YUKARI's End(123)

2017-04-05 19:47:35 | 日記

Quick news. Recently OMANKO Journalism is audaciously shameless. See the article:

The OMANKO wirters said, after 6 weeks, the gas price dropped. Now we are in April. Thus, after Feburary, we were forced to buy the expensive gasoline. However, they explained that the reason of the price down is the petroreum's price down, which happened in the middle of March.????? Thus, for them, one month is composed by 12 weeks probably. And after more than 2 weeks of Petroreum price dropping, it would be normal that the price of gasoline dropping followed. Who gained by the time difference? Gasoline companies in Japan, like MITSUBISHI SHOJI Energy.

  Yesterday, I found a gas station of MITSUBISHI SHOJI Energy which sell Alchool drink together with their petroreum products. Ethanol, probably. However, they put the letter "SAKE" as an advertisement. An easy Chinese character even for 2nd grader of primary school pupils could write type. However, they couldn't recognize that drinking alchool is prohibitted for prevent nasty possible traffic accidents. for them, anything can buy, as they like. Alchool drinking driving should be promoted for them. Why the police can't catch them at all? Because the police vanished already.

  And the writers didn't do dividing calculation. They put the price of petroleum at unit of 18 litters. They expressed the other products at 1 litter. For them, integrating the unit is too too difficult. Totalitarians' deterioration, they do. Shameful situation for all!!!

 And the example of their bad job. They put wrong photo taken in 2010, 8 years before of the content of the article. Look at the article:

 Reuter company doesn't look feeling any shame now. A global OMANKO JOUNALISM they are now. Or, they should have accused the OMANKO writers in JAPAN. No checking system at all. Thus, the renoun international news company is used as the source of information. Obedient jounalism, they turned, and failed, probably.

 And DDMs welcome IT addicted now. Bic Camera company can change bit coins for real money. Vertual income turned to be the real money. thus, OTAKU world, should be. Narrow hearted OTAKU would do their idol wifi game as they like and declared that they were working now! OTAKU creating process, it would be.

 And the real money users like us have a big damage again. Money provider should be one legitimate, is modern theory. However, bit coins are not prohibitted at all. Thus, we lose our money value, and the OTAKU gained the evil reward, in the accordance with the strange theory of bit coins.

 And Miyuki took a nap now, and got to know that DDMs are voice actors also. They trained voice to fake and turned to be some faked ones. Ages and sex. They could change as they liked and revealed the skill. A kind of faked voices, any language they can use. And no sense remarks, uninteresting at all. No contents world.

  Miyuki dreamt spatula throwal games played by them. Not interesting at all. And some games. They are in the last stage, they themselves declared.

  Blue impulse for what? Meanless. Some kind of falling games? They started on the south and dropped on the north. No exception. No acrobat all. Just one way dropping course. Too slow. For them, interesting, while for us, not interesting at all!!!

  And in KURABEISHI, Miyuki found some stone maisons, all Alzheimer patients. An extreme example is TAKUMI SUZUKI, who was praised by as a skilful worker anyway by some political VIP. However, the advertizement of his shop was written with an erroneous letters. For them, no important at all type error. For us, the real proof of Alzheimer suffering. In the advertizement?, we think. However, they don't recognize it, thus, it's all OK for them.

  And in this area, many gates of each house have tiny old shrine type a pair of lions. It means that in this house, there is some god, instead of human beings. Oh, KAMINARI or "turning to a god", namely Alzheimer Patients live here's declaration totally!!!

  And found that some houses are made of stones work, not suitable for residence. Just for gate type combination of material. Especially, considering to earth quakes, the conbination is terribly avoidable type one. They don't know the skell should not be used for residencial houses at all. Stone maison who have no knowledge on the letters, construction, and the difference between shrine and common residence.

  Miyuki remembered that already when Alex and Clare were infants, there was a house whose name plate said, "God of MOTIMOTO". Kinky figure, however, he has right to put the kinky name plate, Miyuki thought. And some kind of amusement, this Mr.MORIKAWA did, she imagined.

  And recently, she found a lots of shirine has a house, normal one, and a car with snowboard carrier. Oh, shrine workers have common habit of snowboading!!! Or, they didn't understand the difference between sacred and common buildings.

  Blasfamy, we call it, while, for them, not at all. A kind of ways to survive anyway. They pretended to be normal, however, they revealed to be kinkiest. They can't recognize between abnormal and normal situation.

  Thus, they can't recognize their own terribly progressed Alzheimer disease. YUKARI is an example. She came to the toilet, and forgot why she came, and started to use the bath room. Water place, she appears. In the kitchen, in the toilet, in the bathroom. Probably, for her, the same place in her feeble mind.

   Sleeping in the bed in her chamber. Watching TV in her mother's chamber. Changing clothings in Clare's house. Each room, in a certain activity. And water places, she appears and occupies them for long long time.

   Today, tarmeric turned red in the shrimp paella again. Some chemical comibnation, should be. Faked yellow powder, it should be. Tarmeric should be yellow. Orange powder they turned, like paprica.

  Again, Auntie? You have power to change something to different composition. However, we say it degradation, Auntie!

  Miyuki should know that YUKARI has some power to change chemicals. Thus, they are afraid that YUKARI got upset.

  Long long time of hatred against Miyuki caused her to be DDM, presumably. She wanted to win the game, anyway. Thus, she chose the way. The SHIRAKAWA DDMs did the same choice. They chose to be muck, some etra terrestral existance.

  They questions came here already. And they chose to be so. Many of them are already dead. In these three years. They were asked, "Do you want to continue to be a human being or..." Then they failed. KAMINARI or turning to be a good signified to be an Alzheimer patient, with some super natural power. They wanted to be so. Thus, they turned to be.

  And the change started. Alzheimer disease turned her mind completely, with her same appearance. A beast, Clare expressed. And Miyuki failed. Alex also thinks so. However, she has a power anyway. Chemical change, she chose. It would be fine for us all, she thought. She could change gold to plumber, silver to iron, copper to earth...All degradations.

