文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The background to this decision has not been made public,

2020年08月25日 05時57分02秒 | 全般

The monthly magazine I'm referring to is a must-read not only for the Japanese but for people all over the world.
After all, it is only 950 yen, even though it is full of real articles like this one.
The following is from July's issue of WiLL magazine, titled 'Masayoshi Son, flickering in the shadow of China's infrastructure terrorism.' It is from the article by Ms. Moe Fukada, an I.T. business analyst, published in the magazine.
It is no exaggeration to say that Ms. Moe Fukada is the one and only I.T. business analyst in the world.
Another State of Emergency Declaration 
An incident has occurred at the heart of the Corona disaster that has shaken the United States' security. 
The U.S. National Defense Authorization Act prohibits the use of Huawei products in telecoms infrastructure. Still, Huawei's telecoms equipment has changed its name and appearance through the ecosystem (a company with close ties) and is attempting to penetrate the U.S. 
Huawei is participating in the CPC's "Global Supergrid" (Global Next Generation Grid) initiative.
The term "super grid" refers to the infrastructure that connects the nations of a smart grid (a power grid that can control and optimize electricity flow from both the supply and demand sides). 
The concept of a global super grid is to connect not only China to Asia, but also Eurasia, Africa, Europe, Australia, and the entire United States through the power grid. 
This power grid is a 'communications infrastructure' and is not just an energy project.
It is a 'global intelligence infrastructure' that will monitor the world with Huawei's smart inverters for renewable energy. 
The CPC has reached agreements with South Korea and Russia on the global super grid concept. Still, it is taking all possible steps to connect to the supposedly impregnable U.S. transmission infrastructure.
It is participating through a front company in a plan to connect Mexico's midwestern solar power plan to Mexico's national power infrastructure, which will penetrate from Mexico to Texas via the grid. 
Or it could connect Canada's power grid to a "factory" in Wisconsin to collect and analyze information from smart meters in homes. 
However, on May 1, the voice of President Trump set the plan down.
On May 1, President Trump announced a "national emergency on the power grid" and used his executive order to exclude 'products under the control of hostile forces.'
The background to this decision has not been made public, but the products under the control of hostile forces do not necessarily refer to Huawei as the manufacturer. 
Huawei already influences to be able to produce products in the name of the ecosystem. 
For example, SoftBank, with which it has a close relationship, and Sharp, a subsidiary of Taiwan's Foxconn.
The U.S. government understands this and has broadly defined the term "products under the control of an adversary" to avoid going through the legal net. 
On the same day, Mexico's National Energy Management Center (CENACE) banned a test run on the country's largest solar power project. This test run would connect the grid of solar power plants to the national power grid. 
The ban, described as "to reinforce and maintain the quality, reliability, and security of electricity supply during the emergency caused by the new coronavirus," was triggered by China's attempt the day before to intervene in a test run of power infrastructure between the U.S. and Mexico.

The Man Who Deceived Trump 
The organization behind the global super grid initiative is the Global Energy Interconnected Network Development Cooperation Organization (GETIDCO), an international organization set up by the CPC. 
The organization is chaired by Liu Zhenya, chairman of China's National Grid, and vice-chairman is Masayoshi Son, CEO of SoftBank Group. Still, most of all, the Trump administration is wary of its other vice-chairman, Steven Chu. 
The Chu is a former director of the Energy Administration during the Obama years, and his grandfather was the president of China's National Beiyang University.
He is a crucial figure in his family's contribution to China's energy issues. 
The energy czar is still working with Obamaite bureaucrats as the head of the U.S. Energy Agency. There have also been moves to incorporate the U.S. grid into the China-controlled Global Supergrid initiative. 
There is already a power infrastructure that connects Texas and Mexico with the grid and Canada and Minnesota and Wisconsin.
Because the entire U.S. power grid is connected, if GEIDCO-related products were to enter either Wisconsin or Mexico, the whole U.S. power infrastructure would be at risk of being infiltrated.
The plan was put into action by Mr. Son shaking hands in front of The media shortly after President Trump's inauguration and Hon Hai Precision Industry Co, Taiwan, which assembles Huawei products. Guo Tai Ming, CEO of Huawei Taiwan, which assembles Huawei products.
Both companies are colleagues in promoting Huawei products around the world. 
When Guo Tai Ming came to the U.S., he proposed to President Trump to invest $10 billion in a manufacturing plant in the U.S. He received approval from Wisconsin's governor to build an LCD (liquid crystal display) plant in Wisconsin, which would employ 13,000 people. 
However, the plan was changed.
Construction of the plant began without disclosing what it would manufacture, and it is believed that a high-capacity power and communications network will be laid along the nearby highway. That about 90% of the plant's land area will be used for substations and other facilities. 
The fact that the people of Wisconsin will bear the cost of constructing the transmission system from the state to the plant is a surprise. 
Besides, plans have even been announced to build a data center on the site.
A data center on a high-capacity power grid would have only a few uses. 
The only conceivable scenario is that the factory project is turned into a super grid hub midway through the project. The data center is used to collect and analyze information from the smart meters that go into each home. 
In other words, while the U.S. was trying to drive Chinese and Huawei products out of its telecom infrastructure, it was being invaded by China's telecom infrastructure disguised as a "power grid." 
If President Trump had known about the plan, he would have stopped it in advance.
The fact that the "details of the plant project" were not disclosed despite such a large scale construction project can only be considered a cover-up by the governor and bureaucrats to get around the Trump administration's intervention. 
President Trump's impatience with overlooking a communications network disguised as a power grid while protecting it from China, by declaring a "national emergency on the power grid," he made it clear that he has no collusion with Mr. Guo and Mr. Son.
And he protects American citizens from the risk of 'infrastructure terrorism.'
Behind Masayoshi Son's 'Mask Diplomacy' 
Finally, I will discuss the relationship between the Global Superglitched Initiative and Mr. Son. 
On May 18, the SoftBank Group posted a massive deficit of 1,364.6 billion yen of Consolidated Financial Results for the Fiscal Year Ended March.
In the midst of all this, Mr. Son took to Twitter again after a hiatus of almost three years.
It sends medical supplies such as masks and protective clothing. 
He has become a "salesman" selling "no profit."
The governor of Osaka Prefecture, Hirofumi Yoshimura, and others have replied to Mr. Son on Twitter, stating that they are purchasing the product. 
But Mr. Son has never been a "philanthropist." 
Mr. Son, who is the vice-chairman of GEIDCO aforementioned, is a central figure of Part of the Global Supergrid Initiative, the 'Asian Supergrid Initiative,' which connects Japan and China, as well as the whole of Asia, through the grid.
If the Asian Supergrid initiative comes to fruition, China's One Belt One Road Infrastructure Fund, launched in March, will be the first of its kind in the world. He can find 3.5 trillion yuan (53 trillion yen) in the "New Basic Construction." 
What's more, part of the New Basics funds will come from medical supplies such as masks and protective clothing, medical equipment, drugs, and vaccines. A recent interview with a Chinese telecom company learned that the main reason for this is the overseas sales of Chinese products. 
The realization of China's Asian Supergrid initiative is SoftBank's "lifeline." 
Mr. Son has been busy selling medical supplies to raise funds for the New China Supergrid. It is merely a measure to extend the life of the company. 
In an age where the power grid is evolving to become a communications network, eliminating Huawei's products from 5G base stations is not enough. National security is no longer preserved. 
While the U.S. and Mexico have taken quick action against infrastructure risks, the Japanese government has been unable to protect its power. 
The fact that no measures have been chosen for the communication infrastructure only makes me feel uneasy.
