文明のターンテーブルThe Turntable of Civilization

The time of Japan, the time of the world

That fact alone is an act of treason and significant national damage

2022年01月05日 11時08分05秒 | 全般

The following is from the December 2020 issue of WiLL, a monthly magazine featuring a conversation between Masayuki Takayama, the one and only journalist in the postwar world, and Eitaro Ogawa, one of the best literary critics among graduates of Osaka University's Faculty of Letters.
(Emphasis in the text except that the headline is mine.)
The Red Tower: The Disease of the Science Council of Japan
Academic but anti-Japanese at heart
The University of Tokyo Regime
Yes, the Science Council of Japan symbolizes the "postwar regime" that we have been fighting against. 
In other words, the "University of Tokyo Regime.
In the first place, the highest academic institution has become the gateway to success in the national civil service examinations and the bar examinations.
Government/judiciary, local universities, Japan Teachers Union, textbook companies, major authoritative publishers. Mass media: The network of the University of Tokyo's influential people with left-wing values and their subordinates has permeated there.
Academics have been dominated by democratic centralism for 75 years and monopolized the power structure.  
It cannot be called a very advanced country. 
I thought nothing would change in Japan unless we took a scalpel to the University of Tokyo clique. 
Still, the Suga administration put a bullet in the heart of the matter without hesitation.
It must have been a surprise to the people who were hit (laughs).
I wondered what the reaction would be, and sure enough, they started saying that it was a violation of academic freedom.
But the Science Council is in the position of a special civil servant appointed by the Prime Minister.
Do we have to become public servants to be able to study?
There is no connection between academic freedom and being appointed as a public servant.
They don't have any other brocade flag to wave. That's a poor word (laughs).
They won't say anything no matter what, "Don't infringe on our rights."(laughs).
As Yoshiko Sakurai pointed out in the October 15 issue of weekly Shincho, the Science Council was established in 1949, during the GHQ occupation. 
During the war, Japanese scholars, researchers, and scientists were "forced to cooperate with the war effort," The Science Council is positioned as an expert organization that makes policy recommendations independent of the government.
In other words, it was organized with the approval of GHQ.
It was part of the occupation policy. 
As evidence of this, in 1950, the Science Council issued a statement saying, "We will never follow scientific research for the purpose of war," and then again in 1967, "Statement on No Scientific Research for Military Purposes.
The "Charter of the Science Council of Japan" (enacted in 2008) does not mention any such thing but says "to contribute to the harmonious and peaceful development of the global environment and human society.
So the influence of the GHQ, which dismantled Japan while ostensibly saying pretty things, is still deeply rooted.
Moreover, while acting as a brake on war studies and war research in Japan, the Science Council signed a memorandum of cooperation with China's Science and Technology Association in 2015.
The core of science and technology in China is, after all, military research.
We cannot deny the possibility that Japan's knowledge research is being incorporated into China's military operations.
It is an extraordinary double standard.
It is known that Toshio Fukuda, a professor at Meijo University and an authority on micro-nano robots and biomimetic robotic systems and a former member, was cooperating with China's Thousand Man Project.
A further 14 members are said to be involved in the Thousand Man Project.
They are hired for huge annual salaries and are kept in complete secrecy.
It is no exaggeration to say that it is a convincing espionage operation.
Former Chairman Takashi Onishi says there is no basis for the allegations.
If that is the case, I would like to see a thorough background check conducted on the scholars pointed out as suspicious.
At a time like this, the newspaper's Beijing correspondent should dare to conduct interviews and reveal the truth.
If they do that, they'll be caught by the authorities (laughs).
It can say that some members of the Academic Council were like the vanguard of the Japanese Communist Party.
Yoichiro Murakami, a former member and professor emeritus at the University of Tokyo, said in an interview, "We continued to be entirely dominated by a specific political party."
That party was the Japanese Communist Party. 
Furthermore, it is said that there are several members who, while holding honorary positions in the national center, are actively cooperating with the Chinese Communist regime to weaken Japan's national power.
That fact alone is an act of treason and significant national damage.
This article continues.