  Thus, she should vanish, anyway. Fire, today's Alzheimer patients chose. And they burned the field. They chose one special skill, unnatural one, special skill.

  Thus, the laws, refering on their special skills. Special skill holders should not be allowed to enter into the buildings, Miyuki read in some laws and decrees. Miyuki was astonished at the expression, and started to make a corner called "Pot of laughing".

  The fact is, anyone could be DDM, if they want. Special skill the muck residents offered. One for each. And they failed. Only one is enough. And at least 3 is more than expected. OKINO, MORIKO, MIYUKI. The most not promissive type in Platinum Tribe.

  Miyuki is not ambitious to be rich. She prefered to be lucky, within the limit. Thus, Miyuki almost failed. Lucky, she should be anyway. She should be saved anyway. She would be the last one. DDMs have no lucks, then they thraw Miyuki to the hand of Gods. Anyway, she required different things. What should I do type confusion as usual. Miyuki is lucky, everyone says so, and Miyuki herself believes so. And behaves like so. Seriously she thinks so. Anyway lucky. Not so promissive. Not ambitious. However, highly insisting. Unnusual, they thought. And they wanted her to change. Totally, they thought. And she refused. Why? They thought. We want to do so. Why she resists againt our intention? We think so, while she doesn't think so. Why she resisted against our kindness???

  For Kyorin staff, Miyuki is a kind of question. Why not?, they thought, and why?, she thought. Totally contrally between them. And Miyuki thought that we lived in the planet of Justice, and we won!!!! Miyuki behaved as she believes and did her liked. Walking arround the rural areas in a warm spring. She wanted to do so, since she was kids, and especially, watching blue sky, in a dark inside of the room for graduate course, at Tokyo Versity.

  Always, blue sky induced her to work outside. She felt so sorry when she had to work inside in these beauriful blue sunshine day. Why not? She asked to herself. You should accomplish your doctral degree, anyway. After that, you would be able to work freely! And Miyuki wanted to have kids to amuse under the sunshine blue sky.

  Blue sky was their key word. They wanted to drop in the sunshine blue sky day like today. They liked to pass time in a cold place, however, watching blue sky, they want to drop, anyway. A kind of insinctive impulse. Thus, they did. Only Miyuki recognized it. And predicted the falling. A plane started to go somewhere with a jet stream. And she pointed the line to downward. And they did it. They liked the plane dropping, and they did it. Collective suicide, they wanted. Slow blue impulse, they were called by M&A. Why so slow? Miyuki was in doubt. Anyway, again, plane? OK, go downward!!! And the sign of MAJINAE or downward. They did it, and no one recognized it. Always. They wanted to call attention of others. however, for them, some air plane jet stream. Enough for them. And M&A, some amusing flight. Only once, they pledged. And they did it. And they liked the way.

  They wanted to end up anyway. Too too awkward, for them. Too too boresome. Too too nasty. Too too costive. And they started to move to their own planet MONOLIS. A cold place made of muck. And they should know that they failed anyway.

  They coincidently came here by way of Miyuki's calling. Come any Ps and Ps' supporters!!! Any could be fine!!! Animals, aliens, foreigners, any!!! Just be P or P supporters!!! Door would be open to you! Each one should come with your appeacance or with our appearance. As you like. Don't worry, we would welcome you! Just Ps and People's supporters.

  Thus, they came, however, as muck, they couldn't recognize the difference between DDMs and Common People.

  Declaration period, Miyuki was in. January, 2016. She was in front of telephone box set near JR Hachioji station, on the north part. Miyuki put the condition. however, they didn't understand. And came and failed. Fate, they called it. Thus, catch and custody for her. She should not do so, they claimed. Any supporters could come to help us, and live with us, common people!!! Animals, OK, with your own appearance, and with our appearance, all OK! And they started to fake human beings.

  Miyuki called, they said. Not at all!!!! Evil ones, not at all!!! Just some refegee type, Miyuki imagined. We were saved anyway, now, we should save others. Thus, come to our land! Ps and Ps' supporters. Gods of Justice rule the world type only. And they came.

  And DDMis supporters came together!!! We didn't call them at all!!! They took advantage of our ignorance of the system.

  Too too kind, and too too nasty ones, they called M&A. For them, kind means, useful. And they failed. They occupied the space, and enhanced the territory. They are monotonous and dull and slow. Muck, ADACHI immediately found the character. And Miyuki was always in doubt and said Alzheimer Patients. And they agreed that they were only Alzheimer patients = muck. MONOLIS they were named after the name of Solaris and the buildings of Shinjuku, totalitarian inclination, added. And they in mass appeared after Miyuki's invitation to Ps and Ps' supporters.

  And now, Miyuki would take a bath. Thus, see you soon with clean Miyuki!!!

 Vanish, DDMs!!!!

YUKARI's End(122)

2017-04-05 18:58:34 | 日記

Miyuki did wrongdoing in the courtyard. She spet in front of the statutes there. And her mother got upset at her impolite mannor. A resistance to authority. Why she turned to be a Tokyo Versity staff, was their common question.

  Miyuki thought that National, thus, they provided the total freedom as a regret of the wrong past. After WWII, Tokyo Versity turned to be a liberal versity, based on their error and trial process. thus, they should protect the freedom of expression as an identification of their liberal democratic symbol. Thus, we can express as we like, on the ground of our moral belief, including politica, economical, social, cultural ones.

  And Miyuki got a prize of ignorance total!!! And the crown!!! Fools Cap!!! Miyuki is good at her own humour. Ignorance!!! Knowledge of Ignorance, like Socrates!!! A predicessor of her!!!! At least, she is his way!!!

  Good to know it. Socrates has a black mother called EVE!!!! Everyone has such a kind of black mother. And his wife Xantippe! A nasty always angry lady.

  However, she was excused by Ryuichi NAGAO, that she was frustrated by his ignorance to his family life. She should educate their kids, and she would feed them anyway. She had to work for their lives, while, her husband was playing all day long outside with promissive youth. Why she could't scold the phylosopher??!!!

