Minions are the fictional yellow creatures that appear in the Despicable Me franchise. They first appeared in the movie “Despicable Me” in 2010, and appeared in the movies “Despicable Me 2” in 2013, “Minions” (which is a spin-off movie Minions starring as main characters) in 2015, and “Despicable Me 3” in 2017. They are depicted as being roughly one-third to one-half the height of normal humans. Most minions appear either bald or with a few wispy strands of black hair on their heads. They speak strange language and act like kids. Minions wear overalls and goggles, and have one or two eyes, and look like pill capsules. Plus, they are shown without nose and ears, but they can sense smell and sounds. They mostly speak incomprehensible gibberish, which is partly derived from other languages, including Bahasa Indonesisa, French, English, Italian, Spanish and Hindi. At our office one woman said that I want to make minions and started making ones. Once it’s on sale it sold very well for adults and kids.