

2007年予想 - ESPNアンケート

2007-01-25 06:19:21 | MLB
1) Who will win the AL East?
55.9% Yankees
34.7% Red Sox
6.6% Blue Jays
2.0% Orioles
0.7% Devil Rays

2) Who will win the AL Central?
40.1% Tigers
24.1% Twins
18.7% White Sox
15.8% Indians
1.3% Royals

3) Who will win the AL West?
45.6% Angels
38.2% A's
12.4% Rangers
3.8% Mariners

4) Who will win the NL East?
62.0% Mets
23.4% Phillies
9.8% Braves
3.8% Marlins
1.0% Nationals

5) Who will win the NL Central?
47.7% Cardinals
29.9% Cubs
7.1% Astros
7.0% Brewers
5.8% Phillies
2.4% Reds

6) Who will win the NL West?
57.8% Dodgers
18.4% Padres
11.5% Giants
10.5% Diamondbacks
1.9% Rockies

7) Who will win the AL Wild Card?
32.2% Red Sox
24.3% Yankees
19.3% White Sox
12.4% Indians
7.0% A's
4.9% Angels

8) Who will win the NL Wild Card?
24.8% Mets
21.6% Padres
20.5% Braves
13.0% Marlins
10.4% Giants
9.7% Brewers

9) Which is the strongest division in the AL?
56.4% East
37.3% Central
6.3% West

10) Which is the strongest division in the NL?
46.5% East
31.1% Central
22.4% West

Total Votes: 7,491