  NAGAO is in the side of Xantippe, while Miyuki, Socrates. This is the fact. DDMic, they were!!! Outside walking is a good job for M&A, however, for others, even now, not a good job for her!!! She should work inside!!! They want to scold Miyuki. too too nasty, while she is inside. However, when she goes out, always some change happens. Unnecessary work, they are forced to do. Clare liked her new friends. Oh, Rabbit???? She liked his way of comparison. Your mother ate rabbit meat, while you not...Clare has not yet eaten it. Thus, they liked it.

  Smells. Thus, Miyuki is not good at some animals. Not eaten is a good point. However, Miyuki wants to try some new meat. After death type eating is also bad????

  Accidently, some deers were killed on the road. I have heard that they were brought to some restaurant and turned to be some dishes. In Hokkaido, the restaurants have some reservation of in case of the accidents, Miyuki read. And IWAKUMA said some similar things.

  And Miyuki ate some meat loaf of Deer when she was in KEIO PLAZA hotel's party in the period of the end of year. SHIKANIKU Roll, it was called. And ate one. And didn't like it. Smelly. Not delicious, as she imagined fromt the book written by Haward Pile on Robin Hood. The team alwasy hunt the deers in the prohibitted area by King illegaly. And the restautant called "Blue Lion" cooked for them. Steak like juicy meat, she imagined. And the result, "I prefer cow or ox meat to have a steak." And they failed.

  Burning the grasses is too bad for the birds. In the period of their love nest, the residents burned the grasses, that is, fire insidents. And they were forced to run away from the site, as soon as possible. Miyuki's family like situation. They should require revenge my money!!!!! Of course!!!! Money!!!! Alzheimer patients should not be allowed to do wrong as they like. Evil!!! The lack of imformation to us made us be in the danger of dead or alive. YUKARI like patients should be put in custody immediately. And they failed again. Burning nest as always, per month, they did now!!!

  No living place ever!!! Alzheimer patients repeat their wrongdoing without limit. The place should be abandoned.

  Thus they failed again. Shirakawa is not Miyuki's place. Too too nasty. Today, Miyuki met two YAMAYAKI was done by old men. And they used smelly chemical to burn. ZEORITE for it??? Miyuki was astonished. JA provided it? Miyuki thought that it were fertirizer.

  And today, she found a warehouse filled with more than 500 chemicak products bags. GOKA Rice providing house, it was written. We sell rice, it was written. When Miyuki looked inside, many chemicals were stocked. And in the backyard, the big warehouse. The evil natural born killer type Alzheimer patients easily turned to be a collective killer or geno-suicide actors!!!

  Only YUKARI type was left because of persistency. Now, only vanishing. No alternatives. Why so much? They dislike working. Why they stock the bags???

  And found that Dunlop tire factory is no more located in Shirakawa. Miyuki never has seen the factory. A kind of joke, she thought. Oh, Nishimoto's father didn't work here????

  And another name of NITTO industrial company. "From here, to the left ward, 1.6km" and on the bottom, just a montain. How, we could reach these forgotted factories???

  They changed the name totally. KURABEISHI is KAMANOKO and GOKA. Miyuki is not good at geography and KARAME is so vast. Thus, they changed the plate easily. And Miyuki decided to confirm the old map to know the fact. And they failed.

  No map land they live. Thus, as they think, they write. "It would be probably here..." is enough as information. And so skewed agricultural roads here and there. Why they didn't choose the straight ones? Unnecessarily curved. Why? To prove that they are the real Alzheimer patients???

  For them, it is enough. Thus, they failed. For us, confusing. They are not qualified as human beings. Just harmful dangerous existance for us all.

  And they made us be trapped. The slope road of OOYA Family backward of their sweets shop appeared again. Miyuki entered into the tiny shirine called SHIRAKAWA-HIME-shrine. And prayed as always, "Happiness for us, unhappiness for DDMs!" And got out the campus. and found the ditch is there as usual. And the alley vanished.

  In the other day, on the alley, a lady and a pully were walking. And the ditch was berried by concrete. And she took the picture, again, standing in the same place, turning to the site. And they failed.

  Always as they like world, they prefered. By whom? And they believed that Miyuki disliked it. Yes, I disliked and dislike it now. Then they failed.

  And YUKARI did her wrongdoing again. Searching on the right side of the desk, which Alex uses as usuall, especially at night.

  YUKARI wanted to talk to him, and didn't find him, thus, she did start her search. She can't recognize the absence of him, immediately. Thus, she started to do alternative job. Always forgetful was caused by Alzheimer, no excuse at all.

  She wanted to have her small family, and planned to have two puppy for her. Thus, she asked....VANISH!!!

  She asked and got refused by anyone. Her dream to have two puppy was broken.

  They treat animals to easily. Alzheimer patients should not feed any puppy at all. And Puppy turns to be adults soon. And the problem.

  MIYABI chan had CLOE, a dog. Small dog type. Miyuki thought the puppy until 3 years or so puppy not adult dog. Thus, she tald to MIYABI's chan's mother so, and her mother explained that puppy turns to adults only after 3 months. Oh, I didn't know it like impression, Miyuki had. And told to her kids on the fact.

  And Miyuki is always against irresponsible animal feeding. Miyuki wanted to feed a big dog, with supposed name ZIP, according to Dr.Dolittle. However, only in imagination. In fact, even pets should be treated like families. Thus, we should take care lots. Without responsiblity, we would be evil animal abuser easily.

  Thus, YUKARI failed again. She decided to buy, and went in the middle on the way, and forgot to do something. What, Alex, asked. YUKARI said, "Go back. We lost something there."

  Again, Auntie! And Alex quitted the job. Animal should not be feeded by irresponsible, Miyuki said her kids again and again. And now, Clare wants to have some pets. You should prove how you are responsible to others. You are not responsible her to your matter at all. thus, now, not at all. After you got responsibility, you should feed as you like, with your responsiblity, not mine. I refuse to take care of them. If you fail to feed them, I am not resiponsible at all. I have no responsiblity at all. You should turn tu be animal abusers. I am free from it.

