文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

'Lost 20 years' would have been a little better?

2020年03月11日 14時34分13秒 | 全般

About journalism in our country. A reader has stated that he would like to continue the following chapter, which I published on 2010-07-30 under the title.
Thanks for reading this chapter.
By the way, as for the continuation, please read all the articles I have been writing. Since I appeared on July 16, 2010, like this. As if it were a continuation.
The following is the chapter.
In this country, strangely, even if an unknown person like me wants to propose, also if he pays a lot of money,
Newspapers don't post such advertising by unknown people.
For example, in April 1990, there was a director of advertising at the Nikkei Shimbun Osaka Branch, who regularly came to listen to me.
I asked for a very simple and concise ad on the whole nation edition, full-page, urgently.
The cost was 35 million yen. We had no problems at that time.
Dear Sirs Ministry of Finance and Governor of the Bank of Japan. Do the total amount of regulations violate the Constitution in the following two ways?
1, (I'm not a so-called leftist, so I don't use the word worker daringly)
A real estate agent is a group of small businesses. Do you violate the right of life of the employees who work there?
Second, isn't lending money to one industry or one industry type contravenes freedom of occupation?
Even without saying that, the foundation of capitalism lies in the private property system, lending money to the land as collateral to create finance (banks), and eventually the securities, stock market. The root will collapse.
Isn't it fascism, not democracy, to not lend money to one industry, one industry type?
He said, 'April and May are full, so we'll be posting in June.' Even in June, I could wait and live without a response, so I asked on the phone, 'I'm sorry, June is full of financial advertisements for large companies.'
At that time, I instantly knew that journalism in our country was not journalism.
The New York Times and the Washington Post can't afford to spend 35 million yen on a sentence trying to propose the country or a statement trying to criticize the country's mistakes.
I think that there isn't the liberty of which everyone thinks that there is liberty in this country but of is true.
I told him, a good man, 'Never go over our threshold.' I have never met him since.
Though he said that he didn't meet presidents that think like me. And he came to our office regularly to listen to my talk.
Readers, don't you think that if the opinion mentioned above advertisement was then posted to all households subscribing to the Nikkei Shimbun across Japan, 'Lost 20 years' would have been a little better?
Until this time, advertisements in the Asahi Shimbun were terrible.
It's almost like a newspaper in a sports newspaper, pressed by the recession and the internet, now the management of a paper should be breathless.
I want to suggest to you if you fill with such a bad advertisement, why not provide all the steps to the individual who wants to post an opinion? 
Because I now don't have such leeway absolutely, but there should be now no matter how much the person of the flower is.
I think freedom of speech is most appropriate for journalism, which should be a sign.
Unnecessarily jerky expressions and unnecessary parts were elaborated, and the layout was advised, and the cost was 35 million yen. I think it's a high income.
