文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

I never thought the world was moving as Klaus Schwab (and thus) Kissinger had planned!

2023年06月04日 09時43分16秒 | 全般

Many people do not seem to feel threatened by the boom in Chinese immigration to Japan.
As you can see at the end of the video, more and more people will eventually acquire Japanese citizenship.
Someone is promoting a policy to create new Japanese, but the number of Japanese will remain the same.
There will only be more "Chinese with Japanese citizenship."
Japanese tradition and order are now threatened.

It is no exaggeration to say that Taro Kono, an LDP politician who wants to increase the number of "Chinese with Japanese nationality," is a politician of the LDP, and the mass media, which is the ultimate in stupidity, is not only the intention of the Davos meeting = the ultimate in horror, but it is an obvious fact that they are in cooperation with China, as Klaus Schwab has manipulated, the most stupid and incompetent politicians ever. 
They conduct bullshit polls and make up the public opinion that Taro Kono is the first candidate for the next Prime Minister, a low-level, incompetent politician...a traitor who wants to sell out Japan to China.
Second in line is always Shinjiro Koizumi, another politician of the highest stupidity.
Taro Kono and Koizumi are the regulars invited to Davos; in other words, they are Klaus Schwab's lapdogs and the dreaded "Tottchan-boys" who recite what he says.
I never thought the world was moving as Klaus Schwab (and thus) Kissinger had planned!
Davos and Klaus Schwab-Kissinger brought the "turntable of civilization" to a standstill and drove China, the worst dictatorship in history, to build up the most significant military and nuclear arsenal in human history.