  And they failed. YUKARI was in the mood as always. And they wanted to have some of them. And they escaped from being irresponsible to them. Even pets, they should be treated as families. If you can't do so, you should not be suitable for treating animals.

  Yuko KONISHI was this type. She was so forgetful, and changed her pet, as soon as possible, like her car. Even an accident, she wanted to change the car. She thought that animals were goods according to Civil Law. Thus, she can manage as her property.

  In a certain meaning, pets are treated as objects of treading. However, within the limit. Morality as human beings. responsibility. They are creatures, not materials. Civil Law's point of view is just on the commercial side, not "affection and kindness" side. Thus, she failed.

  AKKO, her pet was called. And after her death, she soon bought HANA. For Miyuki, too too strange. She always claimed that AKKO was too too burden for her because of her old age. And she said, "I would not feed any dog after AKKO's death, because I am too old to feed a dog any more. "

  And after her death, she changed her mind easily, and asked to breed her future "Western Ear Fold" like a puppy to her acqueintance breeder. After 3 months, she got the specie. Whe desided to buy it, because she watched a film called "Elithabeth", and in the film, Queen Elithabeth feeded the specie.

  Miyuki asked her, "At that time, the specie existed already?" And her reply was, "A good question..." And she decided to kill Miyuki????

  Miyuki thought that the specie was in fashion at the movie showing days, thus, modern pedigree, presumed. Thus, she asked it to her, because she would be an expert at the field. And failed.

  KOISHI was so evil to say so. She did want to be respected by Miyuki. And she was always contempted by Miyuki. Yes, almost all of students made a food of her kinkiest performance in her class. Anyway, she forgot many times, is the common opinion among the students. Why only I was the target of her anger???

  And KOISHI failed. She wanted to be a kind of MIYUKI's partner?????Kinkiest!!! Terrible!!! YUKARI should be!!!!

  And they failed. KOISHI was a slow sleeper and was proud of being so, saying, "I am not so old to wake up so early, amn't I?"

  And she was proud of going to bed late, saying, "I am not so old to go to sleep so early, amn't I?"

  And they failed. They wanted Miyuki to be a nasty wrongdoers like them. And they failed. Miyuki is too too rightous one, as common people. Not nasty idol idiots like YUKARI.

  And they all failed. Miyuki liked to amuse with them. And crows had a nasty feeling all day long. Not so abused feeling, however, "Nice try, anyway! 99% of efforts, and 1% of luck. I am always lucky type. Just it. Accumulated 99% effort is important. I always fail, you know. 99% effors means 99% failures. Thus, after 99 of failure, we could gain the final victory. Thus, we are always the last lightest wheat stalk on the heavy burdened cammel. Only one touch, they fail type. Thus, for us, your TOHOHO situation is always happens type mistake or mis predict. Thus, Don't worry, Uncle Crow!!!"

  Too too harsh for them. Uncle Crow! She said it. She treated us as she like existance....Too too low for them... At some fields. Not as a total qualification. Don't think that you are perfect, type. We agree that in total, you crows are superior. Don't worry, we respect you However, at least, at some points, we have some more stronger points than you..."

  They were offended by your objective expression, more and more...Pride should be subjective...Thus, we have to agree with her type. Endurance, it is. Always like that.

  Miyuki is too too cleverer than we all, at least, in some points. And thus, they are so contempted by Miyuki's existance. Shirakawa people also. They lost a lot of their relatives in this war. And the friends. Why she smiles for us???? She dislikes us, however, she smiles!!!

  And her remarks! Too too harsh for them all!!! Even ADACHI couldn't put up with her arrogant expression!!! Arrogant???

  Too sharp to express the situation. Too too exact. Common people couldn't put up with it, and She couldn't feel the sympaty at this point. Some kind of evil existance, she would be!!! They think and in trouble as always.

  She should be scolded by her mother's cheerful way of life. Why not??? They didn't speak at all. And Miyuki discovered tha fact. And she got in a good mood. Dissapointed, yes. However, a good chance. And only one DDM would destroy our beautiful work, called the universe. And in SHIRAKAWA, there are lots of DDMs here and there. Now, vanished. Good job of us all, including supporters!!! Why we shouldn't be happy???? We should praise the happy lucky situation, shouldn't we????

  Too too rightous!!! Why we should pretend to be in an omnious situation??? Only DDMs want type expression here and there. And cars. Unnecessarily going smart cars. They should vanish completely. And kinkiest evilist exploring jobs even now are continuing. Why they are not punished even now????

  We should not leave them as they like. They are dangerous. We should recognize the fact, and should start the new age. Why DDMic figures want to take advantage of this transitional situation? They are all Alzheimer patients, abusing our right. They should vanish now. Why DDMs exist even now? They should vanish immediately now!!!

  Thus, they failed. No DDMs world we should create. We should establishing the system to exclude the possibility of DDMs turning process. This is justice. We should have it, and tried to have it. And failed. All we got was injustice by DDMs.

  Now, let's have a party to cereblate our future. We should cut the line with the past. Yes, we continue to attack the wrongdoings of the past. However, at the same time, we should construct the new rightous system.

 DDMs are ready to fail, and we did our jobs, yes. Too many DDMs here and there. They looked common people, however, not at all. Just greedy illegitemate property marking type. They abuse the faking like human beings. They are pet dogs. They are outside now, however, they did wrongdoing outside either. Marking was their job. They were trained fot the object.

  Some kind of comfort, they provided. Thus, KOISHI feeded them. However, costive, and they didn't want to take care of the old dog. KOISHI died by being killed by HANA. She was angry at her treatment.

  Oh, she was a queen type. KOISHI said to Miyuki, "I am a kind of servant for her." And the remark turned to be the reality. She wanted to feed Yorkshere Scoch Fold, and she is the speice. Good. Her choice. And it was not so soft type. Oh, rough one??? And she was killed abruptly by her own will. KOISHI thought that AKKO was a good one, and this new is an evil one. The specie, she didn't care at all. And she said that the specie was precious of the renoun holding by Queen Elithabeth. Not for it. She was feeded by her daughter like existance called Yuri KIMURA. Papiyon, she said, and show us her photo. And had no information after the meeting on her. Exist ot not exist type reference, they did as always.

