


2024-01-03 23:57:57 | AI,IoT,SensorNetworking

1.Arduino IDEでコンパイルしArduino/SeeedStudio XIAOにダウンロードし起動
2.Arduino IDEのシリアルモニタから"BLINK"コマンドを送信
3.Arduino IDEのシリアルモニタから"INTERVAL=500"コマンドを送信



// 2024-01-03 TANIYAMA Ryoji
// This code is released into the public domain.
// This code is designed for Arduino / XIAO and is compatible with the Arduino IDE.
// If you require comments in Japanese, please refer to translations provided by ChatGPT.
// These translations have been tested for accuracy.

#define INTERVAL_BLINK 125 // Blink interval when in BLINK mode (milliseconds)
#define INTERVAL_BOOTUP 1000 // Blink interval during startup (milliseconds)
#define SERIAL_LINE_96 9600 // Serial communication speed
#define PIN_USER_LED 13 // Pin number for USER LED on Arduino

// Executed only once at startup
void setup() {
pinMode(PIN_USER_LED, OUTPUT); // Set USER LED pin to output mode
Serial.begin(SERIAL_LINE_96); // Begin serial communication (baud rate 9600)

// Executed continuously, appearing as if it's always running
// Do not confuse it with being called only once like main()
// Use static declaration for variables that are continuously used within the function
// Global declarations can make the code harder to read
void loop() {
static unsigned long interval = INTERVAL_BOOTUP; // Current blinking interval. Set initial value
static String incomingCommand; // Variable to store received commands

// Check for incoming data on the serial port
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
// Receive data from serial port until newline "\n"
// Returned value does not include "\n"
incomingCommand = Serial.readStringUntil('\n');
// Echo back for debugging purposes. println() method adds "\n"

// "BLINK" command received
if (incomingCommand == "BLINK") {
// Set interval to predefined BLINK interval
interval = INTERVAL_BLINK;

// "INTERVAL=N" command received, where N is in milliseconds
if (incomingCommand.startsWith("INTERVAL=")) {
// Convert string following "=" to a number and set the blinking interval
interval = incomingCommand.substring(9).toInt();

// Echo back any change in blinking interval for debugging

// Blink the LED with the specified pin number and interval
blinkLed(PIN_USER_LED, interval);

// Detect change in blinking interval, echo back the latest value to serial, and return it
int IsIntervalChanged(int interval)
static int last_interval; // Holds the current blinking interval to detect changes

if(interval != last_interval) {
Serial.print("Interval set to ");
Serial.println(" ms");

// Hold and return the current blinking interval
return (last_interval = interval);

// Function to handle the LED blinking
void blinkLed(int ledPin, int interval) {
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // Turn ON the LED
delay(interval); // Wait for the specified interval
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // Turn OFF the LED
delay(interval); // Wait for the specified interval


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