to belong to her world!"

Oh, Alex, I hope that you aren't playing the role of abandoned child of Dr.Miyuki SATO today in junior high. You are highly evasive, I know well. And your teachers also know the fact, unfortunately for you.

YUKARI chose Concrete road. Thus, she failed.
Now, my boy Alex, which do you prefer? My dear country boy!