  They looked so strange. Sometimes, they refered to their parents, after, nothing. When Miyuki asked on the matter, vague expression as always. They lost their families already????

  And they should continue to behave as if they existed???

  Oh, thus, they showed their downward looking??? Miyuki didn't know the system at all. Unhappu words were prohibitted by them. However, versity holders could say the fact. And Miyuki didn't know the fact at all. They tried Miyuki to know the system???

  For them, inducing LINE use is enough???? LINE refuser were not considered for them. Big Mistake, they did. And no response system also????

  Miyuki didn't find that they didn't respond at all?? Of couse, I wrote to DDMic academic acquaintances and they didn't respond at all. Thus, perceived that they were dead already.

  Thus, they failed. They wanted to write to Miyuki, and couldn't. Oh, Alzheimers. Alive, at that time!!!

  Miyuki was so forgetful, they claimed. Miyuki wanted to write to my friends. However, how we could? My address collections were in my office in HACHIOJI, and I couldn't take them now. How I could communicate with you by some normal ways???

  Miyuki did her own jobs. And ADACHI liked her way. And new age creation. Why not? They are too too conventional. No amusing ceremony at all type. OK, do the necessary jobs, anyway. Only some specially hilarious type could join our party. Their choice. I don't like force anything. Thus, they failed. They are DDMs anyway. Vanish!!!!

  And they failed. Vanishing order, they should obey. MIYUKI did and do as usual. Walking arround the town, and the rural area. No one should not stop her walking. And they did sometimes. Nasty astonishing wrongdoings here and there. They want to restart the wrongdoing even now, in the middle of tice field. Why now????

  KURABEISHI was a pivot of the matter. Abusers in rural type. Inmoral at all. Miyuki thought that SHIRAKAWA people were kind to others in general. At the same time, she sometimes felt some esxlusive attitudes from them. Not open type behaviours. Thus, Miyuki doesn't know the fact in a certain meaning. Thus, DDMs want to take advantage of Miyuki's igonorance. And Miyuki found that they did the same big mistakes to us all. Immorality.

  Dissappinting, however, pledge of revenge for us all. DDMs concealed inside the house, probably. A challenge for us. How we could get to know DDMs in this type.

  Supermarkets, PACHINKO parlors, Parking lots. We visited as we could. Now, each house? We should push out them. And the catching. They want to escape from SHIRAKAWA. Thus, they take cars. However, now cars has no oils or electric energy. Thus, they have no space to live. Only their house. And supermarkets??? They avoid to go there like YUKARI. And they should fail. They sometimes should go outside in a special ocasion. Thus, Miyuki met some of DDMs. And now, many DDMs. Funeral service? Temples? Churches??? Schools??? Hot springs? Amusement parks??? Retaurants??? Convenience stores???

  Miyuki wants to crash them all. And they failed. Almost all of supposed place, Miyuki appeared, and they failed. Miyuki should not appear in this place, however, she appeared. Like a Nosferatu. Spooky figure, for them. Unhappy cool smiling she did. And then, they vanish. They should obey the game rule. Miyuki hunting, they called. And now, Miyuki is hunting. A kind of Monter Strike, ADACHI liked it. Generation Gap. Miyuki prefers the real version. And got a good success. ADACHI's revenge, she pledges. And did it and does it. Long walking ability extended probably. Three conxecutive days, they said. Fine days only version. And rainiy days, another attractions for her!!! Adachi learned her way of expression. Too too cool to say so. Nice!!!! Anyone likes it!!! Harsh, too much. A kind of literal sadist type, she got to know it. A pleasure. Judges should be such kind of sadists, Miyuki thought. Concrete expression, especially. Feeling good!!! Harsh remarks induce some DORPAMIN ejection. Oh, with this age, I got to wake up my another sexual possibility. Like sexual intercourse type pleasure with the harsh expression writing.

  this is the world. Dorpamin works for her good, ADACHI predicted and she turned to be a rightous worrior with smiling. Charming, she expressed. And this type should not be understood easily. thus, TOHOHO tribe....

  OK, I got a special tasty gifts from Gods of Justice. A laughing serial killer type rightous existance. Too too rare. Thus, they run away. And animals liked it. Miyuki is reliable. At least, she doesn't fake. Amusing face for them. And too too cheerful to do the job. And sad past we got to know. Where were the Shirakawa people who berried the both worriers to avoid comtemtion by others???

  Not at all. They should be berried anyway. Thus, berried. And no tumbs were bad, thus, "NAMUAMIDABUTSU" spell was curved in the stones.

  SHIRAKAWA is one of the common local towns in Japan. Nasty past, we had. Idiots were cruel, we all think so. Kinky nasty thing they want to continue. Always ego-centric. Why they continue the wrongdoing as their habit. No way for them. We have to manage the situation. Legitimacy, we need. Some common people are in doubt of the change. We tried to inform the rightous things, however, they didn't believe the fact. Mesmarized. Even watching the less populous situation, they don't believe the fact.

  No car day attempt, we planned. Just P's side cars only world. No smart cars at all. DDMs should be caught as soon as possible. Only used car only days it would be called????

  DDMic cars were brilliantly new, and their bumper was made of fiber glass. And the wheel was not metal. Plastic like soft type material they used. Thus, the cars were soo feeble. Just some shocks would destroyed them.

  Now, I feel hungry. I will eat some sufficient foods. Wait for several ten minutes!!!

 VANISH!!! DDMs!!!

 Miyuki and Adachi took a good walking also today. See you on my blog again, soon after my meal!!!! 



YUKARI's End(121)

2017-04-05 14:12:45 | 日記

05/04/2017 (Wednesday, afternoon)

 Quick news. OMANKO journalists can't resume the contents of the article. Their theme name selection ability is the lowest in the world. See an example:

 No necessary to make a conversation taxi, they put on the topic. However, just a normal taxi, in which drivers don't interfere clients' space of privacy. Already accomplished type professional mannor. What the OMANKO writers know? Almost all of the things arround them are astonishing like aliens. "What rare cases, they are! We have not seen them before!!!" Alzheimers confirmed.

