文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

The worst of all is the fact that they are university professors!

2023年06月04日 09時32分41秒 | 全般

It was found that 39 students from 6 of the seven national defense universities with ties with the Chinese People's Liberation Army are studying at ten national and public universities.
The government responded to a questionnaire submitted by Sohei Kamiya of the Party of Do It Yourself.
The government also claims that it is "unaware" of its research content.
Japan, the Unlikely Country to Accept Foreign Students from Military Universities on METI's "End Users List"

*This report proves that the Science Council of Japan (SCJ) is really a bunch of idiots.
The worst of all is the fact that they are university professors!