  Even now, the No Interference Mannor has not been instructed before ever!, they discribed. Oh, only you don't know it. Always new means forever virgin. Thus, Alzheimers, without saying.


 And a proof of Japanese Big Companies's Mega Death:

 Small companies pay more than Big companies. The least providers are the middle companies, in the former part.

 However, in the last, the OMANKO writers said, "Small companies and also Middle companies made an effort to pay more to their emploees, we assure." What? They forgot what they had said at the former part. In an article, totally contradictional remarks here and there. And they don't want to stop the wrong doings. Just Alzheimer patients do the dirty anti-cultural, non intelligent, idiots' jobs repeatedly. Shames, they collect enthusiastically. Alzheimers have no shame at all! For them, liking or disliking is all. Feeling is the all value they have. Continuation is a habitual pleasure for them. Thus, YUKARI continues to her wrongdoings, disturbing our kichen jobs, unnecessarily.

  She just pretends to make something strange with bad smells, and fails repeatedly, and does again until the ingredients get lack. Continuity is the saurce of their pleasure. Addicted, we could say. DORPAMIN, would be the reason. They felt "fine" and they can't stop it. Water flowing is also fine for her. Searching others' faults also. Intimate wears, especially. And they failed. They just show what they did in the past.

  Today, MIYUKI took a spring walk at KURABEISHI area. And found that the residents did the worst wrongdoings there. It was called YAMAYAKI or BURNING of Grasses. A vast area along the river YANTA was recently burned. Why now? Miyuki was astonished. And found that the marks of continuous annual event of these unnecessary wrongdoing.

  Spring Smoke, Miyuki remembered. Strange smells. Only several times in each year. Miyuki thought that the residents did for their tiny field to fertilize the earth like indians do in Amazon area. And failed. They did just for abusing people.

  In the river side, there were residues that many people ate some canned or reserved foods. Homeless, maybe. They came to evacuate from urban areas, there they were treated terribly like Miyuki. Sochinyu or forced hospitalization, would be. They were harmless. They didn't have no residence. Just it. Thus, they slept the river side, probably, with their colleagues.

 Several generations of reserved foods preferences here and there. Canned tunas, jams, drinks, beers, and so on. Like camping. Miyuki was so so dissapointed at the wrong activities made by her supposed old class mates. The evil public servants allowed the residents to burn the grasses to espulse them, every early spring. Because they came here in the period. Winter in Shirakawa is too too cold. Now, in Spring, a good season to stay in the river side.

  Miyuki watched lots of homeless in the riverside in Tokyo. And felt, "Oh, they just wear the same UNIQLO jackets! Like me! I paid US$40, while they got them without paying! Gee, I lost the chance to get them for free!!! Anyway, appearently, they are the same of me!!!" Just a residence, however a residence. Now, Miyuki discovered that there are lots of unnecessary prefablic houses here and there. Thus, they could gain some sufficient residence, anyway.

  And returned to the matter, they were treated harshly by Shirakawa people. They were evacuated refugees also. However, indifferent from their difficulties, Shirakawa People burned the grasses just to expulse them from the zone.

  A lots of marks that talked their peaceful stay. And remembered that an article, that YUKARI found in tne newswaper saying, "In Fukushima prefecture, the number of homeless is only 29 figures". Miyuki was surprized at the number, and thought that TOUHOKU is cold, they they prefer living in more sourthern areas.

  And understood that it was a falure. They were killed by their evil system. Sochinyu and medical treatment combined. Thus, YABUKI's hospital accepted 400 figures in the name of mentally illed. They were allowed to live only 1 month after their catch, and the evil staff killed them. 2 shots are enough for them. 1 for calming, and another, asking, "Are you ready to have another shot?" The second one was unnecessarily at all. However, they were asked, because the evil residents thought that if the answer were "yes", it means the allowance of the killing.

  Miyuki esperienced the system in 2015, when she was caught by the evil squad composed by Kyorin staff. And thought, the second shot should be for the killers' sake, not for the victims. Just an excuse of "by their own will" type threatning. No alternative. Why can I do other choice? Caught by 6 figures, oppressed by the medical staff with injection equipment in his hand, sitting on the victims' belly. Raping! They thought. Miyuki felt the same. And Miyuki's final thought is, "Gee, my life is the worst one, dying watching the dirtiest ugliest face of these devils!!!"....and fainted.

  Miyuki could get up after 6 hours of sleep. However, they couldn't. They had no family. thus, anyone knows the fact. Miyuki was so so sorry to their experience. Shirakawa people were the same as the public clerks in Tokyo Metroplolitan Office, which is lcated in front of SHINJUKU CHUUOO KOUEN or Central Park of Shinjuku. A small park, considerably. And a lot of chance to catch the homeless. They were brought directly to the hotel called WASHINGTON, a pink building. There were several ambulances every day. The scenes were seen from the sky view of the office. Too too obvious. Thus, Miyuki found that the servants who worked here would be the most inhuman existance in the world. Shameless killers. Miyuki cried and thought that her rural people were more kinder than the servents and Tokyo residents, at least, and appreciated that she grew up in the more kinder place.

  However, now, SHIRAKAWA people were the same type of Tokyo residents. Why? They were not greedy when they were kids. I knew them very well. Only normal naughy kids. Better in athletics than me. And they failed. Miyuki didn't know the fact at all. They liked to earn money. Yes, me too!!! However, their thought is different from Miyuki's. They wanted to take advantage of the others. Abusing is the most clevelest way, they thought.

  Dissapointed. This morning, Miyuki confessed that she thought that many female students didn't want to study in versities and prefered to remain here to get married with some boys and to live their ordinal life as fives, for their low ambition. And failed. Miyuki thought that they should study as much as males. Why they quit the dream to be equal to the males????

  and Miyuki failed again. They didn't think that females were the same as males. Males should work outside, while femal inside???? YUKARI like Alzheimer patients, already????

  Miyuki was too too clever to say so. They thought that Miyuki is a kind of male, and thus, she is so ambitions. OYAJI, yes. Ambitious, yes. however, not greedy at all!!! And Miyuki should understand the greediness of them....They were hunger????

  They ate lots, however, they wanted to eat more!!! Eat, as you like. The foods is not so expensive, compared with property. And Miyuki failed again???? They want to eat their foods. Their rice. Eat, after cultivation. And did. Within the limit, they were required. They could produce rice, yes. Delicious, yes. However, just for them. Not industrial way at all!!!

  thus they failed. Sufficient means without limit...It doesn't work at all. Enhanced mode again. Always the same. Attempt to enhance their territory again and again.

  And Miyuki found that many not Shirakawa residents are doing wrong actually. Tokyo residents, probably. They think that in this less populous region, no one knows their wrongdoings, and made a lots of mistaked. It was named GOYOU company. Run by some strangers. Probably IKKYO related. They treated foods, frozen type. Miyuki was hungry and asked one of them, "Where is the nearest convenience store from your factory?" And the response was vague. Probably 2 km from here. After a long questin to another clerk, just comming to the site. She would be Shirakawa figure. She has dialect, while he has no dialect.

  Thus, they failed. A big facilities with the name od food supply. Miyuki dared to ask them on the foods. IKKYO have some strange habit not to eat anything without being allowed by their boss. And there is no boss. Thus, they should quit eating. however, they are hungry, thus, they ate. And they produced some foods. And started to provide to the same religious colleagues. A business, they said. And the boss would allow it, because of their necessity, they thought.

 And failed. Her question was too too astonishing to them. Foods! They have. The track and the boxes were the proofs of the foods stocks. And Miyuki lost the chance to be given some foods because for her charming behaviours. Nasty smell, she has, they thought always. For them, nasty. For us, understandable. For animals, as you like.

 and when Miyuki meets some IKKYO like figures, they smells. It is an artificial smell. Even kids smell. This is the marking system. All of them smells artificially. Cheapish smell like a chewing gum and so son.

  CALTEC invented the marking system, and tried with Miyuki as an experiment. And they required Miyuki to allow it. Of course, she would not!!! CALTEC, vanish now!!!!

 This is the copy of the e-mail I received today. I have already sent Corriculum Vitae, Peoples' Charter, Cover Letter, sufficient to application. They wanted me to arrange them to their way. They are too too sly to force unnecessary their job to me, at the cost of my precious time. They can't use their brain, thus, they require the integrated system. Totalitarians, they are. thus they failed.

  Degradation here and there. Why they degraded so much? Or, from the begining, they were the evil existance???

  See the exact contents of the mail:

  Good afternoon

Thank you for your interest in employment at Caltech! You must apply online for all positions.

Please visit our website at for employment opportunities. Once you create a user profile and an application draft, you may begin to apply for open positions on our jobsite.

Our hiring managers review all applications and resumes submitted for the job postings and request interviews at their discretion. If you are selected you will be contacted by our office or directly by the hiring manager for an interview.

You may check the status of the position by logging into your account and reviewing your application status. The "In Progress" status simply means that the position has not yet been filled. If the hiring manager decides to go with another candidate, you will receive written correspondence from the institute.


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 They are dead already maybe. Thus, they require us to do the job. Looped system probably. No brain, because of it.

 CALTEC No Brain is nothing for us. With kinky nards, worse than it!!! Thus, BYE, CALTEC!!!

  Muck today Miyuki found here and there. Probably, dogs. Miyuki found two Darmatians with a rural figure, doing burning grasses in the field. And gave a chance to servive, after killing the evil boss. A challenge for two. We appreciate Miyuki's sadistic offer!!! How they should do it type confusion, they showed. Hesitation. Dogs should be a kind of wolf, not fox! They tried and failed. They couldn't.Thus failed as usual.

  Recently, marking activities here and there. A various colours of ribbons, and pebbles, plastic bags, burns, etc.

  And M&A got to realise that for DDMs, houses are the marking itself. Thus, they wanted to cover all of the earth unnecessarily, indifferent from the use, with houses. Any house is OK, for them. Thus, they used Vinil transparent houses to cover the earth. A cultivation only type. However, for them, just like a house, namely, a marking only type.

  And found a vinil house on a concrete floor, on an ex-gas station. In KURABEISHI. Just like a joke like Alzheimer Patients' work. And Miyuk got to know that even the ceiling was covered with sun protect silver materials inside the vinil sun house. Sunbeam protection in sunny vinil house??? Too too illogica gag!!!

  And found in some venil houses, there were filled with flower garden type leaves!!! Probably they were provided to Flower Gardeden ENDOU, which was totally vanishing already, and some advertizement says, "It would open on 25 of March".

  They couldn't produce anything, thus, just garden flowers. And they use a cultivating heavy vehicle inside the venil house. One machine in eath venil house!!! Abundant!!! Crazy???

  this was the reality of Japan. JA provided a lot of machines at the cost of the members. Each tiny field should have one machine. They can't rent to others, nor borrow it. Terrible rule, they adopted. And they failed.

  Miyuki got to know that NIKKEI Journal is annex of JA tower building. She could enter NIKKEI, while, JA not. Card system, they adopted. And Miyuki found that the JA building was used for OPPABU only. All of them were vague OPPABU users, males and females. Miyuki observed it infront of the builing, insided NIKKEI's entrance. Double system. NIKKEI was the advanced figure of Japanese economy, while JA was underdevelopped version. However, they were combined strongly.

  And from NIKKEI building, Miyuki watched a building were distroyed completely. She did streching, watching the scene. And got to know, each generation, the construction materials got worse. In 1970s, concrete was a good qualitied one, while in 1980s, a more cheap light type. And in 1990s, disaster. And found, keeping the old building is the best policy.

  And Miyuki did know that YUKARI did her last wrongdoing again. Forgery to buy her own house. She wants to construct a house for herself with her own money. Oh, dog house???

  Miyuki was not right at this point. She wants to have some clue to die???? Just vanish!!!! And she failed again.

  YUKARI is a representative of DDMs now. And she failed again and again. We all are victims of hers, they claimed.

  Miyuki igonores her, and gained the advantage. Precious time. YUKARI is a wrongdoer, and she did a forgery. And DDMs helped to so so. Thus, they failed at once, altogether.

  Her parents worry about Miyuki would stimulate her. Always Miyuki comes, she dashed abruptly. they got to know the coincedence. Some kind of impulse she feels!!! They exclaimed.

  today, Miyuki found a lots of slow Blue Impulse like movement of many planes. Too too slow as the ordinal planes, thus, they were called DDMic slow planes. And they fell downward, without any exception. From south to north, they went. Over Miyuki's head and downward from the north sky to the earth. Oh, suicide bomb planes in DDMic taste???

  Too too slow, so Miyuki stopped to observe their falling and just took some pictures of them as some proofs. Plane falling day, today would be.

  And in the middle of the walking, strangely, she heard the big noise. Only once. They DDMic slow planes didn't produce any noise. Only onece, the sound was delivered. too too strange. Why only once????

  And Miyuki couldn't find any convenience store or any foods shop in KURABEISHI area at all!!! She got totally hungry and put up with her hunger until SEVEN-ELEVEN near WASHIO supermarket, and bought a chocolate icecream bar at the cost of US$0.86. The cheapist chocolate icecream in the shop. The colour told that it was a MITCHIKU shop. However, she was so tired and hungry. Thus, she should obtain any food by all means. And they failed.

  MIYUKI is famous for her richness in the region. And they expect that she bought excessively. Miyuki is not like YUKARI. She is fragile to buy 20 scoops unnecessarily. And they confuse YUKARI with MIYUKI. For them, any family should be replacible. And failed.

  No convenience store means that there is not populous at all. thus, no man's land, probably. If convenience store has chant to gain, they set a shop easily. However, even them, KURABEISHI was avoided to be set the foods supply shop.

  Miyuki was so so sorry for her forgetting drink bottle. However, she learned that even with some thirsty, she could work anyway. No convenience, thus, alternative!! She started to search some berries and fish!! And found, "Fishering is prohibitted." Terrible to candidates of Forced hospitalization. No other place on the matter. Just when Miyuki thought of catching some foods from nature.

  There are lots of advertisement of "No gun shooting to animals" and "Only some determined tools were allowed to use for animal catching."

  And remembered that she was threatened with a rural man with Chain Scyce at the bus stop under the hill of Kyorin Versity. Probably, he was an Alzheimer Patient, who believed to catching people were allowed by law.

  too too kinky, Miyuki thought. However, only in the class room she mentioned the experience, like a joke like happening. However, considering the situation, he, almost 60 years of age, wanted to catch MIYUKI for some meaning. Foods, he recognized probably.

  And a cleaning squad member had an old man, a short one, who had said that he were allowed to use rifle to shoot animals. Oh, they were combined to the Kyorin versity, to shoot us.

  Oh, after medical treatment, they wanted to kill us by shooting. Double or triple system, they adopted. And after the falling of them, another Alzheimer candidates came, incessantly.

  Greedy and useless. Just harmful.

  In September, 2015. When Miyuki started to visit public offices to claim the evil situation of Kyorin versity.

  Thus, ADACHI, you were shooted????? They said that you were hunged up!!!

  And the fact is like that. Human hunting, they called it. Miyuki was a target of the hunting, also. Thus, Alex used BB bullets to attack me, with strange 3D glasses. Miyuki refused to play the role of victim. Too too nasty. And Alex regoretted the role. Miyuki should be killed by her own kids, YUKARI predicted. And she was killed by her own Alzheimer disease. Again, Auntie! They were shocked a bit. Nasty foods, made by her precious all day's time. Only egg roll cooking took one day to make. And YUKARI didn't realize her disease at all. Just say, I am forgetful, Don't scold me by my wrongdoing!

  She is an Alzheimer, and no future, they thought. Thus, they were too too endurable to her. For Miyuki, just a broken useless robot. Why she should be treated like a person? She should be treated as her like. And they failed.

  Only Miyuki knows the fact, they thought. And the fact was revealed. She is the real Alzheimer. And They stopped to protect her. She should be protected, she insisted. MIYUKI would like to do so! She insisted???? She explained that Miyuki would know the fact and found that this messy girl should be her idol?????

  Confusion. Vanish! And they vanished. And another more eviler ones.

  Today, Miyuki got to know that her friends varie lots. Another type of crane, she found. A big long arms with a black wedge markings. Upperside, totally white, and inside, totally black. Funny combination, Miyuki shought. From the under, she looked like a howk relative. However, from the side, she looked like a swan relative. Probably, traditional Japanese crane, realy we could see in this region. Longlegs and long necks, like me!!!! When they fly, they shrink legs and necks, probably to avoid the strength of wind. And some kind of faking. Hawk forgery, she did. A big arms tribe could do it. From the bottm, she looked like a hawk.

  And Miyuki heard a laugh of big duck!!! They laughed at the Crow's failure. Once, like, laughing river bird called KAWASEMI. River bird tribe could do it. And Miyuki liked the way, singing the song of "Don't talk to Laughing river birds! They would laugh at you, with their nasty voice!", a kids song, famous in Japan, in Miyuki's era. Michio MADO like animal songs, we heard. And sang many times. And the crows got upset at Miyuki's informant's job. They said to them, they said to them....

  And the crows started to learn athetics. Revenge, they think. Good. They should be. Revenge to themselves. It means challenge or self development. And they failed. Miyuki recommended them to visit sculpture museums. In courtyards, there are several sculptures, and they can see from the sky. For free. And they failed. No sculpture at all.

  Probably, they were treated as scrups or scatters and sold to someone, at some cheapish cost. In Tokyo, there were filled with these type of sculptures. Almost all of them were DDMic non talented artists' fake figures' works.  However, some of them were really valuable. Heracles in a motion type "Man ready to throw an arrow" is this kind. And some Rodin's work in National Western Art Museum near JR UENO station.